Welcome to the Love Middle Life - The Podcast

Am I Codependent: Codependency Explained

June 11, 2023 Gina Fromme

Join me and my friend, Mary Kane, as we explore another topic central to narcissism:  Codependency.  We talk about the definition, the signs, and the way out of the toxic trait of codependency. 

Here are some of the resources and links mentioned in the podcast:

www.coda.org   (Codependents Anonymous)

Am I Codependent: Codependency Explained - LoveMiddleLife.com

Mary Kane's Website, www.loseyournarc.com

Mary Kane on Tick Tock @MaryFrickingKane

Codependents No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Care for Yourself‘', by Melody Beattie

‘Facing and Overcoming Codependency: Practical Guidance to Fix Your Codependency, Stop Being a People Pleaser, and Start Loving Yourself‘, by Andrei Nedelcu

The Better Boundaries Workbook: A CBT-Based Program to Help You Set Limits, Express Your Needs, and Create Healthy Relationships, by Sharon Martin MSW
