DO THE DAMN THING Audio Experience

Money Series: Revolutionizing Your Efficiency - How To Make Every Second Count. TIME IS INDEED MONEY

September 27, 2023 Tiffany Largie
Money Series: Revolutionizing Your Efficiency - How To Make Every Second Count. TIME IS INDEED MONEY
DO THE DAMN THING Audio Experience
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DO THE DAMN THING Audio Experience
Money Series: Revolutionizing Your Efficiency - How To Make Every Second Count. TIME IS INDEED MONEY
Sep 27, 2023
Tiffany Largie

What if you could reclaim hours of your day and spend your energy more efficiently? Picture this: a morning routine so streamlined you look your best with the least effort. Envision swapping endless small tasks for dedicated days of productive action. That's what we're diving into today. We're challenging the typical way you view your time and money, introducing three seismic shifts in your routine that could save you both. From creating in bulk to choosing a personal uniform to cut down decision-making time, each nugget of advice is aimed to help you hone in on what matters most.

Ever wondered how to hit a home run every day? This episode has you covered. We're not just talking about time-saving tips, we're dissecting how you can take action that makes a difference. We’re going to focus on curating routines that work for you, and how to swing hard when it really matters. This conversation is not just about making changes, it's about creating an impact, aiming for the stars, and landing among them. It's time to revolutionize your efficiency. Get ready to make every second count.

There are a couple of next steps that we have for you and are excited about you taking!

1. Do you need help? Like REAL help with your life or business and don't know where to start? We've got you. Fill out this application at and let us know what's going on and how we can help.

2. Ready to build your DO THE DAMN THING LIFE? Join us live at the NEXT LIVE event! We can't wait to see you live and welcome you into the family!

3. Are you connected to ours or our CEO's INSTAGRAM or Facebook ... And here's our INSTAGRAM

4. Youtube - WHY YES... we have a WHOLE lot to say there... here is our favorite.

5. Not sure what you need? Look at the list we put together for you here :)

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What if you could reclaim hours of your day and spend your energy more efficiently? Picture this: a morning routine so streamlined you look your best with the least effort. Envision swapping endless small tasks for dedicated days of productive action. That's what we're diving into today. We're challenging the typical way you view your time and money, introducing three seismic shifts in your routine that could save you both. From creating in bulk to choosing a personal uniform to cut down decision-making time, each nugget of advice is aimed to help you hone in on what matters most.

Ever wondered how to hit a home run every day? This episode has you covered. We're not just talking about time-saving tips, we're dissecting how you can take action that makes a difference. We’re going to focus on curating routines that work for you, and how to swing hard when it really matters. This conversation is not just about making changes, it's about creating an impact, aiming for the stars, and landing among them. It's time to revolutionize your efficiency. Get ready to make every second count.

There are a couple of next steps that we have for you and are excited about you taking!

1. Do you need help? Like REAL help with your life or business and don't know where to start? We've got you. Fill out this application at and let us know what's going on and how we can help.

2. Ready to build your DO THE DAMN THING LIFE? Join us live at the NEXT LIVE event! We can't wait to see you live and welcome you into the family!

3. Are you connected to ours or our CEO's INSTAGRAM or Facebook ... And here's our INSTAGRAM

4. Youtube - WHY YES... we have a WHOLE lot to say there... here is our favorite.

5. Not sure what you need? Look at the list we put together for you here :)

Speaker 1:

Listen, money is time and time is money. I don't even know how else to say this. As I was looking at this, I thought to myself you know what if we respected time for what it was? And I'm not talking to the person who's always late or things like that, because that is me. I'm talking to the person who is doing a little bit of things all over the place instead of bulk doing things. So I'm gonna give you three money habits and, as you think about building, moving forward, three things that you need to stop doing and start doing, and this is gonna all be under four, five minutes.

Speaker 1:

Number one doing a Facebook live every single morning, doing some form of creative every morning. As you think about this. So I've taught on day one. I taught from this sheet and this comes from our DTDTU world. So up here there's some form of activity. So, let's say, in your activity you were like you know what? I'm gonna do a Facebook live, I'm gonna shoot a video every day. Okay, you're gonna shoot a video every day. Okay, but stay with me.

Speaker 1:

Do you really have the time or the bandwidth or the consistency to actually execute that every single day? I know for me that there would be impossible for me to commit to every morning doing acts, especially if I were doing it from home, like that's wild. I'm in a studio right now and our company has a brick and mortar studio, so everything is set. I walk into the building and we have, in Studio B, an entire room dedicated to me doing this, so it's easy for me to pull it off. But let's say I wasn't here and I was at home. I'm trying to commit to doing the thing and for me as a woman, I gotta put on makeup, I gotta get my hair done, da-da-da-da-da, and sometimes I don't need to do all of that. But that's what's in our heads. That's why we're not moving it. We want it to look good, we wanna show up as our best selves and I'm just saying, baby, I just want you to show up.

Speaker 1:

So the number one thing I do is I create in bulk. The last couple of months I have not been behaving and doing getting in front of our production days as a company. However, we do fit in, like today, we have someone coming into the studio. I'm gonna be recording with them for another project and we're gonna run through about seven to eight different sets of the same thing and we'll be done for the next couple of months. The reason why we create in bulk is because I wanna do setup in one time, mental energy one time, focus on one time. Every time I have to split direction and do something else, I lose money. Every time I have to split direction and wear another hat, I lose money.

Speaker 1:

Where can you take two or three things that you're not doing and just take the day and get it done? I do money and finances one day. Now I do check on things every day, but I really truly bulk one day when I'm building a program or an event. I really try to sit. One day, in a couple of days I'm gonna be leaving so that I can sit and write a book, not sit so that I can get something big done for our company, so that I could take it to the next level. But I'm gonna do it in one sweep. Everything that I'm achieving or running to do, I try to do it in bulk so that way I don't drop the ball and I'm not falling behind, cause I know that the times that I did try to go, you know what. We're gonna do this thing all the time. We're gonna do it every day. We're gonna do it Tuesdays and Thursdays and such and such. It doesn't get done.

Speaker 1:

Second is what are you wearing? I get sick watching people spend an hour or two hours in the morning getting ready, physically putting on makeup, hair and clothes to get out the door. That is insane. I don't have that kind of time. If I spend 15 minutes on my physical appearance to walk out the door. Like you might think something is sick, I'm if something is wrong, and that includes brushing my teeth. I think brushing my teeth takes longer than physically putting on clothes and most of the time putting on makeup. Now, right now, I might have a little more makeup than I typically do, but even with so, I implore you to decide on what really matters. Is it having more time to execute all the things so that you're not overwhelmed, or is it trying to satisfy how you look to the market?

Speaker 1:

Did Tiffany just say I should look any old way when I show up? I did not. What I've said is that you spend too much damn time on trying to figure out what to put on. So you know what I do. I have uniforms and I almost wore today the same thing that I wore yesterday actually brought it into the studio because I'm gonna use it for something I'm recording later this idea that I need to have a different outfit every single day and it has to be cold coordinated, and my shoes got a match mine, and Now I want you to look good. But you could look good like we have a team member who wears some form of a black shirt, t-shirt and shorts every day and he looks good every day, like seven days a week. He looks good and someone could hit on him and he could sit on someone with confidence. He looks good. What's consistent about him is, as he makes sure his hair is always cut, I make sure my hair is always done. I'll spend the time and money there, unless on what I'm physically wearing.

Speaker 1:

I have a set of jewelry, even though I have a ton of jewelry and an armor. I have a set of jewelry that I'm my rinse and repeats and for the most part, I'm going to keep the same three or four in front of me or they're gonna be visually laid out so that I can rip and run. So I'm grabbing and I'm putting them on. I am not taking the time. I do not wear a lot of patterns. I do not wear a lot of stripes or circles or any of the above because that confuses the market and I have to match and also then I become repetitive with those visual identities and Solid colors. My entire closet I think 95% of it is a solid color because that way I am Fresh and clean. If I am not wearing something like this, I am wearing a company shirt with pants and that is it. That is it same pants, same shoes, same shirt. Keep it simple. Reduce the amount of time that is taking to do things that don't matter and pressing people that don't matter, and Take that time and put it into the things that will help you put more dollars in your bank account, allow you to be more confident and to feel stronger in what you do. I'd rather see you take the other 45 minutes and spend time talking to someone that you care about Versus getting ready now.

Speaker 1:

Back in the day when I got to my very first six figures, I went and I made an outfit. I went and I had my shirt embroidered with a logo, bought the shirt from JC Petty, bought a pencil skirt black pencil skirt from JC Petty and Backless shoes from Payless. Back in the day when Payless was a thing and I would wear that. I had two sets. I would wash them every other day, wear them five days a week. I'm kind of thinking of doing that now.

Speaker 1:

I'm almost thinking of trying to see if I can pull off like the guys like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, like I don't know if I can, but I feel like I'm gonna try. And the reason why is because that ten minutes in the morning times five is an hour gone in the week, an Hour gone in the week me putting on clothes To try to impress somebody. If I look good in that outfit on Tuesday, I'm gonna look good in that same outfit on Thursday. Why does it need to be different? I Don't want to go on a rant here, but I you know, the older I get, the more I find people spending time on All the stuff that just doesn't matter. You know that nobody's gonna care when we die how many times you change your outfit or what you look like, or if the shoes actually matched. If you look amazing in that prom dress, wear the flipping prom dress every day. I'm dead serious, sounds crazy. But guys do it. Guys kill.

Speaker 1:

Wear the same suit all the time and even so they really don't have to Like you, really don't have to be variety, you just have to be at the top of your game. If you're like Tiffany, well, I only like Gucci great, we're the Gucci suit five days a week, I don't care, just spend the time in what matters, get away from what doesn't matter and Be clear that time is money and money is time For sure, and we're both running out of it. There's an infinite amount of money out there. There is not as much time, not even close. Ask yourself an honest question how much time do you spend wasting stuff and wasting your time on things that don't matter, physically, getting ready in ways that don't matter, showing up for the world and ways that don't matter? And how can you build yourself a routine? And if you're like Tiffany, I don't know, I'm gonna tell you 10 years ago. And if you're like Tiffany, I don't know, I'm gonna tell you 10 years.

Speaker 1:

And, having the most simplest, I'm gonna get out the door and look great. Now I mean great, like there's like great. And then there's another level called, called like flag, you know, and I may not always get to that fly level, but always look great, I look good enough that if we saw our most highest paying client and or we saw the mayor of the city, that I would feel proud to Represent the company and I feel, and my team or anybody who supports me, would not be like oh god, oh god, what is she wearing? For the most part, and I would say I'm like seven and a half or eight out of ten. Seven and a half or eight out of ten. If so, number three, taking action, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Too much thinking, not enough doing, too much thinking, not enough doing too much thinking, not enough doing too much thinking, not enough doing. You want a big thing to happen. You have to swing the bat hard enough to actually hit the home run. You're not gonna hit a home run by tossing the bat. I'm trying to hit the bat 10 times more than I did the month before, 10 times. If I hit the bat 10 times, one of these is gonna be a home run. Are you trying to get to a home run? And you're trying to get to a home run 10 times? One of these is gonna be a home run. Are you trying to get to a home run every week or every day? I'm trying to get to one every day. I'm Trying to get to one every day. I sure as hell have to get to one at least every week.

Maximizing Time and Efficiency
Maximizing Time and Taking Action

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