Astrology Alchemy Podcast

#245-"Dropping Keys for the Beautiful Rowdy Prisoners"--Week of January 29, 2024

Sheila Bélanger

Here's a reminder of current key cycles that awaken your capacity to make innovative changes. Pluto (Transformer) has just re-entered Aquarius ushering us into the very necessary new era of innovative change and greater equality for all. Uranus (Maverick/Revolutionary) in Taurus just went forward after 5 months of retrograde motion. What inner revolutions around security, money and values (Taurus) are you ready to make? This week, Mars (Action-Taking One) in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus catalyzing you to align your courageous actions to be more radically authentic.

Podcast Poem: "Dropping Keys" by Hafiz

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