Detoxxxing From the Matrix Podcast

Current Energy Update: Awakening the I AM Within

Lindsay Carricarte Season 3 Episode 31

On this Divine Download of Detoxxxing from the Matrix podcast, we are digging into identity & the current energies that are being called forth from within us.

What we are covering:
- The role of identity in this game of the matrix
- What is the point of the matrix 
- How we hold the higher consciousness IN human form while navigating the illusion of division & separation.

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As we awaken from the Matrix we must transmute the paradigms of separation, and this episode shows you how identity, dogma, and self-judgment all play a role in keeping us sick, separate, and in fear. 

Get ready to have your mind blown!

This is a conversation that will expand your perspective on all things related to Spiritual Awakening & Spiritual Recovery from the Matrix and the absolute power of raising your consciousness to recognize the Truths hidden in plain sight.

It's my hope that this conversation allows you to recognize that the greatest addiction is to the external world.

Welcome to Detoxxxing From the Matrix podcast

Where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of Self, Soul, and Spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all…. The external matrix

This is a place for illuminating conversations that will take you from divide to divine, pain into purpose, and suffering to sovereignty while we detox the fck out of your mind, body, and soul.

I’m your host Lindsay Carricarte and this podcast is for all the rebel souls who seek to live deeply, authentically, and fully expressed as the divine badass you are.

Note: this episode was originally recorded when it was the S0ULbriety podcast & has been added here due to copyright issues on the name. I have no affiliation with the trademarked brand and method of that name.

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 Welcome to Detoxing from The Matrix, the podcast where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of self, soul and spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all the external matrix. This is a place for illuminating conversations that will take you from divided to divine pain into purpose, and suffering into sovereignty. Will we detox the fuck out of your mind, body and soul from the limited programs of separation, lack, scarcity, struggle and pain? I'm your host Lindsay Kercardi, and this podcast is for all the rebel souls who seek to live deeply, authentically and fully expressed as the divine badasses. You are 1s welcome. Welcome to another divine download of Detoxing from The Matrix podcast. I'm your host Lindsay, spiritual practitioner, mental projector, and all around glitch in The Matrix. And I am ready to dive into this conversation with you today, which is going to be so potent on today's episode. We are getting into a blend of the current energies and what is unfolding from an awakening perspective, as well as identity work. Because here's the thing, you guys, your whole reality is a reflection of how you see yourself. So today my intention is to really bring in the understanding and the knowing that you are creating your reality in this very moment. And it all comes down to how you see yourself. And the ascension and awakening energies that we are undergoing right now are really asking us to remember who we are. It's no coincidence yesterday was Easter. We had a full moon. And there is going to be powerful, powerful, powerful shifts unfolding for all of us as we continue to navigate these awakening and resurrection energies that are unfolding. 1s As we gather together today, let's just take a deep breath in and know the truth. Just recognizing in this moment, right here, right now, declaring that I know that at the center of each one of our being, at the truth of each one of our being is this divine spiritual nature. It is this infinite, infinite intelligence. And I just declare that I know and I recognize that there is a law governing all things. And that law is a law of harmony, it is the law of cause and effect. It is a law of divinity. And you are it, I am it, we are all it. And what I know to be true is that this day, this moment, this exact second, this minute, this life, this experience, it is being directed, it is being governed, it is being corralled, it is being guided by this divine hand. I recognize this divine hand, god, creator, source, in the mountains, in the trees, in the elements, in the stars, in the sky, in the sun and the moon, in you, in me, in all of it. And I know that the precise hand that has created all of this, it has created you, it has created me, it is governing us, it is guiding us, and I just surrender to it. So today I declare surrender. I declare that we are open spirit. I declare openness, I declare receptivity, I declare remembrance. I declare that me, each one of these listeners, all of us is right here, right now, open and receptive to knowing you, to being shown the highest will, the highest path, the highest expression, the innovation, the guidance. We are here for it. I declare that we are here for it. We are here for the evolution, we are here for the love, we are here for the higher consciousness. We are here to hold this higher consciousness of unity of oneness here in our physical experiences, right here, right now. And so it is. And so it is, you guys. So today. 2s We do a mind, right? Monday call in my Facebook group, which if you're not in there, come and join us. I will link it below the show notes. And today was so powerful because we were talking about what it really means to be liberated from the Matrix, what it really means to detox from the Matrix. Because recently on social media, I've been having all of the people so funny how it comes in waves. I've been having all of the people come into my social media who want to tell me where I'm wrong or tell me they want to correct me. They want to argue, they don't agree. They don't like what I'm saying. It's not religious enough, it's not Godly enough, it's blasphemous, it's sacrilege all of the things, right? And basically for me and my human design as a three five mental projector, I have to just be okay with sometimes triggering people. My line five energy is all about projection. My line five archetype is that of the heretic. So line fives have a heretical new understanding of things that we are here to share. And we all know what happened to heretics back in the day, right? Heretics got burned at the stake. They got beheaded, they got drawn and quartered. And so there can be a real fear of owning that heretical energy and that heretical perspective on things. And it's like you have to be so okay in yourself to know that not everybody's going to like what you are going to say and that is okay. And you don't have to make them wrong either. So that's the medicine, right? So as all of these people are coming onto my content and telling me they don't like this or they don't agree with that, right? Okay, cool. But one in particular stood out to me when she said on an Instagram post, she's like, oh, you're on Instagram, so you're still in the Matrix. I'm like, okay, well, that's an assumption mission, right? Because here's what I came to believe. So I really took time with this before I came and I wanted to share it with you guys. 1s I took time with really contemplating and thinking about what does it mean to be free from The Matrix? What does it actually mean? Some people would tell you, well, it means you're off grid and you're totally independent and you're not in the system at all and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I think that that's the highest ideal. I think that we can all strive to get there. But I also recognize and believe that if some of us are not freeing ourselves and then coming back into, quote unquote, the Matrix to share and teach and spread the energy and the frequency and the transmission, well then how are more right? Like we come back in and we can utilize things like social media or for example, using a platform like Amazon to publish your book or write the platforms that I use to publish my podcast. It's allowing this transmission to get out there and to travel through consciousness and through the Matrix so people can hear with their physical ears and bring us together. So I firmly believe that being free from The Matrix or exiting The Matrix doesn't mean we don't still utilize technology or social media or certain aspects of it in order to connect and come together and grow together, right? Because we are all one. And while, yes, I believe on the highest level microcosm macrocosm as above, so below, what's happening on the highest levels is trickling down to us and us in our physical, human identities are the last to know what's happening on the highest planes of consciousness. But don't think for a minute that means we're not all connected, right? It's exactly what's unfolding right now as we are being pushed and squeezed and asked to really get clear on what are we actually committed to, what are you actually committed to in your life? You're being asked to get clear on that because on the highest, highest, highest levels of consciousness. 1s The highest dimensions of existence, the consciousness is already playing out, right? It's ahead. It's ahead of us. And I really believe when we channel in beings or we connect with entities or consciousnesses from the future, that is our future, quote unquote selves. I believe the future is just the highest levels of consciousness, the highest dimensions, where us in our physical forms, we don't exist yet. We don't have a full understanding. Basically, it's like water snowmelt on a mountain, melting downhill, filling up the lakes and the rivers and the streams and eventually running out into the oceans. Consciousness is the same thing, right? So here in 3D, it's like we're standing at the bottom of the mountain, and if it's still cold, the snow hasn't melted yet, so we don't see the water. And that doesn't mean that the snow isn't in the process of melting and making its way down. It's all part of this process. Consciousness is the same thing. And what's happening on the highest levels is it's trickling down to us. And that is why we have to look at all of this division, all of this questioning, and we have to begin to recognize the truth beyond that veil of separation. Right? And so really, right now, this theme is like, okay, what are you needing to label? So, like, that person, she presented me with a powerful opportunity to get even more firm and clear on what is my perspective of. 2s Social media? And where does it fit in ascension or awakening or being free from the Matrix, right? Because I believe that everything, nothing is good or bad. It is all in how we use it, right? So we can utilize social media, we can utilize certain foods as escapes, as drugs, as systems to enslave us, or we can use these things as sin and as portals and as pathways to our own liberation. And for me, all of the things that make up the because the Matrix itself isn't good or bad, you guys. It's how we use it. It's how we play in it. It's a womb space, right? If you guys watched the episode on what the Matrix actually is, and the root of Matrix being ma and it being a womb space, it's a womb space to wake us up. So while there are people out there who think like, oh, escaping from the Matrix means like, I'm not going to be in it at all. I'm just going to be living on a farm or in a hut out in the woods, totally self sustaining. 1s I love the idea in theory, but it's a bit like communism. It works in theory. And when you try to apply it, it doesn't really work because even if you want to go out to the woods and be self sustaining, you're going to need some things that have been manufactured and made out here in the quote unquote Matrix, right? So it's not about physically and this is what we do, right? Like so much of humanity. 2s Thinks it's about physically leaving behind. We grab ahold of the concept of ascension and think that we're going somewhere and now I don't have to deal with anything that I don't like anymore, anything low vibrational because I'm ascending, I'm going to escape somewhere else and not have to deal with the mess that I've created. That's not what happens, right? Ascension is about bringing in the higher consciousness of yourself, of your wisdom into your physical body and then holding and anchoring that higher consciousness, that higher frequency awareness of oneness and unity while still being in your physical form here on Earth. And then it's about going into the quote unquote matrix and however you're called, whatever is in your design to bring whatever is in your life's purpose and your soul work and your power message, right? Like all of the things that are part of who you're designed to be based on your human design, that's going to play a role in how you use that, right? So for me, as a three five mental projector, I am here to use my voice to share my downloads, to share my perspectives, to share my insights. Basically, mental projectors are like quantum supercomputers. We see the solution to the problems so fast and so logically. And because I have both knowing and sensing and understanding channels defined in my circuitry, I am like, I see the past, I see the future and I see the solution, right? That's why being guided by a mental projector is so powerful. Someone who doesn't have any defined mental channels like that is not going to be as efficient as being a problem solver. But that doesn't mean you're not going to have other superpower gifts, right? You are going to have other superpower gifts. Like for some people, like I was doing some audits today, it's going to be your artistry or your creativity. It's like you're here to be the embodiment of a brand new way of being. You're here to be the embodiment of self love or passion or 1s financial abundance. Like whatever it is for you is going to be perfect. The thing that we have done. 2s In this matrix is think that because that's worked for one person, it has to work for everybody. And we then go around and we try to fit in to these boxes and these labels and we need to label everything because we are writing off the wisdom of the body, the wisdom of the soul, the wisdom of the heart, the wisdom of the spirit. We write it off in favor of what the mind thinks. And the mind is always going to seek out the most limited logical answer, right? We are being asked to surrender and let divine lead, right? Because it's like we have this fear that in letting divine lead, we're somehow going to be led where we don't want to go or we're not going to get what we want. And so we're in this perpetual battle between the egoic desires of our personality and the divine desires of our soul and surrendering into the embrace of spirit, into the all knowingness of spirit, God, and trusting that it's all going to work out in our highest, right. It's like we have a fear that if we surrender into that, we're not going to get what we want. So that's really what's been coming through is this call to surrender, this call to higher consciousness. Because if we don't surrender to the call, it. 1s How can we ever truly become self realized, right? And to ascend in consciousness, to hold the higher consciousness and the higher frequencies of expression into yourself, you will need to know yourself as divine and begin to wake up and remember and recognize that how you see yourself is everything. And if you're seeing yourself as separate, as alone, as divided, as wrong or bad, if you're seeing any part of yourself and any part of your experience as wrong or bad. So, for example, 1s a lot of people are having deep emotions coming up right now and there's a very real capacity to judge that and try to hide it. Because there's this idea that God won't accept that. God doesn't accept your anger. God doesn't accept your grief or your depression or your sadness or whatever that pit of blackness is within you that you hold right. For me, it's grief, it's anger, it's rage. And up until really recently in my life, I didn't actually believe that God would accept that. I believed that I had to sort that out before I brought myself to God or I asked myself for God's help, or I deemed myself worthy of God's help. And by God, I mean our highest expression, selves, right? That one source, that one spirit. That is you. It is me. I'm not talking about a man in the sky. I'm not talking about a separate entity that is separate to us. It is us, it's you, it's me. And it is everything. It is the infinite hand that creates all of it. 2s And it's like if we have a concept of Spirit that is separate to you and removed from you and has been made small by society and religion, then why would you ever be able to think that God can handle all of it, right? So much of religion is telling us that so many aspects of ourselves are bad and wrong and shameful. So we think, oh, I have to hide this from God, I have to hide my anger from Spirit. I can't present myself before Spirit and be worthy of all of the abundance and all of the care and all of the prosperity and all of the love and all of the harmony, these things that universal law demands. Like there is a harmony, there is an intelligence governing all things. The question is, do you believe you are worthy of it? So for me, when I posed myself this question most recently, what came back was I didn't believe I was worthy of it. When I was struggling or I was having a hard time or I was angry, I was frustrated or I was in my blackest mood wanting to burn down the world, I internalized that of I'm bad, I'm wrong, I'm not worthy of being rewarded or provided for by God. Now, where does this come from? You guys think about this. The way that we were parented, the way that much of the world's parents is very reward based. When you're good, you get the reward, and when you're not, you don't. And what is not good, what is being bad? Well, that can vary on any given day, right? Like for me, I wasn't allowed to be angry, I wasn't allowed to mouse off, right? And so all of those heavy, big, powerful emotions like anger and sadness and being upset were made wrong. So I internalized that as wrong. And that went all the way up to Spirit, all the way up to God. It started with my parents. It went all the way up to God. I guarantee you, if we sat down and we did some sessions and we started to unpack and unravel the dynamics of your relationships with your parents, mother and father both, we would be able to start to mirror the core programs that are also playing out in your relationship to divine supply, divine support, and whether or not you believe you are worthy of it and what you believe you're worthy of receiving. And where are the conditions? Are you only worthy of receiving the bounty and the joy and the love and the abundance and the prosperity if certain conditions in your behavior are met? 1s I'm going to tell you right now. 1s That's not the truth of spirit, right? The truth of spirit is that you already are worthy. You've always been worthy. The truth of spirit is that spirit is so big, so expensive, so infinite, and is the creator and is all of it that whatever you got, it can handle and it can take and it can transmute, because it's not you. So the key here, the magic here, this is where the identity comes in is you beginning to recognize that your moods don't define you, your emotions. That's not who you are. Your health experience is not who you are. Your bank account balance is not who you are. Right? Your level of success stacked against money and rewards and accolades, that's not who you are. The car you drive isn't who you are. So if you're not all these things, if you're not your desires of your ego and you're not defining yourself by the desires of your ego, then who are? 5s We're going deep, deep, deep, right? Because we tend to label ourselves. Well, I'm a traveler, I'm an RV lifer. I'm a woman. I'm a man. This is my sexual preference. This is my skin color. This is my ethnicity. This is the religion. It's just labels, labels, labels, labels, labels. And all these labels do is perpetuate our own separation, not just from one another, but from the divine creator source, right? Every label we slap upon ourselves says, I am this. When the truth is the truth, at the core of it is I am. 2s You are. Right? In the Bible, when Moses asked God his name and someone else asked God, well, who do I say told me this? And God says, I am. 3s And. Right? And so, yes, right. We like labels, and we like identities. They help us navigate. They help us know who we are. But the real ascension of consciousness, the real raising of the frequency of consciousness right now is learning to be okay and to know that even though you might be in a woman's body, it's not who you are. 1s Even though you might live in whatever, that's not who you are. 1s You are something so much more. 1s The money you earn isn't who you are. It doesn't declare it to decide your worth. So what does? 2s You do. You decide. And this is the work we're really here doing right now in consciousness, in every aspect of our being. This is the work we're being called to do. And so what is going to be unfolding right now, what is unfolding right now is this pattern of whatever you are clinging to, whatever you think you need, it's going to stop being available, right? So whatever the big thing that you pull your identity from or your worth, you're going to start to feel I don't want to predict it. Like, it has to happen this way. But you may be noticing that you're going to be feeling a squeeze. You may already be experiencing this a squeeze around whatever that thing is, right? So for a lot of people, it's money. For a lot of other people, it's relationships, right? Like, they have to be alone right now. For other people, their kids are pulling away. 1s Right for other people. It's really being for me. I'm being demanded to really get clear with confidence and stand in my knowing of my mission, my message, and my purpose 1s as a divine expression through me. And that is truth. Regardless of if I have no clients, or if I have ten clients, if I sell out my retreat, or I have nobody in my retreat, I am deciding. I am deciding and I am trusting and I am having faith in the out picturing and the passion and the desire that flows through me to express the things that I want to express and to then lean back. In the knowingness that regardless of my moods, my emotions, my experiences, regardless of what fluctuations I have, I am worthy because I am I'm not worthy because I behaved perfectly and I smiled and I had the perfect emotions. I'm worthy? Because I am. So there is a reclaiming of our divine identity. There is a resurrection happening in coincidence with Easter. No coincidences. There is a resurrection happening of our divine identity. And if you feel into your heart space, you will feel the truth of this and you will begin to be asked to release and to strip away all of the things you thought you needed to be worthy and enough. And that doesn't mean these things aren't going to come back in abundance. Tenfold. Some of them will and some of them won't. The work is to be okay with however it looks to be so willing and so in trust of your higher self and your highest expression and the highest intelligence that is spirit that you are willing to give, it all over. If that's what is called for, then you will be free. Then you will be sovereign. 1s And that is the journey that we are on right now. So I would love to offer up a mind treatment to just bring this forth and stand in the truth and stand in the knowingness and just activate this awareness within you. Because it may feel uncertain and it may feel like a dark mood, it may feel like depression, it may feel like anxiety, it may feel like you are going crazy. And I want you to know that you are not alone in this. We are being developed and called into 1s the embrace of Creator Spirit, the great mystery. 1s And when the ego lets go, it can feel like a dark night of the soul. It can feel like there's no way out. But there is a way out. Are the way out. The way out is through. It is through. It is in. It is into your consciousness, it is into your heart, it is into the wisdom that is to be found within you, within me, within all of us. So on that note, I offer you a mind treatment. I offer you this bit of truth, this activation, this affirmative prayer as I breathe in. 2s And I just recognize and I know that there is harmony, there is a Divine Mind, there is a Divine Source. There's a Creator, and it is one Source. It is me, it is you. It is all of us. And what I know to be true. That this moment right here, right now, as I breathe and I don't need to think about my breath as the words pour forth out of me, knowing that I don't have to think about them, I don't have to obsess about them, I don't have to choose them. The same way I could walk over to the tap and turn it on and water would come out without me thinking about it. That's supply, that infinite supply that just is, that is spirit, it is God, it is you, it is me. It is all of us. And it is not just you. It is not just me. It is not just all of us. It is governing, it is holding, it is guiding, it is working in every single aspect of our lives right now. 1s And that infinite intelligence that has all the answers, it sees all things, the harmony, the love, the joy, the peace, the cause and effect. It is working out perfectly right here, right now. And I just declare that I recognize that you are the cause of your life, I am the cause of my life. And I relax into the knowingness as I bless this day, as I bless this transmission, as I bless this knowingness, as I bless this space, as I bless this time we are in. I recognize and I know that it is all happening perfectly, because I trust this law. I have faith in this law. I know this truth. 1s And I recognize the illusion, I recognize the falsity and the lies of the lack, of the scarcity of the struggle. I know that is not the truth. I know that there are ebbs and there are flows, there are seasons. And I trust in the seasons because I know, just like in nature, I know the wisdom of nature, the ebbs and the flows. The day does not mean anything. The night does not mean anything. It's all part of a greater whole. And a day turns into a week, and a week turns into a month, and a month turns into a year, because there's no separation. There is no separation. The truth of all things is oneness. It is unity, it is harmony, it is love, it is life, it is joy, it is abundance. And within that truth are all the cycles. And I declare that we open to all of them because we are in trust, because I know who I am. Each of these listeners, you know who you are. You remember who you are. You are awakening to who you are. Every cell, every fiber of your being, every neuron in your brain, every neuron in your heart knows this truth that you are something so divine, so precious, so sacred, and let that be unleashed right now. So I declare right here, right now, we are open to the guidance, we are open to the remembrance, we are open to the divine expression. I declare that we turn it all up. We are willing to give it all up because we know the truth of this greater kingdom that is at hand, this knowingness, this higher expression that is being demanded through each of us right here, right now. So into the pain we lean, into the unknowingness, into the discomfort, into the question, into the uncertainty, we lean into all of it, because we know who we are. We remember who we are. And we know in our heart of hearts that the divine mind, the Creator to Source, is guiding all of it. And I just release this up, knowing it is done in gratitude. 1s I know my word is law and so it is. And so it is. And so it is, and so it is. 2s I love this work because I love this knowingness. I love being able to come together through this transmission in this community, to be able to bring this forth. So I would love to hear from you guys if you are resonating with these conversations, remember, every Monday we have a call in my Facebook group. I'm going to link that group below this episode in the show notes. You can check that out because I want to hear from you. Let me know how you're doing. Let me know what you're experiencing. Let me know what has been coming up again in the show notes. You can find my email. You can connect with me on all the socials. Just remember, you are not alone, right? Whatever is unfolding, you are held, you are supported, you are divine and you are going through your own rebirthing and resurrection right here, right now. I know it is true and so it is. I'll see you guys next time. Bye. Hey Divine Badass, thanks again for tuning in and being here on Detoxing from The Matrix, where we talk all things awakening, ascension, consciousness, and the recovery of self, soul and spirit from being strung out on the greatest drug of all the external Matrix. If you know someone who would benefit from our illuminating conversations, please don't hesitate to share this podcast with a friend. And if you loved this episode or the podcast as a whole, don't forget to leave a review. It really helps spread the message and expand the collective. Don't hesitate to connect with me over on The Socials. You can find me all over the place at I Am Lynn's Caracardi. I've really been having a blast over on TikTok with some great content and conversations. You can also find me on IG or in my Facebook community, The Money Matrix Detox. Be sure to check out the links below in the description for all the connections on social media. Other ways we can connect, some free gifts and resources that will support your own awakening ascension, as well as ways that we can work together.