Highly Animated Podcast

Top 3 Anime of Summer 2023?

October 05, 2023 Highly Animated Podcast Season 2 Episode 35
Top 3 Anime of Summer 2023?
Highly Animated Podcast
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Highly Animated Podcast
Top 3 Anime of Summer 2023?
Oct 05, 2023 Season 2 Episode 35
Highly Animated Podcast

What do you think happens when seasoned anime enthusiasts get together to dissect the release strategies of your favorite anime shows? A tsunami of insights and revelations, that's what! We've got a front-row seat to the anime world's summer 2023 season and we're excited to share our findings with you. We'll give you the scoop on upcoming shows like Undead, Ranga Crimson, Berserker of Gluttony, Shangrila Frontier, and The Kingdom of Ruin. And we're not stopping there - we're going full throttle on their graphics, blurbs, and storylines to help you get the most out of your viewing experience.

As we stroll down memory lane, we'll revisit classics that have left an indelible mark on the anime industry. From the unforgettable Swiss Family Robinson to Kevin Costner's movies, we're unearthing their influences on your present-day favorite anime. The Rising of the Shield Hero isn't escaping our analysis either - we'll compare the story progression from season one to two and let you in on our contrasting reactions. Moreover, our exploration will also touch on the pivotal role of technology in shaping the anime industry, the unique challenges of editing an anime show and the intriguing strategy behind anime season splits.

As we round off, we'll delve into the Great Cleric anime, paying special attention to its comedic elements and intricate plotlines. We'll be discussing why it holds its own despite the time skips, and how these twists make for a captivating viewing experience. And because we appreciate you, our esteemed listeners, we'll be sharing our thoughts on the shows you love, the ones you're eagerly awaiting, and everything in between. So join us on this exciting journey, because this is the place where we all speak and breathe anime!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What do you think happens when seasoned anime enthusiasts get together to dissect the release strategies of your favorite anime shows? A tsunami of insights and revelations, that's what! We've got a front-row seat to the anime world's summer 2023 season and we're excited to share our findings with you. We'll give you the scoop on upcoming shows like Undead, Ranga Crimson, Berserker of Gluttony, Shangrila Frontier, and The Kingdom of Ruin. And we're not stopping there - we're going full throttle on their graphics, blurbs, and storylines to help you get the most out of your viewing experience.

As we stroll down memory lane, we'll revisit classics that have left an indelible mark on the anime industry. From the unforgettable Swiss Family Robinson to Kevin Costner's movies, we're unearthing their influences on your present-day favorite anime. The Rising of the Shield Hero isn't escaping our analysis either - we'll compare the story progression from season one to two and let you in on our contrasting reactions. Moreover, our exploration will also touch on the pivotal role of technology in shaping the anime industry, the unique challenges of editing an anime show and the intriguing strategy behind anime season splits.

As we round off, we'll delve into the Great Cleric anime, paying special attention to its comedic elements and intricate plotlines. We'll be discussing why it holds its own despite the time skips, and how these twists make for a captivating viewing experience. And because we appreciate you, our esteemed listeners, we'll be sharing our thoughts on the shows you love, the ones you're eagerly awaiting, and everything in between. So join us on this exciting journey, because this is the place where we all speak and breathe anime!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Highman podcast. I'm your cohost, jason, sitting along as always with my cohost, spencer, just sitting, just sitting. That damn 10 second delay dude, it gets me every fucking time, every goddamn time, but it really actually doesn't affect when we do the editing, funny enough.

Speaker 2:

I thought it literally. Well, actually, oh, I've never, I've never starred one on this. Actually it's not. Maybe it's not like the other one we did, where it's like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I say, yeah, yeah. It doesn't do a noise to the whole, things I know in real life. They're like no three.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, and that it does the noise.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but you know what I'm talking about though. Right yeah, newsroom, they're like three, and then it's like no, it's like one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're on.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back. Everyone Been about two weeks about. It's been two weeks exactly by the time you hear this. Last time we talked about the fall season, which is in swing now, not full swing, but it's in swing and I don't actually don't like that. You know. It's laid off right right away with that. Why are we having September 29th to October 12th or whatever the fucking last one release dates? Why? Why do you think they do that? Is it just a main thing? Is it because they want like a prime time slot, like football? They're like well, fuck, everyone's releasing the fourth, let's release it the fucking the seventh.

Speaker 2:

I think probably. I think for sure a lot of it probably does revolve around kind of like a football thing where it's like okay, hey where. That's why we already where we fucking going on week five. We've already had was it three, monday night double headers or double header.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you know it's like, yeah, and now the season it's always Thursday night, football is always guaranteed. Now, right, you go back what? Five years ago, and it was like you only had like I don't know what, maybe like 10 Thursday night football. I was like Thursday night football used to not start until like midway through the season.

Speaker 1:

Start until like six weeks into the season. Almost. Yeah, I know you're right, yeah, so.

Speaker 2:

So now it's just all about you know and I think that's what I thought was strange about. Well, that's off topic, I'm calling it. Football started like they were like one week apart. But yeah, yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure there is a lot of you know, kind of okay, hey, oh shit, this show is going to come out this season. Oh, this show is coming out this season. Like oh or oh, maybe they don't even know the show. Maybe like oh shit, you know this fucking the studio been been cranking this shit out. It's been they're fucking they're blacked out. We love you. My like, um, yeah, you know. They're like oh, hey, there's no information's leaking out of here. They must be doing something crazy. We need to watch it. Let's just skip this fucking season. Let's, let's sign up for the next one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Something like that. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It's, I don't disagree. I think the weekend slot is a popular one. I mean we watched right one pieces out on Sundays, um, but I don't know what like you do Like. That's why I asked you that and posted.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, and I will, for for seasons as far as we're concerned, and anime season anime seasons correlate to the actual, like calendar, seasons.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, so. So like it's based off those days, Like those those dates are are are locked in. Yeah Like it doesn't change, unless, all of a sudden, we go from the fucking the Gregorian calendar to oh Jesus Don't even gave it right.

Speaker 1:

And people do. You believe in the Mayan calendar? You think that's the one we should be following?

Speaker 2:

I think it was good till up to, obviously, 2021.

Speaker 1:

Her was 2012, 2012, 2012.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're, they're world ended, yeah. So yeah, as you can see, we're already kind of diving into it on this show. Today we're going to talk about the summer seat, or summer Jesus Look at me fucking up to the fall 2023 season. We're going to be jumping in, diving into it and then later on, me and Spencer are going to talk about some shows. We watched um and are watching and, you know, maybe give you a little bit of an update. But yeah, I was taking a look at the list. I'm like we're I think we said this before in a previous episode. I'm fucking stoked, Like you. Really, you're like banger, banger, banger, like it's even ones, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'm like it was literally the most recent episode. Yeah, that was like that previous episode. Yeah, it was and and it was. It is like a list where you're like holy fuck dude, Like how am I going?

Speaker 1:

to watch all this. Remember, that's what I was saying.

Speaker 2:

Fuck, I didn't. I totally didn't do it because, just like you know life, I'm not fucking committed and it's a slap dick piece of shit. But I was like I thought it would have been cool if we go back and you look at like, okay, hey, 2000, 2000,. What were all the big ass shows? That came out in that time Right, like what ones that were hella hyped up. Everyone's like oh, this shit gonna slap, this shit gonna slap.

Speaker 1:

I know we're certainly gonna do more research and we're just looking at pictures.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't bad or anything, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because I could. I'd be interested to know. I always feel like the this the fall season is always the one. Fuck, dude, like that. That that's almost like the same thing for for movies wanting to come out on like, oh, we're gonna be a Memorial weekend, fucking movie release, or something. Yeah, or we're gonna, we're gonna do it, you know, during the summertime or some shit.

Speaker 1:

It's always strategically planned. That's why I was asking you right. I was like, why are we going from here to here? It's like, what's the strategy?

Speaker 2:

You know, I mean for sure and I guarantee there's probably all these different like KPI metrics they're tracking and like oh, on this date, for for these type of genres this is 150%, fucking slam dunk whatever right, whatever term they've got they'll pull any of the numbers or any of the math, any of the anything they need to do to justify like, hey, this is this is why we did here, this is why we're doing it here, this is why we're doing that there. Right, you know, it's like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, everybody likes, like, you know, flowery, summery girl stuff during the spring. You know like, oh, you know, then we get into fall, people start to hunk, hunker down, hunker in their house, starts getting cold, starts getting kind of a little miserable now and then, and you know, you start seeing a visual change and shit. But people just want to sit on their couch. They don't want to. You know, they're getting ready for the holidays or prep and stuff. They can't spend a lot of money because they're about to drop a lot of money.

Speaker 1:

Drop a ton of money.

Speaker 2:

I'm about to watch a bunch of anime dude. Get on there and be like oh shit.

Speaker 1:

There's new anime. There's a fucking slappers on here. So theme base Okay, I see what you're saying. I don't know. I don't necessarily disagree Like my take I would.

Speaker 2:

I'm not out here, I have not fucking done any research we're going to be on on why or when anime releases as they release, but maybe we'll commit right here in the show.

Speaker 1:

Do you mean you? We got to commit to a work day in the middle of our, you know, not ever going bi weekly, we got to. We got to commit to a work day so we can do more research. You know, we told fans we're going to, or at least I said so. I don't know if you actually said yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know if it was research. I thought we had more time to watch more show.

Speaker 1:

True, that is the most important part too.

Speaker 2:

We keep it for one little slot, you know, for, for, for the fans that are, you know here.

Speaker 1:

Hey, the nine fans are listening.

Speaker 2:

I just it was not necessarily a we.

Speaker 1:

Thing but you know it is.

Speaker 2:

We're here now. I said that.

Speaker 1:

I said oh I don't think it was a we. Thing. I think I said it, but you just said that. No, before we. I preface that before you can go back yeah. I said I think I kind of forced you, I forced your hand there. Yeah, 100%. Um, funny enough. Speaking of that of the fans, even though we like to joke about it, dude, I was looking at bus bro, Someone from Iowa, someone from Phoenix, I don't know who the fuck these people are. So I mean, in theory, we're getting out there.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure they're listening to like 10 seconds of episode and like, fuck this, I didn't say that Actually, I didn't say that.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking about that the other day, or maybe maybe that was the day.

Speaker 1:

Trust the process.

Speaker 2:

We got to do more of this. We got to do more of this. I'm like bitch just trust the process.

Speaker 1:

How dare you use a basketball reference and you won't even watch Curricose basketball, fucking anime you savage, only basketball.

Speaker 2:

I watched NBA basketball.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're super excited. Fall 2023. If you guys, you know, have animators you're looking at, if you want to, if you're like what, what you guys are done with the review on summer Like you didn't say anything about this or this, hit us up. You know our socials are out there. If you don't know them, highly animated P Twitter, or formerly known as Twitter, now X Instagram discord. You know you could message me. I would say you can message Spencer, but he's a hoe and doesn't have any social media so you can't. So you could just message me and I'll direct all the messages to him. We'd love to get you guys his feedback on that, but we are definitely going to be moving on and transitioning because we will do a whole review.

Speaker 2:

Summer guys sucked. Anyways, it was not like it was great it wasn't really well. Outside of reoccurring. I was going to say we'll do a full Mukasew 10, side one probably the next one, because it'll be fully done.

Speaker 1:

and you were right, jiji two Kaisen is going to. It's a similar casting through this season too. It's going to be a 24 banger. So so so you yeah, you are definitely correct, and so we won't be able to give you guys a review. Maybe we'll do a halfway review once you get like halfway and we're I'm not surprised.

Speaker 2:

I didn't do that with Mishika Tensai either, because it's um. I will go into it more. Next step when the episode we talked, we go deeper into it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But yeah, I was surprised too.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I don't disagree. It's a banger show and we always want banger shows out 24 episodes, so well it's always weird, like that's even too, when you're talking about seasonally.

Speaker 2:

what is the deciding factor between like? Hey, I'm going to be 12, 24, or I'm going to be a 12, 12, one season.

Speaker 1:

See, like Dr Stone, which we're going to get the second half of this Now everybody's doing these dumb ass fucking.

Speaker 2:

They're calling like cores, cores like cords beer, except for it's like CO COURS and it's like the breakdown of like. Oh, here's cores part one, core part two, but they're all the same season.

Speaker 1:

Maybe. Maybe because it's like manga based, maybe like people in the mangas are like well, technically this is not already, are already I understand what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

They're out and they're done and I get in there titled or whatever. But what I'm saying is maybe they're trying to, maybe and I fucking don't, you know, I don't know, because I don't fucking read mangas or I'm not even, I don't dive into that world at all, but I'm just thinking from a person that isn't in that aspect. Like what if they're taking and trying to marry, like what happened in this part? In this part, because it's all part of the same arc, maybe even if it's differently titled.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, the one thing I noticed is because Demon Slayer started doing this after an amazing first season.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, not that other seasons haven't been amazing, but could have been more amazing if they went the way they did the first one Exactly. But is that like? I almost feel it's a chance for them to take feedback and then correct?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Maybe we're not like necessarily, like completely revamping, like the source material and like throwing shit out here and add a new shit in here that wasn't there, but just kind of like, hey you know we're going to add this. We're going to add this. We're dropping this. We're dropping this. Well, we're adding this. We're adding this. Well, we're dropping this. We're not maybe not dropping it, but like we're going to we're going to tone it down or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to put some paper mache over this guy and we're going to make him look like this thing instead, and yeah.

Speaker 1:

I wondered how that got. Editing must be a bitch. It's all drawing like hey boss, I did this did it. This looks good, Nope Back to the drawing board.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, it's not all just like hand drawing, yeah. It's like the Amelia was saying right, they all got their little iPads with the software and doing stuff and get the fine line.

Speaker 1:

Technology is good for that.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure that's helped a lot, especially when you think about, like you know why, why? Why some of our you know, the early greats and our favorites have not necessarily been able to get fuck.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hunter X Hunter dude Like that dude has been in like fucking agonizing pain for like 15 years or some shit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's the fucking story, right? Well, that makes it that comes off bad that way, but like because he was so intense on meeting these fucking standards and whoever you are, I don't give a fuck how much pain you are.

Speaker 1:

Suck up your pride, give it to someone else to do. Then you know what I mean. How could you not? How could you be the only? Well, okay, and so now that from your perspective, I'll see this job, security. I was just going to say I was like how could you be the only motherfucker that could do this? And then I was like oh shit, well, business model like that makes sense, but still you know, and I think I'm out here getting everybody my secrets.

Speaker 2:

I think, I'm out here training up all these motherfuckers that gonna replace me.

Speaker 1:

That's why I pause myself midway.

Speaker 2:

But even could you break the training program, so that the next people can know from his perspective.

Speaker 1:

but from his perspective you're an agonizing pain and if it's been this long, you ever fucking get a get out of it. Do you have a plan? Or is it just your prideful, like you said, hey, this is, this is my baby and I ain't letting no one touch it. And I, hey, I can respect that. I can respect that, but sometimes, like damn, you have something so good like Hunter X.

Speaker 2:

Hunter stands up to any anime right now, like I mean, look, if I get to eight and no in fantasy, do you think at week nine, if I have all these concerns, going to be like Yo Jason, what do you think I should do? I'm not like you, don't know what to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got you subtle In a standpoint of like.

Speaker 2:

For those wondering where you taking this reference.

Speaker 1:

I'm owing for he's more an o.

Speaker 2:

Even if you were OK, hey, no, no, we're both fucking, we're both eight, no, eight, no right, last two on the feed, Right yeah yeah, am I going to take your feedback over my feedback?

Speaker 1:

when we both thought to the same place, the same way, right, you know.

Speaker 2:

So it's like why would somebody like I do the same thing, like they'll hit me up? Oh yeah, yeah, if you just send me their contacts, send me what's going on and I'll take care of it. I'm like no you won't. Well, no, you won't, because it's my contact. They don't fucking know you. All of a sudden, some fucking, some stick in the mud is going to show up. Hello, excuse me.

Speaker 2:

Someone's OK with your number and we want to make sure that this is being done properly. They don't know. Fuck. Is this my fuck? I don't fucking know you. I'm not even replying to this fucking email, right?

Speaker 1:

All right, hey, fair point, fair point. So don't give away your secrets. If you got a good skill, hang on to it. But I'm just disappointed because I want to see.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, you can serve me. It's like what your dad say at you.

Speaker 1:

I'm not mad at this guy. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed, disappointed no. All right, Well, fair point, fair point. Hey, for those fans of Hunter X Hunter, we're with you too, we're hey. I'm in agonizing pain not being able to watch it. So I hope he knows.

Speaker 2:

But even though, outside of that not to single them out there's a lot of shows where that ends up happening, it does.

Speaker 1:

Oh god how many shows have we watched that they're just Grimguards, ashes and the Loozians Like, oh, there's you think it's bad in anime.

Speaker 2:

It is bad in the fucking manga like Manwa, like fucking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah World 2.

Speaker 2:

Just because it's such a cutthroat industry. I mean you can almost kind of pair them up together. It's just like hey, even if you're fucking first season, these motherfuckers will put out like 100 fucking chapters in for one season. Fucking bangs, dude, hell of a good. I'm like shit. I'm buying more fucking. I'm spending real money so I can fucking read this shit before everyone else can read this shit, right, because they always have like a fucking 5 to 10, 5 to 10 buffer, whatever right.

Speaker 2:

I'm like fuck this shit. So good, dude, I don't even give a fuck if I spend money on this, I'm just not. I won't buy as many beers tomorrow, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Don't use your justification for it. Yeah, it's OK to buy shit three, but anyways what I'm just saying.

Speaker 2:

That's how you go. Yeah, I know what you mean, but so like all of a sudden, shit will just disappear, right yeah, and you'll be like I think Got a high school. Another one. Well, that one, no, that's not a good example.

Speaker 1:

No, from your standpoint, I mean anime, anime, anime, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That one was so fucking popular. I mean I think it was like fucking 13, 15 million people on just webtoon alone had read all of that shit.

Speaker 1:

Well, get us back on track Out of the list here. How many of these ones are? Mon, was and stuff are super popular. Have you anything that isn't like a big one, that you're like? Oh shit, they made this into an anime. Is there anything On this list? What?

Speaker 2:

list. Oh sorry, oh, like this season.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I have the crunchy way and then my anime lists up. Are they different?

Speaker 2:

They're laid out differently, they're laid out differently, but Mon covers all the same thing Mon.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I would probably go Mon, because it's easier layout to look at in the game. Well, while you're looking at that, I was just thinking because I have never heard of and again, not that I don't read Mon, because Mon was, but this undead, unlucky one looks sick this. Ranga Crimson one looks sick Ranga.

Speaker 2:

Ok, so this Well, I guess, to me some of these seem obvious, I guess.

Speaker 1:

So what makes it seem obvious For those you know what I mean when we thought of getting this far, as we're looking at.

Speaker 2:

It's been popular in the thing. I got the Shonen Jump app, I got Viz Media apps, like you know, that's where I watch some of my one piece shit or read my one piece shit. Yeah, like I've seen these things on there already.

Speaker 1:

OK, so this is just information that you're getting from apps and other things you're using. You're seeing them as they pass by.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there are things that I use to consume this material.

Speaker 1:

Material, yes, OK because I'm like I don't right outside of the mainstay stuff I don't really use a lot to consume and I'm just, you know, maybe on social media looking at stuff. I don't see the stuff ever pop up.

Speaker 2:

So the majorities I haven't heard of before.

Speaker 1:

OK, well, let's start from the top. Let's start from the top down and we'll go down. And, for those that have been with us before, we like to give number rankings, so sometimes we're not like, oh, this is a definitive number.

Speaker 2:

We'll understand. How are we doing the other shit first.

Speaker 1:

What was the?

Speaker 2:

other shit I'm not talking about Start.

Speaker 1:

What are we doing? Start it off.

Speaker 2:

Wait, we can go this round. I thought we were going to actually now probably ties in better this way, yeah, yeah, let's do that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Highlight of you know, maybe your top three, potentially an honorable mention You're most excited for.

Speaker 1:

OK, top three. All right, I'll start. Yeah, that's really hard. Like we said, this season's got so much Like. This is going to be really, really tough. Flopkins Stacked.

Speaker 2:

Stacked, that's saying last week or two weeks ago, whatever it was.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to have to go with the obvious and leave out like three.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the 12th, that's like a week away I know.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to have to. Oh God, and I was. You just said that and that's Dr Stone, and I'm like. I'm like I almost just left that one out of my fucking top three. God, that's so tough. All right, Top three for me. I am actually going to leave Dr Stone out of it. So I am excited, but I don't like how they do that break apart. So I don't really count that as this season, I just count that as the continuation of the last season. So that's my cop out for that. I am super, super excited for Dr Stone, though, but top three for me it's got to be from one to three, it's got to be Goblin Slayer, the second season. I'm fucking beyond stoked for that.

Speaker 1:

When you told me about the first season and how just fucking brutal that first episode is, I was like oh my fucking god. Number two, tokyo Revengers Again another show you recommended to me just hits different on so many levels. I like the storyline, the layout. You see a lot of anime going past and going to their past, maybe, or shit like that, but not the way Tokyo Revengers does it? Not the way it affects the future and it's just that's your number two.

Speaker 1:

You said Number two that I'm most excited for, yeah, and then number three. I'm an East guy guy, so I'm rising the shield here, season three, like I mean.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I love those too, like yeah, it's like maybe we should have done continuing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So what are the three new ones that you're starting?

Speaker 1:

Three new ones that I haven't necessarily we haven't watched and we're excited for OK. Ok, we could do it that way. Yeah, I mean back to back. I already said them. I'm not going to put them in a specific order because I don't know, I'll see. Now I'm looking, I'm like fuck, oh, no, this one, oh, no, no, this one. The season is fucking stacked. All right, I'll go three and I'll go honorable mention.

Speaker 1:

Three that I have not seen, I have heard of and then I'm excited to see is Undead, unluck. You look at the graphic of the story David production super power theme shown in. Look sick as fuck. So I'm excited to see that. The Ranga Crimson caught my eye because it says it's going to be a 24 episode one. It's by Silver Link, great studio, shown in. It's already got a 7.8 rating, which is pretty solid for my anime list. So I'm like OK, and I like the dragon theme and it says ruled by sky, sea and land, those would fight, have to surpass human strength. Those are always, usually typically good shows. I say that's a pretty classic trope for anime. Some people view that as bad, some people view it as good. Third one for me OK, I was going to say this one, but I'm not going to say it, I want to say the berserker of gluttony. I've never heard of the studio ACGT. The picture I don't. It reminds me it's a light.

Speaker 1:

Graspen S straws, graspen S straws. Yeah, acgt, who laid on me, laying on me?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm saying for your last one, your Graspen S straws. I was like ah, first thing I see, ah, burns a rib gluttony.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I was going to say shangrila frontier, but I'm actually more excited to see berserker gluttony. And you can go, fuck yourself. I was also the kingdoms of ruin. That was going to be my honorable mention.

Speaker 2:

Why would I go fuck myself on that one? What do I have to do with the kingdoms of ruin? No, you're out here like oh you're grasping on straws.

Speaker 1:

You can't find anything. You first. Oh, I see this one, oh go. No, that's not how it was. I looked at this list already. I'm just OK it was just hard for me to decide the third one I wanted to put shangrila frontier, but I was lying to myself in my head.

Speaker 1:

I'm like no, I kind of want to see berserker of gluttony more, because he has the berserker to just give the preface of what the little blurb says, or in a fast way. I'm not looking at it right now, I'm looking at your dumbass forehead. But the berserker gluttony he has. It's not just a forehead. There is part of a forehead here. I mean we're going percentages. I mean I'm just kidding the berserker, gluttony he has. No, it is my hairline so bad.

Speaker 1:

I was a kid that day. You should probably wear a hat. All the time I was like, wow, that is fast. But yeah, thanks dad for the receiving hairline. Really appreciate that widow's peak. I got going on. Anyways, berserker gluttony, his skill is gluttony, but now in the typical way you would think, his gluttony for those that don't know, for whatever reason is. You eat a lot, you're fucking, you're savagely as eating. You have an appetite that can't be satiated. At least that's how I view it. His skill is, once he kills someone, he can take their skill. I'm like, okay, little different twists.

Speaker 2:

You got a lot of that in the mangas mama's today. What Like that kind of a twist? Hey, like, eat Sakai, reincarnate, whatever, and you have this fucking skill, you get their skill. You eat somebody. You get their skill, you fucking.

Speaker 1:

I guess it's because in an Arphorida he kind of similar thing. I wonder how they're going to do it different though, because you're right, I guess that's a good point. I just never really think about it. I got something like that. You know what I'm glad you mentioned that I need to break down, I need to watch something and be like okay, this is specifically how they got their powers. Oh shit, this is exactly like this anime.

Speaker 2:

You think about the popular tropes that are going on now. Right, that's definitely one of them.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, go ahead, those are mine.

Speaker 2:

You got an honorable mention that you need to mention the kingdoms of ruin?

Speaker 1:

I already, oh, I see what you're saying here. So yeah, the kingdoms of ruin. For ages, humanity flourished through power of magic, a gift from witches to aid mankind. The times have changed the scientific gear. Expansion has made both magic and witches obsolete. In order to liberate humanity from the blight of magic, the mighty media empire began a ruthless hunt to exterminate all witches.

Speaker 1:

For me, you know, as Spencer takes a quick little breaky poo, and before he comes back, for me that gives major, you know, salem witch trial vibes. So I know, people are always into that kind of shit or like, at least as far as the history goes, not necessarily into killing people. So yeah, it's an interesting picture, it's an interesting take, looks like it's got a little bit of futuristic military kind of thing going on, but also like a dude's holding a fucking dagger Made by a studio I do not know, yokohama Animation Lab. What caught my eye about this one is that it says the theme is is gore, and I was like whoa, that's oddly specific. Like most of the time in the themes and stuff, I'll be like, oh, isakai school, you know, let's look at some other ones.

Speaker 1:

What does this one say here? Vampire? You know superpowers, but this one specifically says gore. So, if you follow along with us, we're definitely fans of that badass fucking action, and gore Doesn't have to be that, but it certainly can set it apart from other anima's. So, yeah, the kingdoms are ruined. My honorable mention, you know, and my honorable co-host looks like he's about to, you know, sit his ass back down. And you know, take, take away from me after being off my doing God knows what.

Speaker 2:

Is gore always have to relate to, like you know, savage badass action?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, how would you? What would gore be outside of that? Is this when gore happens, when war happens typically and isn't more savage in nature? No, what does gore happen? Sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Well, it can happen, but you're saying, yes, I would. I would, when you think of gore.

Speaker 1:

What do you think of?

Speaker 2:

Texas transform massacre. Saw any of the saws? Okay?

Speaker 1:

What anima's relate to that Kings Academy.

Speaker 2:

I'm not just saying, you just said gore in general, and gore is quite a far. You have Horocon going on, right now, dude.

Speaker 1:

You see, gore is just very versatile, and you didn't want me to peg it into one hole. Is that what you're saying?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, don't pigeon hole it dude. Let it breathe, let it fly, let it fly. Spencer isn't incorrect.

Speaker 1:

I was just using it in the way I was trying to talk about it.

Speaker 2:

Gore is a far one dimensional.

Speaker 1:

Hey, my offense.

Speaker 2:

It is often.

Speaker 1:

I was just thinking that, oh, fair, all right, fuck you. Fair point, fair point. So gore is definitely diverse, but I think as far as it comes into anime typically results in those fighting style anime's. Maybe war related doesn't have to be war related true, but I stick to what I said, the ending part of that. It definitely separates itself from other anima's when it is gore.

Speaker 2:

It almost deserves its own genre category within all mediums. Yeah, like it used to just be fantasy. Now it's like fantasy action, fantasy, romance.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we were kind of talking about it a little bit not a lot, because I know you haven't gone and watched it, but the one piece live action dude, the gore from that first scene when oh fuck, I'm going to forget the name, was so long ago when Zoro gets confronted by those dudes, that one swordman and he's like join our group. I can't remember the name of the fucking group. It's like some dark behind the scenes group. I think they're all swordsmen type people too, if I'm not mistaken. That kills homeboy like right away, though yeah, you would know, maybe starts with a B, A group that starts with a B. I don't, I can't fucking remember. I can't start with a.

Speaker 2:

B that I can think of right off the bat as Baroque works.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what I was thinking in my head. Is that a fucking like behind the scenes group that he like denied in the very beginning?

Speaker 2:

I don't think he potentially denied them in the very beginning. I think the first time we see him is he got captured by the Marines and he's like on the stockades, yeah With with his axe head, axe hand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's when you first roll into, like Kobe and Helmepo, and look at you, dude, you're so good with all that shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, maybe it's Baroque works, I think. I think you're right.

Speaker 2:

That could be it. You first, like Robin, is Miss Sunday before we know her as Robin. Okay, so it's either them or the whole alabasta fucking Okay, I mean, it happens quite a bit before the alabasta you get like nuggets of them, nuggets of it. So.

Speaker 1:

I think maybe that's it. So there's some dude from some group like oh, you should join it, do it. Zero's like your typical, like nonchalant, like get the fuck out of here. I mean.

Speaker 2:

I don't need you. I don't need you. You suck dick.

Speaker 1:

And he says something like oh well, it's fucking fight for my honor or whatever Right, and he fucking goes and he like fucking fucking. And then we're watching live action. I'm not thinking anything of it. Dude's body just slides off like full fucking gore. I'm like what the fuck? And I'm like clapping at the same time in my head Like I'm like wow, wow, like one piece is amazing. I don't think gore has to happen. I know like what, like ACE is chess, and there are moments. There are moments.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, early on, there's like none.

Speaker 1:

What's the one so?

Speaker 2:

Mike, until you get farther along where you actually start to see some, some real savage.

Speaker 1:

Well, and that's like why we all get into it too.

Speaker 2:

You know, with one piece. One piece is so great about the overarching story that yes the fees within the story. Like a lot of people, ah, this is a kid's show. Kid's show. Kid's show. Sexual assault, slavery, murder, like like, imprisonment, torture of people, like some of the worst of the worst shit.

Speaker 1:

Even if you're allowing your kids to watch it, I don't think they can get into the complexity of the show.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, no no, you really have to like read between the lines.

Speaker 1:

But I'm saying I'm saying like it's there, if you're willing to see it like, even, even, even.

Speaker 2:

You go out on the street, go out on the street. There's a lot of people, stay, stay, fucking. But those blinders on you know, sharing the carriage to like read between the lines open up a little bit. You're like I think there's a song like that.

Speaker 1:

We're going on right now Open up the blinders and you just see like a new bright day or something like that. I don't know. I can't think of it, but we're getting way off track, but I do appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I hear you, that was a little dive into gore.

Speaker 1:

You know Spencer's correct. I mean, I do appreciate it. And obviously our favorite show, one Piece, we always got to mention it One every time one episode. You jump in three episodes, three shows, excuse me, that are not part of the main one.

Speaker 2:

Mine pretty similar to yours. Okay, goblin Slayer number one.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I thought we're doing non-repeating you like you jumped on my for doing three ones that are going to do that and then do the other three after.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to do the first contention.

Speaker 1:

A little bit in it Okay.

Speaker 2:

Like what you did before I'm going to follow the same format right.

Speaker 1:

I thought you were saying, no, let's not do that at all. I would have dived in a little more of those. But my bad, go ahead, go ahead. Three, no no, no.

Speaker 2:

I've been saying like oh hey, goblin Slayer, why? You know? Because the fucking first season came out like four years ago, and so I'm so Okay, fair point.

Speaker 1:

I interrupted you, I'm sorry. Start off again. Goblin Slayer, number one, and any recent cause. It's been and hasn't been for a while. It's friendship. That's what I'm gonna tell you.

Speaker 2:

Number two for me is actually still going to be Dr Stone because I just, I just fucking love Dr Stone, I fucking.

Speaker 1:

You're the one that got us all into it.

Speaker 2:

I wanna see that shit, I read that shit, I fucking keep tabs on that.

Speaker 1:

The way they ended it. I'm intrigued, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I knew when they ended it like that, like, even, just like, like, yeah, even just looking at the picture right here, it just gets me like, oh, I can't wait for you to get fucking fucked up To the fucking whatever.

Speaker 1:

Little dude, I can't wait for you to look. So fucking stupid. He's such a bitch.

Speaker 2:

For how you've been taking advantage on whatever little tidbit of knowledge or information that you've got and they think they're so goddamn smart and smooth too.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I can't wait for them to use that little lasso-freeze shit on them.

Speaker 2:

They're throwing the little robot, fucking robo rat thing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, freaking them out. Yeah, the little RSC car, yeah, man, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Fucking just stomp it, kill it, kill it, kill it. I thought you guys were fucking warriors over here. You're scared of little fucking mice.

Speaker 1:

And you live in the fucking place. Yeah, yeah, super sick layout you got way too fucking awesome gets up there. You guys are done for Side note before you keep going You've seen Robin Hood with Kevin Costner?

Speaker 2:

Oh, the Kevin Costner one. I think I have seen it before. Yeah, it's been a long time.

Speaker 1:

When he gets all the civilians out there, they build the forts and the trees and shit and they trigger my memory of Dr Stone. There's a lot of. Is that what a trope is? I always forget the definition. There's a lot of people that use that like tree houses as defenses, and when they do it right, it just looks so cool Because I would love to do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, almost like the.

Speaker 1:

Swiss family Robinson. That's a old school 60s movie. I don't know if you've heard of it or seen it. It's a Disney movie. But they are stuck on an island. They build their house. That movie is from 1960. And I feel like most people wouldn't like it. My mom loves that movie and I went back and watched it the other day. I was like god, this is really good, because it's just the way they're building the house and trying to survive on the island. I think speaks to some animators. I'm getting way off topic here, but it's just the building of the story. You know what I mean, and building a house is kind of similar to that. But anyways, we can move on.

Speaker 2:

Number three yeah, that's not what a trope is really, but yeah, I didn't think that's what I said.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's what it is.

Speaker 2:

The intro is more like oh, damsel in distress, oh got it. Pathetic ass kid becomes the superhero, got it OK? Number three for me, potentially a little bit of shocker, maybe not for people that have been following us Kaga Kage no Jusukushu Ni Nari Takuket. Second season In English the Emmons and the Shadow season.

Speaker 1:

I saw it there. It started today. I know I was like yeah, I was like.

Speaker 2:

And for that that is probably more of a just like a recency kind of a thing. Right, I didn't watch the first season until what? A couple months ago.

Speaker 1:

Three, months ago. Maybe, yeah, yeah. Like whenever fucking high dive access appeared, so whenever that I'll have to go look at my bills and see when the first month I paid for it or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Let me know, but so well, and even probably even a month after that, honestly True.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't long ago.

Speaker 2:

So that would be my three for the recurring. Now, I know you're going to say, hey, what Rising of the Shield thing. Oh, that's all you. I really, to be frank, I didn't like the last season, Like the last part of what they showed of Rising of the Shield, totally just like got away from what they did in the first season. Didn't really follow the same. I mean, they still fall. They're following this story, obviously, but but I Felt like it just really got away from what they're short changing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like the fucking people not saying yeah like that was was so great about the first season. It was like it was like a real, real Underdog me against the world underdog fucking fight like everybody's against me. They're doing, they're taking all these dirty Like the dirtiest moves tactics we can do yeah yeah, yeah, and it was just kind of like I just didn't really feel I mean it was still fun to watch, it was still cool to watch. I think it's still kind of progressed the story along.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm but but not in a sense where I don't think like the gravitas for everybody.

Speaker 1:

Let me do, let me do Spencer's Interpretation to me, though. What's, you know? How do you not have any list? Man, there's, you know QC three. It's going on. Man, you don't know. Well that you pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Use some work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but so that would be my my three recurrence there, that'd be my three recurrence.

Speaker 2:

Gotcha Mm-hmm news. Then I got a couple more things as far as oh Shit, I just realized I left out Tokyo revengers.

Speaker 1:

It's tough. So I was just gonna say for those there that that that was tough for me list but, but again probably just recently, eminence in the shadow probably hold holds out there Just because out there, yeah, that's all where they ended up.

Speaker 2:

Fuck is before I moved. It was. It was almost a while before I moved, so that at least two years ago and that yeah, that's what I love.

Speaker 1:

That, love that fucking Joe. I said it's the third season. I thought there was only one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, no, yeah. That's the third one. I. Want to go up no, and then yet this will be three.

Speaker 1:

Is this is this a show that we just didn't watch, even when it first came out, and then we got a jam pack, one through two.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we didn't watch it when it Okay cuz that's what I'm saying like.

Speaker 1:

So that's that's how I get fucking confused sometimes. I'm like I just get it. I'm so spoiled I just watch all this. I'm like okay, oh we're at whatever and I'm like oh shit, Well, and that's another one. I think.

Speaker 2:

I think season one was 24 episodes and then season two was only 12.

Speaker 1:

Well, there might only been like 10.

Speaker 2:

I think it was a weird one. It was like only 10.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but um. But we're getting on topic three. Yeah, we could talk about those honorable mention for continuance. Okay.

Speaker 2:

That one, and I probably say the far away Paladin.

Speaker 1:

I was just a singing that as the guy's in the far away pound the Lord of the rust mountains, so like.

Speaker 2:

I did cuz. I got that one maybe six months ago ish. I watch that one relatively Recently, so why?

Speaker 1:

do you think, if we're gonna stay on the topic we're gonna talk about before you go to your three new ones, the far away Paladin, the Lord of the rust mountains. Why are they signifying it that way? Is that what the manga is called? Is that just the arc type that we're getting into? Are we all in the same arc from season one to here? Cuz some shows do do that and I do like it? I don't mind it by any means. So any, took your Avengers dot dot Ten jiku hen, like okay, it's obviously significant, but but why? You know what I mean. Speak to that for a second before you jump into new ones, cuz you're.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Would say more knowledgeable than I am if it comes from a manga light novel perspective.

Speaker 2:

For far away Paladin. You know, I'm not even gonna like it, simply speak to it. I've not okay at manga or anything specifically or the light novel, but For what I remember from this, the story is because, as they're trying to kind of like Re-inhabit this, this lost area that was taken over a long time ago. The next big step is crossing the mountain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah okay.

Speaker 2:

That's right I don't wear like the rest of civilization station is that's right, it's how they ended it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you're right. Oh, okay, interesting, so okay. So three New ones plus the honorable mention or not reoccurring.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so three, three new ones for me. I Also thought well, I know you didn't mention it, but Shang shang were a lot frontier. I think that looks fucking. I'm pretty stoked to check that one out.

Speaker 1:

I would came October 1st, so technically we can go. Yeah, I don't want.

Speaker 2:

So that's almost why I say it, because I saw it pop up on my shit.

Speaker 1:

Oh, did it Okay.

Speaker 2:

The other day I was like, oh shit, this is, it's it out already. I remember, I remember seeing this.

Speaker 1:

Do you think sees from Demon Slayer wearing a fucking bird hat? It looks like, or I don't know if this is real head or not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I Would also say probably, I'm actually one doesn't count, that's a recurring one, I guess, which we didn't watch the first ones, but which we have dead mount, death play.

Speaker 1:

Part two.

Speaker 2:

That's probably why it got not as good as it should have been was because they didn't really.

Speaker 1:

Do 24 on their technical season one here's, you guys.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you know what? All these other big shows are now Splitting up their seasons and let's do seasons, we're gonna do the same thing. Well, hey, it only works for something that fucking really kills kills, and then you can do whatever you want, then your real season 2 can be 12, right, yeah people aren't gonna be happy, but we'll accept it, but we'll accept it because we do with other shows.

Speaker 1:

I just want I need to go back and rewatch because it it wasn't bad, it just I don't know if I was in the mindset to watch it. I really don't. I think I was hyping up a lot of stuff, but anyways, number yeah, so I think for that one that one's recurring yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, technically a recurring one, so I don't know that I would necessarily. Love side to see it in with everything else.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I mean, and Shit, I mean.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot. I can mention the bottom.

Speaker 2:

Well, even I'm, I'm just, I'm only in like the fucking.

Speaker 1:

Not bottom midway.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, here too, I'm just that right outside of like all the all the great fucking coming back ones. I Mean and I don't really want it, want, want to hit the ones you you spoke to, just because you know.

Speaker 1:

My daughter left an S return S rank. Adventure Looks intriguing.

Speaker 2:

Forbidden deductions yeah, interesting. That definitely gives me like crop crop craft vibe, okay, you know. So some of these other ones, like I don't know, for whatever reason, I'm kind of like I'm I'm intrigued by the vexations of a shut-in vampire princess. The only reason I might be, Might be happening, because, just like as I'm glancing, I'm glancing To the scanning, scanning, scrolling, reading, reading, I'm like all the vexations of a slut, vampire princess.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what whoa this weirdly taught it. One the cami Arabi God app. That one looks kind of close from like the creators of what they say it was in. Fuck, I lost it. It's by some creators that we know of some shows that are good. I'm like okay, like that might be it. Five point three one I'm not a great rating already, sorry, but your number three is you're looking through the list. I'm just mentioning other ones I like as we're we're closing in on 50 minutes. We saw a couple other things.

Speaker 2:

I mean maybe kind of a cop out. I mean, I do think the firefighter dog Did I go rescue, or it does look good.

Speaker 1:

It looks like kind of how we thought fire force was gonna be, but it was it like yeah, more like traditional, like hey, this is how it happens it.

Speaker 2:

And now I'm almost Like fire force and everything and obviously you know you got a bunch of buds that are out there serving the force, thank you, for their service.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2:

They're doing their thing, right you? Know, and obviously I don't get all the tidbits you get or any of you know all the other stories.

Speaker 1:

So crazy shit from what?

Speaker 2:

you, you know get and then kind of leave. You know channel back to me and like, like God bless those guys.

Speaker 1:

No, 100%. So what's three? Oh, that was three. That was three. I'm sorry the the firefighter one. Okay, yeah, honorable mention.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking you know one of these lower ones here at at at the end.

Speaker 1:

But Let me let me try to maybe help you out a little bit. Maybe it'll help you. Maybe I don't want you to tie your name to this necessarily, but I told you a while ago I asked him to my list and I haven't watched it. This arc nights, one is starting to catch my eye.

Speaker 2:

It kind of looks just giving me that actually season two of arc nights.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you've seen the first one, right?

Speaker 2:

So, okay, okay, I thought otherwise I would have used that one, but I think this is. I Thought it was more. It's giving me like fate zero, sorry.

Speaker 1:

It's giving me fate zero feels where. It's like you're gonna do this and you're gonna jump into this and it's gonna be all similar but different.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that.

Speaker 1:

is it gonna be a continuing storyline with similar characters?

Speaker 2:

No, I think it's different characters.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so then that would be a fate zero in a way, in a way.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, the what arc nights prelude. I think it's the first one, right.

Speaker 2:

I mean there there's certain people that are still gonna be involved but, I, Think it's like it's in a vault, like like, hey, 30 years later down the road, this this is you know. So, like these people, I don't know for sure you know it obviously doesn't have like a very to sink description of it. Says 8 episodes to yeah, that's what we're gonna do, this is how we're gonna do it.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean fuck, honestly, you know, when it says zero, like that, I'm just like okay, well, hey, it hasn't even been fucking green production or whatever like they might be trying to finalize the deal right now, to be like, hey, we'll show what, we'll give crunchy roll the rights to the show to show the show, but we need to come up with the deal huh funny.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh yeah, after school, hockey coolers, good. Four episodes, ten minutes, nevermind. Yeah, so it's not. So if anyone heard me say that I was just kidding, so what's your honorable mention before we?

Speaker 2:

but I would say yeah, probably the honorable mention that I would give is the shy. I think it's like it's kind of based off of like, okay, hey, the third world war had happened and then all of a sudden, you know, as this is going on the world oh shy man, he's gonna die. And then there's a new awakened people who come out and by eight, yeah, and now all of a sudden they're like gonna be the, the saviors of the fucking planet and shit, and then I think everything it's all chicks too, okay?

Speaker 2:

well, it's up going fucking wrong once a certain somebody shows up. So okay.

Speaker 1:

I'd love to be that certain somebody oh my god, you fucking kill me so yeah yeah, okay, there, you know, if you're listening with us, you're like you missed this show, this show, that's hey, we preface well, this is just per mall too, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think this list is the end. All be, all of all complete list, everything. Yeah, exactly, I'm sure there's a lot of like lower need yeah group, kind of shows that are coming out that might not necessarily be getting all the fanfare, all of the like the demon sword master.

Speaker 1:

Vex caliber studio.

Speaker 2:

Well no, I think that's good. Probably that compared to other shows that okay, it's getting the right would not even ever even end up on your radar, no matter how many shit you looked at right like okay, probably still out there. We just don't know about it.

Speaker 1:

We just don't know about it. We're gonna find you, though. We find we find animes. Okay, one day you will be watched we out here searching search and people like Jason. But you've got like 15 other animes you said you haven't finished. I don't give a buck, give me more, I'll keep finishing. I know Jason will just tirelessly look for more so earlier today, you know.

Speaker 2:

So what are you watching out? What do you, what do you, what do you, what do you do?

Speaker 1:

now. Oh yeah, you watch that, what right yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, hey, I already watched that. Oh well, you better watch this next.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually I already have another one so don't go ahead and tell me what I want to do, don't tell me how to live my life. I laugh so hard. So we hope you guys enjoyed that little expose. Fall 2023. Like we said, we could go way more into depth. We probably will. Next episode we'll watch a couple. Maybe we'll you know, we'll dive back into, maybe we'll look at country rules list and how they're breaking it down. Start watching shows.

Speaker 1:

I only got one fucking episode out, unless it's a certain a month from now a certain shows I would have one solo leveling comes out next season, yeah, good point, because we're gonna talk about me to you, ted side, next time anyway, so we can go. We'll go deep on that and any other shows are currently watching. So look, look down the road to see us give more review on some of the other shows. If you got, like I said, got to show you want us to check out we didn't mention, let us know and dive into the back end of the show here. We both been watching anime a little bit more than we said previously.

Speaker 2:

We've been, you know, both being slacks right, trying to catch up a little bit more you know, that it almost to honestly right. It's like. It's more like hey, you earned this shit, dude. You earned this shit, you fucking working hard, suffering through your fucking sports team, suffering through your fucking god your bets, losing all this fucking money, that you could have easily won $500 last night of DK mech half and only got another 28 fucking yards. Everything would have been hunky dory, but but you know where we are now all of the oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, my money.

Speaker 2:

I do not see a two nights go, you're right, yeah. I know I am, it's okay, but yeah, yeah so all of that stuff, kind of imagine if you were bad in fantasy football to, and you'd have the full fucking.

Speaker 1:

Well, you think you got one thing like just for Monday night.

Speaker 2:

That's like a four-hour commitment. You know how much I could watch a whole season in four hours almost true, true, good point, good point.

Speaker 1:

Football season you're fucking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's difficult season, I mean. But we're still at it, we're still, we're still you know pounding just a little bit slow yeah, you know, I'm trying to convince Jason. You know, just trust the process and he's all on this other shit right now.

Speaker 1:

But we're getting there.

Speaker 2:

We're getting there, I think you know current anime, though I think we've made pretty good progress right we have.

Speaker 1:

No, most certainly. I think we're pretty much caught up on everything, or pretty goddamn close, but, yeah, diving in. So we mentioned it last time and I am at episode 11 and I got a little bit from Spencer saying he actually watched it, which I was surprised because I know we talked about a couple days ago, but I didn't think you jumped into it. So, the great cleric what cleric? Isn't it cleric? Cleric, cleric, not cleric. Sorry excuse me. Thank you for correcting me. The great cleric is an isekai show. It was this last season, right? Yeah, I'm forgetting summer, summer, 2023 show. I adore this show. I, the voice actor, I'm trying, that's what, thank you, that's what I'm trying to do. I know that voice actor, the dub guy. I fucking know him, like his voice. Do you know it already, like without looking it up? I, okay, who? Yeah, who is he? What else does?

Speaker 2:

he do so. The light lightning kid from black clover it is okay, it is him luck luck yeah, I don't know real name. Yeah, do you know any other? Yeah, he doesn't grip anime.

Speaker 1:

He's very he's very well known. That's what I heard his voice. I was like we talked about in episodes past. That's boom triggering. I'm like, okay, fuck, I know this voice, I know this guy, I trust this, I trust this process. He's part of good anime, so let's dive in comedy. It's on point. I think the storyline I like. What an amaze we thought we talked about. All time they take a similar storyline, a similar trope or whatever and they just add these little twists. That just adds a little bit of I'm gonna use a word here. Tell me if I'm using right little ambiguity to the story. Just, it just switches it up a little enough for you to be. You feel like it's different, you know, and I mean, was that right? Usage was, was that? Was that good?

Speaker 2:

I hit the book well, it depends on what you're meaning of ambiguity. Is, yeah, how you meant to use that in relation to how you were explaining him, but I think, if I'm understanding how you probably meant to use him, yes, in that instance it would be right, because he is a very kind of you don't know what you're gonna get out of him, which is really what you see more in the later half of that season, right?

Speaker 2:

very early on. He's very like by the book, like hey, there's no deviations, there's no you know kind of stays in his lane getting out of what the norm should be or putting myself in any situation where I would be overtly, you know, out power, out maneuvered, whatever you know. But you, I agree, I kind of. I do agree with that. I think the comedy aspect I really appreciate it, because they throw, they throw a lot of these little things and we like ha ha.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. You know, I think episode 10 was a heart might have been a heartbreaker for you. For me is like he's talking about Was it drink Z? What the fuck they call it, damn it's X, substance X, not. Z, thank you. And they start breaking down the story of what he's been taking this for 10 goddamn episodes. You don't even know what it is. I mean fucking here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cuz the time skips.

Speaker 1:

It's in a thank you. Time skips are really well timed. They're nice. You see him come on.

Speaker 2:

He's like oh, a month ago, oh shit, fucking month is passed, like they do a very good job, like everything flows very cool. Very nice, we like it's not like all fucking kind of like. Ah let's put that in there.

Speaker 1:

I got this during this time.

Speaker 2:

I like as it goes, like, and you shove that in there like how did that happen?

Speaker 1:

I didn't really feel good, right yeah the fuck.

Speaker 2:

This doesn't make any sense, right?

Speaker 1:

You know, when we're doing that it feels good, you know so.

Speaker 2:

I think for a lot of it they did it. They did a great job really, kind of, I thought it flow that that was probably one of the things that I noticed the most.

Speaker 1:

It flowed very well, I mean you want to watch the next episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like there were a few times where I was kind of like Not up fucker, like oh yeah, oh, most certainly, you know but that's part of this stick. That's part of his character cuz like.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of luck and others are. It's like the un, the cautious hero like another animates like Like if off the rip.

Speaker 2:

You can't appreciate, appreciate Shit. What do you call them? Fucking stat monster luck or whatever. You can't appreciate the moments where that motherfucker pop up, pops up early like. Because it is. It is a lot of kind of I I wouldn't say dry humor, but like I got you humor almost. You know kind of almost like Shit. I can't even think of a fucking any word.

Speaker 1:

Like any show or yeah, oh, that's like that.

Speaker 2:

No, that is like yeah similar like it's very, it's very.

Speaker 1:

I was right.

Speaker 2:

It knows what it is and it knows how like this is the land again with. To be doing that type of stuff, right, yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

Did you finish it first? Off and foremost, did you watch the sub, the last episode? I did not, I did, you did. Okay, so I haven't. But okay, I guess we won't go into the final ending.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I well, the final is is is is almost a, it's a. It's like a epilogue, if anything.

Speaker 1:

It's not. It's gonna build into the next season. That's what I kind of right right. It pretty much finishes an episode 11 or yeah, yeah, yeah, pretty much, my goal is to be done. I did it. I okay, fuck, we're not getting that so next, next year, or whatever it comes out, okay so, but I mean from, from everything else.

Speaker 1:

it was very like Okay, I thought the world building was cool, I thought I thought, I thought I've been a little more depth In depth, at least as far as elaborate and how to explain it and why Really only get like these small.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't till the end where you're like, all right, fuck, I'm having a camp out in the lab, rest now.

Speaker 1:

In front of it.

Speaker 2:

I thought I was gonna work out. They don't like this shit, but I gotta make it bad. Right over here on the other side, they don't give a fuck about me, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, but so yeah, so you liked it. So I mean, like shit, you, you mustn't finish it quick, cuz I swear to God, we I only told you about, I mean, I guess technically two weeks ago, but yeah, I started pretty soon after you had mentioned it. Okay, I did kind of hype it up to you.

Speaker 1:

You're right, I'm not kind of, I did, I was like oh the healer and he I liked, I love the aspect of like everyone hates the healer. Again it gives like that rising shield here kind of thing in a way he walks in that room, especially like later on I think it was like episode 10 or 9, where he walks in that room before he does the massive feel I was like, oh, get out of here, we should kill him. And I'm like, wow, jesus, god damn.

Speaker 2:

Christ, the guild master, got a step in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Beat all your asses. Yeah, no, I think.

Speaker 2:

I think that is nice too, you know, because it does also give you that, that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, why is that? You know?

Speaker 2:

Because, like he's not really ever well, I guess technically is kind of disadvantage because of a situation that happens with his growth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he's staying at level one, which is super interesting. I don't know if I'm gonna go ahead and ruin it for fucking everybody that doesn't matter. We don't know what that is, we don't know what that is at all. So even if you heard, about it now?

Speaker 2:

we don't, yeah, but I mean, you can infer a lot of different things about that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you could be disappointed all you want, but I don't think that takes away from the grand scheme of things.

Speaker 2:

I think you just ruined a lot of that.

Speaker 1:

I can see you're disappointed about give a fuck.

Speaker 2:

Keep moving on but, but outside of that, I think I think they do a Very good job, kind of weaving in and out, like like it was very similar. Fuck, what was that show called, guess to?

Speaker 1:

give you a little credit. It could have been. I could have said it better in the way I like the way they slow to pull the levels, like I talked about in the beginning, how it takes a long time to build up the XP and stuff. That is a more of appreciation you could nod your head. All you want that, that is. That is a building of this.

Speaker 2:

Saito Reminds me a lot of handyman Saito, in the sense that I was like hey, here's this person who is very like oh my god, this person is the fucking the god. So good, so good, so good. And they actually are, but they don't necessarily believe that themselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at first.

Speaker 2:

Right good comparison it takes a while to kind of like the. To the high left fucking low that shit. It's a develop into like what they're trying to be. Who?

Speaker 1:

they're saying weirdo.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We know stupid stupid compared to the masochist zombie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love you guys motherfucking yeah.

Speaker 1:

But so you liked it, the show, I did like that.

Speaker 2:

I did like that show. I thought it was a good show. I enjoyed watching it. I watched it pretty quick. I was finished within like.

Speaker 1:

Three week, yeah, yeah, probably probably before watching it like last Wednesday or Thursday okay, I'm glad I could recommend you, like I thought you would.

Speaker 2:

Thursday. It would have been one say. I thought you would like it.

Speaker 1:

I like it. Yeah, it's good. If you're listening to us now and you're curious, and even though I ruined it for you, you know, go watch it, tell me. Tell us if I ruined it for you to say, jason, why'd you say that I could have gotten through all this story without having to know that? Even though he mentions it every goddamn episode. But you know, whatever he does mention a lot he does.

Speaker 2:

He does especially towards the end. That's why he's like every episode. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what you know? What are you watching? Before we round out the show, you know we're already past the hour, so fuck it, let's just keep rolling.

Speaker 2:

What do you keep it from me?

Speaker 1:

What are you keeping from me you?

Speaker 2:

don't want to say, look at that, I see that. I don't want to tell this guy he's gonna start episode.

Speaker 1:

He's gonna start his 55th show if I tell him this. Or do you want to wait, or do you want to wait until you finish it?

Speaker 2:

for shows that I could hear how you thought their endings were.

Speaker 1:

That's a fair point. Don't bring it up there. No, no, no, no. I'm gonna pause there. Don't, don't mention it. Don't mention it. We'll mention next time. That's good, it's good. It'll keep me thinking like yeah, keeping something, but, but, but, but no that I am seven and episodes in this said show yeah, okay, and was that like a one-day thing, a two-day thing?

Speaker 2:

to get seven in no.

Speaker 1:

This. This gives me like how much I should care and not like what would we finish, I finished the great cleric.

Speaker 2:

Was it Saturday night? Sunday night, okay, I had to be Saturday night because Sunday fucking trash. So it was for sure Saturday night and, I think, monday. So yeah, it's only been a couple days.

Speaker 1:

So you might be. You bang through seven within two to three days. Okay, wow, that must be pretty good then, especially weekday. My word for those that wondering, like when we say I'm a big amount, do this and that during the week they like well, I don't get it context. Context as Spencer's Watching episodes during the week. It's good because this motherfucker soon, as soon as the you know the well goes in, he's out.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, if he's staying up, it's got a part of, like other things. Be sending out work, fucking for you know, four hours a day. All right, motherfucker, what we do, what's taking so long?

Speaker 1:

I'm excited for you, for what the future holds, cuz then your schedule is gonna get back to what you wanted I, and I think it's that's gonna adjust everything too. So, yeah, you know, we hope you guys enjoyed this. You know this episode we we love talking anime. We could take this to a two-hour show and start diving out of the shit going oh fuck, spencer, okay, um, but I don't have the wherewithal for that, cuz you know I need to get ready for aftershock. It's almost nine o'clock and I might be just as a. Yeah, I'm not going to work at all Monday. We have the day off, but I don't get paid to non-paid holiday.

Speaker 1:

So I got a weekend ahead of me technically. So this is this is exciting, but we really do enjoy all of you guys that are out there we talked about before listening. We know we make jokes about, oh yeah, our listeners, but we actually do generally appreciate it. We wish we had a better way to interact. If you guys can think of it, we hand it out there. Please hit us up, because we want to bring new and Diverse content like gorgeous diversity to all of you guys. Yeah, enjoy, we'll get into all those shows two weeks from now. So that's what you want to say anything for these lovely fans before I cast us the fuck out of here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I think. I think you really kind of got to the. Obviously, you know I Am not in the forefront of that, but I would imagine if anybody had anything to say about it it would kind of be like oh hey, you know I got into this and now all of a sudden it's kind of a lower, it seems like it's lower on you guys priority. Hey, just because we went to buy weekly doesn't mean yeah we're oh.

Speaker 2:

Every fucking day. Like we're thinking about shit every day, it's just harder to To come out with more shit. So we're trying to tighten up on it. We're trying to give better content out here and we're just, we're mixing it up.

Speaker 1:

We said in the past when we first said we might go back to week to week, you know, and I mean yeah. Where life is that right now?

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's definitely a bad thing. I mean, I think it's the big thing for us. Right is to be able to have the time to actually watch the show, so that when we come on here we have something to. What we fucking watch for the past six, seven, fucking eight years, you know. Yeah, I would try to like recall that information and everything or the rewatch it, and there's no way.

Speaker 2:

Right, I don't have the time to do regular you imagine if you had to watch fucking one piece up to now and you have to figure out how you're gonna go back and watch all this.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if I skipped six minutes there episode I think I could finish in, but no, you're right, it would be fucking daunting. I talked to people all the time like one piece, no, not, you just see thousand plus it. No, I'm not.

Speaker 2:

Not a dance, not a chance.

Speaker 1:

I'm like fuck man, you should give it a chance. Well, yeah, we hope you guys enjoy it as always, and and doubly as always. Go watch some fucking anime.

Analyzing Anime Release Strategy
Discussions on Anime Seasons & Frustrations
Anime Titles and Excitement for Releases
Discussing Movies and Anime Seasons
Discussion About Upcoming Anime Shows
Discussion on the Great Cleric Anime
Content Creation and Listener Appreciation