Detoxxxing From the Matrix Podcast

No One is Coming to Save You

Lindsay Carricarte Season 1 Episode 10

On this Divine Download of Detoxxxing from the Matrix, I am sharing one of the hard truths.... no one is coming to save you because you don't need to be saved. No one does.

You are an infinite spiritual being who has all the power of the universe behind you. 

It's my hope that this conversation allows you to recognize that it is all perfection it is all valid, and that you are exactly where you need to be to own your truth.

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Welcome to Detoxxxing From the Matrix podcast

Where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of Self, Soul, and Spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all…. The external matrix

This is a place for illuminating conversations that will take you from divide to divine, pain into purpose, and suffering to sovereignty while we detox the fck out of your mind, body, and soul.

I’m your host Lindsay Carricarte and this podcast is for all the rebel souls who seek to live deeply, authentically, and fully expressed as the divine badass you are.

Note: this episode was originally recorded when it was the S0ULbriety podcast & has been added here due to copyright issues on the name. I have no affiliation with the trademarked brand and method of that name.

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 Welcome to Detoxing from The Matrix Podcast, formerly known as Soulbriety, where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of self, soul, and spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all the external matrix. This podcast is a place for illuminating conversations that will take you from divided to divine, into purpose and suffering to sovereignty, while we detox the fuck out of your mind, body, and soul from all those limited programs of separation, struggle, scarcity, and pain. I'm your host, Lindsey Carricarte, and this podcast is for all the rebel souls who seek to live deeply, authentically, and fully expressed as the divine badasses you are. 1s Note this episode was originally recorded when it was Sobriety Podcast and has been added here to Detoxing from The Matrix. Due to copyright issues on the name Sobriety, I have no affiliation with the trademark Sobriety brand or method. 3s Hello? Hello, divine badasses. It's Lindsey. Here once again a certified spiritual practitioner, new thought minister in training, spiritual coach, teacher, seeker and author. Welcome to another divine download of Sobriety podcast, where on today's episode we are talking about that no one is coming to save you. What a powerful, powerful, powerful conversation we are about to have today. I welcome you back for another illuminated, expansive conversation around all things soul recovery, self recovery, and spiritual recovery. As we join together, let us just take a breath in together. Let us just come into this moment and know that right here, right now, wherever we are gathered, so too is the infinite, infinite, infinite intelligence of the divine. I am God source, the spiritual, infinite, omnipotent oneness that is the source of all things. It is you. It is me. It is each and every one of us. 1s And I just declare another powerful conversation. I declare amazing insights. I declare growth. I declare you recognize, remember and come back into the knowingness of who you are and who you have always been. Welcome. Welcome. I'm so happy to be here with each one of you today as we get into this talk topic of no one is coming to save you. And I would like to lead off with a quote today, a powerful quote from one of the masters himself, Mr. Eckert Tolle, who some of you may have read. He leaves us with this quote of when you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept the situation. All else is madness. All else is madness. 1s How many times in your lives have you found yourself caught up in the swirl of complaining? The swirl of the belief that you are somehow trapped, stuck, powerless, or being held at the mercy of somebody else? I mean, I'm going to keep it real with you guys today. I know that when I was in the throes of my own addiction and even in the early stages of having recovered from physical addiction, but I still had not fully self-recovered or spiritually recovered, I could very easily fall into this idea that some external force had more power over my life than I did. So who can relate? 1s I even remember back into the throes of my addiction getting arrested and being put into jail overnight or for a little short vacation and literally sitting in the jail cell, having no consciousness to be able to look at. The fact that my choice has led me there, sitting in a jail cell and having the utter sheer nerve to blame the police officer who arrested me. Well, if he wasn't there, I wouldn't have gotten well, how about if I wasn't breaking the law, I wouldn't have gotten arrested, right? No, I blamed it on them. And then I would blame the judge who handed down the sentence and I was just mad at everybody else, right? So I would sit and I would complain because I genuinely felt and believed at those points in my life that it was everybody else's fault. And this is the wild ride that we are on. This is the game that we are playing here, right? We are here playing this game of life that convinces us that we are powerless, right? It convinces us we forget we have the amnesia. And that, my friends, is what self recovery, soul recovery and spiritual recovery. This conversation of sole variety is really all about, right? Because the bigger view here is that each and every one of us would never choose things such as addiction and codependency and these things that just cause us so much suffering if we were in conscious, knowingness who we are, right? So last week we talked about the artistry of addiction and we really kind of eliminated this conversation about how it's all the one thing, right? There's no separation. And if our suffering and our struggles, birds are awakening, well, then it is all perfection, right? It's all perfection. It's all part of the one thing. 2s However, where I see many, many people get stuck in why I chose to bring this conversation. Well, I mean, it came through in a download and I went with it because it felt so right and so aligned. Because I want to speak to and call out this amnesia, this illusion that we buy into of like there's some power outside of us. Because even when we get sober, even when we remove the substances, even when somebody leaves a codependent relationship per se, it's like I can still go out into the world and easily find probably within five minutes ten people who are still giving their power away to something outside of themselves. Like they believe the government has the power to make them happy or not happy. They believe that somebody over there's medical decisions has the power to make them happy or not happy, sick or not sick, right? They believe that what somebody across the room is doing or not doing has the power to affect them. And this is the paradox, if you will, that we are living in here in this physical reality that we have chosen to be a part of right now because, yes, on one hand, the truth of all things is oneness and we are all connected. So therefore, 1s from a oneness perspective, all of our decisions are all affecting one another at all times. And down here, in the polarized dualistic reality of the physical plane, we also have the power to create for ourselves. I have the power to create my own experience. Each one of you has the power to create your own experiences right within these universal laws of physicality that govern us. So today I want to offer you. 2s This little insight on the law of action, which is one of the universal laws. And the law of action comes from Newton's third law, right? Isaac Newton, where he says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Okay? So the universe is a nondualistic mechanical system, a unified energetic field. This is how your actions are actively corresponding and reflected back to you. With every action you take or don't take, you set into motion that cooperative system, this powerful, powerful system. Every non action is an action in the realm of consciousness. So if there is a harmonious, a decisive, loving action, there is a retribution of harmony. If there is chaotic and harmful action, well, then there is a magnification of chaos and disharmony. This is just the way things work here, right? So what I invite you to inquire today is in your life overlaying these two ideas. When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Either leave the situation, change the situation, or accept the situation. All else is madness. And this universal law of action, where my friends are, you behaving in a way that indicates you don't believe that you have the power. Maybe it is still a substance, maybe it is a drama. Maybe it is a codependent relationship. Maybe it is the money in your bank account. Maybe it is the idea that your boss has the power to determine your flow of money. Maybe it is complaining about the prices of gas or the prices at the supermarket. Maybe it is about complaining what your neighbors are doing or not doing, right? The list goes on and on and on. The point is, where are you? 1s Behaving in a way and aligning with a behavior that implies that you are not the all powerful creator in your life. 1s Because that's it. No one is coming to save you. There is no external force that is going to swoop into this world and save us from the outside. And not that anybody needs saving, but you get what I'm saying? This is just for semantics, right? No one is coming to save us. 2s The coming of Jesus, right? The second coming of Christ that everybody loves to throw out there. News flash, right? That is a coming from within. That is a rising of your own Christed consciousness, a rising of your own ability to recognize that you are not separate, you are not different. You have all of the power that Jesus had and demonstrated. The idea that someone outside of us is going to swoop in here and change things from any situation, from a personal, private situation or a collective situation. That's not what's unfolding here. What is unfolding here is our waking up from victim consciousness, our waking up from being strung out on the idea that something outside has the power that this is thousands of years old. This consciousness, this program is thousands of years old. And I know, 2s I know that so many of us want to hear that there is this system and there is this. 2s Being outside of us that created it this way to hold 1s yes and okay, yes and yes, there is. But that entire system is a correspondence. It is a reflection. It is a mirror of our own consciousness, right? Every one of us, we have created a system that continues continues to mirror the belief deep within our own consciousnesses that the answer is outside. We see it everywhere. We see it in religion, we see it in education, we see it in governments, we see it in medicine. We see it in everything. 1s And now we're looking at all these systems, and we're railing against them like it's an external, separate creation, when guess what? Just like our drug addictions, just like our drama, just like our codependency, just like our quote unquote powerlessness, we created all of it for ourselves. We create our lives individually, and we create our lives collectively, right? So it is time for us to remember and recognize that if we want to change the system, we must change our consciousness. Guess what? If you went out and you redistributed all the world's wealth, but nobody did any work in their own consciousness, the wealth would end up going right back to the people who have it now. And the people who don't have it now would go right back to not having it, give or take a few years. Because if we don't change who we are in consciousness, it can't change and stay that way, right? If we equally distributed freedom and said, okay, all countries are free, but nobody did any work in their consciousness, it would end up being the same 2s imbalances of power that we see now. It is no different from it doesn't matter what you want to look at it, right? It's all a reflection of us and who we are individually in consciousness and collectively in consciousness. I know. 2s I remember what it's like what it was like 1s to be caught in that whirlwind of belief that I was powerless, that there was some external force whose fault it was. I remember what it felt like. I haven't forgotten. And I know that some of you are still looking at areas of your life where you're feeling that, right? I know that we're all feeling it. And it's being illuminated for us. It's being mirrored for us all in different ways, in different areas right now, because this is the awakening. This is what we are being asked to awaken from. And so just like in active addiction, I got dragged off to treatment centers so many times against my will. 1s And so there was this one time I want to share a little story with you, okay? This is what it's like. This is what's happening. This is this is a metaphor for what's happening in the world right now. So this one time, when I was about 19 years old and my parents found out I was doing heroin. 2s My mom finally told my dad because she recognized she was losing all control. So she tells my dad. He's over pissed, comes up freaking belts me one. They drag me off to a hospital to try to force me into detox. I don't even have shoes on. I'm in my pajamas. It's the middle of winter. Do you know what I did? 1s We were sitting in the emergency room and I said, I have to go to the bathroom. And I went to go find the bathroom and I just left. I left. I ran. I ran a mile to the nearest pay phone because I'm dating myself here. And I had to find a payphone because cell phones weren't a thing 1s in my socks in the winter in New Jersey. And I hid behind a bush. After calling my friend, my friend anybody to come and get me, she came and rescued me. Quote quote, right? No pun intended. She rescued me from getting dragged off to treatment. And off I went on another tear for a few days. 2s I wasn't ready to stop. I was not even remotely ready to know that I had any power. I was not even remotely ready to look at what I was creating. And this is the perfect metaphor for what we're watching unfold in the world right now. Right there. I see people trying to drag other people into sobriety. Maybe other people are trying to drag other people out of of dysfunctional codependent relationships. I see people trying to red pill people and wake people up against the government. I see people all kinds of just dragging trying to drag into the knowing of power. 1s And the thing is, anytime we're sitting there trying to drag somebody else, that's just us being in our own codependence and our own false belief that, oh, what they do says whether or not I can be free and happy. 2s Right? And here's the thing. 3s Just like no one's coming to save you, no one's coming to save them either. Which means it's not your job to save anybody. It is your job or your purpose to dig in and look at your own creations and from your reflection of your own creations, make a decision about what the fuck you want, right? Because if you're looking in your own life as being mirrored back to you, and you're being shown what is in your own consciousness and you're being shown where you're living in alignment, where you're powerful and where you're not and then you're complaining about it, and you're expecting other people to just give you the answers and pick you up and jump in the puddle with you. It's madness. It is madness, 1s right? You must make a decision. It all comes from a decision. 2s The word decision is so interesting because it comes from the Latin. 5s Which is a combination of two words d, which means off, and Saderi, which is cut. So essentially it's cutting off, right? Decide is cutting off. 2s When we haven't decided, we fall into that inbetween place where it's like, oh, I'll just complain about it. I'll just kind of sit here and hope that it changes. I'll get mad at it, I'll bitch about it, I'll blame it on somebody else. But the moment we actually decide and we cut off any other option 1s in that moment is the moment you set polarity into motion and then universal law spirit source, the creative process can support you in creating something else. But until you decide for yourself, nobody else can decide for you. And that's essentially what it should be, right? No one is coming to save you because nobody can decide for you. And that's what saving essentially is, right? Somebody wanting to be saved thinks that they don't have the power to cut off all the stuff they don't want. Someone wanting to be saved doesn't realize they have the power to turn decide and laser focus on what they do want. 1s And that universal law will then conspire to make that happen for them. It's an illusion. It's a falsity. It's the biggest lie we've ever been told. It's the greatest drug fix that is out there, 1s right? And we see it everywhere we look. But we cannot change it outside until we change it within ourselves. So it starts with each one of us. It starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with our self recovery, our soul recovery, our spiritual recovery, 1s the recovery of self, soul and spirit. 4s It is the greatest 2s journey and awakening that we can take and it is the greatest and most perfect unfolding. But I know right now that when we are stuck in it and we are forgetting and we haven't decided and we are complaining, it is sheer madness. 3s Eckhart totally had it right there. And the moment we make that decision, then we can take and fall into that law of action, right where there is an action that sets the law into motion. 1s And so right here, right now, maybe as you're listening to this, you're making a decision. A knowing is awakening from within your own heart and consciousness. That is saying, that is who I want to be. That is what I desire to create. And the moment you decide, the moment you consider yourself to be 2s anything other than the I Am law is set into motion and it is done. It is done. 1s And so that doesn't doesn't just go for considering yourself to be powerless or an addict or a codependent or whatever, right? It also goes the opposite way. Whatever you consider yourself to be meaning powerful, hopeful, abundant, prosperous, healthy, free, liberated, expressed. 2s And so I know that those seeds, I know that they are awakening in your minds and hearts right here, right now. So if you would like to join me, just feel the moving of spirit to give a mind treatment on this topic, just bringing those hands into heart and just taking a breath in and knowing and recognizing. I recognize the truth, that it is all the one thing and it is all spirit and it is always spirit. And the gift is in how we use it. The magic, the power, the forces in how we use it, how I use it, how you use it. And what I know to be true is that each one of you have been using it perfectly for your own growth, leading you right here, right now, to this moment where you are remembering. You are awakening. You are deciding that you are powerful, that each one of you is deciding that there is magic, there is hope, there are gifts in all of this and that it has all been perfection. And I know that each one of you is spirit informed. And I know that nobody needs to save any of you because you are the divine embodied. You have all of the power, you have all of the choice, you have all of the gifts, you have all of the omnipotent intelligence that is spirit in form and in the ether. It is all right there. And so I just declare the liberation, that knowing, the calling forth of that right here, right now in every single cell in your being, as I feel my own cells vibrating with the knowingness of this truth. I invite you to feel the radiance, the knowingness, the vibration of this truth, the recognition of this truth in every cell of your being right here, right now. You will feel it. You will know it. And I know it is done. I know my word is law. And I just say thank you for this knowing. I say thank you as I feel the unraveling, the awakening, the remembering in each one of you. And I know my word is law. I know as I speak, it is done. It is done, it is defined, it is heard. And I release my words up and so it is. 2s And so it is 2s this is how we shift our consciousness through these conversations. And so if you know that these conversations just resonate with you so deeply and you know that you are ready and you are craving to do more of this work, and you just know that you're ready to know, it in all areas of your life. You want full sobriety because you know 1s that the only person that needs to save anybody is you saving yourself, which we know simply means you're just making a decision. You are making a decision to remember who the fuck you are and let the path unfold before you. And if that's speaks to your heart and your mind and your soul and your body, then I invite you to come into our community. I invite you to come and do this work. We've got new thought recovery launching. I've got the soulbriety healing mastermind launching Check out the links that are here reach out to me. 2s It is time. It is time. It is time for soulbriety. It is time for this awakening to just ripple out this rising. Because that's all it is. 1s No one needs to be saved. We simply need to remember. 1s And I declare that that is done. 1s I remember. You remember. We all remember. 1s Thank you so much for being here today. 1s Enjoy your day. Be wildly you. Spread your magic, live your truth 2s and have it all. 1s Hey, divine badass. Thanks again for tuning in and being here on Detoxing from The Matrix, where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of stealth, soul and spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all, the external Matrix. If you know someone who would benefit from our illuminating conversations, please don't hesitate to share this podcast with a friend. And if you loved this episode or the podcast as a whole, don't forget to leave a review. It really helps spread the message and expand the collective. Don't hesitate to connect with me over on The Socials. You can find me all over the place at I am Lins Karacardi. I've really been having a blast over on TikTok with some great content and conversations. You can also find me on IG or in my Facebook community, the Money Matrix Detox. Be sure to check out the links below in the description for all the connections on social media, other ways we can connect, some free gifts and resources that will support your own awakening ascension, as well as ways that we can work together.