Pine Pony Podcast

Fantasy Position Series K

jason strang Season 2 Episode 14

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Join hosts OG and The Fantasy Uncle in this spirited episode of the Pine Pony Podcast! They kick things off with news from the sports universe, discussing the upcoming Olympics, polluted swimming waters, and the infamous 'anti-sex' beds. Coverage then shifts to the world of fantasy football with an in-depth analysis of the top kickers for the season, strategies for picking the best ones, and which teams to watch. They also delve into the Canadian Football League's issues with chips in footballs and how it might affect the NFL. Rounding off the episode, the hosts touch on MLS updates, Green Bay’s hotel situation for the draft, and the recent NBA draft featuring LeBron James' son. Tune in for all this and more, plus a special nod to the 4th of July!

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Welcome, welcome, welcome to another edition of the pine pony podcast. It is me, the OG hanging out with my band, the fantasy uncle, Mr. Perkins, what's happening?

Speaker 2:

Howdy. Howdy. Glad to be back. Welcome in populous. And how are you doing? Oh


man. Just loving it. Loving life. We've got to talk about some kickers and some other fantasy things and happenings going on in the. Wide world sports, the

Speaker 2:

sports ball universe.


Yeah. Sports ball universe. So let's get into it, man. Let's start the show.

The Pony Pony Podcast.


So first thing I wanted to get into is the happenings in the world sports sports universe. We are one month away from the Olympics. Where the water is still shitty and dirty and for whatever reason, I guess people are going to swim in it. So that's kind of weird. And, you know, they installed those fun beds that people are claiming are anti sex beds, but, like, we, that's not what they are. And we all know that if they're going to fuck, they're going to fuck. Okay? Those beds ain't going to fucking stop people from fucking.

Speaker 2:

Okay? They fucking all over those beds. I'm sure of it.


Yeah. So

Speaker 2:

I didn't know about the dirty water thing though. So yeah. Oh yeah. So some of, some of this Lucas oil is, has gotten into the water.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So the swimming, so I, apparently, so you know, there's indoor swimming and then there's like outdoor swimming events, like, In the lakes in the lakes. Yes, correct. Right. So this river in France and Paris has been well known to be polluted and just nasty and so they spent several billion dollars cleaning it up and We spoke about this in a podcast before because it was on John Oliver And the mayor said that she would swim in it to prove that it was clean. And everyone organized a, a shitting to shit in the river so that if she did swim in it, it would be shit. So I don't think she's swam in it yet, but from my understanding it's also still not that clean. So who fucking knows what's going to happen? The Olympics is off to a great start.

Speaker 2:

Did the mass shitting happen?


No, no, no. She, she canceled the swimming. She, she said she's postponed to a later date.

Speaker 2:

Smart moves.


Yeah. Yeah. So I'm, I'm excited about the Olympics. I mean, you know, why not? It's, it's fun. It's enjoyable to watch. It's not a nice little sports. You know? competition right in the middle of, of summer where there's nothing else going on. And it's just, it's just cool. I think it's fun to just like get around the TV at like seven, eight o'clock and just everybody's just watching. If you know, you have that feeling that everybody in the country is all in the world is all watching the same thing. And I think that's really cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. It should be fair. Like every couple of years when the Olympics happened, I never really care about it. But then when I actually give it a little Watch, I start to watch a little bit of it. I start to get into it Like every single time it ends up being more entertaining than I expect So


well, especially the you know, when you get like some storylines that come out of it But also oh which made me think one weird thing that's happening they're using they plan to use an AI version of al michaels voice to automatically automatically like TelePro, like as if he was in the studio talking about like, whatever was happening that day. Like, let's say they were given like a so they're gonna do a deep fake, well let, let's say like, you know, they're doing like the highlight reel for the day, like, you know, like a 20 minute highlight reel or whatever. And you know, they probably won't show you the person, but it'll be Al Michael's voice. Without Al, Al. Michael's actually doing the commentary, ever doing the commentary.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean,


that's weird.

Speaker 2:

We've entered the creepy age, man.


So speaking of of creepy age or not so creepy, depends on what side of the coin you're on on this. I can't wait. Travis Kelsey showing up in London to do a little duet with his girl on stage. Man. Too cute.

Speaker 2:

Not creepy at all.


Not creepy at all. Not creepy at all. But pretty, it was pretty fun. I saw the video. I, I, I approve. I approve. And I started watching the sidebar. I started watching the Taylor Swift versus Schooner Braun documentary and the whole multi million dollar lawsuits over her records and her songs. And man, that shit is crazy with Kanye West. And like, cause that was back when Kanye West got up on the MTV VMA stage. And said, Oh, she doesn't, you know, Beyonce got the best song at all time, all time. Taylor Swift's got a reward. And then later he wrote a song about, you know, Oh, I made the bitch famous.

Speaker 2:



hated that

Speaker 2:



Well, he made a whole thing about, he said he, Kim Kardashian posted like a video of him getting permission from her, but like, he only asked for like half the lyrics. So then like the other half of the lyrics, which were the worst part were like, Is the part he never told her about. So it's like, it's all shady, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. The dude is just, he, he, he's fucking whack job. And he's so conceited. He thinks he's the only thing in the universe. He didn't even know who Beck was. He didn't know that Taylor Swift was legitimately a superstar before he ever fucked with her. Like he literally didn't know. He doesn't, he doesn't know anything. All he knows is that He's sent by Jesus to be a prophet or some crazy shit. That's all he thinks.


So for one tight end to the other reports are that George Kittles lost quite a bit of the weight and you know, how could that affect his season?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. He said he lost 30 pounds.


That's a lot, man. And for someone, for a tight end who goes down the middle a lot, that's, that's a lot of protection being lost there. I

Speaker 2:

can't remember what it was, but. basically, after he had a certain procedure, he couldn't work out for quite a while. And so this is not like, Oh, I did some dieting and structured way. I, I leaned up. This is, I lost 30 pounds of muscle. Cause I did not work out for six weeks in a row. Like, damn, first of all, how much is he normally working out? If he loses 30 pounds by just one month and a half, like Jesus.


They are constantly in the gym.

Speaker 2:

Apparently he, I don't know if this is true, but the reports are that he spends at least six hours in the gym every single day. I don't know how that's even possible, but at any rate, he says that he believes he can get at least half of that back.


Sure. I think so

Speaker 2:

by the start of the season. And then he expects by like week four, it'll be a hundred percent the back to the same size and everything. I don't know.


Don't rush it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know. I don't know if that's like a. Smart idea to try to put on that much weight that quickly, but I don't know. I guess we'll see how it


joins and as you get older,

Speaker 2:

I guess we'll see how that goes as the season gets closer, but I agree that could be something worth monitoring because he does like stay on the field, a huge percentage of the plays versus what most Titans do because he is such a physical blocker. So,


so. Let's switch gears real quick from, from one field to a pitch. I wanted to bring up MLS. We haven't talked about MLS in a hot minute and I just wanted to, you know, toot some horns. So toot toot Charlotte FC, just, you know, Dean Smith, new coaching staff, best defense in the league. They currently lead the league. In the least amount of goals allowed per game at one, they're tied for first. They lead the league in clean sheets at nine and you know, top 10 in clearances by defending players, which is really nice because considering we couldn't defend shit last year. And my favorite player is scoring a lot of goals, Patrick Audubon. So, so,

Speaker 2:

Real quickly at clean sheets. Is that like no violations? Is that


no goals, no goals, no goals. Ah,

Speaker 2:



Yeah. Yeah. So the currently sitting fourth in the standings MLS is heating up and it, you know, they've got in season tournament with the leagues cup. And then you've got a lot of interesting things about to happen because you've got Copa America, you've got the Olympics. So you've got a lot of. Players that play in the MLS going to their country's team and playing for them. And it's usually the top player on the MLS teams. So now you start to see some of these teams that, you know, had like, like messy, like Miami had messy and Busquets and all those guys, well, they're all going to go play for Argentina. So now Miami all of a sudden just has like kind of their backups, which. Weren't that good before messy got there. So this is a time for where teams like Charlotte who don't really have a ton of international players that are vital to the roster, where you could start to see a team like that, make some ground. I don't, I don't know a whole lot about the other teams and all of their players as this is like my second year really getting into watching MLS. So I don't have a ton of knowledge on those teams, but it, it gets really exciting.

Speaker 2:

Good for Charlotte FC. Glad to hear that your boys are kicking ass.


Yeah, man. It's really fun to watch them. I really liked their playing style. And then another thing that's already freaking crazy. Green Bay's Hotels are sold out for the draft. Sold out. Can't

Speaker 2:

get a


hotel. Draft's a year, almost a year, it's, it's, it's, almost a year away. Almost a year away. Tickets sold out. There might

Speaker 2:

be enough time to where a company can go ahead and build another hotel, just to, just to, Cash in, right?


Yeah. I mean, luckily for me, I'm staying at someone's house. So all I gotta do is get a flight out of there. So

Speaker 2:

you've got family in Green Bay?


No, no, no. My I have my brother, he lived in Milwaukee. So he's got some friends that they said, yo, come on up. You know, bring a cup. If you want to bring somebody, bring them up. And then let's party. So we're going to go to the draft and do all that. You just got to get a flight there. So, and it's the house is in green Bay, so don't have to go anywhere. And I just thought that was pretty cool. I think that's going to be a really Epic event. And for other good news for Falcons fans, Maddie ice and Arthur blank are going to be inducted to the Falcons ring of honor don't know why the owner would be in there. I guess you could put yourself in there. I mean, I guess he hired a GM maybe. I don't know. I guess if you're,

Speaker 2:

if you're the owner, you'd probably just automatically get in, I guess. I don't know.


Right. But that's my point is like, why do you feel the need to be inducted into it? But Maddie, I certainly the best quarterback, the Falcons have had for other than Mike Vick, but like for that long tenure. That he was there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was there. He was there when they made their only Super Bowl appearance. Since since what? 99, I think is when they made their other one. But



Speaker 2:

Either way. Yeah.


Well, and then before we step into the main topic the Canadian league, the Canadian football league. It has the kickers have been saying that they have been having trouble with the chips in the football that's used for the line technology that they're saying it, four of the kickers are saying that they feel that their ball is not reacting in the way that it used to because of these chips. And do you, so do you, Do you think that this could be something that could be troublesome for the NFL or is this just a we suck and we're trying to make every excuse that we can because it's not every kicker? Like, what? Like,

Speaker 2:

I actually didn't realize that. That's the first I ever heard of that. I, if that is true, then that could be a huge problem that could definitely stand in the way. Yeah, I, I, I don't even think I would support it if that was the case. Cause


how much does one of these chips weigh? Like, I mean, they don't, it can't be much, can't be that much, but you know, I mean, just like a ceiling fan, you put just the tiniest little bit of weight on one of the blades. And it'll start wobbling.

Speaker 2:

So it's like,


I, you know, I look at, they can't be anything, but like, you know, some microscopic ounce, you know, and like, like Miller, you know, tiny. But yeah, so with that being said, let's hop on into the main topic of fantasy kickers. We're going to hit up the top 10 per usual, which You know, kickers, you know, people, people think kickers and they think, eh, I don't really need a kicker, you know, blah, blah, blah. And I mean, you know, we do draft them late in the round because they aren't necessarily as important as those other guys. But if you can get a good kicker, you know, that could really win you some games when they get you 12, 15 or more points just on that one, you know. So I feel like they're very vital to the team and you know, so why not talk? Yeah,

Speaker 2:

I agree. There, there is an edge to be had with kickers. And the cool thing about kickers is that most people don't know who's who. They don't know what kicker from another kicker necessarily. And so you could actually get guys that can give you an edge. And you could get them for free, which is the cool part about kickers. I don't think you should ever draft them early because not because they can't make a difference, but more so because you just don't have to. And so that's the cool thing is that it's, it's basically an edge that you could grab over your league mates. And you could just do that streaming them. You could do that off the waiver wire.


Yeah. I've certainly picked up a kicker mid season and then boom, next thing you know, he's been my, he was my kicker for five, six weeks hanging out in the, you know, 15, 16, 18 point range. And I'm like, Oh, we're going to ride this wave. So yeah. So top 10, we've got Brandon Aubrey from Dallas at number one, Justin Tucker, number two, Jason Myers, number three, Harrison Buckner for care. Cairo Santos, Jake Elliot, Matt Gay, Blake group, a Jason Sanders and Cameron Dicker, and then hanging out right outside the top 10, Brandon McManus, Duskin Hopkins, and young who coo right off the bat, what I'm looking for in my fantasy kicker is I'm mostly looking at the team. And what is the team like to do when they get close to the red zone? Because if they're a team that likes to run the ball you know, they're or you know, either way both ways could happen, but If your quarterback's not as good at throwing the ball And they like to throw the ball. There's a solid chance that you could be throwing the ball on two downs Incomplete passes run the ball not get the first down and then you're kicking constantly for points So that, that's the kind of kicker I'm looking for, or, you know the other vice versa, they run the ball. And then when the defense gets in the red zone, they tighten up and they, and they really hanker down and stop the run. And then, so you're kicking either way. But you got to definitely look at the personnel on who's doing that. I mean, you know, if you've got Derek Henry, he's probably going to get into the end zone a lot more in the red zone versus, you know, An old Ezekiel Elliot behind a busted offensive line, you know, even though he's got a good name He might he's not gonna be able to do it like the other guys. So You just gotta you just gotta kind of look at who you got And so what I'm looking at this list first first kind of people I'm looking that could potentially drop out of the top 10 Jason, Jason Myers comes to mind. He could probably potentially drop a little bit lower just because I think Gino Smith is, is, is still gonna, I just, you know, he's coming down for me. I I think they're, you know, I'm not high. I'm just not high on Seattle. That that's where, that's where it's at for me. But I mean, that's still a pretty solid top 10. I mean, all these guys are, aren't bad. I mean, it's hard to pick just one Cairo Santos, maybe Chicago. I think.

Speaker 2:

I think Kyra Santos and Cameron Dicker are the ones that stand out to me as guys who can easily drop out. Just because for most of these guys, it's going to be a crapshoot. I think that there are two ways in which you can find an advantage at the, at the kicker position an edge, if you will. And that is to what you already alluded to, which is. What's the kind of situation when they get in field goal range, how does the team usually handle it? Cause for, for some coaches, they don't like to go for four. They love to take those three points. And unfortunately bill Belichick is no longer in the league, but he was the best. He was like, whoever is his kicker for years, it was been a Terry. The past couple of years has been Nick bulk. These guys have been good because he doesn't like to go. For it on fourth down. He, he wants to just take the points kick. So his kickers and Everly just end up with a ton of attempts. The, so you kind of want to avoid kickers who are with coaches that love to go for fourth down, you know, Brandon Staley was one of those guys. He's not around this year either, but let's see Detroit Dan Campbell, he loves to go for fourth down a lot. Even Matt LaFleur has. Kind of caught onto that fourth down train as well. Although I will say that's also


been that's also been more. I think that's been more because our kickers have been like Mason Crosby all of a sudden went to shit out of nowhere. And then even Anders Carlson, I mean, he, he only went 27 for 33 attempts, but I mean, 33 attempts. I mean, there's a lot of people with, you know, quite a few more than that. And, and I mean, he had a good percentage, but he missed the key moments. So I feel like when you miss, even though if you don't miss a lot, but when you miss, when you really, really need to make it, people are like, more like, I'm going to go for it on this fourth and one instead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And so that, that was the second part that I was going to go to is that, The second thing that you want to look for in your kickers is, are they known as the big lake guys? Are they going to get the opportunities to hit those 50 plus and 60 plus field goals? Because in most scoring systems, you get, you get nice bonuses where you actually get another point tacked on if it's over 45, another point tacked on. If it's over 52 points tacked on, if it's over 60, stuff like that. And. There's actually only a Select few of these guys that actually have their coaches trust like that. And so The interesting thing about Andres Carlton or Carlson is that even though he's the brother of? Daniel Carlson, he's not necessarily known as a long a big leg strong Go for 60 yards type of guy. So he's actually a guy I would steer away from again. His coach likes to go for it on fourth down pretty frequently, and he's not someone who's going to get a lot of those 60 yard attempts or anything like that. Whereas Daniel Carlson is actually a guy I like when you talk about those guys who end up getting a lot of attempts past, say like 50 yards each year. You're talking about like Brandon Aubrey last year. He, I think he had like 11, Justin Tucker usually gets that kind of thing. And he's Justin Tucker's kind of like the, the most known kicker. So he's probably going to get drafted kind of early in your leagues anyways. Like you're probably not going to get him, but also Matt Gay, Indianapolis. He actually had the most attempts over 50 yards last year. He also has literally the biggest. Salary per year for a kicker. His team wants to use him as much as possible Evan McPherson in Cincinnati. He's got the really good combination of Offense that we could project to be an above average offense and he's known as a big late guy He's going to get opportunities to hit those long field goals also young Hoku and Tyler Bass are guys that usually get a good amount of these long attempts. And so that's really what you're looking for is you're looking for offenses that are going to project to be above average offenses. And then they've got a kicker where they're known for hitting these long ones, at least having the ability to kick it that far. And so I really want to focus on those. Those guys. I like young Hoku this year. I expect that the Falcons offense is going to be pretty good. I like Matt Gay just because, like I said, they want to use Matt Gay. They paid him a whole bunch of money because they think that he is the shit.



Speaker 2:

And they, they do want to depend on him and those those sort of long, you know, third and long, fourth and long sort of situations. They want to take those points and they believe in him. To that degree and the cool thing about like, let's say Daniel Carlson or A guy like matt gay is that they're not household names They're probably guys that you can find on your waiver wire or at the final draft pick the final round of your your league and your redraft leagues and These are the kind of guys you want to go for because you don't have to Draft, you know justin tucker ahead of everyone out. You don't need to do that. Even though he can give you an advantage over the course of the season. You don't need to do that. You could get one of these guys. People don't know who the hell's who from anyone else. They usually just pick the ticker. A lot of people just pick the kicker from their favorite team. You know what I mean? They'll be


like, Oh, I'm a

Speaker 2:

Broncos fan. I'll just get whoever the Broncos got this year, whatever.


You know, I'm kind of, you know, looking, looking at As far as. Kicking as well as an interesting way to look at it. And you tell me who's kicking indoors the most, how many games do they have indoors? Like, you know, so those teams like the Texans and the Colts, like, you know, they have all their home games are indoors. How many of their opponents are they playing indoors? Because those kickers are going to have an advantage because there's no win. And they could probably kick longer kicks. So those coaches, like you said, you know, maybe even more likely to go for it at a halftime where they're down two scores or three scores and they're like, all right, I've got the ball at that, at the, you know, 50 or like the 45 with two seconds. Let's kick it and see if we can get one in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. That's a good point. I really didn't even think about that. But when you're in those dope situations without having to. To think about what's the wind conditions coaches are going to be more confident and going for it. And so when you're thinking about some of the guys that I like already Indianapolis, I believe plays in a dome Atlanta. So you're talking about Yung Ho Ku, Matt Gay. These guys are, they, they would check that box as well. So I think that those are good guys to target. One thing I wouldn't do though as far as strategy goes is I wouldn't get set on any one of these kickers and then actually take them early in the draft. Again, it's just not necessary. And we've seen, we've seen so many people have success just streaming them. If, if, if the kicker's going against a bad defense, there's really good correlation that the kicker's going to do well. So. I wouldn't give up any draft capital at all. Again, it's not that you can't get an edge because I do believe you can. It's just that you don't have to spend anything. You don't have to spend any resources at all. So


Absolutely. Absolutely. So just wanted to kind of run through and look at some kickers that maybe On the outside looking in that maybe might get a little bit more work like Nick Folk, you know in Tennessee Depending on the quarterback play they might be in a situation where they just have trouble getting into the red zone So they could be using a lot of that leg You know air Matt Prater, Arizona, they they're gonna be a little bit better so he might get just a few more Kicks just because Kyler Murray will be a lot better this season.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and like Prater's kind of getting up there in age But historically he was known as one of these big like guys you can you can go for from 60 yards out of whatever I'm not sure he Still has that reputation, but he's a guy worth looking at. I think it's a good good point


Yeah, you know, way deep down there for Washington, you know, what's is Joey slides still hanging out there? Is he going to be their starter? If so, they could, he could be looking for an uptick, but yeah, I mean, the kickers are kind of hard to talk about because you could, you could go with one kicker for four or five weeks and then boom, next thing you know, you've got another kicker that maybe it comes the bi week and you're like, all right, I've got to put in a different kicker. And then boom, he just has another four or five weeks run. And both your kickers are going off or one or you know And then you end up releasing one because you've you've got to replace a wide receiver who's out or this It's like to me kickers are you just you just roll with the punches, man You get you get what you get and even half the time even though that i'll draft a defense I'll end up streaming a defense at the end like towards the end of the year. I'm like, all right I've got two or three defenses I can go with here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah Defenses are a little bit hard to sort of forecast before this season because every season there ends up being So many different teams in that top 10 than there was the previous season. But inevitably what happens is like by halfway through the season, you've got a good feel for who actually are the better defenses. And so you can kind of try to monopolize a two or three of them and off of the waivers and then you could play the matchups with them straight off of your bench. A lot of times it's the best way to play defenses. But Yeah, just to kind of sum up the, the kickers, I think the guys who really have the best combination of on what's projected to be a good offense and have that long 50 plus yard upside probably is Tyler Bass, Matt Gay, Justin Tucker, Young Hoku. These are the guys that I would probably try to focus on outside of the streaming option. But but that's about it. It's, it's basically just keep in mind that they do matter and you can gain an edge, even if it's a small sort of edge, you know, every, every advantage helps and fantasy football, cause it's all about probabilities and every few percentages that you could grind out makes a difference. Well,


that's it, man. That's all I got for kickers. Yeah. That's

Speaker 2:

the kid in the talk.


That's the kid.

Speaker 2:

One thing I forgot to bring up when we were talking about news, though, is I saw yesterday Dak Kreska, his sexual assault case officially did get thrown out, got dismissed. And so I don't think anyone was too worried. Apparently, the reports I certainly wasn't. The reports were that there wasn't a strong case against them to begin with. For anyone who doesn't know, there's a woman who claims that he sexually assaulted her in the back of an SUV in a strip club parking lot. Turns out that turns out that her story could not be corroborated with other people that were there. And then also via her representation, she kept trying to push for a settlement. Which makes it sound like she was basically trying to extort him.


Just trying to get some cash. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So not, not many people were actually expecting anything to come of it, but I guess if you're a Dak Prescott fan or, or a Cowboys fan, there you go. It's official now. And in fact, he's actually got a counter suit against her that's scheduled to take place


in a

Speaker 2:

couple of months. So he might, he might actually get, get something out of her, I guess. I don't know.


Wow. Before we leave you I wanted to talk about this one last little thing. The NBA draft has been going on or went on, I guess by the time you hear this, this episode, it will have been a week since the draft, They were pre recording for July so draft done went, but LeBron James son shockingly got drafted to the Lakers in the second round and. I guess it's real no surprise when you find out that your agent is telling all of the other teams that if they draft the player, he's going to go play in Australia. So really the only choice was for the Lakers or the Suns to draft them. And by the time I heard the news, the only team left on the board that was not, that was the Lakers or the Suns was the Lakers. And surprisingly, The Lakers drafted him, but which in my opinion, I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter because quite frankly, the second round in the NBA is just bullshit. So it's like they wasted a draft pick. I guess they could have waited and just picked him up in the free agency. And, and then, but I guess whatever player there would have drafted in place, they could have picked him up in free agency too. So I don't know. I just, I just like, It just makes me not care about the NBA. It's just kind of just like, if this dude sees the floor, it's, he clearly wasn't drafted because he's talented. Like again, 4. 3 points per game. That's not like, that's not, that's not good. And you know, he's going to see the floor because what that's LeBron dream to play with his son. So they're going to be on the floor at some point in the NBA is going to shit their fucking selves. And everybody's going to be like, Oh, look, look at this. And then they're going to show a bunch of pictures of him as a fucking baby on the court and all this dumb shit. And we're all going to fucking slob LeBron's knob and fucking all of this jazz. It's just so annoying. And yeah, to make matters worse, the NBA made the draft a two night event. There's only two fucking rounds.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, you know, they're going to try to milk it if they could, if they could figure out a way to drag it out. Yeah, I know. I know. I don't watch it. I straight up don't watch it, but I will say this. So we knew that this was going to happen no matter what, because LeBron said what three years ago, two years ago, at least he said that he wanted to play until he could, he could play with his son. He said that this was always his plan. And you know, he, he gets to call the shots around there. I think everyone understands that. So we are, we knew it was going to get forced no matter what, no matter what it was going to get forced and it got worse


for them to not make the playoffs again. It's going to be great. It's going to be fucking awesome.

Speaker 2:

I wonder if LeBron even cares about making playoffs anymore. This day, I think it's all just like a thing to stay relevant. It's all like, it's like a thing to stay. A sports star or something. I


don't know. I'll turn my, I'll keep my attention to some wrestling because that's better storylines in the NBA, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. We're going to watch wrestling where people ain't so damn fake all the time.


It's where the, this is where the big boys play anyway, as always, if you want to argue with us about anything or fun at us, you What did we get wrong? Let us know. Yeah. Hit us up at the email at pine pony podcast, 22 at gmail. com or the better way. Cause I'm always on the threads. You can hit us up there at pine pony podcasts and we're out. Catch you later.

Speaker 2:

Oh, also happy birthday, America.


Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's right. Happy birthday, America.

Speaker 2:

It's 4th of July week. If not already 4th of July weekend. For she's


a jolly good fellow. For she's a jolly good fellow. She's a jolly good fellow. There's no one I can deny.

Ha ha ha.

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