Lower Energy Costs: Federal Legislation
Small Business Rundown
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Small Business Rundown
Lower Energy Costs: Federal Legislation
May 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 9

This episode of the Small Business Rundown features U.S. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and NFIB member Lucas Gjovig discussing energy legislation. Under Scalise’s leadership, the Lower Energy Costs Act, or H.R. 1, was introduced earlier this year and he provides a detailed look at the legislation’s benefits. Lucas Gjovig is a small business owner who works in the energy production industry and explains how H.R. 1 will help small businesses, gives his perspective on the permitting process, and explains how it impacts small businesses. Gjovig also describes his experience testifying before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Rural Development, Energy, and Supply Chains and why it’s crucial for small business owners to engage with their U.S. Senators and Representatives.  

H.R. 1 passed the U.S. House, and the bill is now waiting on action from the Senate. Urge your Senators to pass the Lower Energy Costs Act here: https://www.nfib.com/advocacy/now/ 

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