Pine Pony Podcast

Preseason Primer Series NFC North South

jason strang Season 2 Episode 18

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Welcome to a special edition of the Pine Pony Podcast! We're joined by an old friend of the pod, Mr. Josh Smith, and as always, the fantasy uncle, Mr. Joshua Pershin. We dive deep into the latest NFL controversies, including a heated discussion about a judge's overturned ruling in the NFL Sunday Ticket antitrust case. We also cover the thrilling training camp fights, with DK Metcalf stealing the spotlight. Later, we break down team dynamics and predictions for the NFC South and NFC North. Closing out the episode, we touch on the exciting highlights from the Olympics, including a Canadian pole vaulter's celebratory twerk and a swimmer's unique E. coli strategy.

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Welcome, welcome, welcome to another edition of the Pine Pony Podcast. It's a very special edition because we have very good friend of the pod, an old friend, an old host, if you will, Mr. Josh Smith, Smith of Tron 5, 000. What's happening? And then as always, we've got the fantasy uncle, Mr. Joshua Pershing,




all the heat in the dynasty. He's catching all the heat already as the dynasty commish always, always


making it up as it goes along.


Yeah, making it up anyway, so

Main topic. Hey, you!


let's get into the show. Let's start it.

The Pony Pony Podcast.


So we've got some big news coming up out of the courts. The Sunday ticket judge is a sham. It's all been a lie and they have overturned. ruling. So the NFL still gets their way. We thought we had it


pretty wild. Judge Gutierrez, the same exact judge that oversaw the entire case where the jury found the NFL guilty of antitrust law. He says that he's throwing the entire case out because he feels like it was not reasonable, should not be reasonable. To find the expert witnesses testimony on the plaintiff's behalf to be reliable. I think that this is all garbage. I think what happened was that this judge knew way ahead of time what the outcome is that he wanted. And he was hoping that the jury would kind of bail him out. I think he literally expected that the NFL would win the case. The jury did not agree. And so really. His hand was forced and he just, he just pulled one. It doesn't make any sense. First of all, he came into the hearing, not with an open mind by that. I just mean, as soon as the hearing happened, He said, okay, I'm throwing it all out. And then he had a 16 page paper ready at the ready, meaning he knew exactly what he's going to do before that hearing even started. You don't, you don't write 16 pages immediately like that. So first of all, that's shady. You can


write that like so fast.


Well, well, maybe that's a good argument against me then. Honestly, I forgot about that. But the thing is that he said that the same. Witnesses that he allowed because he gets to make the green call, whether in discovery, they both sides always argue, Hey, I don't think this witness should be permissible for permissible for X reason or Y reason or whatever the judge gave the green light knowing exactly what the witnesses were going to argue, exactly what they were going to say. And then after the fact, after the jury ruled in favor of the customers in this case. For no reason. That makes any sense. He says, well actually no reasonable person would have found them reliable. Super weird. It wreaks. How is it Super weird.


I mean, he probably has millions of reasons. Sounds pretty normal. Yeah, overturned sounds pretty. I'm, yeah,


it's pretty


open and shut


to me. I, I think that has to be exactly what, either he got threatened, and he's scared of the NFL or, I mean, he's just, he got paid off. He probably got paid off, right?


He got paid off.


It seems pretty obvious to me that it was shady business on the, on the part of Gutierrez. At any rate, there is going to be an appeals process. Yet again, we'll see if it continues down the road. I bet it does continue to linger on for months and years to come. But as for now, the NFL has stated openly they, they do not anticipate changing anything about the way that they handle NFL Sunday ticket for now. So. The antitrust rolls on for the moment.


Oh, well, that's unfortunate. You know, I mean, we could sit here and fight about it, but we've got other fights to talk about, especially the ones happening at Seattle's camp. DK Metcalfe just coming out swinging, taking helmets off, crazy. So many fights. I love training camp fights.


According to the, the, the beat writers that were on the scene, DK Metcalfe actually pulled someone else's helmet off and then started swinging at other people. I'm not sure who, who, who the cliques were that were fighting, but I guess there was a bunch of different people involved. And DK Metcalf is just a, a very, very large human being, and I don't want him swinging helmets at me. That's all I know.


Well, you know what you know what else I just saw is that Ricky Parasol is, is coming out of training camp with an injury. Wonder how that affects the IU trade. You know, maybe they're not so willing to part ways.


Yeah. Well, so


didn't they sign Chosen? Did they? You talking about the Niners? Yeah. Niners signed Chosen today.


Oh, Chosen Anderson. Well, that, that Parasol injury, that Parasol injury might, might be bigger, bigger issue than, than we think. I do think




you're desperate if you sign him.


I do think it's likely that IU gets traded. He wanted to go to the Steelers. Steelers didn't want to give up enough. But actually Shefty is now reporting that the Steelers are back in the mix. Yeah. So


they just don't want to give up a receiver and that's what San Francisco wants.


Yeah. Yeah. They, they want like probably George Pickens back. I know that Cleveland already stated that their framework for their deer would have involved Amari Cooper going back to the Niners. I think the crazy thing is that the Patriots had a deal in place with the Niners. And they were offering IU 30 million per year, which sounds really good. And I said, no, I don't want to go to the Patriots, even if they're going to give me 30 million a year.


Yeah. Cause why would you, why would you want to go to why would you want to go from a Superbowl contending team to a non Superbowl kids, any team when you can make the same cheddar, you know what I'm saying?


It's not, well, it's not the same cheddar. I don't know. I mean, millions or millions. I don't know exactly what it is, but the report is that the Niners were trying to get up for like 22 million. So if something's up


for 30 million, that's a


big deal.


Yeah. I'm not going to the Patriots for eight more fucking million and sit there in purgatory, not win. If he wanted to be on


a championship contender, he would just sign. He would just sign with the Niners. He would just stay with the Niners. Right.


Agreed. Anyway. So let's, let's get into the main topic.

Main topic. Hey, you!


Episode two of our Pre season primer series. We will talk about the NFC North and the NFC South. Tis the reason Mr. Smith is here to talk about those Panthers, which are on TV right now. I believe they're losing seven to zero in, in the tropical storm. No,


no, no, no. England. It's just getting, just getting rain.


Oh, it's in new England. Okay. It's in doing that. Yeah. I wasn't sure quite where it was to be honest with you. Cause it's preseason, but nonetheless. Yes. Let's get into it. We will start with the NFC South. So let's start with, let's go ahead. Let's get the Panthers out of the way. And let's go ahead and start with the last year. The record was two and 15. Their strength of schedule this year is the 10th hardest. So that's, that's pretty tough. But the good news is they got Canales And he's going to take Bryce Young to new heights. So I


know he's still, he's still the same height.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For






he did. He did not grow. So he's still the same height, but you know, metaphorically. So with, with him, I think the key players are Bryce Jung, Chuba Hubbard, the wide receivers and Canalis. I think he's. He's a big time key to them. I think they're going to have a better season. The passing game will improve. And I got arrow pointing up for the Panthers with that schedule. I got them winning five games, 12 losses. So three more wins. And I like Bryce young to get over 18, 19 touchdowns, passing touchdowns. This year, you know, for my prop bets, but y'all think about them Panthers.


Oh, they're bad. I think they're real bad.


No, man. They're going to be good this year, man.


Oh, no, no.


I'm drinking the Dave Canales Kool Aid over here, man. I've cut. With his name? Yeah. I, I, I'm thinking that Why didn't you correct me?


I don't know. He doesn't know him on a first name basis. Don't let him fool you.


I, I don't know him that well. I know that his name happens to be Dave. But the thing is that I think that we've seen a pattern with Kanellis where wherever he goes the, the QB play is pretty good. Particularly with some of these bum quarterbacks that he's gotten good sort of performances out of. I think that you've got to love Kanellis. Whether it was an overpay or not, you've got to love how they shored up the interior of that offensive line because when you talk about shorter quarterbacks, like Young, it is like a compounding problem when they have to face pressure up the middle. It's even worse for those, those type of quarterbacks. And so I think that it will make a big difference, obviously, bringing over someone who could actually get open, like Deontay Johnson will help a lot. Hopefully he won't have so many drops this year, but I think that. I think that it's got to be arrow up for them. I think there's just nowhere to go. I actually have them with six wins, which is one more than you do, creeping toward back towards average. I'm not expecting a ton from them, but I, it wouldn't shock me if they were a competitive team as in that they were just like nine and eight or eight and nine, that really wouldn't shock me.


It shocked me. It shocked me to death. I think they'll get four wins.


Four wins.


Four wins. They don't have Bryce playing in the preseason now. Is that because they don't want him to get hurt? And he's the only shot they have? I don't know. Yeah. But he, he needs his reps because you're in a new system. Not just that, he was bad last year.


Yeah. That's true.


Yeah. And then on top of that, like, you said that they, they, they did went out and buy people on the offensive line, but guess what? They're terrible. All terrible. Even even the reports from camp, terrible. These guys are terrible.


Not no hog mollies.


Yeah. So you're going to see an improvement in passing, but Varys is still going, he's still going to be running for his life. So. You're not going to see that much of an improvement.


Yeah. Yeah.


Defense would be good though. I think defense would be solid as long as horn doesn't get hurt again, but he will. So


yeah, four


wins. The offensive line can't fix this team. Jonathan Brooks though, be on the lookout for him.


Yeah. They got the, like the building blocks. They've got like the foundation for, you know, arrow pointing up. I will say their schedule. I think even though it's pretty hard, it. There's not really a section where I'm like, Oh, this is a completely shitty section of the schedule. They've got a pretty evened out spaced out between hard teams and teams that are like them.


Schedule sucks for them. Cause they're not good.


Well, right. Yeah. They're not good, but you know, if you're a Panthers fan, that actually, you know, that, that will,


It's always going to be a rough schedule. You can't, you can't face the Broncos 17 weeks in a row.


Oh man. Yeah. But the same, they've got the saints twice, man. Come on. That's Derek Carr. He's terrible.


To win team. Remember that this is


true. That's true. Persia, do you like any fantasy? Players on the Panthers team, any MVPs, any standouts?


Absolutely. I think the fantasy MVP is going to end up being Deontay Johnson. I think the first, second, and third read on most of these past plays. Not only that, but I think that as far as like betting goes, I think that his season long props are too short. I like the overs on basically everything. Particularly catches. I think he's just going to get a ton of catches. We saw that what's his name? Thielen was about league average and getting open last year. And yet. He was by far the person who got open the most and before he kind of got injured and slowed down The first half of the year. He just got super duper targeted by Bryce Young I think Bryce Young is just gonna turn that attention to Deontay Johnson I think he's just gonna he's just gonna lean on him as much as he possibly can and as far as like the




Oh, of course go for it


Yeah, Young's not going to have enough time to throw his deep ball. And then when they start losing, Deontay's going to quit about halfway through the season. So


He is a baby, he is, he is a man, baby. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll agree to that. But the thing is that most of these NFL wide receivers are, I don't know what it is about wide receivers. They are just the worst as far as being


definitely bad. I mean, he just blatantly misses blocks. Doesn't go after fumbles. Like just, it's going to be worse this year because Panthers are worse than the Steelers.


When he gets upset, he literally starts pouting and doesn't play. He just,


he absolutely quits. Right. I have, I would be extremely cautious of him.


The only last guy I wanted to mention is I think that there's a really big sleeper opportunity with Chuba Hubbard. They're, they're saying like, Oh, we don't know exactly what the timetable is with Jonathan Brooks, but he'll be back sooner rather than later. Well, as far as like, is he going to, is he going to be playing, is he going to be starting the games or whatever?


Started today.


Well, he was playing in the game or you mean that he's back at the man's head. So he's in the game today. Okay. Well, scratch that thing. Scratch. So,


so tuba hover is no longer a sleeper.


No, not right now. I'm afraid not.


So moving on, I don't think there's


any viable sleepers. Viable


sleep. Mingo. Mingo is not the Mingo. All right.


Migo actually has been getting hype and camp. He face planted. He face planted as a rookie, but I don't know. He he's, he's getting buzzed,


you know, he's been training with Steve Smith, senior.


There you go. Ice up,


son. I do like Steve Smith senior. He's got a, he's got a fucking attitude. Even as like a commentator scout type of guy that he is nowadays, he's still got that dog in him, bro. He will, he will. Take you to task, but I love it


already moving on to the saints. Yeah, they got the fifth toughest schedule in the league. They were nine and eight last year. To be honest with you, they brought the same team back this year and I think they're gonna go nine and eight this year. There is nothing special about that team. I think that's their ceiling. This is Derek Carr. This is what he's done for his entire career is just been average at best. So this is an average football team. As far as my key players, Derek Carr is going to have to play above average or else, or else he's going to be having Spencer Rattler knocking on his door. Chris Alave and then Warner with his new contract, the extension. He's, he's the guy who got extended. That I was thinking about earlier and then as, yeah, so not, not much. I don't really think too highly on the saints team. They're just about average. What do you guys think? What do you think, Smith?


I think the blow average, I think six wins. This team is old, very old now. And you saw last year, all the mounting injuries they have. And now I'm just looking at their injury list going on right now. It's. Half their defense is questionable. John Johnson's still out.




mean, he's out


fastest man on the team.


Yeah. I don't think this team's very good and they're not going to be very healthy. And then you got Derek Carr. There you go.


Yeah. Completely agree with that. So


I'd say six wins. I don't think they're good.




I actually agree with the sentiment that they're, they're really getting old as a team. It, you know, it has something to do with all the, the salary cap games that they've been playing the past, I don't know, 10 years or so. And they're kind of stuck with these players that they're overpaying on guaranteed money.


Cameron Jordan.


Well, yeah, I mean, Jamal Williams, Alvin Camara, I forgot his name, that, that, that quarterback slash tight end that they like to use.


Pay some Hill. That guy


produced it. He's guaranteed 17 million this year and he's 35 years old. Worth every




No, they just, they've got an old team. They're stuck. They can't make moves. Not only that, but they're not even bringing back the same team. The offensive line struggled last year. And then Ryan Ramchick retired, which was the best player on their line. So I, I think it's gotta be arrowed down. I actually have them with six wins. I think that they're going to be a below average team and it's unfortunate. I do think that they've got like a, a sort of a fantasy MVP. In the mix there, I think Olabe could get so many targets, particularly these really big down the field sort of huge plays. I think that he'll have a bunch of splash games where he has these sort of spike fantasy games. I think that they will be trailing in games, so he'll get plenty of work, especially down the field like that. But, other than him, there's not much excitement for any of these dudes. John Johnson's a guy I kind of liked as a sleeper, but I still don't think they've given us a timetable on him. He's injured and we don't know when he's going to be back, so I just think


Last report I saw was he may be ready for the beginning of the season?


Yeah, and there's not even any bets I like on this team. I, like I said, I like a lobby, but the betting markets, I really have him aggressive. You know, the, so I think if anything, I kind of like the Derek Carr unders.




For touchdown passes. Yeah. I think he, I think he might go under like 28. I think it's at a lot of places. It's about 28 or 30. I think he's gonna go under that.


Yeah. I, I also have Derek Carr, 3,700 passing yards, and I think he'll go under that.


Do you think there's a chance that he loses his starting job this year?


I, I, I, I absolutely do. I think if he comes out of the gun playing like shit, and if I'm, I think they've got somebody else behind him, but I think Spencer Rattler could be in the running for taking his, taking his spot.


Yeah. Jake Hayner.


Last year they, they took Jake Hayner. Actually earlier than they took Spencer Rattler this year. But the thing is, like, they've got two different younger guys that I think whichever one kind of wins that backup position, they're going to want to take a look at it and just see, is this going to be our guy for the future? I think more than likely this is the last season that car is there. So if they ain't winning games, he's probably not going to be starting towards the end of the season.


Right. Exactly. Completely agree. All right. Let's look at the. Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Arrrr mateys. Last year's record, they went 9 8. Strength of Schedule is 11th overall. Key players for me is, is gonna be Baker Mayfield. You know, everybody else we've seen can play. But if Baker Mayfield can come back and do another year, like last year had his best season, at least get close to that. There'll be, there'll be right back in the mix again to win a division. As far as schedule, I think they end up eight and nine. I think they actually lose a extra game here this season. Cause I'm not really that high on Baker Mayfield. What do you, what do you guys think?


I'm not high on them either, but I think that offense is going to be pretty good. I think they're, they're going to be a little bit better on the line. I mean, you still got Chris Godwin and Mike Evans, and when they're healthy, they're ridiculous shot white. Pretty good. Of course they got the coolest offensive lineman and Cody mock.


There you go. Tell us what Cody, tell us why Cody is the coolest. Please.


He's got no teeth. He's a road grader. He's a man's man.


You don't need teeth to play offensive line.


Yeah, they said Chris Godwin's looking like his old self. He's finally healthy. So


themselves, man, to do things


could be looking, could be looking at a monster year for him.


Yeah. Defense wise. I think they're, they're okay. Still got Vita Van in the middle. They got Kalasha Kansi,


Antoine Winfield jr. Boo boo.




I think Carlton Davis is kind of underrated as a, a decent cornerback as well. I actually think their defense is better, has a chance to be better than our offense. I think it all. Kind of comes down to how does Baker Mayfield respond to the change of




It's from what I could tell, it's a, it's a new scheme, but not completely new. And so he, he loses Dave Canales. As someone who Brian




is it Brian?


No, no.


Oh, okay. As, as, as someone who's, who's drinking the canal is Kool Aid. I think that it makes sense that, that Mayfield turns back into a pumpkin when he leaves. So it's going to come down to that. I actually have them at seven wins right now. I just, now


does, how much does Carlton affect those seven wins?


Carlton Davis himself. Yeah. Not much. I just think that he, I just think that he's pretty solid. He's not playing


for him, but that's good to know.


Oh, did he leave


still seven wins? Yeah. He plays for Detroit.


Oh, okay. Well, the defense isn't quite as good as I thought, but they still have beta Bay and Antoine Woodfield jr. So I think that they're going to be solid. Via Veda, the, the only defensive tackle that seems strong enough to stop The Eagles Tush push, by the way, I love it.


He's a beast. There you go. What do you think, Smith?


I think there are eight, nine win team, just because from the last two teams we've already rated, I said, they were going to be bad. This team at least has to be average or better.




So yeah, I think, I think about eight or nine wins for these guys.


There you go. As far as Baker Rayfield, I, again, I'm hating on the man. I think he's going to get less than 23 touchdowns. Yeah, yeah. Hot take. Yeah, man.


That's not much.


My man's going to be a pumpkin.


Oh, sounds like the man's not complaining. Footfall that low number


may come out with like 18.




Oh man. All right. And then moving on to the last team in the division, the people I think are going to win the division, the Atlanta Falcons last year, they were seven and 10. They instantly improved with the Kirk Cousins. And drafting the future and Michael Pinnock's junior they do have the toughest schedule in the league. I don't think that really matters. They're going to go 10 and 7 when the division key players for me are going to be their whole entire defense, B. John Robinson and Drake London because both of them stand to get better with Kirk Cousins and. With the turnover in coaching. So that being said, what do you gentlemen think of the Falcons?


I think that they are the most likely to witness the vision, even though I'm not as high as on them as a lot of the media seems to be. I think that Kirk Cousins is going to be an obvious upgrade, but I think that he's probably not going to be a hundred percent, at least for the first half of this season or so. I think the Achilles thing really does matter when. You're not really putting a lot of pressure on your heel for such a long time, it really does weaken your ability to use that as a push off and generate power and just yada, yada, yada. I think it will actually affect him more than people realize, but eventually he'll be back to himself. And like you said, even though they do have a tough schedule and I agree that it is one of the toughest ones, I just think that the




I just think that the division they play in really counterbalances that I think that they finish nine and eight, but yet they still win the division. I just don't think anyone is going to outdo them in that division. I think that they have a good enough offensive defensive line and the playmakers on offense will keep them in. Every game and I, I think eventually they will win that division as far as the individual players. I agree with you, especially on Bijon. They've already come out and said, like, we want to use Bijon as much as we possibly can. And as many possible ways as we can to complete opposite of what Arthur Smith was doing with B using Bijon as a decoy and shit like that. And same thing with Drake London. I think that Drake London and Kyle Piggs. are going to improve their production, but especially Drake London. I think that he's probably going to be, or I think Bijon's probably going to be the fantasy MVP. And I don't really think that there's like a fantasy sleeper that I love from this team.




I love almost all the Bijon overs though. As far as season long props, props go,


I think it was a 12 win team.


Wow. Ooh, he's buying the hype. I love with them


buying the hype. I don't like them, but I got, I give them credit where credit's due. I mean, Kirk Cousins, he's just going to manage the game for you. They're not, they're not asking them to go out and throw the ball 35 times. That's a plus for him. I


mean, and it'll


be John. Yeah. Bijan and Tyler Algier, which they said they're going to use heavily and he's healthy. That's going to be scary. Drake London. We'll see. We'll see Darnell Mooney. Also we'll see. I mean, he had a bad time in Chicago, but now he has a half decent quarterback. Is that going to make a difference? Third slot guy, Ray, Ray, Ray, Ray McLeod, he can give a nice little pop. He's super quick. That defense is still going to be the same defense as has been the last two years. Pretty stifling. Pretty good.




Yeah. And then given the fact that the South kind of sucks. Yeah. I think 12 wins.


I like it. I like it. I can see


cousins goes down or is bad.


Big Pinnacle Energy Time. Michael Peterson Jr., baby. Let's go.


Smith, what did you think about the fact that they took Penick's eighth overall, despite after they just got done paying great


pick, great




Dumb in the sense that it's them because they paid Kirk Cousins, a whole lot of money pick itself. I like to pick, but the circumstances I don't like,


yeah, I agree. I, I hated it. I did a long rant on the pod, but we won't repeat it.


I know. Cause I was here. I've been, I haven't been gone that long.




man. Jeez.


Well, you were not here when the draft, when the draft happened, when the draft happened, maybe this was


offline then.


Oh, maybe we did discuss it off. I probably rented in various platforms.


Yeah, he did a lot of renting. All right. Moving to the NFC North. We'll start with the Minnesota Vikings. They started, they had the season record last year of 7 and 10. Strength of schedule is the 28th, so it's one of the easiest schedules. However, I, I kind of have to see it to believe it. I, I don't really have a lot of faith in this team without Kirk Cousins. So that being said, I think the record is going to be five and 12, despite the fact that they have an easy, easy schedule. I think JJ McCarthy is going to be asked to throw the ball and he didn't have to at Michigan. And so that's going to be tougher for him or whoever Sam Darnold. He's not that great. So




He's still bearded. Who cares? He's terrible. He's trash. This is his like what? 15. So key players are going to be


fourth, fourth,


fourth, going to be the key players for me are going to be whoever the fuck's that quarterback. Justin Jefferson and Addison. Cause they're going to have to, they're going to have to carry this team.


Oh, I forgot what we were talking news. The NFL is going to give Jordan Addison a three game suspension for his drunk driving thingy earlier in the year. I think a lot of this is going to come down to Sam Darnold. I was never a huge fan of Sam Darnold, but one thing that I really liked, one thing that kind of changed my perception is that Mike Shanahan last year, when they traded away Trey Lance, he was asked by a reporter directly, like, Why would you do that? You know, you trade it up to get him yada, yada Brock Perdy's, you know, he, we're not even sure when he's going to be ready with his elbow injury and that. And he was like, yeah, but one thing that you guys don't understand is that Sam Donald is good. We are a thousand percent comfortable rolling into the season with Sam Donald as our starter, if need be. And they wanted to bring him back. Again, they just couldn't afford they got outbid. I mean, the, the Vikings were able to pay him 10 million. I think it was, or maybe 12 million. I mean, that's pretty, that's pretty decent money. And I think there's a chance that Sam Darnold actually could be all right. You know, I, I think it's going to come down to him though. You know, I, I, I don't know. I think that the reports are at least. The reports so far are that JG McCarthy is just not ready. It's not looking like an NFL quarterback right now.


And I think they got to feed them signs in order for him to play quarterback.


Yeah, man. Oh, okay. I, I, I, were they sign feeding too in Michigan? Is that, is that,


well, yeah, yeah.


They knew the signs. Those SpaghettiOs. They had the ABC ones that they were making the signs while he was eating.


I thought that was just a thing on the defensive side of the ball. No,


it was the whole team.




Whole squad.


Well, at any rate that I, I do not necessarily think that great things are going to happen. I think they're going to take a step back. I think they won seven or eight games last year, but I have them winning six. I have them winning six games. So I guess a little bit of a step back. I wouldn't be surprised though, if Donald ends up being good and he just keeps the job the whole season. And when I say good, I just mean. You know, serviceable, not, not, I don't, I think we're past the point where he has that elite upside or anything like that. But, you know, as far as individual players go, I think the obvious fantasy MVP is still Justin Jefferson. I think that he's going to get double digit targets every week. I think that he's a surefire guy. They just paid the piss out of him. It's because he really is that important to what they want a game plan for. He is the centerpiece. So he literally gets QB money. And I think as far as like sleepers go, I think in a lot of re drafts because he's not going to start the season healthy, I think T. J. Hawkinson is going to be at the very end of your drafts and I think once he is healthy, I think he'll earn a lot of targets once again. He always has been a good target earner. I think that'll come back. And he could end up being a pretty good fantasy player for you, back half of the season.


I'll say seven wins again. Seven wins. Yeah, just, Darnold's gonna be alright, but he's not gonna be great. It's, the man sees ghosts. He's gonna continue to see these ghosts.


That's because ghosts are real? Okay. Yeah.


I mean, talent wise, this team is at least on the skill position side, one of the best in the league.




yeah. Absolutely. It is. If Darnold's ever going to turn it around, it would be here, right? Where they've got Addison, Jefferson. So


Aaron Jones,


and now they've got Jones to pass through out of the back. Yeah, exactly.


It's nuts. Problem is, well, like you said, Addison's gone three day, three, three games. That's going to matter. And last report I read, Jefferson seems really scared about re injury. Maybe that plays into his mindset a little this year. He said, he's still being overly too overly cautious with it.


He's like, I just got paid. What do I got to prove?


Yeah, exactly. So if I want to


take a week off, then I


will. That's a good point because their schedule is front loaded. I mean, they've got opening the season giants, Niners, Texans, Packers, Jets, Lions, Rams, Colts, Jaguars, and then it gets easier.


Yeah. I forgot to mention that actually. I think that like getting to open up with Like the Giants and the Colts, I think had pretty poor defenses last year. I think might actually bode well for


Well, they don't play the Colts to like the seventh game in the season. Okay, the order I read it in it was the order They play.


Okay. Well, I remember thinking the first couple games was actually not that good at defensive matchups Which I think will probably help Donald keep his job


Yeah, it's Niners, Texans, Packers, Jets, Lions, like every single one of those teams has good defenses


and their defense themselves, it's not great. I mean, let's start in Andrew van Ginkle. I mean, he, he looked good at Miami for spurts, but man, he's a starter.


This team is going to be hurting. We shall see. We shall see. Now let's move on to last year's division winner, the Detroit Lions, where they had the draft this past year. So, last year they were 12 5. Strength of Schedule is 21st. So, you know, above average. Not, not, not hard, but, you know, kinda easy. On the easier side. They're returning a lot of the same players they improved. So I expect them to be right in the mix. Same as last year, probably going to win 11 games. I think they drop an extra game this season. Either way they could be in the division. Winner spot again this season. Key players for me, I think Jameer Gibbs is going to get the ball a lot more this season. So see what he can do. Jamison Williams, Kalief Raymond and Sam Laporta are, are who I think are. You know, the guys to look out for as far as making noise on the lines.


Yeah, I agree with most of that. I think that they were able to keep the most important pieces of their team to come back, particularly Ben Johnson. Coming back is a huge deal for them. They paid the piss out of Jared Goff. So, you know, he's happy. I like the, the huge buzz that's been created about Jamison Williams. People are saying he's finally looking like that guy he was supposed to be looking like. I don't have huge aspirations for him production wise, just because I still think even if he is good, he's going to be maybe fourth in the pecking order behind Gibbs, Amon Ra and behind Sam Laporta. So I, you know, as far as like you know, season long props or fantasy is concerned, I'm not that crazy about him, but I just think that he would, he would provide another weapon and the offensive line is just. Stacked and I really like how they've got a lot of their better players on defense are young players and they could even get better than they have been already. And not only that, but I recently found out that they added Carlton Davis. So that doesn't hurt anything. I got them with 12 wins and I do think they win this division.


Yeah. Their schedules. Yeah. It doesn't. I mean, well, Texans, Giants.


Yeah. I don't think it's that


easy. It's not that easy.


I just think they could start the season out like 7, 8, 9 and 0.


I thought it was basically kind of like an average difficulty. It didn't seem especially easy or hard.


Dignity. Yeah, they're, they are returning a lot. That defense is the scary part for me and, and Jamar Gibbs, but it's Jared golf, man, like, come on, there's nothing exciting, exciting about him at all.


Nothing at all. Poo poo. I don't golf. Yeah.


10 wins. 10 would be safe. I'm gonna say 10. Wow. Because you saw, you start to see it when they start going on these stretches of wins and afterwards they just lose these games or so Yeah. How are you losing these games? You


get cheated by the ref. That's how you lose these games.


Yeah. So they're always gonna be the lions, unfortunately. And that comes with bad luck.


It does. As far as player props for the, for the lions, I am like in I'm Ron Ross, St. Brown to get to just collect a bunch of tutties. So nine touchdowns over eight and a half and Jameer gives, I think he's going to get the thousand yard mark as far as rushing. So over 800 and a half rushing yards.


I would, yeah, I would say for me, I'd take a thousand combined. I think with David Montgomery there, David's still going to get most of the,


I just think they're going to use them more. I think most of the lines for like season long on Gibbs are more like. 800 or 850 and not like a thousand.


Yeah, no, it's eight. I said, it's eight, 800. I think he's going to get,


Oh, I see what you're saying. I got you. Okay.


Yeah. It's 800 and a half for rushing. I think he's going to get over that and I think he's going to get around a thousand.


I do like the overs. I do like the overs for Jamison Williams yards, just because he's going to be the deep play threat. And in the games where he does catch a long ball, he's going to rack up yardage pretty quickly. I think he, he, he is going to show improvement over the last couple of years. And even if he's not like. The kind of elite player they drafted him to be 10th overall or whatever. I am buying that he's going to be better this year. And they didn't bring in anyone, you know, they let Josh Reynolds walk who they used a ton last year. And, you know, he was Dan Campbell was very direct and saying the reason why is because they expect JMO to fill that role. So


there you go. Anything else you'd like to add? Smith,


They got your boy, the Peoples Court. Donovan? Peoples Jones.


Oh yeah. The law firm. DPJ, my guy. Yeah. He's like deep on that depth chart.


Yeah. If, if DJ Reader comes back, I think that defense is gonna Ooh. Gonna cook.


Absolutely. Well, the moment we've all been waiting for, moving on to the Packers. The best team in the division. My division winner, obviously, cause I'm a homer. And I just think they're going to improve this year defensively. So they went nine and eight last year. Strength of schedule is very middle of the road average at 19. So on ton of winnable games for this group, key players for me, obviously second year, it's gotta be Jordan love. And on top of that contract. He's got to come out and he's got to play what like he did in the second half of that season last year defense is again the whole defense because we've got Jeff happily coming in and I expect big things with him moving the defense to a 4 3 instead of a 3 4 and more just going after the quarterback instead of trying to drop guys in coverage that shouldn't be dropping guys in coverage. They should be eating at the quarterback. We've already got people out of training camp, Kenny Clark, and all of Rashawn Gary talking about all they're, they're loving getting in the three point stance, they're better coming out of the three point stance. So I'm really hyped for this defensive line and, and then wide receivers, because we don't have that go to wide receiver, you know, all kind of all of the top four guys, Jaden Reed to Dontavious Wicks Romeo Dobbs needs to step it up this year. Christian Watson needs to come in not injured for once. And I'm not worried about Josh Jacobs. So that's, that's the boys are going to get to 12 and five this year, division winner.


All right. I don't have them quite at that spot, but I do have them as an obvious playoff team. I had them with 10 wins and I, I echo a lot of your sentiment. I love the offense. I just think that there's a big question, pun intended out. All of them are going to be intended. I, I think that the defense is going to be a question mark. I'm not sure what to think of the half happily thing. And I, you know, there's a lot of variance going on with this team, but I do think that I, I have a lot of faith in the floor as an X's and O's guy, as someone who's going to generate offense. And so that's enough for me to put them as an obvious playoff team. I think as far as you know, individual players go. I do like some of the Jordan Love overs that I've seen particularly passing touchdowns. Just again, because oftentimes passing touchdowns are just a product of how well they're moving the ball in general. I expect LaFleur is going to keep that in a pretty good place. And then as far as like sleepers go. We've already talked about this before, but Dontayvion Wicks has a chance to, to show that he deserves a bigger role in that offense. I think that they are going to give him that opportunity. I think he's going to, he's going to show up. And so I think that's You know, in the places where you can get him, or if you can find him in betting markets, the, the season long props for him, they're just too low. I like him to overperform expectation. Absolutely.




I don't know. I'm I'm not, I'm not, they're not bad. They're, they're pretty good. I don't know. I just, I don't, I don't know how to, how to grade them because they were so hot at the beginning of the year last year. And then they had that. Four games skid. I mean, and then they, they almost lost to New Orleans and then.


But did you see the Cowboys playoff game?




it's the Cowboys,


it's the Cowboys. Yeah. I don't know. I don't, I'm like, I'm not, I think Jordan Love, well, he made a lot of money. I'm not a hundred percent sold on him. I'm probably like 80 percent sold. The rest of the team, the wide receivers, I'm not sold on. I am sold on Musgrave. I think Musgrave is freaking a boss. Jacob's when he's healthy. He's really good. He just last year, he wasn't healthy. So we'll see what happens. Defense is good whenever Quay Walker isn't trying to kill somebody and getting penalties,


preach, preach.


So if he, if he calms down a bit, that's going to help him a lot.


He needs yoga in his life.


I'd say this is, this is also a 10 win team, 10 win team, easy, easy, 10,


10, seven.


Now you mentioned that you weren't sold on the wide receivers. Are, do you not like any of them?


Do you not like none of them are consistent enough yet? Like Watson always gets hurt. And then what's his face? The second guy, he just vanished from game to game. And then. Pop up again and then vanish again. Wix look good. But the consistency is not there yet because they haven't used them consistently, consistently. That's what I'm saying. It's just, I need to see more consistency and I haven't seen it yet.


I would argue that the, the production, the inconsistency in production is really just the function of that. They keep such a rotation. They're, they're. Rotating them in and out and getting them all a certain percentage of snaps. And I think the reason why they're doing that is not because they can't find anyone to step up, but it's actually the opposite, which is a really good problem in that you're finding too many guys that deserve some opportunity.


I don't think that's the case. I don't think that's the case here.


I think it is. I think that these guys are pretty good. I will choose to believe that that is the case. Yeah. All right. Well. There you have it. The NFC South and the NFC North preseason. Yeah. You don't want to talk about the bears? Oh, I forgot. Yeah.


This man, this man.


Look, that's what happens when you talk. I sat here and I was looking at, I was like, man.


Obviously I talked about the most hated rival. Jeez. We know which one you hate the most.


Yeah. So they went seven to 10 last year. The strength of schedule is third overall. So they got a really tough schedule. I mean, it's the bears. They always find a way to fuck it up and I'm, they've got one of the best teams on paper. I'm not sold on Caleb Williams. I think they're going to go five and 12 this season. I think they got a really tough schedule. I think starting out, they're not going to start out strong and that's going to, that's where they're going to collect a lot of their losses. Yeah,


yeah, I'm, I'm kind of taking the opposite perspective. I'm buying the Caleb Williams hype. I think he really is that good, at least as a prospect, he's still going to be a rookie quarterback. I don't expect them to be. a playoff team necessarily, at least not an obvious one. I do think that they'll probably be on the fringes though. I expect them to get eight wins. That's where I have them at. I wouldn't be surprised if they got nine wins. I wouldn't be surprised if they got six or seven, but I, I like the longterm. Sort of prospects for Kayla Williams and their team as a whole. They've already locked in for DJ more for another four years. They got Roma doomsday, obviously honors rookie contract. And I just, I like a lot of the young talent that they've got.


I love the team.


I think that they have done a good job of setting the team up for someone like Kayla Williams to, to come in. And it wouldn't shock me if he actually did play well as a rookie, but. You know, rookie quarterbacks, they're not all going to be like strong, you know? So I, again, that's why I have them at, at eight wins. And I don't think they're really competing for this division.


They didn't really lose anybody from last year that you really go and look at and say, Oh, well, they're definitely going to lose a lot of games next year.




As a matter of fact, I think the people leaving them, well, mostly fields so it's a big arrow up for them. They won seven games with him, and he was absolutely terrible.




that's a good point. If Caleb Williams is not just a little, he's just even a little bit better than them, they should end with Aroma Doomsday because he's freaking beast. And don't forget Keenan Allen. This team could also be A nine win team, nine wins. Yeah. Nine, 10 kind of county. I think the NFC North is actually going to be tougher than you think to share.


Oh, yeah. This is, this is easily one of the toughest divisions. I think it's the second division. Yeah. I think it's the second


toughest division.


Yeah, this is going to be an improved division for sure. So yeah, I think this, this looking at your schedule, I think the NFC North beats up on each other a good bit, but they do well outside the division. I think there's a nine, 10 win team.


Absolutely. As far as prop bets for this squad. I like DJ more to get 79 receptions, the over 78 and a half. I think he's going to collect more than that. He has almost every season, no matter which team he's on. And and then. Caleb Williams, 32, 3, 250 yards. I think he'll get over that.


Yeah. You know, I don't, I don't know because like individually wide receiver bets on these guys, because if Caleb Williams is decent to good, you got four guys. You're you really can split the ball between, is he going to really just. Focus on one. I mean, he's not going to have to, he's got Allen at Dunsday and commit. It's kind of insane.


Yeah. And I mean, they picked up Deandre Swift specifically for his pass catching ability.




So I, that's actually the guy who I was taking a look at as far as like. Season long props go, and even a little bit, depending on how, how far he slips in your redrafts league drafts. But I, I really liked the overs for. DeAndre Swift receiving yardage and receptions. Cause they made it very clear the reason why they paid him so much. And they signed him immediately when the tampering period was over was because they wanted a really good receiving back. They wanted to bring in a guy. They don't believe that Khalil Herbert is good enough as a pass catcher. And they, they really want a pass catching specialist. And so I think that. That is a huge part of their game plan, is to do dump offs and design routes for him. And that's the guy I like the most. I agree with Smith that Romo Dunze, a really, really good receiving prospect, and Keenan Allen is no slouch. In fact, Keenan Allen had the best season of his career last year.


Tell your heart.


I think that, I think that it is a little bit scary for any of their specific props because they could just end up spreading the ball around too much. I do like the Cole Commette Unders though. I think that, again, with so much more competition in town now, including another tight end that he's going to split work with. I think that if you can find cold commit props, a lot of places don't offer them, but if you can find them, I like the unders


question. What is, what is the fantasy projection you think on Roshan Johnson?


Not good. I think he's actually third in the pecking order behind both Herbert and DeAndre Swift. I do think that there's a decent chance that either Roshan Johnson or Khalil Herbert ends up getting traded before the season even starts because there's so many teams out there. Cowboys chargers who don't seem to have any viable running backs right now. So I could see the prospects looking much better if one of them is gone. But as for now, all three of them are healthy. I don't love Rochon Johnson's place in the pecking order.


All right. Well, there you have it, the NFC North and South. So before we end the show we're going to talk a little bit about Olympics and some of the things that I've saw. Today we saw a Canadian pole vaulter twerking as she won the, I believe she won the gold. So she was twerking that one out.


Did she twerk after she went or was she twerking as she was pole


vaulting? I don't know. Have you seen some of these pole vaulters that it could be a little bit of both. She, she was, it was very, she just kind of like, Those


pole vaulters are never appropriate. Howlin a handbasket,


bro. USA basketball had probably their toughest game today. They were down by 14 in the fourth. And came out and beat Serbia Djokovic goes down now they've got to play France with Victor Wimbenjava and all these other NBA players. So it's going to be, it's going to be, it should be a pretty fun game. Let's see.


Water polo on Friday.


Got the water polo. Semi


final. Yep.


I've been watching the Keenan and Kevin Hart highlights with Snoop Dogg and the infamous Horses crip walking cuz quote, if you've ever seen that one, that was hilarious.


Inappropriate. Hell on a hand basket. It was so


funny. It was so funny. So yeah, you know USA's taking a lot of the medals. It's been, it's been a good Olympics, a peacock's been pretty sweet. Been able to watch a lot of these different sports. So


any, any sports you guys have been watching that has been some may view as either not an Olympic sport or very different sport that you would, you would normally.


I think most of the sports that are like more judged, I think a lot of people have issues with them, like surfing. It's like some people think the sport should be like, you can run from this point faster than like, it's very finite. Like if you're there first, you're the winner. Whereas like, you know, a sport like surfing or break dancing. Could be viewed as like as a a lot of course


subjectivity. Right, right,


right. But nonetheless, I I love, oh, I've been, handball is my new sport. Man. The, that, that's a physical trampolining That was interesting to watch.


Wait, trampolining is a sport.


Oh yeah, man. It's been in the Olympics for a while. It's, they do a bunch of flips on a trampoline. That's crazy. What else was a weird one that I saw


climbing rock climbing? I didn't know that one was,


yeah, that was. So apparently each host gets to, there's five sports that they can add to the Olympics. So break dancing was one that France added. So that'll be pulled out. That won't be there next year. So LA will get to choose, LA or the United States, we'll get to choose five sports. There you go. There's a segment for you. There's a segment right there. That aren't normally any other. Which sports would you


choose for U. S. only? The Compton run.


Oh my God. This guy, this guy.


Perfect for LA.


I don't even know. Like, I don't even know what the other four were for France. So I, Oh, did you hear? Okay. So the last thing, the USA guy who swam in the CN river, who before to prepare for the river. He micro dosed E. coli. I


mean, he could have just went into the Pacific after a rainstorm in California.


Oh my gosh. Or, you know, or like a golden corral or Applebee's golden crown. So I thought that was pretty cool. Nonetheless, you guys got anything else you wanted to add to that?


Oh, you didn't talk about Harbaugh. He got a six foot four, four year ban.


Yeah. From the NCAA. Yeah. Can't go back for four years. Oh man. That's real tough.


Did you, did you see his response to the


questions? And that was only because it was cause he violated recruiting. This isn't even for the, the sign stealing.


They should just give Michigan the death penalty.


No, because that penalizes the kids. You don't want to penalize the players. They had no involvement in that.


I cared. I cared more when they were getting scholarships and not money. Now they're getting money. I don't care.


Yeah, they're, they're being literally enriched by their cheatery. They are, they are adult workers getting paid quite well as adult workers. They're part of it, bro. They're part of


it. And boom, five year, five year football ban actually for your, I think for Michigan, a five year football ban would not kill that program.


No, they've got enough fucking alma mater sponsors or all that shit. They'll, they'll be around. They'll be around.


They have to be


10 year, 10 year ban on Michigan. Wow. Man's trying to kill the whole program.


There's no way they're getting a 10 year ban.


Jesus. They won't


get any ban, but. This




is trying to kill the whole program.


They do. You got to set an example. They do. They do deserve to get the book thrown out. And Harbaugh is such a piece of shit. He was asked.


Oh yeah.


He was asked an oppressor. I think it was just yesterday about, you know, what's your response to this or whatever. And specifically in the ruling, it talks about how he lied about specific things. And he said, I don't lie. I never lie, which doesn't make any sense because he lies all the time to the reporters.


Man is an honest, non cheating. No lies.


He actually had the audacity to say, I was raised on honesty. I raised my children on honesty. Every program I've been a part of is all been about honesty and I didn't lie. And, and that's all I know about it. I don't know anything else. I was like, what is he


lying about?


He's lying about lying right now.


There's no evidence. They have been doing this for a year and they have yet to find any conclusive evidence that he had any part of this.


I would have to go read the specific ruling, but apparently he did lie about something that he's not allowed to lie about as part of the ruling that they put down. Yeah.


Today the ruling, they just, yeah, this has nothing to do with the, the thing, but the, but the honesty he's saying that he wasn't part of the sign sealing. That could be true. That's what I'm saying.




just a clown. And I, and I just hate how he used to always lie. Now he's back in the NFL and he's going to keep lying about all the NFL stuff. You know, as someone who's like a, a fantasy player and sports better than that, Just, just tell us the fucking truth or say no comment. Don't lie. He just lies about everything. And then he's got the audacity to say, I never lie. I'm all about honesty, which is like,


man is a saint. It's the same.


He's the Donald Trump of head coaches where he just says whatever he just says, whatever. And it does not matter to him. Oh, nothing matters to him. He just says whatever. It just says,


I mean, I was just going to say, I thought it was Bill Belichick because now he's getting it on with younger girls. But you know,


tell us how you really feel about horrible. You guys, geez,


10 year van,


Michigan, Michigan, 10


year van. He gets lifetime from there.


Who cares? He's never going back. Anyway, who gives a shit? And


with that


being said, we are out of here. Peace. Adios. Love in here, Greece.

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