The Amazing Bible. Book Club

1 Corinthians 1-14 - The Church That Was A Mess

Julie Calio Season 46 Episode 7

The Apostle Paul received news from members from Chloe's household of issues that were happening at the church in Corinth. The church had also sent him a letter with questions, so Paul wrote this letter to address these issues. The church was divided over who was their leader, Paul, Apollos, Peter/Cephas, and some boasted that they follow Christ. One of the church members was having sex with his stepmother. The believers were filing law suits among one another. When they partook of the Lord's Supper, the rich would eat and get drunk while the poor in the church were hungry. Some members knew they were free in Christ to eat anything, even food that may have been sacrificed to idols, yet that was causing others to sin. Their worship services were also in disarray largely due to speaking in tongues, so Paul set up guidelines on orderly worship. He also spoke of the various gifts of the spirit, but the most excellent way is love. Paul talked of his apostleship, but also reminded his reader that all believers in Jesus are servants of the Lord. There is no room for pride in a believer's life because it was God who provided everything, not our own doings, therefore, "Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord!"