The Embodied Leader - A Human Design Podcast

Embracing life as an Emotional Authority: Your Pathway to Personal Growth and Transformation

August 25, 2023 Steph Russell
Embracing life as an Emotional Authority: Your Pathway to Personal Growth and Transformation
The Embodied Leader - A Human Design Podcast
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The Embodied Leader - A Human Design Podcast
Embracing life as an Emotional Authority: Your Pathway to Personal Growth and Transformation
Aug 25, 2023
Steph Russell

Ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions? Let me reveal to you - it's not just you. 

More than 50% of us are on a rollercoaster ride with our emotions, thanks to our defined solar plexus. 

Yet, instead of suppressing them, what if we could harness the power of these emotions to fuel creativity, growth, and connections? 

In this episode, I share my personal journey towards embracing my emotions as my unique gifts and transforming them into inspiration. 

You have the power to transform your pain into purpose.

Using your Human Design, you’ll navigate the terrain of emotions that seem to hold you back, understand them, and turn them into strengths. 

So, gear up for an enlightening conversation on emotional growth and personal transformation, which promises to alter the way you perceive your emotions forever.

IG - @iamstephrussell
FB Group - Parenting by Human Design

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions? Let me reveal to you - it's not just you. 

More than 50% of us are on a rollercoaster ride with our emotions, thanks to our defined solar plexus. 

Yet, instead of suppressing them, what if we could harness the power of these emotions to fuel creativity, growth, and connections? 

In this episode, I share my personal journey towards embracing my emotions as my unique gifts and transforming them into inspiration. 

You have the power to transform your pain into purpose.

Using your Human Design, you’ll navigate the terrain of emotions that seem to hold you back, understand them, and turn them into strengths. 

So, gear up for an enlightening conversation on emotional growth and personal transformation, which promises to alter the way you perceive your emotions forever.

IG - @iamstephrussell
FB Group - Parenting by Human Design

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the embodied leader, a human design podcast. My name is Steph, from Steph Russell Coaching, and if you are a freedom seeker, rule breaker, spiritually awoken, wise woman, then you belong here. If you know that you and your family are meant for more and you want to create a life on your terms and nurture your child's true nature, then this podcast is for you. We're going to be talking about everything from human design, parenting, unschooling, spirituality, business and so much more. I'm so excited and happy you are here. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome to today's episode.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to talk to you about your emotions and shame. Do you have shame attached to how you feel, how your emotions show up in your body? Because it's something that I've experienced, I've lent into and knowing that over 50% just over 50% of the world's population have a defined solar plexus, which means they have this constant emotional chemical wave flowing through their body. Obviously, for myself and for lots of people, this is like new information and this has been part of the journey. That has been so transformational with understanding my human design and for my clients and people there in my space, is that when you look at your body graph, it would be down as your authority and, it would say, emotional authority. Your emotions are part of your gift. They are part of what you get to create and what you get to use in your life, in business, to empower others and to help raise the emotional intelligence of the collective. You don't have control over your emotional wave. You don't get to turn it off. It's part of you and it doesn't define you though. So, although it's part of you, you don't have to become it. It doesn't have to define you. But what you do get to do is ride your emotional wave with love. You are here to really experience what it means to be fully human. You get to ride that emotional wave with love, and when you're moving through these highs, these lows, these feel-good, maybe, the depths of your wave, when you're in your depths, this is when you actually can have your most creative moments. This is when you can effectively turn your pain, because, with this emotional wave that we feel, it feels like we're moving between this hope and pain or in this ever-evolving cycle. But when you're moving through this point of pain, you get to use it and turn your pain into purpose. When you're in these depths of these feelings, this is when you can get the most growth, the most connection, the most inspiration when you just allow yourself to sit with it.

Speaker 1:

For so long I was made to feel like I had to suppress my emotions, and it wasn't because of well-meaning people around me. It was because there wasn't this level of awareness. Our parents did the best they could with the information they had available at the time, and you are here. We are here to heal these generational traumas and wounds that have come through us, so that we can then support our children, raise our children as healthy kids, so that they can thrive and flourish. But part of what we've experienced with our emotions is it wasn't spoken about. We didn't talk about our emotions. It wasn't something that we were taught in school. It wasn't something that our parents necessarily held space for, but it's part of our health.

Speaker 1:

Our emotional health and that's why I'm an emotional health advocate is that it's okay to feel. Every feeling you experience is welcome and valid. You are human, you are meant to feel, and when we allow ourselves to be open to connecting with who we are on emotional level, that's when we get to really live out our purpose. We get to live out our true potential. We can take off the mask, we can stand in our truth and we can say it's okay to feel. A mantra, an affirmation that I use and I give to my clients and I give to my kids and we use it is I feel and whatever that emotion is at the moment, and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Because by adding the word in feel because sometimes we could say I'm so angry, but I feel angry we know that our feelings come and go, they're temporary, they're not permanent, and so we recognize it's not actually us, it's not our truth, it's a feeling that we are experiencing a chemical response in our body. So the I feel at the moment is the temporary. It's not gonna stay, it's not gonna last. It can feel really uncomfortable depending on what that emotion, what that feeling you are having in your body. But it is temporary and that's okay. We get to validate ourselves, you get to validate your kids or anybody in your space. It's okay to feel how you feel. And here's the thing our emotions are motions of energy flowing through our body and it's energy that we get to shift, but we don't have to not connect to it.

Speaker 1:

There's so much talk within the spiritual worlds at time about, and almost like, trying to bypass our emotions and bypass how we feel. But if you have got a defined solar plexa, then you are here to feel, to experience your emotions. They are consistent energy for you. They're always gonna be there and the sooner and quicker you learn to love your emotions, the easier your journey gets to be, the more you get to embrace who you really are.

Speaker 1:

With this self-awareness and by allowing ourselves, like for me this morning, I woke up and I was just off like my mood. I was not in a good mood, and that's how the emotional wave can show up. Sometimes you could maybe have a great night's sleep and wake up with that feeling like you've woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Or you could be watching a film or doing something and all of a sudden you'll just feel that chemical wave come out of nowhere. But here's the thing it isn't you, it doesn't define you, and we have to allow ourselves and remind ourselves to drop out of the mind and into the body, because the masculine part of us, the logical part of us, wants to try and make sense as to why do I feel like this? What's going on? So we could start either searching externally or Googling or scrolling or whatever those unhealthy habits that you have to try and like, shift these feelings you have in your body.

Speaker 1:

But the sooner you give yourself permission to actually feel and actually sit with it and actually connect with it, that's when you get to turn that pain into purpose. That's when you get to move through your emotions, not pushing them away, because anything you block, anything that you suppress, you then block, you block the energy within your body. That's why then, things will manifest into the physical form, because you are not allowing the energy to flow through your body, and everything is energy, everything is vibrating at a certain frequency. So I wanted to come on for this really short podcast episode to just remind you, to empower you to connect, that your emotions are part of your gift, they are part of your magic, and when we have a defined solar plexa, I invite you again to look at any beliefs, any stories, any narratives you have or that you are telling yourself about your emotions, because when we have a defined solar plexa, this is when this energy can be really stubborn and a little bit more challenging to shift. So this might not all come through straight away, but hopefully this podcast episode and this conversation will allow yourself to be activated, to feel into what it is that you believe about your emotions.

Speaker 1:

Do you believe that you should or shouldn't be experiencing them? Are you trying to push them away? Are you trying to not honor them? All your emotions or your feelings are welcome, and what you get to do is develop a repetitive emotional pattern, a rep. You get to develop a supportive, feel-good, repetitive emotional pattern. This is how we use the law of attraction, this is how we use our RAS to attract more of the things that we want into our lives, and so our feelings are always going to come and go. Like I say, they're like the tide, they're like the waves in the sea. They're coming in, they're coming out. They're all different shapes and sizes, and your emotion is like that undercurrent and I want you to connect into and anchor into.

Speaker 1:

What is that emotion that you want to feel more of? What emotion are you consciously choosing to call into your energetic body and into your mind? Our body doesn't naturally produce feel-good chemicals, so we have to focus our attention on the things that help us to produce, those that make us feel good. So allow yourself to have this awareness. Turn your pain into purpose, allow the depths of your emotional wave to be this creative intelligence that we all have sitting within us, wanting and waiting to be activated, and then allow yourself to release it. Release your emotions in a way that are healthy for you and for me.

Speaker 1:

This has been this podcast this morning, and you get to do the same too. You get to shift it, you get to acknowledge it, you get to experience it and then you get to shift and release it, sending you so so much love and speech all soon. Thank you for listening to the embodied leader. I hope you enjoyed listening to it as much as I loved recording it. I would love to stay connected with you. I'm on Instagram at. I am Steph Russell and I have a free Facebook group, parenting by Human Design. I'd love it if you could leave a review and share this podcast. Thanks for listening.

Embracing Your Emotions for Personal Growth
Podcast Morning Shift and Connection