Highly Animated Podcast

Internet problems an Anime?

August 31, 2023 Highly Animated Podcast Season 2 Episode 32
Internet problems an Anime?
Highly Animated Podcast
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Highly Animated Podcast
Internet problems an Anime?
Aug 31, 2023 Season 2 Episode 32
Highly Animated Podcast

Ever wondered how an unbiased anime fan and animator perceive the anime world? Tune in to our latest episode where we welcome a special guest from the animation industry. They help us scrutinize the mystifying three-episode rule, that unwritten decree amongst anime viewers that we believe deserves more light. 

Picture this - a protagonist's awakening leading to an earth-shattering event. If this narrative appeals to you, you'll appreciate our discourse on Netflix's 'Super Crooks,' paralleled with Amazon's 'The Boys.' We expose some plot twists, but most importantly, we debate what it takes for a show to seize our attention. Is there a secret formula to creating a series that leaves viewers yearning for more? Let's chew over it.

As anime fans, we've found ourselves swimming in a sea of repetitive genres. It's an ongoing struggle to sift through the oversaturation and unearth new, original shows. . We wrap up with a spirited discussion on our anime viewing preferences - are you a die-hard completionist or a crafty spoiler? Tune in, and let's navigate this anime landscape together.

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

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Ever wondered how an unbiased anime fan and animator perceive the anime world? Tune in to our latest episode where we welcome a special guest from the animation industry. They help us scrutinize the mystifying three-episode rule, that unwritten decree amongst anime viewers that we believe deserves more light. 

Picture this - a protagonist's awakening leading to an earth-shattering event. If this narrative appeals to you, you'll appreciate our discourse on Netflix's 'Super Crooks,' paralleled with Amazon's 'The Boys.' We expose some plot twists, but most importantly, we debate what it takes for a show to seize our attention. Is there a secret formula to creating a series that leaves viewers yearning for more? Let's chew over it.

As anime fans, we've found ourselves swimming in a sea of repetitive genres. It's an ongoing struggle to sift through the oversaturation and unearth new, original shows. . We wrap up with a spirited discussion on our anime viewing preferences - are you a die-hard completionist or a crafty spoiler? Tune in, and let's navigate this anime landscape together.

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Speaker 1:

off, as always. Welcome back to the Highland Mid podcast. I'm your co-host, jason Sin, as always, with my co-host on a sales chips in the background. Spencer, is it really always? No, true? I mean, you said it was always after, I said it wasn't, and now we're just on this back and forth thing here. Welcome back, guys. We know it's been two weeks.

Speaker 1:

Life's a crazy thing. You know what I mean. It comes in like a hurricane, blows on right out, Lots of things happen. I mean, honestly, me and Spencer predicate more family and friends over anything. So if that kind of shit comes up, we have no problem pushing the show back and thinking on it too before we lead into the agenda for today.

Speaker 1:

I was talking about off air and I don't think you would disagree here. We're thinking about going bi-weekly with the show. Right, bring a little more thought out content, give us more time to watch stuff, just more time in general. You know what I mean. The once a week thing Maybe we'll go back to it at some point. I don't know, I want not that people listening might care, or maybe they will. I'm interested in doing another podcast. I'll probably capture and kidnap this guy to do it with me, hopefully with another person or two, but yeah, just to give you perspective on why we're not here, but I'm excited for this next episode. You know why? Why am I excited, spencer? Why am I excited for this next episode that we're going to do.

Speaker 2:

Well, in your spirit of keeping it truncated, I will not go into what I think should have been said on that before. Oh shit truncated.

Speaker 1:

Let's go, let's go. I can tell it. Yeah, we're going to try out a 30 minute episode for you all instead of an hour hour. Five minutes, 58 minutes. Yeah, I want to see if that's a more digestible time limit. So we'll see, Maybe it'll suck. Spencer has his doubts. I can tell right away. When I said we're going to do it, he's just like okay, fine, yeah, fine. I'm just like man.

Speaker 1:

Mr Director over here. Anyways, anyways, I am super excited for the next one because I you know I had to look like a bad guy a couple of times, but you know I'm trying to work behind the scenes here. I thought you'd be excited too. You're not excited.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, no, I'm stoked on it. This is probably the most unbiased opinion or interview that we will have so far, at least in terms of don't know us. Not that they're necessary trying to cater to us, but I don't think so your friends are definitely not going to always. You know there's a lot of sugar coating that probably goes into it, whether that be you know four store. You know, maybe you know unconsciously.

Speaker 1:

You brought this up in previous episodes. This is a good point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I think that'll be sweet. I'm going to be nice to get somebody else, you know, with their own fresh take and how they see it. Well, and then realistically, even an actual fan of the anime in general right and an animator at that.

Speaker 1:

I thought that was the most interesting.

Speaker 2:

Forced everybody else into it. So, yeah, no, I think it'll be. I think it'll be sick, you know.

Speaker 1:

Got a little homework to do, for sure, on the animation stuff I was thinking about the other day. You know what I mean. Even in this truncated version, I'm sure we could dive into it a little bit. But you know, like you said this, I've asked this question. You were like oh shit, we made a short on it even. Like how many different anime styles are there? And like fuck God be hundreds. So I'm just curious, like is there's names and shit to them? So that's going to be like kind of my little research to ask this person. You know, hey, like is there like specific shit? I mean they sent that little clip I showed you, right, like we can't do that or I'm not going to spend the time to learn to do that. You know what I mean. So that's cool, super excited about that. So that's an interview. We'll leave it a surprise, I guess, where the person's from.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, keep people on yeah, subpar, subpar, internet and effect, I think, trying to maintain off of that. Well, we'll see what happens four and a half minutes in, but yeah, yeah, I think it'll be an interview to look forward to Outside, of that kind of, I think, going off of what we had spoken about a little bit prior to this going to go into a couple maybe not specific shows as much you know deep dive into that. Well, you know deep dive, whatever you know, dive in general into that. But, oh boy, completely out of here now.

Speaker 2:

So it wasn't just a lack thing, but yeah no, I think you know we're gonna plan was initially to talk about Kind of an unspoken rule amongst the anime viewers, watchers, consumers, whatever. We Kind of been like an unset thing, I think before a lot of people and it was kind of our just a general rule of thumb for us as, as we kind of got a Little bit, you know, more into the anime scene and kind of just watching shows and getting outside of maybe just you know.

Speaker 2:

You're big three. You know all the really popular ones that come with that. But it was funny because we had never really explicitly looked up or knew that there were such a rule. But a Lot of people who watch anime probably heard, you know, unofficially, officially, whatever the three episode rule, right, you know, which is generally okay, hey, you need to give an anime at least three episodes before you can really make a Determined, you know, a real good decision whether or not you're going to be into this show.

Speaker 2:

You know, I think a lot of people go back and forth, you know, whether or not that's really a valid point, if that's something that needs to be stuck to or not. I think it's a lot of different variables that go into that. Right, you know, hey, is this a situation where you know this is a long-running show? Is this a situation where you know this is kind of a short? Maybe we're talking about 12 seats. You know 12 episodes in one season. So I don't know that. You know, does this rule always necessarily apply to, you know, every anime? You know, again, it's just kind of a rule of thumb.

Speaker 2:

But Other than, you know, we kind of always brought that up as something we just came up internally, we didn't know it was a real thing when no idea man, all of a sudden maybe it was like two weeks ago or something an article pop across my feet and it was like it's like oh, this, this, this rule, is a stupid rule or something, right, I forget what the article was. Now it's trying to look through my text, but it's so far back again. See, I didn't get to it in time, but it was just kind of. It was just funny because, you know, and I think I even messaged, I was like oh, I didn't realize this was like an official, real thing, you know.

Speaker 1:

And then you did, you text me yeah park cement, or is it like?

Speaker 2:

oh, you know, maybe we should look into that a little bit more, so it was a good call, definitely a good call.

Speaker 1:

How much did I miss here? You know, laid on me. So did you go over what we were gonna do, jump into the cup, the couple things? Obviously you talked about the three episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah about three and a half. But anyways, yeah, you know, like you said, the internet starting to get a little worse out here, so I'll just have to ask the landlord to get they did offer it when I first moved in about to pay like 20 bucks more a month to Get like a booster or some shit out here. So I just gotta do that. But that's on me. Um, I'm glad you took over, graciously, the three episode rule. Yeah, I mean, I went on to read it as I told you, right, did you? When I showed you before we got on where you kind of you know, would you, would you think of All the comments? I mean, I was kind of speed reading them, but I was surprised that it got generated so many comments. To be honest, and I'll all present it again right now I have to give you a little more in-depth Look at it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was very quick. I didn't really get to read any of it. It was kind of scan to see how many people were saying stuff and votes and whatnot, but I think a lot of what what comes to mind. I mean, at least for me and I would assume, some of these other people, it varies a lot. Show-to-show type of show. Duration of show 100 things that factor into whether or not you know, you think, you think about, you know, you know go.

Speaker 2:

you know one piece, it's like it's somewhere to go to it now and be like hey, we're gonna, you know, use the three episode, rule Not, this is something we're gonna watch.

Speaker 1:

It would fail miserably, right well, that's why this person said it does not hold true for actual season seasonal viewing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know cuz. Then obviously that was years ago you're talking 98. It was coming out and it was just like you know. That's not gonna hold up with a lot of anime that are out today. It's current version certainly does. But from going all the way back to there, somebody might be alright. I'll give it three, three episodes. Give it a try. Don't like it. Hey, you old, whatever right you know. So that age age factors into that as well.

Speaker 1:

Look at the next one that just came up. Read the first thing you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, perfect example for those that are gonna view it when this episode finally ever airs on YouTube Personals. I have have been through several phases and a man growing older, certain more teenage leading products, you know, grab me much and taste to do, or fine, when you have seen To base formula so many times too much, each he turns this guy off all of all. So, yeah, no, that's a perfect point and I think that's why we want to use reddit more. I Could scroll through everything, but then the show would last much more than 30 minutes. If you're interested in that stuff, reach out to us. If you want to reach out and get my account, make a comment on that rule. We'd love to put you on air and you know, see what your opinion is. But these are just people that I just I pose a question to, because Obviously, we're not getting a shit ton of questions on our socials. But, yeah, I thought it was very interesting. I thought you you nailed it. You brought up something that I was like this this isn't a thing and it was 100% and generated by the comments right there. I mean, I think there was like 20 at most. So Just interesting, super interesting.

Speaker 1:

Um, definitely, I'm Kind of against it. I'm like I don't know 50, 50. You know me because we talked about like I'll watch a show, first episode. I'm like alright, I'm fucking alright, I'm next, next, next, and that's kind of the point I wanted to bring up to give your three episode rule credence or not credence, I don't know how to view. I'd say not I just as a fan of shit, I guess. But I thought we talked about it off air. I'm just kind of curious.

Speaker 1:

After a couple days to digest on the, you were thinking about it, but I watched super crooks talked about it in the past. It Was, I think, like someone from cowboy bebop had some influence on that show. I don't know how. I don't know if it's director, whatever, I don't want to misspeak, but it's on Netflix, 13 episode and it's like oh, it's a one and done you. Is it possible? It could be more sure, but they Put it in a way where it's it from start to conclusion. So I like a show if they do it well in that kind of capacity.

Speaker 1:

I we talked about rushing shows, all kinds of shit. I liked it, I thought it was good. I got, I was, I was very impressed For a Netflix show, anime show. What'd you think they didn't make you like after what we talked about off air, obviously, you know. I guess like baseline words here or you know, seo search words here is it's like the boys on Amazon. That's the easiest comparison I can make for anyone super heroes and villains, but gnarly, you know what I mean. And funny, good acting, good writing, I think, solid action, good plot twists.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I have not watched it or any of those take away your fancy.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, you've heard of the boys, though.

Speaker 2:

I've heard of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, shows banger normie TV show, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

I would go into so from episode one you were, you were, you were caught, you were, they snagged it right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the person was a tea. I mean, I guess I give you a little. You know, go a little tea bit right here. So dudes, a teenager and these people, I think, all different ages, have their awakening, so they start getting their powers. And this dude's got electricity for power. Essentially he can like fucking, you know, I mean, he's essentially what's her name storm from fucking X men. He can fuck and he can't create storms, but he can create lightnings, charges and all this kind of shit. He can even fly with it.

Speaker 1:

He comes to find out, like pushing it off the ground if whatever, all the shit, right, and he's a nerd, like he gets bullied in high school, da-da-da, and his mom is a fucking piece of shit and Brings men home whatever. And then he has his awakening because she's like turn off the light, go to bed. And then the light turns back on because in his head he's like I want it on or whatever. And he has this awakening, blows up a couple things oh fuck, I got my fucking power. And then he tells his buddy other nerd buddy and they ride a little super comic thing like we're gonna impress the girl and Well, we'll do it at the pool. They're gonna be, everyone's gonna be at the pool. It's a perfect chance. Like blah, blah, and he fucking like gets.

Speaker 1:

He puts on this ridiculous thing, calls a self-electro boy and fucking Levitates from like behind like this, you know where the pool is out and all the kids and fucking other people like a community pool, levitates and is like hovering over where the pools as I oh, I'm a lecture but like doing good at first, right and the girl, everyone's all impressed. And then the one punk fucking guy that bullied him Notices him through the mask. He goes oh, that's fucking giant ball, whatever. And everyone starts like laughing. She's like no, I don't know whatever.

Speaker 1:

He starts losing focus and he fucking drops into the pool with all the electricity and Starts shocking everyone to fucking death and it's like it's pretty graphic. And then it leads to like a catastrophic thing, like where that happens, and then like someone I Don't know how to describe it it's like in a movie and other shits, I'm sure some kind of cinnamon thing, but where all of a sudden the gas station over here blows up because this happened and this Happened, and then he kills a bunch of people on his like coming out party and then he likes crying Whatever, he's the dude and he's buying ATM when he's talking to his homie finally finds them and then, like he does a charge, the money comes out and then he becomes a villain and then flashes forward to him coming out of Prison and goes on from there. Hooked me, hook me.

Speaker 2:

That's obviously very reference that as a snowball effect.

Speaker 1:

Snowball. Okay, yeah, sorry, I'm not most people, but yeah, a snowball effect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, cuz that starts going down the hill.

Speaker 1:

No, I understand the terminology, I'm just I thought there might be like a cinematic like thing that they call that. Maybe that's just me overthinking. Yeah, the snowball effect.

Speaker 2:

Snowball effect in here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Well, the director wouldn't do that. That'd be from whoever created the show and how they kind of wind up. Executive producer.

Speaker 1:

Executive producer. Hey, snowball effect, everything's a good producer, so you made it. Anyways, would you think of my snowball effect with that? With that intrigue you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, potentially, I think I think what's what's really you know, because, again, you know, we obviously have different watching styles, right?

Speaker 1:

You're sure we have different tastes, yeah, you know tastes, you know. Similar but still different. Just a hard taste.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying it in general shows that we're going to watch, right from a watching style. I'll watch a show even if I'm not really into it. You know, I'll give it this credence and try to finish it, unless it's just absolutely you know not catching my interest whatsoever.

Speaker 1:

Like Mom's Psycho, right, that's one show I like that you hate yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like no, no, no, things that really kind of catch me.

Speaker 2:

You know points where it's like oh hey, laughing moments or like oh shit, yeah, savage moments or oh fuck, hit me in the fields here, right. I think a great, great example with that recently, you know it would be Gate. You know I thought Gate started off slow and it's really kind of finished strong and it didn't really start picking up really well, at least for me, until it was like episode seven, maybe eight. I mean I enjoyed things throughout the beginning of that, so that's why I kind of stuck with it, but you know it would have taken me like two and a half weeks to watch. You know, watch that was 23 episodes or something 24.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I mean one of the shows that I recommended that I didn't really I wanted to be in love with but I couldn't Like. There's aspects that are great, but overall I'm kind of disappointed. But I'm still not even at the end. I'm worse than you know. I'm like 18 or 19. I'm close, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then so I mean getting me into that more you know, I don't know. I guess you could say maybe a completionist.

Speaker 1:

I like to just like you are 100% knowing. As fuck you know?

Speaker 2:

say and watch it all.

Speaker 1:

Your soul is used to not watch it.

Speaker 2:

It catches me. You know, like you know, there's certain shit I watch it's like no recollection of, but I know I watched it all.

Speaker 1:

You know, not even just a completionist and isolationist, Like you don't really tell people like what you're doing and you just kind of want you know you're not a share yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm a share.

Speaker 1:

I'm an overshare, Honestly, but you know you're not even a share.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, unless it's something that I think, unless it's a banger and you're like oh, jason's going to like this.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying you withhold, sorry, let me back up.

Speaker 2:

But no, certainly I meant to more like, like you're on the island with an episode that's what I mean or with a show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, aside from seasonals, put seasonals out of it, put the seasonals out of it I'm talking about on our tracks, to cut you off there. Sorry, cause I like what you're talking about. I am a dumb ass. I try to put too much on my plate, but I also diversify enough to where I'm like. Picking up all these other shows I am finding what I do, like Cause Super Crooks and Perf, example, oh, I like it, I fucking finished it. You know what I mean. Like, I have those shows, I have those moments and sometimes it's just. Let me talk about off air. We haven't been watching as much recently, but I feel like I'll hold, I'll try to watch a couple and you're like nope. Like, if it's not the seasonals, and you know what I mean, there are regular shows and whatever, it's just the one. Once I find something, okay, I'll watch that one. I'm not adding another one, I'm just watching that one. I fucking hate that about you. I'm not going to lie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and one I mean in some aspect of that too is you know, like I'm consuming different mediums.

Speaker 1:

You said at the beginning yeah, you consume it differently than I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I mean like a medium, like it's not just anime, right, you know, it is all within that. You know I read the. You know the fucking non was mangas and shit. So, I'm digesting that as well. And then, when I think about it from that standpoint, there's a ton of shit that I read and sometimes, especially now, because you're getting so much, so much push of, like you know, you think from an anime standpoint, like what's the most common show that's been coming out, probably the past two, three years.

Speaker 2:

The most common anime show that's been coming out for the past three years I saw a show, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, fucking, oh, my God. It's my favorite kind of show and I'm blanking on the goddamn word right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like these Isakai shows they just fucking whoop in the mouth.

Speaker 1:

I'm the Isakai Horde. I can't even name it. Yes, no, they are. It can just be one verse, just like okay, hey, fuck.

Speaker 2:

This is just like a, you know, done up version of the show that really started. You know, like what are the? You know you're putting makeup on a pig, right, you know, and just trying to make it look different than what it really is from a like reading standpoint. There is a fuckload of that and I mean, don't get me wrong, there's a lot that is good, but it gets to the point where it's just like okay, hey, you know, I have to wait weekly for some of these things and it's like I'm reading, you know, fucking, 16 different shows at once, eight of them all kind of within that same, like you know, not necessarily Isakai, but, like you know, like a similar type of manga or whatnot you know, and it's just like all right, fuck, I start to lose track of like, okay, hey, I'm reading this thing.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, this guy happened. Wait, what the fuck? Where is this fucking guy? Oh shit, I was thinking about this other show. That's what it was right. And so, from an anime standpoint, I think it's a lot easier to get kind of caught up in that loop of you're not really giving it its due diligence, because you know, hey, maybe there were just. You know, like you said earlier, maybe there's just some key phrases in the description, or maybe there's like hey, the thumbnail looks fucking bitchin and you're just like all right, hey, I'm, I'm.

Speaker 2:

I said that sometimes right up my alley, I'm going to get into it, and then you get into it and it's like, oh, shit sometimes like this show, you know like all 100%.

Speaker 1:

I can't even disagree with that shit there's. There's tons of times where I'm like I think we've talked about it before, at least through texts that I will definitely have the time to go back and look up, but where it's just like yeah, hey, this is like, this is kind of something and that's fine, like we get it. But no, I mean I'm kind of coasting through the comments again. I'm fucking. I wish I had it right here. What the dude said about Overlord. It kind of like matches up perfectly with your saying, obviously opposite to how we feel. Essentially it goes as he doesn't like Overlord because the person's overpowered, that kind of thing's overplayed. There's no real consequence to him. So therefore, the story's kind of bland, whatever. And I was like I mean I disagree wholeheartedly. Yes, I understand that. I Think I feel like you understand almost every character outside of like the really gruesome shows like an attack on Titan or the shit it's. It is predictable. The guy's gonna live like you know. I mean like, but you know this isn't.

Speaker 1:

This isn't you know. So I don't know so, but like Fire Force did it perfect. I think that's like what's so cool about shows and directors and people like you did not see that shit come in season two, Like I. I know I didn't and I was just like like the fuck. So killings, a real thing. But I don't think that has to be the end. I'll be all to like play out a badass story. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

First came to mind is like a better word to kind of describe it than I was using her. It's the oversaturation. Yes, Right, genre yeah and so then it starts to take away like Every season. There might be something that that, hey, two years, like four years ago, had we not had this over saturation, it would have been like oh dude, everybody loves this shit.

Speaker 2:

This shit is fucking ripping, you know but, Okay, hey, we're three years, four years into this and we're getting the same shit, same shit, same shit. So it starts to get a little more like you know, kind of whatever. Like I just started the other Sunday or Monday, so I watch this show, the reign of the seven spell blades, and oh, we talked about it a little bit because it came.

Speaker 1:

It's a newer one. I just were we leading into the last bit. We'll probably go to maybe 35 minutes. We're leading the last bit. We're talking about shows we're watching. Are you trying to tie it in here?

Speaker 2:

I'm just tying it in, but.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, no, I didn't I didn't think that's standpoint.

Speaker 2:

It's, like you know, in, in more ways than once, a Three episode rule. Okay, hey, the first first two episodes of conscious, like you know, and then these like three, four. I was like, okay, now, now we're kind of fucking starting to get there.

Speaker 1:

Plenty shows like that you know.

Speaker 2:

And but then you know flip side, outside of the three rule for you thinking about like oversaturation. There's another show where it's like kind of a school based Academy base.

Speaker 1:

Oh, hey you go like a martial Okay, I'm like that, you know even moves you to say no all right.

Speaker 2:

I mean, what I am enjoying about is they're going about it in a different way. It's kind of more of a Kind of a darker show, you know, not darker like you know, whore kind of darker, but just the overtones and what happens and why it happens is on like the, the more gritty side of things. So I think from that standpoint it's just kind of like same thing, like what we're saying with the easy cast. I guess you know in the past year, seen so many, so many shows where it's like Notice Academy or the school or this special Training place and it's you and all these kids that are trying to, you know, be Whatever. You know best graduate, you know Valor, victorian and all that kind of bullshit. Right, you know all kind of ties into that.

Speaker 1:

But there's a good Reddit question, honestly, what you're kind of leading off what they're saying, like hey, um, with the oversaturation Of anime and isekai being a dominant thing, like what, where do you go to, like, find shows, or how do you Differentia, or how, how are you searching? You know what I mean, because I think that'd be interesting, because outside of I mean for me personally, because I don't read Mon was and everything else that you do, right, I don't have as much insight. I'm not like Diving in super deep, it's a very surface level search kind of shit for me, right, and I just kind of I'm a thumb nail guy, I'm not, I'm not afraid to admit, oh, that looks cool, you know, I mean boom popping on, try it out. If it's good, dope, I tell you about it. If it's not, hey, is what it is. So, um, yeah, I think that'd be a good question because I think it's a valid point that you're bringing up Um, did you actually?

Speaker 1:

You said three, four episodes it. So I know I cut out for three minutes there. We're not, we're not done yet. We'll go to 35 minutes here. Truncated show, see how you guys like it. Kind of hitting some points about our last episode three episode rule. I cut out for a long time there, so I'm sorry about that. That's not really crappy. Actually it's not really great because Spencer's just talking for three minutes. Dude, I'm sure you did. I don't even know what it sounds like. I can't wait to listen to him for three minutes and just sit there and edit the whole thing out and cut it, and I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. No, it was weird. At first. I was just talking to it and then all of a sudden you disappeared completely and I was like yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay yeah so we're gonna go this direction now. Let's say I'm talking, at the same time thinking different things. That I'm talking, I'm like all right, is he gonna get back on? Can he get back on? Is this still even recording? Are we gonna have to start over? So we figured that all out.

Speaker 1:

Oh, fuck I was trying to pause. You could technically pause it and I couldn't pause it in time before the internet kicked me out. So lesson learned um, right, when the shit starts spinning, bam pause and let that shit blow over. But um, yeah, so the last segment, I didn't really get to say it, so Spencer took over. We talked in the beginning we're gonna have a sick ass interview. We're not gonna tell you where the person's from. It's gonna be dope. We're excited to do it.

Speaker 1:

Next thing was Well, probably would have been anything, but Spencer let in hard with a three episode rule. So we talked about last episode, talked about some of the comments. Was cool to see. We'd love to see more people talk about that. Hit us up on any of the socials highly animated podcasts, highly animated p. I know sounds funny, but look us up. Then we're talking about some of the shows and how it ties in, and an interesting question Maybe we can pose on reddit. Um, and lastly, for the last couple minutes here I wanted to talk about Because we haven't been watching a lot what do you have on deck?

Speaker 1:

Do you want to add anything on deck? We're not even talking seasonals, we we? I think we talked about in the beginning. Right, yeah, we're gonna let it play out more, give you more content when that comes. Anything I do you ever kind of look like it's for me, I'll lead off For me. I've had lots of shows that I've gone over tons of times, lots of shows that people know about that I've just maybe I started and finished whatever Borto perfect example. Um, I'm inch, I want to finish the show.

Speaker 2:

That's a recurrent show that we weren't gonna do this one.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean oh sorry. I mean sorry. In my mainstream of seasonal shows that wasn't one for me so right right, that's my bad.

Speaker 1:

That's my bad. We can talk seasonals. I'm just talking, I guess, the ones I don't really pay attention to. So if you have some of those which I don't think you do, maybe you do, you could, you could allude to those here. But the one that I'm most interested in, that I like a lot, that I was only three episodes into and I haven't gone back to, but I am gonna watch it. I think all the way through it's gonna be tough because it's subbed only hundred episodes and that's the dragon quest. Die dai.

Speaker 1:

I believe it is very dragon ball-esque, very like you're saying, like how shows, you know, I mean you paint a pig's face, like you could easily say that About the show, but different, different enough, you know, and I mean, and I'm really enjoying it, I love that animation style. I don't know what it is. I want to look it up to ask our, our guests this next week To see what the dragon ball art style is, but it's, it's the fucking same, it's the same. So I'm gonna watch that. That's on deck for me. I think it's another question. We can ask people on reddit. We can put some of the shows we're talking about and just see what people, what they think. You know, I mean, but I don't want to ruin anything for us too, because you never know what someone's gonna say. Um, but borto is interested the dragon quest dive and watching.

Speaker 1:

I finished super crooks. Um, I need to finish gate. Uh, there was two other ones and I wish I would have brought it up, but I don't want to uh my way through this, so you go ahead and talk about what you're saying. Seven, was it seven? Spell blades?

Speaker 2:

The reign of the seven spell blades, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so you said after you guys, like three, four you're, you're enjoying it. Huh, a little darker, a little grittier.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I'm not saying it was bad in the beginning, but it was a little bit, you know, and that's too, you know, not. No, I'm trying to wrap up here, but you're hard getting back to the three episode rule. It's like you know how much time do you let develop before it's oh, hey, you're into this, you're not into this. Like, oh, you're not hooked on the first episode. It's like I didn't, you know, I thought from episode one it was like okay, this could be a cool prep. You know kind of Promise, yeah, take into what's going on here.

Speaker 2:

You know, maybe Um too, it was like okay, you know, I just start, it's starting to seem like it's just gonna be some stupid school thing. And oh, he's already got, you know, like right away, he's got his fucking crew of the people and it's just like all right. So that happened a lot quicker than I thought it would.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot of it is just, you know, for me that that'll probably be the only show I'm gonna watch until I'm done with it. So I haven't, and I actually stumbled on it by mistake. Who's that just typing in something? And I meant to click on something. The show that it was to the left and I actually, you know, went too far to the right, hit it. And then I Didn't realize until, like, all of a sudden credit for rolling this ago seven spell. But oh shit, that's not. Wait, what is this what I select? Oh, I didn't realize. That's what I hit, right, you know. So it was almost an accident, but Because.

Speaker 1:

I started.

Speaker 1:

Confidence, it, you know, and Maybe it's another question we could pose. I'm just sitting here thinking about questions on my hey, do you a? Are you the kind of person? Are you completionist? Are you a Spencer? I'm only gonna watch the one Tom done, then I'll move on. Are you a Jason? I'll juggle a couple, I'll go here and there and watch what I want, based on you know, whatever. Whatever maybe, whether it's your feeling, whether this, that other other, I'm interested because I hate that about you. I mean, I love you, you're one of my boys, but like you're fucking bitch for that. So I want you to watch super cooks. I know you're not gonna watch it same thing with, like blue lock your bitch for that.

Speaker 1:

Some of the shows I was looking it up as we're getting closer to wrapping up for me on Deck already named a couple in drag quest adventure of die Porto shine on. That's what mean you kind of. I think we looked at I don't know if you saw that that's like a newer one the bakasuma bad boys looks kind of cool. Maybe I don't know I'm off cycle 100. I got into the third season five deep on that ranking of Kings. Season three got five in. I saw you how I thought it was like a repeat kind of felt weird at the beginning. It is different. It took me a while to get Resinced in, you know, to those special shows, and you got the seasonals. You know are just chugging along. I'm not all the way caught up on everything, but you haven't even started. You just guys. And still right nope, not yet.

Speaker 1:

We'll get into that. We'll get into that. Um, yeah, I thought I, you know, for a truncated show. I thought we hit some points, obviously, that I think it would have been better if I didn't fucking drop out, but we hope you guys really enjoyed the show. We want to really generate some comments to give us ideas to talk about other stuff. We're kind of. You know, we didn't watch a lot so I didn't feel like I had a ton of talk about. We could have gone more in-depth if you guys liked that. You're like, hey, fuck this bullshit, jason, you truncated piece of shit. Let us know.

Speaker 1:

Drop in the comments. Say, hey, we want the hour show. We want to hear Spencer go into depth about all this shit. Hey, I'll fucking turn around and be the first to admit my fault. We're super excited for this interview We'll talk about for going by weekly. Check on any of the socials If you are there to know what we're doing. I do try to update them often Could be better at that. Anything you want to say to these folks before we get the fuck out of here?

Speaker 2:

No, no, I think that you know that's good. And those short, short inversion.

Speaker 1:

So long version go all right. Well, you know, as always, go watch some fucking anime.

Three Episode Rule and Potential Changes
Netflix's "Super Crooks" Discussion
Anime Oversaturation and Finding New Shows
Discussion on Anime Viewing Preferences
Show Recap and Audience Feedback