Astrology Alchemy Podcast

#275-"Seeds in the Ground and Dreams in the Sky"--Week of August 26, 2024

Sheila Bélanger

Here's a week of attuning to the changing currents in your life. Venus (Relational One) connects to the three transpersonal planets this week supporting deeper changes with relationships and values. Venus in Virgo trines Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus supporting you to explore more freedom in your relationships. Mercury (Communicator) turns direct in Leo after 3 weeks of retrograde motion. Express creative ideas and shine your ideas. Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune (Dreamer) in Pisces challenging you to break some spells of denial and enmeshment in relationships. Venus enters Libra and trines Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius activating your desire for depths and transformation with your values, resources and connections with others. Uranus  turns retrograde in Taurus for a 5-month journey of exploring the security of authentic inner belonging to yourself. Pluto re-enters Capricorn until mid-November catalyzing personal and collective lessons in transmuting the poisons of fear-based and dominating authority and life structures that we've all been with since 2008.

Podcast poem: "We Are of a Tribe" by Alberto Rios

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