Free The Economy
Free The Economy is a weekly podcast hosted by Richard Morrison of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, examining the intersection of news, policy, and economics featuring guests that include writers, policymakers, explorers, contrarians, and free thinkers of all kinds.
Free The Economy
Freedom to Farm with Bill Wirtz
Episode 95
This week we cover a new ranking of state governors, reforms to emergency powers, new research on working from home, misguided mining policy, and a podcast recommendation for people who like to have fun. Our interview is with Bill Wirtz of the Consumer Choice Center. We talk about farming, climate change, subsides, and international trade.
Our co-producer is Destry Edwards, and the show is edited by Bilander Media. Keep up with new episodes by following us on Twitter at @freethe_economy and read our episode summaries, with links to the stories we cover, at cei.org/blog.