Detoxxxing From the Matrix Podcast

It’s Time to Get High on Your Own Supply (Of ABUNDANCE!)

Lindsay Carricarte Season 3 Episode 27

On this Divine Download of Detoxxxing from the Matrix podcast, we are diving into MONEY MONEY MONEY and more specifically Abundance as a whole. 

Today we break down the myth of lack & scarcity while activating the inner Truth or infinite supply and abundance which allows you to get high on your own supply because your own divine supply is the ONLY supply that will never run out. 

In this episode, we are exploring money & prosperity from a metaphysical perspective and shining light on how the matrix ensnares us by having us look for the supply out there.  As we awaken from the Matrix we must transmute the inner victim-savior complex and this episode takes things deeper into the root cause of this in our consciousness.

Get ready to have your mind blown!

This is a conversation that will expand your perspective on all things related to Spiritual Awakening & Spiritual Recovery from the Matrix and the absolute power of raising your consciousness to recognize the Truths hidden in plain sight.

It's my hope that this conversation allows you to recognize that the greatest addiction is to the external world.

Welcome to Detoxxxing From the Matrix podcast

Where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of Self, Soul, and Spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all…. The external matrix

This is a place for illuminating conversations that will take you from divide to divine, pain into purpose, and suffering to sovereignty while we detox the fck out of your mind, body, and soul.

I’m your host Lindsay Carricarte and this podcast is for all the rebel souls who seek to live deeply, authentically, and fully expressed as the divine badass you are.

Note: this episode was originally recorded when it was the S0ULbriety podcast & has been added here due to copyright issues on the name. I have no affiliation with the trademarked brand and method of that name.

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 Welcome to Detoxing from The Matrix, the podcast where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of self, soul and spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all, the external matrix. This is a place for illuminating conversations that will take you from divided to divine pain into purpose and suffering into sovereignty, where we detox the fuck out of your mind, body and soul from the limited programs of separation, lack, scarcity, struggle, and pain. I'm your host, Lindsay Care Cardi, and this podcast is for all the rebel souls who seek to live deeply, authentically, and fully expressed as the divine badasses. You are 1s welcome. Welcome to another divine download of Detoxing from The Matrix podcast. It's Lindsay. Here your friendly neighborhood glitch in The Matrix, a new thought spiritual practitioner, mental projector and purveyor of 2s questions and conversations that make you go things that make you go. You guys remember that song back in the 90s? Anybody's? Welcome, you guys. Welcome to this episode where today we are diving into Getting high on your own Supply. Okay, we all remember that song too, right? Like, never get high on your own supply. All the rules, right? I really want to break this down when it comes to abundance and prosperity and money and spiritual supply. So let's just take a deep breath in together and get present to get grounded in. Grab your tea or coffee, grab your tasty beverage and let's dive into this exhale. Let that breath go out. 2s Super excited to dive into this today. And I want to just take this moment as we breathe in together, 2s to really, as we always do, just recognize recognizing the perfection in this moment, recognizing that the answers really are all right here, recognizing that there is this intelligence, this consciousness, this allness, this presence, this spirit within you. It is within me. It is what we are. It is who we are. And it is so much greater than this physical reality. You are so much greater than this physical reality. You are so much more. And just recognizing this truth, that nature does not need to hurry. Nature does not need to micromanage, nature does not doubt, right? When a sunflower seed grows into a sunflower, it doesn't question itself the whole way. It just grows into the sunflower. And that same inherent intelligence, it is within you. It is within me. There is a law of harmony, of growth, cause and effect, of divinity governing all of this. And I just declare today that we relax into the trust of these laws, of this presence, of this knowingness. We relax into the allness within ourselves that knows how to do exactly what we want to do. Just like an oak tree, acorn growing into the tree, we too, know how to spread our branches, reach high, grow tall, prosper. 2s And succeed. I'm just so grateful for each of you being here, sending you all the love and the blessings as we open this session, as we open this episode and dive into this, just relaxing into the knowingness that it's all right here right now. And I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful and so grateful. And so it is. 1s And so I wanted to kick us off today with a little snippet of a book called Think, Believe, Receive, and the author is Brian Graham. And he just puts it so perfectly. I didn't want to try to rehash it. He has a chapter in the book where he's talking about, do you have 1s faith in something? Or do you have faith of something? And the difference is, for me, for a long time, I had faith in right. I learned about universal laws. I saw manifestation in action. I learned I was learning about more about quantum physics and the mechanics and all of the energetics. 1s And I was able to see, yes, indeed, there was a very real law kind of governing things. I could see that. And I had faith in this law, 1s but I also at the same time, looked at it as separate to me, 1s like I wasn't it. It wasn't me, and I wasn't it. It was something that was working in my life, and it wasn't reliable and it wasn't consistent to my understanding. Right. The way I was experiencing it, it was like I was able to create and manifest some things and then other things. It would seem like such a struggle, usually, especially around money, right? And so when I read this and he was breaking down the difference between having faith in something 1s or faith of something, 1s faith in me means we believe something can do for us, right? So there I was believing the law can do for me, but only sometimes. Only if I got it just right. I'm guessing some of you are going to relate to this, right? Like, if I manifest just right, if I keep my energy just right, if I stay high vibe all the time, the law will work for me because I have faith in the belief that it can do something for me, but only if I get it. All right? 2s Faith of reflects a belief that the something that can do for us is part of our own being. 1s So it's never not working right. When we start to have faith of the law, faith of the Presence, faith of the power, of the law, of harmony, of the law, of cause effect, we begin to recognize that 1s something that can do for us is part of our own being. There's no separation. It's not working 1s for me from outside of me. It's working as me. Guys, it seems a very subtle difference, but it's a very distinct shift in the frequency. 1s So I want to ask you all today, like, are you still seeing the law as something that's working outside of you? 1s Like, maybe it'll do for you if you get it just right, or you're looking to that employer or whatever it is for your supply. This is why the title of today is get High on Your Own Supply, because this is about supply, right? Anytime we're talking about manifestation or money or universal law, we're talking about supply. And do we believe that there is enough for me, for you, for all of us? And the answer is yes, there is. There's plenty of supply. The only place the lack exists is in our understanding of the supply, of our perception of the supply, right? 2s Right now it's snowing, and 1s the snowflakes are the tiny ones. If you guys know snow, sometimes there's, like, big, chunky snowflakes. There's, like, little tiny snowflakes. It's the tiny ones, right? You can't even see them all as they're coming down. 2s They're accumulating all on the ground, building up. So where there was nothing, there is now something, right? Where there was just space on top of my outside table, there is now three inches of something, substance 1s that wasn't there before. 2s Money is the same, right? But where it gets convoluted is we don't feel like we have to micromanage the clouds or the weather. Yeah, sure, we might have attachment. Oh, I want it to be sunny today. Or I'd love it for 1s and enjoy fresh powder on the mountain, whatever. Or I don't want it to rain because I want to go do this thing right. But as a whole, we don't really feel like we need to micromanage the weather. I mean, unless you're Bill Gates and you think we need to block out the sun for your own corrupt agenda. 1s Most of us don't. We just have faith that the weather is going to do what the weather does because we trust nature. We trust nature. So it's the same thing, right? Nature is just a microcosm to the macrocosm. It's the example. Money, supply, support, abundance is the same. But we in our minds have been conditioned to doubt that. We haven't been conditioned to forgive and doubt the weather or question the snow or wonder if the clouds are going to get it right or, oh, my God, am I worthy enough to have a sunny day? Oh, do I deserve to have a snowy, fresh, powder day on the mountain? Right? We don't do all that. We don't do all that because we have faith that there is a nature intelligence that is working and it doesn't need our fucking micromanaging. So if we could begin to have the same faith in the law and the supply and substance and spirit, we would begin to know that just the way that there's snow where there was nothing before, there can be money where there was a void before. 2s But what has to shift is you. And it's not that you have to work harder or go get another job. I mean, yes, those are all feasible avenues. But guess what? If you don't address your consciousness, you could be working three jobs and still be in lack and scarcity. I had a driver the other day in Uber because our Jeep still in the shop, and 1s he was telling me how he works at the school all day, managing. I think he's like the custodial manager or something. So he works at the high school all day, and then he gets off work and he drives Uber till about 10:00 at night. And then it was on a Sunday we were getting an Uber, and there he was working on a Sunday, too. And he was basically saying, like, he works, like, all the time. If he's not at the school, he's driving, manuver. And he was very in the story of, like, this is what I have to do to live here. This is what I have to do to afford my rent. Now, I'm not going to say that's not a reality, quote, unquote, because that's his experience. That's what he's creating. That's his reality right now. 1s Simultaneously. I'm not going to buy into the belief that anybody has to work multiple jobs to support themselves, right? I'm going to hold the higher belief, the knowingness that even if that's what he's experiencing right now, the truth is that he still has access to all the abundance in the freaking infinite cosmos, and he'll access it when he's ready to access it. And it's not for me to try to tell him he's wrong or right or indifferent. It's for me to live my expression of infinite supply and allow others to come and inquire. Right? I don't have to force what I see onto anyone. 2s But it's about having the faith, right? It's having the belief. Right? Faith is just belief in belief of okay. 1s So we must have creative faith, belief in the force, the law, the supply that it will produce what we plant. Right? If you don't believe it's going to produce what you plant. This is where most people are getting all messed up around money supply, is you're planting seeds. You come to the trainings. You listen to the pot. You're planting seeds right now. You're planting seeds every time you do a meditation or you put on some abundance frequency or you do some affirmations or you read a book or you work with a coach, right? You're planting seeds of abundance. 1s You plant the seeds, and then you doubt that the seeds are going to grow. You check back five minutes after planting the seed, and you're like, do I have a freaking full garden yet? How many of you are doing that right now with your money? 2s Like, you've been planting seeds for a couple of weeks. Couple of months. 1s And you're like, Where's my garden? And every time you look at the garden, aka your bank account, you tell yourself you don't have a garden and you're not worthy of a garden. And all your subconscious little blind spot stories about worthiness and money and it's so subtle, you don't even hear them. They all crept up and they make you feel like shit. And you judge where you are and you judge your garden, even though you just started doing this. I must be the worst gardener ever. And I'm just not meant to. Oh, it's just not meant to be. You are revealing your lack of faith 1s that your seeds are going to grow. 1s If our belief is that creative force cannot produce or will not produce for us, then it will just affirm our belief by not producing. 2s If our belief includes an affirmation of something like, I believe I am part of the creative force, the universal force, the universal law. Our word or demand takes on the power of the unlimited as it works through us. Conversely, if our belief is that we are separate from creative force, we place ourselves apart from that force. And rather than being powerful co creators, we become am powerless supplicants, hoping that creative force will respond to our pleas. How many of you guys are acting like powerless supplicants, hoping and wishing and begging that creative force is going to respond to your pleas for more? 1s This is the result of placing ourselves outside, seeing ourselves as apart from our creative of force 1s is that we now have a belief in a force which is capricious, moody, and selective. 1s And this is where the Bible right comes in again, tells us, rain falls upon the just and the unjust equally. 1s Creative force could never choose to grow an apple from an apple seed for one planter and not another 1s simply because that planter or this planter is of one religion and that planter is of another religion or as an atheist or whatever. In creative force, we are all worthy. This is an issue of faith which is demonstrated with such perfect regularity scientific. We do not think of it as faith at all. But it's still faith. It's still belief. So every single one of us has faith. The question is, what do you have faith in? What do you believe in? Do you have faith in a universal law, a creative force spiritual supply that may or may not cooperate in the manifestation of your desires? Or do you have faith of creative force which is working for you all of the time in every single case? 1s Right? When you really start to understand this, you will see. 3s That's planting the seeds for more money, beginning to expand and develop your wealth consciousness. And then two weeks later, you're experiencing a negative bank account. 1s If you knew the seed was growing and you trusted and had faith in the seed and your supply, 2s you would know that that experience of a negative bank account is part of the process. The fact that you are because it's not about the negative bank account experience. It's about how are you interacting with it, 1s right? Just like we don't know what goes on under the soil before the green sprout pops up above the dirt and we can see it. That sprout has to push against the seed, and then eventually it sprouts through it's in the dark. And then all of a sudden, it makes its way up to the light and then boom, we have a little sprout above the dirt. It's not where it started, 1s right? And so you plant the seeds for abundance of prosperity. And then you look at your bank account and it's not what you want, and you're stressed out. 2s This is the experience of the seed, the sprout busting out of the seed, 2s right? But imagine the plant had the ability to storytell and reason, and as it was busting out of the seed, it's in there and it's like, oh, it's dark. Oh, am I not good enough? Oh, my God. God, I'm just not worthy. I've been forgotten. Universal law doesn't work for me. It's not working. It's too hard. Oh, my God. 1s And it made up all this meaning about what it was experiencing. How do we know it would make its way out and through the dirt and grow into the full plant a tree, 1s right? Our reactions 1s to the experiences that are developing us and giving us an opportunity to 2s rehabilitate our beliefs, right? So that moment of, oh, I've been planting the seeds of abundance, but now all of a sudden, I have a negative bank account, that is your moment to rehabilitate your relationship with that bank account and your belief. Because if you knew money was coming, if you knew the plant, the seed was going to bear fruit and you at Faith. 3s Would you react? You wouldn't react, 1s right? You wouldn't react. So, for example, a couple of months ago, I had something happened. I logged into one of my bank accounts, and 1s something had hit it, and it went negative because I hadn't moved money over. I had just dropped the ball. I had been busy. I hadn't been properly moving my money between between accounts. 1s Something was hitting this one account, and I was like, oh, shit. Right? Whoops. And it was funny, because it was an opportunity for me to clean up my act around being a manager of my money, right? Being on top of, like, okay, knowing what's come in, paying myself, where are the bills coming? All of these things. 1s Whereas once upon a time, that 1s absence of whoops, I forgot, it would have spiraled into this whole thing, and I would have made it mean, this whole big story. And, I mean, chances are, when it happened back in the day, I didn't have other accounts to pull money out of, right? Because I was in the lack of the scarcity. But the point is, now it's like, it's there's no story. There's no big deal, right? Because I know my supply. I trust in my supply. I'm not looking outside of myself for my supply. Here's the thing, you guys. As long as you are looking to the external world for your supply of money or anything else, you are going to be strung out on the ebbs and flows of the external world. 2s The economy. The stock market, right? People are freaking commanded by the stock market. People with investments, they're in a great mood when their investments are doing great and the stock market is all up and the moment it goes down, they freak out and everybody freaks out and oh, my God, recession, right? So if you are drawing your supply, lie in your belief, in your faith from the demonstration outside of you, you will forever be a victim to 1s whatever it is doing out there. Just like a drug addict is reliant upon their drug dealer, 2s right? You're reliant upon that person who has what you need. And it's no different and out in the world when you are reliant upon 2s your bank account, your money flow, your paycheck, your boss, your job, your sales. 2s For your own supply. 2s And the invitation is always to recognize that none of those things are your supply. They're just the vessels through which the supply of divine abundance, infinite abundance, can flow to you. But if you want more, if you want to increase what is flowing to you, you have to increase your capacity to receive it. You have to increase your capacity to use it. 1s I know people who want more money, and they want to increase the amount of money they're making or receiving, 1s and in the very next breath, they won't spend the money they have. They won't invest in something that will help them do it, because they're so committed to the idea that they have to save what they have. Well, guess what? You're not going to increase what you have by locking it up, hanging onto it, and not using it. But when you are believing that your supply comes from outside of you and someone else has control over it, you're very much going to subscribe to this belief that it needs to be clung to, held onto. 2s So the answer here today, friends, is to begin to recognize the true source of your supply, which isn't your job or your boss, or your bank account, or your money flow, or your job, whatever, right? The true source of your supply is your consciousness, 1s and it's your faith, 2s right? 1s And here's the thing, right? We see plenty of people with money. They have wealth, consciousness. It's not that they don't, right? They manage it well, they take care of it, they invest it, they spend it wisely, it comes in. But they're also terrified. 3s Some of them think they have to hold on to it, or they're very like it has to come a certain way. Yeah, right. It's not like true multidimensional wealth. It's not infinite wealth, consciousness. There's still an idea and a perspective that 2s they have to do something to get it. 2s Some of them hold on to it. 2s They're the people who have wealth or have money, but they're still being dominated by what the quote unquote economy is doing. And so if you want to liberate yourself once and for all from being dragged around by the external world, the work is to develop your consciousness 1s and 2s large and widen, grow, create bigger baskets to receive, 3s create bigger baskets. Prepare, prepare, prepare. One more thing. It's like the Bible story with the widow and the jars and the oil, and she says, I just have the one jar. I just have the one jar, right? And it was all like lack and scarcity. Her husband had died and there was all these debts and he told her to go and prepare, right? And so she prepared all of the vessels. All of the vessels, right? She blindly prepared and blind faith and trust and sure enough, lo and behold, the vessels were filled, right? What I see so many people doing is planting the seeds, but then not preparing the vessels to receive. Planting the seeds. And then I'm going to check my bank account and I'm going to look if it's there yet, instead of preparing to receive. 3s How do you prepare to receive? You immerse yourself in the visioning. You set goals. You journal on what you're going to do. You go online and you shop for the vacations that you're going to take when you have the money, right? And you sit in it and it's like you just get your energy in the preparation, right? You get the contract ready for the agreements. You get the face ready to receive the people, 3s right? Get a beautiful wallet and prepare it to receive the money. When I'm talking about being symbolic, 1s it's like a farmer planting his corn and then sitting there and waiting and staring at the corn, waiting for it to grow. And then he has one little sprout and he's like, oh, my God, I'm not going to have a harvest. Instead of getting off his ass, taking care of the corn, preparing for the harvest, and then he has a full harvest, 1s right? Preparing the corn and taking care of the corn and 1s fertilizing it and watering it and nurturing it and loving it. 1s Has nothing to do with 1s obsessively assessing every stage of the corn's growth journey. 2s So this is your task this week, to really go and look at, like, gosh, where am I? Just in faith of doubt. Like, where am I? Just in faith in lack. Where am I having faith of it not working for me? 1s Where am I having faith that my supply isn't coming? And where can I begin to prepare? If I was fully knowing if I had full faith of the law working for me, and without a doubt, I knew my seeds were growing and they were going to bear fruit, what would I be doing? And that is your work, my friends. That is your work. And as always, if you are ready to go deeper on this and you're really want to take a quantum leap and you want to clear out the beliefs and the trauma, then I invite you to send me a message. And let's talk about some coaching because we can have a mastermind coming up for money. I've got a membership for money. At the very least, you guys should be in the membership if you want to have breakthroughs about this matrix. Rehab, monthly membership. 3s Because that is like joining a gardening club where you're going to be surrounded by people and teachings that are supporting you as you grow these seeds of wealth and money. Right? But it's what are you willing to do? How committed are you to creating this shift within yourself? The journey is yours to take, right? And if your first thought is, well, I have to look at my money first, well, then that's where you start addressing your problem, because is you are hyper conditioned to look at your money first, right? Yes. There's a difference between cool, let me see if this is the right investment for me at this time. Let me go look at what I got going on, and then I will make a decision from an informed place. And I can't do that. It's too much money. 2s There's always supply when we decide there is. Guys, stay tuned. Next week is going to be a follow up to this and we're going to talk about how to shift out of this. When you really are in the position where you can't invest in yourself and the lack is there and the scarcity is there and all your fears and your survival is being popped up, you can still create these shifts and we're going to go deep on that next week. So, as always, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for detoxing from the Matrix with me, because we are all in this too. We are doing this. The great awakening. Ascension? Here we go, you guys. New paradigms of money, of wealth. Guys, get in my Facebook group, come and join my membership. And if you want to go deeper, don't hesitate to reach out and let's talk about some coaching. I love you all. Go forth. Be the divine, badass as you are. Get high on your own supply, because your supply is infinite. 1s I'll see you guys next time. Hey, Divine Badass, thanks again for tuning in and being here on Detoxing from The Matrix, where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of self, soul and spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all the external Matrix. If you know someone who would benefit from our illuminating conversations, please don't hesitate to share this podcast with a friend. And if you loved this episode or the podcast as a whole, don't forget to leave a review. It really helps spread the message and expand the collective. Don't hesitate to connect with me over on The Socials. You can find me all over the place at I Am Lins Karakarti. I've really been having a blast over on TikTok with some great content and conversations. You can also find me on IG or in my Facebook community, the MoneyMatrix Detox. Be sure to check out the links below in the description for all the connections on social media. Other ways we can connect, some free gifts and resources that will support your own awakening ascension, as well as ways that we can work together.