Highly Animated Podcast

Anime Chronicles: Discussions on Netflix Series and One Piece Theories

August 03, 2023 Highly Animated Podcast
Anime Chronicles: Discussions on Netflix Series and One Piece Theories
Highly Animated Podcast
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Highly Animated Podcast
Anime Chronicles: Discussions on Netflix Series and One Piece Theories
Aug 03, 2023
Highly Animated Podcast

Ever found yourself lost in the intricate world of anime, questioning the intent behind a seemingly simple character action, or feverishly predicting the next plot twist? That's exactly where we, your hosts Spencer and Jason, find ourselves in this episode. We kick off with a critique of popular Netflix anime series, from Black Clover to Kami Katsu, and chat about the often misleading thumbnails that initially drew us in.

Remember the stigma of being closet anime fans in high school? We sure do! We reflect on those experiences and the ongoing pressure of societal judgment, while also dissecting our all-time favorite anime, One Piece. Shifting through plot lines, character development, and cultural nuances, we share our thoughts on each element. We even dive into the mysteries of the no me, no me fruit, and its intriguing connection with Luffy and his devil fruit abilities.

As we near the end, we stir the pot with our analysis of the anime viewing experience. From discussing the changes in selecting English or subbed episodes to exploring the structure of opening episodes like in Kimono Jen. We end with our expectations for Jujutsu Kaisen's potential second season and its quality comparison with other series like Mob Psycho and Kinomo, along with some friendly banter on fantasy football. Come join us in this anime extravaganza, and remember, we welcome all your thoughts and theories too!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever found yourself lost in the intricate world of anime, questioning the intent behind a seemingly simple character action, or feverishly predicting the next plot twist? That's exactly where we, your hosts Spencer and Jason, find ourselves in this episode. We kick off with a critique of popular Netflix anime series, from Black Clover to Kami Katsu, and chat about the often misleading thumbnails that initially drew us in.

Remember the stigma of being closet anime fans in high school? We sure do! We reflect on those experiences and the ongoing pressure of societal judgment, while also dissecting our all-time favorite anime, One Piece. Shifting through plot lines, character development, and cultural nuances, we share our thoughts on each element. We even dive into the mysteries of the no me, no me fruit, and its intriguing connection with Luffy and his devil fruit abilities.

As we near the end, we stir the pot with our analysis of the anime viewing experience. From discussing the changes in selecting English or subbed episodes to exploring the structure of opening episodes like in Kimono Jen. We end with our expectations for Jujutsu Kaisen's potential second season and its quality comparison with other series like Mob Psycho and Kinomo, along with some friendly banter on fantasy football. Come join us in this anime extravaganza, and remember, we welcome all your thoughts and theories too!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back, welcome back Do it, say it.

Speaker 2:

I'm highly animated podcast.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I thought I was going to do it and you just tried to steal it from me, like that we did not discuss that before.

Speaker 2:

Do it, do it Do it right, do it right, let's see, that was right, dude that was right. I want the whole thing. You have to introduce yourself, and then I'll do me, so go ahead.

Speaker 1:

No, no, you interrupted me.

Speaker 2:

I did interrupt you, so let me apologize. Why don't you go ahead and take it from the top? Take it from the top and let's go, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to highly animated podcast. I am your host, Spencer, with my assistant.

Speaker 2:

Jason, here I am.

Speaker 1:

Thank you on the assistant. I'm your host.

Speaker 2:

Fuck you Fuck everybody on this goddamn show.

Speaker 1:

I'm more of the work but you know there's titles mean a lot here. Titles mean everything.

Speaker 2:

What are you talking about? I won't get too much into your work, but let me write, all right, that one, the new dude.

Speaker 1:

He's like hey title, my title, guy Title, I know.

Speaker 2:

That sucks, dude. That really does suck. My title hasn't been that much better over the summer. It's like a glorified you know.

Speaker 1:

I gotta tell you the shit that happened to crazy shit.

Speaker 2:

Oh geez, oh geez, not like, not like, affecting me, but I'm like oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm like wow, that fucking sucks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I can only imagine, what that maybe like thinks some shit. I was like holy s**t Sinking ship of a company, but anyways, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm like a health standpoint.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Foster Murrow.

Speaker 1:

No, no, like 15 years ago.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, never mind.

Speaker 1:

Never mind yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. Did you know what?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, Punter, I forget what it is Anyways, what the f**k is this?

Speaker 2:

Hey, is this even an anime podcast?

Speaker 1:

You're gonna bring me down, you're killing the mood dude. Let's pick it up now, okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's pick it right up so that you can just slam dunk on me and we'll kind of start this off the top. For those that are listening, curious what we're gonna talk about today. For me, I'm gonna dive in. Last week I talked about the Netflix show. I'm gonna talk about it with Spencer when I thought A show that we talked about in the past passed it a bunch of times. Both of us have. I jumped into it just I mean like literally 30 minutes ago for the past hour.

Speaker 1:

I know you talked about it a bunch, but oh sorry, no, we mentioned it.

Speaker 2:

We mentioned it.

Speaker 1:

That's something that like, okay, like from. I think your standpoint was like. The visual of the thumbnail was like hey, this is interesting, interesting enough.

Speaker 2:

And you said no to that. I know when I texted you that I was like, oh, I didn't say they knew that Again, and I I might have read the details as well.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember if it was just solely based off of that, but it's like you kind of need. If it's, I had just started one. I just started one the other day too. Actually, I'll pull it here up and let's load it up in a second. Yeah, sometimes the visual can overtake or overcompensate, for whatever the details.

Speaker 2:

For the details 100% yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know that. It's always vice versa. Yeah, I mean it's a pretty basic thumbnail, but they don't give you a good description of, like what it's going to be about.

Speaker 2:

Not even some of the bet shows do a good point.

Speaker 1:

Super surface level, like just okay, hey, this kind of applies like what the first episode or two is about, and then it diverges into a completely different.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of something we talked about before. I think she did a good one. I was just triggering my banks. I was trying to think of bad ones. Black Clover actually does a good job of describing what that show is yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I just started watching the Kami Katsu working for a god in a godless world.

Speaker 2:

We talked about that one too. A little bit I started watching that one, okay.

Speaker 1:

I was with you. I watched the first couple Dead Mountain Death Plays.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, you know, it wasn't like.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

I didn't not like it.

Speaker 2:

I just didn't want to make me watch more and more and more, and that's how it is with some shows.

Speaker 1:

It's not enthralling.

Speaker 2:

It's not like oh, shoot, like this action scene, oh, that's cool. Okay, you know what I mean. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like I kept going over recently and grabbing my phone and then I like I'd start to open it and be like A sign of it.

Speaker 2:

I'm just, I'm like chasing, I'm like what am I doing? All right, all right.

Speaker 1:

No, I was just looking at the time. Okay, time's fine, I got time. I got time, you know, yeah, so I started watching that. I actually need to. I am behind on one or two of the Zom ZomGam show.

Speaker 2:

I got like halfway through two because I was doing something else at the time, so I'm not caught up.

Speaker 1:

Are you only watching it dubbed though?

Speaker 2:

I watched it subbed. I didn't watch it dubbed yet.

Speaker 1:

I think there's five out now subbed. Okay, but you're watching it dubbed, or at least four. I watched the yeah, no, no, no, I'm watching it subbed. You watched it subbed I watched the first episode, I think dubbed, but then I liked it a lot. I was like, all right, fuck it, dude, I'm already in, let's go.

Speaker 2:

Let's go, okay, and I watched the other one subbed, yeah, and that's another thing to go off of.

Speaker 2:

We talked about last time when I was pissed about Crunchyroll, and I'll talk about what I figured out with that. I'm not sure if they're changing the interface. I don't know why it's different on mine, yeah, but I'm not. We'll go into it. But let's give you the slam dunk off the rip. Let's talk about something that we both love. Yeah, I know that's why it's different. So I'm kind of interested to get your take on that. But let's kick the show off right now before we give a little highlight of things. We want to talk about things we're watching currently For those that are new. That's kind of how we do things. We're trying to do more interviews. We've definitely got some things potentially in the works, because I never know, I said that.

Speaker 2:

It is letting us down I mean I can't get a solid.

Speaker 1:

I mean not from a standpoint of like they haven't done what we've wanted. Well, I guess actually a mixture.

Speaker 2:

A mixture, one of the things.

Speaker 1:

We could not have hoped for any better out of any interviewee but, due to life circumstances, having a hard time getting them on Other ones. We can't get them to commit enough to.

Speaker 2:

Can't even post the episode.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Of some.

Speaker 1:

Can't get them to commit enough to kind of like help foster a little bit of.

Speaker 2:

I mean it really answered the question. Those people, they're nervous what people will think of them if they know they watch anime. That is the thing that we're trying to break here.

Speaker 1:

I think most of these that we're looking for are second interviews.

Speaker 2:

True, this is true.

Speaker 1:

So they have helped us out initially off the rip.

Speaker 2:

Which we appreciate Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and if you don't have the time, you don't. Regardless, you don't want to be straight up with me or you're trying?

Speaker 2:

to show them. Whatever, that's fine I appreciate what we have.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate what we got.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No issue one way or the other, but I think and I don't know, you know the numbers a lot better than I. I don't know, were those some of the better rated episodes right? I mean as far as downloads go, yeah, yeah, I mean, I think people like being able to. That almost makes it more relatable Because obviously, from yours and my standpoint, we're pro. We're pro about anime, the game.

Speaker 2:

We're trying to. We deepen that game. Colder, that shit.

Speaker 1:

But other people I think you're right are a little more hesitant, regardless of.

Speaker 2:

It's like when we were in high school.

Speaker 1:

It's those things that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sorry yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's like the first episode where you could be very basic about it. Hey Pokemon, you get dragon ball. Like, very like.

Speaker 2:

Surface level.

Speaker 1:

Hey, everybody enjoyed that shit or watched some of that shit or is at least aware of.

Speaker 2:

Was a phenom for a reason, so just read right and then Been around as long as one piece right.

Speaker 1:

A little bit before, a little bit farther than that dig in a little bit deeper, or even to take the next step into. Hey, yeah, I admit I did enjoy that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, here you might also enjoy this and then not go or try to capitalize on that and I'm yeah, I'll be stoked with you if that's what we can get people to do, and that's what we want to do. My biggest thing too is, though, I kind of want people to go on the flip side too. Just like take a little bit of, not like blame or beating, but it's like just be honest, just be like hey, I think people will judge me if I watch this. I'm putting this out there, and I don't want people to think one way about me based off one little thing. I'm like not saying 100%, that's what's going on with all of our guests, but I have an inkling, because, for a long time, me and you, we talked about this Damn near closet anime fans, or we shut off that portion of our life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because we were busy, we had things going on, but we still were aware of what people thought. And then we hit that you know those magical ages, and again, these people have probably hit it too. Maybe me and you are just a little different, just a little bit better at not giving a fuck what people think, and so we're like hey, I'm comfortable putting this out here. I don't give a shit. What are you going to say? All I got to say oh, oh God, oh, my God, you know what I mean. I pay my mom my bills. I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm on purpose too, that close friends internally. It was whatever right. Yes, I know I've lived with a lot of different people Since I left home and as soon as I got home I didn't give a fuck right, like I had that shit playing and watching that shit.

Speaker 2:

A lot of good people, a lot of bad people.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes they were about it, sometimes they weren't. But, you know, I think you're absolutely right from the standpoint of just like even to, I think, you know, going through college I was watching that, I started watching it, you know, really getting into it pretty heavily in college, and it was just like never one of those times where, like you know, the start of the new, you know, every year it's like first, first class, all right, we'll tell everybody about yourself and she's like I like anime, I'm like not making this list.

Speaker 1:

And now you know I got fucking t-shirts and fucking.

Speaker 2:

I still have to tell people I do a part. When I say I say, oh, hey, like oh, what are you into? I like to, I do a podcast, you know, dude. And they're like oh, wow, podcast. Oh, what's about? I'm like, uh, it's about anime.

Speaker 1:

Nine times out of 10. Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're like, oh, oh, that's, oh, that's cool. And then they don't even ask me about the show name, right, I'm like, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

As much as we we are involved with it and I'm like you know it's still like I mean I've told you I don't think I've told anybody on that here Like I don't bring that shit up at work People, I work with people, that I fucking, I mean I do a little bit, but it's a little different.

Speaker 2:

It's a different setting than yours.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not a fucking soul. Nobody I've ever worked with as a fucking clue, right you know.

Speaker 2:

I'm off the grid in their eyes. I have no idea who the fuck I am. Um, yeah, no, I love it. So now we, you know we got nice and warmed up as always our 10 minute monologues talking about all kinds of things, our life and anime as it is involved with it. I wanted to give you the slam dunk opportunity and lead off with one piece before we dive into everything else. I mean first things first.

Speaker 1:

First of all, I'm white. I don't think I've ever slammed dunked in my life, a white man can jump.

Speaker 2:

And how dare you? Okay, Woody Harrelson, why don't you just calm the fuck down?

Speaker 1:

I'm an American white, a white American.

Speaker 2:

Which one, a white, american or American white?

Speaker 1:

Whichever one is politically correct, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Oh, like you give a fuck about politically correct.

Speaker 1:

Because obviously then you can't include, you know, Krasingas and Shut up.

Speaker 2:

I'm done with this. I'm gonna give you an opportunity to shame me. How about that? You like that? You like that better?

Speaker 1:

Well, why would I shame you? You said you watched it.

Speaker 2:

I did, but I'm gonna not know something probably crucial that I should know and I don't know. As a big one piece fan, I'm like I see what it says and I'm like why don't I remember that it's obviously important? No, here we go. So this last episode for those that didn't watch it the end spoiler alert. I'm not, I wasn't gonna say anything definitive.

Speaker 2:

I was Okay spoiler spoiler we're gonna talk about the last episode. If you haven't watched one piece, 1,070, pause this shit. 12 minutes and 45, 47 seconds and counting in, and come the fuck back to us.

Speaker 1:

So then mark your calendar for fucking August 6th cuz.

Speaker 2:

So me, your talk. Obviously you guys, you're talking. We're, you know, we're best friends, we talk all the time off air. And I had misheard Spencer. I thought that there was another week hiatus. I thought it was a two week, or maybe it wasn't two week and it was already passed. I just time is flying right now, so I thought there wasn't gonna be an episode this weekend, right, so I get on today. I'm like, okay, let me go through, let me try to figure out this country will bullshit which I'll get into right after this. And I Was like, oh says new episode. I'm like, but it does that sometimes, though, it says 23 minutes, even though I've watched it, like resets or whatever.

Speaker 1:

So I was like huh, I hate that tune. If you like, don't back out quick enough. It like Actively watching the movie. I'm like no.

Speaker 2:

Right, I wanted to be sitting and going to the next one as soon as it's there, yeah. So I saw it and I was like I don't think, let me, okay, let me pop it on, I'll. If I start noticing shit, I'll fast forward and then I'll figure out. Okay, I've already watched this or not. Hadn't watched it. So I was like You're watching, you know all everyone you know still battling. Obviously, kaido Wins the fight, you know, with Luffy and that fucking bastard. What's the CP he did? He did with that battle.

Speaker 1:

So I should have said war.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what's this? Do you know what that individual one's name is?

Speaker 1:

I don't know any of the names for them.

Speaker 2:

I thought they said the one. I thought he said the one name of the dude. They got killed when he was fighting. Was it Drake or no? Was Samurai dude brother?

Speaker 1:

He's the chick. He's. Oh yeah, thank you. He killed that one. He holds a mask in front of his face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, you said his name, I think I thought he said his name. Maybe not, but anyways, anyways. That's pulling hairs here, see if fuck those guys right interfere with the ball he shouldn't have.

Speaker 1:

Who did the fucking interfering? I thought he would have been the top dog, and then the other yeah, the fucking transponder.

Speaker 2:

And then so tell me this couple things what, what? Oh fuck what you take that. You take that work always. I dive in here While he's listening to me taking his call and he's gonna be so annoyed that he can't answer every question. Oh look, he can't even keep the headset on work calls. Yeah, keep that headset on, bitch, you can hear me. So I don't give a fuck what they're saying to you on the other side. So for those fans that don't know Spencer's a little quiet now he's got work calls I'm gonna say you better put that. Your set back the fuck on right now.

Speaker 2:

So what I was gonna talk about, what I found really interesting, is a CP guy like when Kido was how a piss, obviously that his fight was interfered with, but he knew he won the CP zero guy grabs his arm and squeezes it. Now Is he doing that because he's pissed at himself or that he knows that Kido is gonna fuck his ass up, and I and you know, and he hits him I believe right, because that's how he goes all the way through the school, the school dome, and he comes out in his dragon form and he's talking shit to everyone, saying how I killed fucking Luffy. I believe that's kind of how that breaks down Suspensers not gonna be able to answer that question now because it's work call and what, it just a goddamn horrible time. I Believe that that means he's kind of like disappointed. He you already know the CPC, cpc, cp zero dude didn't want to follow through on that order, not that he doesn't want to kill the straw hats, but he didn't want to get in Kido's way.

Speaker 2:

So that's kind of remind my. So is that? And Spencer is now office call. Thank you, jesus. And what do you think about everything I just said right there? Or did you miss something? I need to repeat a little bit? So all I said was the CP guy, when, when when?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I don't realize this, he's a bitch made fucker.

Speaker 2:

When kind of realizes he won, you can see the stress in his eyes again, reminding him of Odin that he Didn't truly win. Yeah, he didn't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that was the sickest fucking villain. Look when they fucking zoom in on Fucking eyes, go His mouth, teeth, how like they showed that picture. I was like, oh Fuck, dude this guy is. I thought he comes over. He's kind of smiling.

Speaker 2:

He's smiling because he's so mad, you know, I mean.

Speaker 1:

I think I was he's living.

Speaker 2:

You know, like Joe, fuck, your emotions are so when you grab and squeeze his arm. What do you think that's all about? I thought it was interesting. The CPR, the CP, do like what he looks at him. You like grab. He grabs his own arm and squeezes it. Did you not notice that? I?

Speaker 1:

Can't say that I did before he got deuce.

Speaker 2:

Yes, just before he got deuce, and so I just know if he's like bracing himself or what he's. It's just very interesting because we talk about this like one piece pussy sings in For a reason. You know what I mean. Like is there more behind it? I got he wasn't about the order. He knew he needed to fill in the order but he did not want to. He did not want to go do that but he had to. Right, and because the world government, those fucking pussies up top.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, so that I noticed that. But I'm sure, if there that there was a specific frame and when they showed some kind of a Move, I know you're gonna go back and watch it next week, because you do your your double down, so you'll just have to watch it, you know, Sunday.

Speaker 2:

Look out for that and just kind of let me know what you just. You just feel I don't know. I just felt it was like because, right, I think everything's pointed like they didn't have to fucking do that he's about to get deuceed up.

Speaker 1:

So, like every frame, it has like some level of meaning, almost some level of meaning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we get down, we dive in. He's talking shit to everyone. I love Nami, you know, coming out and fucking doing that. I love guys. See, I'm fucking horrible with names.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was really a throwback to kind of to like you know.

Speaker 2:

I saw looking at the watch Island or one island, whatever the fuck that island was called. Yeah, um very emotional, very red red eyes underneath, you know.

Speaker 1:

To be honest, initially I wasn't about it as much like and I don't know that if it's lessing, lessened for me, obviously because I'm farther ahead and the fucking man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bitch, near bastard. And.

Speaker 1:

I kind of feel like some of where they've been going in the anime is not what. I remember how it happened in the manga, so I was actually thinking the other day I was like fuck, dude, I think I might go back and and go back to where we correlate right now and you know as far as where the anime is at, to the man, I see you can kind of hyper Criticalize it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the big thing that initially threw me for a loop I didn't remember. Kind of it happens like that where it looks like Luffy's fucking. Mm-hmm, but I never remembered him going down, back, down into.

Speaker 2:

Into the school.

Speaker 1:

Gosh, oh, gosh, yeah, okay, like oh, shit Blasting everywhere, yeah and then so, and then, by you know, by default, I didn't remember this whole Nami situation, which would be hard to Hard to miss out, yeah, or leave out, oh, like that yeah as far as the manga is concerned. I mean yeah, um, that would be a pretty pivotal thing, right, you know. So I was like fuck dude, maybe I just fucking it wasn't that long. It was a couple months ago that I fucking read that shit.

Speaker 2:

But Are you saying I can't, I can't do?

Speaker 1:

appreciate her demeanor and kind of reaction a little bit more, as Like it kind of goes on right, you know cuz. Then it comes back to her for a second part again yeah, it does, yeah, and she kind of what you know, and that's when it kind of triggered me again. Right, you know everything that she's I mean she's number fucking, you know. Number three you know like I guess.

Speaker 2:

Zoro's number one or two? How do you want his number?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

She's the second crew member, but she's the third most powerful member probably. As far as Long Jevity and her meaning to the group would go, I would say yeah, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

Just a meaning, just a crew for sure exactly and you know, then I kind of just thought about it?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I know you always think about it too. You know a show that goes on this long. Obviously there's a. There's a decent amount of plot armor right Like you're not like. Tons main characters not gonna fucking die. A thousand and seventy episodes into the fucking show.

Speaker 2:

So you know.

Speaker 1:

Fucking happen, right, you know.

Speaker 2:

And then, Again all the shit.

Speaker 1:

We've been wondering like hearing all this shit like for such a long time it was like oh, oh, it's joy boy, like an actual person was so there you go, you and you just answered my question.

Speaker 2:

I was what you dunk on me for. I see joy bite then and I have no idea. Until they start, I see the next episode they're talking about, or when Zensu, is that what it's? The elephant Zuneshia is talking about the liberation and the dude oh, I feel him again and all this shit. So I see in that, but I've no. Yeah, what do you know about that? I don't remember anything. Is that? Is that new, brand new information?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, joy boys, probably like one of the most. Like I say, probably second to Two. Shanks, probably like one of the most. No, maybe, maybe third and However you want to put shanks and dragon, because I guess yeah. I've gotten a lot more of shanks and we have a dragon, so maybe third, as far as mysterious character want to want to know more, okay, I should say, or God. Like. So when we I think we first heard you first hear about joy boy, I want to say I Think it's the Fishman Island arc.

Speaker 2:

So was that long ago. I can't remember but have we heard a lot anything since then?

Speaker 1:

yeah, no, no, I mean we have little tidbits.

Speaker 2:

Long right, like you said, every frame, and I'm not frame.

Speaker 1:

They're very like subtle subtle, not not very like. Pointed it as far as like hey, we're gonna make you should be.

Speaker 2:

You should know what joy boy is. You should pay attention to this one.

Speaker 1:

A few frames to where they think they've mentioned him, and it might have been in the fucking, the intros or something. And they show kind of like the shadowed shape of him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I saw that in this preview coming up, but they show him and he doesn't. It goes on and it extends a little shadow like what the fuck? So now Okay okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I had no idea we hear about it some in the reverie, the gross I and all this is something that's actually a good one piece and, like you know, okay. Oh, yeah, no, yeah, no. I'm horrible know about this is one of the bigger like things that it's coming out keep people like, oh my god, who the fuck is this?

Speaker 1:

what's going on? Do, do, do, do. Yeah, but from a standpoint of information, essentially From what we know now, I think it's supposed to be this and again right, this is kind of the distinguishing factor. I believe that joy boy was a character, I think he was an actual person that lived on this fucking yeah, 800 years ago or whatever, plus yeah because now you're talking about if, if the whole reason are, you think he's a mink he was a mink.

Speaker 1:

He lived on Okay sorry, I mean I guess potentially, I can't say I don't know for sure I'm thinking about like the shadowed things that we see. You see him as a dark big. He's a bigger fucking like Jack kind of a character, right. Uh-huh and he has a straw hat.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That looks like a straw hat when he's blacked out and shadowed right it's not fucking.

Speaker 2:

what's his nuts? Robot dude right Fucking from way far ago had the bucket hat, though it wasn't really a straw hat. What's his fucking name? Do that, the paw being you and disappear your ass.

Speaker 1:

No, come on, come on. He's got a bunch of bad shit going on for him oh geez, oh geez, okay, anyways he's lived a hard life, but His whole thing is that, so he is apparently from her. When he was alive 800 years ago in the void century right yeah, the 100 years that got fucking. They abolished because the world government wanted nobody to know anything about what the fuck was happening.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and that's what they're worried about.

Speaker 1:

Back back when he was fucking out there Roman shit and he was fucking the Goldie Rogers of that. Yeah he had the fucking. It's not even the gum gum fruit. They call it something else. They call it the like no me, no me fruit, or some shit and it's like it's got like some very special properties to it and that's why everyone's scared of no, no, me or some shit, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So once they figure out like so, remember so, like it goes back to the gross eye for a minute or might have been in the last episode they're like there's a reason why. Yeah, world government changed the name of what this fucking devil fruit was called right, yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn't want the fucking world to know about it, because we didn't want anybody to know that there was and that's why she's had it in the box and that's why he wasn't supposed to eat it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he called it a different fucking name, cuz he just said it's a gum gum you don't need about.

Speaker 1:

Haha, he might he was a different name, but that's that's what he knew of it.

Speaker 2:

Right, it was told to go get in whatever. Yeah, that makes your fucking sense. Oh my god, see you're here. I think the I think that's the one thing like manga, people that do both I think is so much better because you're reading the information, you're retaining that and then you're watching it again you know, and I mean I mean that's giving me an outing excuse.

Speaker 2:

I'm just a lazy fucking bastard, but aside from that, that does have power. I think it's right you're reading it, retaining it, watching it, retaining it. Bam, it's in there, it's more locked.

Speaker 1:

It definitely helps from that standpoint, but but so like, so that. So that's one aspect, and then so the whole aspect of joy boy right is that he was fighting with all the countries that weren't down with the first 20 world world government countries, right yeah so there were the two of them that were fighting together right and eventually the world government. It wins and they annihilate all, they wipe a hundred years of history so that nobody ever knows that they've been contested against right yeah almost lost or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Whatever happened, of finding it happened yeah, yeah and huh beyond that. Right, you know, like joy boy, this he's a, somewhat friendly, brings joy to other people, right, he's like I think they say, like his whole thing in the Fishman Island arc, right, right, you know, like so we, we first find out about it. Towards the end of that arc, robin reads one of the pona glyphs, not the one that we gave a shit about now yeah, on the glyphs.

Speaker 1:

It was like one of the blue ones, but didn't have like growth over it or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Wasn't it like hitting?

Speaker 1:

no, no, it was in that underground, not underground underwater seaforest oh, that's right, okay, yeah and then I think I don't even think we we end up figuring it out. Then she's like tells the whole crew. I think sometime during the dress Rosa are, before she got crazy, was like oh yeah, no, that pony glyph talked about it was an apology letter from joy boy to the fish the, an early-ass Fishman Island people princess or mermaid oh okay, I'm so sorry.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't fulfill my promise and was that the princess that has the same powers, the one that the new one has now, or whatever? Yeah, I got see. You see how I'm just starting to just remember to.

Speaker 1:

You can think even before that, as they're coming down from Saba Odie in the big like bubble, that goes around the ship. Yeah, at some point time, as they're going down, luffy starts hearing the fucking voices in his head right like fucking frame over to the the sea kings, and they're like yeah, sea kings are talking to each other and they're like oh yeah, it's soon. We're gonna have like the rebirth of I don't even remember I don't know what they called it right, but what's gonna be it?

Speaker 1:

like they've been waiting all this fucking time and then you hear everyone, we've been waiting.

Speaker 2:

We were waiting the dawn, did it?

Speaker 1:

oh my god oh, it's bunch of it's coming along with that, like he has a strong tie for like freedom, liberation, like what we get from the episode. Right, oh do not.

Speaker 2:

So is it just because I smile and his face comes up and you see his face going. Yeah as he's like thinking and talking, I'm like oh so is this? Is this because Luffy fills all these qualifications and so he is calling to him, or is he actually legitimately changing into joy boy? He's no longer Luffy, I get, I know, you know, I can see my face. You actually don't have the answer, that, necessarily, but that's what I'm interested in now. That's gonna make a big difference.

Speaker 1:

I, I think. Personally I don't think there's like a relationship, like like a genetic relationship, and there could be maybe. I mean, obviously he's one of the D's, we don't know how the D bloodline genetics works right maybe there is some level of like hey, every D has the potential to awaken this.

Speaker 1:

I think it's more specific to he got that specific devil fruit and I think I almost feel like the devil fruits are gonna be very similar as we kind of progress here towards the end as to like an all my Midoriya all for one kind where you pass down, you learn.

Speaker 1:

The information you get, you can take 800 years ago you had that devil fruit. You you transpired or put your own genetic and DNA into it. It re popped up 400 years later that someone hits that point. Yeah, and someone hits that point and unlocks this get to because remember during the big mom fight, law, law and use this and use this capping kid they're talking about like oh hey, have you hit your awakening yet? So that's how they pulled off those big ass bad ass, we're like yeah, what the fuck.

Speaker 1:

One of these guys become fucking badass and yeah, and so I think the trigger point for Luffy is going to be for the gum gum fruit, which isn't really called. The gum gum fruit is called, like the no me, no me or whatever yeah, fuck, it's called a hidden name is going to then be the trigger point to where he's still gonna be Luffy. He's still good, it's not?

Speaker 2:

easy to get. He's gonna get, but he just unlocks and buy anything right, but he's just gonna be like.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna be like a new realization, kind of like a epiphany of like you said perfectly my, your Academy of Midoriya.

Speaker 2:

He goes banging, it clicks, and then all of a sudden he can get more than where he was at. So right, yep, yep yeah, I thought I thought you're gonna be more mean to me about that. You were just very you're very understanding, explaining all the points for joy boys I can't. I appreciate you for that. Yeah, I mean, obviously you saw to you start saying things, I started putting things together and I started clicking.

Speaker 1:

That's funny that you know I'm still disappointed, but it's funny you say that because other fan you know who's yeah interview with. Like he was asking me all about it too right, you know who the fuck what, what the I'm like, what the fuck are you? Just watch this shit. What the fuck you mean.

Speaker 2:

Oh, right, six minutes.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean it could be, you know, maybe a gap in and maybe the manga does explain it better. You know, maybe yeah the words and you're reading it in the retention thing, but like I didn't even start reading them, I don't have a real excuse.

Speaker 2:

You're really good with all these shows, honestly, and there's tons of shows where you haven't read the manga or the light novel or whatever the fuck it is and you remember. So, no good, I appreciate what you're about to say in the point you're about to make, but really I'm just a piece of shit. And that's 34 minutes guy, damn, dude, holy shit. I'm gonna speed up on the back and we're talking about but one piece. For those that maybe, if you pause, you came back. We're no more spoilers about it. We talked about that, but so we talked in depth about August this next be there be we might.

Speaker 2:

I mean, since I have to watch it 10 times after and I mean I don't know if I'll be able to convince him, maybe we'll do a live and we will watch it together on here, dude, and just fucking dissect it. But obviously that right soon as we're done with that, you have to go watch it, you know? Without me talking or any any, noise.

Speaker 1:

No, I'll watch it first without you talking, and then we.

Speaker 2:

I really did.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm just kidding, yeah no, yeah, I guess that's true, it does, yeah, no it's.

Speaker 2:

It's a fair point. I don't. That's gonna be what it's going to be the best episode ever. So we should definitely watch it first alone and then act like we didn't love one piece. We really could do the episode on that, but I would have lied to you at the very beginning. And then those that are just so excited about this Netflix show another shit we're gonna talk about. I would be letting him down, so moving on wrong. I'm talking about crunchy roll real quick. Not the first time, fuck you gonna talk about crunchy roll real quick. What I figured out is that's what I was saying in text to you about, like the high dive thing, their interface now, and it's actually. It's not as bad as I thought it was. It's way better than high guys, but um, you have a nice change their interface no, no, no crunchy roll did, at least on mine.

Speaker 2:

It's not the same crunchy roll. In the past you would go to a season right and it would say it would have the first one, which is usually Japanese, and it would say in parentheses season one, one, one, one one which doesn't say that on mine anymore, it is just the show.

Speaker 2:

And then if you have your preference set to English and that episode is in English, it'll just start off in English. But if it is a new show, as you just you guys in, it'll be subbed. But then you go back to episode one and click the, the what the hell is it the? The gear icon on the top right, and you hit English and it'll change over just like high dive. It'll sit there, it'll be on the sub episode. You hit the gear English and poop it like it like flashes, and then it switches over the English episode.

Speaker 1:

That's how you have to do it now, at least on mine you're right, I just went to it, right, I just went to demon's flair and I just have season one, season two so click on it season one, season two, season two season three, season 54 okay yeah, I don't know then, but if you click on, maybe it'll show you.

Speaker 2:

If you click on, like the sub one this on your computer or no, it's on my Xbox. It's the exact Xbox app. Are you doing? Are you on your computer? No no Xbox app, dude. That's why I sang. I saw. So that was so weird that mine and yours are completely different. Our years is the old way and I'm assuming they're trying to do this a new way.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, I see you're talking about, though it actually doesn't distinguish between these seasons even if they're the same Season, whether or not it's, it's gonna. What language it's in For the?

Speaker 2:

more popular. Oh Right, but if you look, if you try to pull up a episode and start it and it starts off. If you're, you have to check out later, but if it starts off, sub hit pause. Go to this the the gear icon.

Speaker 1:

Oh, fucking watching it's cats and fucking English.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but if you have, you probably have your settings set to English, so as soon as you click on any show like Kimono, main the main, or you have to start a show.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, yeah, settings down here.

Speaker 2:

You're setting it, your personal settings. You probably have it set to English preference, so what happens is I'll give you a perfect example.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do, come on, oh there's a English and then a parentheses. It says India. That is we have a different English than us. Well, I guess British or European English.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, they do. But if you quit, if you, if you like, yeah, like Kimono Jen show, I want to go into that next. So we're facing on a crunchy roll. It was really weird and changed. But so the show I watched was Kimono Jen we, if you've been with us before, we talked about it. That was the show Spencer's talking about the beginning, or yeah, we saw the graphic. I read the description and it was just a man for you. Only because probably you looked over it really quickly. I watched it.

Speaker 2:

I Like to show a lot I dare to say banger, because I've been told I say that too much, so I won't go into banger talk. But the first episode is one of those hook line sinker kind of episodes where I'm like, okay, I want, I need to see what happens next and I don't. There's a. There is a lot of shows like that and some of them are the top dog shows and some are just like, okay, wow, they just they did a really good job of opening the show up, but I mean like death, mountain, dead play. I didn't think that first episode was bad, had me intrigued, but you keep going in more. I'm like, uh, it's really not that, it's not all that you know, and I mean this show. I think it's a couple factors. I texted you about this one. What are you saying? Go ahead.

Speaker 1:

No, I just. I was just trying to refresh myself on it because I hadn't seen it for a while, because obviously it's not as new anymore. So it's dropped down the what yeah yeah, 2021, 2022 yeah so, oh yes, I don't even know if they're gonna do a new season.

Speaker 2:

I saw 2021, but maybe if it's 2022, then we got a shot 222.

Speaker 1:

Bandai visual TV 14.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I'm all January 10th 2021 to March 20th 2021, but either way it might have another season, it might not go off with.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll crash a real sand from their details.

Speaker 2:

But oh, okay, no, that makes sense. That makes sense. That's when they got it. So that, yeah. So maybe Maybe there'll be another season, then maybe we'll get it this winter, I don't know. I hope so, because three episodes in Second season show I.

Speaker 2:

Think it has the potential for sure off the watch. All 12 to you know, discern that, but it's only a 12er. Three episodes in I'm I'm as soon as I get off of this and I talked to your dumbass I'm going there and watching more. So it's got me that intrigued. I want to go back and watch more. So I don't know if you know me Well, you should know that that means at least a little something.

Speaker 2:

And, like I said, the first episode I was like okay, like character. I think fits in with kind of the style of characters you kind of like he's Misunderstood, almost a damn near-bastard, almost a damn near abused, very like, you know, like a Different but like a shield hero-esque kind of guy, a fucking cheat skill guy, like those guys that are misunderstood and put in a bad spot. I think you, I think you have a Perpensity to like those kind of characters. So this guy kind of fits that mold a little bit. They use that right, probably not. He's, he's quiet, but he's like he's like a badass, like right away, which I know you kind of feel like About. I don't mind it if it matches up with a story in the character. Well, I think they do a really great job at that. Like you don't expect him to be a badass and you've seen some of the badass shit through the first couple, but you're like fuck, like what's this guy's ceiling? And because he's so nonchalant about it, he's also like a lovable dumbass, like kid is fucking like it. Just, he's just kind of an idiot and so, yeah, in a way it's, it's got that you never watched. Well, you kind of watch it, but you didn't like it. The mob psycho vibe a little bit. It's got.

Speaker 2:

The jujitsu kaizen, it's the occult kind of one of those shows you know, I mean, where you're gonna get like it. So essentially there's these people that Are like in between the spiritual world and not right, I forget the name they call them. I think it's like come on, oh, I guess I'm similar to that Kinomo or something. I think that's how they said it, and so I'm not really like. It's like, essentially it's like one race of people and humans and they fuck.

Speaker 2:

And then these are the people that are off breeds. They have these supernatural powers and shit, and some of them are like demons and some of them are, and then they could be absolutely and they can fight these other kind of demons and shit. So it's very similar premise of those kind of shows. But the way they're going about the story I like it's got that like Almost like a little bit of orphan sense, where the dude the head detective has got that mob psycho kind of thing where he's taking this kid and these other kids, the other people that you'll see with him in the first three episodes, under his wing and that dude the head dude, essentially that is the lead detective or whatever that they all live with. That's, that's the voice actor, at least in the dub of endeavor Apache.

Speaker 1:

Huh, when I first look at this picture and I don't know if it's the same graphic that you're saying I see a picture with like eight people on it. You can hit share screen, but it probably is not on my computer, I'm on my Xbox of that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, the pictures. Yeah, sorry, yeah, what I see of that is here I'll share my screen is the same picture people and. I think it's a people.

Speaker 1:

Five of them are little kids.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Immediate turn off right. The only thing that intrigues me a little bit is like so it's that picture right there, right?

Speaker 2:

Maybe it's kind of hard to see. Yeah, yeah, it is a picture, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that picture Yep so yeah.

Speaker 2:

Special detective Finding you know you've seen, for you've seen almost all these people but two in the first three episodes.

Speaker 1:

You haven't seen why hair to the left and Firefinger, who suddenly agrees to help, and it's just like it's just not.

Speaker 2:

They don't do itself any favors. I'm not. I'm not gonna lie to you. It's not like they're they're doing this so many favors, but I'm telling you Gonna be a solid show, no matter what, whether you, whether you think, I think you know. Yeah, oh, jason wasn't a banger today, at the end of it, whenever you get around to you back oh, you know, I did actually like solid show maybe even good, and I dare to say, depending on how the story goes, it could, it could breach a great kind of show.

Speaker 2:

I like the story, I like how they're setting it up. I'm not saying it's super unique, it's different enough with things that we're familiar with and that we like savage yeah, I'm, you get that right away. But you know what I mean. Story is just like kind of gripping where you're like Damn, this kid like fucking, being treated like shit like. And then homeboy, the pervy guy you know I mean, which I don't think he's necessarily really pervy, but he's kind of like just more immature. I would say I know what you mean. Based on the picture, I get it, but I'm just saying he, he, oh, my god, they set the tone so quick in that shit. Like midway in you're like what, what the fuck? What the fuck did he just do? Are you serious right now? And then, like how they played it off in is like and he starts to understand a little bit more about his powers and shit like that. You're like oh, shit, okay, and they do that again in the third episode. So I'm just like the action is solid.

Speaker 2:

I like where these characters are going. There's definitely some, like you know, funny kind of cutesy shit a little bit, not a lot, but like it's fairly serious. You know what I mean. I think that's the thing we've talked about before shows, like sometimes I do the cutesy shit a little too much and I'm like you just ruined the fucking show, dude. Like so we'll go into what you're talking about. Another thing you're disappointed, aside from the one piece thing. I'm only gonna briefly talk about this because I do want to get into the other thing. I want you to get into the show that you wanted to talk about and we're not gonna have enough time. If we go too far into this, we kick my ass about it later. Have not finished. Gate Laying on me. Laying on me fucking I'm at like 14 or 15.

Speaker 1:

Who was the one to bring up that dude bro? Two shows, two shows you need to watch on this fucking app right now. When did you bring that up?

Speaker 2:

At least a month, a month and a half ago over a month ago.

Speaker 1:

It took me like two weeks just to get through a shout of your evidence.

Speaker 2:

I think well.

Speaker 1:

I guess maybe I did, maybe another week or a week and a half for gate, like so at least a month period.

Speaker 2:

But for sure a month. So yeah, and you finish both before I Then we talked about it last time.

Speaker 2:

I Did. So I will say this I I do still have the same kind of issues I talked about before. I just think that the punching power they're they're not hitting every mark the way I'd like, but the storyline and the world building I'm starting to gain another appreciation for and I actually really enjoyed that Weird, the weird voice detective that they first kind of meet when they come through. It's like hi guys, I'm like no, no, no, no, like whatever, like that. And he tries to pick up the sword and that gets fucking hurt. It's the one detective on the on the modern side, bushy-ish, black kind of hair, and I love his moment where he talks shit to the American On the ground dude that's trying to set up the assassination or whatever. When they go back through the gate, when they're leaving after the little tour, he goes that I fucking I could fuck your ass up right now. I'm like, oh shit.

Speaker 2:

So I like the story. I like, if anything, I like the depth of the story. You know what I mean. Like got a little something going on here, got a little something going here. We got some going on with America, we got some going on with Japan, we got. So I like that. I appreciate that. I think they're all tying it in. Well, I just I just struggled to sit through a watch. I feel like those moments in between the good are just slow.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know they don't give enough. They don't give enough. You know real depth. It's just not enough levity to yeah scenes that they do get into, from a standpoint of just like it all does feel Somewhat rushed a little bit right, like this should have been probably. They should have probably taken the first 1416 episodes, that 24 episodes. Yes, and then they should have taken.

Speaker 2:

The back you're talking about. That really got you more into it and that should have been another second, second, caesar 24.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know like actually really dive in, I mean, and not to say I think they do a good job.

Speaker 2:

They're not doing a horrible job. Everything and still really being able to kind of so many goddamn shows the watch I got, sometimes poshics, I'm like okay, not good enough, you know.

Speaker 1:

Everything that's going on and really try to portray when people are. And I think you know you like you mentioned, like the world building. I really appreciate that you see all these.

Speaker 2:

Start watching they're working together and doing shit. It's like Sick dude, like no, you're right. I started watching that one there, especially like.

Speaker 1:

Like okay, hey, this is how we're gonna start using, like, our modern technology to assist you guys and the town that started around.

Speaker 2:

The place is getting bigger and bigger and yeah, and then fucking Dark. That's kind of where I'm at right now. Dark elf bitch is trying to get them to fuck up the red dragon and she's begging them and they're saying no, and then she finds someone that could speak Japanese, the little Fox bitch or cat bitch or whatever, bartender. Yeah, I like all that that all set. Yeah, it sets the world, that sets it as an emers, it immerses you. It really does so.

Speaker 1:

I Mean, I agree with you from a standpoint like it could have been there. There's certain scenes where it can certainly be more savage early on. I think they almost do that strategically, on purpose not to yeah, because towards the end I Mean I won't say it like oh my god, it's fucking attack on Titan right, but it's pretty good. They pick it up to a point where I mean like yeah, motherfuckers are like Getting dome cat, like you're seeing fucking people.

Speaker 2:

Jesus okay right, okay. I even felt like so, oh that, oh god, thank you for bringing that up. Okay, I will give gate its fucking credit here. When they're at the hot springs or whatever, and those Three fucking military groups come in to try to assassinate them oh yeah, that is probably some of the best-looking guns and shooting anime I've ever fucking seen. Yeah, yeah, I can't think of another show where they really use the guns and it just looks fucking legit.

Speaker 1:

There's. Modern style, like how they like are seeing it from up high and it's just like all right, we got these dudes over here. These.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or even the helicopter when they go to the gate and fuck. That's like this is like everyone back out, get out of there and the way it goes to these shields. I do love all that. I think you're right. I think you know, as I'm saying, anything about. They are building up more. So, yeah, I have to go finish it. I'm gonna slap. I got no excuse.

Speaker 1:

I Think that's trying to follow the standpoint of like hey, we initially came in and we were trying to be very diplomatic. As you've been more problematic with us, we are slowly ramping up our shit to the right where we're gonna fuck your ass.

Speaker 2:

I know the fighter jets and they're fucking. Why are they doing all that? The boys so free, they don't got any air traffic. I'm like, oh shit, it's good, it looks good. I had question marks about how those kind of animations are gonna play out, because you don't see them a lot.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean and they, like a fan of old-school medieval fantasy and modern world totally crossed over.

Speaker 2:

So I think we'll go, we'll get. We'll give gates do credit, I'll finish it. We'll give it more depth. We go over an hour sometimes now, so I won't cap us to the hour here. Did you want to go into your show before I'll finish it off with I thought about the Netflix. It's gonna be relatively quick, what I think, but I have some finer points and we'll see if you're kind of interested. Something kind of funny too, to be honest.

Speaker 2:

Not so much, I'm only Realists everyone the name of the show, and you said earlier, I think, but say it again yeah, can't, can't be caught to working for God.

Speaker 1:

That's right, that's right, that's right, I did start just watching that one. Well, actually, I guess it's July, I think, of the past when I said I just started watching dead Mountain, deathplay, but I think we beat that to beat that, that drum, quite enough to know it's like we be it. I will eventually finish it. This is probably one of the Few times where it's like, hey, I haven't finished this show before I go and start another show.

Speaker 2:

Hold, on Hold on.

Speaker 1:

I'm starting a bunch of shows concurrently, right got him, you know.

Speaker 2:

But he says not gonna finish the show. I got him.

Speaker 1:

I got three in the dead Mountain Deathplay and was kind of like you know I'm with you feeling it enough, and so Then I switch over to this one and this one. It also kind of starts slow. I'm only two episodes in.

Speaker 1:

I won't necessarily hate slow shows, it's just kind of how it's the setup, you know, and I mean Well, and beyond that too, I mean, I think from a, you gotta look at you, look at it personally. Right for my standpoint, I'm watching the shit later at night. I fucking, I'm already been like doing stuff and you know Fuck doing stuff. Unless it is extremely fucking gripping and just like oh fuck, oh, it's not gonna necessarily maintain a me like the fence or the famous Spencer pose.

Speaker 2:

I hope we can get that and they put that on the helmet for fantasy football.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna head myself here.

Speaker 2:

That would be the best team logo dude. Um, okay, so you're interested, you'll see where it goes. Um, yeah, so last time we talked about told Spencer that I saw this show that I thought was kind of across between Halo and like it's super troopers. After now backtrack that, cuz I can't diss those things with this fucking show. Uh, this show is not garbage, but it is tough to watch and I'll explain why. So the show and I'll put it on the share screen so you guys see the picture here, let me, let me get this set for you. Shows called Yaka Yaka Tori, soldiers of misfortune, is on Netflix. The first episode is 40 minutes but then it's kind of a jumble like the next one's like 28, 29 and the next one's like 35. It's weird. So I don't like that right off the rip. Let me go to present Sorry, as I'm sitting here Talking about something you came see share screen. So there's the picture.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck is that? A little pug, yeah, so this is this is.

Speaker 2:

This is a thing that's actually.

Speaker 1:

Alone. I'm saying no, I would never watch this and so that's, and that's what's kind of. You haven't said anything else.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you would watch it. So, um, premise of the story, super dope, um, concept of Concept of what they're going for, dope execution, the execution earlier. I wish people knew what we were talking about. So. But the way they portray, like, the voice acting stuff, it's all fine, but the way they do, like, I guess, the dog which speaks in the human this is English, yeah, but it did it. So it's what's weird too. So they have it dud.

Speaker 2:

But then the little AI that the fucking humans have speaks in Japanese. That little blue glowing bitch in the middle to really tiny, really really Tiny. She's like a little pop-up AI hologram. Oh yeah, she speaks Japanese. They're all speaking English and she speaks Japanese and they, obviously they understand it, because I get in the very first scene. The dude's like, fuck, like, do whatever. It's like marine AI, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

So anyways, all these races, they make it super simple. They are they over over simplify. They do like, like, like, what a total war. They kind of game. I kind of like almost they got the rat people. That's where the war is going off right away. Well, they're kind of talking about.

Speaker 2:

They got dogs that are people, they got the cats and it looks like, seems like cats are higher up. We've seen that before right, egyptian society, da-da-da, whatever. So it seemed like they put them there above them and I'm assuming it's the cats. I can't, I don't really remember. Off the top of the group again, I was. I did like the first episode but it was so tough to watch at all. I'm gonna, I'm getting to that. But they were the advanced civilization, a Merchant advanced civilization, and they took over earth. Essentially, they made it to the point where Everyone want the either. It says either. Either. You were fighting and doing bow. No, I don't see. You'll see a cat in here, but I'm pretty sure that's. Those are the images of the animals that I saw. It seemed like they were higher up. The dogs Seemed like they were soldiers. I didn't. You didn't really any notice anyone like high up and there are all kinds of shit. So like the army that they're in is is the yakitori, which is a foot soldier, expendable foot soldier. You're fucking meat shield.

Speaker 2:

And they have water, they have fish people, they have elephants, they got ostriches, all these kind of things. They don't. You don't hear them talk. They seem really dumb because they're just cannon fodder. But like you see the battle scene, elephants look sick in the fucking whole armor. Get up the fucking huge. But they make them way bigger than they actually should be. But like, and they're standing and they're fucking just Fucking shit up and you're like holy shit and like, so the animal standpoint doesn't say take it away from it, but then it, but then it enormously does so in the very beginning. These rat people, they're like the country there are the planets called Bacara or Bacara or some shit like that. They're like okay, we gotta, you know, fuck, fuck these guys. We got to take Bacara back. Like earth, not the first battle. Yeah, they, they are. They do go to earth, I believe.

Speaker 1:

I just colonized by an alien civilization. But I would know that makes other traveling the universe now and did it.

Speaker 2:

It does so the first scene. You're watching it, and so this is. This is the problem of show. The CGI is just Fucking tough. Like if it looked like this the picture and it was actually anime like style.

Speaker 1:

CGI terrible, how terrible.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. 2023. Let me, let me back up, back out of here.

Speaker 2:

Let me back out, let me back up. Let me back up, let me take my. Take it back.

Speaker 1:

And when I say First to it's early kingdom not yes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, not as bad because that's older. But that is the only difference. It is just the movement. I get it, maybe just because we watch regular anime. It just doesn't compare and that's what I was trying to do. I was watching the first, the 40 minute first episode. I was like it's not like bad, it's just my eyes don't like it. You know what I mean? Like there's tons of stuff I like. You see some of the machinery and shit moving the world building.

Speaker 2:

What's happening is looks sick when it's a lot of still shit, but when, when shit really gets moving, it just looks fucked up.

Speaker 1:

Not see the eye standpoint because obviously, like I'm not super familiar, I'm sure some of the shows that we watch like I think even demons layer. This past season ended up having some CGI. That was yeah, but One piece. During the Zoro King fight they set the world record for most individual frames, mm-hmm in one, like sequence, so not even really fight. Just the sequence of like King and Zoro, both like gearing up to attack each other, they had like fucking. It was like it was like 30, 39 frames and like a fucking four second.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, that much detail and shit going on.

Speaker 1:

All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah okay and so I mean like so when you think about an animator standpoint from that, and I'm sure that's why it's so expensive and like it's hard for millions of dollars. Now right, that's why CGI probably is so like you just have one person on computer, you know right picture kind of like it does look better than that, but it's it's like halfway.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Like I can't and I'm not faulted.

Speaker 1:

I mean no no shitty ass animation. There's a lot of like big memes about Nard of the pain fight. A lot of different even pain.

Speaker 2:

Fight with shit on this dude, that's that's the shitty thing. That's that's the shitty thing is like the story. Everything's good, like even the action, the first sequence when they show someone. It's like same thing. These fucking hamster rat, fuck me again, don't fucking piece getting chopped, the fuck up. You see all that you're like okay, okay, but what mean?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But what killed me Killed me. I was like I don't know if I could fucking watch. I could try to deal with CGI. I could push through that like I really could. It wasn't bad enough for me not to push through it because the action and the premise it's cool. I like it right.

Speaker 2:

But the fucking when they're leading the battle and the one rat person like turns around and like they're getting ready to like do, like the, the war cry, essentially, let's rush the fucking base. And it's like because they you see their subtitles they're speaking, but they're not speaking in Japanese, they're speaking rat language, whatever right sound, whatever they thought rat language would sound. Like whoever that person was on the show I hope Netflix help, you're listening and whoever is on the yaku tori set and you're doing all this shit. Fire the person that did the rat voices. I could not take this show seriously.

Speaker 2:

One second after this shit and we were like five, ten minutes in max like so Boxley, the battle, and like the the reads right, like I don't remember the exact wordings, but it was like you know, I said I'm gonna do it my way. Let's fucking kill these fuckers. Like let's go, let's fuck it. Oh right, that's what he's saying. It comes out as Like and I'm like what, what? What did you? Did you say choo, choo, you're gonna go train on these guys? And then they do like a little like cuz, I'm rushing and shit here. So I'm like you hear one goes like go this way, go this way. It's like I don't like what the fuck dude? Like I mean I can't even replicate because I was laughing so hard Like are you fucking Serious right now? So for those that are curious, you're not really diving into the whole world. You have a Netflix. You don't really have a crunchy roll, you're just kind of curious if you want some Down to, so it's not just fucking oh, that's true, Good point.

Speaker 2:

I mean I'm people are just listening, really anyways.

Speaker 1:

but Matching about Netflix Do not ever watch that show.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't say that if you're bored, you want to see some cool action, you just want to see something, check it out. But I hesitate to even almost call it anime because the CGI I think so heavy, so heavy. It's like it's just it's an animated show and we're getting highly animated talking about a little bit, but I Win. This they call anime and I think in the beginning it went so quick though, so I have to go back and read. It said based on a Japanese science fiction. It didn't say like light series, novel either that. So I don't even know if it's got like the basis and tie into that.

Speaker 2:

So would I recommend you go watch it, only just to see if you can validate what I'm saying. Like I would say you know, you know you're not gonna do it right now or anything like that, obviously. But like hey, check out the first 40 minutes, like, tell me what you think, I just want you to see what you think and I am par for what I'm saying. Or you like you and I'm watching you, like that wasn't really that bad, I'm kind of I want to see the next one. I start dozing off.

Speaker 2:

I start dozing off for the second episode. Like woke up halfway through it Like shit. I almost just passed out Spencer again.

Speaker 2:

Let me put shit on, actually give a fuck about and that's that's when I made the connection with one piece was actually out, oh shit, and I was fucking locked in and I was, oh, let me watch something else, and I watch commando gin and so on and so forth, which is what I'm gonna watch when I get out of here. Did you want to say next week Might be a little more the same, maybe? I think we're gonna try to highlight I'll have to talk to Spencer with the week, because we're always both so busy and schools come back up around for me. Okay, so it'll probably be more of this, more the same.

Speaker 1:

I'll find out tomorrow or Friday.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it'll be more the same. We'll probably just kind of highlight stuff, go over stuff, get more, get you more hyped up for this season. That's currently out and all it's just going on. If you heard us last week, third episode you just guys in was bad, motherfucking ass. Have not watched the fourth one yet. It is out. I don't even started any of them yet.

Speaker 2:

So that's why we haven't gone in depth. Two things we talked about that I'm gonna talk about with Spencer once we close this bitch up here and the next minute or two is and you can help us, you guys can help us. If you got this far, you got all the way here with us.

Speaker 2:

Drop some motherfucking comments so we can give you drop that shit highly animated P Hi podcast, twitter, or actually not. Oh sorry, it's called X. Now we're on X, we're on Instagram, we're on Facebook, we're on YouTube, discord, you pretty much fucking name it.

Speaker 1:

We're fucking.

Speaker 2:

We can all get ripped together and more and more way than one. So Let us know what are the two things we talked about. We want to go. We kind of want to talk about shows that have just that one Season and maybe have stopped. Maybe it'll come back around. But as them now to stop or did you guys like that? Like the anime draft we did, maybe me and Spencer will take the time To research. We'll put our football team together for this next one because football season is coming up. So those are probably two things we'll try to lead into this next episode. Maybe we'll go a little more depth Demographic.

Speaker 1:

We get, do they do fantasy football.

Speaker 2:

You're right. You're right in Singapore and Germany. I well, germany's got, they got games now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Jacob Johnson right, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you say it. Say right, sorry, germany fans out there, I've just and he and he's more aligned, you know, old school, I probably did worse this time. It probably was popping up, I who gives a fuck, fuck it whatever I Mean I do, but Shut up, bitch. We could try this. I'm fucked the Patriots. We hope you guys enjoyed the show. Drop those comments. Let us know what you think. You know Spencer's a bitch. We all know that. Let him know in the comments. I'm great, you know, we know this. But, as always, go watch some fucking anime.

Discussion on Anime and Podcasting
Anime and Overcoming Judgement
Summary of One Piece Episode 1,070
One Piece Plot and Character Analysis
Joy Boy and Devil Fruit Secrets
Discussion on One Piece and Crunchyroll
Discussion on Anime Viewing Preferences
Anime Shows Discussion and Impression
Disappointing Show on Netflix
Fantasy Football Discussion and Opinions