Subscription Box Answers

The Secret "Reply Yes" Process WILL make you more money - UPDATE!

Liam Brennan

What if you could transform your Q4 sales strategy and achieve record-breaking profits for your subscription box business?

In this episode of Subscription Box Answers, Liam Brennan revisits one of the most impactful tactics from earlier this year, the "Reply Yes" process, which has been a revenue game-changer for BusterBox and many other companies that have implemented it.

You'll learn how this powerful method not only drives tens of thousands in extra revenue but also reactivates subscriptions and encourages customers to switch to prepaid plans.

Q4 can be a great time of year to grow and make money, but it can also be tough as things get very competitive, driving up your ad costs. That's why the "Reply Yes" process is so powerful—it will make your customers more valuable, so you make more money and can afford to acquire more of them in the first place. It can also help reduce churn by getting people to commit to longer subscriptions and actually lower your customer acquisition cost by reactivating old customers. I highly recommend implementing this into your company ASAP as it will make Q4 and beyond much less stressful and more profitable for you.

The Subscription Box CashMachine Training reopens on July 31st. I am only opening this version of the beta to 50 more people. You can join the waitlist at

1st Reply Yes Podcast - The Secret 'Reply Yes' Process: Your Subscription Box Cash Machine.

2nd Reply Yes Podcast - Subscription Box Cash Machine / Reply Yes Secret: Your Questions Answered...

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Subscription Box Answers with your host, liam Brennan. You're no rubbish, no crap. Straight to the point podcast with real, actionable tips, real strategies and insights from the industry which will help you start and grow your own successful subscription box business. You ask the questions, you ask the questions, you ask the questions. Liam gives the answers. It's as simple as that.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to a brand new episode of Subscription Box Answers. Hope you're having a great day. I'm recording this episode right in the middle of July and Q4 is fast approaching. So if you want to make the most of Q4, I highly recommend paying attention to this podcast, because what I'm going to share will definitely help you make more money during the final quarter of the year. We all know Q4 can be crazy for subscription box businesses and e-com in general, but it can also be challenging as well, because, obviously, ad prices get more expensive. It's more competitive and you really need to be on your A-game when it comes to your marketing. Consumers are more likely to buy things, but, yeah, it's more competitive. So you have to plan out the best way to take advantage of that crazy period towards the end of the year. Now what I'm going to share is a update on something I covered back in January. So if you were listening to this podcast from January, you would have come across two episodes, one of them on the 8th of January, which was called the Secret Reply yes, process your Subscription Box Cash Machine. Then, a week later, on the 15th of January, another episode called Subscription Box Cash Machine. Then, a week later, on the 15th of January, another episode called Subscription Box Cash Machine slash Reply yes Secret. Your questions answered. Now I'm going to put a link to both of those episodes in the show notes. I highly recommend checking them out if you never heard them back in January.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so on this episode, I'm updating you on this reply yes process because at this stage we've been doing this for a very long time in BusterBox and it's made us a lot of extra money literally tens of thousands in extra revenue that we never would have been able to generate any other way. We've also perfected the process over the last few months to make it more effective, and we found other ways of using it to win customers back, to get them to reactivate their subscriptions, to switch to prepaid subscriptions and some other cool things you can do with the reply yes process. Now, before I jump into that, let me explain what the reply yes process actually is for those who don't know what I'm talking about, right? So back in 2022 we were coming off the wave of a pandemic and obviously during covid, it was a lot easier to get people to sign up to your subscription box because everybody was sitting at home, they had excess cash and they were just buying things pretty much. And then, obviously, the ios changes came. We came off the back of the pandemic. People had less money, inflation started in, it became more expensive to acquire customers, the industry was shifted pretty much and we realized that it was no longer such a good idea to just depend on subscriptions to earn revenue. While our subscriptions make up the majority of our revenue, we would have to find other ways of making money and other products to sell. Now, the great thing about a subscription box is you are acquiring all of these customers who love a particular niche, who are passionate about what you do. Now, obviously, for us, that's in the dog niche. Our customers are really passionate about signing up and getting a box of toys and treats for their dog. So it would be very, very foolish for us not to take advantage of that information and serve these customers more products and give them the opportunity to buy more things from us. Now, no matter what niche you're in, your customers will buy more products from you. So if you're only sending out your box and you're not giving them the opportunity to buy anything else from you, you're definitely leaving a lot of money on the table. Now for us.

Speaker 2:

The first thing we did was we doubled down on our online store, and this was going well. It seemed like an obvious thing to do. We want to make more money, we want to sell more products to our customers. Let's double down on our online store. It was working, but it was slow and I felt like we were leaving a lot of money on the table, because I felt like a lot of our customers were choosing to buy products from Amazon or other big online pet retailers, and that was putting us in a pretty awkward position, because we couldn't really compete with Amazon. We can't compete with Amazon Prime. We can't compete with their low prices. We can't compete with these gigantic online pet shops who have massive economies of scale.

Speaker 2:

And it was a race to the bottom because we were competing on price, and competing on price really isn't a good place to be, and that's some advice that I will give you as a subscription box owner as well never compete on price. That is literally the worst way to compete, because you'll end up absolutely shooting yourself in the foot, because it's usually a complete race to the bottom. You want to compete on value, and when you compete on value, you can charge more, you can make more money and your business will just run much better. But I felt like we were competing on price. We were competing on price in a category where we would never win. So I took a step back and I said we need a unique selling point. And the unique selling point we have, and you have as a subscription box owner, is it's not possible for any of our customers to go to amazon or any of these big retailers and get a box sent to their house every month in a really nice team and products picked out and the community and all that stuff that you get with a subscription box business when you do it well. So I thought, okay, our unique selling point will be we will allow our customers to add additional products to their subscription box or to their subscription delivery, and the unique selling point is they don't pay for shipping and it's just giving them the opportunity to do more of what they were already doing and what they love. Getting this box with more products included and it worked really, really well. We ended up making a lot of extra money way more revenue than we've ever made from our standalone online store. It just blew up and it became a really, really substantial revenue channel for our business.

Speaker 2:

Now, the reason why it works so well for us is the way that it's delivered. We don't do any complicated sales funnels. We don't have any additional tech. We don't do any complicated sales funnels. We don't have any additional tech. We don't have any sales pages where the customer has to pull out their credit card to add these additional products. No, we have simplified the whole process. We literally send out emails and the customer just replies yes to the email, and then we charge them and add the product to their delivery. It works so well and I came up with a framework to do this A really simple but really, really effective reply yes framework that follows direct response principles to get as many people to reply yes as possible. I'm going to share an example of one of our recent emails now that performed really, really well for us. I'll read it out and I'll explain why it worked so well for us. Okay, here we go. Hi there, I hope you and your wonderful dog are having a great week. I'm emailing you today because one of our most popular deals is back, big hint. Your dog will love this and so will you Just reply yes to this email if you want this.

Speaker 2:

A few months ago, we ran a promotion on our Jumbo Mystery Boxes and they sold out fast. Seriously, within a couple of hours of sending the email, they were all gone. Well, I have some good news. I just got confirmation from our warehouse manager. We have secured another 546 jumbo Boxes. This time they are Summer Jumbo Mystery Boxes.

Speaker 2:

Now you may be thinking what is a Jumbo Mystery Box? Well, a Jumbo Mystery Box is a mystery box packed with surprise products. The retail value of these Jumbo Boxes is over £ pounds. They are packed with our most popular treats and toys from the last 12 months. Aka, they have made a lot of dogs really happy already.

Speaker 2:

We want to give our loyal members a chance to get a great deal, so we're giving you the opportunity to get one of these at a massive discount before they go on general sale. You can grab one right now for just $42.99. Just reply yes to this email if you want this. This saves you a lot of money compared to buying a one box or these products on their own. Why are we doing this? Well, we love our subscribers and we want to give you great deals when we have the opportunity to do so. Plus, we just like making dogs happy and we know the contents of these Jumbo Mystery Boxes will 100% make your dog very happy. All you need to do is reply yes to this email if you want this. We will charge you an additional $42.99 and ship out the Jumbo Box with your regular box.

Speaker 2:

The Jumbo Mystery Box is a one-time order and does not require any additional subscription. My only request would be If you're interested, please reply by 11am tomorrow. This gives us the time to put your box aside Before they go on general sale. This is on a first come, first serve basis, so please reply now if you want to grab one of these. They will 100% sell out quickly. This is a Jumbo Mystery Box worth over £60 which you can grab now for just £42.99. This will save you a lot of money and make your dog really happy, and that's all that matters really. Just reply yes to this email if you want this. We hope you have a wonderful day. Kind regards, liam.

Speaker 2:

That email performed exceptionally well for us. That's just one of so many different emails. At this point, we're using this process for so many different things, but yeah, yeah, this email performed really well and we made a lot of extra revenue with it, and the reason why we made a lot of extra revenue with it is it follows a very specific framework. The framework creates urgency, scarcity, it drops the barriers to entry, it creates rapport with the customer and it gives them a reason to respond right away, while also demonstrating the value of the product. It works great. Now we're coming into Q4. And this is where the reply yes process can work really really well for your subscription box business. It works great all year round, but in q4 it can work really well because consumers spend a lot more money in q4 and ad prices are more expensive. So you need to figure out a way to increase your customer lifetime value and make your customers worth more to you so you make more money and you can spend more to acquire them in the first place. And that's where the reply yes process comes in so well, because you will make your customers more valuable when you do this correctly.

Speaker 2:

Now, back in january, I created a whole new training program around this called the Subscription Box Cash Machine Training. I opened it in beta and a small group of people joined and the feedback I got from that small group of people was really really good. Off the top of my head, one person earned an extra twenty thousand dollars in a really small period of time and another person earned three thousand dollars in their first week. And that's just two examples. There was also some other really good feedback as well. Now, if you're looking to implement this and make as much money as possible in your subscription box business this Q4, I have some really good news. I'm reopening the subscription box cash machine training again on the 31st of July.

Speaker 2:

I've spent the last few weeks updating the training with all the latest stuff we've learned in BusterBox over the last few months. I've included more templates. I've included new ways of using the Reply yes process. This is a really powerful training and it's really easy to implement. Now one of the big questions I get is will this subscription box training work on my platform? Now we use Subli and it works really well on Subli. It actually works so well and the team at Subli could see how powerful it was for our business. They actually updated their software with a way to automate this entire process, which is pretty crazy. But it will work on pretty much any other subscription box platform as well If you can manually charge your customers either on Stripe or in your subscription box platform.

Speaker 2:

This training will work for you. The training contains everything you need to run this reply yes process and make as much extra money as possible in your business. It makes everything really easy. It even comes with loads of different templates that are put in play and can be used in your own subscription box business. Now I'm opening it on the 31st of July. Even though I've added lots of new things to the training, I'd still class it as being in beta. That means I'm going to allow another 50 people to join for a big discount and if you join, you'll get lifetime access to the training. So when I update it again in the future, you'll be able to access all the new stuff completely for free.

Speaker 2:

If you want to make as much extra money in your subscription box business as possible this q4 and beyond, I highly recommend joining my subscription box cash machine. This is a brilliant investment for your business. I promise it will be worth it. We're opening on the 31st of July. If you're interested, head over to SubscriptionBoxCashMachinecom and join the waitlist now. I'll also put a link to join the waitlist in the show notes Now. We'll be back next week at the exact same time and, as always, if you have a question for the show or you want to ask something about the subscription box cash machine, head over to subscriptionboxresourcescom, join the free facebook group and post your question there. Chat to you next week and have a great day. Bye.