The Natural You

Amy Burke: Sacred Geometry and Non-Coincidental Design

Timothy Wood Season 1 Episode 4

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Order, Pattern and Structures that are Repetitive, Observable and Consistently evident everywhere.  In Nature these can be seen as a “Divine Fingerprint.
The camellia flower’s delicate spirals are perfectly in proportion. Just like spirals seen in some succulents and in beautiful architecture. This perfect proportion is seen in the “Divine Ratio”, 1.618 and represented by the Greek letter phi and can be found across all of nature: plants, animals, weather structures, star systems – it is ever-present in the universe. It reminds us of the saying “As above, so below”.
When she sees these patterns, this reminds her of how magical this time and human experience is. These Non-Coincidental Designs show an organising force or consciousness. Quantum physics is leading us away from a linear material  model to something more holistic and energetic.
The human system is incredibly complex and dynamic with a myriad of interactions. Even if we try to isolate a single variable and limit the confounding variables, we can only ever get a piece. Holism states the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Thus reductionist science leaves us with an incomplete view and cannot lead us to an understanding of the whole ecosystem. Perhaps we need a new way of understanding and investigating, as our brains seem to be too limited for this task?
In bodywork approaches like chiropractic, we see distortions to normal patterns in terms of high (too much) tone or low (too little tone). In chiropractic we are taught that these are segmental dysfunctions. An input to this, like an adjustment, goes to the whole system. Whereas, if each segment relates to the Global function, we can see how the tonal change and the adjustment work within the whole system. In BGI, tone changes are seen as a Disconnect and the role of the practitioner is to help establish continuity in the global system. Thus the name: BioGeometric Integration for this approach. Which can be blended with many types of care and practice views; right across the spectrum, from the more mechanistic and structural, to more energetic and intuitive approaches.

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Producer Matthew Wood -
Music by MarkJuly from Pixabay