Dunce (Dunce) Revolution

Dunce (Dunce) Dungeon: The Gang Gets Racist

Will, Sarah & Buzz Season 2 Episode 14

It's a Hadozee, sorry, a doozy of a dungeon crawl, as we discuss that sensitive subject of race (soon to be species) in D&D.

With One D&D updates starting to crest over the horizon (or  "2024 Revision to 5th Edition,"? I genuinely don't know how they are marketing this anymore...and I think the MM comes out in 2025 anyway...), the ways in which we generate our player characters and NPCs will be updated, including that important first step of choosing a race.

We also look back at all the elements that have often found themselves tangled up with DND races, such as language, culture, and alignment, and how the soon-to-be updated source books are offering a looser connection between one's species and other character traits.

Somehow we get wildly off target by talking about Target, Pride, Harvest Moon, Larian Studios, Farmer's Only, Animal Well, Indika, and even Orcas!

Like Jessica Rabbit once said, "I'm not evil. My character race was just written that way."