Highly Animated Podcast

Discussing One Piece and the Power of Technology in Education

August 10, 2023 Highly Animated Podcast Season 2 Episode 29
Discussing One Piece and the Power of Technology in Education
Highly Animated Podcast
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Highly Animated Podcast
Discussing One Piece and the Power of Technology in Education
Aug 10, 2023 Season 2 Episode 29
Highly Animated Podcast

Have you ever pondered how technology shapes the landscape of education, or how an anime episode can stir up a buzz? Try to visualize a world where cell phones are contraband in schools, and Yonder pouches are the new norm. That's right, we're kicking off an insightful conversation on this episode about school, work, and the technology scene in North Korea and the U.S. where the youth navigate through phone-restrictive environments and the lingering consequences.

Our journey doesn't stop there. Imagine being on the edge of your seat, waiting for the reveal in the latest episode of One Piece. We'll be shedding light on the episode that aired on August 6th, and how it measures up to previous arcs. On this rollercoaster, we'll also be touching upon the rising trend of 3D printing, and its potential influence on merchandise. Don't worry, if you're not a One Piece enthusiast, we promise this chapter of our discussion has nuggets of intrigue for everyone.

For our finale, we'll be navigating through the labyrinth of the anime universe, debating the merits of various series and their accessibility on streaming platforms. We'll be talking about big shots like Mobile Suit Gundam and Bleach, as well as the growing power of Asian conglomerates in the anime content market. And as we wind down, we lighten up with some banter about porn, giveaways, and a polite nudge for you to engage with us on our platforms. So buckle up, and come along for a ride filled with insights, debates, and some light-hearted fun!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever pondered how technology shapes the landscape of education, or how an anime episode can stir up a buzz? Try to visualize a world where cell phones are contraband in schools, and Yonder pouches are the new norm. That's right, we're kicking off an insightful conversation on this episode about school, work, and the technology scene in North Korea and the U.S. where the youth navigate through phone-restrictive environments and the lingering consequences.

Our journey doesn't stop there. Imagine being on the edge of your seat, waiting for the reveal in the latest episode of One Piece. We'll be shedding light on the episode that aired on August 6th, and how it measures up to previous arcs. On this rollercoaster, we'll also be touching upon the rising trend of 3D printing, and its potential influence on merchandise. Don't worry, if you're not a One Piece enthusiast, we promise this chapter of our discussion has nuggets of intrigue for everyone.

For our finale, we'll be navigating through the labyrinth of the anime universe, debating the merits of various series and their accessibility on streaming platforms. We'll be talking about big shots like Mobile Suit Gundam and Bleach, as well as the growing power of Asian conglomerates in the anime content market. And as we wind down, we lighten up with some banter about porn, giveaways, and a polite nudge for you to engage with us on our platforms. So buckle up, and come along for a ride filled with insights, debates, and some light-hearted fun!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Highlander podcast. I'm your co-host, jason Sinalong. As always, or most times, with our co-host, spencer, what is up? You know how's it going, friend, we're talking about off air. How's your week been going? Why don't you let everyone out there now?

Speaker 2:

Oh well, I mean, the week sucks. I don't really want to get into specifics here.

Speaker 1:

No, that's specific, no specifics. So we're sorry this episode will be coming to you tonight on a Thursday night. You know that's really on me, son, on Spencer. He was ready to go yesterday but he also had something with a friend where he's like, oh, you know, wouldn't mind, and I was like at the same time I'm having dinner at a friend's. So you know what this works out perfect. So we're sure you guys don't mind. You know your faithful 1012 listeners out there. We really appreciate the shit out of you, from Germany, maybe from Singapore, for all we fucking know. We really don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'm really interested to see how well that reads into as well In the era of VPNs. Maybe realistically they're like I'm in fucking, I'm in North Korea, but I'm you know.

Speaker 1:

I'm paying my shit, or maybe it's not North Korea, but it's like no dude. I live like right next door to Jason, but I don't even have computers over there.

Speaker 2:

The North.

Speaker 1:

Singapore or.

Speaker 2:

North Korea.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Have you been inside of North Korea? I don't know shit. I mean, I know the same way you know whatever one fucking knows. I don't think so. They're starving over there. That's how the fucking you be starving. Have a computer. If you do, that is ass backwards. Then again, living America.

Speaker 2:

They probably don't, because even on their TVs they only are there only allowed like three channels. And they're right, and it's fucking Kim Jong-un right, fucking pony through a fucking field, dude.

Speaker 1:

That shit blows my mind. They don't even have anime.

Speaker 2:

That's depressing. That's right there in the heart of it.

Speaker 1:

They're right there. North Korea could be making bangers for all we know if they just give them a chance. Just just give them a chance, kim, just give them a chance, kim, kim, possible. So we start calling Kim Jong-un and Kim possible. Um, but yeah, suspense there. Shitty week. Not going to details, work oriented for me, getting back in the swing of things with full work plate schedule and just be at went to a concert. For those that care they're listening week full work schedule.

Speaker 2:

Summer's already over.

Speaker 1:

Summer's been. Oh yeah, I started on Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit, oh, it's over, it's been over. I started on Tuesday. That's a fucking week, dude. Less than a week now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That summer's been over in your back to normal school. Normal, normal school.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but like I've our Tuesday this, but this summer I wasn't like well, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I know you, you went above and beyond trying to, you know, trying to make it so you know, but that was school, school.

Speaker 1:

True, no, it wasn't even close. Yeah, but yes, school, school, summer, and so, as you said is, yeah, we're back on Tuesday and like a little side note, little side note, it's all Spencer, this off air. One particular person is a great artist.

Speaker 2:

I sent you that picture right pretty, I mean that's, that's pretty sure that's free with what you said, but it was still good.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, that was just the picture in the class. This said, this said person has the picture at home. Oh, it's gonna give it to me, but didn't have it. And what's even crazier, which dope this year is the fuck these kids. They got to use the, those yoder pouches. You know the phone pouches that you like. If you're going to like a comedy show or something I want you to film, you put your phone in the pouch and it locks at the top.

Speaker 2:

So you can't take it out Right right, right, right we have those on campus.

Speaker 1:

Every kid has to use them.

Speaker 2:

What yes, no way.

Speaker 1:

Can't have your phone the entire day. No, not lunch, not nothing.

Speaker 2:

They even do that. Yeah, we're doing it. So, that's kind of a wealthy school district right now. But one of these parents are gonna be like yo what the fuck? You're infringing on my kids rights.

Speaker 1:

Well, kids don't have rights.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's why the parents is gonna complain about.

Speaker 1:

sorry, I should re rephrase that they have one right child labor laws. That's it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's it. That's like that's the only way. Like their parent, the parent had to sign off. Like this is voted through parents. You know what I mean? So I mean, if there is a parent out there, which I'm sure there are there what are you gonna do? Pull your kid from school, then home school, you want to be on the cell phone? That goddamn bad. And nobody's gonna make that argument because you look like an idiot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't have a cell phone. Then you say you don't have a cell phone they don't, they don't have to give one.

Speaker 1:

But if you're caught with your cell phone and you say you have a cell phone, you're in a shit ton of fucking trouble. Yeah, and you caught yourself when you get written up and then he gets taken away and then, yeah, all kinds of shit. Yeah, I know, maybe, but if you even offend more than once and you're suspended, then you're getting suspended for bringing a phone like again, you go to your next levels and they take that to high school and your file says, oh, you're on your phone. You're getting suspended for using your phone. Like you got to be a. You have to be a chronic. I use my phone all the fucking time. Don't get me wrong. I'm just saying, like you, to be a chronic fucking user, to just not be off your phone when you're on, when you're in class. So I guess that's their theory. We'll see it's worked out. I'll tell you this walked by the lunch area.

Speaker 1:

It's been awesome Well yeah, yeah, I mean we got nine months to fucking go to, really, or you know, like 10 months total to go to figure it all the way out, for sure, and that I like, oh God, you said it like that because that's exactly like people like oh, like you know, the kids you work with did it, how's it going? I'm like we're three days in, we don't have any homework, like it's going fine. But flip side to that, even though we're only three days in, you can see the positive impacts because you walk by lunch. They're all talking.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they don't get it. No, whole fucking day you walk on campus. No, no, no, they they have these pouches.

Speaker 1:

You walk on a campus, you put that bitch in, you lock it If you're found.

Speaker 2:

Where is that at, though? Like they put it in a locker, they have, like a no, it's a pouch, it's a yonder.

Speaker 1:

Let me fucking try to look this shit up. Let me see if I can pop it up real fast.

Speaker 2:

But I know that's what I'm saying Like, so like they own it.

Speaker 1:

They own it, they have a phone on them. Yes, I mean in the pouch. It's in the pouch. Yes, Let me show the screen.

Speaker 2:

So the pouch is like electronic and it only unlocks at the end of the day?

Speaker 1:

No, I'll explain in a second. The picture will give a better representation here for those that can't see the picture. Hopefully you know what it is. If not, you can go to Yonder. I'm saying it wrong Yonder, y-o-n-d-r. Pouches. If you know what I'm already talking about, then sick, so share screen. There you go. So that's the pouch and that fucking big ass great thing. That's the thing that unlocks it. Those are posted at all the exits at the school. There are admin walking around with them to unlock them so kids can walk up to them and unlock them. It's a really quick process.

Speaker 2:

And Right there if it's emergency or something.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, I mean, if it's emergency, we have phones on campus and we have our own phones. Why would they need their phone specifically?

Speaker 2:

They're not gonna remember their parents' phone numbers.

Speaker 1:

We have their parents' phone numbers, Okay yeah.

Speaker 2:

Then you go to the computer like, hey, pull up so-and-so student, okay, I need their parents' information.

Speaker 1:

Okay, one second. You could talk about the tens of seconds, whatever. What emergency would they need to get a hold of their parent where they're gonna call? It's gonna make the difference. What is it gonna be? What's the emergency?

Speaker 2:

They're all their medical shit we have.

Speaker 1:

So calling their parent would be redundant.

Speaker 2:

We would just look them up and we'd see their-.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm just saying come up with a valid argument and then I'll shut the fuck up.

Speaker 2:

But I mean that's an incredibly valuable argument. That's been the argument since the dawn of fucking cell phones.

Speaker 1:

What? And I think that's-, I think that's-.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna tell you that I need to how many phone numbers do you have memorized right now? How many phone numbers could you fucking list off? Like don't?

Speaker 1:

list them off Memorize.

Speaker 2:

Actually, but like-. Yeah, Okay hey, mom, dad, maybe brother right.

Speaker 1:

Like how many?

Speaker 2:

do you think the?

Speaker 1:

number of five Like five or six probably, numbers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like five or six, and then you go back. Fuck, even when we were fucking growing up, right, like I knew all my friend's phone numbers. I knew my mom, my dad, my dad's work, my mom's work, right, you knew easily over like 10, 10.

Speaker 1:

So tell me, in this scenario in which you're in a place where that place has your number, has the number that you need to get to. It might take them a little bit longer, but you have your phone. What emergency do you need to contact that number before said other entity that has the number or access to it can get it? What's the situation?

Speaker 2:

You're getting severely bullied. School doesn't think you're getting bullied. They're like no, this is just children's play. You wanna get a hold of your parents like hey-.

Speaker 1:

You think the school's gonna let you get a hold of your parents? Clearly, haven't been in a school. Clearly haven't been in a school. Clearly haven't been in a school.

Speaker 2:

Why do you think the child suicide rate is so high? Because schools do nothing about suicide.

Speaker 1:

Clearly you haven't been in a school.

Speaker 2:

Nothing about suicide anymore.

Speaker 1:

Someone wants to get a hold of their parent they are more they're allowed to get a hold of their parent whenever they want.

Speaker 2:

That is not a thing, that's what I'm saying. They just gotta walk up to that admin and be like, hey, I need to call my mom.

Speaker 1:

Not even the admin. I mean just like office ladies. That's what you refer to them around.

Speaker 2:

You said admins are walking around with the fucking thing With the phone. Yeah, with the get to get your phone open.

Speaker 1:

But they can go inside the office too, and there's multiple locations, so I said they're at the exits.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, they're getting fucking punked in a fucking bathroom or some shit. They're locked in and they're like, oh my God. And the kids are outside the bathroom like come on, pussy, get the fuck out here, we're gonna fucking give you a swirly or some shit. Well, the kids, they'll do that. No, no, no. Society said, like I said, you haven't been in school a long fucking time.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, yeah, I mean, I'm not saying there's no sense of bullying, sure, every generation, no matter, but like it's not.

Speaker 2:

Like how we were, it's not yet I know, it's not that long ago, but it's not how it was when we were in school, dude, like I'm telling you.

Speaker 1:

So that's what.

Speaker 2:

I say, like the anime game is so strong, like you see it all around, it's not this. Two people, you fucking whop it over their legs.

Speaker 1:

It's like you sound like you know that pretty well. Dude, god damn.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I felt super best when I stopped bullying people. I felt super best.

Speaker 1:

So anyways, in a situation where kids getting trapped in a bathroom, getting bullied yeah, I mean I think that like situation is like an outlier. It could happen. Certainly I think there would be people around to like stop that situation, but the damage would probably already be done, right. So, yeah, that'd be extremely unfortunate, but I don't think that them having access to their cell phone is gonna make a big enough difference. You know what I mean, unless something even more extreme, outside of them locking them in the bathroom, happens after that. God fucking forbid. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So, in that situation. I've been asking myself on what we have phones in every single room.

Speaker 2:

So every single parent's number is gonna be in the directory right there.

Speaker 1:

So why would you call your parent? If there's a school shooting, why would you call 911?

Speaker 2:

I heard a thing about school shootings. They call 911. And 911, do you not remember U-Vol Day when they called 911 and the police sat there for fucking an hour?

Speaker 1:

and a half. That's the police being incompetent. They did anything. Oh, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

And so the news for the next fucking three months was oh, all these fucking kids calling their parents. And then you had the rush of parents fucking going there trying to break in through.

Speaker 1:

You think it's a good thing. Yeah, I don't think so. That's chaos. Saving a child is not a bad thing, so don't try to spin it that way, I'm just saying I don't give a fuck about kids.

Speaker 2:

I'm not around kids.

Speaker 1:

I know you're trying to spin it. I know you're trying to spin it.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I was involved in a school shooting. I'd be like yo, what's the fuck Wasn't that why there's role and order.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying U-Vol Day police, horrible job, they should have rushed in. But then there's plenty of police departments around the world, special operations, lots of people, lots of podcasts out there. If that's what we're getting into today, that definitely said they fucked up. I'm not saying they didn't, but that's the procedure is to call 911. What happened after that was a failure of the police department. You know what I mean, which is awful and sad. And so again you're bringing up an outlier, you're bringing up an extreme situation In a situation like a school shooting, I'm just saying that and I'm debunking them for you.

Speaker 2:

Why? Who's parent is James Bond that's gonna come on this camp. God God, god, God, god God and clap this dude. Who's gonna be? Parents are gonna come there and say that so what.

Speaker 1:

So what they have to have a need to call and say I love you, in case I'm gonna die. Final words or something Not everyone has the opportunity to assume, especially that you guys now Exactly, and I'm glad because it is way more of a benefit for them to not have their cell phone and interact with people and have that kind of communication going on than being on a cell phone?

Speaker 2:

Or is it just convenient for you?

Speaker 1:

It's definitely a benefit Not just you, but teachers. Yeah, not at your school.

Speaker 2:

in general, I know for you it's whatever, but fuck it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but yeah, it's a benefit for sure and we'll have to see because we're only three days in how the data will really stack up, but I'm telling you it's gonna stack up, the right way, telling you it will. So, yeah, I hear you're saying for sure, like I know you're the kid that's like, nah, you can't fucking take my phone. Like I know, I know it, you know what I mean. You'd be that kid on campus to be a dickhead about it the whole time.

Speaker 2:

Look at how you wanna do it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you would've lied, you would've been the kid that, well, I have a cell phone and then you have it the whole time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, that was the first fucking. I know it was I know it was?

Speaker 1:

I know it was, and now everyone's like is this an anime podcast? Or are we talking about the legality of phones, the school campus, the school shooters? No, we are not really talking about that shit. Spencer, just like to rile me up, just rile me up over here. He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, although he did work for school, kinda in a way Way back when. Yeah, so Wouldn't it happen there, wouldn't it happen? Oh, hell, no, but that's a different age group too. I mean, those are actual. Those people have rights. The ones you're talking about. Yeah, I know, I said that to someone at the end. They're like, excuse me, you think children don't have rights? I'm like, okay, I should've been so aggressive the way I'm saying that. But technically true, yeah, no, they don't Like. They have to follow their parents, have the rights. That's all it is. But the reason that 10 minute call to station just happened, I never mind. Go ahead, no, no, no, no, no, no. Go ahead, go ahead, let's go. We're already deep.

Speaker 2:

What if it's a kid? What is it called when you like divorce emancipated? I'm an emancipated child.

Speaker 1:

Minor, emancipated minor. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But so that they have no guardians.

Speaker 1:

True, true that again you're bringing up an extreme outlier.

Speaker 2:

Extreme outlier. That shit happens a lot. You never knew.

Speaker 1:

You think I got a shit ton of emancipated minors at my school that have no one above them.

Speaker 2:

You think that the kids you were. How many kids did you?

Speaker 1:

go to school. With that were emancipated minors. How many?

Speaker 2:

I mean well, I, I only know, If you had to fucking think about it.

Speaker 1:

I only know three oh three okay, congratulations Out of all the years of schooling that you fucking did.

Speaker 2:

But it's not like people are going around. I'm emancipated.

Speaker 1:

You know, true, true, true, true. Probably not, but I think you would know regardless. Kids are vicious dude, like you could think. You hit a secret and everyone fucking knows you know, kids are vicious. Vicious.

Speaker 2:

And they just took away their communication tool, but in flip side, and to Are they vicious on that shit?

Speaker 1:

to each other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they are Taking pictures and clown each other at fucking much.

Speaker 1:

You see, this shit I took during second period and they're smoking faggot. Yeah, exactly, exactly flip side. So I was just laughing, entertaining you, entertaining you with this extreme situation, these swarlings? That are happening, these emancipated minors these school shootings you couldn't give me one like normal situation. Like normal, and to get you a little bit of credit, the bullying is, I guess, a more normal situation. But like, even then, I think that's extreme to like need your cell phone for that.

Speaker 2:

But I could see it these days because kids are such bitches. Yeah, exactly, so handle it differently.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no, exactly. Hopefully this will flip that. You know what I mean. They'll be like well, I can't Shit. What do I? Oh, I don't have my. Oh, I don't have my. What do I do? Oh, what do I do, oh, what, oh, oh, yeah, what I mean? Let me start getting back to some normalcy. Wow, 17 minutes in. Where's this? Where's going deep on this shit? The reason we brought this up is because I work at a school. Won't go into much of the detail outside. Of that Picture is going to be of gear five Luffy. I didn't show you that picture, obviously, but can't wait.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to show it on the show. So you know what I mean. Next week we'll put it up, we'll show it, said. Other person was like I've got a 3D printer, I want to make you something. I'm like, oh OK, they're like, yeah, I can make like logos that I'm like and they're like you know, I mean like only like a square. Yeah but like I was like can you make this? And they're like, yeah, probably, and it's the highly animated podcast logo.

Speaker 1:

So I might get that 3D printer, but I don't know, I'm going to make a fake fucking stand behind me so it could be seen, but it's a neon light.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're getting shirts soon.

Speaker 1:

Fuck it, we're doing it, we're doing it. I speak it up. Do you know what episode this is?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, no, no almost 25.

Speaker 1:

29. Oh, 29. 29. Yeah, no, almost Deceiving. Why are they doing it? 30 is the next one. I got to get on Discord and get more serious about trying to get these fucking people to interview. You've been busy, I've been busy, so again 18 minutes in If you're still with us. We appreciate the shootout. You guys listening with us. We understand that we like to fuck around. We don't always talk anime right off the rip or we kind of like dance around the subject for fucking ever Don't have a shit ton to talk about. This week we're going to kind of go back into spring season a little bit, just talk about some other shows and shit. Spencer might have some shit that he's got on deck that he didn't mention to me before. He's like I'll think of it as it comes, but I didn't say I think of it as a comp.

Speaker 2:

I say we'll see how it goes. It's shit.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, you did say that, my bad, I was just trying to remember the words you used. As we're going, or like this Exactly right.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, oh OK, well, what. That seems weird to me. But yes, yes, Well, we'll see what kind of Off the cuff as they say, they being a professional.

Speaker 1:

But the first thing we'll talk about is one piece. We love it. You love it. You talked about it last week and we told you what was Spencer say Get fucking ready for August 6. You motherfuckers get fucking. Now we're on August 10. It's been four days past. You haven't. I'm not, we're not even doing a warning. It's been four days. If you're a new fan, I'll give you. This is the warning. If you're a new fan and you haven't watched one piece, you don't want to be ruined. Pause, get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here. But if you're an anime fan, like we're hoping you are, you're someone that's dipping your toe in and you haven't even watched it, like we know one fan has You're coming.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's. That's not necessarily a show, you just dip your toe in with.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we know someone that did their show.

Speaker 2:

You're committed, you're committed at that point.

Speaker 1:

Is he committed though?

Speaker 2:

What is he watching now? Where are you watching now?

Speaker 1:

That's a good point, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I have shit on deck Way more than this person. So nice, I like that. I like you defending him.

Speaker 1:

You do too, you know, it's OK. That's why I say the toe, the toes or the full toes, and they're not just dipping it Like actually, I'll give them the foot.

Speaker 2:

The foot. They're like waist high. No Get caught up to where one piece is at, you're wasting.

Speaker 1:

Not if you skip six minutes Like oh, wow, yeah, I mean and, by the way, I wasn't the one that mentioned that Just as well, and you're rightfully so, you're a real fan. You're like hold on, hey, hold on, you did what I called it a deal.

Speaker 2:

You did, you, did you did. I don't play no bullshit.

Speaker 1:

I was wondering why we haven't had an interview yet, because they don't know what they're going to talk about. Probably no, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding, we love you. We love you. We know you're going through a lot right now Big, big ups, big things going on, so we hope to get you on soon. For those that don't know, it's the number one fan, anthony. Uh yeah, so one piece, fucking. Just so. I thought I said it kind of before I didn't get all the way in depth. I went to a concert, saw offspring, right. I texted this fucking guy got home at like 2 33 am and I was like the episode's out at that time, right, cuz it's technically Sunday. So I texted, you know, spencer, and I'm like fuck you know show was do because my phone died. It's like show was sick. I was texting earlier and then got cut off and it's like, oh, fucking to jack.

Speaker 2:

Now. He's like one of those guys at concerts just like filming the whole time with his phone.

Speaker 1:

Not the whole time.

Speaker 2:

They're playing this song, brown Geez. Are you actually gonna watch any of it?

Speaker 1:

I did bang out With my long ass hair. That's funny. You could bring that up because, like you know, if you call me on my phone, I have this lovely picture, you know? I mean this lovely, lovely picture. So I'm passed out at a kiss Zeppelin concert, but I don't know who could it possibly be? Or Van Halen? Sorry, someone was Talking about Greta van Flee and other bands and Zeppelin and Van Van Halen, and I just got all the kids wear the shirts and now I see the Zeppelin. I'm like Zeppelin or like a nirvana, or Van Halen shirts yeah exactly I'm like.

Speaker 1:

Name me a song that I'm like.

Speaker 2:

That's so funny you say that side now that this fucking I Listen to this radio station when I'm going in in the morning to work and they have a bit where it's like Do you know the band on your shirt Around LA right, though, just go.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure the shirts are popular and they'll go up to them and they're like whatever it's like hey, they'll ask questions about like who's the lead singer, and you name me an album, like you know shit, like that. And it's hella funny because people like don't know shit bro. Fashion thing right, because now, like all those old-school bands fucking Low, you know logos or you know the t-shirts and shit that they had, or all the designs are like oh, these are like super like fashionable now, like so speaking, speaking of fashion, in for looks, you know, get tying back to what we're talking about.

Speaker 1:

One piece, you know the complaints. You know what I'm probably gonna bring up here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what do you think?

Speaker 1:

You laid out more than me, because you know more than I do about it, because I think it's from the manga Primarily and this is one piece, by the way, for those that are confused, I know we kind of go tangent manga standpoint.

Speaker 2:

It's obviously it's a lot harder to to kind of gauge because it's black and white.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, it's a picture for us, probably not as off-putting coming through, right you know.

Speaker 2:

So you're just like kind of reading, you know chat bubbles and seeing the visuals and the screens. You know like the little. Okay, hey, you know, and sometimes you know They'll have like a whole, like half page of just like one fucking sequence, right. But then they might have like three fucking three or four like small little squares with like a bunch of different little shit happening, right. So there's always little tidbits that are going on, so it's like it's very easy to lose track of like, oh shit, this, this, this shit.

Speaker 1:

Right, you know, you don't necessarily tell for those audio that's talking about Kido's fucking eyeballs going bonkers like he's fucking Roger the fucking rabbit out of his fucking school, which we I think you brought that up the other day was a great analogy I love that.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, luffy had several moments like that as well, but so so, so that doesn't come as like. Once it hits an animated standpoint and it's coming through through visuals that you're like seeing Second by second right, hey, I could be, I could be reading this shit and like I might spend fucking three, three minutes Just on one little fucking panel trying to what the fuck was that? Oh wait, how did oh jupy jupy instead of being, or whatever Sounds of whatever is happening. So I think that's why, initially, people were so, you know, stoked. You yourself, you know, right, you were kind of from aware of this next.

Speaker 1:

Next, year, yeah, like a month ago, yeah, a long time ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know. So it's like it's been out there that this was gonna happen, right, we just didn't know how it was gonna happen right, and then the crazy outpour of people just talking so much shit.

Speaker 1:

Is the visual come out, the real?

Speaker 2:

From one. You know, from one hand I can't agree there, like there were certain.

Speaker 1:

If you're comparing the Zoro battle of that, then yeah, but it's not the battle, it's an intro to the gear exactly, and that's kind of my whole thing.

Speaker 2:

It's like, hey, yes, this is, this is the transition into, like this isn't not necessarily he's not gonna fight fucking Kaido the whole time like this right.

Speaker 1:

No, where the animation is gonna be like that the whole time, hell, no you know but but I think one of the biggest things that people are hoping that, because shit.

Speaker 2:

I guess people are like review bombing this fucking episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh my god, I was reading some shit earlier.

Speaker 2:

And you know, the one thing I would go to is like Luffy has always been a very and I think that's why they're gonna be like they can get away with it and I don't have a big problem with it myself. It's like he's always been somebody who is very like free, free spirited, like doesn't really fucking care about any, like not not that he doesn't care about anything, but just like Luffy's always been a loof. Yeah, Honestly like no, yeah just like okay, hey, whatever, right you know.

Speaker 2:

So now that this joy boy shit matches up and I don't know I guess they haven't specifically said yet that this is his awakening but the way that he's able to interact with things, didn't he himself say this is my final gear, my final awakening, I thought that was in the episode. No, I could be wrong, remember for sure I could be wrong in comparison to other people who have also already undergone their awakening.

Speaker 2:

It's a very similar, like I think the awakening is supposed to be you. You have control over or you can exert your kind of power over anything anyone, anything. Yeah, whatever right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a good point.

Speaker 2:

I think from that standpoint people forget, like that's just kind of always how he's been, like it's not that out of the Out of the realm of possibility that he's like doing crazy funny stuff, because he's always kind of like he's always been like.

Speaker 1:

He's always like blown his shit up like fucking Popeye bro.

Speaker 2:

Fucking a hole in his finger and then suddenly blow into it like no. Yeah no, it doesn't matter, right you like he's always been a goofy fucking dude. I'm not that good at all right and how you look into it. I mean, there there were a couple ones where I was like you know, I don't know that that was. I think they overplayed it just a touch.

Speaker 1:

I think they overplayed it like the first couple times. It is like okay, boom, you set the tone, we get it like he's getting ripped out of the fucking screen. Oh hey, I didn't hate it. Yeah, I was like it's different, it is what it is. I'm not I know big deal. But yeah, they did like two or three more times, like after they did it the first time, and I was like okay, like I'm done seeing that yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think to be fair episode for me, though it could also be almost like an homage to the early you know comics and shit, animation.

Speaker 1:

It could be a nod was that like a? Significant episode number was that, like it was that day, august 6th, like so, when anime started, or something.

Speaker 2:

I haven't looked that deep into it, but I know people have been talking about that day for a while.

Speaker 1:

You had. You mentioned it yourself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, and I heard about it. Yeah, well cuz.

Speaker 1:

It's an aluminum and I Know what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

there's a break with the what's? God fucking damn it.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of breaks, it's kind of something I want to get into after we get done talking about this episode, but anyways yeah, but mmm. Overall, how'd you feel we talked? So now we talked about how other people felt, and that's great. You guys have your doubts, you're, you know whatever you're fucking emotions on it. How did you feel about the episode? That's what I care about.

Speaker 2:

Um no, I enjoyed it. I mean I, I, I, to be frank, I thought it was overhyped. I thought it was going to be.

Speaker 1:

A lot more badass.

Speaker 2:

Publications and and story story drive and huge progress of what we've seen and what we've been talking about. We talked about a software which is a stretch for me Like yeah, it was fucking dope, right, dope Um the world government always fucking talking about it, yeah. In terms of like everything, like I thought it was going to be more like it was underwhelming. Like you said, like the Zoro fight right. Like those two and a half three episodes, whatever it was like.

Speaker 1:

That was like fucking bad, why would they talk?

Speaker 2:

about this shit for a month, two months before that shit was fucking way, it's the best fight so far.

Speaker 1:

I mean I mean big mom and Lou Fee, or I mean not Lou Fee and law and and and kids hats off Go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they had their own moment as well, right?

Speaker 1:

For sure, but that is Zoro fight.

Speaker 2:

Woo. I was thinking when I was fucking going to take a piss and come back. I was like, oh dude, maybe by the time we get off of fucking Wano we should do a segment on like who was the MVP of Wano?

Speaker 1:

Oh, the fight of the Wano arc like best character you know, like yeah, you can kind of spin that a couple different ways too, actually, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying like you could come up with different categories to be like all right, favorite, you know, favorite character, favorite new edition.

Speaker 1:

And we're talking just characters, we're not talking crew specific right.

Speaker 2:

No, no, yeah, any scene throughout that entire fucking arc, right Like this is the biggest arc by far, though, right.

Speaker 1:

It's even way bigger than whole cake Island, isn't it? Okay, got in this one in the top two right Because the other ones are not as long.

Speaker 2:

I don't know specifically, but I can say for sure this one whole cake and dress, rosa, have been the longest fucking hundred plus, or is there like yeah, ridiculous, this one's like almost 200 episodes, I think arc the Wano. It's been going for a while For a fucking minute.

Speaker 1:

It's the longest one, for sure. But, yeah, no, I like that idea, I like that idea. Yeah. So I mean, for me again, same thing, right, I mean I love the story that. The human, human fruit, the sun, god, nika, I was like what is it? That's it. I started dying. I was like I was in a Luffy with my Nika. You know what I mean. But that's really cool, like that, just the insight, world building, right, story progression, super sick. I was like you know, and I fucking forgot her name again Odin's daughter. He already, he already, thank you. That whole scene was good for closure, but it lasted way too fucking long, in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

Like it was beyond that too, because they've been like hinting at it for so long.

Speaker 1:

We've seen like for fucking 100 episodes yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I was like I'm so glad for that situation was that Conjuro came down in his little fucking flame form.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was great. Yeah, motherfucking revenge.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I forget what their fucking clan was called, the Kozaki.

Speaker 1:

No, that's the her clan that he wants to wipe out. What was their clan called? Oh, you're right, I can't remember the name either. I can't remember what it is. Spencer for getting some, that's not what. I think those fuckers do Kozama clan, yeah, something like that, I think that was Kozama or some shit like that. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You're getting a room in my fucking.

Speaker 1:

You don't get any room in my brain. Yeah, you got quite the brain for it. So, yeah, I thought that episode was definitely dope. I mean seeing the description of Gear 5, him rubberfying, now that he said you do perfectly, now he can master everything, so he's everything within his touch. But first I was just like, oh, is this some like acid trippy shit? Why are the mountains bouncing it? Reminded, me of Roger the rabbit when they're fucking in town the houses are yeah. We're singing.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what the fuck is going on. And then it clicked that it was just what he was touching and I was like oh shit. And then when he picks that bitch up and blocks Kylo's blast, I was like that is some of the sickest shit I've ever seen.

Speaker 2:

That was that after. I think one of my favorite parts is where he fucking, he finally, like it's the second one and he breaks through the skull. Well, kylo's down.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you talked about that and grabs him and he fucking grabs him and pulls him up.

Speaker 2:

And then that's where you see Kylo's eyes like yeah, he rips him up. You're like you have to fuck up here, little bitch.

Speaker 1:

A little bitch. You think I'm dead yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think you know the one thing too, that saying that that now pisses me off is like in the preview for this, this Sunday's episode, this weekend's episode, it's like you see they do a frame shot of where fucking Kylo's coming with like another fucking thunder.

Speaker 1:

Thunder Baluga, I got a bug, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Fucking and like Luffy's face, just like whoop, like melds around it and shit.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm like oh huh, yeah, I'm excited, I'm super excited for this next episode. Yeah, I mean, outside of some of the details, we could, we could, we could break down the world government and the human human for more.

Speaker 2:

I'm not really like keen on doing it, unless you want to, well, no, I think what's interesting about about the world government play, and I think that's not even being mentioned much.

Speaker 1:

And not enough. I want to know more, for sure.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot more of this focused on on the joyboy aspect, right. Which is obviously stems a lot from the previous episode. You finally, but Zunezha is fucking back over here, right and yeah. And he's like I'm gonna go up with Momonosuke and starts to oh the drums of liberation. He's finally fucking back right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm hearing people are stoked for 800 years, right?

Speaker 2:

You know, and I think prior to that, there was a lot of like discourse between okay, it was joyboy and actual character, Was he a living fucking?

Speaker 1:

character, and this is what we talked about off air. Is he going to take over Luffy's body?

Speaker 2:

Is he going to be different than what he actually is and I think it was great that they played it out to where, like Luffy, he starts questioning like what happened? It was funny because like how his actions were fucking Luffy actions yeah, how he was talking.

Speaker 1:

You know he was Luffy right away, how he was thinking about it.

Speaker 2:

You know it was like okay, hey, like he does seem a little more like.

Speaker 1:

Puppety indifferent. His voice is a little different.

Speaker 2:

He's in gear five Like more serious too right, yeah. Like how am I still alive? Like oh, oh. And then he started to fucking Luffy laugh and everything right.

Speaker 1:

And like I'm better Dude, I think it is better when the fifth gear, I think it's the Luffy lap, it's just, I don't know why it feels like it's like a crack a little bit more for, like fifth gear.

Speaker 2:

It's fifth gear going to have other subsets, like all the other gears too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, true, true, true, true. I mean you already saw how. What is it? The color arms and the king, the yellow and the red. What's the difference between them? Again, you know it's better than I do.

Speaker 2:

The red is like, yeah, supreme.

Speaker 1:

Supreme. What's the yellow?

Speaker 2:

That. I mean that's just another. I think that was just the color scheme or how they were doing it.

Speaker 1:

Because, it seemed like two different things when I was going, bouncing off the ground and shit, when he was getting all fucking powered up.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that's because you see the sky and it's like all of a sudden it was like lightning. Yeah, he's got lightning going on over there.

Speaker 1:

So is that just ability or not, or what? Because that doesn't happen to everyone. That has the supreme argument Wow again.

Speaker 1:

So, though, for those listening this slap dick because he drinks so much goddamn beer, has to run all the way to the bathroom again right in the middle of my question. But yeah, for those out there listening, we appreciate you. We hopefully you can drop into our socials highly amended podcasts, highly amended P. We got Twitter, or famously known as X, now Instagram. We got discord. We got, you know, our personal emails themselves. We got a bunch of shit. So reach out to us in any of those. Let us know what you thought about this episode or any of the questions that we're asking. That's kind of engagement that we need to get going forward. Is what you guys think out there? You mean, hey, you're from Germany, you're from Singapore, fuck. Yeah, dude, I'll translate that shit, I'll figure it out. So you type it in. You let us know what you think about these episodes. You know, because Spencer can never let me know what he's thinking of him because he's always in the bathroom. But whoa, wait, wait wait.

Speaker 2:

Personally, I don't think that the yellow specifically is any distinction of anything. I think it's just like. Hey, that was like that looks cool. Do you think about all the episodes before, even to, when you see like flashbacks of fucking Rogers and white beard fighting and right like the big thing? Then was like okay, hey, they both collide, their weapons aren't actually touching. There's a big fucking like red lightning thing that happens in between them, shoots up, breaks open the sky like all the fucking clouds.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was interesting that was in Sampatica with the other one. It was like like matching up, you know it wasn't like a random. It could be, it could be some like, so yeah, but like you're exactly. So I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Remember, during the law kid fight with big mom, they have both, allegedly, you know. They said to each other we've hit our awakenings. No yellow thunder, no yellow lightning, kind of thing then.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Or even red.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, for sure Luffy's on another level, then it could be.

Speaker 2:

I don't think, I don't think. I think that was more just like for the effects.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's what I'm saying, but we've always talked about this they don't do stuff for nothing. You know, what I mean. So they're not for everything. Maybe that might be too minute of a thing to be like. Come on, dude, we're not basing our stories off of goddamn lightning. So yeah, I'm just kind of curious. So those things that kind of stuck out to me. I enjoyed the episode. I'm more excited for this next one. Hope we get more in depth with all the background story and figure out a lot more shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I mean, I don't know outside of the obviously like he still has to win this fight. I still have Cypher pull.

Speaker 1:

We have to fucking got there One guy left that we're going to dip out for sure, 100% what's going to happen with him.

Speaker 2:

We need to know what's going to happen with sword. They still really have not been very explored yet. We only just found out about them. This, this arc, you still have to, we're still going to have to come to grips with. You know what moment those K is now and how going forward. You know the country is going to be ran Hell. We still have to figure out what's going to happen with, with episodes left, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah. So a good, a good chunk of shit through right now, and that's what I'm saying to like. I mean we get, I don't know we necessarily talk about here. They're talking about, oh, like, was it like five year?

Speaker 2:

we're going to end one piece in five years or some shit right, you know like, if you're going to end it in one and five years, you're going to go against the grain of everything you've done the past fucking 10 years. Well, maybe not 10 years, like I don't know. So whenever the dress Rosa arc came out, what was that fucking? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Like you know better than I would, yeah 2018 or some shit went.

Speaker 2:

When do you move in 2000.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It was like right around then right, you know so at that point, we were already waiting week to week. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

We were waiting before that.

Speaker 2:

We were at that Well before that. Yeah, for sure. But I mean, I think at that point that, like that's what my, I think you moved in right around while that arc was like, or maybe it was whole cake Island arc, I can't remember, but I can't remember either.

Speaker 2:

No, now you're going to say that, hey, you're going to go through the most important, arguably the most important arcs of this show in a shorter amount of time than these other ones are like dude. I don't know what it was. Maybe it was like a month ago. Two months ago, there was a manga episode that was just like. I can't even say what happened in it because it was fucking like you'd be like what the fuck, dude?

Speaker 1:

And it was yeah, it will be like what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

So I kind of immediately thought like yo, what the are they kind of trying to like?

Speaker 1:

shortchange us. I can sense it from you Speed, speed. I already do they just started.

Speaker 2:

I'm no idiot yeah. I was like I don't really like how that happened there.

Speaker 1:

I really like where this conversation is going.

Speaker 2:

Nothing is finalized ever, obviously, in this show right, so it could certainly go. I think it's gonna end up going longer, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

So by some time. So fucking all.

Speaker 2:

Why the fuck would we ever give up this cat cow? Right like same shit with fucking Naruto, right? You know you got board, so something.

Speaker 1:

A great anatomy for normies, yeah. I mean like it's like 19 seasons of just like doctors and I'm like who the fuck about possibly like this? But clearly they do. Got 19 seasons, 20 seasons, yeah, normie TV. You've heard of great anatomy.

Speaker 2:

Long orders.

Speaker 1:

Another good one too, but I think I think I've been around longer because long or has the sub sex, you know what I mean. Really break it like a long order, svu, long order like Miami or maybe something. I am a bit different.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay so if it was just. It was just law and order since when it fucking came out to now, which I think maybe there's possibility. That's a good point. I'll have to look that up, but those would be the two shows that are like longest running Normie TV shows out there. But yeah, regardless, like you're saying, long running show.

Speaker 2:

It all and all. I thought the episode was great. I yeah. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm gonna watch it again here and oh we know it.

Speaker 1:

If you're a listener, you know it you know his answer always be watches that shit anything else you want to say, before we move on you drag it out.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they catch any other new things in there? I?

Speaker 1:

Mean there's a lot.

Speaker 2:

It just seems drug out to you because you don't know shit about it.

Speaker 1:

So you know too much about. You know too much ahead of time shit, so your brains always churning because of the man. If you never read the manga, I bet you wouldn't remember as as much shit as you do. And I'm an asshole, but I've self, I'm a self-emitted asshole. It's not like I'm no, no, I know a lot like no, I don't, but I am a fan, big-time fucking fan.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you ask me, like on audio, like they're eclipse, like people brought shit up, I'd probably be able to name where it was and some of this shit and probably come back to me. Maybe not, though I don't know. So any who you know? We talked about this in the past. We could have kept going. I could have not cut them off there. We could have kept going into sub one piece shit the whole time, and I'm I Don't not like it, but at some point it's like we talk about one piece all the fucking time. I'm like, goddammit, do people really want to listen to this shit? Maybe they do, maybe. Maybe you're listening out there. You're like guys, I want you to talk more about one piece and less about these other fucking shows. If that's the case, let us know. We can change this whole goddamn show. We change the name to one piece Animated. I don't know who gives a fuck. So when I want to talk about with Spencer, you know, towards the end of the show was We've done this in the past, like we, we, I or I or even you, I think, sometimes like hey, haven't seen this show, let's check it out.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of another thing I want to do. I don't think we're gonna get to this show soon. I know I see your mouse, so you're fine. I don't think we're getting to this show anytime soon. I think what. We won't watch the show until at least a month from now, if not longer. But I wanted to. I want to get on the books, I wanted to be recorded that we're going to watch this show at some point, guaranteed. I think one of them is already on the list, which I'll just go kind of lead with it. At the front Spring season, we talked about some shows or we glossed over them and we never really watched them and I wanted you have your man in a list up, right.

Speaker 1:

So couple things. One, I'm not really the oh she, no, co, not, it's just got a great rating. I'm not really like that keen on watching it Heavenly delusion. I'm super pissed. I can't find that shit. It's not on Disney plus, it's not. It says it is, it's not. It's not Disney plus, our fucking Disney plus, or cocksuckers. They do not have any actual, actual anime up, so at least in America. So that's super disappointing and pisses me, pissing me off.

Speaker 2:

But I want.

Speaker 1:

I have only do is, yeah, spring season 2023,. But then there's ones. I caught my. I'm gonna just catch my this time around. I think we talked about the dangers. In my heart it's on the far right side again, midway down, like just below a cheat skill in another world becoming unrivalled. The picture doesn't necessarily do it for me, but reading the thing, I was like we talked about this. We've read it. It's not interesting. It's got 8.28. It's nothing to nothing to blow your nose at and it's high dive so Haven't seen it on the high dive I have a watch me.

Speaker 2:

This is popular right now either.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, true, but that show have a vision.

Speaker 1:

I'm interested, that show, heavenly delusion, and then I told you about this before we didn't really get into a morning. I kind of, I kind of want to start doing getting into this more and going way back and watching some shit. I don't know if I can really convince you, because I don't think it's really your thing is the mobile suit Gundams. And they have that mobile suit Gundam, the witch from mercury, season 2, rated out at 8.0. It's on crunchy roll, looks good. I mean, with animations nowadays that shit's probably getting better and better looking.

Speaker 2:

See, my big thing with that is like so obviously you have to work watch season one first. How much does does this, this specific?

Speaker 1:

Gundam play into that universe is.

Speaker 1:

It. They. They're all, from what I understand, these are kind of like you know, like we both like the, the fate stay night and the fate zero and all that unlimited Blade work series. Those are all roughly the same universe, right, but not necessarily story Comprehensive with. I'll give you no example. There's, there's the Mobile suit, gundam, blood orphans, right, and then there's this one, the witch of mercury. I don't think there's a direct correlation between them, but I think their worlds and what's happening, maybe Gundams and technology, I think those might transfer over, but necessarily the characters themselves don't always transfer over, if that makes sense, right. But anyways, they just got really good ratings.

Speaker 1:

So I was kind of like we talked about them, we never watched them. Is there, is there any of those? And then the other one's, bungler straight Dogs. But I think we're both gonna get into that again, you know, and I mean so I'm not really worried about putting that on the list. I could mention that that would be kind of valid, I guess, in this conversation, because we both haven't. But I'm putting that to the side because I think mean you both like bungler straight dogs, we're gonna watch it in our own due time. So out of would you add a mobile suit, gundam, the witch of mercury, season two obviously you gotta watch season one Heavily in delusion. If we could fucking find it, and the dangers in my heart, would you watch any of those? Would you watch all those? What's your take?

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm actually already watching a show that we had talked about from the spring season. Right now, I'm not done with it yet. So, yeah, that's the one that you weren't liking that much, you're just talking about it.

Speaker 1:

Last time it was the.

Speaker 2:

Working god in a godless world, correct? You watch the third episode 17 times. I like certain sense, and now I'm on like episode seven I think, but okay.

Speaker 1:

So it turned around and I got a little bit better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, and some of that's you know, rewatches because of my own.

Speaker 1:

You know what to say.

Speaker 2:

it's okay, I know, I know but, I'm gonna finish that one anyways, but um yeah, no dangers in my heart. I'd probably Like, if nobody told me, like this is a fucking banger, I'm not gonna watch it and why?

Speaker 1:

why are you not gonna watch it? Out of curiosity?

Speaker 2:

It's just like yeah, hey, the picture is interesting, um and and realistically, not even that much is just the picture is not interesting. I think the description's interesting. You have like this little weird kid. Yeah, I mean, I think even this description is like disturbing in a way. Uh, you know, it's like oh hey, blood thirsty killer, I didn't want to see this bitch die. But then he starts to see in another light. This just sounds like a fucking rom-com to me, or some shit like.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you're not a rom-com guy. See, I'm a rom-com guy. I can. I can appreciate a good rom-com. Not necessarily anime, like normie tv really, but yeah, I'm kind of just like whatever at that point Um.

Speaker 2:

What was the other one besides the gun that a?

Speaker 1:

two, where mobile suit Gundam uh, the witch from mercury, I think, is what it was titled. Season two.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, the besides Gundam, oh, uh, heavily delusion, which is oh, that's fine yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Read it. Read it and look at the picture. Read it and look at the picture.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, no this one actually looks like I would I, if we could find this one, I'd watch this one. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1:

If you're listening right now, you guys like lightweight like.

Speaker 2:

Attack on titan like what is it Zomgan or zonk? No, that's, that's a different. Oh, you're talking about bucket list zom 100 bucket list. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, funny you mention that it kind of gives me that vibes and I'm really liking that show right now.

Speaker 1:

I haven't gotten back into it. I want to check out the dub. The subs cool.

Speaker 2:

I like the concept. I'm not using the sub on it. Kind of like, puts me in and I mean, obviously it's a lot different to right. This is 15 years in the past, right like that shit happens in the fucking immediate. But yeah no, I would. I would definitely be down to watch that one heavenly delusion.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe we can find it, maybe not now, just curious you take on those, what's up with PV mean let's see don't know PV means, but you

Speaker 1:

know, yeah, instead of play. Yeah, you're right, watch promotional video, that's what it is. So then, if you flash forward to summer 2023, this threw me off big time. It shows the rising of the shield hero three, part two, right or no? Is it the second third season, actual? And then goblin slayer two. As part of this shit coming, it says August fit 2023 and August 4th goblin slayer, and I'm like what?

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen any episodes episode one and two preview that screening in Germany on August 5th. Regular broadcasting will begin in October oh just say the description right there over 23. Yeah, yeah, october 23 you're coming up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, same thing here, right, I'm so on August, okay, okay, but still like I don't like that this is. So. This is another reason to bring out why my anime list sucks fucking cock is because that shouldn't even be there. I should be on another page of like announcements in news. It just throws people off, like if I'm looking at your list, I'm gonna say, oh, I'm looking at summer 2023. What I want to watch? Oh shit, rising the shielders.

Speaker 1:

Season 3's out. Yes, okay, of course you. If you just did a little more diligence like Spencer didn't, I didn't and read you would find out. But that's still dumb as fuck. So I saw that it kind of pissed me off a little bit, cuz I was like what the fuck? My happy marriage. I've heard a bunch people talk about it actually. So on Netflix not your kind of show, I think, but it's got a point three. Seven Masamune Kunu's revenge are kind of interested in that, just cuz silver silver link is the studio and it's a harem school. I like the school teams and the harem ain't bad and I know you like the harem, so kind of like maybe the eminence in the shadow season 2 is supposed to be out, but haven't seen it, so from that I'm not like super keen on anything else what, what, where you could find watch it.

Speaker 1:

I think that's another indication too, that it's not actually real thing, cuz like, if you look at Goblin Slayer and shield hero, same thing on the right side doesn't show you where you can see it. So I guess maybe that, but then again. But then again bleach. Oh, you know what this is. Okay, I know what this is. So bleach, thousand year blood, war, separation. This is on Disney Plus 2 and it's not. You know why they're saying that? Because Disney fucking owns the Hulu thing. I think right, don't they? The Hulu streaming? And Hulu does have anime, don't they?

Speaker 2:

Disney owns everything. I think Disney is.

Speaker 1:

Hulu. So, anyways, I think they're on Hulu because remember I was able to watch that first season of the blood lore because I had the Hulu account still from that that shall not be named, and now I don't. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

So I can't watch Hulu anymore like you watched, it was like it was not like a what you watched, it all.

Speaker 1:

I did watch all of the, the newest stuff that's out from bleach yeah, you watch it all. The new season, the thousand year war yeah, I told you I wasn't that into it.

Speaker 2:

I told you well, that's what I'm saying. Like you watched, it's just like you're what's, what's the quote?

Speaker 1:

I don't watch you know like for.

Speaker 2:

Anthony, it's like you skipped six minutes for you. It's like you don't really watch, you like kind of do another stuff while it's on and you kind of like catch moments you think you think I do that for everything.

Speaker 1:

That's what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

I know you don't do it for one piece and some of the other bigger ones, but like yeah, for for a bleach. So you're just making an assumption okay, put out your, your, your hatred for bleach sucks.

Speaker 1:

Is there is there any contesting to that? I'm saying the whole time you're watching if you're out there and you're like Jason, it doesn't suck, please, please, drop a message. Be with Spencer Spencer. Spencer was the person that me into bleach, I think. And then it was like it was good for a long time and then it sucked and I got ridiculed for not watching it forever and finishing it, but it sucked and then this show is so so good for here listen, listen out there for your fan.

Speaker 1:

This show was so good for Spencer that when the new shit came out, he didn't even bother to find out. We're talking to full. You guys are talking to full blown of illegals. When it came to watching shit, he hasn't even attempted to stream or watch the thousand year war. Why. Why hasn't he? Why hasn't he? Susan's Dragon Ball Super came out. We're trying to watch that shit at least a little bit after it came out, and the first season of the thousand year blood war has been out for a fucking minute now. They got that second shit and Spencer watched it one time. No, you know why, cuz the show fucking sucks. How it ended is all that matters. How it started doesn't mean shit.

Speaker 2:

We talk about one piece started one piece started like and it's fucking banging.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean? Yeah, kingdom oh shit, it's gonna like golden common, we like a point where start out pretty sick actually, but yeah, I saw how to throw you off there, yeah good, good, I've got to got your goddamn attention now, okay. So, like I said, are you like hell bet on watching? Yeah, okay, I'm just right.

Speaker 2:

I'm just used to. I am now.

Speaker 1:

I eat fucking fucking caviar yeah, have you attempted to watch the newest season of bleach? It's called caviar. You said it. Yeah, you said it okay oh, frog legs, sorry, no, I don't know what that's called whatever like that's cargo and shit.

Speaker 2:

That's not like that, I class like the only rich people eat this shit, cuz they can't eat this shit. Hey, I watch it because I have fucking subscriptions to the shit that I can watch. So that's what. I watch that illegal bullshit. I ain't going through that non-stop.

Speaker 1:

I don't give a fuck what the show is oh so one piece wasn't on your streaming shit for some reason. You're not gonna go find it if I can't pay you're full of shit.

Speaker 2:

You can pay for who you can pay for, who you can pay for, who I'm not gonna pay for. Who to watch one?

Speaker 1:

fucking. Hey, they got multiple enemies on there. You don't know, you don't know yeah you don't know there is. You just didn't give any of them a chance. You still didn't give hot shit. No bastards, dope dude. I like that one. The second season's out, by the way, but I'm yeah, have you watched it?

Speaker 2:

did you watch it all yet?

Speaker 1:

nope, and I'll tell you why I'm watching it.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you why I'm like you're not gonna finish the first season you watch it two weeks, two weeks maybe then you didn't get back into it for a fucking minute no, for a week after and I finished it the next week.

Speaker 1:

I did. You never got back in it. Don't, don't confuse me and you don't confuse me and you and I admit something that you wouldn't admit. The reason I haven't gotten the second season is because there's other shows that I enjoy much more norm it's a good show still, but there's other shows that are better. For sure, me shows even know some normie shows are better than some anime. Yeah, for sure, but I haven't been even really been watching those. I've been getting going at home, listening to podcasts and going to sleep, been doing a little bit different, but you wouldn't know that because you didn't text me about it. So it's okay, it's neither here nor there. But you don't watch bleach because you like other stuff more, and that's okay, that's right?

Speaker 2:

no, I don't watch please, cuz it's not readily available.

Speaker 1:

It's readily available on what you watch okay, it's on crunchy roll that's on whoo I don't have whoo oh well, if it was good, you would. You would fucking me watch it crunchy roll. And then, why? Why did they buy up the rights to bleach? Why, why, why couldn't they get into that? There's two out there, I mean not for this newest one, but the old bleach like that's on Netflix now.

Speaker 1:

She's saying they got outbidded by by neti flicks no, old shows don't matter old shows, it's just like hey the old bleach yeah we're getting whites on shit so like you, just, you just get you're like, you're cool with like the biggest anime conglomerate getting outbidded for one of their best shows and who outbid them there's Disney, oh, big time company.

Speaker 2:

But I'm just saying they do, they do, they do own everything.

Speaker 1:

But when we need both agree, like I was saying that as like hyperbole, like they don't own the anime market. We both know that they don't well, and that's the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

So who owns the anime?

Speaker 1:

market. Who owns the anime market? Why are you always avoiding my questions? This is like I feel like I'm like on the US government, asking those people like so and our women which one they're like? Well, you know, like can you answer the question? Well, but that's you right now. The question is this who is the biggest anime conglomerate out there? It's an easy fucking answer who owns the market anime content? Oh, you, my god. We don't even have to research it. It's crunchy roll and fun amation. They're the biggest company. This media, all these companies, big companies. They do not own as big of a chunk. We don't even have to look at the data to know. We know, and you act like you don't know is infuriating right now.

Speaker 2:

So let's go to the next phase.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong oh so the the parent company of those? Do you think it's Disney? I don't think so. Well, regardless, whoever that parent company is owns the anime market, right? We can agree on that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would say, sony probably owns everything anime related.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Sony does and the Sony owned Disney.

Speaker 2:

No, that's why I'm saying American company is not going to encrunch and tangle themselves with a fight with the biggest like Asian fucking.

Speaker 1:

So then why do they buy the rights to bleach? They're the biggest anime shows out there because, they buy the rights to bleach.

Speaker 2:

Bleach had already expired. Their contract was done. It wasn't going to do anything. That's why it took 15 years for a second one to come out and the second one come out.

Speaker 1:

They're like hey, why did it take 15 years for it to come out? Because the biggest conglomerate ever didn't really want to make another one and pay them. So they went to find money to find. So they found money from someone and they went to America to do it.

Speaker 2:

We don't want to be dominated by a communist fucking country.

Speaker 1:

Well, of course, america. I'm glad that we're going out and bidding, but what I'm saying is this where it originated from, they didn't care to do anything for 15 years.

Speaker 2:

They couldn't, they didn't have the funding.

Speaker 1:

Why not? What are you talking about? So one of the biggest shows ever. They got all these shows being made all the time, all across.

Speaker 2:

What it was supposed to do.

Speaker 1:

So that's what you're thinking. Okay, you want to go back to mall.

Speaker 2:

You want to go back to mall? All right, let's see. Go back to all of these shows on here. Who gives a fuck about any of them? None.

Speaker 1:

None Right yeah.

Speaker 2:

One Judis Ducison Shield here Once it comes out.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Two, Gotham Slayer, maybe three. That's a maybe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's already got a 7.03 rating, so I don't know how that is Get down on it, right. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And look at Bleach 8.94.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, we've always talked about Miami.

Speaker 2:

Everything else on here, we don't take it with a grain of salt right. Like you, don't just Straight dogs.

Speaker 1:

So you're saying that the 8.94, that rings true for you for Bleach. Like you feel good about that rating, like you feel good, and the pundits out there, all of what.

Speaker 2:

I watched of Bleach. I would say Bleach is at least an 8.5.

Speaker 1:

So you're saying Bleach.

Speaker 2:

Regardless of how it ended.

Speaker 1:

So got you. So my anime list rates a show at 8.5. You give it kind of credence then.

Speaker 2:

Credence yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you want to watch Oshinoko, then maybe Possibly, probably, credence.

Speaker 2:

No, because that's not all that goes into if I'm going to watch it 8.81.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's not all that goes into if I'm going to watch it still or not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Rubebasket's like fucking nine something, not about to watch it. Dude, don't lie to me, you're about to watch Rubebasket.

Speaker 1:

you little fruity, Don't lie to me.

Speaker 2:

You know, I feel like that there's a lot more that goes into it than you know. It's like you're like oh, I got all these shows on deck right and that's why you spent hacker time watching Netflix, amazon Prime, disney. I saw you on Disney Plus the other night. I was like what the fuck. What the fuck are you watching on Disney Plus?

Speaker 1:

Do you want to know what is watching on Disney Plus?

Speaker 2:

I assume Star Wars no Guardians of the.

Speaker 1:

Galaxy season 3. Watch on that. Guardians of the Galaxy 3. The movie came out. I didn't see it in theaters. Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Marvel movie yeah yeah, with Chris Pratt and the little Rubebasket. Yeah yeah, the third one came out. So it just came out that day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I still haven't seen the second one. Yeah, you don't really care about it, yeah, it doesn't mean for me, that doesn't do it for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and Amazon also has. Well, I did like the first one actually. Amazon also has.

Speaker 2:

Mostly because of the soundtrack. I thought they did a great job.

Speaker 1:

I think the soundtrack on all of them are good. What really sticks to it. I think you'd probably like them, that's really that all draws you in. That's it. Yeah, that's it so.

Speaker 2:

The music that you've already listened to before.

Speaker 1:

But you're like okay, okay. So yeah, I mean Amazon, if you mentioned, has you know that Vox, vox Manila show I was telling you about. I don't know if you can really call it anime. It's kind of like on that line I'd go like more like leaning towards like a family guy or some shit like that, honestly than that, but like you're fucking 30 minute, fucking thing. What Took a lot longer.

Speaker 2:

I just realized how dark it was, oh shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got a little dark in there, shut up, or what?

Speaker 2:

No, never, never.

Speaker 1:

And the Netflix also has anime. So, for all you know, that's what I'm watching and a lot of the times, to be honest, I put them on and I get on my phone, like you said, because I'm a distracted watcher. I don't even ever start anything. I just have it there like ready to start something, and it never. I never play.

Speaker 2:

You don't actually hit play. I don't actually play on anything, I'm just fucking on my phone Like, oh hey, I think I'm going to watch this, but I think and then now that I see like the thumbnails actually doesn't look that interesting. So exactly I'm going to get like.

Speaker 1:

that's why I always laugh when you're like, oh yeah, you know, michelle's like okay, you don't really know what the fuck I'm doing on my end. Yes, plenty of times I do, but a lot of times I just don't watch anything. I'm just not interested in watching anything. I'm just I just know, I'm like my brain, I'm not, I'm not there, I'm not locked in, I'm not going to, I'm not going to be actually watching, I don't actually care. It's not necessarily the show, I don't care, I just don't. I in that moment, jason does not care. But there's actually a couple of things in Netflix I'm interested in, and but you already kind of swore it off, so I just kind of given up on trying to get you to watch anything on Netflix.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you gave bastard a real shake. I like it, yeah. No, I don't think it's not the second rate but not all of them. I think that they, yeah, no, I think that they have the differences is that crunchy row, and Funimation are oversaturated, like they got so much, it's so hard to like fuck, get a beat on shit outside like the big ones that we already know of, which is a good thing.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's just like porn. I like hey, I like my certain aspects of porn, that this is 100%, 100% my animate. I like these certain aspects of anime. You do.

Speaker 1:

You're a purist when it comes to that. Yeah, like you're like what's that movie, oh God, with the George Joseph Gordon Levitt, where he fucking, like he can only jack off like the best porn video. This is weird fucking movie out there. Yeah, I'm telling you, you wouldn't know, you don't watch movies or TV shows, but there's this movie that came out and it's weird ass fucking movie with Joseph Gordon Levitt. You would know him. You might not know him by name.

Speaker 2:

You would know what you saw. It's like a kind of a nerdy dude. He was like, yeah, he was.

Speaker 1:

He's more like a man Nowadays, you know what I mean. But so, anyways, yeah, he's in this movie and he's like I can't get it up unless I fucking like watch the whole thing and I'm like who watches like an actual, like 30 minute porn, like you know you go through and there's like actually 30 minutes.

Speaker 2:

I'm like bro give me the good stuff, give me the good stuff.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh, she's moaning. Okay, here we go. You know what I mean. Like, yeah, and so, anyways, that's what you reminded me of right now. You're like oh, it's not this, it's not that, no. Next.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I'm not in the right position.

Speaker 1:

So We've got way over what we normally go. You know we enjoy the fuck out of talking to each other and having people listen. Really, we're serious. Get in those comments. Let us know what you guys think. This is episode 29. I'm looking into shit.

Speaker 2:

We're looking in the first person to fucking put a comment can get a T-shirt too, or something. Fuck yeah, and a sticker.

Speaker 1:

A T-shirt, I'll get. I'll do a hat, I'll get you a hat too. I don't give a fuck. Hey, don't be a smart ass. If you know us and you're a friend and you put a message, I'm not, I'm going to send you coal to your house instead. So you're going to get this shit regardless. So don't be a fucking faggot. All you guys will that know us, know us, you'll get your shit, don't worry, but we enjoy the shit out of you guys. We hope you guys had a good time, as always. Go watch some fucking anime.

Speaker 2:

Gang gang.

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Cellphone Use in Schools
One Piece and 3D Printing Discussion
One Piece and Music Concerts Discussion
One Piece Episode and Wano Arc Discussion
One Piece and Upcoming Anime Discussions
Anime Releases and Streaming Platforms
Anime Ownership and Viewing Habits
Discussion on Porn and Giveaways