The Amazing Bible. Book Club

The Gospel of Mark and "The Way"

Julie Calio Season 41 Episode 7

Mark starts with quotes from the OT (Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3), about the messenger who prepares "the Way" for the Lord, and he points out throughout the book, that there are people who go their way, but He invites people to follow His way. The problem is His way leads through suffering, but after that comes glory. Some people like Blind Bartimaeus, who once sat on the side of the roadWAY, after Jesus called him to Himself, followed Jesus ON the Way. 10:32 says, "And they were on the way going up to Jerusalem; and Jesus went before them: and they were amazed; and as they followed, they were afraid. And He took again the twelve and began to tell them what things were going to happen unto Him." All that Jesus said would happen, came true. He was killed on a Roman cross and buried. The women came to the tomb to anoint His body, but instead they found an angel who told them that Jesus had gone before them to Galilee, the place it all started for them, and they will see Him there. Jesus has gone before them, but Mark leaves us with a cliff hanger. Will the disciples go and follow Jesus on His Way? Will We?