Your Behind the Scenes BFF Podcast

36: How We Can Use the Enneagram to Inform Our Parenting with Enneagram Expert (and Mom of Two), Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober

September 27, 2023 Kate Scholtes

You have heard me talk about the enneagram here on the podcast before but what you might be surprised by is that the enneagram can be a great tool to use to inform our parenting.

Today’s episode is actually our very first guest episode and I had the honor of interviewing one of my dear friends that you may know as Enneagram Ashton on Instagram, Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober! Ashton is an Enneagram consultant, speaker, educator, author (of THREE books I might had), and she is also a mom of two.

So whether you know nothing about the enneagram or you are obsessed just like me, this episode is for you! 


✿ Follow Ashton on Instagram: @enneagramashton

Take the enneagram test (Ashton's favorite)

All of Ashton's Enneagram Resources


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