Sean Michael Crane's Unstoppable Mindset

How to get more clients as an online coach

Sean Michael Crane Episode 28

What if you could turn your social media presence into a powerhouse personal brand that truly resonates with your audience? In this episode of the Unstoppable Mindset Podcast, I, Sean Michael Crane, will guide you through the essentials of crafting high-quality content that not only connects emotionally but also stands the test of time. We’ll dissect why many online coaches and entrepreneurs stumble despite having valuable expertise, emphasizing the critical need for authenticity and depth in your messaging. Get ready to learn proven strategies to create engaging content that ensures longevity and builds a compelling personal brand in the crowded digital space.

Ever felt like your coaching or speaking business is stuck in first gear? Discover the concept of "unstoppable influence" tailored specifically for you! Addressing common hurdles like slow business growth and lack of momentum, I’ll share actionable steps to accelerate your success. Learn about the Influence Program, designed to turn your passion into a thriving business through organization, accountability, and effective systems. If you're eager to make a meaningful impact and transform your expertise into a viable venture, this episode is your roadmap to living the ultimate life you’ve always aspired to. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your business to the next level!

Speaker 0:

Welcome back to another episode of the Unstoppable Mindset Podcast. I'm your host, shawn Michael Crane. Thank you guys for tuning in. Please make sure you subscribe and share my channel with anybody that wants to level up in life. We're bringing some good messages. We're bringing life-changing messages and applications. So if you want to transform, if you want to level up, if you want to elevate, if you want to live the ultimate life, this is the place to be. Make sure you share and subscribe, please, and thank you. Okay.

Speaker 0:

So today I'm talking to all of you out there who are using social media to build a personal brand. All of you coaches, consultants, speakers, business owners, entrepreneurs that are using social media to generate leads, to make money and to make an impact in the world. I want to share some things with you that I went over with a group that I coach and mentor last week. Now I have about 10 to 12 people who I coach and mentor on how to leverage social media, how to market themselves the right way, how to build relationships, how to actually make money online and get people results. I share with them all the things I've done to this point to grow my business, all the things I've done to this point to grow my business, all the things I've done to this point, to hit big stages, to build my brand and to do what I love to do every day, which is change lives and turn it into a viable business. Now, if you're somebody who's in the online space, I want you to recognize there's a lot of you out there right now. Maybe I wasn't as aware of it, or when I first started, there wasn't as many aspiring online coaches, but they're everywhere now. Everyone wants to be an online coach because it's trendy, it's cool and who wouldn't want to do it? I mean, that's why I became an online coach. You can help people all over the world make a bunch of money and live a badass life and have ultimate control and freedom of your time and have a flexible schedule and be your own boss.

Speaker 0:

It's amazing, but a lot of people struggle and they're never successful and they won't last. They won't last because they don't want it bad enough. They quit and they stop. They're inconsistent and they also they don't know how to connect with people on a deeper level. So let's say you're an aspiring fitness coach, like, yeah, cool, you can get people shredded, you can teach them about nutrition, but a lot of times, it's the emotional connection, it's life coaching, it's the ability to help people change their thoughts. Their behaviors show up in their relationships at a higher level, like it's multifaceted, and if you're a coach that can speak that language, you're going to last, because people need life coaches, right. They need accountability, they need discipline, they need to change their mindset. So that's what I'm seeing is, there's a lot of fitness coaches, a lot of nutrition coaches, a lot of people in the space, but a lot of them won't last because, number one, they don't want it bad enough and, number two, they don't know how to make that connection with their audience on a deeper level. So here are three things that will help you.

Speaker 0:

If you're somebody that wants to sell more of your product or service online, you want to generate more leads, you want to actually make money and change lives, okay. The first thing is creation. You have to create good content. You have to create a message. You have to create something that you can offer people a product, a service, a blueprint. You have to get in the habit of creating things that are valuable, okay.

Speaker 0:

So the first step, though, is your content. Your content needs to be constant, so people are always seeing you and hearing from you and you're always on their mind, right Like they might not even listen to all your messages. They might skip through all your stories and go through all your reels, just like they do everyone else but that one message, that one piece of content maybe it's the 17th, maybe it's the 33rd time they scrolled by your page or maybe they listened to you early on, but then they've been distracted with their own life. But because you've been consistently putting out content, they listen to that one video and it resonates with them. That's why content needs to be constant and it needs to be really good. So consistency is key there. But you need to be in the habit of creating valuable pieces of content, valuable things that you can offer people. Maybe it's a free blueprint, maybe it's three steps to get in the best shape of their life for summer, or you know three steps to passive investing or whatever it is the five steps to changing your mindset, like, get in the habit of creating content. And then valuable. You know blueprints or PDFs or e-books for people okay. Valuable, you know blueprints or PDFs or e-books for people okay.

Speaker 0:

But the next thing here is your content isn't enough, because I see a lot of people who put out a lot of content and it sucks. It's like surface level right. There's no depth to it. I can't feel anything when you're speaking. I don't feel any emotion when you're sharing your story. I don't get goosebumps, I don't get chills, I'm not inspired to go run down the street and scream about my goals and pursue my ultimate life.

Speaker 0:

So if you're not doing that for people, why not? Number one do you have that depth in you? Have you been through enough where you can share from that place of experience with others? Or, number two are you holding back? Are you scared of being judged? Are you scared about being fully transparent, fully vulnerable, fully letting go? See, most of you, I can see when I watch your content. You're not all in. You're saying what you think people want to hear and you're saying a message that you think is good and it's going to resonate with them, but it's not because you're not speaking your truth.

Speaker 0:

So the first thing is creation, obviously. The second component, which is so important and this is what's helped me become successful is connection. I've been able to connect with people all over the country and the world through my messages because I feel on such a deep level because I draw from my painful experiences, I draw from my failures, I draw from my triumphs and my gratitude, and my family and my kids and my parents dying and going to prison and all this bad shit that I went through. It's all intertwined inside of me and I know how to tap into that emotion and share it in my message. Okay, but here's another thing you won't be able to share powerful messages if you're not constantly developing yourself. Like if I slept in today, ate some donuts for breakfast and just rolled out of bed and came here, my message would fucking suck.

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But I got up at five, I did cardio, I did the sauna, the cold plunge. I'm eating clean, I'm tapped in. I just did a coaching call with all the men in my Unstoppable 365 Mindset and Fitness and Nutrition program. I'm in alignment man with who I want to be. I can't just fake this energy. I can't fake this emotion. I'm not an actor. I'm a human being. I'm vulnerable, I'm authentic, I'm a real person. I'm going to share with you what I'm really going through. So that's the thing is a lot of people they're scared to share their truth and, number two, they're not working on themselves enough to where they have this feeling inside of them. Like people will feel this energy when you cultivate it inside of yourself first.

Speaker 0:

So a lot of you coaches you're still on like level one, two and three of your personal development and you're trying to coach people who are further ahead than you, or you're trying to be someone you're not. If you're on level two or three of your personal development, you just started getting in shape. You just started developing your habits. That's okay. You can help people who are further behind than you, but don't try to help the whole world because you're not valuable to the whole world yet. Help the people you know you can help. Stay in your lane, Speak your message, be honest, be authentic. Don't try to appear successful or more successful than you are. Just be who you are.

Speaker 0:

Like you guys, when I got out of prison, I wasn't trying to coach multimillionaire business owners and guys who had hundreds or thousands of employees. I was just coaching that guy that wanted to get sober, that guy that wanted to learn how to work out, that guy that just wanted to stop sabotaging his potential. Like I was on level one, two and three of my career and that's the type of person I was attracting and helping because I was speaking my truth and I wasn't trying to be somebody that I'm not. Now I have clients who are seven-, eight-, nine-fig figure business owners who have hundreds or, if not thousands, of employees. They're you know, they're. They're companies in half of the States in the United States of America.

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Like, it took me a while to get to this point and attract these type of clients. So I've worked on myself every day. You know, I've bet on myself. I've taken the risk, I put myself out there. I've had content that's been constant from day one and it's emotionally charged. I'm documenting my life. I'm fully transparent for the whole world to see. Okay.

Speaker 0:

So the last component, though, for those of you watching who want to make money online, you want to be a coach or speaker. You want to have an actual business where you can use social media to generate leads and convert people. That's the last step is conversion. So if you're putting out content, the premise of your content is to get people's attention, get them feeling something internally, so they comment on your post, so they share your video, so they reach out. That creates an opportunity for you to have a more in-depth conversation. That should take place behind the scenes in Messenger, no-transcript know to actually convert people to customers.

Speaker 0:

Like dude, I have 2,300 followers on Instagram. Right now I started a new Instagram. I'm always generating clients and revenue from that small amount of people. You don't need millions of people initially to start to make money. You can make a million dollars with 1500 followers on Instagram If you know how to monetize your following, if you have a good offer and you actually get real results for people. I also use Facebook Facebook. I have about 12,000 followers. That's not a lot of followers to create a seven figure coaching business. You don't need millions of followers and millions of views to create actual customers. You need to know how to create content that registers with them on an emotional level and how to take that initial intrigue they've shown or that comment they left or that share that they did, and turn it into a real conversation where they feel some type of trust in you and then convert them into a paying client or customer. So that happens in the DMs and on the sales calls. These are all things that I teach at a high level to my private mastermind.

Speaker 0:

I call it unstoppable influence If you're a coach or a speaker and you want to take things to the next level. You're not making money, you're not helping people, you don't see momentum building in your business or it's just going really slow and you want to actually expedite that to get results. Shoot me a DM on Instagram, sean Crane official. Shoot me a DM. Say I'm ready to jump in the influence program. Or you can go to, you know, and message me there. But look you guys, the world needs you If you're somebody that has experience, expertise, you have a heart to serve. Stop holding back. The world needs you. Treat this passion you have as a viable business. Create systems, have accountability, be organized and stop fucking around.

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