Pine Pony Podcast

Fantasy Position Series: QB

jason strang

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Welcome back to the Pine Pony Podcast! After a short hiatus, the OG and The Fantasy Uncle dive deep into fantasy football, focusing on quarterback rankings and values for the upcoming season. They also cover the latest NFL news, including Hard Knocks, recent signings, and the surprising verdict in the Sunday Ticket lawsuit. The episode also touches on emerging rookie QBs, potential sleepers, overvalued picks, and some intriguing stories in the sports world. Don't miss out on this action-packed episode as we gear up for the new football season!

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Welcome, welcome, welcome to another edition of the Pond Pony podcast. Glad to be back after a one week hiatus because of a mix up of schedules. You know, we'll have, we'll have, we'll let that happen. You know, we'll let that slide sometimes on the Pond Pony podcast. But anyway, it's me, the OG, and we got the fancy uncle Persian. What's happening? Howdy. Howdy. What's the show? How you doing? How you doing? Strengths that, how you doing populace? I am the party that kind of got myself double booked last week. And I thought we had a plan for that, but really it was just like a miscommunication where I just didn't communicate well enough, but at any rate, We are back. We are back at you. We're continuing our fantasy positional series. And yeah, I'm excited to talk more fantasy football and just kind of sports news in general. Was the show at least good? I didn't think so. I, it was all right. Oh, it was really my girlfriend that really want to see it and she did enjoy it. So I guess it was all good. I didn't hate it or nothing, but. I don't know if you guys are familiar, we went to go see Maggie Rogers, and it was all right. It's, you know, just kind of like a pop. Singer. She's kind of like a pop singer. She's got a great voice. I'm familiar in the sense that I just saw her name as I was looking at Post Malone tickets. So yeah, Post Malone is going to fill that bitch out. Maggie Rogers actually had a bunch of empty seats in there, but you know, it wasn't horrible. Just not necessarily my jam. That's all. Cool. Cool. All right. Well. As he said, let's get into the news. The Pony Pony Podcast. One thing that I'm super excited about, not necessarily all of the teams in the series, but I like more behind the scenes football footage, the more we can get. So Hard Knocks not only has a training camp, we're going to get to see the training camp with the Giants. We're going to get to see pre season with the Bears. And then we're going to get to see the one I'm most excited for the entire AFC North during the season. And it was the NFC. Okay. No, it's Steelers, Browns, Ravens, Bengals. Oh, and we're going to get to see them for the entire season as far as they go into the playoffs. So that is going to be freaking awesome. I love it. I love it. You know, just Mad props to the Hard Knocks. They're always finding ways to cram more content in for us. And you know, when you're big football fans like we are, we love seeing a lot of the behind the scenes nuts and bolts of how the, the day to day actually works on these teams. So for me, I, I love it. The more, the merrier. I'm glad. And you know, there's also a couple others that are kind of getting into the same game. I think it's great. Just give us football fans. Just more more shit to crack out on. Yeah. Yeah, I'm definitely look forward to that and then In other nudes got a couple of more signees T Higgins signed a one year deal. Yeah I signed a franchise tag. He said he wasn't going to but At the end of the day, he didn't have any leverage. So, yeah. And Ladd McConkie signed signed his deal for the most guaranteed money ever for the 34th pick in the draft, man. That is gonna be, he's gonna be getting ball day one. Hey, I'm telling you, it's a smart cookie, smart cookie. You could see it on the film and you could see it in the negotiations. Absolutely. Uh, and then last thing, football wise news the Birmingham stallions are just dominating any league. They're in two USFL titles, one UFL title. It doesn't matter what team, what league they're from. There needs to be a full, just feed them the needs to be a full fucking investigation on how the hell they always just. Like, I don't know what the book, something, something ain't right, man. I'm telling you, I'm telling you relegation, the worst team in the NFL. This season goes down to the UFL and then the Birmingham stallions come on up. Come on up. And then so big news, big news today. The Sunday ticket lawsuit has, has we've got we've got a verdict and they are, the jury has said that the NFL needs to pay fines of 96 million to bars and restaurants and 4 billion to. Me and you users that felt that we were over that we were paying too much for the service now I want to say something really important because of what because last time we talked about this it kind of felt like like I Was disagreeing with the price tag of it I'm, I think I am with Persian and everyone else. And even Bobby Hardin said this today, that it's a premium product. And therefore that is a premium price. I do agree that it is a premium product. And I, even though I pay whatever it is, I still end up saving money because if I wasn't doing that, we'd be going out to go somewhere to watch the games. And so at the end of the day. It still saves me money. So it's not a big deal, but you know, for people who don't have that, you know, whatever, 300 that they want to spend on that, I mean, I get, well, they can still go out to bars and spend it a hundred dollars every time they go there. So, but anyway, what I am for is allowing just more options to stream it. Like if I just want to watch only Packers games, that's what I care about. So that's why I wanted this lawsuit to. To be one in the NFL to lose is because I'm hoping that it opens up more availability to watch you know, if I only want the saints and the Packers, boom, I only have to pay a fraction of the price for that and, and whatever. But maybe I wouldn't, maybe I'd still pay the whole thing. So, but still for other people that would, it would help them out and be able to watch their favorite team. So more eyeballs on the NFL you're allowing a smaller market to get, to be able to watch their team. Yeah, this was a pretty surprising verdict in my opinion, just because the NFL has a track record of really, really having a good feel for when they might actually lose a trial. And they just settled, you know, they just, they just cut a deal and they have been very good at avoiding anything like this. This one happened to be with many, many different attorneys involved. And basically it became very, very complicated for them to cut a deal. That being said, I did dig into this pretty well today. First I want to say the last week, I was I was kind of mentioning how I thought maybe I wasn't sure what I was talking about. Well, it turned out Yeah, I didn't really know what I was talking about it I actually do agree with this verdict after I understood what what was actually being argued on behalf of the plaintiff So basically what it is is it is an antitrust issue And what they're saying is that the nfl purposely you know Manipulated the market not with their own product to the customer, but in cahoots with other companies and Basically, you you can't just you can't dictate to a separate company what they need to price your product at Unless you want to be subject to the anti trust laws. Basically what they were doing to Direct tv in particular was they were saying Hey, look, we'll use you. In fact, we really want to use you because less people are going to want to get a satellite dish and the whole shebang. And the idea is that there's going to be a very select few amount of football fans that'll actually get it. And that way we can keep a huge package for ourselves from the networks, Fox and CBS specifically, and then also from the people. from you guys who get money from the, the, the product or whatever. And so I came across a Megan Cunniff, I believe was her name. She's an independent reporter, but she's actually been covering this really well. And basically in discovery, the NFL had to turn over to the court, all of their communications with not only direct TV, but all of the companies that were interested in bidding on having The NFL Sunday ticket, and it was pretty clear that, yeah, they were telling them. Okay, if you are going to host the NFL Sunday ticket, you need to have it at 400 a pop. You need to have it at an outrageous price. ESPN actually said, we want to take it and make it 70 bucks a year because we're going to get so many more subscribers that will actually make more money than the 400 mark. NFL said, no. And so it actually is a pretty good case that they've got on their hands that, yeah, it was an antitrust. You know, they got in cahoots with other businesses to manipulate the market when actually an open market would have produced a much cheaper costs for the consumers. So I think that this obviously hurts the NFL in the short term, the NFL is fine. You know, they, they make so much money. They're going to make, they're going to be fine in the longterm. And I think that this is great for the fans because you're going to be, you're going to end up having more options and cheaper options. So, well, I mean, the NFL has already came out and said that they're going to fight this. So who knows how many appeals and, Oh yeah, that's another thing. I didn't just all get tied up in litigation or whatever. The NFL actually has a ton of outs to not actually have to pay that 12 billion because it's a federal antitrust, the 4 billion that the jury decided on actually gets tripled, which is wild. That is the way that it works with antitrust is that you whatever the the penalty is gets tripled But in this specific case the judge actually has the the power to straight up overturn it himself He hasn't ruled on that yet. Today was the day that we got the jury verdict So we'll have to see what he decides to do But the interesting is is that this is the same judge that already threw out this case Dismissed it a few years ago They appealed it and the the courts the judges that took a look at it said Yeah, you need to reinstate it and it went back to the same guy who dismissed it So it's already a little bit weird because I don't think that it should go back to the same guy that doesn't believe In the case itself, so it's double weird now that they actually won the jury case but then they also can appeal to the ninth circuit court and eventually To The grand jury and the current grand jury is so business friendly that it seems unlikely that they're going to make the NFL pay that 12 billion. So the NFL has a ton of outs. I don't care about the money. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. But what, what will surely happen is that the NFL will change their behavior here, which I think is going to be good for NFL fans. Well, that's good for the current owner of the licensing. Which is YouTube TV. Oh, yeah, they can just offer Bundle different sorts of fucking bundles like oh, yeah I mean the thing is that they're gonna make more money by dropping that price. It's like yeah traditionally the way that manufacturers of products have been able to make their luxury items At basically make sure that they get sold at a high price is simply charge per unit, a higher price to whoever's going to sell them. You know? Well, I think they could also, they could also force people in a way to, they could keep the full package at that price. And then you have like these tiers where it's like you could do packages, right? You could do like your team only. You could do like a two, like a, like a your division only. Yeah. You can do like a regional thing. Is they might make it to where. It's either you can only do this one thing. And then if you add, like, you can only add so many things together to where it basically makes you just, I should just buy the whole thing. You know what I mean? You know how some of those companies do where it's like, well, you can't package, you can't package a solo team with the whole value bill. If you don't want the Coke, yeah, it's like, Oh, well, what if I want to package, you know, the AFC South with the, with my Steelers. And then I also just want red zone and like, no, no, no, no, no. Because like, they might let you do it. But by the time you get said it done, the price tag might just be like 30 bucks less than the whole fucking kit and caboodle. So you're like, all right, well, I might as well just fucking pay the extra 30 bucks and have everything. Yeah, that's what most people would say. That's what I would say in most instances, but yeah, I think, who knows, I think I think another interesting angle of this is just how almost everything about our lives. It's becoming more and more online. Digital, if you will, digital products are such a huge percentage of our you know, ecosystem, our markets, whatever. And when it comes to Traditional products, physical products that you would manufacture, you could simply sell them to whoever's going to sell them in their store. You could sell them at a higher price and they have no choice but to sell them at a point where they could make profit. But now that there's so many huge digital items, there really is just one cost. And what you want to do more than anything is get as many people as possible to subscribe to it. So, yeah. The NFL doesn't actually have much leverage to say this is a luxury item. You know what I mean? If YouTube wants to do it for 70 bucks a year, they could do that. And that would be great for us. You know? Yeah. You know what, last thing on this this whole thing that came out of this is when Roger Goodell did his testimony, he like really through the NFL network under the bus, it was like. Hey, this is our own program, but it's really not up to par to like be featuring like the best games and like stuff like that, like, He, he literally is still trying to protect the, the CBS and the Fox contracts. Yeah. I mean, the thing, the thing is that that is where the majority of their money is made as far as broadcasting rights go. And so, I mean, even on the Sunday ticket, that's where, when you're watching those games, you're just watching the other local broadcast. It literally behooves them to not have their direct NFL programming be better than. CVS box. Yeah, because there's just so much money to be made. So anyway, it's a weird situation that they're in. Well, last little bit of news real quick. Brandon, I, you situation is getting a little sticky. Oh man, he's bringing, he's bringing his boys to the, to the, to the, to the campus. Absolutely nuts. So for anyone out there who hasn't heard, hasn't been following, I guess about a week ago, Brandon Ayuk goes viral because he releases a video of, I guess, his girlfriend videotaping him on a conference call. He's on a video call with Jaden Daniels, of course, is not his quarterback, it's the quarterback of the Commanders. They used to be on the same team, in college, right? He loves the guy, the boys. So he's telling Jade and Daniels, Yo, the 49ers don't want me back. They're telling me they don't want me back. And everyone's like, Whoa, the 49ers don't want him, they're telling me. Now, I doubt the 49ers actually said that to him, but You know, the plot thickens, right? And so then the 49ers, the 49ers want to bring him in and have an airing of the situation. They want to, they want to talk, discuss what's going on where they're at, whatever you, and he is so upset with them that he does something I think is pretty petty. And that he brings Jaden Daniels to the facility with him. I don't know if Jaden Daniels actually was sitting in on the meeting, but I'm just like, yo, what kind of message are you trying to send? I think he's basically trying to tell them. Why, why did Jaden Daniels want to go to the facility though, too? Like what, like, he's got to be thinking in his mind. Come on, man. That's, that's silly, man. Like, let's not do that. Like, I'm not trying to get a bad rep too. Oh yeah. It, it, it literally makes them both look really immature, which is just. That's alright. He can be immature as fuck on my team. I'll take him in green. Right, exactly. I don't give a shit. That's the thing. That's the hard part is that the, you know, these these CEOs and GMs and stuff, they gotta figure out how to smooth things over and make it work with these kids who are oftentimes, that shit crazy, but elite athletes, you know what I mean? So it's like, you gotta have, you gotta try to, to, to, To reason with them. But yeah, it's, it's pretty crazy. No one quite knows if, if Brandon Ayuk is seriously trying to get on to the commander's roster. I don't know what's going on. I feel like he's trying to play certain games with the 49ers as leverage, like trying to say like, yo, I'm so crazy. Like I'll, I'll literally show up to the meeting with Jade and Daniels so we can discuss. How I need to be a commander or something. You know what I mean? I I think this is all probably games I think they probably do really want you back and he they just haven't offered him what he's willing to sign off on yet And if I had to guess I I bet that they do end up working it out that he is a 49er and that devo Samuel eventually is the one that actually gets traded away but pretty spicy shit, pretty spicy shit that's going down with Brandon Aiyu. Wow, are you saying, are you saying Deebo's getting traded? I think so, yeah. Maybe not now, but I think eventually, before the start of next season, I think Deebo will be gone. He'll be on a different team. Wow, unbelievable. Un be lievable. I think Ricky Pearsall is supposed to be the Deebo replacement. Okay. All right. All right. We'll see. Fair enough. Fair enough. We shall see. We shall see. Well, that is all the news for this week. So let's get on to the main topic. Main topic. Fantasy quarterback. All right. So as we did last with the prior weeks before I'll drop the top 10 of 2023 yesteryear. Number one, Josh Allen. Number two, Jalen Hurts, Dak Prescott, Lamar Jackson, Jordan Love, Brock Purdy, Jared Goff, Patrick Mahomes. Tua, Tau, Tua, I'm not even gonna try, I can't, and then Trevor Lawrence, and then on the outside looking in you got Sam Howe, Baker Mayfield, C. J. Stroud, Russell Wilson. So, right off the bat, from the top ten that you see there, people that I have falling either down or out of the top ten. Man, that's a tough list, but I see Dak Prescott. I think he's going to drop a little bit. Josh Allen, I don't think will be number one this season in fantasy. Just pure lack of targets are all pretty much gone. Jalen hurts, but he he's looking good. He, I think he'll be all right this season. He'll be fine. Yeah, I mean, that's a pretty solid top 10. Trevor Lawrence is probably in the danger spot. He could probably fall out. CJ Stroud could overtake him for sure. I can see CJ Stroud sneaking up in there. Quarterbacks, man. It's a tough one. I mean, I see a lot of guys moving up like Kirk Cousins, but as far as the top 10, it's going to be hard to crack to get in there. What do you think? What do you think about that? Yeah, I think of all the position groups, the top tens that we've reviewed, I think this is. Really the best list yet. Like you know, these, these guys are there for a reason. I think the guys that are most likely are probably Jared Goff and Dak Prescott. I think you just don't get much in the, in the way of scrambling from those guys. You know, anytime you get these just pocket passers, It can be very hit and miss. It's very dependent on touchdowns and that could be wonky sometimes because some games It's like you get down to the two yard line and the coach just runs it so you get three rushing touchdowns No and then when you don't get anything with your legs, it could be Even if you have a great game, you could you could just be a kind of a fantasy dud So I think that basically all of these running quarterbacks Alan hurts lamar jackson They're all basically shoe ins to be back. I, I think, I don't know if my homes was actually in the top 10, but I think that he's basically a lock to be in the top 10 as well. Yeah, he was, he was barely in there. He was barely in there. Yeah. I think that that was clearly his worst year, clearly the worst set of wide receivers that he has. But now, you know, Hollywood Brown comes to town. Xavier Worley comes to town. Huh. You know, the emergence of Rasheed Rice, I guess he could get suspended. So we'll see about that, but clearly he's going to be working with a better wide receiver, wide receiver room. And he already was a top 10 guy, even with a disappointing year. So I just, I got to think that he's in there. I think that all of those guys are pretty much logs and, you know, as far as guys that I could see. Pretty easily making their way up there. I think Kyla Murray makes a lot of sense. I think that he got injured 2022 came back, you know, halfway through last season, but all of the other four seasons that he's had, he's been a top five guy. And I think a lot of people kind of forgot that he actually. He averaged 21 and a half fantasy points per game and eight games last season, which all of the top 10 guys were, were 20 and up, you know, right, right around 19, 20, 21, the top guys are obviously more. Yeah. I mean, he would be right in the thick of things. I'm looking at just like a four point per touchdown sort of listing here. And I've got Josh Allen is at the very top with 23. 6. So 21 is not even that far from the top dog there last year. And like I said, all four of his previous seasons, he was in the top five. And a lot of people just kind of forgot how good he was because one. He's not that great as a passer and two, he's, he's been injured. So the past couple of seasons haven't been that great for him, but I three, his coach has been on a cactus and the, the, the cactus narrative. Yeah. So that, that's part of the problem. But look, he is the sort of guy that is you know, the first reads not there and I got a running blank take off. And that's great for fantasy. You know, we've seen, you know, with guys like Justin Fields, you don't have to be a great pocket passer to put up big time fantasy production. It, if you're going to run all the time like that. And I think another guy that's in a similar vein, he's definitely got some injury concerns. But Anthony Richardson, he's basically got that cam Newton sort of thing where they're going to use him a lot around the goal line. He's a very big, very strong guy who can, who could get a ton of QB sneaks, can pull his way into a pile and, and fall into the end zone. I think he's going to get a lot of rushing touchdowns. And I could see him being in the top 10 as well. So long as he actually stays healthy. Yeah, I think those are the, I think those are the most likely to, to get into that top 10 Kyla Murray and Anthony Richardson. I think CJ Stroud also makes some sense just because, you know, it doesn't hurt to add a guy like Stefan digs and you know, his boy Kate Stover, I don't know if we'll get much out of him, his rookie year, but again, he didn't really lose much. From as far as weapons go, but yet he gained Stefan Diggs another year in the system. Another year just as an NFL level quarterback in general, he, he basically overperformed as a rookie, but yet it wouldn't be shocking to see him do even better, you know second year, you know, so absolutely, absolutely. That guy doesn't, doesn't do a ton of running, but passes the ball a lot, lots of past attempts. And that helps. We've seen guys like Joe Burrow get there like that. Yeah, that's exactly who else, you know, when I'm looking down the rest of this list, you you've already mentioned a few of them, but yeah, Joe burrow. I mean, just sheer fact that he could, he's going to play more than 10 games. Yeah, you know, he's going to move way, way up in the fantasy numbers. Kirk cousins is going to move way, way up in the fantasy numbers. And I even think Bryce Young, I mean, he's sitting at 23. I could see him being closer to the top 15 with Yeah, I canales there. I I was gonna talk about him a little later when we brought up like sleepers that we like. Yeah. And then also kind of value picks. You know, we're out of camp and all that. You know, you always hear good things and bad things sometimes, and you don't know what to believe, but, you know, all signs are pointing very well to Deshaun Watson being, you know, locked in y you know. So he's at 37, he played six games. He averaged 17. 3 points a game on my book. I mean, that's that, you know, a lot of these guys are 15 and below. So, yeah, it's another quarterback who, you know, still runs a lot. It doesn't run as much as he did maybe his first couple of seasons, but it still helps, it still gives a bump to his, to his floor and his ceiling. Now, some guys that I think are going to be. You know, who you think might, who I think might pull the rug out from underneath you, you know, Justin Herbert and that whole situation. I like this situation, but at the same time, his numbers from previous seasons, this might not be as good. This could be the same, if not worse, a little worse, and not necessarily that he's played worse, but just because they're going to a more run heavy Football team and yeah, he might not get as many touchdown passes and all of that stuff. So yeah you know, caution, caution on him. Yeah, he was on my list to guys who probably going to be overvalued in your drafts because he's got that name. People though, Hey, Herbert, he's good. A lot of people don't necessarily realize the situation has changed a lot. It's not going to be throwing the ball 40 times a game. He doesn't have Keenan Allen and Mike Williams. Now he's going to be relying on, on a rookie. It's a rookie. I happen to like, but still question Mark, you know what I mean? It's going to be, is Joshua Palmer going to step up and be that guy for him? Who knows how, how well that passing game is actually going to work. Even if he is good and it's beyond his control, he could have a disappointing season. And I think he's going to go pretty high just because he is. Herbert, he's got that, he's got that name brand. Well, and even, and I mean, you know, it's also the first year of the two working to get, you know, coaching QB. So, you know, at least the first couple of games, they're still going to be working out what the call, you know, who's got what, who's doing what. So that's going to put them behind the eight ball. And he, you know, let's say they do get it going or, you know, it could just still just be the run game. So then maybe next year they get a little bit more of a pass game going because they, they will. They'll have the younger wide receivers. And so he might be a two year project, might be a dynasty kind of guy. Not necessarily, you know, if you can get a better quarterback, you know, if you're keepers or whatever. You've got some pretty good keepers or, you know, maybe you need a second quarterback and you can pick him up in the fifth round or something. Yeah. What do you think about Tua? What do you think about his situation? I mean, I feel like he's just been teetering on this slightly above average kind of play. Yeah. I, I see Tua in the same light that I see like Jared Goff or Brock Purdy. Basically, I think that he go, he should go in that same tier as Purdy Cousins, I guess you could probably throw into that. Trevor Lawrence, you could probably throw into that. I would say that they're basically just below where I would put like Jordan Love, Dak Prescott, Joe Burrow. I think that all of those guys are going to throw a lot. One season. And you got my guy up there with Joe Burrow. Yeah. I look, Hey, I'm, I'm on the floor believer. I think that it's very, I think it's a good scheme and just in the same way that Brock Purdy, he gets to look a bit better stats wise than necessarily what he's contributing to it because his guys are always fucking butt naked. And I think that, I think you saw that a lot. You saw that a lot in green Bay where. The scheme was good. It was it was attacking defenses weaknesses getting guys in space And yeah, I think love is he showed a ton of improvement over the course of the year He basically won me over. I think that he's At least good and I just think that le flore is gonna have a game plan They've got some good wide receivers that are coming into in the system. Another year as a pro, there's still young guys who could improve. So I think that that he is absolutely in that tier. He's not in that very top tier with singing the sweet, sweet nothings to my ears right now. Yeah, I know. Right. Last thing I need to do is boost your head up, right? I cannot wait for football season. Two months, two months, two months. Yeah, it is true though. The The Packers offense did win me over as we went along last season, it was, it was pretty impressive and they've got a lot of things to look forward to going into this next season. But as far as, as far as Tua goes and really that whole group, I think that they are probably going to go in those middle rounds, they probably are going to be like properly valued as, as pigs, I don't, I don't see them as bad picks necessarily. But some of those guys could fall and could be late round guys that I think are great because they're going to be, like I said, on pretty good offenses. We've seen how efficient that Dolphins offense can be, that 49ers offense can be, the Packers offense could be you know, when you're, when you're getting touchdowns. Hey, you're, you're loving it, you know? So where on, on your mindset is like tier one, like those are your first rounders, right? Like Josh Allen. Yeah. For a rounder for you. And then tier two is like what round three or four? Well, no. So it, it kind of depends on what you do. And a lot of, a lot of nowadays the, the popular thing is super flex. So. Well, let's just say basic, let's just say, but if you're doing a one, if you're doing a one QB, I wouldn't take a quarterback until round three, the first couple rounds should be, get yourself a really good running back at wide receiver, getting elite guy at those positions. And then, you know, if, if there is still a Josh Allen or a Patrick Mahomes, that's still available in the third round, then I would scoop him up. I think what happens. The past couple of years and a lot of drafts and what I think probably will happen again this year is that out of that elite tier, which we'll roughly call like Jackson Holmes, Alan hurts. I think what's going to happen is that there'll be one or two of those guys who ends up falling to the fourth round. And that I think is what you should do is you should just catch whoever falls back there. Because inevitably one or two of the guys out of that top bucket. Is going to fall a little bit and I think that that's a great value if You happen to be in a draft where they all get taken super quick in the first couple rounds Don't fret because like we said there's still going to be good values down the line Yeah, and guys Yeah, and actually that brings me to a couple guys. I wanted to highlight as as values. We are we already talked about Bryce young I do expect bryce young to take a really big step in the right direction this year You're going to be able to get him basically for free Also another guy Jaden Daniels. We just got done talking about how important it is for these quarterbacks to run. Jaden Daniels has come out and he's said straight up, I'm going after the rushing record. I'm, as a rookie, I intend to break the rushing record. He wants to be like a run first sort of quarterback. We've seen just how great that is. And so I think that he's a guy that's going to go into back part of your drafts. And so long as he's actually starting, he doesn't lose his job, then he's going, then he's going to be good for fantasy. Yeah. So I think that he, him and Bryce Young are probably going to go at the end of drafts. A guy that I think might actually go to soon, but based off of the hype, Caleb Williams, he has basically said. The opposite where he said I want to be a pass first quarterback I I want to scramble when I have to but I want to I want to make plays with my arm Which is great. That's fine. I think he probably will be a good quarterback in this league, but It's actually rare that rookie quarterbacks who are pocket passers Are good for fantasy their first year. It's actually rare. It's not, you know, and I think that because he's got so much hype. Oh, he's such a good prospect, yada, yada, yada. The people are actually going to draft him like more in those middle rounds. You know, some people probably going to draft him right after that elite tier. And I think that that's, I would say bears. I'm staying away from that. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I, I just in general, rookie quarterbacks. Should have a lower expectation unless they are like a Justin Fields type where they're just gonna run all the time But the the you know, we already talked about Herbert But those are basically the guys I'm looking at that I expect are gonna be overvalued as well as undervalued there Was there any guys you wanted to ask me about like specific guys that you've had takes on? No, no, I already I already covered those guys with you. We already We already ran through him. Oh, another one. And we've talked about this actually in previous episode. But Aaron Rogers, I think just because he's got that name, Aaron Rogers, people are going to want to draft him somewhat high. I wouldn't, I wouldn't do it, man. He's 40 years old now. He didn't look that great. And you know, two years ago, his final season with the Packers. All right. And now he's coming off of an Achilles. I think there's a lot of ways that this can go wrong. And it's riskier than what you think. People are going to see him as a safe pick. But I think it's actually risky. You know how I feel about him, man. Don't draft his fucking candy ass. Yeah, I'm literally just rooting against him. I just want it to fall apart. So last thing about the QB. So. Since we're starting on the rookie train through you know, in the mini camp or training camp, you know, this is what, this is kind of. The, the top six based on the most noise in, in who the media has been hearing. And like the vibes, what kind of vibes, yeah, the vibes I got. So, so for the rookie vibes, Jaden Daniels is so far having, having a really good, good camp, good OTAs, all that jazz. He's number one. Caleb Williams is number two. Drake may have an is number three. Oh. Bo Nicks. Bo. Nicks coming in at number four, so, hey, so him and Drake may are having a good camp. Hey, let's go Stampede and, jJ McCarthy, which, you know, not surprising, not surprising. And then actually surprising for me is Michael Pinnocks. He's he's in six, but I also wonder how much is he actually doing anything when they say he's a two year project away? Like, He's probably not doing a lot with the number ones. It's probably a lot more with the number twos and the number threes. He's probably not getting much opportunity. He's probably not getting much opportunity to impress right now. So, right. Right. So probably doesn't mean anything that he's not creating, but that much. Well, it's also, it's also, I mean, none of this is live ball. None of it means anything. Yeah. Everyone can sit there and say, we're ads on yet. Yeah, everyone can sit there and say, we're, well, we're, we're going real hard and blah, blah, blah. And it's like, man, not until the regular season starts is when you really start like kicking it into gear. So, yeah, I, I honestly, I would say week three or week four is when they actually are a hundred percent. I mean, I'd a hundred intensity. Yeah. I mean, I feel like every year. I feel like every year, the first couple of weeks, we see a lot of sloppy ball. Well, that's because Aaron Rodgers is out there doing his hallucinogens while he's kicking, getting other people kicked off the team for just having weed in their system. Yeah. Because they're, they're, they're not football only. They're not football first. Yeah. Yeah. But you know what? It is funny though. Like real quick. Last thing on that. Last thing on this. Aaron Rodgers, like, yeah, I do think it looks bad just because of what he said prior, but also, well, this, the media is roasting him and roasting him when we know damn well, like Brady doesn't show up to those in the latter half of his career. Like Brent Favre didn't do it. Like tons of QBs didn't do it. The part that just makes it so much more is that because he comes out and says all this shit beforehand. So then it's like, Oh, well, what now you're, what now you missed it when you just said it's football should be football related only. And now you're, you're going off to go sit in the fucking Indian hills and smoke peyote with fucking teaching Tom. What he meant all along is I want my teammates to be football, not me. Like, it's like, just shut up and you wouldn't have to worry about that. Like he literally thinks like, Oh, I got this. I don't even need to worry about football and I got it. I can't even possibly forget how to play at an elite level. So I just need my teammates to be focused. Yeah. That's how he thinks. I'm sure. All right. Well, that's, that's it on the QBs. And on the way out, a couple of last things that I wanted to leave you with. Is hockey fans are the best fans and this is the one reason why you never hear hockey fans complain about referees. Like, you never hear them like there's never, it's never a bad call, like, they just suck it up and just, they just deal with it. Like, it's just like, I mean, the zebras in hockey never are under the gun. They're never like, you never hear about it. There's never, you could watch ESPN and no one's ever like, well, the referee made a shitty call there. But you could watch one game and you see the referee and the NFL make four fall for bad calls, you know, in MLB. It's like people never whine about calls. Even the commentators don't want the calls. Like no one cares. They're just, it's like, suck it up. It's just like, suck it up. Yeah. No hockey fan. Hockey fans don't care about this shit. And they flash when their team wins. I don't know. Yeah, that was, that was also great. It gave him, yeah, gave him a little flash. It's, it's crazy though, because the Florida has won six out of the last seven Stanley Cups. Wow. It's, it's been 30 years since Canada has won, any team in Canada has won a Stanley Cup. Who knew Florida hockey, hockey hockey state, who would have known, who thought? The new hockey mecca. They can't fill a fucking baseball stadium, but they can, they can you know, hockey is hockey's their sport. All right. Well, and then the last thing I just think this is, this is weird. Bill Belichick, 72. Dating a 24 year old, like, taking a picture scene, taking her out on the boat. Yeah, yeah. What, what do you think they talk about? I saw her, she posted a selfie of her and him on the airplane together. And I was like, what the fuck? She looks like a college kid and he looks like he's retired. He is a college kid. I mean, do you think they talk X's and O's or like, like, what, like, what do you, what do you, like, do you think they go out? Apparently the last guy she dated was 70 something as well. What do you think? What do you think she does? Like do you think she just goes and does her own shit? Like what do you think they do? Like what's the dynamic like? Like, do they eat dinner together? Do they, like, she probably has one of those like sexual perversions where she gets off on old dudes. Like, do you think she changes his diaper and then she goes out to the club, like after she puts him to bed? Cause it's like, you know, you ever seen that movie couples retreat. You ever seen that movie with Vince Vaughn and Jason Bateman? Anyway, this, this one couple is going through tough times. So they convinced all their other friends. With couples to go on this retreat to like, learn about themselves and, you know, be one with each other. And that by the end of it all, they'd be able to jet ski and do all this other shit. Well, one of the couples is an older guy and he's with a younger woman. And, and he is just, by the end of it, he's just like, man, I'm trying to keep up with her, man. But I just like every day, man, she just wants to bang, bang, man. I just want to sleep. I just want to sleep. And it's like, that's all I could imagine is like Bill Belichick, like 72. He just comes home and he's like, man, I just want to fucking, I just want to chill, drink a beer with my damn dog. And here we go. I got this 24 year old. She wants to go to the bar, you know, so what are they doing? I have no idea, but to be honest with you, if I really had to guess, I bet you the situation is something like, he can't even get it up anymore. He doesn't care. He just wants to like, Take a bunch of pictures with her and look like he's bagging really hot cheerleaders. Apparently she was, she was a, she was a cheerleader or something like that. So he wants to have like a trophy girlfriend where he's like, Oh, look how hot these women love me or whatever. And she just, you know, just wants to have a really fancy lifestyle. And in fact, she's probably just has other boyfriends or something, and he probably doesn't even care. That's probably the situation. I don't know. Okay. All right. That's fine. So, so he went on the sugardaddy. com and there's a lot of people who have situations like that, apparently. So, well, yeah, that's fine. You just love company and you want it and you just want to show up to your boys. Like, Oh, you want to feel good. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. She probably just sits on her phone all day. You got a normal 70 year old wife. Look at my girlfriend. Ha ha. I'm like, yeah, look at this, look at this hot piece of ass. And he doesn't even care that she's actually dating other people because he can't have sex anymore anyway or some shit like that. Yeah. I mean, he ain't got time for that anyway. All right. Well, that's it. That's the show. Fantasy QBs. As always, you can tell us how much you love our show by sending us an email at pineponypodcast22 at gmail. com or a better way, interact with us on threads, Pinepony podcast. That's right. And yeah. Did we get something wrong? Did I got my QB takes? I got my QB takes all out of order. Let me know what's, what's, what's going on. Yeah. So hasta la vista. See you next week. Adios.

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