Practical EMS

The price we pay

May 26, 2024 Practical EMS
The price we pay
Practical EMS
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Practical EMS
The price we pay
May 26, 2024
Practical EMS

Meaningful patient interactions – Hold on to them.

The mundane calls, the rude patients, the horrible things we see -  those are the price we pay for the one call where you save someone or have a meaningful interaction.

It is an honor to take care of patients that can’t get help in any other medical setting except the ER. 

Find one thing every shift that you find fulfilling. Be intentional. Find that thing. Someone sweet, someone grateful, someone you helped.

You need the right expectations. Not every patient is dying, and too much high acuity will actually take its toll on you as well.

Micaela talks about the MCI she ran and her question of how could God be present in the destruction. She came to realize that God is not in the event, He’s in the healing and the processing of the event.

Providers should be educating those with less education and that want to learn.

Some things get easier with time, and you don’t have to think about them as much.


If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

My favorite protein: 

My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:

My favorite creatine supplement

 My favorite pre-workout supplement

If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affili

Support the Show.

If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

My favorite protein:

My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:

My favorite creatine supplement

My favorite pre-workout supplement

If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

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Show Notes

Meaningful patient interactions – Hold on to them.

The mundane calls, the rude patients, the horrible things we see -  those are the price we pay for the one call where you save someone or have a meaningful interaction.

It is an honor to take care of patients that can’t get help in any other medical setting except the ER. 

Find one thing every shift that you find fulfilling. Be intentional. Find that thing. Someone sweet, someone grateful, someone you helped.

You need the right expectations. Not every patient is dying, and too much high acuity will actually take its toll on you as well.

Micaela talks about the MCI she ran and her question of how could God be present in the destruction. She came to realize that God is not in the event, He’s in the healing and the processing of the event.

Providers should be educating those with less education and that want to learn.

Some things get easier with time, and you don’t have to think about them as much.


If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

My favorite protein: 

My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:

My favorite creatine supplement

 My favorite pre-workout supplement

If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affili

Support the Show.

If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

My favorite protein:

My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:

My favorite creatine supplement

My favorite pre-workout supplement

If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...