Sisu Lab

The Lore of Life Force: Words and Constructs Around the Breath of Being

Emilia Elisabet Lahti

By now researchers have made wonderful strides in mapping the mental and physiological side of human capacity. We understand how muscles grow and endure, how fatigue plays into our vitality, and we also have a plethora of concepts (such as resilience, perseverance, mental toughness, grit and so on) to help us describe the curious landscape of what makes humans endure. What we know less about is the life energy behind this enduring and persevering that becomes visible usually only when we are about to run out of it.... join me for an episode of sisu lab in which I share some words and concepts around the elusive topic of human spirit... elan vital, Wille zum Leben, qi, chi and so on...

Show notes

The Energies of Men William James, The Philosophical Review, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Jan., 1907), pp. 1-20

The Energies of Men William James (1914)

Embodied fortitude: An introduction to the Finnish construct of sisu Authors E E Lahti (2019)

A Wife’s Letter Rabindranath Tagore (1914, Translated from Bengali by Prasenjit Gupta)

Twin Tracks: The Autobiography by Roger Banniste

Työstä ja elinvoima by Prof Eero Riikonen (2013)

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Sisu is a reserve of inner strength but it's also a way for us to know ourselves and impact the world in a positive way. Cultivating these reserves of inner strength starts with self-care and continues through self-inquiry. its power then extends to the world through our inspired acts of deep courage and compassion.

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Sisu is great, love is greatness.