
Is Evergrande the tip of the iceberg?

October 06, 2021
Is Evergrande the tip of the iceberg?
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Is Evergrande the tip of the iceberg?
Oct 06, 2021

Macquarie Head of China Economics Larry Hu joins Macquarie Asset Management's Dan McCormack to discuss Evergrande’s debt issues, their potential effects, and whether the crisis is manageable by the Chinese state. 

Originally posted October 6, 2021

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Show Notes

Macquarie Head of China Economics Larry Hu joins Macquarie Asset Management's Dan McCormack to discuss Evergrande’s debt issues, their potential effects, and whether the crisis is manageable by the Chinese state. 

Originally posted October 6, 2021

© 2024 Macquarie Group Limited [3462706]

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