Small Business Rundown

Small Business Days: Advocating at the State Level

National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Season 2 Episode 27

NFIB’s State Government Relations team represents small business in both Washington D.C., and all 50 states. Each state has a State Director who provides advocacy on behalf of small business owners. Small Business Days are a key part of this program and allow NFIB members to meet with their lawmakers face-to-face and tell their stories. Barbara Quandt, a former small business owner who is now an NFIB Region Director shared her experience attending Small Business Days as an owner and her path to becoming an NFIB employee. Tim Goodrich, NFIB Vice President of State Government Relations, and Elizabeth Parks, Senior Region Grassroots Manager, explain why Small Business Days are important and what members planning to attend can expect. 

To learn more about Small Business Day in your state, email or go to  

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