The Jersey PodCats

Cats we love: remembering Danielle's beloved cat Loki, & how the cat community is helping her heal.

Danielle Woolley & Elizabeth Gearhart Season 5 Episode 53

Danielle had sad news to share, her 'baby' Loki passed away. He'd been ill and fighting it, but it finally overtook him and he went to cat heaven. Danielle talks about what happened and the effect it had on her other cats. Elizabeth talked about a new way the vet revealed to her about pilling a cat and her cats' weird behavior. They went on to talk about Spring being on the way and the expected deluge of new kittens, and Danielle discussed her work with Tommy's Cat Rescue. Elizabeth touched on how she went to Podfest in January and met some of their prior guests there, like Julie Marty Pearson.The conversation went on, if you ever have a question for Danielle or Elizabeth they'll be happy to answer it. They love cats and people, so question away! Of course we want to hear from you, we love chatting with pet parents, the more cat stories the better! We dare you to top Danielle and Elizabeth with stories about weird and funny cat behavior! We think we've seen it all, but maybe not... Find us online: Visit, download and review the podcast episodes in your favorite podcast player or from, and join our FaceBook group The Jersey PodCats Community here: The rescue organization that Danielle is involved with is www.tommyscatsnj.orgAnd the Passage to Profit website is 

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The Jersey PodCats

Danielle Woolley
Elizabeth Gearhart

Tommy’s Cats

Passage to Profit