Highly Animated Podcast

Chatting Up TV Shows, Anime, and Stylish Cosplay

September 22, 2023 Highly Animated Podcast Season 2 Episode 34
Chatting Up TV Shows, Anime, and Stylish Cosplay
Highly Animated Podcast
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Highly Animated Podcast
Chatting Up TV Shows, Anime, and Stylish Cosplay
Sep 22, 2023 Season 2 Episode 34
Highly Animated Podcast

Ever find yourself scratching your head over the distinct creative aspects of Marvel and DC or curious about the growing trend of guest directors in TV show episodes? Well, we've got you covered in this episode as we wrap up the season with a bang. We’re discussing our recent projects, including an insightful interaction with Amelia from France, thanks to the ingenious chat feature of Streamyard. It was a hoot, even if language barriers did try to trip us up. Plus, we’re toasting to birthdays, and dropping some hints about exciting future projects.

Calling all anime fans! Let’s take a spirited romp through Moonlit Fantasy, dissecting its comedy, action, and intriguing character development. Will the protagonist find his way out of the narrow tunnel? What lies beyond it? As we go off the beaten track into the world of manga and light novels, we’re left chomping at the bit for future seasons. And if that's not enough, we're discussing how cosplay and the rise of anime is giving the fashion industry a shake-up. Hear firsthand about our experiences with the dedication and creativity it takes to emulate your favorite anime looks.

Hold onto your headphones as we plunge into the current anime season, sharing our take on the artistic styles, mesmerizing action scenes, and captivating storylines. Can’t get enough anime? We’ve got the scoop on hotly anticipated shows like 'Solo Leveling' and 'Blue Exorcist' to keep you in the loop. We invite you to join the conversation, sharing your anime recommendations, and interests. And if you're up for it, become part of our watch party for completed TV shows — perfect for those series you've been dying to discuss. To top it all off, we have a segment planned that's sure to push Spencer out of his comfort zone, and we bet you’d like to see that. So, let's chat, laugh, and journey together into the vibrant universe of anime and beyond!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever find yourself scratching your head over the distinct creative aspects of Marvel and DC or curious about the growing trend of guest directors in TV show episodes? Well, we've got you covered in this episode as we wrap up the season with a bang. We’re discussing our recent projects, including an insightful interaction with Amelia from France, thanks to the ingenious chat feature of Streamyard. It was a hoot, even if language barriers did try to trip us up. Plus, we’re toasting to birthdays, and dropping some hints about exciting future projects.

Calling all anime fans! Let’s take a spirited romp through Moonlit Fantasy, dissecting its comedy, action, and intriguing character development. Will the protagonist find his way out of the narrow tunnel? What lies beyond it? As we go off the beaten track into the world of manga and light novels, we’re left chomping at the bit for future seasons. And if that's not enough, we're discussing how cosplay and the rise of anime is giving the fashion industry a shake-up. Hear firsthand about our experiences with the dedication and creativity it takes to emulate your favorite anime looks.

Hold onto your headphones as we plunge into the current anime season, sharing our take on the artistic styles, mesmerizing action scenes, and captivating storylines. Can’t get enough anime? We’ve got the scoop on hotly anticipated shows like 'Solo Leveling' and 'Blue Exorcist' to keep you in the loop. We invite you to join the conversation, sharing your anime recommendations, and interests. And if you're up for it, become part of our watch party for completed TV shows — perfect for those series you've been dying to discuss. To top it all off, we have a segment planned that's sure to push Spencer out of his comfort zone, and we bet you’d like to see that. So, let's chat, laugh, and journey together into the vibrant universe of anime and beyond!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the how they made podcasts. I'm your co-host, jason, sitting along with my co-host, as always, spencer. What's up? You know I do love this shit that we use here, streamyard. You know, shout out to you guys, but, goddamn, it's like five, six seconds. As soon as I hit start and I come over here, it's like the timer doesn't come on. It's all six seconds in. It's like it just like makes me.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I wish like a little count like three, two, one you're on.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. Like I don't know, Fuck.

Speaker 1:

Hey enough for this shit. A month. Give me some goddamn service. But welcome back, guys. It's been two weeks. You know we're going to this bi-weekly format because I wanted to give us a little bit more time. No, we haven't done a bunch of research this time around, but I think it will lead into us doing more of that kind of stuff and giving you guys more, better content. Some, maybe some short videos on the side. We'll see where it takes us. But today we're going to talk a little bit about the season, how it's coming to an end. What's about to say spring season, this is summer going to fall.

Speaker 1:

Summer going to fall, season going to no, not winter. Yeah, you're right, okay, summer going to fall, okay. So for those that have been following along with us, obviously the two big shows we shoot 10 side Gigi Kai's in I might go into a little bit on one of them when we get into where we're going, but also after that we'll talk about shows and where we've been at. We did have an interview with you know, amelia from France. It was awesome. Obviously, the language barrier was a little bit difficult, but we did our best and I know Amelia did their best to answer all our questions. Actually, it was really smart with the chat on the side and everything.

Speaker 2:

So, having gotten to the show, we didn't have open for like half the fucking show Right. You're like hey, I had like backed out to look something up and then all of a sudden I realized, like what the fuck is this?

Speaker 1:

Hey Jason, I'm like oh, that's like oh shit motherfucker been messaging us. I didn't even realize you could do that Shit probably realizing that we were struggling, like oh, you said oh, okay, and then they put the fucking thing in there Like come on, you English fucking dummies, you Americans, oh.

Speaker 2:

I looked at. I remember when we were doing it, I was like I'm like looking, I'm trying to like I'm like squinting the here. Yeah, it was like when you're driving around, you turn the fucking radio down so you can read the signs. Right, you're like it's because it's too loud.

Speaker 1:

That's why I'm not focused right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's why I can't read this shit.

Speaker 1:

But they had great insight, a lot of cool stuff that mean you have to kind of delve through.

Speaker 1:

We, but we, oh and for those that don't know, recent happy birthday to my guy here, spencer yeah, that's right. And then our boy, jack, today Fucking. So aside from that, he's had work stuff with keeping him lay. I've been trying to focus on myself, do some other bullshit, so, like haven't done the research that we've needed to do. You know what I mean, that we could do. You know what I mean To bring more stuff about, because they had a lot of cool stuff they're talking about. I was surprised at how many people they knew so, or like you know what I mean, just like I was like, well, even just referenced to as well.

Speaker 2:

Right, like I think for him it was probably more, it felt more, and obviously he I think he's more on the creative side of it as well 100%, we're more just like we enjoy it, and I enjoy the creative aspects of it, but I don't like want to really dive into it. Who was the director on this fucking episode? He fucking knew all of it. This was this guy. This was this guy.

Speaker 2:

And I think when you start to look at it from that perspective, it gives you like a different, a different understanding of it, like that's, like that's kind of like TV shows and movies. Now, right, like you look at the whole like um shit, not the Marvel, what's the? What's the rival? Marvel, dc, dc. Now they've got the Peter gun gun guy over there, right, and they're like oh. Oh, this dude's going to fucking revolutionize it.

Speaker 1:

Wasn't he the dude that did uh. Guardians of the Galaxy, yeah.

Speaker 2:

He started in the Marvel universe and I guess like they started like throttling his creative started fucking beefing.

Speaker 1:

He's like you know what.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what, fuck you guys you know I'm fucking. Dc. I don't fucking need you.

Speaker 1:

I love super band my whole life. Fuck you guys, you can suck a dick, disney.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go work for fucking Warner Brothers.

Speaker 1:

Batman's my fucking guy.

Speaker 2:

Like yeah about 900.

Speaker 1:

Batman dude, I swear like the Batman.

Speaker 2:

James Gunn, james Gunn, yeah, you said like Peter gun or something, yeah you said gun and then you're like talking to the mom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I realized that was something sweet Wait. So but yeah, like that's a perfect and other and other like episodes as well, as you know, of like TV shows and shit. I think I think more TV shows have started to do it later, where it's like oh, hey, fuck. Uh see, episode four of season three is a guest guest director or some shit, Like they directed this whole episode, but we're in the guise of like everything that's going on or whatnot.

Speaker 1:

You see, in TV shows for sure. I mean, I know you don't watch as much normie TV as I do, so you watch it and it'll be like directed by like, and a lot of times you skip that shit. But sometimes I'm like you know me, I'm on my phone and shit, so like I'll let it play through, so I could like be on my phone, actually be on my phone, and then when the show comes on, if I actually hook up, I'm like oh shit, okay, put this down.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And it'll say director, you know, alex Barnes, whatever Right, and that'll be like the first couple episodes and all of a sudden, the next episode is some other dude and then he'll do a couple and the next episode, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So shout out to you Amelia. Oh sorry, go ahead. I was just saying, I was just going to say yeah. From that standpoint, I think he has a different outlook on it. When he's watching it, he's watching it with the creative eye of like. Oh this is the kind of style that they were doing this kind of greedy art.

Speaker 1:

You can talk about some of that shit you know, and I was just like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I never heard that word in my life, you know, right? So, and now that I'm thinking about it too, that's almost kind of like. It's almost kind of like a music thing as well, right, like we like our certain aspects of music and things about them, and I mean, I guess, you could really kind of put that with anything. With anything, sure that's like, everyone has their own taste.

Speaker 1:

That was probably like the worst generic thing to say before I realize it, but I mean it's not wrong though, because, like I feel like some tastes are like shit, like you know what they, what we say about the language of the music or whatever the fuck we call that episode or I call that episode, but like it transcends we said this last time it transcends borders, and like nations and shit like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like anime gets a bad rap, but the art style around it, like you, just okay, you cut out. It was so funny. I'm at work today and I'm walking around you know what I mean and these people, these kids, are on their laptops and they're watching like I don't think it was this episode, it was last episode of One Piece, right, and I'm oh, maybe it was, it was all of his. His red dragon shit was coming out and swarming around everywhere.

Speaker 2:

And I'm just like.

Speaker 1:

God, such a badass scene. It's so cool Like these kids are into it. You know what I mean. I'm like, if I just show you that you're an adult, you don't give a fuck about anime or whatever I'm like, hey, just watch this, Just like what do you think?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think you'd be hard pressed and I'll be like, oh, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

To find somebody who's like oh, that's fucking lame. And if you're doing that.

Speaker 1:

You're doing that because you're just a punk ass motherfucker and you hate your life. You know what I mean. Like you should be like me. We talk about it. I'm not a huge on country music. I got I got like 30 or 40 of those bitches on one of my playlist but compared to all the other music I have that has hundreds of those kind of versions, you know what I mean Like, but I still respected it up. Hey, I don't. I don't fucking watch baseball. I don't really give a fuck about it. I respect the sport, though I can't throw a hundred motherfucking miles an hour. You know what I mean. I can't play 150, 60, whatever fucking games they play. Like, I still respect it. You know what I mean. I don't have to love it, and that's a thing that I think we've been trying to do on this show. You know what I mean when anime is like dude, don't knock it until you try it.

Speaker 2:

Like, you don't know what you're talking about, and so yeah, still like you don't even have to knock it at all.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like yeah, you could understand just from Like the, the larger public at whole and I think just general Feeling towards anime has shifted so drastically, like definitely 30 years ago. You don't find fucking anime themed t-shirts or sweat a Parallel at all conventions are probably smaller Most. American stores. Now you go, walk into any fucking target and they got oh, my hero catamia. Fucking, oh yeah, big time.

Speaker 1:

Not a ton, but I've seen.

Speaker 2:

To like a Naruto my hero catamia.

Speaker 1:

Sick merch out there. I'm not gonna lie, I'm like Damn, I'm like I don't want to be that much of a nerd and buy it, but I kind of want to. Oh, and I see that's a stigmatism right there right there. That's.

Speaker 2:

That's what a lot of people think so but I was because I'm saying that in the preference of like even for me. You know, I Never watched Game of Thrones or some of these other big-ass fucking shows and shit right. But, I'm not sitting over here saying like oh that shit yeah. It's lame dude.

Speaker 1:

Only only fucking little kids watch that shit or something like oh my, yeah, it probably is fucking good right, you know, just like, watch what you watch and like what you like, and you know, got the time for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not saying. Maybe you know, if somebody were to force me to start watching it right now, I'm not gonna be like no, this sucks this shitty right.

Speaker 1:

I give it a fair fucking thing. You know he's gonna force you to watch it. This whole show's changing. We're now we're not talking anymore, guys. Sorry, game of Thrones, no, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, like, from that standpoint it Maybe I wouldn't like it anymore, because it seems like this, this, this, uh, with the new one, the prequel no fuck, I was just reading about it today.

Speaker 1:

It's a dope show, but they ruined it at what it was one of the girls.

Speaker 2:

One of the girls that's in it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was the name. I guess she's like fucking trying to sue Joe Jonas because he has like custody of the kids or or took them from England or some shit, and she's like England is a forever home, like oh, you know. You know, I don't know what their Salaries are.

Speaker 1:

I think you probably wouldn't like her in the show anyway, so it shouldn't ruin it for you.

Speaker 2:

Joe Jonas Thanks for a lot long as my little sister used to love them fucking.

Speaker 1:

Oh, as my little girl across America loves them, so or?

Speaker 2:

did, but anyways, yeah, yeah, yeah, so in big ups to Kevin Costner, but Anyways, anyways, it's a good grass, you know. So yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that was, you know, a little little touch upon our last guest and kind of what we thought a little bit we could. We, we could do a bigger show on that. But I think we're kind of holding off to interview this person again and you know, once we do that, we'll do a little bit. We'll go back, listen that so, do a little bit research, have some pointed questions to ask so we can get those answers out. If you did listen to the episode, as I said earlier, we, you know, we'll touch upon some of the shows that we've watched and review. Some of that will be this season, some of that will be shit we found. And then we know the new season is coming out. So we're two weeks from now. We'll probably do a. If it's over, where we were meeting Spencer talking like maybe we're a week off, I'm not sure, but like if this season is over, like we should ten sign all that is over, we will do a full review for you guys and get that out there, hopefully next episode, if not the one after that, for sure, but without further ado.

Speaker 1:

As far as like TV shows and shit go, I just want to. You know I'm gonna kick it off. You know, I mean you got some stuff back there, but I see everyone out there it's listening to know something. It's very important, it's very, very important. Tv shows, oh sorry, anime shows. Tv shows, oh yeah, my bad, my bad, spencer is a punk ass bitch and I'll tell you why. So there's this show, you know, a little known show right in my wheelhouse called the Tsukumichi Tsukumichi Moonlit fantasy, and I have to prepped.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Interrupting my time. Now just stop, stop stop you'll get your chance. You will get your chance.

Speaker 2:

So he isn't wrong, is it?

Speaker 1:

wrong. He's it wrong. He did tell me about the show but there was no like, oh man, damn, I was pretty good. Like, oh, hey, that, as far as East guy goes, that really filled the role real. Hey, jason, you know a lot of those world-building shows that we really like. Like, that really expands on that. Oh man, the times that, just everything, it's really good. None of that, no, it was just yeah, no, I watched it. That that was what he said. Yeah, no, I watched it and I was like, okay, must not pin. Maybe it was good, maybe not, whatever, you know, you want to defend yourself before I go into it more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you were actually. You asked me about it. And then I said oh, this is what I'm watching. And then your next reply oh, is waller playing. That's how long ago I told you about this fucking show? Oh, darren Waller was still on our fucking team, that's all you said, though that's all you said well, I didn't know if you were asking me questions about it or something.

Speaker 1:

You just like hey, what you watch.

Speaker 2:

I was like and I might not have finished it at that point. I was all the way to December, the speaks more Well I didn't get to finish looking through the whole thing yet there's, a couple of times that that popped up, you know. So I'm trying to Trying to find my way here, you know you guys can be the judges out there.

Speaker 1:

Either I'm overreacting or Spencer's a piece of shit. It's one of the two, doesn't matter to me which one, but the the main point is this and we might talk about it in another episode.

Speaker 2:

I'm starting to feel like to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not worried about you ever going back and listening to figure that out? Improve it so you could just suck a dick.

Speaker 2:

We have a face. We have a face, you ain't wrong.

Speaker 1:

You're wrong. But big ups, and that the big ups here I'll give Spencer's view credits. I do remember you saying it before I ever even clicked on it and Fucking, I love, love that show more so than you did. We take the text about recently. Oh yeah, I kind of remember, but I wasn't that you know. You say you said something like oh yeah, I didn't like it that much clearly or whatever. Um, I think it's top-to-down like well written. I think the comedy is funny, well placed, well timed. I think the action is good. Why people don't like overpowered? I actually enjoy overpowered. I think they can focus more on the development of the story and the scenery around them. There's so much time on the development of the powers and how to go through trials and shit like that which has its place. But you know what I mean. Like like a one-piece and like a board. So a Dragonball, those are shows where it's. Those are fucking ethics, you know. And I mean it's taking All this episodes up.

Speaker 2:

Didn't hype this up more, right? I'm like what I did. I said it was the best season to come, the best show to come out of the winter. When did you?

Speaker 1:

say that you said, you said it episode. You're not gonna be able to prove it. So I, yeah, so no one boy here. Guys, I want you to know another famous. You probably did.

Speaker 2:

You probably fucking did but I'm gonna find the. I can't wait, I can't do all this research Got a lot of fire.

Speaker 1:

This was asses. Maybe if you did better descriptions.

Speaker 2:

I know what the fuck it was about.

Speaker 1:

Probably. I know it's, yeah, always trying to blame me, this placement of blame but yeah, I love the show and you, so I didn't know when it had come out. So you said it came out last winter, but we haven't heard anything about a second season on the horizon, or at least I haven't.

Speaker 2:

No, not yet. Okay, well, hopefully it does.

Speaker 1:

I really enjoyed the show. I thought I Like the endings where they end it with like I think we should tense. I kind of did it this time too. It's just like it's just a very natural ending, you know. I mean it's like almost like you could end the show that way. But you know there's gonna be more, because I I struggle to think of a show, but I know they're out there that I thought that show ending was good because it it it did seem like an abrupt ending for all that he had gone through at that point.

Speaker 2:

True but then how I felt about it was that he finally got through the little narrow tunnel and now it just opened. It opened up into this bit. Oh well, fuck like this could happen. This could happen. Oh Like there's a lot of different avenues.

Speaker 1:

It can go to continue if it wanted to continue the last two, three episodes they're like, yeah, they open up the wormholes on show. My, oh, my god, like this and this, oh they, these, these people are human. If all this bitch is from fucking Japan to Fucking, she's like gonna kill your ass or some shit.

Speaker 2:

And I think you know probably the easiest way to figure out if they she wants to leave, he wants to. Well beyond. That would potentially be a next season. It's a go look at the source material. Yeah, how many, how many is this a manga? How many manga chapters Is?

Speaker 1:

this a light novel, how many, how many books, you know like maybe we can come up with a system like we have some sites before I know we could pull up so we can do like quick searches when we bring this up, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean I don't want to like. Well, that's probably stop why it would be nice to have, like my fucking dual screen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh hey, actually shit. There is a manga. It's been out since 2011.

Speaker 2:

It's been 10 volumes or what yeah? Well, that's gonna change, hopefully soon. Yeah, fuck, yeah, I'm not even gonna have one then and potentially like two weeks.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Well then, we gotta do, we gotta do a double banger next time around, all right, all right, well, we'll figure that out when we get there.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I don't know when I'll get another one. It's True, true. Well, I kind of know when I'll get another one, well, regardless. Yeah, let's go by one. I could go by one. Maybe I have to do solo shit. Whatever, it's all right.

Speaker 1:

We'll figure it out.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you can bring you know my replacement on.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my replacement. I tell this guy Things and he's out here like I'm fucking cheating on you Are you all good now. I don't know you tried you anything's like fucking like a battered wife at home. Like I'm leaving, I would hang out with the boys. Oh, you go, you go hang out with the boys. Like god damn, can't make a suggestion. This guy at all with gal get my head shoot off. But yeah, I love the show movement fantasy. If you haven't checked out dinner for you every night.

Speaker 2:

The boys put the kids to bed.

Speaker 1:

Do the boys do what you're snoring at night? I didn't fucking think so. I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I think they get it out there. Listening to our millions of fans, we appreciate you. Moonlit fantasy it's the easiest way to search this up. Crunchy roll Only place I know that's at. I don't think it's on a Netflix or anything like that. Well worth checking out. I really enjoyed it. If you're an Isakai fan you haven't heard of it, you should definitely check it out. What about you, though? What do you? What do you? You know, what do you? I know you seven spell blades. I tried to get into it. I passed out, so I haven't. I was only like two or three, and I do like it. I think it's cool.

Speaker 2:

Yup, yup, I finished it. Okay, I mean, I enjoyed it. I think it did a good job. Being different, well, also still relying on pretty stereotypical tropes you know like obviously it's. That's it, so that one's it's like a school based one, which I'm a fan of too, which is totally fine. Yeah, a lot of the ones that we like a lot are fucking our show based ones, school based ones like that yeah, Well, they're all shows but yeah, but they school based or started off in a school, potentially, or whatever, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Or did it in the end ups in the school or like some, some like training fuck, I'm going to the academy, I'm going to night school or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Right, I think it's something we can break down before you go into it too. I think they say that, like I shown in the other stuff, like this names for it and it's like very category specific. It's like, oh, teenage, and I saw this list, but yeah, what do you mean?

Speaker 2:

But no, I know, Shonen doesn't mean.

Speaker 1:

I know Shonen doesn't mean team likes this, but there was this list where it was like describing what has shown in this that, and the other where it was saying what they meant. It was saying like, oh like. I can't remember off the top of my head, but like that's like, yeah, like shown in.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I mean, I think it all is. A lot of anime is geared to probably like your younger teenage, to like young male young adult. Yeah, like, maybe like early mid 20s, like male, I would say, probably predominantly. That's kind of the target audience. But Shonen, I think it's just. I don't know what the actual fucking meaning is, but I think it's just.

Speaker 1:

It's referencing, like hey, this is an action.

Speaker 2:

this is an action show that's got fucking hour building and you know like, kind of like you said it A genre of Japanese comics and animated films and primarily a young male audience, typically characterized by action, filled blocks. Yeah, Shonen means so. So I don't think it's necessarily. Maybe yeah, I mean I think there's a lot of him like there's. I came across one recently the other day, I guess it was a couple weeks ago now. I think it was like Senna or Sinning or something.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, I've heard of that name it seemed to be like darker darker show. And so I'm saying there's this list. It was like Tokyo.

Speaker 2:

Ghoul. It was like the promise Neverland was on there, I think. Like some shows it was like I. Immediately after seeing the list, I'm like, oh so this, this is a genre of like the darker shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for lack of a better word, you have harem and then you have like reverse harem where it's all girls. I think it's called.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, but like yeah, I just found it interesting. I was like, oh wow, they like really break this down per their target audience because like those other shows free basket, all that kind of shit. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh you knew, a big reverse harem guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Oh big reverse harem guy. Yeah, yeah, I love it when the girls just got all the guys around. I watch all those shows. Yeah, free baskets, I think they like they're like hooking up with their cousins and shit, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think. I think it's supposed to be something like that. I don't know Apparently.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's supposed to be something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Most popular show in Alabama, From what I hear. So there's got to be some aspect to that, Otherwise it doesn't get nearly as as as popular as it is now Hubble size or yeah, so we, we, we, straight away. Seven, seven spell blades, the range. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Rain or some sort of late school based show. So you, you're, you're digging it. You liked it, I think it had.

Speaker 2:

I think it had a good kind of mix of like you know, they try to throw some comedy in here and there. And it's really almost kind of just like give me comedy, as opposed to like really trying to to grab with a bit and and get you like, get you like, like like a running Genuine laugh yeah, oh, okay yeah. Oh hey, we're just, we're just throwing this in here, just because it's like, you know, I fuck it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that might be funny, it works.

Speaker 2:

But then at the same time, you know it, I'd say it's probably it's lesser on the actions, especially early on.

Speaker 1:

It definitely has moments when, when the accident, you're like, oh fuck me, that's fucking dope Even in the beginning, when they're doing the test and they're like, they're like literally going to kill each other and they turn their shit off. And then she was. I was so kind of like off put by her when she was like like crying, like crying cause he wouldn't kill her or whatever. What the fuck Like yeah. And I don't know much more past that cause. I haven't gotten past that.

Speaker 2:

And then, as you get a little bit farther, then there's like this, this kind of like dark, seedy side to it, which was like once I got to like six or seven six or seven.

Speaker 1:

Six or seven, you're getting sad.

Speaker 2:

Oh fuck shit, oh fuck shit. Okay, you know, and it's like one of those ones where you know even two kind of like the other one that we talked about two episodes ago, I think right, Sometimes the three, three episodes rule don't apply. And don't get me wrong, I mean three episodes in. It was enough to like I'm going to. I will finish this show right, but I really didn't get hooked and tell I'm hitting episode six episode seven.

Speaker 2:

I was like, oh fuck, I got to see this next episode. I got it sucked Cause the last two weeks. I caught up at that point, right. And I was like wait week to week to fucking watch the other ones.

Speaker 1:

Watch the other ones.

Speaker 2:

Fucking sons of bitches.

Speaker 1:

That's the only good thing we talk about all the time. I'll mention it anytime, every time, until anime gets to its rightful spot at every home in America, being popular. But the only good thing about people not like loving it, about loving it so much, is that it can't be like a game of thrones shit, where people can actually ruin that shit for you. You know what I mean. Like I know where to stay off of and there's nobody in my life.

Speaker 2:

That's going to be like oh yeah, you know what I mean so you see the most recent episode. Well, dude with that, guy got fucking killed. Fuck up yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you know, that's that's the saving grace, that that gives me a new time to watch shows, because they're, and that's the other thing. That's the difference between normie TV and that, yes, there's tons of normie TV. There's probably more regular normie TV than anime. But even so even so, even so, if you gave anime the same running time as all of those, it would be probably damn near fucking equal, and everyone knows it's hard to keep up with your regular show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not more.

Speaker 1:

And it's hard to keep up with your regular shows, let alone anime. You know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean Right right, same thing.

Speaker 1:

You think I got the problem watching two of me shows in anime. I'm watching like six different fucking regular TV shows to try to finish them all fucking once. Dude, I'm like God damn, like I just there's a lot of good stuff I like and I get myself too excited and then like it's good and then I'm like, oh, but I got to go back to this.

Speaker 2:

Well, and as you say, that's something that came to mind. It was like even in fucking normie TV shows, even fucking movies. Now you're starting to get these references to anime shit or like callbacks or it's infusing in the pop culture big time.

Speaker 2:

Like it's slowly, you know, and I kind of almost I don't know really when it started and when that shift was. It happened sometime while we were still kind of like underground, so it probably didn't like strike us as much as maybe some other people who'd been involved for a while, but I almost feel like it's something to do with like the fashion of it. You know, one of the things I think is most popular that's coming out of anime or has come out of anime fucking cosplays, cosplays and fashion. Like people fucking go crazy over that.

Speaker 1:

Some of this, this, this, outfits and suits like oh they go dumb, they're expensive as fucking. They look good too.

Speaker 2:

It is fucking crazy. I'm like holy fuck dude, like how, how, the how did you put that shit together? They're like making Iron man suits in their their garage to go to these conventions.

Speaker 1:

People are fucking crazy man.

Speaker 2:

You have not even, not even conventions.

Speaker 1:

You have the social media dude people, like I saw some person do the makeup artist in the Tokyo gold show with the fucking black like in the shit all the way down. I'm like it looked real I was like a fucking me hawk.

Speaker 2:

Cosplay came across my fucking feed the other day.

Speaker 1:

I was like holy fuck dude.

Speaker 2:

That's this guy like literally looks just like fucking me. I was like damn dude, this guy was fucking born for the role spot on Right, you know you better be the live action my boy yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, so I was like you know. But anyway, as I say that cause I think I think the fashion thing is what? Cause now you look at fashion, fashion is so crazy, Like you have, and I think it's because it's always been kind of a wealthier people thing that as soon as you started seeing like all these rich people like getting the little things or whatever not even that's still getting an anime, but kind of just like ah, I'm going to wear. I'm going to wear like a trash bag and it's fucking dope Right.

Speaker 1:

And they see them reference it in any way, and then bam, oh shit. And they thought about it I should be about it 100%.

Speaker 2:

Well, and even you know, paired with that is that like okay, hey, the the fashion game is all about like shock value now, or like I'm wearing shit Nobody's ever seen. Well, where do people go for ideas like that?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Shit. Well, you go to fucking. These Japanese and Asian folks have been pumping out all the super creative looks and different designs and shit for fucking years like long ass. I don't know, I don't even do we even know when fucking anime first started. It was like Astro Boy, like the first anime, or is that the first American?

Speaker 1:

cartoon 70s at some point.

Speaker 2:

So it's long time fucking back then, but so a long time right and then. So, like the, first condom was like 1972.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, you know, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so that's why you start to see more of like, you know, and I don't know that's, that's not for sure thing I got no fuck. Oh, where's your proof?

Speaker 1:

I don't have any proof for that shit right, you know. But I'll back you on that one.

Speaker 2:

That's just kind of how I feel, based off how crazy, like I guess one how crazy fashion is today, right? Like I literally I saw, saw a video I guess he's like a youtuber tick-tocker some shit and he's he somehow like snuck into like a real fancy, famous, I Guess, fashion show. You know, like they come out from the back. Yeah, it's a go walk down the fucking like catwalk thing and there's a.

Speaker 2:

Famous people around it. So tick-tock, dude, somehow I broke into there some shit, and he got on stage and he was literally wearing just a trash bag and he starts walking out and everyone's just like, and like Literally a trash bag, that's it. And they're like oh my god, this is a genius how. I could definitely see people taking taking creative liberties and just ideas from designs that you see in anime. Cuz like Animates got some of the the best fucking like character design.

Speaker 2:

Dick-looking and obviously it's a lot easier because, well, I, I don't know, I don't have any experience, I can't say it's easier.

Speaker 1:

I would say it's easier, but probably because you get to draw and Because when you're hiring people for normally shows is like nope, too fat, nope this, nope that, yeah, you can't even you think from a from a from like a Taylor standpoint okay, how do I make these clothes?

Speaker 2:

How do I make it so it looks like this, right? Or how it gives us this, this different compared to Attitude. Whatever the fuck it is. Yes.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm with you and I think you hit the fashion thing on you. You trigger some of my brain. I was working out last week and I think it was last week yeah, it wasn't this week, last week working out dudes coming over the leg machine.

Speaker 2:

I did this week Shut up bitch, fuck you.

Speaker 1:

I did once only, though.

Speaker 2:

They're coming to the leg machine.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, so I do like a double take, though, like I look like I see this dude like wearing earrings and then I like I kind of like look, I go, oh, what the fuck? And like cuz, like my brain. I was like you know, okay, you know those. Now, hey, is that you no random dude? And he's got these three Gold Teardrop fucking earrings. No way Fucking Zoro.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I was like, cuz it just instantly. I mean obviously got the fucking tattoo on my leg. I don't have the earrings in it, really necessarily. But like I was like Fucking kidding me, dude, like no shit. Like this mother's got full on Anime ear from from an anime. He didn't think of the style on his own. This is from a fucking Anime. So I was laughing to myself. I'm like, yeah, and this is just like you said, it's a fashion thing and it's. It's fashionable now. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I'm gonna look into a little bit to see if you there's any, because I don't think back back then there's a lot of research, or no, probably.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that should be our next guess. After we connected with million guys, maybe we should try to find something that does cosplay and just pick their fucking brain.

Speaker 2:

Good, there's probably cosplayers out there that don't even watch anime.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they just like.

Speaker 2:

I like how she looks. I like how he looks. This is one chick.

Speaker 1:

I she's, she's fucking hot and she like she does like that. She did the attack on tie-in, she did a bunch of stuff. I can't remember her name. I'll have to look it up and tell you, but she's really good. She does cosplay. I'm like I can see her like not Watching anime, you know, and I mean like she's just doing this to be famous, you know, and I mean so I Saw some and maybe it's the same girl.

Speaker 2:

I saw someone girl. Yeah, fucking Gordon glasses. Not the one that I, so she was she wears glasses a lot. She was doing boa, boa Hancock.

Speaker 1:

It might, could be her.

Speaker 2:

Like damn, this is like a really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is a real boa Hancock. I don't feel like a fucking weirdo.

Speaker 2:

Dementions and all.

Speaker 1:

Fuck, dimensions, can you elaborate?

Speaker 2:

I'm diving a little bit deeper right? She's doing other shit as well, right? Yeah, video game character. Yeah, yeah, I think there was even other ones that pressed like a cat woman. I guess they're all girls do.

Speaker 1:

Cat woman, that's not that's pretty much a Halloween. Yeah, that's just your standard. Yeah, it's your standard Halloween. I'm gonna get fucking that's your standard. First first Halloween away from your parents. I'm getting wasted tonight, I don't fucking care. Yeah, like that. And then they're throwing up all night. That's definitely that. So, yeah, so we, you know I'm really fancy. I enjoyed it. Rain, the seven spell blades, you enjoyed it. You would recommend it to people out there listening to watch.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, and then obviously, you know, I think, I think, I think, I think I'm good on time Good. I think this season's been lackluster. I'd say you know it hasn't been and it's only the two really better worth it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, and no, sorry that's not fair. The other ones are worth it, but they're just. Yeah, they're not. Like keep me up out of my bed, like can't fucking wait this weekend.

Speaker 2:

It's almost been a chore. It's almost been a chore it honestly has, you know, and Not necessarily just from the content itself, but because it's just like oh well, hey, there is this show that, yeah, it could be good, and I have to watch it. But fuck, I want to sink an hour into this right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can get a couple wins on apex it's fucking six o'clock at eight.

Speaker 2:

Seven right Gonna be eight if I finish this.

Speaker 1:

I go have a sandwich, maybe a little bit, you know.

Speaker 2:

You know a lot of different things, but I think it's just like all, all in has been a fairly, a fairly lackluster.

Speaker 1:

Monday. There's a word that's in the mind for me, I would say obviously for me, I haven't started watching you, jujitsu kaisen. I know I knew you had it still and I'm surprised I'm, I'm actually a little pissed, you know yeah.

Speaker 2:

See that. Well, you know I'm hearing a lot of good things about, and I think it's amazing, but it's a little bit behind Mugiishi tensi, it's not? I think it is gonna be a 24 episode season again. Okay we might not be able to do a full review on that one, but Mugiishi tensi. Yeah, maybe you could do a half or a happy halfway season point yeah, we could.

Speaker 2:

Moosh. A good tensi, for sure. I've been keeping up with that. That is for me, even though there's a couple episodes throughout it so far where I'm like.

Speaker 1:

I'm on ten. I've been waiting to the dub. Yeah, I know I always forget her name, cuz I'm fucking like trying to think of her dude name that starts with an F and that's not her real name, what's the selfie. So, sophie, thank you. I know that little tit for tat and I'm still not knowing who each other are. But you see, those little moments like huh, that's seen. That seemed odd like a response.

Speaker 2:

I remember and I'm like, oh my God, really gotta be stupid as motherfucker just because you got ever on.

Speaker 1:

You can't fucking, you can't tell oh yeah, those glasses make you intimidating, or whatever. I'm only on ten, so I'm doing anything for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, anyway so to those two for sure, I think a bit I've been really good, probably my really good post like enjoyable, like Probably even two because I haven't watched you, just you guys. And yet probably my number one this season that I think has been better than Mushoku Tencai has been so far. This is on 100.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you and that was the one you're kind of like. When I told, because I read the description, that one first and you're like I don't know, and then you got into it, I'm surprised I haven't watched it. I've only watched the first episode. I haven't gone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know that.

Speaker 1:

I said I think I was kind of into that always but another proof thing you have to go back and try to prove to everyone. I mean, that's a proof thing you have to show me that. I'll show you. I got you. I got you.

Speaker 2:

No, I the only thing that's been pissing me off about that show is I think they're doing it like every fucking two weeks. Oh it doesn't come out weekly, so like I think, the last and let, unless something happened and they stop fucking showing it, or whatever like you think it's because the art style Just takes that much more fucking effort with the weird colors, shit and everything they're throwing out.

Speaker 2:

That's a day. It's unique. No, I, I think. I think by the time a show hits a season where it's gonna be released, I think it shows already done.

Speaker 1:

They just it's just a release thing, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so I think there might there might be something else going on with it, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But as soon as we talked about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I forgot about the live action, but I haven't probably won. Yeah, but outside of outside of those three, really like this whole fucking season has kind of just been Been been a wash. And I mean I think there's a couple other up like Recurring shows that that came out this season as well that Maybe are good, but I, I, I don't know that I'd watched, like the previous ones before that, so yeah, no, I'm gonna kind of stage right now too is just like I.

Speaker 1:

There's a handful of my like you know. I'll call my be list anima's that I want to watch them. I want to watch them, cuz I've heard good things about them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure.

Speaker 1:

They're good in their own right, but like I just don't give a fuck enough, you know. I mean, like welcome to demon school. You're coming, it's cool, it's fun, it's playful. I like it's got. I can see it leading to some decent action where you're like, oh shit, I didn't think it was actually gonna have this kind of action story development. But at the same time, like I don't want to fucking watch it Like I just don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Sailing with dragon quest, the venture die. I got it into episode seven. It's good. I told you major dragon ball feels, but I'm just not. Maybe that's more because I have to watch it, all stuff but yeah, actually I'm looking at the list now.

Speaker 2:

Actually, there there is some more and we probably talked about before. I mean bleach was on right now. Yeah, your blood war. I still haven't fucking watched any of that and I probably eventually Dogs that's what we gotta try to dive into. I'm kind of oh yeah, rena's playable, it's obviously so, I guess that's what. Oh yeah, season five fun.

Speaker 1:

That's great, dogs up, I think that's the next one we got to try to dive into dude, I'll be able to the part timer as a second one that's not one of that.

Speaker 2:

Never water water one.

Speaker 1:

So I'm kind of like, what a good thing Haven't heard about your Roni Kenshin was out to the remake of the remake of it. I saw the remake.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I mean there's a couple other ones on here like the help we. I think we talked about that one briefly.

Speaker 1:

I saw more of you Is it. Is that the cleric one?

Speaker 2:

No, it's not the great cleric the great clerk.

Speaker 1:

Have you seen that? Have you seen people? Obviously, people talk about that.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't heard.

Speaker 1:

The other one I think I was kind of interested in was oh yeah, we, I think we talked about briefly the classroom for heroes, yep, so there is stuff, but it's just not like that.

Speaker 2:

We haven't really got. Yeah, we're asked, like you know. I'm not gonna talk about them now, but like when I look for this upcoming season, bang bang.

Speaker 1:

Bang, bang, bang. Next season we're gonna have a lot of shit to talk about bang.

Speaker 2:

I didn't ever read that one, but I'm surprised it got adapted to an anime, is it?

Speaker 1:

solo leveling coming out fucking soon to fucking right it is yeah, I think before next year.

Speaker 2:

I think it comes out the winter season. Do you think it comes out winter season? I think it comes out.

Speaker 1:

January winter season. I don't know. I don't know for sure, but I can't wait for that one. That one's been hyped up big time.

Speaker 2:

I was gonna be. Yeah, and I've read all of that. I know. I know you talked about it in the past, stubbed on that shit, so lots to look forward to, for sure, if you got recommendations.

Speaker 1:

You know and I mean you guys know our social handles. We say it every time if you don't, highly MAP, highly may podcast, like, reach out to us, let us know what you're watching. Maybe we're overlooking stuff.

Speaker 2:

Is massive.

Speaker 1:

I told you about that. Shine on Bakugutsu bad boys.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, cool huh. So leveling here of January 20, 2024.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I said yeah, January. I thought so yeah, fuck you.

Speaker 2:

So could be my fantasy season to January 24. Yeah, I'm off troll already to Marshall shut up. We're kind of ruining.

Speaker 1:

Blue. Yeah, I saw that too. I saw that. Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking about them. We're getting people hyped up before we need to get.

Speaker 2:

I'm hyped up, okay, but but yeah, so, um, no, there's a lot out anyways. Yeah, I think this next one's gonna be a lot better, I think. I think we'll find it a lot easier to to be into. You know, talking to watch. Well, you know, I'm always into it. I'm not, you know, phony, I just turned it off for this but Larger things. So like, hey, I'm not gonna be out here playing all this other shit. I'm like, fuck dude, I want to watch this, I want to fucking like.

Speaker 2:

I want to know what's happening.

Speaker 1:

I still want to watch party do or to talk about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think a watch party can be best with with a show that is Already finished and we both haven't watched or known anything about. Again comma, yeah, I think that one just got too much to it. Will never watch party. All of that, fuck you. That's like like fucking 500 episodes or something. It's more than that. I know that's like a lot of stuff.

Speaker 1:

Oh Bungo stray dogs. Oh, I guess it's not done though technically yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it is or not. We don't know if it is or not. No, I watch party could come up down the road. It's not the big deal, you know, if people out there interested in that too, like we. Yeah, we're just trying to generate the conversation, you know. I mean that's the idea with the show. We want to be able to talk to you guys and shoot the shit. Like I was really encouraged when I did some of it on red, you know, I mean, like people were like actually like answering questions and gauge as I was just fucking cool, like how the fuck do I get this to happen when people listen to the goddamn show? So that's always gonna be the life one struggle.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's almost easier on Reddit, though, that it is listening to a show, because Listening on my fucking Spotify or some shit like is there a Spotify chat?

Speaker 1:

No let me have a comment board on there technically, but like.

Speaker 2:

Alex's job comments on there for us before, Otherwise it's like hey, you, oh, hey, here's, here's links you can go to. Alright.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I go to this link.

Speaker 2:

Hey, in order to comment you got to make a good account, or?

Speaker 1:

something. Yeah right, no, it's. They know, we do not. Not that.

Speaker 2:

Then immediately it's like oh fuck, sorry guys, I tried, I wanted to. I wanted to so bad or it pulled her previous account. They're like nah, I'm not comfortable enough having you know my main account be linked to, to this comment on this Medium for this show or this pot or whatever that. That's about anime, right, I think a lot of it too. Can can kind of still be tied back to the perception and all that.

Speaker 1:

But I think we should do a new segment for this show. Like you know, for me I'm kind of like Willie nilly right, like I'll kind of watch anything and everything.

Speaker 1:

I think we should start a segment where it's like like Get Spencer out of his comfort zone or something like you know what I mean, like we got to force you to watch like blue locker ranking a king, so something to get the crowd excited out there because they've heard you talk shit about those shows. I'm like I need to like go find like a blue lock, like anime, like fan club and like give them your info.

Speaker 2:

But this guy shit on you, fucking guys just so they can flood you, this motherfucker. Before you even start, make a test that a fucking ten year old could pass if they watch. And if he can't ever pass this test, do not yeah, do not relent. Put a bot on his ass.

Speaker 1:

Put a bot on his ass, never give up, never sender.

Speaker 2:

Programmed every hour and send a message or some shit, right?

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I just like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'd be like forward Jason, forward Jason, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, exactly. But yeah, I just you know I obviously I'm never gonna force you to your own your, your your own man. You're not gonna fucking do anything you don't want to do, but I'm like I think that'd be cool. I'm right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm a regional bit.

Speaker 1:

You've talked shit on him, but I really do think you like them. So it's like like we do like a little segment, like. You know what I mean. Like is Jason? Like, is Jason smarter? Is Jason dumb? Like is it real? Is he really know what he's talking about or not? You know, I don't know. Let's play around with the idea before.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, buzzer, we have a little beater on my fucking thing, like my screen. Go over at fucking idiot. You know what I mean. I don't know, but that would force you to have to try to check out other shows. You might not want to. So that's yeah. I don't know if you actually do that. You know it's kind of like you actually going back and listening to episodes. I don't, I don't know if you're actually gonna do that.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, yeah, so I just said it. Perfect, we've been busy, lazy, whatever you want to call it. This season's been mundane. It hasn't blown the roof off, so these episodes haven't been as good as we'd want them.

Speaker 2:

Probably as engaging. I think for lack of real content. I think, of course, we could go into how well all the one-piece episodes have been I'm still kind of the last year or three. I think I'm kind of still sticking on Like I want to wait to finish this fucking arc before we can go. We could do a two or three episode like just eat, fucking die. Dive on it and I mean fuck. Speaking of that I mean probably elephant in the room right. Live action one-piece One.

Speaker 1:

I've already yeah, I haven't finished it, but I'm close.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I've episode like five or six of the eight have you watched one yet, and it's only going to be eight this season.

Speaker 1:

Only eight this season, and it's just the R long Jeez, it's not even 12, and it was $138 million $17 million in episode and episode Jesus fucking. Christ, Like I don't even like that.

Speaker 2:

That is subscribers. That is absurd. Holy shit, I would wonder. I'm curious.

Speaker 1:

His CGI stretching and shit is really well done.

Speaker 2:

dude, I know I told you that one time I saw the article it was like it cost more than Game of Thrones and like so again, I've not watched that. So I texted you. I was like yo, what did you hear? This shit fucking cost more than that. Like that was fucking mind blowing to me Because I mean you think Game of Thrones, hbo show and HBO always be putting out like fucking LL5.

Speaker 1:

HBO, the big dick swinging Band brothers fucking to the Pacific. Game of Thrones, the wire fucking banger after banger after banger yeah, that's HBO.

Speaker 2:

So that's what people would know them for. So as soon as I found out that this shit surpassed anything that they'd ever done, I'm like holy fuck, dude, if this had busted out. It seems like it's very.

Speaker 1:

It's sustaining. It's been very well received. Yes, I'm not going to say it's going to blow the box office or anything, but it has. Yeah, you said it, it's been well received. I think I told you on the show. My mom is like, hey, honey, like I saw, your show is on Netflix One piece. I think I'm going to check it out. It looks good. I'm like, oh Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, but like that was.

Speaker 1:

that was cool. Like you know, I mean, my mom doesn't give a fuck about anime, like she only cares because I care. You know what I mean. And she in her brain she's like oh, my son likes one piece. Oh shit, look, I'm seeing this on Netflix now. It actually looks good enough, because my mom's the same way, like you, like any person, I would think, right, I'm not going to watch something I don't fucking want to watch. You know what I mean. So she saw it and was interested enough to be like OK, let me check it out. And it had the added bonus that I knew what it was and she knew what it was because of me, and so I'll talk back to her and see what she thought of it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I thought it was really good she's like yeah, I benched it in two days Right Before I finished it, right yeah?

Speaker 1:

But yeah, it's our long park. I think I don't know if it comes to the full conclusion of it. I think it does, based on, like the preview thing. I kind of saw the fishmen look good. I mean it's all regular. You know what I mean. So, like you, once you watch the anime and you go to that, you could easily nitpick and laugh about it. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's obviously going to be different, it's obviously kind of like out of place.

Speaker 1:

But if you like all the Marvel movies and shit when they're fighting like aliens from different places, whatever, it's not really any different than that. You know what I mean yeah. Sub species of it. You know what I mean. So, like we're into fantasy, you know what I mean. The Lord of the Rings.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, some kind of like mammal hominid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's got the human look, but it's yeah, exactly. So. No, it's good, you need to check it out. Like I mean, I gave you my Netflix login for a fucking reason. Maybe that's something we can go into too. Next episode We'll give you know, maybe our initial thoughts on the first two, or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I thought I got the accurate. I thought they stopped the password sharing thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, I mean, I'm sleezing it and you know I ain't paying for it.

Speaker 2:

So Well, that's why I said it Like maybe, maybe the owner of that account is paying additionally now, maybe, but you know, because I think that's what it said it was going to do Well, charge the account holder like.

Speaker 1:

I say you can. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You can try it, and if not, whoever owns this account? Well, no, that's mom.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah she would hit me up. They'll be like honey.

Speaker 1:

I got you out of it. There's another person in LA at it.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I just said, Spencer.

Speaker 1:

She'd be like, oh, all the times he gave me those free junk. Yeah, All right. I mean, you know those, don't want to curminate anyone.

Speaker 2:

Those are those dumpsters I help take care of waste.

Speaker 1:

You take, you know, and she's just take care of you. I mean, you know how much money we would have to spend more money on a different company or something. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, so anyways, yeah, we hope you guys enjoyed the show. We're bullshitting Always towards the end of it. We're really excited on the outlook of the next stuff. I think it'll rejuvenate us. We could have talked about one piece, this whole episode, which would have probably been a little bit more exciting, because I wonder if we go back.

Speaker 2:

I wonder what kind of his historical record there is of how back, how far back shows go like on, like kind of like how mall shows it right Like 2023, you know fucking spring, summer, fall, winter and how far back you can go to be like hey, this fucking 2006 summer season Go go, go fucking. Oh, and we could go like hey, 2006 is good in 2015 was the next we can go by year.

Speaker 1:

I like that. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Depending on that information is out there.

Speaker 1:

Of course, the information is out there.

Speaker 2:

Who knows if they were tracking that shit back then. I don't know, but it's kind of like.

Speaker 1:

Then I felt like, oh, we only started tracking sex since like the 80s, and then we're like whatever the fuck, it was Like dude. You know how many hundreds of sex some other dudes had in like the 60s, 70s, leading up to that shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a fucking damn shame. Yeah, not like that idea. I think also the other thing we can do that because we did, we talked about a long time ago and we haven't expanded on it let's maybe do like a football draft or middle of the football season. We did the basketball draft. Do a little more research.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we're not in the middle of the season, but true, we just began the season.

Speaker 1:

My bad, we're in the thick of it, which would probably be a better time to do it.

Speaker 2:

Well, unless we're trying to get a better feel for how they might match up to other characters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we got research to do. If you guys got suggestions or ideas already throughout those socials out there, hit us up, get to know us. We'd love to talk to you. And until next time, watch the fucking anime.

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