Barrett's Swaggy Life Talks

Faith, Films and Physical Therapy: Moving Lives

May 31, 2024 Barrett
Faith, Films and Physical Therapy: Moving Lives
Barrett's Swaggy Life Talks
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Barrett's Swaggy Life Talks
Faith, Films and Physical Therapy: Moving Lives
May 31, 2024

Ever stopped to consider how movies can shape your life? Imagine the journey of two aspiring physical therapists, Allen and Holly, who found inspiration in their favorite films. Guided by experiences at an IV rehab center and lessons learned far beyond the confines of a textbook, they take us through their unique paths, discussing the challenges they face and their dreams for the future. 

Our conversation takes an uplifting turn, exploring the miraculous healing power that faith can bestow on patients. As physical therapists, faith has been our motivation, continuously fueling our drive to assist in recovery. We delve into the impact of spirituality in our line of work, the miracles we've been part of and how physical therapy remains beneficial to all, irrespective of their beliefs. We also have an interesting chat with an ambitious PT student eager to share their dreams and aspirations. Get ready to be inspired and gain an intriguing peek into the world of physical therapy. It's not just about movement; it's about moving lives.

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Ever stopped to consider how movies can shape your life? Imagine the journey of two aspiring physical therapists, Allen and Holly, who found inspiration in their favorite films. Guided by experiences at an IV rehab center and lessons learned far beyond the confines of a textbook, they take us through their unique paths, discussing the challenges they face and their dreams for the future. 

Our conversation takes an uplifting turn, exploring the miraculous healing power that faith can bestow on patients. As physical therapists, faith has been our motivation, continuously fueling our drive to assist in recovery. We delve into the impact of spirituality in our line of work, the miracles we've been part of and how physical therapy remains beneficial to all, irrespective of their beliefs. We also have an interesting chat with an ambitious PT student eager to share their dreams and aspirations. Get ready to be inspired and gain an intriguing peek into the world of physical therapy. It's not just about movement; it's about moving lives.

Speaker 1:

We've done everything you've asked. Everything's going according to plan.

Speaker 2:

Cover, we want county, and the backpack has never been stronger.

Speaker 1:

So tell us, governor, what else can we do for you?

Speaker 2:

I got it from here. Welcome back to another episode of Best Way they Talks. Let me tell you I'm very interested in this episode today Because with me I have Alan and Holly. Thank you all for being on the podcast with me today.

Speaker 1:

Any time, looking forward to it.

Speaker 2:

Of course I know you're going right now trying to get through a physical therapy school and trying to figure out what you want to do in the physical therapy field. So what do you want to achieve in the world? What are you trying to do? Just decide what you're going to do.

Speaker 3:

So for me I'm kind of like using where I'm working now as like a transition stage. I'm getting a lot of experience from the IV rehab right now, so that's kind of what I've been using it for, and I love working with all the different patients and getting to understand better how the PT world is.

Speaker 1:

So for me, I'm kind of like using it in the same way, trying to get as much experience as possible. One of the reasons why I want to become a physical therapist is because I look forward to helping people, and that's just one of the many ways that I can just combine my interests together and help people with my own interests, so that's just something that I love. I've always thought it was super interesting and working at IV right now, I've been able to get that experience to help me take myself one step closer.

Speaker 2:

That's very cool. I know one of y'all is a great movie lover, so what is the best movie that impacted your life? What movie did you take it as a story and made it a life lesson?

Speaker 1:

So this was like a really hard question for me. Just because I love every movie, one of my favorite movies ever was probably Interstellar I couldn't say that I really learned a life lesson from that movie. One of the movies that I would say that I learned a life lesson from was I Can Only Imagine it's about the lead singer of Mercy Me and his come up and everything, and I'd say the biggest life lesson that that taught me is you need to appreciate everybody that you have in your life, no matter how they've treated you in the past. I think that you can't take anything for granted.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I'm thinking about my favorite movie. It is hard because there are a lot of movies out there, but I feel like as a child, my favorite movie was always Soul Surfer. I really enjoyed the storyline of it. Yeah, she was going through a shark attack, but then even bigger. The even bigger picture of that, I feel like, was how she was continuous on believing in healing and her love for the Lord and I believe that there was so much more and a bigger, bigger picture to that story. So I did really enjoy that movie and I feel like that was kind of a huge, inspiring and storyline.

Speaker 2:

Now I know y'all have not technically gone through all the schooling yet, but what have you learned now that you think books have no idea what they're talking about?

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I think the one thing that I've learned outside of the books I don't know if I could say that the books don't know what they're talking about, but the one thing that I have learned outside of the books is how to communicate with people and how to communicate with different patients along the way. So you have many different personalities coming into the clinic and you need to know how to handle different personalities. That's just something that a book cannot teach you. You never know what you're gonna get, you never know what kind of day that person is having, and you just need to learn how to take those situations and roll with it.

Speaker 3:

That's for sure. And also textbooks. They don't tell you every scenario Like you learn from a book, but some like you're told this way or you're told a certain way about certain facts. But that's not always the case, because there might be another factor that plays into a role where you have to handle a situation, not textbook. So there's definitely a lot that can be learned outside of a book.

Speaker 2:

I know what people are accusing and there's not certainly a question by guess, but I do talk about God a little bit on this podcast as a slide kick because that is a big part of what I am. So any of you people journey beyond my answering this question what is the impact of your life and what do God do your own faith and do your own journey? What are the embedded either way you go about life?

Speaker 1:

So the biggest thing for me and this is one of the reasons why I want to become a physical therapist growing up, my mom was a director of a homeless shelter, and just watching my mom have like a first hand and being able to help unfortunate families get back back on their feet and live successfully, that was a very moving thing for me as a child. Just watching every like the appreciation that these people had, and just watching little miracles happen in everyday life, praying over these families and just eventually just watching them grow from being at the very bottom to getting back to living the way that they want to live it's just something that sparked so much inspiration and motivation at me, definitely helped me, along with my walk with Christ. It was something that showed me that he is real, like there are little miracles every single day, and that's something that I definitely keep my eye out for is just watching like little things happening like that and it just inspires me and motivates me every single time. Like I see something like that, it's very exciting.

Speaker 3:

For sure I was actually gonna bring up like miracles as well, like I know of during my life and growing up for me. I personally wouldn't be here today because of him. Like he's gotten me through my personal I know in the PT world like I feel like healing is real and sometimes it can be through the help of medication and stuff, but it truly does rely on God and my yeah, me too, and it's kind of the art and the real that I have to live by, because not a lot of people who have disabilities believe in.

Speaker 3:

God per se.

Speaker 2:

So I have to, like I double take sometimes and I will say it's hard. So what is showing you how to deal with an emergency, whether it's a patient that's down one day and can be you know and get spirits next week. What is some of these strategies you came up with to motivate them, to get them through their session and therapy?

Speaker 3:

So, like some people do come in and they're not having their best attitude, they don't feel as well when they come in. So I feel like a lot of it is energy. So if I come in and I have like a positive energy and I'm ready to go get at it, I can kind of bring up their energy. I feel like if that happened to me. Actually, today I was working with a patient and they came in. They were telling me that they were really tired. They almost didn't want to show up today. They were really close to canceling and I just kept talking to them and kept trying to motivate them and by the end of the session they felt good. They were glad that they showed up, they were glad that they came and they came out feeling a lot better than they did when they originally came in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would say pretty much the same thing, like just keeping the energy up. Like I said earlier, you just never know what people are going through in their day to day lives. Everybody's living their own life and it's like the big thing is just being understanding of their situation while just pushing them to their goals. They understand like they could be having a bad day, but when you show that you're empathizing with them and you understand them and that you're rooting for them to reach their goals, it completely changes everything. It can help motivate them and get their energy back up. So that's a big thing for me is just not only keeping the energy high, but empathizing with them, like you got to understand where they're coming from and see the other side.

Speaker 2:

That's really good. I can't really add to that. Okay, so we mentioned movies. You know all that kind of stuff, but I'm interested based on you know the world we live in today. I know you may not know this now, but what are you hoping? What I'm hoping is show people that is possible through physical therapy. Whether that's your friends or your family or you know whoever you're going to cause with, they're like I don't know. Physical therapy is the right thing for me.

Speaker 2:

I really don't like doing physical therapy, because sometimes you have people that don't believe in that and yeah, I do. So what would you tell somebody that's considering being a physical therapist or has an injury that they're considering physical therapist?

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean being a part of the field, like physical therapy field, I obviously support it. So I would probably just I would tell somebody that, like I mean, exercise is very important to keep you moving. A big thing that you hear a lot in a clinic is if you don't move it, you lose it. If you're not, if you're not doing something, then eventually you're not going to be able to do that, and I think that's a big thing, that's a, it's a big trend, like you hear that a lot. Another thing is that, like I mean, yeah, you just got to kind of keep motivating them, if you can add on that, Holly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can definitely agree with that for sure, because you know there's a lot of people who come in and they I mean, they might not think it's the thing that's 100% best for them, but if it's going to still do something with them, for somebody, either way, because movement in your body is always going to be good for you, Whether it doesn't heal, whether you have to go back to the doctors, then come back to physical therapy. Like it's physical therapy still going to be beneficial to you either way, because you are getting in physical activity, which physical activity isn't bad for anybody. Like it's going to be healthy and the way that we're doing it for people it's we're not going to give them something that they can't do. We're going to make sure that they're able to do it and if not, we find a different route. We go a different way with what we're doing with each patient.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes there are those patients that don't respond the best to some things. They may not progress the way that they want to, and that brings us back to the point that we were just talking about. That might be one of the situations that makes them kind of down on themselves. They're not seeing the progress that they wanna see, and that's where the attitudes come in. You have to keep the attitude high and positive, but uh.

Speaker 3:

Everybody's body's different. Nobody's body's the same. Some people have a slower healing process, some people have a faster healing process. So, like different people will respond differently to physical therapy. For sure.

Speaker 1:

But either way, even if you're not responding the way that you think you should be, it's always good to be moving, Especially when you have a physical therapist that's giving you movements that are kind of tailored to your body, the I mean it's just always. It's good for ya, you know I would agree.

Speaker 2:

That's the question Would you be ever interested in owning your own clinic and running your own clinic? Would you be? Would you rather be another employee?

Speaker 3:

It's something that I would be open to with more experience. So right now, obviously, I would be nowhere near ready. Even if I was out of PT school, I don't think that I would be prepared for that because I hadn't been working in the field long enough to feel it really like fully answer the question. I feel like because, I mean, I just haven't had that experience to really say like, yeah, that would totally be an awesome goal and definitely be really cool to do, but I think that it's something that would require a lot of time to kind of get, I guess, more experience with yeah, for me that's always been kind of like an end goal for me is I would love to own my own clinic, but yeah, like Holly said, we don't know enough yet to kind of go just hit the ground running with it.

Speaker 1:

But I feel like if I'm going through PT school and everything is still kind of in line with my views on it, that's definitely something that I'm gonna plan on pursuing. One thing that I would love to do is to eventually own my own clinic and, out of the back of it, try to do some like strength and conditioning, like personal training stuff for sports too.

Speaker 3:

That's so funny that you said that, because I had like some of the same ideas in my head, like right now I'm actually working on my CPT, which is my certified personal trainer. Because I had something like that on the back end of my head too, where I'm like kind of working PT with exercise for people who don't necessarily need a PT right now but they still wanna kind of strengthen their bodies. So kind of had that same common interest in mind.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, even if it's not like sports related, like sport specified training or something like that, like just having people come in and like letting them like work out and stuff, like you could be their personal trainer and give them, you can help them meet their goals, even if they're not injured or coming in for some sort of pain that they're feeling. Like you could help them prevent those pains by keeping them moving. So that's definitely something that I've always had like in my mind as a goal and I would love to try to pursue that. But I need to learn more of the business aspects of it and all of that good stuff. I'm still very new to all of this, so looking forward to getting into PT school, learning all of that and then, when I get out, maybe work a few years, maybe like two or three, try to learn as much as possible and then try to eventually work into opening my own clinic. That would be really cool.

Speaker 2:

Well, like I always say, you got a dream before the dream is promised.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thank you all for joining me on the podcast or they hope you'll enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much for having us. I've been looking forward to it all week. Yes, thank you.

Speaker 3:

I really do appreciate you having us come out.

Speaker 2:

You can email me at b-a-r-e-t-s dot. S-w-a-t-g-y, l-i-f-e-g-mocom.

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