Pine Pony Podcast

The Calm before the Storm........

jason strang Season 2 Episode 21

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Welcome to the Pine Pony Podcast! In this episode, we delve into the excitement of the upcoming NFL season, the college football games in progress, and notable developments like Tom Brady's new roles and player contract updates. Join us as we discuss recent cuts, marquee players' draft positions, and our take on team strategies. Plus, don't miss our segment 'Fantasy Yeet, No Yeet Average Draft Position' where we analyze player values and draft positions. Finally, we share our preferred draft positions for fantasy leagues

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Welcome, welcome, welcome to another edition of the Pine Pony podcast.




have a great show today because it's the week before the calm before the storm, if you will, it is, we are one week away from NFL. We have college football going on as we speak, as we're recording this live, Colorado and North Dakota state are playing 20 to 14. Go Colorado. So yeah, we're full in effect into football season. Yeah. And with the NFL season approaching us, there were a lot of news and all kinds of things that happened within the last week. So with that being said, let's start the show.

The Pony Pony Podcast.


Oh, but before we start the show, let me introduce my sidekick, my partner in crime, the OG, the fantasy uncle, Mr. Persian. What's happening?


Hey, yo.


I was so excited about football.


Yeah, well, join the club. I, I was so excited about football. I didn't even notice that I, I wasn't yet a part of this, this episode.


Yeah. Turns out we do have two people on this episode, not just one guys.


I, I am so excited that real football is here. I honestly can't believe it. I feel like. It's been a lifetime waiting for it to come back. And now that it's here, it's like, Oh, where'd the off season go? That went so fast. Yes. So it's great. It's great. We're going to have real games to sweat out in our beds and our fantasy teams. And we're going to have real games, of course, to recap and look forward to each week and just so much to think about and talk about. I love it.


Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, with all the things that happened within this past week, let's get into the, the news, if you will. So one thing that I wanted to bring up that I thought was pretty interesting, Tom Brady. So, he is becoming, or is in the process of becoming a part owner of the Raiders, but also going to be doing commentary. So the NFL, once again, is making new rules for Tom Brady. Oh, he can commentate, but he can't talk to, so he can't do any of the news reporting. He can't actually talk to any of the players. He can't do anything. So I'm really interested to see how his commentary is going to be if he can't have a conversation with the players and, you know, talk about their backstory, if you will, or talk about what they're going through to start the season. Like, I'm just, I just don't think. This is going to be a good fit. I'm, I'm only looking forward to it just because I want to, I want to see how bad it is. I just don't think he'll be good at it. What are your, what are your thoughts on that?


Yeah, I, I just think it's crazy. I mean, the, the, the rules in place for good reason. The NFL has enough problems with fans suspecting shenanigans and calling out bullshit, whether the conspiracies are real or they're not. There's so much that mistrust that people already have for the NFL. The last thing they want is obvious conflicts of interest. Even if it's kind of a minor thing like commentary or, or reporting or whatever, a lot of fans may not think this matters, but it does. Given


when you're the owner.


Right, right. And people just feel like, well, there's a conflict of interest. I think that Tom Brady shouldn't even be trying to push for this sort of thing. He should just understand you don't get to do everything. You know, you don't get to be everything in the world. You know, you got to pick and choose which one would you rather do? What's more important? Instead, we got this weird situation where it's like, Oh, he is, but he isn't. And yeah. It's a thing, but also don't worry. It's not a thing. It's like, this is, this just feels unnecessarily messy. And yeah, we'll see, we'll see how it plays out. I wouldn't be surprised if he just ends up quitting.


Well, not only that, so it's like, so here's, I'll just read a quick little paragraph and in a one sentence, Brady is restricted from accessing other team facilities and practices, as well as broadcast production meetings, which usually include meetings with coaches and players ahead of the game. So he can't even do his job. He can't even attend a broadcast meeting, which is part of his job. And then it goes on to say, he also cannot publicly criticize officials and other teams. So what is he going to be commentating on? Like I've not that every person criticizes officials and other teams, but some of the commentators do criticize. So I'm just like, How boring is his commentary going to be? Yeah, yeah. I mean, I


think we all understand that the NFL basically frowns upon the networks being overly critical. But the thing is that it's never been Like a direct black and white. Hey, you can't criticize us. It's never been like that. And there has been times where the commentators have criticized the NFL, the officiating specific organizations, whatever it is that they have, you know, they have been critical, even if they're sort of diplomatic with it or whatever. The fact that, you know, they, they're now in a position where they're telling him, Oh, Oh, you can't be critical of things is like, that's a little bit absurd because I mean, honestly, for a lot of us fans, that's what we, that's what we find most interesting to hear is not necessarily the fluff pieces, but the, Hey, What's the real skinny? What's the part that you're frustrated with? What is it that needs to be changed in your opinion? And a lot of fans do look towards the commentators because of their backgrounds as former players, organizational members, coaches, whatever it is, they, they, they tend to see them as sort of experts, at least in a context. And so the fact that he just has to bite his tongue, he's not even allowed if he wanted to. I mean. Like I said, it just, it all feels unnecessarily messy.


Right. Absolutely. Especially for someone who's never been in the broadcast booth. So anyway, moving on from Brady. One of the funnier things I saw as I was on sleeper, a couple of days ago, looking at, you know, doing some, some gambling Joe Burrow's picture is a picture of Eminem. It's not actually of Joe Burrow.


Got him!


I love Sleeper for doing that. They did something similar last year. I can't remember who the player was, but they changed his picture for like a day. And it was, I, I love that. That makes me, even though Sleeper's sight is kinda a little discombobulated and everywhere. I do love that.


Yeah, I'm assuming that they're making fun of him, you know, kind of shaving his head and then dying his hair.


Oh wow. Breaking news.


What happened? What happened?


As guys breaking news, as, as we are breaking


news on the pod,


Brandon Iuke has agreed to a deal with the 49ers.


Absolutely. 120 million dollars.


Okay. I just saw it. Maybe it's not breaking, but to me it's breaking. Damn. I was really hoping he would go somewhere else, man. That just means they're going to be good. Oh, anyway, it's 67


million guaranteed.


67 million guaranteed. That feels a little






is. It absolutely is. Like when you compare it to Justin Jefferson and I mean, CD lamb got a full 100 guaranteed. I think what they did here was they, they literally did strike a compromise where they wanted to pay him more in the area of 26 or 27 million a year, he was dead set that he needs to be in that 30 million a year. Situation and you know, the 49ers had a ton of leverage in this spot. Obviously he, he, he doesn't have a lot of options. It's really what he can work out with the 49ers or he plays out the final year of his contract without any future guarantees. Right. And so basically. What ended up happening when it all shook out and everyone was basically talking smack and playing chicken with each other is that they, they did an adult mature deal where they both compromised. Bum, bum. He got his 30 million a year, but he only gets two and a half of those years out of the four year contract fully guaranteed. I think that this is fair. I think that this is probably wise for both sides here.


No. No. I


don't hate it. Do you think you would have handled it differently if you were the 49ers or if you were Brandon Iyuk?


I mean, I think on the 49ers side, bravo to them. That was, that's a great deal for them out of two years. They get two years, which is probably going to be their window with all the players they have. And they can move on from him if he decides to shit the bed in the next two years with, with really any, no penalty whatsoever. So great for them. That's a terrible fucking deal for Iyuk. That guy is worth way fucking more and he could I don't I understand he wants to play for a contender Or maybe he doesn't but he literally could have gone to so many other teams and got that bag And still competed for a title


yeah, in my I mean the The the patriots in particular Offered him 30 mil in Assuredly more. Well, what did the Steelers,


did the Steelers actually make an offer? I feel like the Steelers was the best, was the best landing spot for them. Other than we


don't, we don't know exactly what that offer was. Whereas where the Patriots were public basically about it. But yeah, the Steelers probably had a similar thing in place. And at the end of the day, he really wants to stay with Shanahan and stay basically with a winning team that he feels like is going to be competitive. I guess he does not have a lot of faith in Justin Fields or Russ or Drake May, maybe, you know, being the guy, throw it to him or whatever. Well, why would you,


if Jacobi Brissett's taking over, why would you have confidence?


No, I, I, I agree with him. I think staying a 49er, it makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways. But, but I would say this, if I was going to stay a 49er, I would have literally rather taken the 27 mil a year with more guaranteed money than the 30 a year with less, because you never know what you're going to get. Get a catastrophic injury or someone else on the depth chart is also hot shit. Like maybe Rick and Kurt's the dude, you know what I mean? And maybe they're not willing to pay you that much if it's not guaranteed. You know what I'm saying? So it's just, it's just for him, it's actually riskier than it would have been just to take three of the year's fully guaranteed at a lesser at the 27. 5 or whatever the, Was they were offered him the first go round. That's, that's where I think he might've made a mistake here. I think he's too caught up with the sort of status of it. All of this, Oh, JJ is making 30 and CDs may, I need to make 32. It's like, well, but the thing is that the contract isn't real after that guaranteed money,


that's the only real, I'll say what I always say. These players in their thought process of like. I need to be the highest paid player or I need to be in this thing. And it's like, well, you've said it before 27 million or 30 million. What does it fucking matter? If you win a Superbowl, like it literally does it. Do you want to win a Superbowl or not? Do you care about winning a ring or not? If you want the money, if you want the money, you go to the Panthers and you get the bag or you go to the Patriots. If you want to win championships. You you take your 27 million your 20 million whatever the fuck it may be


when you're retired in your 70s or your 80s No one's gonna


give a shit how much money you made you're


looking back on your life and the things that matter to you You're probably going to cherish the experience of winning a super bowl with your brothers And and all of that fun and and satisfaction that comes with that You're not going to think to yourself, man, if I had that extra 3 million a year over on them back in the day, it's not going to matter, bro. If you're making 27 million, you could buy what the fuck you want. You it's not like, oh, there's this, there's this house I want. That's exactly 29 million per year. Yeah. That's not, you know what I mean? Like anything that you could buy, I mean, with 30 million, you could already buy with the 27. 5, but that's it. That's not, it's not, you know,


it's silly. It's silly. Anyway, moving on from one contract to another contract, the Sean Watson and the Browns have restructured his contract, which gives them 36 million in cap space, Cleveland converted 44 million of Watson's 46 base into a signing bonus.


Yeah, I, I don't, I don't know how that works exactly. I thought that if you, if you had a signing bonus, then, then that did impact the The salary cap for that year, but it sounds like it, it doesn't. So I, I, what is new cap hits


are this. So new cap versus dead cap, 2024, 27 million of new cap versus dead cap is 200 million, 2025, 72 million versus 172 million, 2026, 72 million versus 99 million, and in 2027, 26 million of void debt cap, dead cap. So that's how it all, that's how the rest of his contract shakes out.


Oh, okay. I see. There's, there's extra dead money at the end now. Right. Okay.




Okay. Pretty interesting. Well, I mean it, I guess they could kick the, can like that if they really want to. I,


that's right.


I don't know if I'm wanting to kick any cans away way that Shawn's been playing the couple season. You


don't like kick cans? You, you're not a can kicker.


Nah, I'm not. I'm really not. You're


not a game kicker.


That's true. I'm anti can. Fuck them.


I'll mention this real quick. The NFL I believe we will now have the late window will always be a minimum of three games. The, the four o'clock window that is, which is exciting because sometimes there's two o'clock, there's two games and you're like, I don't care about either one of these any of these teams.


This is a no brainer that there should be a little more equity between the early and the late games, like. Come on, bro. What is up with that? Like some days there'll be like 10, one o'clock game and then we'll have one four o'clock game. You're like, what the fuck? Some weeks it'll be nine or 10 in the early slate and then two. And you can literally


just move half of those games to four o'clock and everyone would be fine.


It's like, bro, you're charging these people and we have seen in court, you are overcharging these people an arm and a leg for the, for the Sunday tickets so they could watch four at a time and you're only got two of them playing like that.


Yeah, yeah. And then some other bad news. The chain gang is back. The NFL decided that the technology in preseason was a piece of shit. And so we got the old farts with glasses still on the sidelines.


Yeah, apparently the, the chip technology is not there yet. It's not, it's not as consistent as, as it needs


to be. I now they can say, we tried it. We didn't like it. We're not doing it. We're keeping the old fuckers.


I feel like just saying here,


hold on real quick. Just say, just say NFL, just say we, we like this. We like the chain game. It gives a nostalgia feeling. We feel like it is part of the game of football. Just say that and go, we're not changing it. And then I'd be like, you know what? Okay. That'd be, you know, it's like MLB, you know, there are certain traditions and things that you just, you just keep. And then there are certain things that you move on. That can be one of them. Just say it quick, quit trying to like do both sides of the fence.


Yeah. Just come out and say it. We need these refs. Blown calls. We need these controversies so that Monday through Thursday, sports media can bitch about it.


The week




they got to get content somehow.


Yeah. Yeah. I think they're like, man, if the, if the, if the, if the fans got nothing to bitch about what, maybe they're going to start talking about fucking Caitlin and recent shit, like We, we got to make sure that we're still the top dog, you know,


the top dogs. That's right. Okay. And then one thing that I thought was cool is for the first time ever in the MLB, a player played for two different teams in the same game that finally happened. He was on the Mets or the Dodgers. Can't remember. But anyway, he's


Red Sox


whatever. Well, he went to the Red Sox He was on the Red Sox now the team before I can't remember who it was. But anyway, he was playing in one so they had to like Sub him out from one team and then like sub him into the other team.




it was wild Both teams


had to do a sub in order to get him in and out And the the reason why it was possible is because it was a delayed game I guess weather weather It was a weather delay. And so by the time that the game Actually played the rescheduled match homeboy had been traded to that team. They were versing and Pretty cool, pretty cool little baseball anomaly there


indeed Hmm Let's touch on that Marvin Harrison lawsuit, man. That's that's a pretty wild thing, you know, even if like, I just don't like now that I'm looking back on it and looking at all of what's transpired, like there's still foul play, like no matter which way you, the outcome is, it's like, he either, he either fake side, he either forged a signature or he is part of the, the collections company.


Or he is an authorized representative who's allowed to make that decision.


So Marvin Harrison, from my understanding, did not go to any meetings, didn't go to anything. And so he's saying that he shouldn't have had to attend signing, signing me in autographs and all that. But it's like, if you have a contract, you need to do those, whether you signed it or not, if you're alleged to be my whole problem with this whole situation is if I'm fanatics. Why was Marvin Harrison Jr. never in the room? Why were you never in a meeting with Marvin Harrison Jr.? If this is the person that I'm expecting to be signing autographs Come meet my fans, come do this, go to wherever You best believe, as a company, I am making damn sure The person that's signing that contract is the person that's going to be doing the work Not his agent, not his somebody else, or if it is his agent Marvin Harrison is going to be in the room as well. Because it just, it just seems funny to me that this contract got signed. Apparently senior was the only one there. Like what, like, or, or, or did they even get in the same room? Did they just send it over and he signed it and sent it back? Like, it's just like, what are we doing? We're setting ourselves up for,


so I, I did see that there was a, A sports agent who actually talked about this and said that like nowadays it is very common for The specific person, whether it's like an actor, a sports star, whoever it is that has like a management team or an agent or whatever, that basically they're, they basically handle every aspect for that player. And that player is oftentimes not. Even there they're, they don't meet with, with the companies, but like, for instance, they will have an advertisement. A company will say, will you do an advertisement for us? They don't reach out to that player. They only talk to




They only talk to one of the representatives and like that company's representatives talk to the players, representatives. None of the people that actually made the deal are there for when the actual commercial gets shot and all that stuff. It's so, like, detached nowadays that this is common. And I guess, I guess that would be kind of a defense for fanatics to say, like, nowadays that doesn't raise a red flag that Marvin wasn't part of the process. It's, I guess it's But I understand what you're saying. I think that it's like, if you are a company signing every single NFL player to Jersey deals on behalf of the NFL itself and the NFL players association, I think it makes sense to, to demand it to be like, okay, we need to have at least a meeting where when we agree to the terms. We get the actual okay from that specific player and that we know that they understand what the conditions are, not just, not just a satellite representative or whatever, but that being said, I think that this looks really bad for Marvin Harrison and for his father, it does really look like they purposely tried to have their cake and eat it too. And they didn't do that with in any honest way. They did that basically trying to play the system and they're not being honest. And so I think that that sucks. Both of them, not necessarily with a bad reputation, but both of them look kind of They look bad at this. I mean, honestly, I'm just gonna be honest with you. They just look like maybe they're fucking chadesters. And he set up his own company like a year and a half ago or something, that is Marv Jr., which is the, that company that you were referencing, the Collections LLC, Harrison Collection LLC or whatever. And where he, his entire Goal was everything that was licensed for him, from him, NIL, whatever, was going to be sold only through them. And so it does make sense that Fanatics and the NFLPA used his company to sign the deal. And like Harrison Senior is saying that the reason why he signed it is because he is an authorized representative. But Mark Junior is saying that it wasn't binding on senior, on junior, or on the company. None of that makes sense. That just doesn't, that's


not how contracts work bud.


That exactly. That is not how that works.


Not how that works. Works. You know what? I hope they take his ass to court and I hope they sue him for all the money. And then on top of that. What I want'em to do is say, fuck you. We're not making your jersey and we're not selling that shit. So yeah, you want Jersey sales, you gotta do it on your own.


What I would love, honestly, is I would love the NFL PA to come out and say, look, we don't stand by this. Like, yeah, we do stick up for the players and we are a player's union, but we, we ne we do not tolerate this. I, I hope that there's some pushback from the N NFLPA itself. There probably is.


There probably is


because it, it's a bad precedent to set this sort of shenanigans, you know.


Absolutely. All right. Last little bit of news, if you will, that kind of off the wall news that I have I had a list of teams with games with zero touchdowns in them. The Jets lead that list and yeah, yeah, they have the most games since 2015 with no touchdowns scored at 28. They have 28 games.


That's a lot. Yes, I know.


Jesus. They have, it's like 25 or 28. Either way, it's in the 20s. There is not, the next closest team is like 10. You only play


16 a year.


I know. So that means they had several games.


What are we looking at? The past eight, nine seasons, this will be


the 10th season going into the 10th season. Yes.


Okay. So out of nine seasons where most of those seasons, obviously we're just 16 games, a couple of them being 17, whatever. 28 is a big percentage, bro. That's without


scoring a single touchdown. Yeah.


That's almost


defensively or offensive.


That's almost two seasons out of nine seasons with no touchdowns in your games.


That is




That's brutal.


In the modern NFL where scoring is like, woo, through the roof. It's like, Jesus,


I think the jets are going to implode. I've heard some disarray chats mingling in the media lately. Anyway, we don't need it. We don't need to get into that. We don't need to get into that. Just quick,


just real quick. Let me, let me just say this real quick. Nate. I saw the video. You probably saw this too. It was, it was going around. Aaron Rogers was back from his football only hiatus or whatever. Yes, football only




For like two days. And he was getting into an argument with Garrett Wilson and Garrett Wilson's was like turning his back to him and saying, yeah, you or whatever.


Apparently they're boys off of the, off of the field, but they're pretty, they're pretty chippy with each other on the,


yeah. Like, I don't doubt it. I get that a lot of times these guys will. Argue and they'll bicker about the details and practice and stuff like that and then afterwards that are cool But it just it's just this this constant pattern with rogers where he's always just bitching at the wide receivers, bro Because it's


football only they're not taking it seriously enough


and you know, it's just I don't know. We've we've already talked about my expectations. So




roll on


Let's do notable cuts real quick Desmond Ritter was cut. Terrence Marshall was cut. Martavius Bryant, Bailey Zappi, Sam Hartman, your boy, your other boy, Kedarious Tony, I guess that means the chiefs will be better than they were the last two seasons. I don't know how that's possible, but they, they got better with subtraction. Alan Robinson, Frank Gore Jr. That one was surprising for me. Frank Gore Jr. Just because he had the best preseason out of all the rookie running backs. Not surprising on these last two, Sean Clifford, Green Bay Packers backup QB, he looked like shit, and Anders Carlson. So, an interesting thing about Anders Carlson being cut, is it wasn't even because he was bad. Like, it wasn't because he got beat by Greg Joseph, the backup kicker, it was just straight up. He was so bad, that the Packers were like, Where we don't even want you on the team because you're just that bad. Like you, we feel like you do not give us an opportunity to win. And so they signed another guy and I can't remember his name, but apparently he can kick any, his only misses of the, his, if this two NFL seasons or college seasons were like 58, 57, like, like 55 plus, like, Inside of like 45 or something like that. He is money. He he's never missed a field goal. An extra extra point. So hopefully that works out and then catching the, the pup train and the season in your ending list adding to that AJ Dylan season ending IR and then Nick Chubb and I can't remember which Brown this is, but anyway, they start the season on the pup list.




So, Jerome Ford.


Yeah, they, they cut Deontay Foreman he had a rib injury and I'm not sure exactly how serious the rib injury is, but to my knowledge, he has not yet been picking up, been picked up by another NFL team. The Broncos cut Samajai Piran and he was instantly picked up by the Chiefs. So I think that's kind of an interesting development for Pacheco. I think that he's going to play that Jarek McKinnon role, which means Pacheco is going to get a little bit less in the passing game.


Oh, I think Pacheco is going to get less, not even from him, but the other guy, the other running back. Carson Steele, baby. Yes. Yeah. I think I, I, fantasy wise. I am staying away from Kansas City's running backs this like early on if you can get them later You know fill out your you know, your your bench and stuff like that That might be great. But for me personally, I i'm i'm not gonna take Pacheco early on


Yeah, I I do think if you play like in a full ppr And like at the end of your drafts a samaj ap ryan is kind of worth a dark throw just because so, you know, they did so many different things with Jarek Mckinnon. If he, if he does get that classic role, he's going to get a lot of. Design plays for him around the goal line in particular, you know, just some, some fantasy goodness could be had there. That being said, a couple of names that you, that you didn't mention that I thought were interesting cuts was Noah Brown got cut from the Texans. I wasn't expecting that. I think that he could end up landing on a team. I think the Texans literally just have a bunch of good receivers, and I don't think it was because he's butt. I, he was, he actually had a couple good fantasy outings last season. I could see him landing somewhere, maybe working his way on the field. I don't, I'm not sure. But then oh man, who was the, who was the other one? I just, I just had another name. Tim Patrick got cut. He immediately got picked up by the Lions. Not sure if they plan on practice squad. He's on the practice squad


there. He, he got picked up, put on the practice squad with the intention of him making the full roster. But I'm like, is there somebody he's going to beat out on that roster, you know, that started, like, I don't know, maybe, maybe


they just haven't made up their mind. Who's the extra person they're going to cut off the roster. Can't you,


can't he be picked up off the practice squad? Like they need to make that decision sooner rather than later.


Yeah, I, I, I guess they probably will make that decision. I don't know, but I think that what it, what it probably means is it probably means arrow up for Josh Reynolds. Everyone was expecting Tim Patrick to be basically the second in line for targets and the Broncos offense. I don't know what the Broncos offense is going to be good enough to care about the second receiving option,


just to the promised land,


just to be honest with you, unless pro Knicks does surprise us, you know, but But it's just a name, just a name to keep in mind. I think he's going to get a ton of usage in this offense, at least early on.


All right. College football week. Week zero was,




was nuts, man. Florida state went down DJ. You did DJ you things. And of course, you know, I cannot get off of this pod without laughing at him. He is straight trash, bro. This game looked, I don't know if you caught the game, but this game looked like I literally, like I was watching Clemson play two years ago with, with DJU. He just does not provide offense. The offensive coordinator cannot, cannot coach him. The, in the first half, the first half he was, and this is good stuff. 12 for 14 for 96 yards, right? Super accurate. 12 for 14. His air, like the amount of time the ball travels in the air was negative 0. 1. He did not throw the ball past the line of scrimmage in the first half. That's wild. You cannot have a quarterback where


What kind of offense is that?


Bro, and it's like crazy because Florida State's offense last year was so nasty and it's like, You got this guy, y'all were ranked 10, and like I said, I don't know why they were ranked that high. I don't know why DJU is getting all this praise. He had guys wide open, and guess where the ball landed? Two foot short. The guy had, he had a guy 60 yards down the field. I mean, if you just, anywhere in the vicinity of in front of him, it's a touchdown.




no, the guy has to dive to make the catch. He doesn't even make the catch the balls five yards away from him in the fucking dirt like he's just he had a couple of good plays, but you're like Where is this the whole game? He can't run. He can't throw like I'm sorry, man. I I feel I feel bad for the clemson fans who had to hear me Praise him And try to boost him up homeboy was trashed in and he's trashed now I wish I would have realized that. Oh, this is great. He was so bad. He was so bad. He set clemson back three years






years ago, Clemson was better.


I will finally acknowledge that Smith was right about him.


I will say this. I think it's funny that DJ, you has basically did the college parallel of what Aaron Rodgers is for you in the NFL. This is basically the same story except for it's Clemson instead of the Packers. And now, now your favorite thing is to shit on him, which I'm here for.


I can't stand that fucking guy. I do


think he's pretty, I do think it's pretty bad though. I think we're at a point where it's like, dude, if it's not going to work this year, you're, you're just, you're done. How do you have a quarterback


where your only offensive plays that you can, can call are swing routes or fucking RPOs to the wide receiver screen?


Like you, like. And the thing is like you're you're not alone in your assessment when you were like, Oh, but there was guys that that could have made plays. There was that guys open. I heard several different like analysts say like, it wasn't like the coaching and it wasn't like the play calling. It was that he wasn't. He wasn't actually throwing to the open dudes. And when he was, he wasn't making the throw like it. It's like when you say like man, I don't even know why they're ranked Well, actually you can see that their offense is fine. The dude just can't do it. He just can't


right He said yeah, because the first the first series There was way down there scored immediately. There was like oh great.


There was place to be made They could have they could have had such a better game than what they had And the thing is that so much of that was directly on his shoulders Bad red flag for DJU, man.


Well, the game itself was phenomenal. It was, it was awesome. I mean, Florida state went out and scored immediately. Then Georgia tech, you know, I was like, man, what kind of Georgia tech are we going to get? And they just fucking ran the ball. I mean, They got in the trenches and just drug Florida State's defensive line. I love how they were


like, yeah, we're going to play tough mouth, fucking smash mouth football. Well, they


asked the coach at halftime and he, and they said, what are you, what are you, you know, what are you going to do? Like, what do you think? And he's just, he's just, Run the ball like he was just like, you see the way our offensive line is pushing their defensive line. I'm surprised he didn't


go. We're going to hit him. We're going to go out there and pop them.


And then the quarterback, when he did have to make plays, he could run. He was the exact opposite of DJ. He could run the ball. He could throw the ball. I mean, he was hitting guys when he needed to. Ice in his veins. It was impressive. Anyway, move it on to everybody's favorite game show. It's time for Fantasy Yeet, No Yeet Average Draft Position.


Yeet, yeet!


Woop, woop! So, in this game, we're going to, I'm going to say a player and say their average draft position based on fantasy pros. So we don't need to get in a debate on what the real draft position is, but on whoever this is on fantasy pros. So yeah, let's get into it. So my number one, I'm trying to think if I want to start you off easy or start, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let


me ease into the game. Okay.


Devante Adams, average draft position right now is. Round number 20. So second round for a 12 man league, it'd be second round, seventh, seventh pick eighth, something like that. Right.


2. 8. Right. Yeah. I'm going to eat this. I think Devante Adams is going to be the first read on most of their plays. I think that he did. A really good job of actually being an elite wide receiver last year. I know he's getting up there in age, but




when you talk about, has his play dropped off from when he was an obvious first five or six pick guy? No, I don't think it really has dropped off that much. And then the, the one thing that is working against him is that this offense doesn't have good expectations. Minshew slash AOC, whatever we get of that combo doesn't have good expectations. But the thing is that at pick 20, I think that not only is that all priced in to the price already, but I think you have to admit that there's still a pretty high ceiling for it. So I think you're getting him closer to hit the low expectation, you know, the lower range, you're getting him close to his floor, if you will. Yeah. And there's still a chance that you could get, get much more towards that ceiling. I I'm a yeet this one.


Yeah, I would agree. I would agree. Just because his, his history has shown that he, he can be that guy, you know, I would not be surprised though, if he happened to drop a few spots and go in the middle to more of the middle to back half of the second round, just because of the quarterback situation and the fact that they don't have a running back now. Next guy I'm going to hit you with, Malik Neighbors, 43. So fourth round pick for the rookie, second half of the fourth round. Let's see, that's a little high for Neighbors. For me, I'm a no yeet this because I don't trust the Giants at all. And this is, this is specifically like Redraft, not Dynasty. If this was Dynasty, it's a whole different ballgame.


Right, right.


But for redraft Malik neighbors at 43, I'm not willing to take that chance in the fourth round. I feel like there's just other wide receivers that I would, I have a, you know, a better rapport with that. I know is going to score versus Malik neighbors and Daniel fucking Jones.


Yeah. I think that this one for me is actually like. a pretty good ADP. I think that this is actually a fair 80. Wow. You're talking about the four, seven. I think that he is a sure shot for a lot of volume. I think that we're looking at 140, 150 targets, which is going to put him in a wide receiver to Somewhere he's gonna be like a top 24 guy to some degree. I think the problem with neighbors is that What's the touchdown equity? I think it's going to be pretty low I don't expect this offense to be moving the ball that much But yet I think he's he's going to have a pretty safe floor So if you're the sort of person who just wants to play it safe and take a more conservative pick Yeah, I think that it's a fine adp. I'm not going to say it's a super yeet. I'm excited to You Probably in most four Oh,


not a super E.


Probably in most drafts In the fourth round, there's going to be some people that kind of slide that I am more excited about. And so I will end up taking a lot of Malik Lambers in redraft, which is all we're talking about today. We're trying to help people get ready for their redraft fantasy drafts here. But you know, I don't think it's crazy either. I think it's an okay price. If I really have to pick a yeet or no yeet, I'll say no yeet, but I think, I don't think it's a crazy price.


Ooh, he's, he said no yeet, but on the fence, like he could. It's he's a yeet bubble. It's a yeet bubble. He's a he's on the bubble. Oh, he's on the first yeet bubble. I love it. I love it. We're


going to have to start using new here. Oh, this will say it's a mild no yeet. It's a mild no yeet.


Oh, no. I like the yeet bubble. I'm a yeet bubble.




He's on the yeet bubble. We're marking that down. He's on the yeet bubble.


He's on the yeet bubble.


All right. All right. Let's go with Chris Alave. 28th. That's just outside the second round. I like that third round pick. That's, that's pretty solid for what, in my opinion, is the only wide receiver on that squad. Yeah, that's worth drafting.


I mean, this is a guy he's, he is in that same Malik neighbor sort of conversation. When you're talking about guaranteed volume, he's going to get so many targets and the, the, the good thing about Chris Olave is that rather than being a rookie who, you know, we really haven't seen Malik neighbors, even though I expect good things from him. We haven't been able to see it. We've already seen two years. Of Crystal Lave getting open over and over and over again, Derek Carr doesn't have the best history staying healthy or being great with accuracy down the field. But that being said, I think that a lot of the reason why Malik or excuse me, why Crystal Lave hasn't already been a top 10 sort of wide receiver. It has been basically just bad luck. He's had a lot of plays that have been to like the one or two yard line. Where he almost had touchdowns, both of his first two seasons, he's had four or less touchdowns. I expect him to have some regression and we've already regression. Yeah. Regression regress


from four touchdowns.


No, I mean, positive regression, regression towards the mean, meaning, meaning he's, he's


going to regression means.


No, it doesn't.


Regression. Yes. You can't regress forward.


No. You can regress in both directions. Regression. No, no, no. You


cannot regress in both directions.


Yeah. If, if, if you regress towards the mean or you have positive regression, that just means that you're going to have a correction towards the average or, you know, towards that. But


is it, wouldn't you, wouldn't you argue that positive regression is simply progression?


Well, people don't use the word progression that way though. Absolutely.


That's fine, but like, I just feel like you're using, you're using a positive to a negative thing. It's like, hey, there's positive regression.


I think you're mistaken. So he's


going backwards in a positive way? Like whether, I know what you mean, but I'm saying that's how my mind is seeing that word.


Well, for anyone who feels that way, let me say, I think there's going to be some progression TV wise and hopefully more catchable targets along the way as well. I think that basically he has already performed at a level you know, just, just the way that he's able to get open down the field. I think that even with Derek Carr, Being his quarterback, there's a good chance that he's going to slide into the top 10 or 12 this season. I think that he is a yeet.


Yeah. Yeah. Well, and I mean, in the third round, I think he's, yeah, to agree with what you're saying there, his quarterback situation hasn't exactly been great and that's, and he still has been able to put up decent fantasy numbers. So hopefully it'll be better this year, but I don't know. Derek Carr is on the, on his way out. All right. Moving to our next player. Jaden Daniels. Excuse me.


Oh, man. You already know I'm gonna have a Gene Daniels hot take.


He's projected ADP is a hundred. So he is definitely in like the eighth round, which for a quarterback, that's, you know, relatively late. Yeah, so, you know, I mean, if you're willing to take that chance and you You want to load up everywhere else and, and, and wait till like late and get Jaden Daniels by all means, go for it. Yeah. But they don't have scary Terry anymore. So, or if they do have the Terry Terry, no, he's there. Jahan Dodson left.


Yeah. Yeah. This is one of my targets. If I'm, if I'm doing a draft and I, I'm purposely ignoring the quarterback position early in the draft, this is one of my targets later in the draft. The guy is going to be running a lot. We have seen time and time again, whether it's Michael Vick or Jalen Hurts, it's Lamar Jett, whoever it is, if, if you're going to be running the ball a lot as a quarterback, even if you're fucking Tim, Tim Tebow or Anthony Richardson, you don't have to put up a bunch of, of stats with your arm. You're going to be a good fantasy. And, you know, I think it's just because he's a rookie and we haven't seen that yet that he's basically going later than he should. I think that he's going to put up pretty good You know, fantasy numbers. If I had to put like a prediction on where he ends up, if he plays the full season, I think he is in the top 10 of fantasy quarterbacks. And right now you can get him as the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 10. Yes, absolutely. I'm telling you, he's going to run the ball a lot. I think we've already talked about how much,




much I love his rushing props. You think, think about, think about Justin Fields, man. I was a top five fucking fantasy producing quarterback when he was on the field, you know, and the thing is that he's going to run like Justin Fields. I'm calling it. I'm telling you, he's going to run more than you think, and it's going to be good for fantasy.


I disagree with that sentiment as far as good for fantasy, necessarily, like, just based on that, but I do agree with the draft position. No, he's a yeet at that position. I'm just saying with your sentiment that he, like, that's how he's going to get all, like, a vast majority of his fantasy points are going to be running. I don't know about all that. We'll see.




Next up, speaking of QBs, let's keep it rolling with Caleb Williams, just shy of Jaden Daniels at 97. This to me, as much as I hate the bears is a, a more of a ye than Jaden Daniels for me, just because of who Caleb Williams has surrounding him as far as wide receivers. And you know, running backs and all of that. I think for once the bears have actually set up a rookie quarterback in a nice way to, to actually succeed, but it's the bear. So I don't think they will succeed because fuck them. So I think this is a, this is a yeet. This is a yeet for me.


Yeah, this is, this is a bubble guy for me. I think that, I think that this is a fair price. I don't hate it. If you, if you have faith in Caleb Williams to come out and do it as a rookie, I don't think that's crazy. Like you said. This is basically like an unprecedented sort of aligning of the stars here where you've got an elite quarterback prospect that actually gets dropped onto an offensive environment that actually looks good, a three. Should be top talent wide receivers. He gets to throw to a couple good receiving tight ends. Deandre Swift really good at receiving out of the backfield. I mean, it does seem like a pretty good situation to land yourself in, especially when you're a really highly touted prospect the way that he is. I don't think that I don't think that it's crazy to say that this is yeet. That being said, I think it's kind of the opposite of Jaden Daniels, where I think Caleb Williams really wants to be a pocket pastor first and foremost. And so if the bears offense does disappoint, for some reason, I think that he's also going to disappoint. You know, I, I think that, you know, he, he's either going to have a ton of yards and a ton of touchdowns, or he's not, you know, so, you know, it's, it's I do expect him to have a good career overall, but as a rookie, he might have some rough spots. We've seen a bubble. Yeah. I, I think if you believe in him, that that's understandable for me, I'd rather take Jane Daniels at that spot,


but I get it,


I get it.


Okay. Let's, let's go into two running backs, a couple of running backs position that, that changed teams. Let's start with Josh Jacobs at 23, so second, end of the second round, to me, that's crazy. That's fu that is crazy that he is going in the end of the second round. That is an absolute, that's a super yeet for me. That's a super yeet. If you can get Josh Jacobs in the late second round, like that's, that's gonna pay dividends because now with A. J. Dillon being on the fucking IR. Josh Jacobs is going to get a hundred percent of the snaps. Like, I mean, I know he physically won't, but he like, they, they, they haven't brought in anyone else as of yet. I think they should bring in Frank Gore, Jr. Marshawn Lloyd or whoever the guy is. We drafted Lloyd. I wasn't impressed with anything. And I think we took him as more of like a project piece anyway. So if you can get Josh Jacobs at 23, I think he should be going in the first round. I think he's a top five running back in fantasy. Yeah, that was my thoughts.


Yeah, I think that there has been a lot of chatter from the Packers coaches in the past, and even this off season about how they like to have running back rotations, platoons, if you will, they don't like to have just one person get all the thing. And I think maybe we have like. As, as sort of you know, fantasy players, basically we have kind of. Made a little bit too much out of that. The thing is that LaFleur has never had a situation like this before where the Marshawn Lloyd injured. All right. Before he got injured, they were saying that he was having issues with past protection, fumbling and stuff like that. And then you got AJ Dillon, the only guy that already was reliable before. He's on seizing ending. I are the best guy that they've got behind Jacobs right now is Emanuel Wilson. And let's be honest, that's not a special talent. Okay. So the thing is that when you've got Josh Jacobs who can do everything well, and then his backup is Emmanuel Wilson, you're not going to have a heavy rotation. I'm sorry, but he is going to get a ton of usage. And it's going to be, to be a good offense. That's just, that's not just my opinion, by the way. Like you look at Vegas and expectations for this team. It's pretty good. Offensive


wise. Oh, dude, real quick. If I can interject, I was listening to Packers podcast. And I mean, there was a guy on there, not, not a Packers guy, but he was, he was like a quarterback guru talking about different tiers, like tier one is like, you know, Rogers, and he's like, dude, and these are like voted on by like, Coaches within the league. And, and they got Jordan love at like tier two, but could move into tier one if he has a good season. Like that's how highly rated not only Jordan love is, but the rest of the offense is as well from just players around the league, like coaches around the league.




that's pretty cool.


I, I, I can see where it comes from. I feel like it was kind of a small sample size, but if you look at like the past. Or the final, like six or seven games of the regular season last year. I mean, it already looked like not just the top tier offense, but a top tier quarterback for love himself. So it's, you know, can, can he replicate that through the rest of his career? We'll see, but you know, you can't, I think with, I


think with Josh Jacobs, it will be a better situation than with Aaron Jones because Aaron Jones, the last couple of seasons has been just. Injury, injury, injury. So I love that move. Is this a, this is a yeet for you, right?


Yeah. Yeah. This is for me. So I think that he should be basically going in the same area as like Saquon Barkley or Devon Chan. I think that people clearly have those guys. And like Kyron Williams and even Derek Henry and most drafts Pacheco and most drafts are going ahead of him. I think that that's, that that's actually flipped for me. I would rather have Jacobs in that situation ahead of those guys.


Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, speaking of Aaron Jones 55, so he's in the fifth round pick. Man, I'm a, that's a yeet bubble for me. I'm not sure what to think about that only because I've had him in fantasy. And if he's not injured, it's great. This team, no QB as of right now, other than who's their starter? Sam Darnold I'm not in love with that, but we saw what, what rushers did Carolina with Sam, Sam Darnold there. So there's going to be fantasy points to be had by Aaron Jones. It all just depends on his injury status. Can he get through the full season? I don't think he can. So for me, this is just kind of a yeet bubble. I'm not sure.


Yeah, it's a yeet bubble for me too. I think this is a fair price. He is a really good back or at least he has been I guess he's getting up there at age So there's a little bit more risk, of course,


but he old


there's a huge question mark with Sam Darnold. Is he going to Be able to keep that off have the


beard or not.


A lot of people have a lot of faith in Kevin O'Connell to have a good offense no matter what I don't know If he could really do that if Sam Garneau sucks butt and he's seeing ghosts or something We'll have to see how that plays out There's a lot of risk, but there also could be a pretty high upside for Aaron Jones a guy with a full three down Sort of work set the only thing they got behind him is Ty Chandler. I don't think that's a threat to him If things go well with that offense, it'll end up being a good pick


Absolutely. Absolutely. Next guy up. I got Joe Burrow at 67. That seems like, I mean, that's only like the, what's that? Sixth round. I figured he would be going, I figured he, I thought he would be going, this is a yeet for me. I feel like that's late for him. In my opinion. I think, I think he should go a little earlier, like in round, maybe a round earlier. Like, I think he's an elite quarterback that will consistently put up fantasy points when he's not injured, which he's not, he's fully healthy this season. So, I mean, 67 is a, is a steel, I think for him. I think he could be a third, a third rounder.


Yeah, I think. Yeah, I want to put a little context on it just because one thing I've noticed this year is that A lot of people are actually cooling off on the quarterbacks. Like a lot of redraft leagues are actually drafting their quarterbacks later than they, than they have in years past. And so there's actually a lot of quarterbacks where I feel like the pendulum is kind of swung a little bit too far where they're actually good value. So. In the context of where he goes in the mix of the quarterbacks. I think it's fine. I think it's a fair place. You know, there's guys like Kyla Murray with a lot of upside that usually go after him. Anthony Richardson sometimes goes after him. These guys who could have huge upside with their rushing touchdowns and stuff like that. That being said, I think that you Anyway, you slice it. You got to say like, Oh, if he's going in the fifth round, you know, he's a guy who's going to end up, unless he gets hurt, cross your fingers, he's going to end up as like a top 10 quarterback, just because he's good and they're a top


five, he'll be top five. Maybe,


but at any rate, I think he's a good pick there. He's a yeet for me. So,


okay. All right. Well, let's move on to a more controversial quarterback pick. Aaron Rodgers. 137! Oh, man! Good lord! Wow! Like, there's no way he's lasting that long in most leagues, but Man, that's That's very surprising, like


I actually didn't, didn't know till this moment that he was going that late in regiath leagues.


Yeah, I just don't think, I think people are worried that he, like you, like you have said


I've I've just kind of had him off my radar, so I haven't been paying attention to it because I'm not drafting him anyways. But I was, I was truly expecting that he was still gonna retain a lot of that shine, that a lot of people were going to draft him too early. It looks like maybe I was just wrong about that. A lot of people are out on him.


Yeah, for me, I don't care where he's at. That's a no yeet. It's a no yeet for me. Yeah. I mean, I,


I mean, if he's going 135, then yeah,


that's a good position.


I'll go ahead and say






go ahead and say yeet bubble, but dog, that's like the ninth, 10th round.


There's no


yeet bubble. That's a, that is a yeet. If he's injured, if he does not get injured, you've got one of the best quarterbacks in like the back half of the draft.


Yeah, just


purely on that but by my hatred for him will not allow me to eat that


Yeah, but I I am I'm very down on him That's why I say yeet bubble because I am very down on him. I just wasn't expecting other people to agree with me That's the part that i'm that i'm surprised about


and then let's talk about the last quarterback that I have listed here just because jordan love 74 I'll take him at 74. I think he's going to go before that. So this is a yeet for me. I think there are going to be some people excited about what they saw last year and are thinking, okay, he can, he can do fantasy. So we'll see. I think you'll go sooner than what, what is that? Eighth.


Be like the sixth round.


Seventh, six, seven. It's like the back half of Joe Burrow's same room. What do you think about that?


I think of, I think of him similarly to how I think of Burrow, which is it is a yeet just in that overall draft spot. It's a yeet. But when you talk about like where he lands in, in. And relative to the other quarterbacks, I think that that's more like a yeet bubble. I think that that's a fair spot for him around where Kyler Murray and where you know Joel Burrows going, you know, guy, guys like that. I think that, that it, you know, probably somewhere. Maybe just, just the tick or two, maybe like a should probably be like a round or a round and a half ahead of Dak, in my opinion. And so I think that where he's going relative to the quarterbacks is, is a good spot. It's a fair place. But overall, I think some of these quarterbacks are, are actually falling more than they should. And so, so he's a, he, a lot of these quarterbacks are yeets this year for me.


Yeah. All right. Well, let's, let's round this conversation out. I had some more players, but let's, let's, we've already hit on a bunch of wide receivers, running backs, quarterbacks. So let's hit the tight ends. I got two tight ends on this list. I got Brock Bowers going at 92. That's a yeet bubble for me. Just, I mean, that's a great, if you can get Brock Bowers, we don't know what he can do yet. So. I'm probably if I draft him that would be something like on a keeper league that i'm looking for next season I don't know how much of his impact is going to be in las vegas this season To me actually to me. That's I mean, that's a good position because all the tight ends are likely gone By the time it gets down to that position so I I yeet just because Like if you're a good tight end, you should be going higher That's it, but it's a yee because it's a position. I'm a yee bubble. I can't make up my mind.


Yeah, I'm a no ye. I, I, I agree with you. I like the cut sort of long term, the career outlook for him. I do think he's going to be a talented player and he'll make an impact eventually. But I think for this year, his rookie season, the situation, whether it's the fact that he's, he's going to be in these two tight end sets with another tight end who can catch, he's going to be blocking a lot. Not only that, but it's going to be a run first offense. They're not going to be passing as much as most teams. And then on top of that. When they are passing Devontae Adams is certainly going to be ahead of the pecking order that he is. I wouldn't even be surprised if Jacobi Myers steals a lot of what, what would be the second in line. I just don't think it's a great situation that he's stepping into right now. So for this, this season, I'm not, it's going to be a no eat for me, even though he is further in that list of tight ends. I still like some of the tight ends that go after him. I like a guy's like in Joku. Sometimes we'll go after him at Dallas Goddard. These are guys who are going to have a decent amount of work in their offenses that we can re that. Not only can we project it that way, but they've also shown it to us the past couple seasons already. So it's it's just Yeah He has to be a no yeet for me. I I love the guy but it this year probably not gonna be his year


All right. Let's talk about the last guy that I have here travis kelsey 29 so third round That's a yeet for me dog I can't do it the best how you put the best tight end in the third round. He is a first rounder I can't do it, man. You can't draft him in the first round.


He's too old. I can't i'm ages man I'm ages, you know me, you know me. I can't do it. I can't do it It would not shock me if he was the number one tight end again, that wouldn't shock me. Okay, but I think that any moment now, he's going to take a step back. No, no, no, that's not happening. And I think there's a good chance that they actually cut his snaps and they try to preserve him for the end of the season and the playoffs. And I think that he could disappoint even if he is still good, just because they're going to try to keep him healthy. He's been playing through a lot of injuries the past couple of seasons. He's not a fan of that. I doubt they're a fan of that. I just think there's a lot of ways that this could disappoint. And I, I'm a, I'm a believer and a proponent of it's better to be off the train a year early than a year late.


Absolutely. Well, yeah, absolutely. So, all right. Well, that does it for fantasy average draft position. Yeet. No yeet. And our final topic of this episode, I got a question for you. What's your favorite position to draft in, in a fantasy. Redraft one through 12, which position do you like the best and why?


Oh, this is an amazing question. I love it. So I will say that it is a year by year scenario. Every year, there's a certain amount of people that I feel really confident in, in that first round. And what I love to do is be the last guy picking in that bunch, right? So for me, this year, there's basically CMC, CD Lamb, there's Brees Hall, there's B. John Robinson, and those five I feel the best about And then there's the next tier, which have, in my opinion, have a little bit more of a question mark. So for me, my optimal draft position in 2024 is spot number five. I'm okay with any of those guys. And so I'll just pick whichever one's left there when I get to that spot number five. But I will say there has been years where literally I just want that very first spot. Or there's, there's been years where I feel like everyone has had a little bit of a question mark going on. And I'm actually cool being at that 12 spot where I get to pick 12 and 13, you know what I mean? Right. Right. So for me, it's a case by case sort of scenario. But I will say for, for 2024, I'm feeling best about the five spot.


Yeah, I agree with that. You know, for me I guess it would be a case by case basis as well. Cause I'm in a couple of weird fantasies. So I have one league where it's, it's 12 teams, but the, the playoff teams are six through 12. Like they're randomized six through 12. And then the non playoff teams are randomized one through six.




Yeah, it's pretty, it gets pretty interesting. That league I won one time and I think that was from like the first or second position, which I also, if you lose in that league, you get the winner gets to select a person that you have to draft and they have to stay on your team the whole season. So the year I won, I had big Ben Roethlisberger on my bench the entire year. So, which is crazy, but in that particular draft, I, I like to be a little bit more upfront. Just cause I want to go running back heavy in that lead cause it's no PPR. It's just standard scoring and I, and I, I, the times that i've done well, i've had plenty of running backs. So i'd like to go a little early in that one with that being said I have another league where We randomize the order and then you go through the order and each person gets to pick where they draft. So I was the sixth person to pick this season. So one through five was already gone. So I chose ninth just because I don't, I like being the 12 and the one on the, you know, you get the quick turnaround, but I also like this year, I'm like, man, I don't want to wait. Like


24 spots. And


so I was like, but I don't want to be six. Cause that's just right in the fucking middle. I feel like you can never get the players you really want at six, like six or seven. Like, I just feel like every, every player gets drafted right before I want, right before my pick. So what my thought is with ninth, I'm not on the backend, like waiting for everybody to pick. But I'm also not in the middle. So I've got like a little bit of wiggle room and when the, when it goes from within the snake part where it goes from nine and I'm, I'm like the, the fourth pick, the third pick, I think that's where I'm going to make all of my, my good, good moves is, but yeah, so for me, I guess totally, we'll see how this week's go, but I typically like to be closer on the, the back, like to When the snake comes around, I like to be 12, 13 turn, or even one, two, three, you know, that way you loop back around, you get two picks back to back. So I like to be, my picks be closer together because then I can, you know, Oh, I don't need to get a quarterback in this round because I can draft him in the next round because I'm, I'm turning around and having another pick, which one of those leagues is a keeper league. So that's very important for the next season.


Yeah. I will say that. I have There's been a couple times where I've I've picked at the turn whether it's 1 or 12 like you were saying either way where you get you know You wait like a full 24 25 picks until you pick again or whatever And I will say that sometimes there is a benefit to that and sometimes i've gotten lucky where it's like, okay There's like two or three different players that I really like around this area I pick one of them and then I don't pick again for a couple rounds But then when when it comes back around to me Actually, one of those dudes that I liked is actually still there and they've just dropped that much And so not only am I okay with that player, but now they're at a huge value Whereas if I would have picked just another 10 or 12 picks later, I would have gotten them at less So Of a value, if that makes sense, you know, they wouldn't have had a chance to drop that much because I would have been picking sooner. And so sometimes guys you like will actually just keep falling and you can end up getting super values basically, if you're on those turns like that. So I will admit that there is an upside to that. You know, so


well, that brings us to the conclusion of the episode. I hope everybody's drafts go well. I have all mine coming up in next week and I'm sure a lot of people do before the season starts on Thursday.


Sure. A lot of that'll be exciting. So good luck. I hope that you get all the players you want. Yeah. And I hope that they are all good or almost as good as the ones that I want.


So absolutely. One thing that I wanted to mention on the way out. So the pod, the pine pony has a new partnership. We've already posted on Instagram about it. Exciting. Yeah. So we are partnered up with that stamp. All your, all your sports books, casinos, gamble DFS leagues, anything you want, wherever you're located, it'll geolocate and Automatically put in our code for you. So all you got to do is sign up and go be in, go place a new bet as a new user. And you'll help out the pod. Next week when we do our mini episode of the preview, where we're going to do most of the, the, the betting lines and all of that anyway, so we'll talk about it then a little bit more. Otherwise you, you, you won't necessarily hear it on the, on the, the longer episode, try to keep it ad free, if you will, with that being said, that's our show, you can catch us email pine pony podcast, 22 at gmail. com or on threads and Instagram pine pony podcasts. And that's it. Check you later.



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