Highly Animated Podcast

Anime Devotion Amidst the Daily Grind

July 28, 2023 Highly Animated Podcast Season 2 Episode 27
Anime Devotion Amidst the Daily Grind
Highly Animated Podcast
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Highly Animated Podcast
Anime Devotion Amidst the Daily Grind
Jul 28, 2023 Season 2 Episode 27
Highly Animated Podcast

Ever felt the struggle of wanting to indulge in the enchanting world of anime but finding no time to do so? Take a seat and join us as we share our own experiences of balancing our love for anime with our busy schedules. It's a walk through our personal journey as we talk about our encounters with Jujitsu Kiasen and our disappointment with the language options on Crunchyroll. As we navigate through our own challenges in preparing content for the podcast sans ample anime viewing, we ensure that our passion keeps the conversation alive and vibrant.

Ever wondered how the titans of the anime industry craft their magic? We aim to shed light on that by exploring the potential of interviewing a variety of industry professionals - the wizards behind the curtain. Unveiling the unique perspectives of animators, directors, and screenwriters, we want to give you a glimpse into the artistic process behind your favorite shows. And oh, we also ponder the idea of having a French and a Canadian animator on the show, so stay tuned for that!

Netflix and its unique approach to anime is something we just can't overlook. Comparing it with the traditional Crunchyroll style. And if you're looking for recommendations, we've got you covered with classics such as the "Berserk" movie trilogy and "Radiant Fire Force". And of course, we couldn't forget to discuss the upcoming "One Piece" movie and speculate about a new live-action adaptation. So, gear up for an exhilarating journey through the captivating world of anime with us!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever felt the struggle of wanting to indulge in the enchanting world of anime but finding no time to do so? Take a seat and join us as we share our own experiences of balancing our love for anime with our busy schedules. It's a walk through our personal journey as we talk about our encounters with Jujitsu Kiasen and our disappointment with the language options on Crunchyroll. As we navigate through our own challenges in preparing content for the podcast sans ample anime viewing, we ensure that our passion keeps the conversation alive and vibrant.

Ever wondered how the titans of the anime industry craft their magic? We aim to shed light on that by exploring the potential of interviewing a variety of industry professionals - the wizards behind the curtain. Unveiling the unique perspectives of animators, directors, and screenwriters, we want to give you a glimpse into the artistic process behind your favorite shows. And oh, we also ponder the idea of having a French and a Canadian animator on the show, so stay tuned for that!

Netflix and its unique approach to anime is something we just can't overlook. Comparing it with the traditional Crunchyroll style. And if you're looking for recommendations, we've got you covered with classics such as the "Berserk" movie trilogy and "Radiant Fire Force". And of course, we couldn't forget to discuss the upcoming "One Piece" movie and speculate about a new live-action adaptation. So, gear up for an exhilarating journey through the captivating world of anime with us!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the highly inmate podcast. Let me go. It's Jason sitting along as always with our World Travel across upon Spencer.

Speaker 2:

Hello. Yes. Sorry for this Friday. Well, we'll end up being a Friday, late night deposit in the old podcasting world of completely Spencer's fault, you know, he told me he'd be on in an hour, and it was closer to and Nothing else happened. It was an hour and

Speaker 3:

a half.

Speaker 4:

Mhmm. And then I got on and you screen which is blank. I was like, okay. Maybe he's out doing what he does, when he goes out.

Speaker 2:

Maybe he's

Speaker 4:

doing something else, and then he did. And I'm like, sitting here doing my thing. And then I'm like, alright. Let me shoot this guy a text. Twenty minutes later. Twenty minutes later, he doesn't reply. I'm like, okay. Let me a part The

Speaker 2:

first tax of concern for the podcast I've ever gotten might not add.

Speaker 4:

Twenty seventeen. Okay. He's still still not responding. Let me let me shoot another one, you know, being not as much of a smart ass and just trying to really figure out what the fuck's doing.

Speaker 2:

What we gotta do?

Speaker 4:

Well, at lo and behold, I don't get a response. Until the following fucking day, and it looks like at that point.

Speaker 2:

No. I responded like like just like by midnight. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

It was like one You know, it's funny about that.

Speaker 2:

I mean, Maybe it was one something. But, like, when I fucking when I went to my computer, it was still open.

Speaker 4:

For you.

Speaker 2:

I I it was It was so open. I just see you cock back. Fucking passed out. I was like, oh, Jesus. Fuck. Let me close this part. Yeah. I wanted I was like, you know, I should record this and send this to this fuck, but I was like, nah. Nah. Nah. Now it's worth it. I just wanna go back to fucking sleep. So, yeah, I caught, you know, caught my eyelids for sure. I was a little bit more tired than I thought. And to kinda what we'll go into today where me and Spencer talking before he just got on. We're like, oh, you know, we've got kinda hodgepodge of things we kinda wanna talk about. I'm not gonna get super in-depth. I will allude do a show. That's going on this season here right after this. But we just we weren't able to watch enough to really give you guys out there real well, we would feel comfortable with a real breakdown. Some of the shit out there. So we're gonna highlight a lot of stuff despite just be more of, you know we got some mix of some some mixed ideas on we'll kind of we'll we'll lead into it, and I won't say too much more about it, and we'll see what you guys think. But I when I was waiting, you know, and I mean, for you to get home and all that. And I watched you just do Kaizen. And I'm it's super pissed lately. The second session did you just you guys in? No. Yeah. Yeah. Wednesday. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Here it goes. That's what you were doing. That was what you were studying. Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's what I was studying. Yeah. Yeah. I was I was I was I was doing my homework. I'm, like, so

Speaker 4:

I'm, like, hi. What the fuck is he watching right now? You know? Sorry. So I don't

Speaker 2:

know if anyone has problem, you know. Like, if you're listening to us and you wanna drop us a comment, which we would just love to have. Just love to have. I and Spencer is like, not dumbass. Like, I could still see this shit on mine. I don't know what's going on. I can't see fucking not even just dubbed. I can't see all the other languages. That you can look at on crunchy roll this episode. Like, I mean, I remember Marshall Marshall's got, like, ten different languages. They got, like, Cassian or some shit. I'm, like, who the fuck? Like, what And it's just like and now it's just the sub shit. It's just like boom season one or if it's got multiple seasons, it just has it listed with none of the devil's shit in between. You better put that second earphone on. Okay?

Speaker 4:

I'm just trying to hear if I hear English or not. Yeah. They're they're speaking English on my show.

Speaker 2:

I I So

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's death mount death play or what is it? Yeah. Dead mountain death play. Yeah. So I got a plan in English right now.

Speaker 2:

I believe you. I believe you. I I don't I don't know what's wrong with my shit. So I've been super discouraged. Like, look

Speaker 4:

to do dog, put my looks at other

Speaker 3:

head. Doctor

Speaker 4:

so son.

Speaker 2:

That's what she did to me. Hey. How can you put that on? It's not a simple it's not a simple what'd you say, simple? I can't say a word.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Thank you. Jesus Christ. And I was like, what? Like, okay. Yeah. We are doing once I saw you do that. So I

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

to say Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Well, that well, that's different. That's like a

Speaker 2:

that's like a, you know You know? No. I don't. I was seeing

Speaker 5:

Well, you don't know. You should know. That's what you people think.

Speaker 2:

You people Oh, what do you people? Oh, man. That's I mean, that's totally true. But anyways yeah. So I've been discouraged. I think kinda leading this show. It's got me a little bit less of, like, stuff to talk about because I just haven't been watching as much anime in the past week. But I did. Watch three episodes. Yeah. Fuck you. Bitch. Yeah. But watch those normie shows. You gotta split off to another show, all about normie shows. You won't be in jail except you don't watch him. But yeah. So I did watch

Speaker 4:

I got a Normandy show for you to watch the specials.

Speaker 2:

That was targeted. Oh, man. Okay. Okay. Okay. Now you should watch the suits. That shows actually dope. But anyways, I watched the three episodes of the second season that you just said Kaizen, Subbed. So Sugidik,

Speaker 4:

Can you catch up on any

Speaker 2:

prior to I just watched the last episode, which wasn't enough. And because, like, So, spoiler for those that haven't watched it. This is really just background noise. I didn't watch it. But you leave your clothes on.

Speaker 4:

I could season?

Speaker 2:

Leave your headphones on.

Speaker 4:

That could be your

Speaker 2:

Leave your headphones on.

Speaker 4:

Across the room, dude. I

Speaker 2:

you you can if you want to, but I already told you the day. So consciously, it's in your brain even

Speaker 4:

for you. You will. And then that's No.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna ruin anything for you. I'm just giving the background because it it's gonna throw you regardless. I said,

Speaker 4:

oh, that's right. You said it's, like, going back in the past or something?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. See, so I'll find back to you. So

Speaker 4:

Go back to me.

Speaker 2:

We had this conversation last night and somebody forgot. I don't know how or why. But anyways, the second season's a pretty cool. So it's before it's a dory in all of them, you know, and I will appreciate

Speaker 4:

episodes in.

Speaker 2:

At least three episodes in. Yes. I could I could definitely see how they're so episode three habsaloo bang or the cliffhanger. I mean, oh my god. The way they in that shit, I'm just like

Speaker 3:

No. No. Okay, guys. Take that

Speaker 4:

with the grain of salt. How many times we heard, Chase?

Speaker 2:

Banger. Oh. Banger. Fucking kills. Third episode kills. First two are a little bit slower. First though first you are good with the story. You learn more about Go Joe and his homie and other people I won't allude to, you know, get too many details. But their first years kinda like it had dory and them were. So but they're just, like, I think just on another level, you know. And I mean, like, And so it's really cool. It threw me. Big time. I had to go and, like, do research. I had to be, like, second season, like, let me read this synopsis real quick. Just a nap to not ruining for me, but to understand what the fuck is going on. Right. And then it kinda, like, says it real quick. I'm like, oh, shit. Okay. This is before that. Because, yeah, I watched just the last episode, which probably wasn't enough. I probably need to watch, like, the last, like, four or five at least. But at least the last battle scene with what's his fucking nuts. But the guy that absorbs I can't remember who he absorbs, but I saw a lot when I was like, oh, okay. Yeah. They're fucking shopping. They're all homies. They won their battle. Okay. I'm remembering this. Like, let's fuck it. Let's get in the second season. It is not that at all. I was like, oh, what? Did I watch something wrong? Did I click on the wrong thing? So yeah. You know what I mean? Because I

Speaker 4:

need to rewatch for the first season.

Speaker 2:

You don't. Not to get through the first three. Doesn't matter. It's completely new, essentially. That's why I threw me. I was like, this is a new show. The fuck. The fuck?

Speaker 4:

Okay. Good enough. Good enough.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So yeah. I know for you, that's that's that's that's this gold right there. You're like, shit. I'm gonna get everybody back and watch nothing. Shit. Let's get going. Let's get going. But yeah. So if you're out there, you're wondering how the second season starts. You're getting ready. It's fucking gonna slap. On that third episode. You're gonna as soon as Thursday happens, like, okay. Like, I mean, show's already sick. Like, I wanna know more regardless, but it's just like, you know what I mean? It's like that was to where I'm, like, thinking of, like, reinvigorating or, like, invigorating. I mean but what is it? Like like, reapplying it essentially. You know what I mean? Like, oh, here we go again. This jaw fucking hits and it's hitting again. That's how I fell with the third episode. I was like, fuck dude. I can't believe I oh, fuck fourth episode is not out right now.

Speaker 4:

I'm fucking

Speaker 2:

pissed. So yeah. Stokes, different. Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I haven't started watching it yet. Nothing I've I've I've mentioned that. Last week. I wanna Mhmm. I'll probably do the same thing I did. For the other one, I'll go back and rewatch all

Speaker 2:

the -- whole thing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

all the season one, but for

Speaker 2:

a moment.

Speaker 4:

But even to now knowing that it doesn't have anything to do well, maybe not necessarily

Speaker 2:

It does. The story might have to do. But yeah.

Speaker 4:

Have. But it's

Speaker 2:

like it pre dates it. It's a nice story. I would have a

Speaker 4:

you you know, what I'm sure they already did too. They're gonna be cock suckers or they're gonna fuck it. And this gonna be at twelve episodes. Mhmm.

Speaker 2:

And split it

Speaker 4:

and and split it up only for, like, the first one, but I would not be surprised if it's, like, six the first six are about, like, this fucking kind of freak prequel area -- Mhmm.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

of the next set, you know, on seven or whatever, it'll, like, be like, oh, okay. Sure. Here he he did dory in the gang again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Now, so I'm excited to see where it goes and how they take it. I don't I'm sure there are shows that do the pretty cool kind of thing. I can't name any off the top of my fucking head. But I was I I kinda like that. It breaks up the, you know, the naught me of a show, you know. It kinda like throws a wrench in it. Like, oh, shit. Never mind.

Speaker 4:

Depends on how you look at the prequel. Right? Like, prequel can be a flashback, a a prequel. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I could yeah. We look More accurately call the flashback than a prequel. Exactly. I don't know when I switch over. If it does, you know.

Speaker 4:

So they're they're calling back too. Like like, I I would say if this whole season is only about whatever the fuck is going on, it -- Mhmm.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

these first three, then yeah. I mean, it's prequel season. Right? You know? Yeah. This is another one of those things too. I I I have not read this manga. Mhmm.

Speaker 2:

One of the few. Okay.

Speaker 4:

I I think Well, one of

Speaker 3:

the few only read

Speaker 4:

a couple, but but I would say, you know, that this you could probably easily figure out and I'm sure people who listen to have or familiar with it, they probably already No. Right? Like, oh, yeah. No. Book it. The second second volume of this is that yeah. That's what happened. There's a whole volume about this It's not the prequel. It's just they're they're trying to

Speaker 2:

set the stage of the story.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Exactly. Right.

Speaker 2:

And I could see that very much with how they're doing these three episodes. Mhmm. That's what I need to say.

Speaker 4:

I'm curious to, you know, if it'd be a whole season of of what we're doing now or And the way they

Speaker 2:

and the third episode, I feel like they could they're gonna touch upon it a little bit more, but now you say I'm like, oh, I can see them switching it. Fairly soon. Yeah. Fairly soon. Because it's just I think, you know what I mean, Gojo's blind. Right? Well, obviously, something happened. I'm not saying anything happens here. That's not that's actually not what I what you see. But, like, you know what I mean? It's another part of the story and you're like, how to how this effect where we're at in current days. You know, which like you said, I think it's more accurate. I think it's perfectly you said, flashback. It's probably flashback episodes, and they're just throwing you a wrench to start. But I don't know. Don't know. But I thought it was interesting and it fucking threw me and I was, like, goddamn. Like, what are you trying to do to meet you, just you guys, and was my boy, the dory. But

Speaker 4:

yeah. Because I'm even thinking, you know, I think what most prominently I don't know why pocket my head was plunderer once we got, like, center was a twenty four episode first season. Right? And then -- Mhmm.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I think it was at that twelve. All of a sudden, it was, like, oh, hey. They're fucking training and they're fighting with guns and shit and fucking That shows the very army and shit and I and your enthusiasm everywhere when that fucking first. Yeah. I was like, what the fuck is going on right now?

Speaker 3:

Right? Mhmm.

Speaker 4:

Do there was, like, four or five? Maybe it was, like, six episodes of, like, that whole background and them training and what actually happened in the past and how they're fucking actually, like, trying to take over this other you, you know, planet, like, thing that's hovering around them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. You're

Speaker 4:

a love dam and So that that's what I initially thought as soon as you kinda said that. And I was like, oh, okay. Well, I mean, that I think that show was pretty well received. I wouldn't be surprised if That's

Speaker 2:

They're taking knowledge or yeah. Someone yeah. So I think something we could do in the, you know, in the future, we we talk you know, those that listen to us and we appreciate all you. We're we're very much off the cuff. We we talk it depends. Like, I mean, maybe we'll talk for an hour before we even get on, but it's really they we're not hiding anything or just bouncing shit off of each other. And I think maybe we can look up, like, some of, like, the directors and other shit on some of the stuff to kinda maybe, like, compile, like, hey. This is what we thought, and this is the person. Oh, hey, look, we thought the same thing with this it's the same person. It's a different person, like, what makes them unique to other directors or screenplays or storyboard people or whatever. You know what I mean? So Yeah.

Speaker 4:

And I

Speaker 2:

think there's some people out there. So some that I told him off the air before coming on here and that we're kinda interested. And we talked about wanting to interview people. We've interviewed some friends. We still got to interview number one fan. I get the one piece take. I'm just waiting. I'm just waiting, Anthony.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that motherfucker. He's fucking in the process of moving on this house.

Speaker 2:

I was like, is he coming to the best coast again? Or is it Yeah. That's what I thought. Cool. Good to know. Well, I you know, Spencer doesn't do any socials, which will change in the, you know, in the future. You know? Get this guy on Reddit or some shit. But I'm bad too. And I've you know, our our homie number two fans have been helping us with the Instagram and all that. Haven't been on that the past, like, three weeks, like, we should have been. I haven't been on any of the, like, Twitter or anything like I should have been, so I got on the Discord today. So I joined, like, an anime creator network and at least there's a couple people that wanted to potentially interview. So Alright. Someone from France twenty year old person from fans. Wait.

Speaker 4:

Wait. Fuck.

Speaker 2:

The Mona Lisa bond bonds and shit. No. No. No. We'd be super excited to get anyone. And the other person. They were four hours ahead. I didn't I didn't ask what region of the person. They were they hadn't talked to me up, but they didn't respond. Because this is, like, a month ago. I'm, like, looking at like, oh, Jesus. Four minute hours.

Speaker 4:

That's weird. Like, a

Speaker 2:

Canada, like, upper Canada, shit maybe. Oh, yeah. Maybe. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

Host is that's three. Is Hawaii four?

Speaker 2:

No. It's three. Right?

Speaker 4:

Right. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I'm saying four is it weird? Like, when someone says, oh, four hours hold on. Hold on.

Speaker 4:

That's what you're saying. Somebody comes in with the two

Speaker 2:

in the middle

Speaker 3:

of the ocean. Oh, yeah. Like Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I I I these are four. I was like, okay. Well, three is on the coast. What

Speaker 2:

It's my fucking greenland. Yeah. But yeah. I'm not sure. We'll we'll have to ask. But yeah. So potentially some interviews coming down the pipe. And they

Speaker 4:

do different stuff. I even think about it, you know, maybe culturally from from a standpoint of why you like way or don't, like It would be different fucking. I mean, like, obvious That's

Speaker 2:

the vibe I got.

Speaker 4:

Where it comes from the Asian you know, Japan. China, Korea.

Speaker 2:

So this person from France says they speak Japanese and they do, like, three d r and all of this shit and Right. And they're, like, Oh, I've watched, like, like, six hundred it says malt says six hundred shows I've watched, but it's more like seven hundred. So I'm pretty I'm like, holy shit. Like I mean, we've watched the show.

Speaker 4:

Oh. For episodes.

Speaker 2:

I don't it seemed like they meant shows. Like, because episodes, like, what does that mean? That's why, yeah, like, So I was like, oh, no.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I was

Speaker 2:

like, wait. What was that? Where'd you watch my Visa? I said, I don't know what Visa,

Speaker 4:

but then when I try. As soon as you say shows, I'm like fuck it.

Speaker 2:

How how many Is there seven hundred? Yeah. Because I only have, like, a hundred and sixty that are at or, like, a hundred eighty or so, like, that's something wrong.

Speaker 4:

I were to go through all my queues, like, oh, well, and my country world queue sucks. And, I guess, really, realistically, my only excuse for automation, like, for my automation queue. Yeah. It's like a hundred and like, a hundred and eighteen, a hundred and sixteen, I think, or something. It shows, you know, of that probably, like, ninety percent of them I've watched, and handle that I I just I never got to through, but

Speaker 2:

better than I am.

Speaker 4:

That that's all, like, the big bang shit. Right? Like -- Mhmm.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

no. No. Yeah. Hot shit. Good stuff. It's like we It's

Speaker 2:

just crazy thing about thing about you said that a hundred and eighteen of the hot main shit. You know what I mean? Or even if you cut that list generously in half fifty sixty shows that are worth fucking while. You know what I mean? True. I'm sure there is. Maybe that's another another episode that we could do. Maybe people who have an interesting take on that, like, hey, let's put this let's put together sixty. Fuck the number fifty. I gotcha. Sixty worthwhile shows to watch. Obviously, both mean you one piece, number one. Number one, worthwhile show, take you, you know, maybe three months. But You'll get through it. If you're dedicated, three months, and you don't skip the first six minutes of very upset. Unconfirmed, unconfirmed, but Nonetheless, so we love anime. We hope you guys love anime. And as far as going in, I'm just gonna we're just gonna kinda switch your up here a little bit. We're not doing anything we've necessarily done before. This is just conversation for the sake of fucking conversation. So for me, I was going through my crunchyroll list and I was like, well, the very bottom are shows that I've that's been the longest since I've watched. Right? Which means I'm probably waiting for seasons to come out. What what have you? The bottom three in a row are absolute bangers. And I yeah. You take it with a grain of salt. But when I say this, guys, offense is gonna agree. These are bangers. And I'm I'm really, really excited for all three of these shows to come out with the new season. Two of which Spencer suggested to me, one of which I didn't watch until there's, like, god. I think, like, fifty episodes plus out. The other one, I think you weren't that far into. Yeah. I think it was pretty new, and then the other one I suggested. So the three are black clover. Radiant fire force. Super stoked to see any one of those shows. I don't I haven't really got any updates. What what do you what do you got on that? Like, before I jump into what, you know, talking about them a little bit. Have you heard any updates? Anything? Do you know? When the next because you're you're better at this shit than I am. Do you know when the next seasons are coming out if they're coming out? Fall winter.

Speaker 4:

Well, I tell you I used to be really good on that. Though.

Speaker 2:

You oh, you used to be. Oh, you always used to flex that on me. Go ahead. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Why are they yeah. That's because I have fucking a setup and, like, computer and let's look.

Speaker 2:

Oh, here it comes. Like you see. Right. Oh, man. Man.

Speaker 4:

Man. Black Clover last night members. There's some kind of lawsuit going on. There's somebody wanna I almost wanna say it was the fucking octave voice actor. Oh, shit. There's some fucking allegations or whatever I think is going on. Beyond that.

Speaker 2:

The movie came out for that,

Speaker 3:

by the way. Yeah. Beyond that, I can't I'll talk about that answer.

Speaker 4:

Affinitively, but I think it had gotten pretty caught up to where the mango was. So it's bike over -- Right. Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

sports material.

Speaker 2:

That one is caught up pretty fast to the manga from what I understand. Compared to other shows, No. Which is Does that speak more to just the volume output? I mean, that shit is just Well, I

Speaker 4:

guess, either for

Speaker 2:

me. Like -- Oh, my god.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

did start doing one of those things where it's

Speaker 4:

like the yeah. The manga was so popular right away that it it didn't take fucking years for an anime to get green lighted. Right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Hey, this shit's already, like, fucking good. Like Right. Fuck it. Let's put it in production. But let's just start moving with it. Right? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And And that's the show I didn't watch that. It was like fifty deep.

Speaker 4:

Mhmm. Which I think is almost actually more beneficial from a standpoint of like, okay, hey, You're putting it on mega version. It's got great traction. People are fucking liking it. Well, let's green light a fucking animated right away. People are already familiar with it. They like it. They wanna keep watching it. They want more more of that universe. More of that content. Whereas you think, like, some shows, it's like, hey. Yeah. This mango fucking finished, like, five years ago. Fucking Yeah. Years ago. Like, people kinda forget about it. Right?

Speaker 3:

You know?

Speaker 4:

Which maybe in that sense isn't so terrible because then you're getting a kinda like a callback. Right?

Speaker 2:

Like, oh,

Speaker 4:

hey, guess what? This new fucking anime, the the anime about this show is coming out. Out now. And

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Clear point.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

hey, I wanna go back. I'm gonna reread this fucking anime and the or the anime, the the fucking hanger. And then so, hey, you you reread all that shit. Maybe you gotta re buy it. Maybe you would sold your books or you guys

Speaker 2:

So marketing wise it makes sense. I hear what you're saying. For me, it's more of a, you know, I'm not gonna read manga's or light novels because I, you know, I'm in the intro. I can't read. So Yeah. Like, I'm all about watching shit, you know. And I find yeah. I think that you brought a great plan. I think interesting. I think you know a lot more about that. Like, every time I listen, you talk about, I'm like, oh, shit, they came out this this long ago. Like, what the fuck? Or, like, you you got you just got to know how because you're always you're we're not always. But your read stuff. So you see other stuff, I'm sure, and have some insight to it. So Black Clover, fuck again, please solve your lawsuit. We want we want more. Hundred and seventy four episodes, I think there is or something like that, which is a good breath. There's there's a lot there. If you're, like, wondering Well, we should watch black folks or not.

Speaker 6:

Dude, that was almost, like, we were, like,

Speaker 4:

oh, hey. It's like a fucking it's like a Narto fucking one piece. It was like

Speaker 3:

it is.

Speaker 4:

Every fucking week. An episode was coming up.

Speaker 2:

So it's coming up.

Speaker 4:

It's like, oh, hey. Twelve twenty four. No. Alright. We're done six It

Speaker 2:

was every Friday or whatever the fuck it was. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And I I think more shows would be And obviously, you have to have the material to be able to go off of

Speaker 2:

But maybe more successful if they did it once a week, they would be. I saw you go that. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

You look at, like, a fucking net like, dude in your new anime shows, like, they'll be canceling shit left and right, and then people are all fucking pissed on that.

Speaker 3:

So that

Speaker 4:

was my favorite show. They got it and

Speaker 2:

another one.

Speaker 3:

You know,

Speaker 4:

don't give it enough enough leash to be able to really do some anybody's attention. You know what I mean? Like,

Speaker 2:

I think that goes into what we wanna talk about. We wanna I'm sorry. Go ahead. I cut you off. You're gonna say it more.

Speaker 4:

Well, and I was just saying, you know, it's like that obviously, I'm sure there's a lot of number crunching that goes into it. Hey. Got this amount of watches and this amount of

Speaker 2:

Art used to be art. You know

Speaker 3:

what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Fuck the numbers.

Speaker 4:

How many shows do we end up watching that regardless new or old? Like, we'll I'll I'll come across some old shows that have already been out I don't know how long fucking gate's been out. I don't know how long fuck with this Shadow

Speaker 2:

on the ambulance.

Speaker 4:

No. No. That's the other one that I'm watching right now. But that's not that great, but it it doesn't matter anyway. But I there's a lot of other shows that I've already been out for for a while.

Speaker 2:

A couple of years. Five, six, seven years.

Speaker 4:

Funnovation. It was like, okay. Hey. This show came out and twenty thirteen, twenty, you know And you're like,

Speaker 2:

I never heard of this shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I heard that shit and

Speaker 4:

you watched, like, fuck bro. This is good ass fucking show.

Speaker 3:

And it's

Speaker 4:

like, oh, wow. You know, the the viewership wasn't quite what we want it to be. You know, it's like, at at some point in time, you need to just be able to you you gotta bite the fucking bullet and you gotta invest and and and and, like, man, guess what? I'm gonna fucking run this shit for

Speaker 2:

as long as I can.

Speaker 4:

Forty eight fucking episodes or something.

Speaker 2:

I think every I think you had a great number there. Forty if you're not doing forty eight episodes to twenty four episodes seasons, not doing it right. Like, you know what I mean? You're not doing yourself justice. You're not setting up a real story. Oh, sorry. There are twelve at of seasons that are bangers.

Speaker 4:

I was gonna say that there's always a double way.

Speaker 2:

Typically have more seasons. Yeah. I think that's something we we kinda wanna talk about too. And that we're not gonna do this episode, and that's why I say, I think we could kinda get into it, but we couldn't get into details a lot. There are tons of shows, whether they're twelve or twenty four episodes, seasons, there are just one offers. Or at least as they stand, one offer plunder, you already brought it up, Darwin's game. You know what I mean? I like I'm big fan of, like, infinite dendrogram and Gregor's ass is illusionally. Sakai world's super sick. Don't fucking have any repeats of it. You know what I mean? Anything coming up? There's, I mean, there's way more than that. You know what I mean? Sure.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you could go down the list. Down the list. But I I I think to that point, sometimes a show with some brevity is very nice. Right? Where it's not like a fucking fifty, seventy hell, even like a twenty four episode season, that really is good. Encapsulates everything that you want to see out of a show -- Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

like a world out of you know, anime I think

Speaker 2:

when you're saying

Speaker 4:

get it in oh,

Speaker 2:

you Yeah. But

Speaker 4:

I thought you're about to say something about

Speaker 2:

I was just thinking

Speaker 4:

about You could get it in a compressed compressed compressed amount of time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Well, I think, well, I was gonna the show popped in my head when you're saying that, and I was just I was trying to wait for the best time to interrupt, but I always interrupt at the most inappropriate time. I think it was the Grand Crest, blah blah blah something. Like, it was like war of whatever. We're talking about the other day. Wow. That was twenty five episodes. It didn't calculate the whole time. I think it has, like, an ending. You know what I mean? And show solid. Like, I'll look at the exact name and I'll mention it again on the next show because I don't wanna take too much time trying to look it up right now.

Speaker 4:

But Yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. You're right. Like, that's perfect gravity. Right? It's like boom, I get here. A, I go to b, it's done. I pack it away.

Speaker 1:

I move on to something nice.

Speaker 4:

And you're you're hitting all your different points in between. Right? Like, here's my characters. I am ex you know, exploring all my characters. Here's the world. Here's the setting.

Speaker 2:

Normal TV scripts. Normal TV scripts,

Speaker 3:

you know.

Speaker 4:

I mean, you think about like like a oh, like a cowboy fucking b bop. Right? Mhmm. And not a big callback. And it's been out for a long time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

sure. What triggers my mind on that? The guy who made that fucking wrote that that, I I guess, was Amango initially?

Speaker 2:

I don't I actually don't know that.

Speaker 4:

Anyway, but anyway, that that the person don't know who was, you know, responsible for creating that. Yeah. They just dropped a new they have a new anime coming out based off. I don't know if it's based off their manga or not.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

because that's kinda becoming, you know that can anime can happen without mangoes now.

Speaker 2:

Right? Or what

Speaker 4:

I saw. In any original four

Speaker 2:

think Netflix starts kinda doing that a little bit more. So he's out of my space.

Speaker 4:

Com coming out called Lazarus. And I watched the fucking trailer. And I mean, dude, it gives it gives you fucking cowboy bebop vibes from this, like, it's just it it's a it's a very specific feeling. I mean, not even not not even just, like, thinking like animation or the music or, like, kinda how the characters are, which admittedly so are very simply at least came across to me very similar

Speaker 2:

I think he did another show on Netflix that were, again, the character. The main character came off very similar. I think that's just kind of his his signature.

Speaker 4:

That's I well, I think that's just how he he looks or how

Speaker 2:

he wants to portray his world? He wants to portray it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Right? You know? So so I saw that, and I was like, holy shit. You know? And the first thing that struck me was I'm like, oh, it's a bad ass little soundtrack. Okay. Okay. No. And

Speaker 2:

that You know how we like our music? Yeah.

Speaker 4:

The story was fucking cool. Yeah. At least you know, what I could pick up from from what they show. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's it's pretty brief. It's like maybe a minute or just over a minute. Yeah. You know, and then, obviously, just like an episode, you got, you know, all big fucking opening credit title with the fucking, you know, all last a risk, and it runs for, like, ten seconds, you know. Yeah. And the end, it's like, oh, brought to you by the dude. No. No. No. That was at the beginning. Brock you by a guy who who brought

Speaker 2:

Good boy, BBA. BBA. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

It's great marketing. I mean, I think that's something that Me and you have to kinda commit to and dive more into more so you than me is watching the Netflix and they am. All all the content mean, you did with gay. You've done it with gay. Oh, you know, hey. Let me give you You don't

Speaker 4:

have the evidence? Sorry. I wasn't that with

Speaker 2:

Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to just say gay and say, I'm gonna say,

Speaker 4:

hi. I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. My bad my bad. I did say gay because that's something I need to get up on. I'm only six episodes deep and you finished it. Right? Mhmm. Okay? We'll talk maybe we'll talk about that in a little in a little bit here. But yeah. So I'll have to give you a compliment because you are on high dive, checking out new shit. I think it's something we gotta do more. There's so much other shit that I'm kinda curious to be like, there's a couple that look good, but it's kinda like I mentioned this so many episodes ago. I wish I could remember the the the number off the top of my head, but I can't by the way, episode twenty seven. I mentioned a little bit ago. So Yep. Right? Did you think you would be here? Twenty seven episodes or no? No. So There's just one show that's similar to that. What was it?

Speaker 4:

This is our episode twenty seven.

Speaker 2:

This is our episode twenty

Speaker 3:

seven. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I didn't even know.

Speaker 2:

I know. You didn't. I know. That's why I was doing that.

Speaker 4:

I mean, that's not like a real twenty seven weeks.

Speaker 2:

Because it's, like, twenty nine or almost thirty weeks, something like that.

Speaker 4:

Thirty ish. Yeah. Because they're good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So remember that one I was telling you about I think you watched it. It was the snow guy. So what I was telling you about, they're they're in a canopy and it was a snow world down below, but the animations are kinda Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know something, the great sea snake or some weird shit.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what to say. I I kinda remember.

Speaker 2:

Cool. The concept of that show is super sick. You know what I mean? I think that's what Netflix has going for. The reason I wanna compare it is because I feel like the AML No. This is this is a crunchy roll show.

Speaker 3:

But the

Speaker 2:

show is gonna compare it to, and I'm not remembering the exact name right now is on Netflix. And what Netflix does weird, they do a couple things weird that I wanted to mention. They, one, have just, like, a little bit more of a unique animation style, not all of them. Like, there a lot of them, more than fifty percent of them have the traditional anime style. That, like, we're used to

Speaker 3:

spend a

Speaker 4:

lot of money, you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2:

Well, I might yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's the email. I thought you're just talking about me doing this shit in my hand. I was like,

Speaker 3:

oh, no. No. They can fucking Probably what

Speaker 2:

it is. Probably what it is. Because but at the same time, I'm like, it's not so horrible as to be like, you know, is it just that? Is budget. We've talked about this. So maybe it is like that. Maybe that's what my guys look into. But this one on Netflix I'm sorry. I'm blanking on the name right now. But it has that similar anime stuff. Shut the fuck up. You didn't remember the one on high value either, bitch. So it has a I know.

Speaker 4:

I don't remember it. I just don't want

Speaker 2:

to I remember. I remember. Yeah. Yeah. Show you what I said. My name. Her name.

Speaker 4:

Say a name. It to me.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you know what? I I don't know. No. I just don't want to comment shows. See. That's what you mean. I'm more confident. I'll tie that shit to me no matter what.

Speaker 4:

It's t and then I

Speaker 2:

don't even wanna hear it. I don't even care. I know exactly which one you're talking about. I don't want the viewers to think less of you. It's okay. Don't worry. Don't want to think about you. I mean, you still haven't even watched castlevania on Netflix, which is absolutely You don't have to worry. Banging. Banging. I know.

Speaker 4:

There are more concern about you and your norm. You fucking reference to this. They're like, does this guy even be on this model? Like, that's Right. It's fine.

Speaker 2:

It would be nothing with that.

Speaker 4:

People were hitting you up. They're like, hey. Like, I I think I could probably do a better job to be like, okay. Yep. This guy can give me his number. His contact info.

Speaker 2:

Can you can you just give me, what, Spencer? Yeah. Yeah. You you did a good job. Well, we'll take it over from here, buddy. Yeah. You're right. I can't I can't find where he's at. I'm trying to slide through here and see if I could see it, but I'm not seeing it right off the rip. I can't spend much time trying to find it. But -- Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

the other one I was thinking of, that's

Speaker 4:

the one.

Speaker 2:

It's it's like brand new. Yeah. On Netflix. Yeah. The other one I was thinking of that had the Cali b bop is called Super crooks. By the way, in case anyone's interested on it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I remember. We had mentioned I mentioned it. Yeah. So but the one I'm thinking of that I can't remember the name of is new, and maybe, again, if you're in the comments and you get thirty four minute marker. Like, Jason, it's fucking I'm like, oh, shit. My bad. Almost gives me, like, starship trooper vibes, it kinda felt like. I remember the movie that b list movie, star ship troopers, all the bugs and shit. It's fucking actually kinda bad ass. Probably like one of the better b list movies out there.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I

Speaker 4:

don't do that. That's a list in my book.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I I know. But it's considered a b list with me by many people. But I'm with you. You know, Mark Rico. Right. His last name? It's Rico or something. Rico. Rico.

Speaker 4:

Denise Richards. It's fucking Mhmm. Mhmm. That's a big white guy. Fucking. He's the commander.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. He's he's in a hell other shit too. I know you're talking about. Yeah. And the blonde dude, homie. That fucking yeah.

Speaker 4:

Alright. There's a lot fucking that'd be like,

Speaker 2:

somebody's off of that exactly. So it gives me kind of those vibes. It's like almost like even like a little bit like halo y in a way. You know what I mean? Like like, I wouldn't say star two characters. Halo, but it's well, I think there is a halo anime. Yeah. There is. But it's not it's not a halo. It's not Oh, okay. It's no. It's for sure not that. One that you're thinking of and, like, maybe I fucked up the name enough and I didn't read it, but it's it's not that. But it's got that that spacey kind of vibe. You know what I mean? There's like some kind of alien or monster or share the preview. It it was it was cool. Like, it was, like, I like, like, the interactions between the characters, but the animation style fuck and killed it for me. That's probably why I'm not remembering the name, because I was just like,

Speaker 4:

I don't know. But not memorable. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Not memorable enough to but, like, intriguing, though, You know what I mean? Come on.

Speaker 4:

Television work on a both ways.

Speaker 2:

Cool. Right. Like, we think about some of these shows that we did.

Speaker 4:

We will never forget about the animation of kingdom, early kingdom. Right?

Speaker 2:

Never. It'll stand where it's

Speaker 4:

not there like so, oh, it

Speaker 5:

would is that that good of a show?

Speaker 4:

Like, no. That fucking terrible.

Speaker 2:

Like Yeah. You will But that's almost the flip side too. It's like you say it goes both places. It's like, well, kingdom started off this shitty. I mean, it could be it could be a banger. Like, the concept is there. They went, like, fifty, like Yeah. Shady episodes.

Speaker 4:

Like, straight shit. The first, like, twenty five is. They get it all better. It did get better. It has carried on, but

Speaker 2:

I mean, the battle's just fucking right now. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Like, do you have that stereotypical nardo meme that comes out where, like, he's fighting pain. And -- Yeah. -- his face is all, like, fucked up.

Speaker 2:

I caught your

Speaker 4:

eye up here and

Speaker 2:

an eye down there. But It's always lost my train of thought. Jesus, guys. Help me out. Back up. What were you talking about?

Speaker 4:

The show that's like Star Trek proper.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah. So the I was talking about the things on Netflix that kinda, like, threw me a little bit like they have they have new stuff coming out whatever. That animation style was kinda, like, I feel like I've seen that on, like, at least two other ones. I talked about one long time ago. I don't think we ever even talk about the show because it was when I got, like, canceled. I told you about it. I think I was living still at home and camped before I'm moving with you and he's about auto. But nice to Sidonia. It was a nice face when I talk about a long time ago. So it was one, like, the first Netflix ones when they started really first trying to put anime out. That was one of their originals. It was cool, animation style was a little different, but it was I love the concept again. Netflix is nailing these concepts. There's not always nailing the animation. And like that one that I tried to tell you about to fuck dude. I've got I see, it's coming to me right now that I wanna talk about it, but I'm not in, like, put the net I didn't think I was gonna go into Netflix, but the what they're doing is they do they're like, oh, it's the six episode season. You're like, what the fuck? Fuck this shit. You know what I mean? Episodes? Forty five minute fucking episodes. So it's really a twelve. But they've yeah. So Yeah. And I'm saying I don't hate it because I gotta watch forty five minutes of content without having to hit skip or anything, you know. But Right. Like, what what's going on there? But I haven't dove in and watched the whole one to really be able, like, oh, shit. I like that more like that less. So I think it's gonna position me and you maybe wanna put ourselves in a little bit more as we go forward. But these ones are traditional. Like, you never finished it, but I I actually really liked it, and it's a green lit for a second season, which is that bastard dark metal or or dark fantasy heavy metal. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a good show. I think it's solid. I think it hits a lot of tropes.

Speaker 4:

Episode or for the first season?

Speaker 2:

I finished twenty four episodes the first season.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah. Yeah. I I I I only got, like, three or four in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. It's good. I think it's I think it's

Speaker 4:

That's what the That's what I'm watching. Shit, though, too. Right? Like, that was right, Jose. Like, oh, we're fucking no more multiple accounts on one account.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But we I'm still watching on it, and I'm that's not my account.

Speaker 4:

So Yeah. Well, you don't know if somebody else is paying for it, though.

Speaker 2:

Oh, maybe. I mean,

Speaker 1:

the person's account that I'm on is old old mod.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. They would be usually April. Certainly.

Speaker 2:

For her baby boy. Shit. Shit. Boy. But I don't know. Yeah. I I feel like she would at least said something, even if she's like,

Speaker 4:

oh, I'll take care of it, whatever. But not even knows herself. She might.

Speaker 2:

They might. She starts charging

Speaker 4:

her whatever.

Speaker 2:

It says more now.

Speaker 4:

And have come in through, Bill. Like, alright. The path went through. I don't even see that there. Auto redo.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah. Oh, my oh, my my mom be fucking ball on my pass. I'm sure she doesn't care. She's just like, boom. Right next. But, yeah, I think it's interesting. I think they're coming out more. We've talked about it before, so I would like to dive into it more at some point. Just wanted to mention it to you a little bit. Alright. So we we talk about Black Clover. That new movie is out on Netflix. Thought it was really solid. It's not canon. It is about

Speaker 4:

the Netflix?

Speaker 2:

It could be on tell me what's on Foundation or Control. I don't know. I don't think so. I I think it's called, like, the four black Clover, the four previous wizard kings, the four exiled Wizard kings, these are these are four of the wizard kings before Julius. And it tells the story of how Julius became the wizard king essentially. That's that's the the brief rundown of what that movie will be about. And it's during that when they're battling

Speaker 4:

fuck girls, like, oh, Black Clover, season one, Black Clover, a hundred and seventy one episodes. Mhmm. I'm fucking cons. But It's

Speaker 2:

not one season exactly. They're they're just, like, the new way of shit. That movie was good, though. I would suggest you watch it. You know what I mean? Like I

Speaker 4:

mean, the movie is on here though.

Speaker 2:

So it's on Netflix only then.

Speaker 4:

It it might be off automation.

Speaker 2:

Oh, maybe. I mean, doubtful, but maybe. So I liked it. I thought it was good. I liked the action a lot. You know, I'm more of it's it's kinda hard now. We talked about it, you know, the moving in train arc. The movie for demon slayer was canon. It it got one story to the next perfectly and was absolute savage bangers. So now my standards are sky high.

Speaker 6:

Very good fucking records

Speaker 2:

and Three break it. It's so, like, if you're not doing what are new train's doing, then why you even making these movies? Because I haven't watched I haven't watched like any of the one piece movies. We talked about this before off and you're like, really? Like, I'm like, yeah. No. I haven't. Because most if all are not cannon. It's like, it's just another story, which is cool. And someday, I will try to get around to it, but, like, it's not it's not that important. It doesn't go to the main story.

Speaker 4:

And with stuff about that too for a show, like, I I mean, at least specifically for one people that's been around for as long as it has. I mean, you have movies. Some of

Speaker 6:

these movies, the first movies came out -- Oh,

Speaker 4:

well, not good. Two thousand two thousand one -- Two thousand four.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

so it might be a little tougher

Speaker 4:

to watch.

Speaker 2:

Man. Man. Yeah. Animation's different.

Speaker 4:

But there's only a couple that I first started watching initially. Right? As soon as you caught up, you're like, oh, I fuck, I need my fix, dude. I just need a fix. Right? You're like, oh, there's movies. There's still one piece shit out there that I haven't watched it.

Speaker 2:

I think the unique I think the unique movies are a little more interesting, but I give, like, after watching the Black Clover, I'm like, well, actions, action, and I like the action in Black Clover, so I'm liking the Black Clover movie. So I'm like, almost like, okay. Like, old bleach was good. Maybe I should watch these bleach movies because probably sick. Maybe I should watch one piece at least because the action is gonna be sick and I like it.

Speaker 4:

Right. Right.

Speaker 2:

But, I mean, like, shit like Berserk. I think it's like an easy all time. One of the probably the all time best trilogy as far as anime movies go because it's it's an actual trilogy.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's just based on that one. I mean, based on me with that Brett guy.

Speaker 4:

But, initially, yeah, it was just the three I

Speaker 2:

guess it's movies. And I think they did actually have a season of it. I don't know if it's the one that's out.

Speaker 3:

Or it

Speaker 2:

yeah. Yeah. It's after the fact. Right? Or is it before the fact? It's after the fact.

Speaker 4:

I guess the season that's trying to tie in the movies, like, into a scene.

Speaker 2:

Something like that. Yeah. So but before that, it was primarily just the movie. And and if even if it wasn't that, what was most successful about it was the trilogy of movies. Yeah. And -- Yeah. -- gut guts in that shit because how how could you forget the name like that? Absolute baller. Dude is oh, that movie hits you. It feels, dude. I mean, it's got it's got those like, hey, you You seen Oppenheimer like I have recently? I got those hot and heavy sex scenes. Shit. Berserker does too. Plugging. You got fucking absolutely awful. You know, I'm not gonna say the word same at the fucking third movie. It's awful. It's fucking awful. It's really bad. But it really sets the mood of, like, holy shit. I mean, Game of Thrones did did similar shit that they did. You know what I mean? But it's always look right you've talked about before. It's kinda like a cartoon to anime. You're not supposed to do that. I'm like, I fucking hate that. So anyways though, those movies, I'm kinda interested in getting and talking about those more. Again, now that you show the thing about Radian Fireforce, I'm just one, do you have you heard? Do you know that I I think Fireforce for sure is coming out. I just it's just taking a while, but Radian I haven't heard anything.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Can't recall, hearing, or not. I mean, they did come out with a second one.

Speaker 2:

Even like a third season on Radian. Right?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. There might have been it was well Let

Speaker 2:

me click click on it. I got it right here. I got

Speaker 4:

it right here. After that.

Speaker 2:

No. Just two. But they're twenty one episodes each.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Yeah. You know, and then

Speaker 2:

Oh, and let oh, is that what you're saying?

Speaker 4:

It too. Radio is exactly, you know, you can let your buddy know that that's a that was a fucking French show. Or French banker and

Speaker 2:

Yeah. No. You're right. I remember you told me that. Yeah. It's not it's not my buddy. It's just a person I talked to.

Speaker 4:

But yeah. Oh, okay. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man. We can wait.

Speaker 6:

I'm trying to help

Speaker 4:

you out here, dude. I'm trying to

Speaker 2:

Oh, sorry. My big my good hoodie from France. My god.

Speaker 4:

You're Bon Bon the dead?

Speaker 2:

I don't know if it's a guy or a girl. I can't the per the name, you know, in France, who knows how they go, but it could be a girl. Fraud now.

Speaker 4:

Okay. But, you know, that that's fine. We're we're just looking

Speaker 3:

for the

Speaker 4:

English speaking. Speaking.

Speaker 2:

Speaking. That's what I said. The person is like, oh, do you want, like, a good creator, just a random person. I'm like, honestly, we'll take fuck at anyone. We don't we don't give fuck. Just a new voice.

Speaker 4:

English, dude. We we we we got

Speaker 2:

We'll fill the gaps. Right. It will get a check, dude. I was reading some of these people during this quarter, like, oh, if you want so and so, like, they someone in there is talking to some, like, serious people, like, productive and company people. And they're like, yeah, we'll give you our director to talk to, but you need to have an interpreter that speaks Japanese. Like, has a screenshot in the show. I'm like, what the fuck? Like, I wish you knew Japanese, knew we'd be setting up interviews left and motherfucking right. So super interesting, super cool. I think there's a a bevy of topics we kinda wanna get into and talk about. Yeah. You know, let us know what you think out like, you know, maybe you'll hit us up on the sub channels, maybe you'll text us in the psychs of your friend, you know, hey. I thought the movie thing you guys I've kinda interested in learning more about the movies. Hey. You guys were talking earlier about talking about shows that should have had another season. Let's talk a little bit more about that. Like, I think we are gonna talk about that one no matter what because I mean there's enough interesting shows but it's tough. Right? You said it, Spencer. We watched so much shit, like, when we an old shit that we've already watched through, not gonna remember every fucking detail about that show. When we say we're watching a hundred and eighteen shows, minimum minimum. Yeah. That have been watched, you know? Or not minimum. I guess it's been watch all of them. Let's call it. Let's call it eighty. And I'm sure it's way above

Speaker 4:

that. Yeah. You know, conservatively. Yeah. You know, and and and more so feel like I mean, it's not beyond you more so than me. I mean, We've watched a lot of fucking normal shows too. I'm On

Speaker 2:

Saturday TV, like, I'm feeling in between

Speaker 4:

about to kick off.

Speaker 6:

I'm already doing fucking research. I'm trying to figure out, you know? Yep.

Speaker 4:

What's the ADP on this guy? Like, where are the where are we thinking these guys are gonna be? Right? The Mhmm. There's just a lot of shit that's coming in all at the same time. Right? All the music shit. Right? You know, so you're just trying to

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

I'm gonna balance all this shit out. Right? You know, where it's a lot easier. That that's what nice with going with, like, hey, where's the season at? Where we at on that? You know, where where we at at this season, but or this specific show, whichever it is. Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

that doesn't take away from the the potential seven hundred shows. Are out there. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

You're right. It's worse. I know. And they said it's not under yeah. We gotta confirm that. We gotta confirm that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I mean, maybe if we're we're including, like, every, like, Oh.

Speaker 2:

Maybe in France, it just being hyperbole, dude. Maybe it's, like, remember remember there's, like, ten shows at the bottom of the spring season. They were, like, those don't even count. Maybe those counts are

Speaker 3:

you in

Speaker 2:

a game.

Speaker 4:

I guess that's true. That's true.

Speaker 2:

This person this person said that they're like, oh, yeah.

Speaker 4:

But I only count based on, like, the the availability of being able to watch. It's, like, the only way I can watch this shit is, like, go, like, fucking fucking bit towards this shit or, like, fuck pay some

Speaker 2:

This person from France is twenty two years old. Okay? And I won't say their names. I don't know. We haven't confirmed they're gonna get on or not. But, like, They said the show that got them in the anime they started watching that got them in the anime was blank guess it.

Speaker 4:

Great, man.

Speaker 2:

No. That would be funny.

Speaker 3:

Twenty two.

Speaker 2:

I can't give you any more I can't give you more hints at tonight. It has nothing to do with age or shit. It has to do with the commonality of an answer. World known world renowned. That is not one piece, I guess. But it's not dragging us. I guess it's not even atypical of what you're thinking of, but it is anime. Prelom. There is. There is. I was she can say too much to give it away. But yeah. First is, like, yeah. Watch Pokemon and so, like, couple other things I hadn't heard of or, like, I think I'd heard of, but I was like, is that really fucking anime? But, hey, hey, not knocking it. We'd love to talk to. We'd love to hear your reasoning on watching it. Pokemon, easy. That's all of us. I think that's fucking almost goddamn everyone I know. Oh, yeah. What? Fucking mine. Fucking mine.

Speaker 4:

Okay. Well, I'll give you a shot.

Speaker 2:

That's, like, when you're at a party, you know what I mean? It's, like, you're playing, like, two truths in a line and it's, like, or, like, what like, some kind of game is, like, have you watched I mean, you want me to Yeah. Watch you. I mean, watch Pokemon, like, oh, okay. You can look. Thanks. Everyone can raise their fucking hands.

Speaker 4:

Oh, well. Not even too. You just have that fucking Was he a tennis player or a soccer player? I forget. Nick. Nick here.

Speaker 2:

Nick. Nick. Oh, Yes. Yeah. He's a He's a tall, tall, tall, tall, tall,

Speaker 4:

tall, tall,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

tall, tall,

Speaker 4:

tall, tall. Tall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. He's a tennis player. Yeah. You committed. Yeah. I got the one so far. I won't be, so I'm gonna keep going. I'm like, I thought all that I did. I was like, gosh, give me a bitch to lay out all over my leg. It's gonna fuck, dude, back of the thigh and everything else is gonna hurt so fucking bad. Like, I'm yeah. I'm not shin, like, in on the front. Because I'm, like, look at it from my leg. I'm, like, fuck. I gotta put one on the front at least or maybe, like, two on each side, you know, the bone down the middle. And I'm just like, I don't know. I don't know. So anyways yeah. For those that don't know, one piece tattoo on my left leg. I mean, started off with Zoro. Wish I would have been color, but I'm I'm cool doing black and gray. Color would be sick. They would hurt so much more

Speaker 1:

and be so much more expensive.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I don't fucking know.

Speaker 2:

That'd be insane. But yeah. No. I think we talked about some shit we wanna kinda touch on. Like I said this episode, we didn't have like a whole lot. You know, I've been slacking big time. Spencer's got

Speaker 4:

a lot of shit going on this week.

Speaker 2:

Two lots going on. For work.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. That shit. Work on Tuesday after I left. I was there for another three fucking hours. Mhmm. You got your shit going on and then Oh, my god.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I'm gonna get me started. So, yeah, we we the feedback's big. You know, if you're listening right now, I know that I was dumbass and responsible for, like, a month on discord. Let me tell you, most other things I have notifications on so I can get those messages quick. Like, reach out to us, let us know. You're interested in interviewing. Wanna fucking interview you about anime. We wanna talk about your story and how it, you know, compares to ours and others. And then hopefully encourage all those because we know we got thousands of you out there. Big time listed. Singapore? Love you. Germany? Love you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Where in world? Why? Baby. At least according to Buzz proud. I don't know. So we appreciate all of you. We appreciate every listener no matter where you're from. Give us some ideas. Hit us back up. Once you guys didn't think these people before I send them on out?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Well, I mean, at this point, I guess, I I won't really touch on it now since you

Speaker 3:

Oh, I

Speaker 2:

didn't know you wanted to touch on

Speaker 3:

it now.

Speaker 4:

No. No. I'm trying to close out so eloquently. I just wanna make sure people that are are aware that I was aware, you know. So along with this other show, I was talking about lazarus earlier, you know, one piece related. Oh. Oh. Oh. We're getting a prequel flashback, one piece anime.

Speaker 2:

No. Mhmm. No.

Speaker 4:

And it's called monsters.

Speaker 2:

No. Shit. Fuck it.

Speaker 4:

I'll leave you with that. But you know that I'm I'm aware. I I I'm aware.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't. I'm I'm back.

Speaker 4:

Can't talk about it. Maybe we'll talk about it a little bit more next next episode since we didn't really touch too much about how we got we've been on this break the past few weeks and True. You know,

Speaker 2:

it's a good segue for the next steps.

Speaker 6:

Me though to hopefully get better for for him to surgery, whatever the

Speaker 4:

fuck just happened, then, you know

Speaker 2:

Godspeed, dude. Because if we don't have any more one piece, I will

Speaker 4:

drive in the fucking strike. And you just got the next epic the at next trailer for the the one the live action trucking.

Speaker 2:

Looks like it sucks to ask one piece. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

I I mean, I think it is.

Speaker 4:

It's like fifty fifty. I don't like It will. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Once you watch it

Speaker 4:

and watch

Speaker 2:

it, it is so Easy answer.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Maybe that's the next next episode.

Speaker 2:

Next episode. One piece talking about all that shit. Okay. I I'm down. You you could talk to me. We got one piece all day. So with that lovely exit in Spencer, you know, telling me how I'm not good enough. I don't know about the new stuff coming out. We love you guys. And as always, go watch some fucking anime. Okay.

Frustrations and Discussions on Anime
Discussing Anime and Potential Interviews
Excitement and Updates on Anime Seasons
Netflix Anime Animation Styles Discussion
Anime Movies and Show Recommendations
One Piece Anime and Live Action