Every Day A New Thought

#144: Unpacking The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles - The Power of Thought and Action in Chapter 11

Thor Challgren

Can mere thoughts alone bring riches, or is action an essential ingredient for success?

In this episode, I explore Chapter 11 of Wallace D. Wattles' timeless book, "The Science of Getting Rich," written over a century ago.

I delve into the question of whether thoughts can manifest wealth independently or if they must be coupled with personal action.

The key takeaway here is that thought and action must go hand in hand to achieve prosperity. I elaborate on Wattles' emphasis on not dwelling in the future but rather concentrating on the present and taking action in your current circumstances.

By tuning in, you'll gain valuable insights into how combining thought and action can help you manifest your desires and enhance your life.

You find the first two episodes in the series here:

#142: Unpacking The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles - Chapter 4
#143: Unpacking The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles - Chapter 7

You can find Wattles' book here:

You can find me here:

WEBSITE: https://www.thorchallgren.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thorchallgren

Thor Challgren:

Thought is the creative power, or the impelling force which causes the creative power to act. Thinking in a certain way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely upon thought alone, paying no attention to personal action. Those are the words from the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wallace, first written in 1910 over 100 years ago and still to this day remains a huge, influential book in the new thought industry. Now, in this chapter, this is called Chapter 11, acting in a Certain Way, he talks about the importance of action. So today, in this episode, we're talking about action. Welcome to. Every Day a New Thought. I'm Thor Challgren, and every day I bring you a new thought, a new perspective. I am on day three of my series on the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Waddles, and I'm talking about Chapter 11 and the reason why this specific chapter is.

Thor Challgren:

There are many people who talk about this book and cite four specific chapters, and in my first two episodes in this series I talked about Chapter 4 and Chapter 7. Today I'm talking about Chapter 11. Bob Proctor says that if you read chapters 4, 7, 11 and 14 and you do it every single day for 90 days, you will pre-program your mind on the idea of success. So what we're talking about today is acting. In a certain way and this is kind of up until this point. Wallace Waddles has laid out the foundation for saying thoughts are things. That you put your thoughts out into the universe, he calls it the formless substance and then you get back the thing that you thought about. So basically, your thoughts are powerful, you are creating your reality. That's essentially the gist of Chapter 4.

Thor Challgren:

Chapter 7, which I covered yesterday, is all about gratitude and he talks about the importance of having that grateful mindset, no matter what, looking around and being grateful and not dissatisfied with things. But today he's talking in this chapter about the importance of action, and I'm going to quote him right here and then unpack this quote. He says this is the crucial point in the science of getting rich, right here, where thought and personal action must be combined. He says there are many people who consciously or unconsciously set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the thing they want when it comes by thought. The thing you want is brought to you by action, you receive it. Think about that what he's saying is you have to take action.

Thor Challgren:

He talks a lot about in this chapter, about people who sit around and go, oh, it will come to me. He's saying, no, you must act. And in that last part of that quote I read by action, you receive it Now. It's interesting because we can think forward and imagine a future that we want and we, now, we place ourselves in that future and go, oh, that's what I want. And we just start to live in that place. And he cautions us against projecting into the future and living in that future.

Thor Challgren:

He's saying and this is a quote here from him he says hold the vision of yourself in the right business, with the purpose to get into it and the faith that you will get into it and are getting into it, but act in your present business. Use your present business as a means of getting a better one. So what he's saying is look, if you sit around and daydream all day long about one day my circumstances would be better, one day I'll have that thing. I want that relationship, that health, that wealth. He's saying no, if you live and in the future, you're not acting in the present, and the present is the only place where you can act. So he says hold the vision of yourself in the job you want while you act with faith and purpose on the job you have, and you will certainly get the job you want.

Thor Challgren:

Key key point here is action, and don't live in the future, but focus on where you are now and do the best you can in that job. And so that is actually a little teaser for tomorrow where I wrap up the series where we talk about chapter 14. Thank you so much for watching the show today. I hope you enjoyed this. If you are watching this show on YouTube, please hit like if you liked it. If you're watching or listening to the podcast, please subscribe or follow the show on your favorite podcast app Until tomorrow. Thanks for listening.