Detoxxxing From the Matrix Podcast

Imagination: Your Greatest Power to Change the World

Lindsay Carricarte Season 2 Episode 22

“Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory.”

― Neville Goddard,

On this Divine Download podcast, we are diving into the SPELL that is cast by the Matrix and how you free yourself from it.  We are breaking down how your God-given creative force (your imagination) is hijacked & used by the matrix to keep you trapped, as well as how it's up to you to reclaim your sovereignty and break the spell.

Get ready to have your mind blown.

This episode is a pure download of Truth and will expand your understanding of what the physical world is and how it is serving you right now, as well as how it ensnares you.

This is a deep conversation where we will shatter paradigms of what neutrality really means, why discernment is so crucial, and the utter perfection of this thing called life.

It's my hope that this conversation allows you to recognize that the greatest addiction is to the external world.

Ready to break your matrix money spell? Be sure to listen to
Episode 20 The Metaphysics of Money
Episode 18 Detoxxxxing from the Money Matrix

Episode 10 No one is coming to Save You

Ready to go deeper into the Consciousness Detox around Money?

Join my facebook community The Money Matrix Detox

Watch the pop-up trainings on Daddy Issues & Money and Mommy Issues & Money here:

Part 1 - Daddy Issues & Money Flow

Part 2 - Mommy Issues & Money

Part 3 - Money Codependency

Be sure to subscribe if you are loving this conversation!

And, please, if you love this show, leave a review.  (it really helps the reac

Welcome to Detoxxxing From the Matrix podcast

Where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of Self, Soul, and Spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all…. The external matrix

This is a place for illuminating conversations that will take you from divide to divine, pain into purpose, and suffering to sovereignty while we detox the fck out of your mind, body, and soul.

I’m your host Lindsay Carricarte and this podcast is for all the rebel souls who seek to live deeply, authentically, and fully expressed as the divine badass you are.

Note: this episode was originally recorded when it was the S0ULbriety podcast & has been added here due to copyright issues on the name. I have no affiliation with the trademarked brand and method of that name.

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 Welcome to Detoxing from The Matrix Podcast, formerly known as Soulbriety, where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of self, soul, and spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all the external matrix. This podcast is a place for illuminating conversations that will take you from divided to divine, into purpose and suffering to sovereignty, while we detox the fuck out of your mind, body, and soul from all those limited programs of separation, struggle, scarcity, and pain. I'm your host, Lindsey Carracardi, and this podcast is for all the rebel souls who seek to live deeply, authentically, and fully expressed as the divine badasses you are. 1s Note this episode was originally recorded when it was Sobriety Podcast and has been added here to Detoxing from The Matrix. Due to copyright issues on the name Sobriety, I have no affiliation with the trademark Sobriety brand or method. 2s Welcome, divine badasses, to another divine download of Sobriety podcast. It's me, Lindsay Caracarti, your host, your fellow seeker, spiritual practitioner, master spiritual psychology coach, and all around explorer of the quantum and the Ascension and the dimensions in this thing that we are calling the Great Awakening. So welcome to this episode where today we are going to be talking about sobering up from the Matrix spell. And we're going to be talking about this through the lens of your God given creative force known as your imagination. So I invite you to settle in, grab yourself a tasty beverage. I've got my matcha green tea latte here because as many of you know, I quit coffee recently. So grab whatever it is that's speaking to your soul. Sit back, relax, expand your consciousness, and let's get into this beautiful conversation. So let's just take a deep breath in together 1s and let it go. Just fully being here, now, in this moment, in this present, allowing consciousness to just come through, allowing yourself to realize the truth of who and what you are. A powerful, powerful creative force. A divine badass, designed to create through the power of your imagination, designed to create worlds and experiences and new potentials. Because you are infinite intelligence inform. You are spirit inform. You are God inform. And this is what life is all about. 2s So just releasing that up, knowing fully you are exactly where you need to be in this very moment, right here, right now, listening to Sobriety here with me. We are all one and just. I'm in so much gratitude. I'm in so much love and gratitude for each and every one of you. So as we get into this conversation, I would like to leave things off with a quote from Neville Goddard. And he said says, stop trying to change the world, since it is only the Mirror man's attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hopes of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory. Now, what does this have to do with imagination? What does this have to do with sobering up from the Matrix spell? So I want to start off zooming out. So I just invite each and every one of you to zoom out. Zoom way out. Just getting in touch with the highest frequency of you, the highest expression of you. Your higher self, your soul self, your spirit self, your god self, whatever you want to call it, right? It doesn't matter. This is beyond words, right? So just zooming out into the oneness, recognizing the truth of all things, which is oneness. It's one creator. There is one creative force playing out here, even though down in this density that we live in and this frequency that we live in, in this world, this realm, this dimension, 1s there is polarity, there is duality. We know that the source of all of it is one thing, therefore it is one thing. One creative force playing out. 2s So what's the point? Right? I just want to reiterate that the truth of all of it is oneness. And so when we then drop down into this reality that we are in, it can be very easy to forget that. And it can be very easy to get caught up in the idea that there's something to fight, that there is something that is against you. Well, there's there's not, right? Because if it's all one thing and all one creative force and we're all aspects of that one, well, then it's true what Rob said. We're all just walking each other home and we're all just reflecting aspects back to each other. And the world is reflecting back to us what it is we believe, what our conceptions are and what our consciousness is. So when we try to fight it out there, we just then shackle ourselves to the very thing we're trying to fight because we shackle ourselves to the idea that it is separate to us. So just releasing all of these conceptions of separation and just beginning to look out at the world that we live in 1s with detached and unattached awareness. Observation. Right. And we can begin to observe that there are all sorts of things playing out in this matrix that we call life. There are things out there that can hook us, that can grab us. We've got addiction, we've got codependency, we've got pain, we've got suffering, we've got depression. We've got all the things that we are all too familiar with, right? 1s So what does it have to do with oneness? What does it have to do with or imagination? What does it have to do with? 1s How we're creating. And so I want to then turn our gaze and our observation to the fact that within this dimension that we play, and in this matrix that we play in, there are aspects of the one mind, the one creative force that are on the negative side of polarity, right? And we can view these people, these entities, these beings, these groups as nefarious. We can view them as evil. We can view them as the Puppet masters. We can view them as whatever rate. It's all there. But guess what? That means? The fact that they exist, they're there, they're still aspects of the One. So, too, does the equal and opposite exist, right? So every single thing you can perceive as ensnaring you as being a Puppet Master or slave master or an elite overlord, whatever you want to call it, right? Every single aspect of that is an aspect of you, of me, of all of us, of the collective playing out. All right? That's what I want to say first and foremost, because I really want to hammer home the point that we're not fighting anything, right? We're just awakening from the dream. That's all you're doing here. You're awakening from the dream. And the dream would have you believe that there is something outside of you that has more power than you do. Okay? So how, within this dream scape within this dream realm, how do these perceived separate being, separate humans, separate entities, groups, they know and understand the law, right? Universal law is being used everywhere. 2s The question is, are you using it consciously for what you want to create, or are you being used by those who understand the law? And either way, it doesn't matter, because even if you are being used, it is perfect for waking you up. You are perfectly creating whatever you need to create for you to wake up and come back into your sovereignty and remember who you are and resurrect who you are are. Okay? So all that being said, I want to just talk about the way The Matrix uses the way the Dreamscape uses the Law and uses the knowledge and uses the magic to cast the spell, right? Because if you can imagine for a second on the extreme negative end of the polarity spectrum, you have humans, beings that are aspects of the One, but they have forgotten, right? They're so far to the inverted side of the polarity that they have forgotten that, and they and their experience believe they are separate. And so they therefore then believe that they have to feed on, prey on, and get their gains because they're extracting their supply from you, from me, from the external world, because that's what they believe, okay? Now, they're perfect expressions of the collective consciousness that believes it needs all of this. So we're not making it wrong. We're just observing. But the way that they would use 1s the laws and the magic, and it reminds me of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, when Asla and the lion, he says, don't speak to me of the old magic witch. I was there when it was cast or forged or created, right? He says something because as line is just so ancient. Essentially, he's playing the role of, like, spirit or god or the one spiritual source, the one creator, which is why the quote unquote dark or evil characters in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe have no power over him. Even when it seems like they kill his lion form, right, he still exists because he knows the old magic. They know the magic too, and they're trying to use it. But here's the thing, right? Once we become aware, once you become aware, once you begin to understand how The Matrix works, then you get to choose how you want to be in it. You get to choose where you want to play. So the way that they use the magic is to cast spell. Now, the way that they cast spell is through things like mainstream media, news outlets, social media. Basically, what they do is they put out. 1s A narrative. They put out something like inflation, it's here. Economic downturn, crisis, right? They put it out there and everybody who's not in their sovereignty then reacts and their imagination runs wild. Their imagination then creates the thing that they've put out as happening, and then it's done. 1s So the way around this is recovering, claiming your imagination, learning to intentionally use your imagination, and learning to stop imagining something just because something outside of you said it was. So now, the way this used to work was through newspaper, right? We didn't have all the radio and TV and media. They only had print. And we have grown, obviously, by leaps and bounds and technology since then. And now they can put out a narrative within seconds and it hooks everybody in. The imaginations are unwild. The spell is cast, the outcome is created. However, this is how they manipulate the economy, FY and the stock market. This is spiritual economics. 2s However, over the last about ten to 15 years, there has been a very big shift. It started off slow and it's rapidly progressed over the last three years, especially since COVID has happened, right? So as many of you will have seen through COVID, they tried very hard to push a particular narrative. And what happened was the masses just weren't buying it at first. It was like, okay, I'll just comply. Some people. I was never a complier, but that's just me, because I saw through the spell right away. I saw through it, right? I could see what was happening. And it was the moment where I really stepped into my own sovereignty because I chose to stand in what I could see, what I could feel, what I was knowing, not with my two eyeballs that I could see in the external world. Because what I could see in the external world was I could see people afraid and complying and just doing what they were told because they were so afraid of being made wrong, shamed, mocked, ridiculed for standing up for what they believed in. Okay. And so in that moment when I chose to not play the game, huge, huge. 3s Puppet tethers to not being sovereign were released for me. Okay? And so what started to unfold through all of that was that people more and more in mass started saying, I'm not playing anymore. I'm not playing anymore. Turning off their TVs, getting rid of their TVs, not following the mainstream and the masses and what the propaganda said. Okay, so something really interesting that you can look out. You'll always be able to tell when something is a spell being cast, when you speak out in an alternative viewpoint. And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it's like the non player characters in a video game come into your realm on your social media or wherever to attack you and defend whatever you're sharing a different perspective on. It's almost like they're bots, right? It's like, are you even a human like you used to be? A human that I used to are you still a human or what's going on there? Right? It's like there's no humanity. There's no organic thought. There's no rational thought. 1s And so as that unfolds, you can always see that that is one of the things that is like it's a spelling and cast. It's just like when the matrix agents attack Neo, every time he is creating ripples in the matrix, they all come out of the woodwork and literally someone who was just a person all of a sudden becomes a matrix agent because they just have this ability to come forth to defend the matrix, right? So that's what we can see. Anytime you see that, you'll know it's the spell being cast. You guys like, this is fucking real talk. You can see it in the Ukraine narrative. You can see it in all of the trans narrative that's coming up. A lot of the sexualization of children, masks, COVID, vaccines. Now, I want to just reiterate you guys, I have no problem. Whatever anybody thinks or believes in is up to them. I accept all people as they are. I don't care what somebody's sexual preference is. I don't care what their religion is. I don't care what gender they want to call themselves. I do not care what religion somebody follows. I don't care about any of it. I care about the person in front of me. And are they someone I want to interact with? Are they 1s awakened? Are they bringing forth the love? Are they seeking? Are they right? Do we have a resonance? That's what I care about. All right, so I just want to say that I have no problem or opinions with people who have felt marginalized and victimized by society wanting equality, because I believe in equality for all beings. And simultaneously, I can recognize that there are narratives being pushed right now that nobody is allowed to question, nobody is allowed to speak up about, nobody is allowed to share a differing opinion about without being labeled as being 1s phobic of something or a racist or an elitist or some sort of IST. Okay, so these are the things that spells are being cast around. The economy is something that spells are being cast around because, like I said, they declare it's a recession, everybody buys in. Their imagination runs wild. Oh, my god, I'm running out of money. I don't have food. Stress, suffering, pain. Oh, my god. And then all of a sudden, it runs wild. 2s And we're experiencing the thing they cast a stall around. So this again is not the call to go out and fight it. We're not fighting it because that energizes it. We're simply recognizing what is playing out. We're shining a big ass spotlight of consciousness onto what has been slithering around in the darkness, if you will. We're shining the light and recognizing exactly what is going on. Because from that place we get to choose. From that place we get to declare. This is what I'm going to use my imagination to energize. I am no longer going to allow my imagination, my godgiven creative force to be used for somebody else's agenda. I'm going to use it for what I am here to create. I'm going to get my mind right. I'm going to get right with God, with spirit, with source. I'm going to clear out my trauma and I'm going to create intentionally and in a way that uplifts all of us. 1s Bringing us to my next quote because I'm fired up. I don't know if you can tell. I'm sure you can tell 1s Neville Goddard again. Because of your belief in external things, you sink power into them. By transferring the power that you are to the external thing, realize that you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions. I'm going to read it again. Because of your belief in external things, you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing, realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions. 5s There is no outer condition that has the power to shape your reality unless you believe it to be. If you are energizing the spells being cast by the Matrix 1s and you are energizing and imagining the worst case scenario of everything they talk about, you are energizing the thing outside of your self. We do it when we're in addiction with our substances. We do it when we're in codependency. 2s We give it to other people, other places, other things. And so this is just a higher level of codependency. So like the lower level of codependency, when I say lower and higher, I just mean like 1s tangible codependency versus is a more energetic codependency, right? So the tangible codependency is 2s like your relationship codependency, codependency on your bank account, code dependency on your children, right? Needing people, places or things to be just so so you can relax. At a higher level, the codependency is believing that. 2s Things outside of you. People, governments, bankers, whomever, elite, reptilians, whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter, right? Slave masters, puppet masters, it doesn't matter. It's all the one thing. Take your power back, right? Stop giving it any 1s power, stop listening, right? Just because they say something is though, doesn't make it true until the masses energize it with their imagination. So my question for each and every one of you is what are you using your imagination for? Where are you getting hooked in and using your imagination to feed the matrix narrative of a recession, of inflation, 3s the need for more government or lockdowns, or more authoritarian rule? And where are you using it to energize and create your sovereign expression of abundance, of prosperity, of living, your purpose of love, of equality for all? 1s Where are you using your God given imagination? 2s Because your imagination is God expressing through you. It's how you create. 1s So are you being used or are you using it? There is no in between anymore. 1s It's now. 2s What do you choose? 2s What do you choose? 4s Only you can decide. Each and every one of you is sovereign and powerful. Powerful beyond measure. 1s It's my hope that this episode just woke something up in you, resonated something into your conscious awareness of who the fuck you are. And I look forward to seeing you in the next episode. As always, we've got regular trainings going down over in the MoneyMatrix Detox Facebook group so you can come join us there. The link is below the podcast and I will see you guys out there. It is time to awaken. See you guys in the next episode. So much love. I look forward to hearing from you. 2s Hey Divine Badass, thanks again for tuning in and being here on Detoxing from The Matrix. So we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of self, soul and spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all the external Matrix. If you know someone who would benefit from our illuminating conversations, please don't hesitate to share this podcast with a friend. And if you loved this episode or the podcast as a whole, don't forget to leave a review. It really helps spread the message and expand the collective. Don't hesitate to connect with me over on The Socials. You can find me all over the place at I Am Lins Karakardi. I've really been having a blast over on TikTok with some great content and conversations. You can also find me on IG or in my Facebook community, The Money Matrix Detox. Be sure to check out the links below in the description for all the connections on social media. Other ways we can connect, some free gifts and resources that will support your own awakening ascension, as well as ways that we can work together.