Highly Animated Podcast

Is JJK the Best Anime?

October 25, 2023 Highly Animated Podcast Season 2 Episode 36
Is JJK the Best Anime?
Highly Animated Podcast
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Highly Animated Podcast
Is JJK the Best Anime?
Oct 25, 2023 Season 2 Episode 36
Highly Animated Podcast

Hold onto your seats, anime enthusiasts, as we embark on a thrilling journey through the captivating universe of anime! Discover the magic and mystery of four promising shows: The Kingdom of Ruin, My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned to S-Rank Inventure, Berserker of Gluttony, and Schengler Law Frontier. These fresh narratives, full of rich characters and complex plots, promise to leave you spellbound and yearning for more.

As we journey into the heart of anime, we put two newer anime series, Jiu Jitsu Kaizen and Mukushu Ten Sai, under our critical lens. What twists does Jiu Jitsu Kaizen hold after its electrifying seven-week run? Is Mukushu Ten Sai really gearing up for a third season? But brace yourselves, we're not holding back on our insights or the spoilers! 

In the final leg of our journey, we face some harsh realities. The third season of Maybe She's Tensile Jobs has us on a rollercoaster, soaring with its brilliant first half, and plummeting with its less than satisfying second half. As we dissect the character of Joe from Jujutsu Kaisen and his quest to right his wrongs, we'll be sharing our favorite moments and the parts that left us feeling less than impressed. So, gear up and join us as we navigate the vibrant, unpredictable, and fascinating world of anime!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Hold onto your seats, anime enthusiasts, as we embark on a thrilling journey through the captivating universe of anime! Discover the magic and mystery of four promising shows: The Kingdom of Ruin, My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned to S-Rank Inventure, Berserker of Gluttony, and Schengler Law Frontier. These fresh narratives, full of rich characters and complex plots, promise to leave you spellbound and yearning for more.

As we journey into the heart of anime, we put two newer anime series, Jiu Jitsu Kaizen and Mukushu Ten Sai, under our critical lens. What twists does Jiu Jitsu Kaizen hold after its electrifying seven-week run? Is Mukushu Ten Sai really gearing up for a third season? But brace yourselves, we're not holding back on our insights or the spoilers! 

In the final leg of our journey, we face some harsh realities. The third season of Maybe She's Tensile Jobs has us on a rollercoaster, soaring with its brilliant first half, and plummeting with its less than satisfying second half. As we dissect the character of Joe from Jujutsu Kaisen and his quest to right his wrongs, we'll be sharing our favorite moments and the parts that left us feeling less than impressed. So, gear up and join us as we navigate the vibrant, unpredictable, and fascinating world of anime!

Follow us on our socials! Also.... Watch some Fucking Anime!

Speaker 2:

are right, so Spencer you better be ready, Spencer.

Speaker 1:

Got me with that right in the beginning. I was just got chills down my back. You better be ready, okay, okay, we'll see. I know I'm ready. I know I'm ready. Welcome back everyone. Welcome to that episode of delayed release. My fault, I was sick. Didn't feel like doing it while I was sick. Probably could've, but I just bitched out of it. You know what I mean. But I did troop it through work. You know I got much respect from Spencer for that, even though I was dying on the inside. So, thank you, I'm gonna release this tonight. Thank you for listening to it. When you get around to it, we'll do another recording, probably release another one back to back weeks because of my fuck up, maybe go back to the bi-week.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, we're just, we're a mess around here.

Speaker 1:

We just like to do it free flow. You know from the-.

Speaker 2:

Look, I'm gonna do the holidays and shit.

Speaker 1:

It's fucking go on, cause you yeah we're almost on the year reunion dude December is when we started this bitch.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, we believe it.

Speaker 1:

A year, woo Woo. So, as promised, I think we're gonna dive right into the show and I'll give it a couple of disclaimers before we jump all the way in. If you've been listening to this, you've been following along we said that we are super excited for this season this newest one to come out. There are so many shows to talk about. We will get into that eventually. It's not gonna be this episode, maybe next, probably not even next episode, because Spencer's a slap dick, so probably the one after that. I'm sorry, you wanna say something, am I wrong? Yeah, absolutely Next episode. You're gonna be ready All of a sudden.

Speaker 2:

Next episode you're gonna be ready Two weeks into the new season all of a sudden. Oh hey, I watched three episodes of all of these shows. Now he's a hot shot. Now he's a badass right Like okay one time.

Speaker 1:

One time, Shit man, you hit him one time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what is it?

Speaker 1:

One hit, one hit. Yeah, get out of here. You think I'm gonna fan out like that that's your buddy, anthony.

Speaker 2:

That's what I think you're going to do, because you've never expressed this type of interest before, this type of dedication, dedication.

Speaker 1:

And determination. I talk about so many other shows Steven's, kulira, coombe, all kinds of stuff that I get.

Speaker 2:

Once they hear I mean, everyone knows, everybody knows, you know the Jason right, I got fucking 100 shows going on all at one time 101,.

Speaker 1:

Come on, you're the dimensions.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I'm two into this one, I'm three into that one, maybe six into like. That's the farthest episode I have.

Speaker 1:

I'm all about the critiquing here. Okay, we're about the critiquing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so no, no, go ahead. Let him know how you feel about it.

Speaker 1:

I'm a surface level guy, you're the depth guy. I mean, I've not gotten this yet.

Speaker 2:

Let him know how you feel about where you're at so far in this new season.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so to say that before we move on to what we're gonna go on to and I'll give a disclaimer before that as well I'm stoked. I was telling Spencer off air I can't express enough how excited I am about these shows, as Spencer was making fun of me. He is correct, I was Not saying they're not good shows.

Speaker 2:

No, no, he just, he's not philosophy. How you're feeling it now? Yeah, yeah 100%.

Speaker 1:

I get it. So my philosophy. Spencer does not agree with him. Hey, you know. But if you don't agree with that, there you're listening.

Speaker 2:

I get it. Ah, there, you go there, you go there, you go there you go, anyways, anyways, four shows that I would recommend to anyone. You're so welcome you.

Speaker 1:

Fluffy my pillow. Yeah, there are four shows I think you should watch right now. If you're listening to us and you wanna watch something new and fresh and you're gonna take me in my word as good and Spencer hasn't even watched him yet I'm telling you right now the kingdom's a ruin. My daughter left the nest and returned to S-rank Inventure. Berserker of Gluttony and Shaw, or Jesus Shangri-La, frontier. Those four shows are gonna be shows that are gonna stick around. I can guarantee that they're gonna have second and third seasons and probably beyond. For me, kingdom of Ruin I was texting this guy last night. Guaranteed, guaranteed. Put it down here. Mark. Episode 37, four minute marker. I'm guaranteeing these shows will have multiple seasons, guaranteed, right.

Speaker 1:

Type it as a good thank you, Can you write that down? I was texting Spencer. I was like, okay, like I said, you only watch three to four episodes, whatever's out of these shows. You can't fully rank them, but just based off initial impression. I was like, okay, I'm gonna go one through four, how I kinda saw it, and I'm glad I texted you because I got it.

Speaker 2:

The three episode rule. I mean, I didn't know, three episode rule, right, isn't it a?

Speaker 1:

thing, is it not?

Speaker 2:

I mean, you decide you go listen to our episode and tell us You're deciding right now. Let us know, let's hear it.

Speaker 1:

Let's hear it. So for me, my three in a row was Berserker Gluttony I, schengler Law Frontier II, the Kingdoms of Ruin III, and my daughter left the nest and returned to S rank and venture as four. And I told you I said so. It's really close between the Kingdom of Ruin and SLF, which is Schengler Law Frontier.

Speaker 1:

First episode of Kingdom of Ruin was really good in my opinion. And then I kept texting you. I was like, oh yeah, I'm watching, this is good. I might have to move this up to number two. And then, after I watched three and it got all the way immersed into it, I was like this is the number one show as far as new shows go this season and that would be the Kingdoms of Ruin. So yeah, super stoked, hopefully. If you guys go check them out, drop us a comment. Let me know what you think about that. What do you think about that? I mean, you texted me a little bit but you're watching the show so you didn't get to get in death. How'd you feel when I texted you all this? I mean you kind of already touched on it, saying never seen you so excited and da-da-da-da.

Speaker 2:

But is that good, yeah, no, I mean we were in a party outside of that before all this. Right, yeah, you were Hiking it up, dude going crazy. I was like holy shit. I mean obviously with the big you're like, oh hey, shit, can't wait for this one to come out. Attack at night and we're about to finish it up.

Speaker 1:

Like one piece.

Speaker 2:

We're getting to the next arc. All this shit right, and you'd be like, all right, dope, dope, dope. But for new season, new arrival, very small quantity of content available is not normally where you're coming in, being like, hey, this is the fucking watch, this shit. I'm telling you this is going to be the next one.

Speaker 1:

I mean can I make you a bitch mate? I have to finish it before I say Well, I mean, that's always been kind of more my thing. Like, whatever it is, I would be one thing, but because you watch so much other stuff as well.

Speaker 2:

Right, you watch an auto-normie shit and TV movies, all those.

Speaker 1:

And me not so much.

Speaker 2:

Generally it's season to season.

Speaker 1:

I'm watching a lot more of the newer shows than you generally did, I did, I know, and you slowed down on that a lot, like I mean, you're kind of yeah, you're kind of bitching.

Speaker 2:

Well, last season sucked as we admit yeah, and I think even was it the one, but you wouldn't get back in a Bungo Strayed Dog.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't show your ranking in TV. Well, that's not a new show, though we're talking about new shows right now. Ok, let's get exclusively new.

Speaker 2:

OK, OK. Technically, to me Blue Lock would have been a new show, but it would have been we're not diving in that deep. Yeah, I'm just saying from a surface level that that was a surprise factor.

Speaker 2:

right, it was like hey, normally that's not you on the new shows, and I agree with you and we talked about it a little bit. We talked about flair air, we talked about it on the show, I think a little bit. The. It's almost like the, the set list that they have for this season, like, even if they're not like super, it's not Metallica, it's not Iron Maiden, it's not fucking Megadeth, not Pantera, right, like, but Maybe it's some new shit, some new guys coming out, right, you know, maybe it's. It's you know, 19, fucking 82, 83. Oh, what the fuck? We never heard this shit before, we never seen this shit before, right, yeah, and that's how a lot of these newer shows coming out almost have to hit. And then you're.

Speaker 1:

You're not wrong, because for me that's a lot of these shows, similar settings, when I like every anime, like we talked about this all the time, you know. I mean, if you come in here you listen to our show and you're like I want something completely different, well, you're gonna have a structure of a show and they're all gonna be very similar structure. But the good ones, they will have those twists that make you go oh shit, like, and kind of sink into that world. The same world is a She'll be show see show D, show E. Yes, they're all gonna be very similar.

Speaker 1:

Like it's hard, I think, for me to explain to people when it comes to anime, like take yourself out of that element. It's just hey, just content, great, I want you just a greater on the content alone. Are you drawn in? Are you like we talked about I was telling you about off air and we talked about it on show and off the show all the time. I want to the next episode. I want to it's normie TV. It's it's any content and fuck, fuck a TV show content. You're like I got to see what's next.

Speaker 1:

Those are the people that do the best, right? Those people that make a shit ton of money on Instagram, on YouTube, as directors, as active, whatever you know. And I mean those people are successful. And these shows, yeah, I'm pretty confidently saying three episodes in they're doing enough, enough and are cool and unique. And Again, still within the same bones of a lot of shows that I'm I'm drawing in, I'm like, okay, I want to see the next fucking episode, like it's a good story. So I look forward to getting more in depth into those. Obviously, cuz you.

Speaker 2:

I mean Virg's always gonna be out until the end of the season comes right and. Certainly, sometimes, you know, maybe midseason, even before that, your kind of like up Nope, never mind, I was a. This was this fake gold. Right here we hit fake gold.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it was fake gold for me, but like a cheat skill, another world. I couldn't. I couldn't get into it. You liked it, I just I think I need to go back and give it its fair fair shake I need to maybe just watch it all dubbed or something like that. Yeah, beginning, and just you know, and I mean, but I just didn't really get into it and I know you liked it.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, no, it was good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I think that's that. That really kind of encapsulates how we started that off with, why it was so incredulous about how, like you had all of these, like oh, this way he came in with like almost a top five list, guys, right, you know. And the season been going on for three fucking weeks, do, do, do.

Speaker 1:

I haven't watched a single new so far but it gives you good perspective, because then you can go through. Now no, this is.

Speaker 2:

This is why it was so surprising and you were like. Oh dude.

Speaker 1:

So what do you know?

Speaker 2:

This is I'm some shitty anime watcher. I don't know what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So what you're saying is is that all I need to do is do this, and you'd be like, yeah man, I'm gonna start watching all the shows too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I'd be like, oh my god, this guy's legit dude, he's dedicated, he's about it, he wants to do it.

Speaker 1:

I want everyone listening right now to know this guy is full of fucking shit. This guy is like you never played a game or like you see the country and they call it there like isolationist. That's fucking spay. I let me do my routine. Let me do it.

Speaker 2:

I will reach out to you isolationist.

Speaker 1:

Isolationist not ice, no, and isolationist like islands that, like you know, cut off and I'll talk to it. Yeah, okay, don't you get where I'm going? Yeah, that's Spencer He'd. I'll reach out to you when I'm ready, always, you know what I'm watching on. I had the prize shows of this guy that back of there was free flowing. Now watch it. Yeah, yeah, no, watch it, man. Okay, like what? What? What episode, what show? Yeah, I'll let you know what I'm doing there, like like a pretty pretty goddamn much dude.

Speaker 2:

Be fair on on that. That's not really the case, but it is to some degree, because obviously you can tell how, how Opinionated this other individual is, so like, if I somehow give a show like he's giving me many of that, don't hit. Oh my god, dude, it's like I Ever provide to him.

Speaker 1:

He's you know oh shit, I've never been.

Speaker 2:

I've never been dragged into mud so hard in my Fucking and that was like Was it not you shit the bed that I didn't get, the bed that show a lot of it was fucking like you don't like.

Speaker 1:

Hey Villains saga for those of you fucking listening. This guy Dragged me through the mud, made me look worse than Thorfinn's bitch ass dude.

Speaker 2:

I was crying.

Speaker 1:

I didn't even get happy to do the second season. It was such a slow season look like it was good story developing. I kind of like peeked at that the end and I think it's gonna like that. Emotions are gonna hit really hard at the end of that second season. But I think the third season is probably probably gonna be pretty badass. If there is a third season which I was led to believe there is, but I have to go back and watch it too. I'm with you. It's, it's not, it's different, it's you know, and this I think, going from that, I think this is gonna lead it nicely. So today we're gonna be jumping in and dive it into what we you know long have been awaiting, even though some people Didn't fucking finish to where we're in this fucking room number We'll get to that point, though, in a little bit.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about two shows in particular Jiu Jitsu Kaizen and Mukushu Ten Sai. These are shows that are either done or in Jiu Jitsu yeah, can't talk JJK. Jiu Jitsu Kaizen world. That is ongoing gonna be 24 episodes. So we've got what like. I think like seven more weeks or something like that of it. Just gonna crunch your all here and look, you know do some math.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Do some math. Why is it not where I'm at?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Here's be like 49 48, 49, something like that, and we're at 37. I think I said yeah, so, or I'm at 37 year, 35, so Math, yeah, like seven weeks, something like that, enough time, enough time to really, you know, soak it in. It's still gonna be around for a while. So both those shows amazing.

Speaker 2:

That's more than seven weeks. So, right, yeah, you get one episode a week. True, talking about from 37 to 49, that'd be like 12. So If it's 49, okay, assuming there's not a break in between either. Right, good point, yeah, my bad. 12 weeks. So we might get. They're probably gonna string this one on. Well, oh shit, we thought about that for other shows before too.

Speaker 1:

I hope they better fucking, not they better.

Speaker 2:

They better god right now. Right now, they're at what 10? They're at 17 right now and season two this is 17 in season two. So there's, that's what. Seven more than so potential potentially, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, but the app potentially. Anyways, if you're at this point, the show right now.

Speaker 2:

Spoilers human slurs.

Speaker 1:

Spoilers. You got to this point. You haven't watched all the way up to at least fifth episode 15 of the second season. I'm just you guys in and you haven't finished me because you ten side. We highly, highly Recommend that you pause right now, you go and watch it and you come back this list in this later, because we will or not we I Spencer's really good at it. I will ruin stuff for you because I'm careless and want to talk about the show in its entirety without using code words. So, without further ado, my transition. I thought nicely about what we were talking about with Vinland's sog. Even though you hate the show but I think you can still we talked about in the past you can still appreciate certain aspects of the show quality, animation, good action, scenes, it all. It all matches up. You just hate the character which ruins the show. Totally understand so well.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I wouldn't gloss over characters, main character main character. Yeah, that's really. You're stuck with this guy main characters because but but we've been stuck with that guy for so much of the show. Yeah, you know all, all of the yeah. We're not about that here.

Speaker 1:

We're not about Vinland soggy here, but the reason I was making that transition and I don't mean to disrespect this show like this, but I get major, just like real-world vibes. Even though it's a magic show, movie shoots inside. I want to lead with that one for me personally, the reason I want to leave with it. I Don't have as much to say about the show. The second season or third season, sorry. Um, I Just it was good, it was great, I love the story, I like where it's gonna go and have real-world vibes to it. It just felt so adult, felt very so boppery, you know, I don't know. And then once they got to the school, yeah, but before the school was good, yeah, but once they got this school, you know, I mean I don't know. So like half and half for me, not you, that's just, I'll go. We'll go more in depth, but that's kind of how I just kind of generally felt about the season. How'd you kind of feel? I thought it was a very half mixed bag for me Soop opera.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I think we, we, you know, I Don't know, we've noticed talked about it on the pot, but I think we've talked about it between you, know, amongst each other. Yeah, yeah, I thought this. This sucks so technically. This is like season two.

Speaker 1:

It is okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

You know. So we went through that thing right where it's like okay, hey, season one, we did more episode, but they gave it season one and they were gay. They gave a season two and then. We were super hyped up the season two with fucking bang. We got season three and it was just like a flopper, super lackluster, uh did, didn't, didn't really hit his impudence problem.

Speaker 1:

I'm like how is that such a major fucking?

Speaker 2:

Like realistically it's like no way that would have happened. I mean, I've never had some PSD shit like that, with some fucking you know a little chick that I liked or whatever. So I bet you who am I to say, like maybe that does or doesn't happen?

Speaker 1:

That is.

Speaker 2:

I'm watching this show. I'm not watching the show because I want it. I want to laugh and have fun about fucking watching impudence shit, I want it. I want it to be like hey, this dude's super badass. Or this dude's like super overcoming this shit. He's getting revenge on motherfuckers. He's fucking like you know, like some savage shit, you know. Okay, hey, maybe ends up getting the fucking girl.

Speaker 1:

You know, mr Fitz, maybe I maybe. I like, men I'm like oh my dude, oh my god yeah.

Speaker 2:

They drug it out so long. Oh the whole reveal to him and and for him to be as like fucking retarded as he is for like yeah, you think about early season one, right, he's always making those, the clay structures and yeah, popular and like when, when, the the pervy fucking Prince guy who becomes a student later on, yeah, yeah oh, all these fine details, these super fine details, like you had that I, you wouldn't know right you know, yeah, it was? It was a fucking freckle.

Speaker 2:

It's like no, it was the nipple right, yeah you know shit like that where I think it that gets lost. It gets lost on well outside of like the whole.

Speaker 1:

Every show has it but I think they have the same tropes or some version of those tropes.

Speaker 2:

It's like music every fucking song can have some similar cord or different version of that cord.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying it's not fair enough, I just think it stands out, you know, and I mean yeah, but, but yeah no.

Speaker 2:

I mean I think, for for the second season it was just like a lot of that stuff did not, did not hit the same. No, you didn't have that level of detail. You didn't have that level of like Everything this felt so like thought out. Like Rudy, like fucking early on he's like okay, here I met the Spur and and now three episodes in, how do I fucking go into combat with him? And all this stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was like some fucking it's all building his confidence back in every aspect of his life saved by the bell shit, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm lame ass Like you say like oh hey, we're in school and we're doing this and that and do like no dude, you fucking whooped ass on the demon fucking continent.

Speaker 1:

like you fucking Whipping ass here. Yeah, you got cuz girl done.

Speaker 2:

She. She bailed out on you because she was like I know I'm way too weak to stay with you and and be able to stand by you Right, and now you're all fucked up all this?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember texting you first thing. When I first started this up and I think I waited a little bit I was like as Rudy fucking in the back of that wagon, all fucking moped my sky. Fucking serious right now. No, seriously but about let him left, about taste them up. I still amazing show I.

Speaker 2:

Still appreciated the season for like the developments that did occur and story wise and ending where they're leading. That you'll come in and some oh, there's one character, yeah. More so than probably Phillips more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, what's her name. You're gonna shows what's her name you know I'm talking about. Yeah, I can't remember what her name is. Yeah, dad's ex-friend or whatever, and she's just getting.

Speaker 2:

The window.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, no, I will say that this for me in the show, the, the writing, very Like I don't I'm trying to use word creative, but not like, it's just very good, like I Like I said like yes, we, it was underwhelming, right from where we came from before to now it's it didn't follow the path we thought was gonna follow and that kind of sucks, but as far as that you nailed it. Story development I like where the CSM, these new characters, are coming in. I like where the story is going and I just think that it was interesting enough. Right for you to be like oh shit, like, not maybe like immediate click on the next episode, but like, just like, okay, like, okay, we're enough where you wanted more you wanted more.

Speaker 1:

Just enough, right. And I'll tell you this, dude, I was like like like this, with my eyes, like what? When the last episode of before second, the last episode when Silphie Fucking goes up into his ear and she's like I want you to devour me, I was like, oh, what did you just say no, you did not do. I was like what? No fucking way. And then that you know, clearly, do what.

Speaker 2:

And that Rudy was like the same.

Speaker 1:

Definitely the same wakes up. A little bit blood on the machine. My home, like, I felt violated a little bit. I was like, dude, you taking me back all the way to the high school, damn. But yeah, I mean I Think the writing is good. It's a good show, you know. I mean I think we maybe I'll do a little more deep dive into who's a director and all that kind of stuff, because I haven't at all. But I'll be kind of interested to take them and compare them to other shows are in. It was because, like Right, we talked about some the past. A little side note on this show, like with other shows, there's the director and there's the company that makes it. But they, I'm sure, like for you, like knowing, like companies, like they probably flip-flop writers and people move around and do different shit. I would think right outside their main show.

Speaker 2:

Like contracts. We're like, hey, you have to write X amount of shit for us.

Speaker 1:

Or yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how much. I doubt there's much like in her Company, you know okay. So yeah, I yeah, but anyways outer, you know, from company to other companies Are not much.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if, like Maybe she tense I who, who does tensi?

Speaker 2:

Shit fuck. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I gotta bring up my anime list. But while I'm bringing that up Can't tell you. I'd be interested to see if they Write on other shows on different networks, and I just be kind of.

Speaker 2:

But but really to put, put, you know, the nail in the coffin for for this show or not the nail in coffin, wrong, wrong. Metaphor, but yeah, for this season for sure, absolutely let down, did not hit like the first season did or first two season you know. However, the first 24 episodes were Amazing. These last you know 12 episodes were yeah, I think you, you know you nailed it when you started off, underwhelming, like I think that would. If I were to say anything about this this season, it's like hey, you know it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

It's not, it was bad. It's not like you know, I hated it. Yeah but it was absolutely not great. It was absolutely not good. It was just, man, you know, like, hey, I'm really just watching you because I enjoyed what you had in the first season so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so my anime list Can. Oh okay, no see, look at, this is decent ratings. Then I kind of agree with my anime list on the ratings. So first season, very first shit 8.37. Okay, right, good, really. Second one, the bad little bit higher than that. Fair enough, the first 24 episodes.

Speaker 2:

I think it's the first 12. I guess other breakers down.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, and second 12 8.69. That's the best, 8.33, so they I think that's pretty high, that that's what they're giving the beginning of this most recent shit, but the back half of it, or or maybe they're spending half, I don't know, I can't tell 7.51. I'd agree with that, I think from 8.69 to 7.51. I'd be like yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was beginning wasn't bad like the first awful five, four episodes.

Speaker 1:

It was like oh hey.

Speaker 2:

You know, with the little chick who was like digging him and he like kind of squander and he's with the mercenary party and they're trying to help him like not, brah, you just gotta go. Go see some bitches, dude.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And then, oh my god, when he's sitting there talking shit, he's like, ah, the girl's right behind him. Oh, my fucking god.

Speaker 2:

That's why I'm saying, like real, the bitches in the party like, turned on him and she was like that was uncalled for you know right, you should Fuck, I'm trucking. Yeah, homeboy, should have been better, you know he's like hey hey, cross the face or some shit Like that. I'd be like all right, fuck dude, I'm gonna have to knock the motherfucker out right now.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you mentioned that's rushing memories back. Yeah, you're right, those first four to five, I bet those are good like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you said those bad being stories with those people. He's fine, like turning the corner. That's the battle.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yep, no, it's all coming back to me. Those are good. You're right. That's why. That's why I said mix bag, because I felt like I hadn't seen that in so long.

Speaker 2:

But I'm with you, like the later half was just like so like unremarkable they came and recall the last couple like episodes of what happened in this fucking this season.

Speaker 1:

It was it was bad. It's not worth really remembering. It's always lead up to Sylphie getting herself ready and him.

Speaker 2:

That's right, yeah. And then, like her little night, friends were like yeah, you gotta do it, Alex, there. You're free from me now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so fucking. And then he's like and I'm gonna marry Sylphie and she's like I'm in. He's like I'm indebted to you, I'll did it yeah.

Speaker 2:

Eris bro, fuck Sylphie, she can be a little fucking housemaid. Yeah dad's got a little banging house.

Speaker 1:

Just makes it to two families, dude, come on, come on. So yeah, if you want our opinion on Maybe she's tensile jobs, recognition underwhelming underwhelming this newest season oh.

Speaker 2:

Oh you're right, you're right, you know whatever overarching great show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but this newest part? Yeah, it was, it was lacking. It was lacking and it would have been nicer if it was lacking in the beginning and then banged out at the end. They give you something to look forward.

Speaker 2:

I think you will, and a lot of times. For me, that's almost like you know what we're gonna show. We're about to get into is just like I like to then go back hey, I'm fuck, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a back to the future kind of guy. Right, I need them. We're going to the past.

Speaker 1:

Great movies.

Speaker 2:

Experience what this was like again, and then, I'm gonna get into the new shit with this guy, shit I already got five, six, seven shit ready to go yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

that's a fancy way of saying when he Not that? Many, but when he jumps down my throat about not remembering shows, this is his fancy way of saying I can't remember, so I need to go back and rewatch.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember. I said I need to re-experience, like that's what I said the other day dude, because I went back and rewatch season one and remembered how fucking great it was.

Speaker 1:

You're right. I couldn't tell you everything about the end of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have a completely different understanding of season two.

Speaker 1:

Go in.

Speaker 2:

That's the fair beginning, then probably you would like.

Speaker 1:

I do know you do I still to this point.

Speaker 2:

Right now you can get down not you specifically, but you would if you hadn't rewatched no, I don't disagree with you. Yeah, even you know number one fan. Oh, I'm just gonna watch, you know, the last two, two episodes of season one.

Speaker 1:

I'm just doesn't give you enough.

Speaker 2:

Well, I just watched that fucking a week. Those have nothing to do with any of the main storyline, right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You go back like four or five episodes if you want to remember what was happening in the main storyline.

Speaker 1:

But I already passed that point. So and then.

Speaker 2:

So like how season one fucking you know plays in her season two.

Speaker 1:

What let's show? We talking about this. Let's, let's, let's preface that right now. Jujitsu kaizen yes, little JJ K Jujitsu kaizen, for those that weren't following along.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure we didn't say it, probably, you know, not one piece, but probably was like black clover, like this is probably the number two now Behind one piece. Okay, current, current show.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's our now to watch. Yeah, oh god, I can't wait for you to text me After we get off and you watch these two episodes, because you're fucking that much of a bitch dude for those listening.

Speaker 1:

Like this guy, I refuse. He's like, hey, I'm gonna use the restaurant. He's a food, I'm gonna jump on the pot. I'm like no, like dude. He's like, oh yeah, my 15. We got two more, two of the most bad ass Fucking episodes coming up right now. I mean the one you watched, it was really good, but, um, he's like, no, I'll put my line down in the standard now, I'm not gonna watch him before I get on. I'm like you are.

Speaker 2:

How many times have we? Been walking, as shows that we came into it where it was like hey, let's just, let's just, hey, we'll narrow it down to reoccurring shows. Right, reoccurring. We won't, we won't even pull in new shows.

Speaker 1:

Okay, how?

Speaker 2:

many times has it been where, hey, we watch it, we watch it, we get caught up. New season comes out. You're like no yeah. I'm gonna wait till till it's up. I've watched it all. I've watched all the seasons, all the episodes dubbed this. You're missing out on it, right, okay, okay, okay, you know so for me, because I just watched all of season one. You know dub and I've watched all the way up to episode 35 dub. I'm gonna. I'm gonna wait this one out to watch it all dubbed.

Speaker 1:

That's what you meant by get ready. Yeah, so I'm gonna end the show at 33 minutes. We're not gonna dive into this fucking show anymore. We got. You are such a little bitch.

Speaker 2:

I got, hey, respect, respect, I do. Yeah, I don't Know you are, though, because you're switching up, you do it and the show is so good You're like I gotta watch the next one sub Bullshit, bullshit. You've always been like I just watch 37 episodes in like three days you know you do watch a lot, I'll give you credit credit this cast of this voice.

Speaker 1:

I get it. The criteria that you put into it I Like six weeks, seven weeks, whatever it is.

Speaker 2:

How did you do dr Stone last season, right?

Speaker 1:

Okay, hear me out here hear me out here, I'll take a step back here, me out here. Did I not watch dr Stone's sub and tell you, oh yeah, it's, it's not too bad, like I I could, but I prefer it dubbed. That's what I said, right, about dr Stone. Like one episode, or like I watched like two or three, I think, of subbed episodes of dr Stone. I told you I'm just gonna wait for it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, you may have maybe two maybe two, maybe not three, that might be pushing it. And I told you I was like, yeah, I like it dubs, I'm just gonna wait. Right, that's what I said, correct? I don't think I've ever heard you say oh, I just like jujitsu kai's in the it's a Dory's voice actors, so much I'm gonna wait no, I never. And has it not been true?

Speaker 1:

When you watch shows and it's so good you're like I'm gonna watch the sub because I just I got to see the next episode. Was that at the case for a one-piece was?

Speaker 2:

that a case for sure. Other shows that's the go.

Speaker 1:

That's the go and isn't jujitsu kai's in your number two show right now. That's how that would lend it to the air of being one of those shows that you just said 10 milliseconds ago, but you're still not what I just? I just want to know why.

Speaker 2:

I still. I still hold in the same credence, because it's come out how long you've been telling me hey, did you watch you?

Speaker 1:

You know, do you watch it, watch it, watch it yeah no, no, I haven't watched it.

Speaker 2:

I haven't watched, I was watching, I was busy watching. All last season shows that you watch, so I had something to say about them and Going into this season and now I'm watching all these season shows. All the recurring it where it's already like hey, like you know, and with you know, all the other shit I got going on. Yeah, yeah, I'm getting with it into it when I'm getting to it and Life's been hit this both hard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got you. Yeah, go get a decent amount in so okay, I'll take my step back, but I'm still disgusted with you. And if you're listening out there, what side do you align with? Do you go like, yeah, I'm?

Speaker 2:

glad you can feel this disgust. There's so many years, so many years. I'm just like.

Speaker 1:

I finally.

Speaker 2:

Finally grasp this, this.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, really you're killing yourself. To be honest, the next two episodes are fucking.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure I was tempted to do so. And they're fucking, I hit I hit it last night at like fucking 130 or some shit.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I mean, I just mean tonight in general, like I mean.

Speaker 2:

Prior to that I already decided, like I'm just watching. I'm gonna watch.

Speaker 1:

You are far in, far enough into where. Yeah, it makes sense. Just to wait, cuz I'm in English is really guy. I remember the voice actor is good and so I'm sure it's really great watching it that way.

Speaker 2:

I'm not. I'm not like slanting the no, you know the episodes, I mean yeah, I'm definitely trying to portray it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I goddamn know. So I'm sitting here so perplexed right now as to why the fuck you will not get any sense.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

whatever, I guess I won't be able to talk about those two episodes with you for until next week at least. Anyway, yeah, at least one of them. So to where you're at right. So let's, let's, let's, let's go, let's just peel it back here, it's Billy's layers back, like we said. Spoiler you didn't hear earlier.

Speaker 1:

If you listen, all this like, oh, you guys don't really do any spoiling. Well, it's gonna fucking be spoiling now. So get fucking ready. Well, I'm gonna dive into the first five episodes. So, which is flashback? What just hit me with your every, because you're you watch the first season, so you probably have better insight on what, what, how Did that stand out to you? What, what stood out? Why did you know? To help dive in, dive in the first five. Yeah, it's first, or I guess first. Four really Is all flashback, right, I think. Yeah, yeah, maybe like a mid, mid-mid. Five is like half and half, I don't, I don't, I get remember, but for sure up to three and then four. Anyways, just go from your impersonations, because how about this? You'd be lost.

Speaker 2:

I guess that is five.

Speaker 1:

It is five. Okay, yeah, I mean I was lost to start initially. I had to go back and look to be like what am I watching, cuz? I didn't realize it was a flashback, so go dive it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes so I obviously had the the benefit of you have already watched it. And you were coming to me like hey, what did you think about that? And I was like I don't know, I haven't watched it yet.

Speaker 2:

And I like like for this is like from right there, I was just like okay, interesting, I, that's probably all, almost. Maybe I didn't even realize subconsciously, like that's why I probably haven't watched it until recently, because when it first came out I remember you were gonna we were both of you like gung-ho better. Oh yeah, it's finally back right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I think you would. I must have been watching something whatever two seasons ago when the first one came out, since we're closing on 24 now. So it's been out. It's been playing for 17 weeks, which is, you know, five weeks over what most of these other shows have been playing. So it's one where it's like, oh hey, fucking just came out. I'm all about, I'm watching it, watching it, watching it, and I was still trying to finish up.

Speaker 1:

Whatever fucking handyman or and shadow in the ambulance and whatever other. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I was like ah, hey, I'll get to it when I get to it, right, you know, yeah, it is bad ass, it's not going anywhere and once I hit it so it's like I think from that standpoint I wasn't as necessarily like, especially after you came out, you were kind of like ah Cool, I can wait for that shit to come out, yeah, cuz I was kind of confused, mm-hmm. Yeah, and then you know Me, I do for sure all of season one going into season two.

Speaker 2:

I mean, fuck, the first five episodes were, like, probably my favorite favorite ever Even probably more so than maybe not the last two or three, because one of them was fucking Crazy as fuck. But like the first couple episodes, I think it'd been my favorite of the entire season so far.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Okay, like how you it really like you're saying the first couple of this newest season of season the newest season. Yeah, okay, I think you meant you're still talking about season one. Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, like I call it a flashback. It's like a flashback right. So good, dude. Oh my god, it's like, it's like that. That because the setting is story, there are. Episodes set the whole framework for all what's going on?

Speaker 1:

one all, yeah, he's the one, yeah framework set I all of a sudden. Now I understand everything now it all the, all the pieces just came together right, yeah, now I understand all five double fingers attack now I know why season one this happened, this happened.

Speaker 2:

This happened. This happened this happened.

Speaker 1:

I haven't looked. I Damn.

Speaker 2:

I looked into it like that season two now, as soon as we get past it, we get into episode six. Boom, that's just jumping from the last episode of season, like season one 24 yeah who now what is like I don't know 36 or some shit right. Yess, yeah whatever it, yeah, exactly, uh, I guess like 34-thirty one or something like yeah, three, two, something like that um-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh, whatever it is, but so like.

Speaker 2:

So then now I'm seeing them, like hey, now I know the whole backdrop, the whole background back by op. You know Psyops, I got it all. I understand what's going on now, you see.

Speaker 1:

It's episode 30, by the way.

Speaker 2:

Fucking plot going on all this shit that you thought was happening and you're sitting.

Speaker 1:

You think you would never happen. You're seeing certain things.

Speaker 2:

So you immediately start to think certain things and then, as to where I got in last episode, it was like oh Fuck, dude. It's like oh Bro, no way Like now I. Now there's, there's a different set of emotions that are fucking hitting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm coming in.

Speaker 2:

I'm just like damn dude that that they're able to elicit it like that and be able to like Fucking, get you like okay, this is the way. This is the way. This is the way. Whoa wait what?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Let's, we're gonna rewind it is.

Speaker 1:

It is a mind fuck and a half dude. Like the twist, the turns, the it is. You said it. It is probably the second best show out on anime right now. That's a, that's a concurrent or like.

Speaker 2:

I don't even put close to it.

Speaker 1:

You know, is like fucking black clover was a great example.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, from like a. Well, that's still ongoing right now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think, like my hero cat of me, a new one's gonna come out here pretty soon.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's like over coming out again. See what the fuck's going on with that.

Speaker 2:

By the way, I think they're still trying to figure out the fuck's going on. That's fucking ridiculous. Anyway, moving on, moving on, so yeah no first side of the kingdom of curse. Oh, good case. It cares, clarify, yeah, yeah why don't you clarify like butter?

Speaker 1:

clarify like some butter. Anyways, those first three episodes I told you, obviously excited, every week was like did you watch episode three, yet Did you watch episode three? Yet Did you watch episode three, yet Did you? What? Now that I know you've watched episode three, hit me.

Speaker 2:

That that happens, that you're. I thought was three no, the four, it's five, it is five. Yeah, yeah, it's literally like the, the, the title of that episode.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I guess, I guess you're right.

Speaker 2:

But but that, that I mean. Do we want to reveal that, or should we leave a little bit of like?

Speaker 1:

I guess we'll leave a little bit, because that is, it is of nice value. So for that happened.

Speaker 2:

I think absolutely yes, that that was the, the crux of, of the Divergence, I guess yeah, from where? The where they were with which again it's with what I'm saying. You get that you know very early on that and that really just just Reinforce your, your thoughts and ideas of him from season one if you're watching like all the way through, like I just Like, okay, hey, now no, I know, I understand this, I understand.

Speaker 2:

I'm a soft, alright, yeah, yeah now I get all the way to the most recent episode and everyone's like oh, oh shit, what's he gonna do?

Speaker 1:

and I 100% you know it's funny why?

Speaker 2:

he did what he fucking did. I'm like, hey, I might not not even have gone that far, you, you just went, that fucking far yeah. I would have been just like 100,000 people in here, like 70,000 people, eight, you know whatever like, and then tire, fuck an entire country, maybe, maybe three was the one where he did his one move that we had never seen before. When he does a simple domain for the first time. Maybe that's what it was when is that the blue ball?

Speaker 2:

Well, no, no, and it's like doing the yeah, I got a loose man. That's His new one, got it, got it.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that was three black, to blue to purple, I think that was three and it was like Whole like you, just get them Powerful he is like you already knew, but you're like, well, I think even even up in, like the last two episodes.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's the subway, it's clear guys that we just found in, like the seance episode, the lady.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and they're all when he's a kid.

Speaker 2:

With weaklings like oh my god, oh my god.

Speaker 1:

We were cursed people. We were allowed to that shit dude. That's why I rewatched that episode, just to be fresh, fresh, fresh with you when. So this is episode 15. For those that care and we hope you care for those that are listening that old dude the one they you know took him forever to figure out what the fuck was going on with his his curse, his technique when he cuts homeboys back of his head open and they're on the ground. He's like going through and like you can see the dude's face.

Speaker 1:

Like me, holy shit, like I'm just like that is oh yeah, that is Like deep dark and just yeah, you just don't think of that being in the animation. That's why we always are so heavy on by hey, check shit out. You know what I mean and we're gonna dive way more into this, but you listen, you got this right. Jiu-jitsu kaisen. If you're like, oh, I hadn't really heard it, you mean, Get the fuck on it.

Speaker 2:

A lot of what people have heard now. They're like yo, this should probably sound too intense. This shit is too like fucking whatever right. I'm like guess what right as that should ends. You get into an episode and it's literally called. It's like that it's like that. You sense to get like the two episodes like. Real shit is actually happening and shit is progressing. But there's a funny like situation that's going on, where it's like I don't know. I'd call it like a Roma, like a little mini romance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, used to be a faggot.

Speaker 2:

Certainly a great.

Speaker 1:

It's cool, it's something for him.

Speaker 2:

It's almost like a palette cleanser. Some shit just was like super heavy, super serious, and now we're gonna be like hey look at this and then like oh we're gonna leave you on this cliffhanger. We're like, oh shit, does this happen? Yeah, we're gonna give you. The next episode was like yeah, and then all of a sudden sees him in action, is like oh, what the fuck? Like oh, shit, shit, shit, right you know and no jump jump.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the rest of the season, but so, yeah, for me it was like, yeah, first five episodes, fucking flashback, phenomenal story building. The depth Toy makes you understand what's currently going on and I'm sure, as you said in the past too, it sets up all the blocks for you to figure that out. Obviously, I didn't go back far enough to reconnect those dots. I loved it, I love. I mean, I'm in fucking love. Obviously I've been telling you I'm doing it right now. I'm just like this show is killing it.

Speaker 1:

I need the next episode, this last episode. I fucking hate you, dude. I fucking hate you. Oh, uh, well, I mean you. You know this much. You know that we're going into battles, you know that, like that's obvious.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, the way they do this most recent one, just Fuck, just well, I was already stoked on like that's what almost made want to go into the one you're going into is gonna be right like fucking, how like non of me is coming into that shit.

Speaker 1:

And he's just like.

Speaker 2:

I think it was the title of it is called like blunt ax slayer or some shit.

Speaker 1:

Oh, See, here it is called yeah, dull knife, dull knife. Yeah, yeah, and you understand Well.

Speaker 2:

But I think even last part of the one before that, where they're doing like. The highlight at the end of like the commentator is something like blunt, blunt knife.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sure. Well, I'm not listening to it in English.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I could yeah, but but anyways yeah, so I knew it was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't give away too much, but the way that Was full dull knife oh. I don't want to say anymore of it, but yeah, yeah, don't look, yeah, and that's why I don't want to say too much. But like the way that one ends like the lat, it's all really good, but the last like five minutes or so, just the scene, that one scene and you'll know it.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, just like, very reminiscent of like, without giving away too much, like an unglorious bastards in the Jew bear, just just Just whoo, just you're just yeah, so I'll leave it there, you're gonna be. And then, yeah, exactly that, you nailed it. And so, oh man, I got my tear up all about a little bit. Just think about just, cinema is just so goddamn good, like it. And the next episode that it's just it pops off the screen. So, yeah, fuck you. But so, anyways, we'll jump, we'll jump back where we're jumping back or going back and forth. They're going back and forth here, from current time to where you're at.

Speaker 1:

How do you feel? I feel I start off a little slow. You said we already kind of dive into it. A little bit of romance, a little bit of light stuff, it's good, it's fine. And then when you find yourself leading into where you're at and you're really starting to get the battles and shit, how do you, how you feeling about everything? Let's go, let's break it down even further. I'm sorry, go, joe. They're starting to set up you. You know what's coming down the line now. How do you feel, is that's?

Speaker 2:

all I mean. I don't think you know to the extent that, to what happens, but you have an idea that you. This is the target, something it is some.

Speaker 1:

Some's a miss.

Speaker 2:

This is a meditated attempt to try to eliminate him from the equation.

Speaker 1:

Yep right, and then how do you feel they go about it?

Speaker 2:

I Honestly, I was super confused early on with the fucking whole mechamaru shit. I was like okay, oh yeah this guy's a fucking traitor. Fuck this guy, let's get him. Let's get him, let's get up and then you see, find out that they ended up taking advantage of him because of how his curse works, and he lost half his body and he's in there. The only way he can continue to survive is making a deal with these guys.

Speaker 2:

I love me at the same time they're like, hey, you gotta feed us all this information. So he's trying to like he came out. Now he's trying to go this line where it's like hey, I know this is wrong, but I want to live.

Speaker 2:

So, this is what I can do, to do right, and he tries, like, balance that line while also being like, unfortunately, very like removed from the rest of the group. Yeah, I mean you have that one episode where it's like, obviously, you get a lot of flashbacks later on in the last couple episodes of him, like he has a crush on May, or he loves me or some shit you know and you have a scene where she's like I really want you know, want to get to know you, I'd love to come actually see you.

Speaker 2:

Like I promise I won't be scared and you know, like you're, like you feel for him.

Speaker 2:

And he's trying to make it right after, but yeah, fuck, this is what happened to this guy and like you gotta get his backstory a little bit. And then all of a sudden, yeah, it fucking breaks off where they like you think they're about to get him and they're like up psych. No, he was on you guys a whole fucking. It seems like it, and maybe it's just like how they portrayed it, but it seems like when, as he portrays himself to hit to them, he has no lower torso.

Speaker 2:

Yeah great upper torso, then all of a sudden, even prior to making the deal with fucking Gaita, and I'm not yeah, but they give him a body when they come up.

Speaker 1:

That's right, they gave his body back, yeah, well, I'm saying well, no, he did transfiguration and like fucking through back of his body to how it was supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, before that you're saying sorry. Yeah, because he stands up and he rips off like all the tubes and shit but, so there were certain things where I was the kind of like, wait what you? Know, yeah, which maybe I'm blanking on Not catching our understanding properly, but I think, from from that standpoint and just how they said it all together, and then how he is so like earnestly, like set on Fuck, I'm gonna beat you guys, I'm gonna beat you guys and that.

Speaker 1:

I got you guys, it's like it's like.

Speaker 2:

I think it's like it's either at the end of his like the first episode of this fight, cuz his fight only goes on like two episodes. Yeah either at the end of his first episode or at the beginning of his second, like portion of the fight. Don't mean.

Speaker 1:

Where he kind of shows.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, he shows like, hey, my technique, my technique, is working like this right now. Yeah, my goal is I need to get the software or go Joe, I need to alert him of this situation. Yeah, these are the diss, like different ways to do it, like they show some fucking graphic.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, I think I yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I think I think in that point alone, like that's where I was like wait, whoa, now I'm totally fucking confused. This guy's actually trying to help and then, obviously, as you get to where we are now, a couple episodes later, he's got all these very obvious little gadgets, pieces of him like backup bodies, their figurines. Like it's okay, it's like a earpiece.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. So I say like a little gadget.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Earpiece just call it.

Speaker 2:

It's like a contingency plan right Like okay, I was able to program all these computers like robots to do all this shit. I can. I can program a computer to be like, hey, at this point time past my death, you shoot off and go fucking find this person. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Very, very thought out and plan so. But yeah, his, his two fights are badass when he fucking when they should have won. He should have when they thought they had a beat in the domain and he fucking shocked him. I was like oh boy and yeah, just the way we've been to.

Speaker 2:

We should have beat my he toe to. Yeah fucking gated like stepped in. Yeah, yep, true. So, any loss like the second portion of his Lifespan, whenever he's using the yeah and then all of a sudden you know it was fucking. He also should not have got his cocky. I didn't. I didn't think he had killed my he toe the first time and he did, and then he was also. Oh, I got nine years left, I'm gonna go fuck up gay.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and I'm gonna say you better make sure this motherfucker still dead, because the way it looked like and that was like one of my favorite episodes to as they show, because the whole thing was my he Do. It's like he absorbed all these different, so all these different souls and shit right.

Speaker 2:

So, as he's blowing him up. It's like, you see, like, oh, a rat soul, a pig soul, a cow soul, it fucking a little kid soul, like an immediate, like a teen soul, all of a sudden adult soul. He's like, yeah, and then it stops, right, you know. It's like, oh, he, just, he barely got saved on the last soul that he had. But then when you come to find out, he, he, you know, allegedly planned all that because, like, oh hey, I knew if it looked like I blew up all my souls and my barrier, my domain dropped, that I'd be dead.

Speaker 2:

That's how we ended up getting him at the end and came in with like the fucking little like drill drill head guns.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay, yeah. No, it was good, it was really good and it just it keeps. I think it just kept building on an exponential. I think it's like you know they like a cascading effect, you know. I mean it's just like, and I'm yeah, so to where you're at. Well, we got now, we got the little bit of the background again. Right, go Joe talking shit about those older people and or the curse users, excuse me, and the ones that helped them and Already talked about the one dude, the one where is a we just his technique. It took him a long time to figure that out, which was very unique. I fucking hated that technique, dude, how they thought you had to hit him hard and then soft or whatever to fucking actually hurt him. Are you trying to figure?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Sorry, we're, you're, yeah, yeah the old guy and then the old lady Hershey was fucked. That too her little backstory, when she's acting like the girl, the daughter and since then her dad's laugh and stabs. She's like the last thing your daughter was screaming was her mother's name, not yours. I was like oh Shit. And then her grandson fucking hitting the upperclassmen like that. Oh, class one, why is he allowed to go fight out there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm like what the fuck dude like.

Speaker 1:

Unless he gets, he must have some. I'm thinking he must have some crazy.

Speaker 2:

Probably part of her, like chance and shit that got him powered up in the first place.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm like ultimate chant and he's gonna go like super crazy whole shit. Never come back from it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I mean that's, that's the next part. I think that's leading into the next one. So you haven't seen too is like where all that kind of develops. You know, because it does come to some conclusions there. But yeah, I go, fuck yourself, I can't say, can't say anymore without ruining anything.

Speaker 1:

It's going to, it's going to be something else when you get those two of us so I'm trying to like hold myself, trying to think of superlatives and words and things to say you like that, you like that just came to me. I was like I think that'll work. Yeah, it's amazing, it's really good. So you know, jujitsu guys in I, I really can't say enough about it. I want to watch more. Like I want to see the next and the next to give more content. I we covered pretty much everything. There might be a couple things in there we kind of miss. I think we kind of touched upon all the major events. Um, maybe not as the beginning of the bet, we didn't we to go over the subway and all that. But I think that's good. I think, yeah, I want people to see you, you don't want to like you give out too much of it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, and I think I think the plan and how they set it up was fucking great. I don't know they got a good.

Speaker 1:

I loved how, how they he kind of, he kind of came in cocky.

Speaker 2:

Sacher all that shit, yeah, well, yeah, and then even to he, I mean a hundred percent he did, a hundred percent, he did well deserved, and understanding why he did. But and the whole process of to that whole like plot, that whole that you know that that's dynamic yeah that's all yeah and shit, I think.

Speaker 1:

I still think he's amazing for what he did.

Speaker 2:

We won't go into death on it, you know and then even afterwards, yeah, it's like, oh it happens, you're like I could do this and the man it's like you know that me, you know that me when the math and like wondering how everything happened that's how I felt in that moment when it's like if I do this and it's only two point two seconds, then they won't die okay, I'm like what the fuck did you?

Speaker 2:

just do like and then, and then you take that a step farther to win, like the shit that actually happens to him happens to him it's like okay, it happens, okay next episode. You're like, oh fuck, like fuck, fuck, fuck, we're fucked, we're fucked, and then all of a sudden, yeah, I believe in you, satyro.

Speaker 1:

I never lost faith. And then, yeah, and you get further in.

Speaker 2:

You're like okay yeah, okay, all right, kind of solid, coming kind of didn't okay and then even to even them, just just trying to the curse is trying to decide like, how are we gonna divvy up the fight here? Right, they're like they all kept looking back again.

Speaker 2:

It's like I'm staying here yeah, oh well okay, well, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go fuck with these little weak guys over here. They're like all right, I guess I'm gonna go this way and it's like, yeah, like my my may, may, may, may, my may, whatever the fuck that little like you got the stupid brain rise, yeah, yeah what? Yeah, and a little brother dude, oh my god. A little fucking loser as bitch dude.

Speaker 1:

I do like the pairing of editorial in her though no, no, I did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you can dominate me you're.

Speaker 1:

You're a bitch dude like you need to watch. Those need to. I'm sticking to my guns, dude, you fuck it sub. You go back and watch it dub, just watch it over again. You do all the time you can try to mimic me and mock me all you want. Okay, I'm not like some of your other weak minded friends who take offense to that will fly off the fucking handle. All right, I could take it. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, I don't want you to chuck too hard while you're chucking that beer amazing show.

Speaker 1:

I was laughing at you while I was drinking the beer, that's how well, I could do both at the same time so I'm sure you're, I'm at where I'm at, even though you're only 15 in. I think it's well we're saying I think it's well we're saying that this show is badass, top of the line from the season it came out. And if we're doing it last season, it's gonna. If you want to even draw it into this season, it's still gonna be better than everything. That's fucking Goblin Slayer, all it's all those are all gonna be great.

Speaker 1:

And I haven't seen him, so I don't want to say for sure, for sure, but I'm pretty goddamn confident. The way to just guys.

Speaker 2:

I really love Goblin Slayer, though, so I haven't, I haven't, I haven't died in, I haven't got in this season. Two was a six years later.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because five years later, hey, they had that one scene. They probably had a PR night man they probably had to get new lawyers dude after that first scene.

Speaker 2:

They probably made a fortune off that fucking scene. They made a fortune off that fucking scene dude, I'm, I'm, I'm man enough to minute the entire fucking higher community knows that fucking scene.

Speaker 1:

Hey, if you ever heard cheeks clown.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm just saying, like they, they, you know, you know, if you, if you claim to be a fan, you know, you know, you know, you know same thing, like if you really are a fan.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you ever seen the berserk children? You know no others. Oh yes, you have in that guy and that third movie, that third movie, that's seen at the end, that's not worse thing, like all as well. Comparison of what people know compared to that one yeah, yeah, yeah I got.

Speaker 2:

We're going way off track here. I'll be more so just in relativity, but we're going way off track, you're sorry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we, spencer, could just dive into a fucking show to show he needs a bathroom. So he's just guys and amazing should definitely watch it. We'll give you a full update once. Bitch boy, watch us all the way through. I mean, obviously I'm not done yet because the show is not done yet. We appreciate the fucking. You guys getting out here, listening and joining, even though we're slapdicks mainly Spencer, not me so you guys have a great night and, as always, watch some fucking anime. Jason. No-transcript.

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