The Natural You

Don Clum- Reboot Your Health, Fast!

Timothy Wood Season 2 Episode 3

Send Tim a message Day 19 through a 30 day water fast. Emphasis is on hormones especially Insulin. Start 2 weeks before by decreasing high oxalate foods and fibre in diet and spices. Get off coffee before. Gets easier, the deeper you get in. Fatigue and cold is linked to detox reactions and carb addiction behaviour. Your energy and alertness  goes up by 15%. Primal genes kick in within 3-5 hours. B NTF and other hormones come out to play. When insulin goes down, HGF goes up 300%. Longer than 7 days needs to be supported & customised. Fasting is not starvation or an eating disorder. Our genome was built with fasting built in. It expects us to FAST! And when we don't, things start to break down. Motivation and drive increases. Build your capacity using internal rewards to boost dopamine but external rewards have a negative effect. As external reward drops we get hyper focused with one thing (eg porn). When we set our own achievements it can go on indefinitely. You don’t lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy to lose weight. You can lower your blood glucose number without getting healthy. Tape test: measure 1 inch around above navel 35+ inches women, 40+men = metabolic syndrome. 33-35 (Men 38-40)insulin resistance risk. Insulin decides whether you burn or store energy.  When it's always on the scene, fat is stuck and you have to burn sugar.  Liquid sugar- Fructose (HFCS) causes fatty liver. Our addiction pathway for fructose makes us hungrier and can’t get full. In summer, fruit is plentiful, the body wants to over-eat & put on fat for winter. Liver fat is normal as it prepares us to do something, but we don't. These mechanisms came before fire and we’d use these stores to heat us in winter. Insulin Friendly, not calories. Drop sugar. Start with 3 meals per day, no snacking. Time restricted eating doesn't change what you eat. High insulin= any food in powder form (eg flour). Body interprets food particle size (powder/ liquid =bad). 30g protein powder raises insulin 700x more than sugar does. 30g of chicken will not. K cells in the upper gut controls 70% of Insulin response. Eat real foods, 3 meals per day first, no snax, after 1-2 month then try the more advanced things.

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Producer Matthew Wood -
Music by MarkJuly from Pixabay