I recently posted a thread about the tendency toward settling for mediocrity in our profession. This is actually exactly what keeps us from feeling confident in not only guaranteeing results for our clients but also referring them to other practitioners or back to the doctor for red flags, and advocating for different answers.
You can get caught up in saying things like:
"Some people just don't get better"
"It takes time"
"You can't help everyone"
"Pain is complex"
"You can't fix things overnight"
"The patient doesn't do their HEP"
"The patient doesn't manage their stress"
"You will have to live with some degree of pain or limited function because the tissue has changed forever"
But in reality, it DOES NOT take weeks and or months to solve their problems, and these beliefs all stem from average or below average (mediocre) results.
In this episode, I unpack what I mean when I say I can guarantee results in 1-3 sessions. Why you need to be able to guarantee results too and how when we make judgments on our patients we often fall into to a psychological tendency called the fundamental attribution law.
Resources mentioned in the episode:
Gone Whale Watching (we did not see the Orcas, until the following day, BTW)
Original thread post
EXOS Online Education (Applied Neuroscience of Performance with Roy Sugarman)
LTAP Level 1 course
Considering the viscera as a source of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction is a great way to ensure a more true whole body approach to care, however it can be a bit overwhelming on where to start, which is exactly why I created the Visceral Referral Cheat Sheet. This FREE download will help you to learn the most common visceral referral patterns affecting the musculoskeletal system. Download it at www.unrealresultspod.com
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