Dunce (Dunce) Revolution

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Call the midwife!

Will, Sarah & Buzz with special guest Porter Season 2 Episode 8

Take a deep breath of that fresh Grasslands air as we step out into the wide open world that is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. We unpack the massive first two chapters in this episode as we climb radio towers, collect trading cards, and get frustrated at Chadley and Mai's incessant nattering.

Try to keep Kalm, as we keep it spoiler free this episode and limit break our plot discussion to chapters 1 and 2 (with minor nods to the overall content of the original Final Fantasy VII).

And now to leave you all with a classic haiku straight outta Wutai:

Dogs on Chocobos
Who mixed this darn audio?
Cloud plays Yu-Gi-Oh!