The Embodied Leader - A Human Design Podcast

Healing from within: Understanding Human Design and Menstrual Cycle Awareness

August 13, 2023 Steph Russell Episode 4
Healing from within: Understanding Human Design and Menstrual Cycle Awareness
The Embodied Leader - A Human Design Podcast
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The Embodied Leader - A Human Design Podcast
Healing from within: Understanding Human Design and Menstrual Cycle Awareness
Aug 13, 2023 Episode 4
Steph Russell

Discover the transformative power of human design and menstrual cycle awareness in this soul-stirring episode. 

It's a personal account of my journey, where I reveal how these tools have sparked my self-awareness and ignited personal healing. 

This episode is a gentle yet powerful exploration of the infinite possibilities within you, a quest to discover your authentic self beyond societal conditioning and programming.

We will venture into the realms of intuitive creation, embodying core vibrations, and leveraging the law of attraction to manifest your dreams. 

This episode is not just an invitation but a call to action — to rewrite the narratives that no longer serve you, to align your business with your human design, and to create a life that resonates with your true self. 

Whether you are a freedom seeker, rule breaker, or spiritually awoken woman, this episode offers a road map to your authentic self, aligning your life and business by design, and liberating you from all that hinders your growth. 

So join me, Steph, as we journey together into the heart of our true selves, tapping into our power, and transforming our lives from the inside out.

IG - @iamstephrussell
Facebook group - Parenting by Human Design

Show Notes Transcript

Discover the transformative power of human design and menstrual cycle awareness in this soul-stirring episode. 

It's a personal account of my journey, where I reveal how these tools have sparked my self-awareness and ignited personal healing. 

This episode is a gentle yet powerful exploration of the infinite possibilities within you, a quest to discover your authentic self beyond societal conditioning and programming.

We will venture into the realms of intuitive creation, embodying core vibrations, and leveraging the law of attraction to manifest your dreams. 

This episode is not just an invitation but a call to action — to rewrite the narratives that no longer serve you, to align your business with your human design, and to create a life that resonates with your true self. 

Whether you are a freedom seeker, rule breaker, or spiritually awoken woman, this episode offers a road map to your authentic self, aligning your life and business by design, and liberating you from all that hinders your growth. 

So join me, Steph, as we journey together into the heart of our true selves, tapping into our power, and transforming our lives from the inside out.

IG - @iamstephrussell
Facebook group - Parenting by Human Design

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the embodied leader, a human design podcast. My name is Steph, from Steph Russell Coaching, and if you are a freedom seeker, rule breaker, spiritually awoken, wise woman, then you belong here. If you know that you and your family are meant for more and you want to create a life on your terms and nurture your child's true nature, then this podcast is for you. We're going to be talking about everything from human design, parenting, unschooling, spirituality, business and so much more. I'm so excited and happy you are here. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome to today's episode of the embodied leader. My name is Steph, host of your podcast, and today I am really coming from a place of wholeness, from a day of intuition, sharing this episode, sharing what has come and is coming through for me as we just connect connect to where we are right now. And where I am right now is.

Speaker 1:

Today is day one of my new menstrual cycle and menstrual coaching. Menstrual cycle awareness is something that I started to dive into a couple of months ago with the incredible Roxy, and I was gifted some menstrual coaching sessions and it wasn't something I even consciously recognised that I needed or wanted support with. However, let me tell you it has been truly life changing. And the only other time that I felt like this is when human design found me. Like I say and still say to this day, human design is life changing and having this menstrual cycle awareness is like another piece of the puzzle that feels so truly transformational for me but not just for me what it will enable me to give to you, give to my clients, the message that I can share the wisdom and the knowledge and the skills that I'm gaining from really being present with this menstrual cycle awareness. And it just felt really divinely guided to come here and show up on an episode because, let's be honest, so far this podcast has not been consistent. It has not been me batch recording or showing up once a week. I have really been leaning into the ebbs and flows of my life and that is what I teach like your inconsistency is your superpower. And whilst I am experimenting in my business with different modalities, different ways of showing up and sharing, I am leaning into that with love and grace and kindness, but really wanted to come on to give you some space, to come on to share with you the wisdom, to give you the invitation.

Speaker 1:

Are you leaning into your intuitive self? Are you leaning into the cycles that we move through, particularly as women? Men move through hormonal cycles as well, because, yes, they do have hormones. But are you allowing yourself? Are you creating from a place of expansion? Are you creating from a place of flow? Because that's what embodying your core vibration, your human design, allows you to do. It is the primary law, so that you can attract. The law of attraction is the secondary law to the law of vibration. So, by embodying your core vibration, your human design, it then enables you to attract the things you desire, attract opportunities, attract business connections, whatever it may be, attract the well-being, the things that you are wanting to manifest into your life. And so I give this this podcast is this invitation to just lean in, to recognise that you have everything you need within you. You are always being guided when you allow yourself to open your mind and open your heart to the spiritual self that we are all born with from the minute we enter this world.

Speaker 1:

Everybody agrees we are born as free spirits, but it's only as we grow up. There's lots of conditioning, lots of well-meaning conditioning, and then lots of conditioning that doesn't serve us, and lots of programming that serves us and lots of programming that doesn't serve us, and you are here as the creator of your life. You get to create the reality you desire. And if you are not happy with your reality, you get to be the change you want to see for yourself, for your family, for those around you. You get to take them on this journey that you are here to experience.

Speaker 1:

And, like I said, life is our school. Business is a playground. You get to experiment. That is what human design is about. It is living out your own experiment. It is not a belief. There is not one person I've had a conversation with or worked with, or supported or guided that hasn't been transformed in one way, shape or form by embodying their human design. And you get to have this too. You get to come back into your true, whole self. You get to align your business by your design. You get to align your life with who you really are. You get to release the things that no longer serve you and hold on to the things that connect you and empower you to be your higher self, the future you that has achieved your goals and desires. Achieved everything that you are wanting to call in, because you are worthy and deserving of it. If you have a desire, it's because it is meant for you, it's already on its way to you, it is already done.

Speaker 1:

And the minute we allow ourselves to be open to receiving this spiritual guidance, coming back to this truth of who we are, becoming, balanced mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, creatively that's when you get to be the magnet. That's when you are signalling to the universe you are ready to receive. You have opened yourself up to receive what is meant for you, your desires, your dreams. They are meant for you. They are in you for a reason. Are you allowing yourself to be open to them or are you blocking? Are you subconsciously sabotaging yourself? Are there beliefs or stories that you are holding on to that no longer serve you? You get to rewrite those, and part of this mental cycle awareness journey that I'm on and it's a journey is that so many beliefs that I've had stored subconsciously, so many traumas that I haven't been able to heal for over 20 years, have healed through connecting to my mental cycle. Like guys, I've got goosebumps sharing this. It's truly transformational when we do this work and actually connecting to ourselves.

Speaker 1:

At the moment, I'm reading a book Wild Power. I encourage you all if you haven't read it, go, download a copy on your Kindle, go purchase it. It's a really great way for you to just anchor in Our mental cycle is part of us. We get to learn to love our period. We get to love the ebbs and flows that we move through. We've been programmed and made to believe that we are meant to be doing and busy and you've got to work harder, to make more and go, go, go.

Speaker 1:

This real masculine energy of critical thinking, problem solving, using the logical, like I say, the doing. But we're not designed, particularly as women, we are not designed to be in the masculine energy all the time. These structures, these systems, they no longer serve us. They no longer serve who we really are and who we are meant to be. They hold us back, they don't allow us to honor the ebbs and flows. And we need it all. We're here to experience it all.

Speaker 1:

And when we start to connect to our mental cycle, you recognize even more that you really have everything you need within you and that your cycle leaves you signs and that your body is always communicating to you. And, as an embodied leader, you get to work with the rhythms of your life, the cycles that you are moving through, the seasons. You know I'm learning all about menstrual cycle awareness at inner seasons. We need the outer seasons, we need the inner seasons. We get to embody it all, we get to be with it all, we get to allow ourselves to work with our energetic body and our aura and it's powerful. And I guess I wanted to just come on to really say, to give you this invitation to lean into and to trust and if you have this desire, I shared on an Instagram story yesterday actually, that I had created a folder in 2021 so two years ago that said quantum leap next level self. I opened the folder yesterday and there was nothing in it. There was nothing in this folder, but it had the desire back then. And now I have created a secret human design community where you get to quantum leap into your next level self through awareness, through embodying your human design, and I've got beautiful, spiritual, holistic, intuitive women coming together from all around the world who are wanting to do that. It's come to life.

Speaker 1:

And just because one of the desires that you have or a dream that you have maybe hasn't happened, or a manifestation hasn't happened yet, it doesn't mean it's not going to happen. It just means there's a divine time for it all. And hey, let's be honest, if we're projectors, things unfold a real different place. So the generators and manygens of the world generators and manygens, they've got access, consistent access, to that life force, energy. It's easier for them to do, although it's easier for them to do part of their life's work, or part of your life work, if you're a generator or a managen, is that you would have committed a lot of your energy from a place of should, from a place of obligation or duty. So, whatever your energy type is, there's lots of work to do, lots of deconditioning, lots of unlearning and relearning to come back to your truth.

Speaker 1:

And so by having this awareness, awareness of your human design, awareness of your cycles and the seasons that you are moving through, integrating that that's the work that I teach human design, made simple, integrating and embodying it, because there is a difference. There is a difference between understanding something like I could understand about my menstrual cycle, but then if I don't actually do the work, if I don't actually anchor it in, I don't get to become that change I want to see. So, by giving yourself space, by allowing the journey that you're on to be expansive, by recognizing to personal growth, self-development. There is no end destination, just like healing. There is no end destination to healing because every time you step up a level, there will always, always be another layer to shed because we are so much on the subconscious.

Speaker 1:

That's why I love bringing, that's why I'm obsessed with neuroscience. I love bringing science with spirit together. That mind, body, soul connection. You are one whole person. You get to thrive as your true self, you and your family. You get to feel good, you get to honor the ebbs and flows together. So I'm sending you lots of love wherever you're listening to this, wherever you're tuning in from. I would love for you to rate the podcast, leave a comment or reach out to me, connect with me on instagram at iamsteffrussell. Thank you for listening to the embodied leader. I hope you enjoyed listening to it as much as I loved recording it. I would love to stay connected with you. I'm on Instagram at iamsteffrussell, and I have a free Facebook group, parenting by Human Design. I'd love it if you could leave a review and share this podcast. Thanks for listening.