God's Plan, Your Part

Galatians 3 | Stop Doing, Start Believing: Faith, Law, and Justification

August 16, 2024 Ryan Zook and Jenny Zook Season 2 Episode 164

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How can I overcome legalism in my Christian walk based on Galatians 3? 
How does Galatians 3 relate to the concept of grace? 
What is the significance of Abraham in Galatians 3? 

In Galatians 3, the Apostle Paul emphasizes that salvation comes solely through faith in Jesus Christ, not through the works of the law. Paul begins by confronting the Galatian believers, asking how they could be so foolish as to think that after beginning their Christian journey through faith, they could now achieve perfection through human effort.

Paul goes on to stress that the law was never intended to replace faith but was introduced as a temporary measure until Christ came. The law served as a guardian to expose humanity's sin and point them toward the need for a Savior. However, once Jesus fulfilled God’s promise, believers are no longer bound by the law but are free to live by faith. The issue the Galatians faced was a temptation to add legalistic requirements, such as circumcision, to their faith, mistakenly believing that this would bring them closer to God. 

One of the chapter’s most significant verses is Galatians 3:28, where Paul declares that in Christ, all believers are equal—there is no distinction between Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. This revolutionary statement highlights that everyone who has faith in Christ is a true child of Abraham and an heir to God’s promises. 

Paul’s argument concludes by demonstrating that God’s covenant with Abraham, which was based on faith, is still in effect. The law, which came 430 years later, cannot nullify the promise that was made. The inheritance God promised comes by faith, not by following the law. For Christians today, this means that our relationship with God is based on the same faith that Abraham exhibited—trusting in God’s provision through Jesus Christ. Paul’s message to the Galatians serves as a warning against any teaching that adds legalistic requirements to the simplicity of the gospel.

In summary, Galatians 3 is a powerful reminder that the only thing required for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. The temptation to rely on human effort or religious rituals can lead us away from the truth of the gospel. By understanding that God’s plan has always been rooted in faith, we are reminded to place our full trust in Christ’s finished work on the cross. This faith unites us with all believers, past and present, as we become heirs of God’s promises and experience the freedom that comes from living under grace.

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-Ryan and Jenny

Galatians 3

[00:00:00] Hey everyone, welcome to God's plan. Your part year two, where this year we're reading through and studying the entire new Testament one chapter at a time. Thanks again for joining us in discovering God's plan and your part in it. Today, we were looking at Galatians chapter three and Paul does not mince words when he opens up this chapter.

He says straight up, Oh, foolish Galatians. Imagine getting a letter that was titled that way. Ultimately. This chapter has some pretty powerful things to say about faith versus works. It also has, I would guess, one of the more popular verses in all of Galatians. We'll get to that in a minute. But basically, just to set the scene here, Paul is continuing to make this case that you do not need to be circumcised and follow the law to be in right relationship with God.

You need only have faith in Christ, and he's going to make the case that it has always been that way from the very beginning. He's So, we open up, like Ryan said, with a [00:01:00] pretty slammin Slammin Slammin entrance here. But I think what's interesting about Paul is that not only in this book, but in other books too, it just seems like, I don't know, as a mom, that there's like All of these children everywhere that he's like taking care of and it just, it's like the, one of those moments, if you are a parent where it's like, Holy cow, everybody is just losing their minds right now.

Like how did what I taught them result in this one, punching this one and this one screaming at this one and this one having a fit on the floor. And this one, like, it's just, it's, it's crazy. Like, oh my goodness. It kind of seems like. Everybody's falling apart, and he has to, like, send out these letters to get everybody else on track because here's another instance where this church is falling away because they're, like, they're just falling back into what, I guess, they would have been confused by before or what would have been understood before as, The [00:02:00] only way.

And he's like, Hey, you actually, you actually witnessed this happening before your very eyes. It's interesting in my experience in leading churches and now doing some para church ministry stuff. And also just in relationships with people, uh, there's often like a, a bad taste in people's mouths about doctrine.

Like even the word doctrine is just like, Oh, geez, but most of what we're reading in the new Testament. Is all about doctrine. Like what do you believe and do, do you believe the correct things? And I know that it strikes people in weird ways, but essentially that was the problem in the Corinthian church.

That is what Paul's dealing with in Corinth, like specific doctrinal points that are off track. That's what Paul's dealing with here in the Galatian church, specific doctrinal points that are off track. We need to continue to pay attention to our doctrine to ensure that we believe the right. thing. And we do the right thing.

So just to give even more context about [00:03:00] specifically what they were believing that's incorrect. If you look at verse three, uh, Paul says, are you so foolish having begun by the spirit? Are you now being perfected by the flesh? Did you suffer so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain that perfected in the flesh is not there by accident because the, like the key tension point was circumcision.

And so Paul's literally making the point like, Hey, do you think that. like if you're circumcised or not, how you cut yourself and how you treat your body, do you think that that is required for salvation? Certainly. It is not. The only thing that has been required for right relationship with God is faith.

And now you're adding this extra weight that is not necessary. And that's a doctrinal thing. Like they were believing that this was required for right relationship with God. And Paul's correcting the fact that no, this is not required. And actually, if you go down this road, you're going to believe a gospel that's not even true.

So he starts by, I, I guess like painting the picture that the [00:04:00] law is not. What saves you? Um, and he brings up Abraham, and I was talking about this before the episode began, um, just like we've heard in the past, um, we have Abraham as our father, like we've heard these things in conflict with Jesus saying, or like Jesus being like The son of God.

Okay. Like God is the father, right? Am I on the right track? Essentially, when during Jesus ministry, people believe that they were just because they were Abraham's offspring, they were justified, and Jesus was correcting that. Right. And so what's funny to me is that those same people, I would assume, would probably have been very, like, closely Tied up in the law.

Oh, yeah, and believing specifically that the law would save them like justification through the law But what's funny about that is Abraham was a man of faith who existed before [00:05:00] the law was even given So to me, I always go back to that too. Like oh my goodness Paul's calling this out as well Abraham in verses six and seven, um, that he was a man of faith outside of the law.

So it says now, or excuse me, no, then this is verse seven, that it is those of faith who are sons of Abraham and the scripture for seeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham saying, and you shall the nations be blessed. So then those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.

So I just think that's really interesting. Because it's like, there's like a faith piece, then the law is added to that as like a reflection piece, but faith still exists after that as well. Like, it's just, it's so interesting. This is crucial because God has not changed how he interacts with his people.

So there was no law. for Abraham to follow. They're just plain wasn't. And Paul draws attention to that in verse 17. He says, this is what I mean. The law, which [00:06:00] came 430 years after meaning after Abraham does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, which is referring to a covenant between God and Abraham.

So Paul's making the case that Abraham had faith. That's all that was required was just faith and like obedience to God. That is how we, you How we, um, have a right relationship with God today. Faith like that has not changed. It has never, never. And even, even the folks that believe that the law justified them before God misunderstood what the law was for because the law never justified people before God because they could not keep it perfectly.

And because they could not keep it perfectly, there was these, there were these sacrifices required and the sacrifices required, like, um, ultimately was like, uh, serving as, as an example of Christ and, and what would cover our sins. So even keeping the law, they know, uh, did not justify them before God, but they're, they're [00:07:00] just, they're just having a really hard time getting it.

And even in today's world, we've talked about this already. Uh, people still have a hard time getting this, but God has always only required faith. He didn't change his mind. He didn't change his ways. That's always how this has worked. Well, in verse 19 is interesting as well. Cause it kind of like it, it asks and answers the question.

Why then the law, it was added because of transgressions until the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made. And it was put in place through angels by an interim intermediary. But I think what's interesting about that is. There came a point when they needed to realize, like, the sinful life that they were living.

And so the law was put into place in order for them to recognize, like, These things that I'm doing, they're not okay. And they needed a savior, which was Jesus who was to come. Um, and then again, the continue, like, I guess just like this beautiful picture that's painted across scripture is like all of those prophets that come in between [00:08:00] and all the leadership that like points to Jesus is so, so cool.

Then Jesus hits the scene. Faith is still a piece in all of it. Um, and then as what is ultimately required of us, even still post Jesus. So it's just like, it's a really cool woven picture throughout the entire scripture, but Paul is clearly calling out right here to the Galatians as well. All of those old Testament people that had right relationship with God were believing in faith that God would bring the ultimate provision always.

All of our. All of us today that are believers, all of the, those that came after Jesus, that were believers, like they all believed backward that God had already provided his ultimate provision. That is Jesus. Everyone throughout all of history has been saved by the sacrifice of Jesus. It's just that some had to believe ahead of.

For something that they did not yet understand or see, we now live on the other side of [00:09:00] that, having known what occurred and who it was and how it happened. So we have the benefit of looking backward and knowing all the details, but we still believe just like they had to believe it has always been this way throughout all of time.

The only thing that Christ requires for the, like, the only thing that God requires for salvation, uh, is faith in Christ. Faith in God's provision. And so it's also to be noted. Verse 21, uh, is it's basically. Essentially saying if the law was what we needed for justification, then why did it, like, why would Jesus have even needed to die?

And I think that pulls us way back to the beginning of the chapter when he's like, Hey, Jesus was publicly crucified in front of your eyes back at the very beginning of the chapter. Um, so it, it kind of like, if you believe that it completely discredits The ultimate sacrifice that was needed anyway. This is a really important point that you're making because we have talked about, like, there are modern day movements, uh, [00:10:00] to get Christians to come under the law.

Uh, the Hebrew Roots Movement is a big one. Um, That's the name of one that I know. I'm sure there's many others out there, but the idea is like, Hey, it's really great that you believe in Jesus. But if you really want to honor God, you have to come under the law. And Paul is confronting exactly that kind of thinking here in Galatians.

He's saying, Hey, if you are trying to be justified by the law, you are delegitimizing. Everything that Jesus did. You're essentially saying that Jesus died for no reason. So you can either be justified by faith in Christ, or you can be justified by the law. You can't be justified by both because if you believe you're justified by the law, you are openly declaring that Jesus has died.

No point in any of it. And so by trying to be justified by the law, you end up rejecting Jesus. And I will say, uh, when you watch people start to get intrigued by this law based stuff, like as you watch people get engaged in this Hebrew root [00:11:00] stuff, uh, you will notice that they become more and more questioning toward Jesus.

More and more antagonistic toward Jesus. And eventually they'll start to cut everything they can about Jesus out of their lives. And I don't know if it's, um, intentional on their part, but I do know it's intentional on the false teachers that are leading these movements on their part. Like they are trying to get you to believe a false doctrine and they are trying to remove your relationship with Christ because that is always what happens when you're trying to be justified by the law instead of by the sacrifice of Christ.

When I think what's funny about that too, is it, it does introduce the like, well, I'm better because I'm doing this. And I do hate that so much. Like, that's not even what the Bible tells us. Uh, but I do really appreciate the last verse as well. It does emphasize, uh, Like, if, when you are in Christ, when you have that faith, you are essentially Abraham's offspring.

That was, like, [00:12:00] talked about way back at the beginning, which is so cool, uh, because I think, again, the mindset can kind of be like, oh, back to Abraham. That's like Not me, cause I'm not Jewish. I'm not part of whatever, but Abraham was justified by his faith. Well, Abraham wasn't, Abraham wasn't Jewish. Abraham was a pagan guy, but I think that can be very confused and very like, whatever, like push off to the side.

So it's really cool to read the last verse that you are Abraham's offspring and therefore, Heirs according to promise, which is so cool. Like you're part of that promise way back at the beginning. If you have faith in Christ. So it may like, as we dig into Galatians, it may feel like we're kind of hitting this on the head over and over and over again, but this is really important to us as believers, um, that.

Our faith in Christ is what justifies us before God. If you add anything to that, you are preaching a false doctrine. It does not mean that you can live however you want. It does not mean that you can [00:13:00] follow Christ while actively sinning. Please don't hear me saying that. It doesn't mean that we offer cheap grace and we ignore discipleship and all those things.

things, but the thing that justifies us before God is the the sacrifice of Jesus. He gave his life. His blood covers our sins because he conquered sin and death. We have right relationship with God. That's it. Anytime you try to add. Any single piece of anything to that, you are starting to believe a false doctrine, and you will ultimately be rejecting Christ, which is why Paul's fighting so hard for this Galatian church, because the point that they were dealing with is people were telling them they had to be circumcised to be able to be justified before God, and then ultimately they had to follow the law, and it's just simply Not the case.

It was very important for them to understand it. Then it remains important for us to understand today. So the, your part is, um, it's radically humbling to understand that nothing you have done justifies [00:14:00] you before God, none of it. Like the only thing that can justify you is what God has done through Christ.

And when you start to look at life that way, I think it, I think it is humbling. Um, I think it helps us to interact with other believers correctly. I think it helps us to offer real authentic grace to people who are not believers, um, because they don't need to check a bunch of boxes. They just need to come to faith in Christ.

And then we disciple them and lead them to live lives that honor Christ. Um, but it really is. Um, the only thing that is required is faith. And I encourage you to pursue that faith and walk in that faith and introduce others to that faith. So I'm enjoying this, uh, short time in Galatians. Uh, we'll be back again tomorrow with Galatians chapter four.

We'll see you then. Thanks for joining today's episode of God's plan. Your part, as always, please consider partnering with us as we are a listener supported podcast that we hope to continue to grow with you. Support from listeners just like you. We've made it super easy to partner with [00:15:00] us and you can support us by following the link in our show notes or our description.

You can support us with as little as 3 a month. Every little bit of this helps so much. And we're so thankful for your support. With that in mind, here's today's reading. Galatians chapter three. Oh, foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified.

Let me ask you only this. Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? Did you suffer so many things in vain, if indeed it was in vain? Does He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith?

Just as Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. Know, then, that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham. And the scripture, [00:16:00] foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, In you shall all nations be blessed. So then, those who are of the faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.

For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse. For it is written, Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all the things written in the book of the law. Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for the righteous shall live by faith. But the law is not in faith. Rather, the one who does them shall live by them.

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written, cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree, so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised spirit through faith. To give a human example, brothers, even with a man made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified.

Now the promises were made to [00:17:00] Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, and to offsprings, referring to many, but referring to one. And to your offspring, who is Christ. This is what it meant. The Law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void.

For if the inheritance comes by the Law, it no longer comes by promise. But God gave it to Abraham by a promise. Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the offspring should come, to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary. Now an intermediary implies more than one, but God is one.

Is the law then contrary to the promises of God? Certainly not, for if a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law. But the scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those [00:18:00] who believe. Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed.

So then the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come we are no longer under a guardian for in Christ Jesus You are all sons of God through faith for as many of us as you were baptized into Christ have put on Christ There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

And if you are Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode of God's Plan, Your Part. Don't forget you can find us on just about every social media platform. Let us know what you thought of today's episode. And if you have any questions, go ahead and post them there.

You can also reach out to us directly at godsplanyourpartatgmail. com. As always, if you don't have a Bible or [00:19:00] if you'd like to use the one that we use, reach out to us via email and we'll be happy to send one to you. Thanks again for listening. We'll see you again tomorrow.

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