Every Day A New Thought

#098: Magic Words: How Open-Minded Are You?

Thor Challgren

How open minded are you to learning new ideas? Especially ideas that an give you more impact and influence?

In today's episode, I share more magic words from Phil M. Jones's book "Exactly What To Say: The Magic Words for Impact and Influence."

Today's magic phrase is "How open-minded are you?"

All episodes in the series
#091 - "I'm not sure if it's for you but"
#098 - "How open minded are you?"
#105 - "What do you know?"
#112 - "How would you feel if"
#119 - "Just imagine"

"Exactly What To Say" by Phil M. Jones on Amazon 

By using the phrase "how open-minded are you?" when introducing new ideas, you can ask your audience to suspend disbelief and listen with an open mind. This phrase is particularly effective because everyone wants to think of themselves as open-minded, and saying no implies being closed off.

In this episode, you'll:

  • Learn a new set of words that can be used to influence and persuade others
  • Gain insight into how the phrase "How open minded are you?" can be used to get people to listen and suspend disbelief
  • Discover examples of how to use this phrase in real-life situations

If you want to improve your ability to influence others, tune in to this episode of "Every Day A New Thought."

As always, thanks for listening!

"Exactly What To Say" by Phil M. Jones on Amazon

You can find me here:

WEBSITE:  https://www.thorchallgren.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thorchallgren

You can find me here:

WEBSITE: https://www.thorchallgren.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thorchallgren

Thinking about yourself, how open minded would you say you are to learning new things? Because today we're talking about magic words. Are you open to that? 

Welcome to Every Day A New Thought. I'm Thor Challgren. Today I'm going to share my thoughts on the Phil M. Jones book "Exxactly What To Say: The Magic Words for Impact and Influence." 

Last week in Episode 91, I shared the first set of magic words from Jones's book. And that was the phrase, "I'm not sure if it's for you, but..." 

In this book, Jones describes magic words is basically a way to speak directly to someone's subconscious brain. If you haven't heard that episode, yet, I'm gonna put the link in the description. Or if you're watching it on YouTube, the link will be right above me. 

Today, though, I'm talking about another set of words that Jones shares, and here they are, how open minded Are you? That's it, how open minded are you? 

Now you can use this set of words, when you're introducing a new idea to people, maybe it's an idea where you have a sense that you could receive some pushback, or it's not going to be something that's familiar to your audience. So you want them to hear you out, you want them to suspend disbelief long enough to hear what you're saying. 

Basically, what you're doing when you use this phrase is you're asking them for just a moment to listen, with an open mind, you're ensuring that basically, they're gonna listen to whatever comes next. 

The reason that Jones describes this has been so effective is that everyone basically wants to think of themselves as being open minded, right? I mean, nobody thinks of themselves as No, I'm a closed off person. And I'm not interested in new things. This is one of those things that we all like to think, of course, I'm an open minded person. So their answer to that question is likely to be yes. If they said, no, they're basically saying, I'm closed minded, and nobody wants to think of themselves that way. 

So here are some examples of how you might use this phrase and why it is particularly effective. For instance, you could say, Would you be open minded to see what we could work on together? In that phrase, you're not really asking for a firm commitment. You're just saying, Would you be open to exploring this further? Another way to say it is, Would you be open minded to finding a solution that works for both of us? Again, you sound like a reasonable person you're thinking of them is, is there a way for this to work out for both of us? Would you be open minded about finding a way to save time and money here? Of course, who doesn't want to save time and money, you can begin to see what you're doing is you're pairing the Would you be open minded phrase with something that most reasonable people would at least say yes, I want to know more about that. 

Here's a couple more. Would you be open minded to accomplish this task? And half the time? Would you be open minded to giving this a chance? A chance, okay, why not? See what you're doing is you're using that phrase, and then you're framing the benefit to that audience. Maybe it's finding a solution and saving money, saving time, giving something a chance for just a little bit. 

My takeaway for this is to look for places in your life, where you can put this phrase to use where you ask people would you be open minded? Next week, I'm going to look at more sets of magic words from the book exactly what to say and I'll put the book description in the link below. 

This is the 98th episode, I'm counting down to 100 consecutive episodes of the show. I started this back on January 1 and 98 episodes later, I'm still going. If you liked the show, please hit like if you're watching on YouTube and subscribe. If you're listening to the podcast version, please subscribe or follow the show on your favorite podcast app. Until tomorrow. Thanks for listening!