Highly Animated Podcast

Uncovering the Anime Galaxy and the Significance of the Three Episode Rule

August 17, 2023 Highly Animated Podcast Season 2 Episode 30
Uncovering the Anime Galaxy and the Significance of the Three Episode Rule
Highly Animated Podcast
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Highly Animated Podcast
Uncovering the Anime Galaxy and the Significance of the Three Episode Rule
Aug 17, 2023 Season 2 Episode 30
Highly Animated Podcast

Ever wonder how the world of anime has changed over the years, and how your watching habits have adapted to these changes? Join us on an exciting journey as we pick apart the world of anime and delve into the "Three Episode Rule" that dictates whether a series is worth your time or not. We kick things off with a deep dive into 'One Piece', where we discuss how the anime has evolved from its original comic form and the struggles of Luffy in adapting to his new abilities.

But that's not all. We venture further into the anime universe with series like 'Overlord' and 'Goblin Slayer', and examine how they've implemented the "Three Episode Rule". We'll share why we believe this rule is vital in aiding viewers to decide if a series is worth investing their time in. Plus, we'll be deliberating on the excessiveness of anime watching and the role of viewer feedback. 

Brace yourself for an anime-filled ride as we explore various shows and discuss our unique watching habits. And remember, your opinion matters! We're eager to hear your thoughts on the "Three Episode Rule", and how it has shaped your anime watching experience. So, drop in your comments and join the conversation. Who knows, you might just be the lucky one to win some cool Highly Animated merchandise. So, strap in, tune in, and let's talk all things anime!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wonder how the world of anime has changed over the years, and how your watching habits have adapted to these changes? Join us on an exciting journey as we pick apart the world of anime and delve into the "Three Episode Rule" that dictates whether a series is worth your time or not. We kick things off with a deep dive into 'One Piece', where we discuss how the anime has evolved from its original comic form and the struggles of Luffy in adapting to his new abilities.

But that's not all. We venture further into the anime universe with series like 'Overlord' and 'Goblin Slayer', and examine how they've implemented the "Three Episode Rule". We'll share why we believe this rule is vital in aiding viewers to decide if a series is worth investing their time in. Plus, we'll be deliberating on the excessiveness of anime watching and the role of viewer feedback. 

Brace yourself for an anime-filled ride as we explore various shows and discuss our unique watching habits. And remember, your opinion matters! We're eager to hear your thoughts on the "Three Episode Rule", and how it has shaped your anime watching experience. So, drop in your comments and join the conversation. Who knows, you might just be the lucky one to win some cool Highly Animated merchandise. So, strap in, tune in, and let's talk all things anime!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back. It's opens right away. Welcome back to highly made podcast.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to my podcast. Welcome to my podcast. Welcome to my podcast. Welcome everybody who does watch the video. Oh wait, you can't watch the video because somebody doesn't fucking post the video.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, let's not get started on the only one with the fucking computer to actually post it. Okay, you slap dick, son of a bitch, that's right. That's right. Well, welcome back to the show. We appreciate all of you fans out there. Like we said, you 1012 faithful. We love the fuck out of you. Keep watching, we're gonna keep hitting with the content.

Speaker 2:

You know, just fucking round it up, oh yeah, 100. That's a nice, that's a good.

Speaker 1:

That's a nice number.

Speaker 2:

I think 15 would have been sufficient.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's why I didn't get that job at the bank. My rounding wasn't right. But yeah, welcome back guys, Just so those that are following along. We're on episode. What episode fucking. 30, baby.

Speaker 2:

They thought it couldn't be done.

Speaker 1:

What's the number?

Speaker 2:

Say it again.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck is that Spanish?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, stupid, fuck dude Okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't fucking California.

Speaker 2:

You fucking slap ass over to fucking Iowa or fucking Montana.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, my dad should be mad at me if he listened to the.

Speaker 2:

Spanish. No, not even South Dakota. Go to North Dakota. You don't deserve South Dakota.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's fucked up. That's where, hey, a normie show. Speaking of Deadwood film in South Dakota, did you ever watch? You like Deadwood, didn't? You know, not familiar? Okay, hbo series is a normie show.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm not, I wasn't super rich at that point, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm mooching for sure, I ain't gonna deny it. I ain't paying that shit monthly. Yeah, so we figured for 30th episode. We're talking off air and, as we always, we try to well, that'd be a lie. We don't always try to just think of what we're going to talk about on the show, but we sometimes engage in conversations like, oh fuck, that might be. You know, that might be kind of cool to bring up on the show, and Spencer, as always, nailed it out of the park with something he sent me. But we're not going to get into that yet. Right, we're going to wait. So we have a big topic for you to talk about. I won't say what it is, or should we say what the title is?

Speaker 2:

we're going to lose you later and then jump into what we're talking about. It's like a radio station. I like hey, guess what? We're going to give away these fucking Disney tickets. But guess what? You got to wait till like fucking eight o'clock. And then, you know, at eight o'clock, if you were still listening, at seven, 30, we dropped you the keyword. And if you remember the keyword, and at eight o'clock you tell us a keyword and your caller 25, we will, you know, give you the option to win this four pack of tickets to Disney.

Speaker 1:

And I'm glad you said it like that. You know what I'm going to. I'm going to open it up like this. So the keyword for this is Animes 3 episode rule. That's the keyword. That's the keyword. And guess what? If you comment on our Instagram, on discord, on, if you could, you could just personal message me. I don't give a fuck If you hit me up and you say Slide in the end.

Speaker 1:

We'll have to think of what we're going to say. It's not in the end. Yes, we'll have to think of what they need to say. I don't think of it as we get to it, but anime rule, or anime is three episode rule, and if you message me about it, I will personally buy the t-shirts that we're going to make. You know what I'm going to one up, because I need these goddamn comments and a sweatshirt and I will send it to you free of fucking charge. Hoodie sweatshirt.

Speaker 2:

Hoodie sweatshirt and a t-shirt with the highly animated logo on it. I'm not even throwing a fucking sticker in you know, just just cause.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm going to send it to you, daughter graphic too, but I'll pay for that too. I'll pay for Spencer to ship it back to me. Fuck it. So get in those comments. Let us know. Look out for that. We will be talking about that. I don't know how many fucking minutes in the show like stamps, stamps, stamps, stamps stamps our fucking signature. We're that popular.

Speaker 2:

We're going to go back to the fucking 40s, 50s whatever.

Speaker 1:

Stamps are kind of fucking cool. I'm not going to lie, but yeah, so stay tuned with us. We will get into that and if you've followed along with us, it is something we have mentioned before and it was just funny the way Spencer brought it up. But we'll get into that later. So what do you caught up with man? We decided to start the show. We'll talk about animators. Were caught up with stuff that's currently going on. I have some news that I was kind of briefly talking about with him. Where are you at with everything?

Speaker 2:

I think I think the most recent show I'll touch on right before we get into the main topic, just because I think it ties in really well with what we'll talk about. Obviously, the main beggars going on right. I still been watching those right in the always and forever one piece, number one, that always takes precedence overall. Actually, fuck, now that I'm thinking about what's the day? Today's Tuesday, I might have fucking my app. I might have my shown and jump app right now.

Speaker 1:

Get up on that.

Speaker 2:

Nope, it's not out yet. Let me see what's this next one coming out? What the fuck is coming out in five days. What is this? What's August six? What is August six? That was the fucking days ago.

Speaker 1:

That was seven days.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was.

Speaker 1:

Holy fuck, I got a one, two, three, four.

Speaker 2:

I got to wait till the 20th. What is it? A two week gap period right now, but anyways, yeah. So watch the new one piece episodes and fucking banging.

Speaker 1:

So okay, so you want, you're going to lead with that, and then the other show we're going to talk about I don't want to throw you off. Maybe it was what I was going to bring up then, so continue.

Speaker 2:

I interrupted you, so yeah, well, I was just trying to get into, you know, what I had recently watched.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So yeah, we both obviously watched one piece and you fall along.

Speaker 2:

I finished because that was almost kind of what sparked me to look up. You know what we'll talk about keyword here. Okay, yeah. Yeah, I don't want to lead too much into that, but outside of that right. The normal is actually. I just about had I almost started or restarted Golden Comwy the other night Because that new portion is coming out right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I got finishing the season, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's about to wrap up. It's already came out, so I think they're at like. They're at like nine right now, okay. Yeah, you're right, you talked about that in season four, after they had their hiatus and due to unfortunate circumstances you know. Rest in peace to what happened to an individual at that studio. But yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I mean to be fair, I've probably been a little bit more, you know, in your shoes these past two weeks.

Speaker 2:

Do you bitch, not to say from a standpoint of you? Know, it's like I'm watching normie shows and I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I knew you weren't.

Speaker 2:

I knew you were not being committed to the cause, but I was like I'm gonna fucking. I wasn't necessarily feeling it.

Speaker 1:

There wasn't anything out there that sometimes on those hard days, you guys just go to sleep On me and dude like yeah, no, I mean for sure.

Speaker 2:

And like gotta forget the fucking day in the situation, as it's been hard Like.

Speaker 1:

I didn't sleep well.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna sleep well.

Speaker 1:

Ask a couple nights Fans please send some love out to this guy. He's not gonna. He's not gonna bore you guys with the details, but I feel for him. Let me tell you you're listening. You would not want to be in this guy's fucking shoes right now, fucking bullshit. As far as appreciate your job if you got a good one, okay, appreciate that shit. So I mean fire or anything, but no, no, no, no, no, no. Spencer's a great worker. Let me, let me practice.

Speaker 2:

You know, you made it sound a little like oh.

Speaker 1:

I didn't mean to make it sound like that Fucking.

Speaker 2:

God, it was loser bro. I'm like, hey, no, I was fucking, although you know, maybe I am. I think I was the last episode I wore the same fucking shirt. I already said that shit a couple of times ago. I'm trying to get self conscious about what I have on this fucking.

Speaker 2:

With all the people watching the videos that I don't post, so yeah, yeah, you know, I'm just like this is just a subconscious, you know aspect of it. But yeah, no, I mean you know. So obviously you can kind of dial in back and you know one piece, you know, let's jump into a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to cut you off. Let's, I don't want to. We normally would give a full dive onto one piece. I think let's try it out. Let's, we're not going to. Let's do it quicker than we normally, would you know what I mean? Let's just hit upon some of the highlights let's talk about.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know that's fair, but let's try to. Let's try to compress that a little bit for our listeners out there Not that they've been bitching about us going on rants about it, I'm sure they fucking love it, but let's for us just to see how it sounds and feels. I watched the episode. You watched episode. Anyone that knows us knows we're huge fucking fans. We're watching episodes. Actually, you know, I'm surprised, spencer, you didn't jump on me right away. There have been times where I'm like, oh no, I missed that week, so I'm just going to wait till next week and then fucking double down. So sometimes I am a little bitch and I fucking don't watch it every week. Spencer, on the other hand, doesn't miss a fucking thing. So right Is that? Is that fair to say you don't miss?

Speaker 2:

I was in Hawaii and I watched that shit. It came out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I know you watch this shit on your phone, right? I was like, after all this, you watch something on your phone, we bought a fucking HDMI cord.

Speaker 2:

We hooked a fucking laptop to the. Tv. I was like you didn't know TV I know, I know. I hope that shit up the TV Watch, that shit off the laptop and fucking we ain't fucking around out here.

Speaker 1:

We ain't missing a Sunday. It was already at that point.

Speaker 2:

It's like 24, seven hour fucking Walmart out in that bitch. We went, we got there like fucking 11 o'clock or something.

Speaker 1:

Not burnt down. Right, there were not, there were not.

Speaker 2:

This is different, different island. Yeah, oh boy, god, have salvation on your soul.

Speaker 1:

So the episode for those that have watched, we're going to give it you. You know how it goes. Spoilers get ready, we're going to talk about details of the show. You haven't seen that episode? Fucking. Pause this shit. Come back in a couple of minutes, you know. Maybe it won't be too ruined for you 23 minutes.

Speaker 2:

Go watch that shit right now. Don't be a fucking slap dude Right and then just jump in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you're listening to us and you're an anime fan, especially like we give you hey you're not huge anime. You're trying to get an anime. Listen to us. We appreciate you, we understand. If you haven't gone to one piece, that's a big draw, I mean kind of don't understand, that's a big commitment.

Speaker 1:

But if you're a fan, you're listening to us and you're not watching one piece and you're a fan of anime, what in the fuck are you doing? You know what I mean. So, anyways, episode yeah, like you said, there's too much to even say about it. I thought that they did kind of the same thing they did last episode, like it was dope in a lot of portions and then sometimes it just it slowed down enough and it wasn't like really like informational base for me where I was like I don't know, I didn't feel like they knocked it out of the park. Did you feel like they knocked it out of the park?

Speaker 2:

Um, I guess I can see where you're coming from from that standpoint. There was, but probably tick me off initially, and more so just because I watched, as you you know as we all know, not me, the fans know, you know. I watched the episode before before I get into the newest even though you've already watched it.

Speaker 1:

Don't, don't scare her past it. Yeah, that's true. That's true, you got the best memory of us both, but I think probably like the first eight minutes Maybe not eight, but like you, know it was a new episode.

Speaker 2:

It was like the same, exact, exact thing we saw exact shit we saw in the previous one, I was like yeah well, fuck, how they opened up this. You know 10 72. I probably didn't even need to watch fucking 10 71 again because they recap it fairly well.

Speaker 1:

But I'll give them that much. The recaps, nice, but it, like you said, it Diminishes the quality episode. I think that's how I should say. It just diminishes the quality of that episode.

Speaker 1:

It's like I'm expecting balls of the wall fighting for at least, because you, everyone that knows to watch a show, you you can almost always with a lot of shows, like they have the halfway time break where they have the picture you know what I mean or the slowdown, and then bam, at least what is. So it's what we. Yeah, 11 minutes, right, essentially, because 11 and 11 right, 22 minutes, whatever, something like that. 11 and a half minutes per thing before the midway break. I'm expecting at least 11 of those minutes to be all about the fucking battle, you know, and I mean with without recap, ideally. So we get like you said, we get recap for the majority of the first half, but I'm going to now the second half episodes fucking dope, you know, and I mean, and it's like it kind of irks me because I want to give one piece all the praise in the world and it deserves it.

Speaker 1:

It's not like this is the one. Oh, my god, I can't, I can't deal with it anymore. But it's just, it's just disheartening a little bit. You know, and I mean I feel like if you're a big-time fan, you want to see more. I feel like if you're a new fan, it might play well and maybe that's what they're trying to play to. You know, and I mean it's almost like with this stupid Ideology of like let's dumb it down to get kids in the Call of Duty, like I don't know, I don't, I'm probably speaking out of pocket here. I don't think they're dumbing it down for the average person to get into.

Speaker 2:

It just doesn't feel like.

Speaker 1:

I still feel like they're catering necessarily to the fan and that and that scenario, you know.

Speaker 2:

And I mean like, if you know the fan, you know we don't give a fuck about a eight minute recap yeah, I think a lot of that too is, you know, kind of the, the, the constant battle between trying to keep up with the anime and, you know, not necessarily surpass the manga and, at the same time. Maybe you know, give the manga some time to. You know, get, get some levels above where they're at, so that you know, so that they Add in this shit that we've already seen, you know for several years and it kind of like okay, okay, yeah, I've seen, this is the exact exact.

Speaker 2:

Deans frame by frame by frame that we've already fucking seen. Like hey, I fucking watch this already. Give me some new shit right yeah. No, I mean, I think from the standing of kind of what happened with it. You, you get a. You know, like you said, not necessarily. You know the and you know half episodes worth of.

Speaker 2:

Hey, we're fighting a new constant going on right, you know, and it's like I Think what I did like about the new episode and it's kind of what I talked about in the previous one they didn't necessarily stick to the, the With the Roger Rabbit kind of yeah, they only had like once or twice, I think yeah hey, standard, you know like hey that's funny bring up.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna bring up three points.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I think I think that was nice from that standpoint. It wasn't like overtly and hey look, I'm sure they take a comic e it's not cartoon. On comic people who Are prevalent in the scene and talk about it a lot and they go over the reviews or comments or some shit. Probably some poor little. You know Asian dude is getting fucking slaved Over to like hey, well, you know, what do we do here?

Speaker 2:

What do we do here? You know, like, did you notice that in this one or anything right? And like, you know, god bless their soul. They, you know, they're probably scared out of their mind to say anything negative about it oh no, it was amazing, this is it was made right, you know.

Speaker 1:

But we're worried about none of that shit here in America.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you gotta imagine. You know these people who are. You know We've been with you for years years years Maybe not years, like some of you, have been here years, but we've been here for a long time now, and when you give me, it's almost a cop out right.

Speaker 1:

It is like hey.

Speaker 2:

It's a great word and we not take the next step and finally get past this like Stereotypical? Alright, hey, when majors, major scenes happen or major events happen, we have to like, really like we play that and make sure everyone understands where we're coming from and and and why we're doing that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like it's like we're a thousand seventy two, seventy four. What's the number 72, 72, 3072 in? You think we don't get the fucking picture by now. You think you got to redo it right. We're committed bro. Yeah, you said years into this game, so Just kind of off-putting for me. I wanted to say I had three points I wanted to bring up about the episode.

Speaker 2:

Like to oh. Sorry on this episode. It was the first episode that I noticed when it gave me an option to skip, skip, oh.

Speaker 1:

I was dude crunchy rolls stepping up their game a little bit, you know. Because, I like it what what's the first one?

Speaker 2:

They are not one of those shows where it's like it's not so so calculated, like like Netflix is where it's like hey, you are solely you didn't take that into account. You are solely nope, you are solely skipping you're saying they skip, skip, you skip.

Speaker 1:

Then you say they skip, they skip some content, new content or what should you know?

Speaker 2:

they skip some shit that I would have liked to had seen and it had not, and it had been skipped.

Speaker 1:

It's like oh.

Speaker 2:

Back ten, back ten back ten back.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna have to look at that.

Speaker 2:

I was like whoa wait, what's what's happening here? But uh, oh, and all you know, I thought it was. I enjoyed the episode. I thought there were love the way they ended it.

Speaker 1:

Love the way they.

Speaker 1:

That was gonna be my three points. And my three points were One you're the nailed one. I didn't think the Google guys were that bad. The comic, he kind of stripped field to it. I liked what they did one move these eyes back. Well, I fucking it was. It was more natural to the anime Style than the comic style. So I didn't, I did not like it. I think, like Kido did it once, or maybe twice too, like it was like three times I think at most in the episode that kind of shit happened again. But it was nothing like, like you said, the previous episode of the comic.

Speaker 1:

The second point I wanted to bring up as this something you've brought up in the past. I don't know if we brought it up on stream or not, probably, but I can't think of it distinctly. We talked about all the time with Luffy. I fucking hated that. It's like reverting back and they're always gonna fucking do it so like him gonna kind of get his Asked it a little bit like he's trying to figure out his powers and his moves and whatever. But it's just they, oh god, it just like takes so fucking much for him to get in that mode. You know what I mean. Like you see, you said it before. I like I said I don't know if you said in the stream, like just be his ass, dude, but you know what I mean. Like we don't need to see you fit. You failed For 200 plus motherfucking episodes.

Speaker 1:

Right now, there's been great moments and a vast majority of is you learning To becoming a better version of yourself, become the king of the pirates and we do love that, don't get me wrong. I want to see the adversity and stuff. But they fucking, they beat that fucking dead horse dude Like they. He's, he's, he. He has the most adversity out of any human being I've ever seen in my entire Fucking life. And yes, the scenario situation calls for it, but not as much as they're doing it. So that kind of. I Just noticed it again. Like I thought of you.

Speaker 1:

I was like oh yeah, luffy again like fucking getting his ass, kind of be you know. I mean, you know he's gonna pop out of it and he's figuring shit out, but it's just, I don't like that style as much anymore. I wait, like you said, I wish he would go to that next level. Go, go to that next level, dude, you're done. You're done with all that you had to your skip when you were fucking training. You've built, built, built, built, built. You've hit the fucking pinnacle. Now, now fucking go and light up and you get those moments Like and that's my third point the end of the episode where he just uppercuts the fuck through Kaido's mother fucking head all the way back.

Speaker 1:

Love, that image was super fucking sick. But I was just like why couldn't we get like a little bit more than and I did love, though, when he went inside of he was he gets swallowed and he fucking blows up inside of them super fucking funny when they see when Jesus, I'm bad with names momentoske and Yamato, fucking Thank you, I know. I know you're gonna try to jump in. I was like I'm gonna get it. When they were flying over and they're like why are they seeing fucking floating up? And I was like that was good. But those are those are my three points. I, like you said I can cool, we can go into way more depth about a lot more that episode, but those are things that stood out to me. I'll let you play off of that. Was there anything else you wanted to say about it? Some of us stood out to you. I know you said a little bit so far, but not a lot, and I know you can go way more in-depth.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, you know, I wouldn't necessarily say it was like, you know, out of the ballpark kind of an episode it was. You know, I Truly felt like the first half of that episode was like kind of a recap. You know, and Not necessarily recapping was, like you know, always frame by frame. I feel like they did show some variation between some of those frames and they said some different dialogue in it as well.

Speaker 1:

But it was.

Speaker 2:

The same shit, right, it wasn't. You know. It was like look great, I love it regardless. I'm gonna continue to watch regardless. But, forever, how long? And maybe that's the issue. Maybe could, could we keep feeding into it. Right, you know, but Fuck, how can you not at this point?

Speaker 1:

You know right exactly.

Speaker 2:

You're so committed to this point, to this, this stage of the game where it's like you know, hey, like fuck, this is what it is, and this kind of that's kind of been the, the tone and the theme throughout this entire one-o arc, where it's like very, very, I Feel like they're really trying to drive home certain aspects of it, you know and does it make you think that maybe, like, the reason they're driving that home is like we need, like this.

Speaker 1:

This stuff's gonna come into play Bigger later, more so than other arcs, because they do make it seem like it's the pinnacle, it's like it's the island and what goes to. The people want to get you know all there's, all this shrouded mystery. You know what I mean. I mean at least in the beginning, before we get. Obviously, we know if, for those that have watched and been out there, you know a lot more about one of them. We first started, as should any story as it develops. But yeah, you're right, they like they, they want you to know specifically about this and this and this, more so than other episodes. That's a good point. Yeah, no, I mean, I don't know how to. Like you said, I feel one way about it. Give me more. I want to know.

Speaker 2:

And I think a lot of that stems to right, like you know, like hey, like when you think about like a, like a normie show right now, you know, obviously, you know that's that's not my wheelhouse per se, but I like the per se of the ones that I watch. It's not like Maybe you get a minute, two minutes of Of kind of.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, it's quick two minutes, three minutes max and in one piece.

Speaker 2:

Lately it's been very.

Speaker 1:

Almost the first half of the motherfucking episode pretty much.

Speaker 2:

So that's kind of a little. To be frank, it's annoying right, like hey. Like I'm here Week in, week out because I want new shit. I want to see what happens. I already know it's gonna happen when I want, I need, I need more from this, right yeah, and I Didn't necessarily feel they gave that to us, and until again the later half of that episode.

Speaker 1:

But yeah um, I Still love the fucking episode, so love it yeah no, I like I said like when I see the battle really started going, in those moments it's it's hard not to you know. I mean, oh, this is my show, I'm fucking love it. But yeah, I just had to bring up the points. Like we always, we love one piece. We're gonna hide this bitch up till the day we fucking die. But I gotta give it its knocks here and there, just so people know that we're not being 100% fucking biased.

Speaker 1:

We do. If anything, it gives you, you know, as a listener, it gives you perspective on where we come from. We think about this shit. We might not say it all the goddamn time, but it's like we I don't want to do our own horrors. I don't listen to enough other anime podcasts to really show these guys downs, but I think we give our honest fucking take from where we stand and how we view it.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, I think we kind of are a little bit experts at least in the anime, feel we know what we're talking about, like we know what we're looking for. We can guide you into shows, we can guide you on on genre, on this and that I we've had conversations with friends and we could definitely. That's why we want more of you guys. The fucking come out interview. I bet you we can discern, based on talking to you, something that you'd be into and you'd be surprised watching like, oh fuck I. They kind of nailed that. So we take this shit serious. Let's put it that way we take this shit really fucking serious was kind of reminded me to.

Speaker 2:

it's just like, you know it's, there's a certain point in time like, okay, hey, you know, the the aspect of showing recap definitely has its it's, it's place and what's going on credence and merits and yeah, you know, but yeah, time it's, it's. It's also. Hey, you can't just expect people to Be stoked over some of this shit. You know, and what you were saying earlier you know, with with how Luffy and how we want him to kind of finally Take that next step, turn that next day, right, you know it's like you had that you had a point in this episode where, all of a sudden, he loses the power for a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I know, I was surprised by that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then All sudden boom turns that shit back on right, like yeah, which is cool, which is good to see. Yeah, you know it's like finally okay, hey, yeah, we're right there on the cusp of we're, we're, we're taking that next step. We're ready to go beyond what we've been, what you hey, we're about to go plus ultra, right.

Speaker 1:

You know, mm-hmm oh.

Speaker 2:

Plus, I'll try it kind of irritates me to the point where it's just like. I think probably one of the biggest thing that's irritated me about this whole arc is that Whole cake Island really Really foreshadowed, and maybe not even foreshadowed but really kind of like highlighted the observation hockey aspect of things and now it's almost like it's a non factor. It is no, bro. Like you don't see the shit.

Speaker 2:

Like are we able to hide the and get by observation hockey with just straight, like you know conk, like you know armament hockey, like yeah you didn't see this coming, and maybe it's not necessarily he didn't see it coming, but he's just in such a free state of mind right now that he didn't even. He doesn't even care, it doesn't even.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, like it does seem like that. Yeah, like we said, almost to To a loop to do you think they came up with the same Luffy based on his attitude? Do you think they're like oh, this guy's gonna be like in a loof kind of guy. Oh, Luffy, Do you think that's how it clicked for them?

Speaker 2:

You know, that's a good, that's a good thought. I hadn't necessarily.

Speaker 1:

I hadn't thought about that just until right now we're saying you say a loop with them a lot and I was like, oh shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what it is they're gonna be kind of funny.

Speaker 1:

They certainly could. Yeah, no, I'm with you. I'm, yeah, there's For you to fan listen out there. One piece is dope. I'm gonna cut Spencer off right there, because if we keep going, this whole goddamn episode is gonna be about fucking one piece. What'd you want to say? Wrap it up? Do you have anything else to say? I think you, yeah, no, you're, you're good, you're good.

Speaker 1:

So the second show was Mugashuten Sai and For those that listen, you knew I hadn't been caught up, but breaking news Got more dudes. I'm just kidding, I'm not caught up in the sub, but I'm caught up to where it is on dub, which is too behind, and if I guess we're counting as seven episodes, because episode zero is like the one, right, so they're seven out. Right, because it's episode six is the newest one that's out, so they have the first five dub. And so I'm caught up all the way to that point. And If you've listened to the show, you know we're big fans. Spencer got me into this show.

Speaker 1:

Um, spencer has been watching it since. We've been talking about it when it came out, right, what well, fuck, six weeks ago now or whatever it is. But, um, fucking love the show, I mean it. I started watching the English first one I was like, oh fuck you, like I, just I, I love that show in English. Like I told you, I watch you see guys, and sub Um, I didn't. I haven't followed all the way through to where it's at right now because I'm kind of like, kind of like that show dub too. Um, I Don't know if it'll make it or break it for me and you, just you guys in, I feel like I've told you this with Dr Stone, makes it and breaks it for me. Honestly, like it's fine subbed, but I prefer it fucking dubbed. Same thing a week.

Speaker 1:

She tensed I and I told you I said this on the podcast before the, the dude that I don't want to call him the fat guy, but his inside head voice, previous life. If they just the voice actor, they fucking nailed it. They fucking nailed it. Dude, you really believe he's a loser and all that kind of shit, I don't know. And if you're listening out there which are definitely not and I don't know your name, but the voice like that, you're fucking phenomenal. But yeah, the dub. I got sunk right back in what's elf, what's elf chicks name, because I feel like they call her two different names. They call her a fake name, when she's with the princess, her new name or whatever it is. But what's her real?

Speaker 2:

name. Well, they call her Serfits. Yeah, they're silent fits or whatever as to who it is not.

Speaker 1:

How it is at the school right but yeah, I'm not, I'm so. I'm just getting to that point. So, just so you don't get to, I know about it. I know he's gonna confront them. You see it in the fucking thing.

Speaker 2:

Episode zero they got. That's where she, she, they give her a bench name.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yes, they do, okay, so yeah sir Fritz, bad ass, I love oh my god, yeah, so, sophie. Sophie, that's okay, I thought was a Z for some reason. Sophie, thank you. So you get a little more insight to Sophie, which is awesome, you know, and I mean, like we Unless I'm a thing we hadn't seen her at all. Right, that's the first sense. She's been separated, right, yeah, yep.

Speaker 1:

The first encounters with her sense. You saw her in the beginning, so, um, I liked it. I love what she's coming in and she just fucking nails that bore on top of the fucking head. That was super fucking sick. Obviously she didn't mean to do that, but it was still fucking cool. Um, I was telling you this before we got on here.

Speaker 1:

I was shouldn't be surprised, but the sexualization that show give it give me a little hot and bother like, oh my god, I'd like I'll say this much and I know people listen out there probably like, oh you fucking weird, I was like in sex and fucking anime. Well, normally I wouldn't. I don't mind a little sexy time seeing this and that Spencer's talking about a bunch of Big-ass cities was fucking wrong with that. They're ain't there, ain't nothing wrong with that, but it, yeah, like that is the part of a show where I realized why some people might kind of turned away from it because it might like oh, it's a cartoon segment. I might I try not to like feed into it, but I do Understand where someone's coming from, because I'm not like I'm not getting into a show like, oh god, I hope it's like fucking, I don't know, sex in the fucking city, whatever, whatever fucking normie shows.

Speaker 1:

I have those hot and heavy sex scenes. A lot of them do. All the HBO shows do and it's great. It's great. Who doesn't like that? But I don't think it's come portrays as well in anime. I think of Muka shit 10 side. They portray it really well like I'm like I don't know for me, what do you, what do you, what do you feel on that front. Specifically, I'll go into a couple sexual things on this season so far that I saw and I already mentioned to you previously.

Speaker 2:

But why it comes across as well as it does. Is is the, the, the, how genuine they are about it, right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

We're in this era and these are the things that are happening and these are these characters and we really, like you, kind of try to equate it back to just normal history, right, like? Mm-hmm back in the past sexuality minus the magic.

Speaker 1:

It's a medieval times and very, very open.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, it wasn't like super closeted and hidden and everything.

Speaker 2:

And yeah like they're, they're up front, they're honest with that, like, hey look, this is, this is how this world is and this is how we see it to be, and this is this is why we put that in there and I think from that, that standpoint, like just that, that, that honesty, the the genuine aspect they take on, just like hey look, we're not gonna be like and Obviously we all know what's going on, right, mm-hmm, like have to show it show it, for sure, you know. But like you know, you get the gist of it and I think that really just leads further credence into the era and the time and what's going on and everything, and it just makes it seem more. Real yeah, yeah, honestly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it does so. For me, the yeah we talked about. If you listen to the past, we talked about this the first season before and how fucking the mom and dad are fucking banging and his fucking Tutors finger banging herself. You're like holy shit like that and it has way more of a real feel than all these people I go. Oh, it's just head and time like no, that that's some shit. You watch like a fucking chicken. A normie show do like that was really well written. And it's hard to say that, especially as a man, because we don't want to come off as fucking creeps. But it, it is well written.

Speaker 1:

And so this newest season, fuck, okay. Well, before I go all the way into that, well, no, because I don't be too sidetracked, but I the Sarah, the chick, sarah, the relationship, how that develops, obviously kind of saw it coming. But just like, oh, yeah, like she's like lean up, no, I want to go to your room. I was like oh, god damn, girl, calm the fuck down. They get in there and he's all unsure and then he just starts making out with their poem the shirt off, titties are out. I mean, you can't really see him. Like you said, like they give you die. You, you see the, the figures, but you don't see like nipple and everything like that. And he's just like I don't know what these slider fucking paintings off I don't know are there already off, and he's just like getting ready to fucking whip it out and put it in. And Then our boy goes soft. I was like, come on, what should we call him quagmire? Come on, my man.

Speaker 2:

What the fuck I'm. I want to go on soft like that. Yeah, it's like crack. Wire is a hard mother fuck you taking out red worms dog he are.

Speaker 1:

You're killing fucking bears. He ain't going soft, but yeah, that that aspects hella funny. And then they just play into it so hard, which I do love it's like you'll know it's better than I. I shouldn't know because I just watched it fucking last night. But blonde chicks name its friend with dad that obviously had sex dad in the past. What's her name?

Speaker 2:

Well, we don't know that they necessarily had a relationship in the okay, yeah, I saw, I'm assuming he actually says she hates ball.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 2:

He does not like him, so it could be because they had some type of relationship.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's warned her to go with Rudy's mom or yeah, or it could just be because he's a womanizer and she knows, or because it could have battled together. True, yeah, yeah, yeah, some other aspects then also.

Speaker 2:

Now you could have some parallel between Okay, you know this is how Paul was and now this is how you know she is going to be. So now we're trying to like track on the same thing, but no do you know her name. I don't yeah either.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Blond bitch, for lack of better words like a Lieness or something. I think you're right.

Speaker 1:

Let's call her Lena for lack of better words. Close enough, close enough, alina, fucking blonde lady. Super, as you know, as far as the hand of man cartoons goes, you could say super Attractive. As far as the voice acting, the English and the portrayal. The character is just like who just gives you a little chill up your fucking spine, especially when she leans in a rootiest and it's so funny. He's all like I'm not gonna fall for this tea shit. And then he totally does and she goes out. No, I was just like you know, whatever, like pulls away. That cracked me up and she is just a little nympho, fucking freak. When they have her she's bent over again. They do a good job. You can't see the dude plowner. She's not even really making that much movement, but her, obviously, her voice and what she's doing. She's clearly getting railed and it's fun and all the dudes down in the town seen it as she's like, oh, I Actually really liked it, I thought it was really funny and you know, as far as like, oh man, like you know she, she sounds like she's having sex, you know, and I mean so, like, from that aspect I was, I was impressed because it could have been, could have gone south really quick, you know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it wasn't like that, like what people I think would typically relate to Japanese Hentai or whatever. So was impressed, definitely, was like it got me, got me a little hot father. It was like, oh man, jesus Christ, what's he? What kind of show is this? Am I watching porn right now? The fuck. And I think that was it as far as to where I'm at sexual, oh no. And then he goes to the fucking whorehouse and try that chicks like let me take care of you. She's like I tried everything and I was like oh no. And then he walks with the homeboy, blonde-haired dude Don't know his name either who is like an asshole to him, and then they hit it off and he's fucking like did it. And he's like you know what, rudy's? I need a real woman. Fuck that chick, did it. And she's right fucking behind him.

Speaker 1:

I was like no, so I had to stop, he's Sure I, and then homegirls, like that was messed up, rudy, I was like damn, and they take some away. So Sexual aspect super well-written, we both enjoy it. I'm very impressed, honestly, with it as far as because it like it could go a different Direction quickly. I feel like if you're an average person out there and you're like what, like no, go check it out, like you, I think you would be fucking surprised. But I love, love, love, love the time skipping and the world building and the show. Oh my god, it is so well Fucking done.

Speaker 1:

Him getting jacked and fucking doing his push-ups and running and just him just becoming stronger, like oh, a couple months has gone by, I won't lie. It took the first like two episodes or whatever I really were he was. He wasn't even episode zero high. He comes in the very beginning episode one and and his fucking oh cuz eris fucking left me attitude was just, it was bothering me for a little bit but they snapped out of it quick enough to where he's like I didn't realize I was living still like do not in love with that. But they didn't let it carry on long enough for me to be super bothered by it. If that makes sense. How'd you feel about just that certain aspect of it?

Speaker 2:

Well, first of all, I'm proud that you remembered eris's name.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, his whole time with sold out and kind of like how, how that, that that whole relationship kind of builds up. It's hard to say what are you?

Speaker 1:

four in, four, five in four, take well, five with episode zero. Okay, so they're just going, they, they're, they're leaving, they're just parting ways. They're just parting ways to go to the school. They're just parting ways to go to school and you already see Princess and homeboy bygones her at the school. So you know the confrontations about or the Reuniting is gonna be there. How it goes, I don't know yet, but yes, and you do. So shut the fuck up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and so and I think they do a great job, kind of like Pairing up the I don't know. You call it suspense, because because, again, yeah, you know like, oh, okay, this is, this is on the round to happen, this is.

Speaker 1:

I mean you hear him say in the beginning, go to school abroad, and then you hear them say, oh shit, yeah, you connect us and so like.

Speaker 2:

From. From that standpoint, I think it's it's very Well done in the sense that you know it's it's it's not overtly.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, I mean I. I think you know it's gonna happen, but I mean, but you're not sure how it's going to come how sick about good point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, I enjoyed it. I thought like I've, yeah, I've him. His body development, the fucking. Once he finally snapped out of it, he sent that huge fucking fireball and fuck shit up and they all realized he was a real deal. Like I almost got it been so long. I didn't do what you have done and rewatched, you know, the first season and at first I was like Released is a badass right Like why the fuck is he? And I like just threw me for a second. Then a guy made sense with his like how he was bitching and crying about it. I mean, like you see him laying down, doesn't even start the fire when he gets there, and I'm like oh god, jesus, fucking Christ, um, but yeah, they, it's a slow burn and they developed it really well, Magma yeah yeah, the quagmire, which I thought was hella fucking funny.

Speaker 1:

I was like, okay, interesting nickname. He's building his name up and he's going from place to place and actually to go back to the horse. Even funnier, he's like she's like, yeah, you know my sister and I'm like what is the girl that scraped their fucking knees when he was doing Snow and held her heal their fucking knees? I was here as it's what. Hey, hats off. Okay, we think you should dance. I staff, everyone. I just round of applause. You guys, you guys, that show kicks fucking ass. Dude. I was, yeah, I almost, if it wasn't for being like 1130, 12 already. I was about to start watching the sub because I was like, fuck, I gotta, I gotta see the fucking, I gotta see what happens next. I was that into it. Obviously I'm a bastard and I know I can wait and I'll wait for the dub, but it definitely like if I was to say like from one show to another, I was like, okay, I'm ready to go episode five, this is fucking sick. I fucking love this show. So, yeah, great job, it's really good. I'm excited to get to where you're at eventually. You still not on jujitsu kaisen, right? So not on that no, no, no, okay.

Speaker 1:

So, as promised, we talked about those two shows that took up 45 minutes. Totally fucking fine. Who gives a shit? We're on to the keyword. What was that keyword again, what was that? God, oh, that's right. Animes three episode rule. If you watched before and you or you listened, however your medium that you Intake this show. You've heard us talk about this. We always tell people, hey, what should you do when you watch show? At least watch the first three episodes, at least watch. And we Maybe you knew about this beforehand. I feel like, maybe in passing, I've seen this, but I didn't realize. This is like a hard fucking rule out there. I thought it was just something that I see me and you said did you know about this previously? I really actually didn't.

Speaker 2:

I had no idea. I hadn't seen anything about it and heard about it. I just kind of like that. That's just kind of how all the shows we've ever watched up to now, it's just like that's. That's just, that's just gender.

Speaker 2:

That's a standard like I mean you'll always have shows that off the getter, just like fucking ripping. But Episode two generally at that point always schools off and it's like okay, hey, we got, we got to set the world, the frame, the, the mindset of what's going on, why we're, why we're at where we're at now. Like it's kind of like sometimes you get into a book right and the book like starts off like the first chapter, is almost like the last chapter and it's just like this crazy ass battle or Series of events that is happening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah then you know, all of a sudden abruptly end, and then they get into. Okay, hey, this is the start of the journey and this is how we're going to Get to where we had just started right, and why it's. It's where we're at now. Yeah, and I think that really Is kind of a bread and butter play and and a lot of anime, right. You know which, yeah, has probably turned out into why this, this, this, this rule has kind of come about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I'm, yeah, like you, I'm with you. I just it's just obvious to me, you know, I mean, and they say it kind of in these articles and For the sake of not burning people's ears off of reading the entire article, we'll try to just give you some of the highlighted points. We might just kind of read in our head for a second and give you our take on it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So first one we pulled up two sides. I was gonna read the, the title for all those people out there real quick and everything like that, and say when it's from and give a little background. But yeah, so we've got two articles. The first one Spencer found he sent to me on a text and I was like oh, that's funny. We talked about that. Like no, not all the time, but it's something we've talked about and realized it was a thing. So the website for those that are just listening and not watching in this episode eventually, I swear to God You're right, I swear AI is listening.

Speaker 1:

We have a co-host I.

Speaker 2:

I was like what? This is a legit thing that people make articles about this like articles about.

Speaker 1:

So for those that are listening, that want to know what we're talking about because you can't see it obviously and I'm bad at loading up episodes is from Screen rat calm. Anime. 3 episode rule still matters If you go to the web I. What is anime? Is the title of this article? So many new shows, something that every anime fan should use. Very interesting wording.

Speaker 1:

I said we didn't know this was a thing. The summary of this is the three episode rule is an important guideline for anime viewers to give a show a fair chance before deciding to drop it. I agree. This rule recognizes that many anime require time to build a story, introduce their characters and judging a show solely based on its early. So the three episode rule is not sorry I can't read it now and many not apply to every show or may, excuse me, may not apply to every show, but it has helped many viewers discover hidden gems that they would have otherwise overlooked. I don't disagree with that outlook. How do you feel about it? Yay, nay, I mean. I think it's pretty much on par with what we said.

Speaker 2:

I think it's very much kind of the norm, like I mentioned earlier. So I just finished watching comma something. The god in the godless world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no one took you 18 to get through episode three.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 17. Working for the god in the godless world and I, to be honest, I really wasn't digging it the first like three, four episodes, and I had stopped watching it for about two weeks and then I was like, all right, you know what it's got to buckle down. I got to get a little bit farther. It has good review, good rating. By the time I got to like episode six, episode seven, I was finally just like, okay, fuck, here we are.

Speaker 2:

And I finished like I finished it all on that. Go right, you know it's just like fuck, and it turned that page, you know. So I can definitely see why there's a lot of articles out there that are like, hey, this is not, like, don't listen to this shit, don't follow that rule.

Speaker 1:

But again, it's not necessarily a rule, I think it's more of a. A guideline. As I said, it's just a guide.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to follow it. Pirates of the Caribbean. Right, we're just guidelines out there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, the parlor, these are just guidelines. Um, you steal points right out of my fucking mouth, you bastard. Yes, there are plenty of shows I've watched that we've talked about. I didn't get into it the first three. We didn't give it a fair fucking shake, and somehow we maybe well, not you as much as me come back around to it, whatever, or you're watching something else and you finally finish it through, or whatever, and you hit that point where you're like episode four or five or six, or maybe it's fucking seven.

Speaker 1:

If it's a 24 episode season, it might not hit you until episode eight, but then it fucking just clicks for not every show, but the good ones, right. And so we say that to people and I always think, like God damn it, you know you're right. Like there are some shows where, fuck, it takes a minute to really get into it. But let me tell you it's a badass, motherfucking show. And so, you're right, it is not the end, all be all. And that's why I think it's more funny to me and you that this is even a fucking thing that people are writing articles about. It's like what? Like no shit, Like you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like it's kind of like an unwritten thing for us, right it was? Nothing that was like concrete, concrete. This is what you have to do every time you watch a show. You have to do this, and it was something more just. We came to find out naturally, right, like hey you're not gonna see the story or progression, yeah. Yeah, you might not like it right now, but guess what? Once you get to this episode, episode six, episode seven it's going to then cross that threshold, cross that line for you where you're like oh fuck.

Speaker 2:

yeah, like you say oh shit, it just fucking clicked. For me it just clicked. I need to watch every episode now. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly so. The article you know, for those that will watch when I eventually load this, I'm scrolling through it gets to the bottom there I'm gonna read you look at this picture. What do you think, spencer, is this the show you want to watch? Not one for me. What do you think? No, look at that picture. You want to watch that show? Nope, no, oh, we're lagging, we're getting bad, sorry, we're getting bad feedback from my internet right now. No, exactly right, I'm saying no too. This article makes a kind of compelling point. I'll read this paragraph at the top. It goes to right what we're saying. First, two episodes of Pula, Magi, madoka, majaka, magica, magica Never heard of this fucking show. Weirded, asked, fucking. Title Picture doesn't leave me interested at all Are presented as being rather a typical magic girl show. I've heard of magic girl shows. I think we may have watched one or two. I think technically freezing is kind of like a magic girl show, right or no?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not looking at you directly, I'm looking at the article.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, there are hints at the darker story. No, okay, yeah, we'll say no, Okay, but there are shows out there that we've seen that are technical magical girl shows, whatever right. There are hints at the darker story that is to come up, but for the most part, the show is which reveals to the audience that the show will be, which reveals to the oh sorry, I've totally skipped the part, but for the most part, the show is fun to be. However, the third episode ends with one of the magical girls meeting a brutal fate, which reveals to the audience that the show will be a bleak deconstruction of magic girl shows. If you only watched the first two episodes, they might completely misjudge the show and potentially stop watching, missing out on Madoka, Magica's true greatness. Again, that's not gonna. Oh my, what have I been doing? I need to go watch this show. That's not gonna reach out to me. I don't think it's gonna reach out to Spencer, necessarily on this kind of show. But that's the point. That is the point you can watch. Oh, this is what I think. This is upbeat and all of a sudden, bam, they hit you with that realness. The third episode. That's the point.

Speaker 1:

So pretty well written article. I didn't read it all the way in depth. I think that it's funny that this is a fucking thing that's talked about. But then we're like well, if you're a fan of something, we can't just talk about the fucking the positive, we gotta talk about the negative too. So we went, and we went and found another article about why that rule makes no sense at all. And so let me pull this up, and this was a site recommended by yours truly Spencer, who knows his shit, Because I don't read a lot of these anime articles. So this is from cbrcom. It's a title Anime Three Episode Rule. Why not import? Well, at least if for the URL? So the title itself says why Anime Three Episode Rule Is, If it Ever Was, One informal rule of anime community is the three episode rule.

Speaker 1:

However, does this still make sense today, If indeed it ever did? To begin with, as you scroll down, I'll read the top paragraph here. I'll see if they don't have a nice highlight like the other one did. Sadly, when it comes to watching anime, it is essentially impossible to have any hard and fast rules. That's something that you brought up, After all. Just like any other artistic medium, everyone views things differently. Very fair point, as any form of art has, and always will be able to have, a highly subjective experience. I never even well, I mean, I thought about it like that, but that's funny when you read it.

Speaker 1:

However, one particular informal rule of the anime community has been around for many years now the three episode rule. In essence, the three episode rule is intended to gauge whether a specific anime series will be to a viewer's liking within the span of three episodes. Supposedly, this is because it takes approximately three episodes for the viewer to gain a firm understanding of the plot and characters, Give the anime a chance to reveal any surprise narratives, change their mind and allow any necessary setup or exposition to properly play out before they make a final decision on whether they want to settle in for the entire show. I'll give them that. That's nicely written. That goes exactly what we said.

Speaker 1:

It's like the shit can change. You know what I mean 100%. How are you going to reveal a whole story, how are you going to reveal every story? Every part of the story twists and turns three episodes in, with fucking shitter people watching and every character and one piece. You know even meet some of these characters tell hundreds of motherfucking episodes in and they definitely, some of them make the show even better. So, yeah, no, I think it just speaks to what we're talking about. Like, I did not think this was a fucking thing. I honestly thought we made it up. I was like, yeah, three episodes Sounds like a good fucking number. You know what I mean. Like, if it's a 12 episode season, I guess more so than anything.

Speaker 1:

I can't disagree with these guys. Oh, is this the same fucking show? That bitch looks exactly the same. Do you see that? The little ringlets blonde hair chick? It looks exactly the same. It is. Oh my god, this fuck that's. If you're listening, this is just Habinstance. They're talking about Madoka Magica too as well in this article. I'm I might have to go see where the fuck that shows at. That's interesting. That that's the show they chose to bring up. That must, there must be a hard turn in that third episode Right.

Speaker 2:

Two different articles and they're bringing up the same show why it might, may not have that kind of an impact either, right, okay, hey, based off this one show, we can eliminate this one rule. That really hey, yeah. I fairly well to most other shows. But you know, is this an outlier, is it not? I would say it's not yeah, I'm a soft-shell screen. I think you even know, you know from where you're at and gate right, like gate gates, a slow burn Out, the rip right. You know and slow burn I.

Speaker 2:

Was just kind of in the state of mind and the mood as I was watching about, like you know, I kind of just got into it off the rip, right, you know. But even that being said, it definitely you can clearly tell the first four or five episodes are kind of like almost even into six is like Okay, come on, let's, let's, let's fucking get into it, let's, let's get a move on, right, you know.

Speaker 2:

And yeah and finally, once you hit like episode eight, you're like okay, hey, fuck, yeah, like now like episode eight and nine yeah, I think it's a 24 episode one, you know it finally like yeah, opens up more into okay, it is 24.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, that's a good point. That's a good point. I think I'm trying to think of other shows. Top my head. Fuck was an overlord like a little bit slow ish to start.

Speaker 2:

No, I like.

Speaker 1:

I think I think I went pretty quick actually and I think about it Goblin Slayer quick episodes I can't wait for that fucking second season, fuck man. Yeah. So we hope you know I'm not ending the show right now. We hope you enjoyed that little, that blurb right there. We're talking about doing a little more research. See, stop it, you fucking stop it.

Speaker 1:

Exactly what you were doing right there. So the key word For you to message me or to comment or anything, for you to get that shirt, sweatshirt and possibly sticker for me free A fucking charge, is gonna be Madoka, magica, which is spelled M A D, okay, a, magica, m a G. I see a. You message me that and I will send you that shit. I just picked that because it was happened to be in both fucking articles. Not that I'm gonna watch that show, not that I give a fuck about that name at all, but put it in there and I'm gonna send you some free fucking shit. And we want to know your comments.

Speaker 1:

Like do you guys like this kind of stuff? Do you like these? Like, oh shit. Like I Saw this on the internet about anime, like is this even a fucking thing? Like that was my first thing. You sent it to me.

Speaker 1:

I laughed out loud. I was like what the fuck? Like this is a fucking thing and I couldn't believe it and so made for I, you know we only talked about it for 15 minutes, but it's, it's interesting, you know. I mean I think it's it's only as interesting as we can get comments for because we, you know, I mean, we've talked about this before, not knowing it was articles, you know. I mean. So I don't think there's like a lot left unsaid between me and you. Necessarily they're like feed off of each other. But I'd be interested to hear what people think.

Speaker 1:

Like, because we did, I'm kind of like, fuck, we're idiots. We tell people hey, gotta watch your episodes, god, watch it. Now I'm kind of backtracking to myself a little bit. I'm like, well, really you just got to watch it, really you just got to give it a chance. We say that too, but it's like, really you just got to give it a chance. Like you know what I mean. I feel like you give the show a shot if we're telling you it's good, it's fucking good. But that article said it perfectly.

Speaker 2:

Not every medium translates to every person when I think part of that too is too like you get you, you're trying to get somebody into a show. Or like like I'm trying to tell, hey, there's this new show I'm watching, dude, like you're gonna fucking love it. I'm not gonna tell you, hey, you're gonna love it. Once you hit an episode 12 like yeah, I. Three in if you're not feeling it like hey, no sweat, no worries, you gave it up. You know, you gave it a go give the college try.

Speaker 2:

And I you know, at that point in time that that's all I can ask for. It can be sometimes daunting, you know, even if it's a full episode season to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was that. That's admit to all of our hours. Right, yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, you know you, you, more so than me, you know, are more daunted by that, but I I can.

Speaker 1:

You're just a funny fucking guy right now, aren't ya? Um, no, I don't disagree with you. Um, yeah, no, I just thought it was really funny that you sent me that text. I was sitting there. It's like what the fuck dude like I? It took me a second to wrap my head around. I was like there's no way. Like I started like this is a full-on fucking article. So interesting, fine, good, spencer. Good job, spencer, good job, good job, good job. You guys should appreciate him out there. He's giving you guys new content to listen to. I was gonna bring it up. We're an hour three in. We're a little well, actually every episode we've been a little over now, but, um, don't have enough time to go into it, I guess I'll leave it with the next episode. I'll end it on this episode. I finished Kimono Jin that, as a friend eloquent put that gay supernatural show, or how'd you say it? How'd you say it? You're the friend, the supernatural, would you say. That's actually cool.

Speaker 2:

Something like that. I don't know if I say anything about cool, about it.

Speaker 1:

No good from my perspective.

Speaker 2:

From my perspective not for, oh yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, from your perspective, for yeah, yes, so Kimono Jin for those that care I talked about before I did finish it.

Speaker 1:

It is a pretty badass show. I like the fighting scenes. I like the story, think it is well-written. Think sapper, supernatural shows are kind of a dime a dozen, so are is a guy, if you could actually say every genre is a another repeat of itself in a way. But I do think there's enough there, story wise, to get Spencer into it and I look forward to proving that to him next episode and hoping that I can get him on it and see how he finished his show We'll have to see yeah, did you ever finish mob psycho?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, long time ago. Oh, you did finish it all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, no, oh, oh, my god, no, no, no, I didn't. I'm thinking of what show? When you said that, a different show came in my mind, that's gonna be one to blank it out.

Speaker 2:

It's like uh, jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

I have not finished the newest season of that. I did enjoy the first two seasons, but the third season start off a little different. Same thing like ranking of kings, like I Almost feel like this kind of we talked about one piece. It feels like it's like a recap, like the first episode is just throwing me. I'm like is this supposed to be a new season? Cuz I swear to God, I fucking seen this. So, but I've only done the one episode. I haven't really given it the fair shake and gone through to see what the fuck the second season is about, because I did Love that first season.

Speaker 1:

Even though you don't like shows with special needs people, I do. So you know, you know bad on you, you know for fucking being such a ruthless son of a bitch. But uh, no, your fair point. There are lots of shows that I, that I start to watch or I get and I and I haven't finished and I can't even count how many. It's too, it's too. I fucked myself, I. There was a point in time where I was more like you, where I was like, okay, I only got a handful of shows, I can manage this shit. And then we there was some point where me and you just went off the fucking deep and we're like let's watch everything, like fucking, just, I don't give a fuck. Well, not everything but.

Speaker 1:

We're not watching fruit baskets and oh she, no, co, but a Lot of shit like way more than we like six, seven years ago when we well, I'm longer than that now but when we first started getting really back into it, we were only watching like the major shows really, or finishing them or whatever, and so I've been off way more than I could fucking chew I've got. I can't, they would make you sick. I'm definitely lied to you when I say how many shows I fit. I've, like I have on my list of fish because I've had. I told you the real number. You would disown me. So it's, it's too many. Um, no important shows, I might add. I've finished all of those. But yeah, there's a lot there. There's a lot there.

Speaker 1:

We hope you guys enjoy this episode, digesting all the things that we talked about. We hope that you drop in those comments. We need you to drop in those comments. We need you to let Spencer know hey, spencer, stop being such a bitch dude. Or hey, jason, you're amazing. I don't know. I don't know what you want to say. You know, I mean who knows? But and Spencer's face right now says it all. But you'll never see that because I'll never upload these to YouTube. We hope you guys have a good night and, as always, watch some fucking anime.

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