Women of the Wild

Self Healing

Jenni Dais Season 1 Episode 1

Let the journey to healing and self-awareness begin as we get to know our host, Jenni Dais. Here she shares a bit of her personal story of using alternative methods to successfully self-heal cancerous ovarian tumors and of how that experience led her to start connecting women around the world to share their wisdom in the areas of naturopathic medicine, freebirth, and alternative lifestyles. 


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Welcome to Women of the Wild Podcast. Here, our community of wise women comes together to explore and discuss naturopathic medicine, fertility free birth, and cultivating inner peace and joy through embracing alternative lifestyles. These are powerful women and pioneers in the modern age who choose to live and heal free of Westernized limit. Many we will speak to have bravely and successfully cured themselves from chronic and even terminal illness prior to setting forth on their mission to offer healing to others. Together we return to our roots, to our inner wisdom and our birth rights to the wild in all of us, and together we grow to change the world. Here's your host, Jenny Davis. Today, I'm going to share a bit of my own story that ignited this whole mission of bringing together this amazing community of wise women. For a long time. I really held back from opening up about my journey. There's a lot of moving parts to my story. And so I've always had a hard time deciding exactly where to begin. And what exactly to share. But I've come to realize that it's so important to let go of that fear of the idea of that. What you have to offer the world is not enough. Or the nobody will want to hear it or that you can't really help or make a difference by offering your experience. You know, all those things we tell ourselves. In reality, more openness and genuine sharing is exactly what the world needs most right now. It allows us to grow and expand and see new viewpoints and feel connected. We're all put on this planet together. And although every one of our paths is different. We can always learn something from someone else's journey. We can take pieces of what resonates with us. To help us build a better version of ourselves to offer the world. It's definitely a bit of the ripple effect. The more healing we do on a personal level, the more we have to offer. This really stuck out to me after the free birth of my daughter. As a bit of a reality shift on a personal level. Because up until that point, I'd always felt rather alone in the way that I viewed the world and the way that I chose to live. But during all of the research and healing that I did as prep work for myself, to get ready for her birth. It ended up connecting me to so many other women who are doing exactly the same thing as I was doing. Or at least wanting to do the same thing. Perhaps not in the area of fertility healing and free birth. But in so many other areas too. They're out there looking for answers to healing. They're searching within themselves. They're doing the work to learn how to trust and connect to their incredibly powerful intuitions. Again, as opposed to relying on the Western system. To tell us how and what we should be. On this podcast week to week, you're going to hear from many of these amazing women. Who have not only taken the route to healing in their own terms, but have succeeded and thrived. This is so incredibly close to my heart because years ago, While I was traveling. I ended up in hospital for what was suspected to be appendicitis. The whole bundle of testing was done. And I was told actually that it was ovarian cancer. And that there was nothing I could do at that point, aside from take pain pills. I remember that hitting me really hard emotionally. I was so young and that's the last thing you're expecting. I remember thinking. This can't be real. And I chose to walk out without the pain pills. I decided that I would take my healing into my own hands. And in my mind, best case scenario I got well, And worst case scenario. It didn't really matter. And I know I might sound latida about saying this now. But at the time, this was really not an easy decision. I remember feeling so alone and lost in it all at the start. And this is why it's so important to start coming together. And just start putting our stories out there for others. This is exactly what we'll be offering here on this show, as well as what I offer when I work with the women that I coach. Of course with the coaching experience, we get to go so much more in depth and much more on a personal level of healing. But there's so much power also just in hearing someone else's story. Just to hear that there's a different way of doing things. And that these different ways actually work. It adds an element of hope. When I decided that I was going to heal on my own, I did initially realize that there was a lot more behind the sickness itself. Than just the tumors. At the time, I didn't know how to identify those things or how to work through them holistically. But I knew they existed. I just didn't have the background knowledge or experience that I do now after so many years. And that's where I think most people are when they're confronted by illness. I honestly can say that I completely lucked out as I dove into the self study portions because I was traveling, the traveling gave me the opportunity to learn from so many different people. Throughout so many different cultures that I encountered. And it's so important to have some sort of guidance from someone. I mean, there's a lot of the work, obviously that is all ourselves. And, you know, It's very individualized. We all have to do the work ourselves to heal. But. To have that. Gift of having someone to guide us who has already done their own healing. And already knows what works and what doesn't, and they can share their method and their knowledge. It saves a lot of time of trial and error. And. It also gives you the chance to hear about different ways of thinking about life, which is an aspect that shouldn't be ignored in a holistic healing approach. There are mental, emotional, environmental as well as bodily aspects that should all be addressed bits at a time. And some experience guidance really goes a long, long way. I adopted a little at a time as I went along. And picked and chose the things that made sense to me in my own practices and in my own life. I did a lot of soul searching a lot of inner work, which included some major trauma healing on my part,. There was no need to bore everyone with the details of all of that. But I did find it to be a huge learning experience that my personal trauma correlated with parts of my body that were negatively affected. And I do believe that can be the case with a lot of illness. We hold on to these memories and the form of energy. And if we never do the work to release them, they can and will absolutely fester and begin to appear in the form of disease in our bodies. Through my journey. I took many different avenues. And I did my best to keep an open mind. As I learned from the more experienced teachers and healers. I think that having an open mind is incredibly important. Because, you know, you're, you're encountering so many different ways. That are outside of your normal. For example. I worked with mushrooms and I ended up finding these to be incredibly healing on so many levels. They obviously weren't the only factor, but my work with them really clicked my mind into gear, to sync up with my intuition. And to start opening many other doors to healing. I Aveda yoga, acupuncture, massage, meditation, plant medicine, or just a few of these things. One thing i really made a point to do was to not allow myself to question whether it was working or not the goal was to just keep moving forward one day at a time And this was not always easy let me tell you But months turned into years and all of the pain has gone away All of the symptoms have gone away And here i am to tell the story Because of all of this that i went through i'm able to help guide other women to heal and to consciously conceive healthy happy children And it is such a blessing to me Some of the women that we work with are so much like me And what they're experiencing as far as being told that they can't have children for one reason or another. In actuality and a lot of these cases including my own The problem was not some sort of functional issue But it was a symptom of a deeper trauma and this can be worked through unhealed. And that's not just the case in regard to fertility As you will very soon come to see if you continue to follow along with our little tribe And here all of these amazing women speak out about their journeys The information is here the real life stories are here And we have the ability to pick and choose what works for us and in this day and At Age we have the opportunity to create a community Of women to lean on to support each other and to share our wisdoms and share our experiences To help guide each other During our toughest times we can feel so alone And the reality is we're not alone at all. Continue to join us each week on tuesday as we share new stories about women just like me Just like you who are brave enough to live birth And heal in the ways that they choose and of course if you're curious to learn more about my fertility journey or any other part of my journey Or to see what my method of healing can do for you you can contact me through my instagram page at live your legend We are all in this together i cannot say that enough Stay tuned next week or we will talk with josie who's an ex-pat from nicaragua And Who chose to birth her fourth baby in the ocean That is right the ocean we will hear all about her beautiful birth experience as well as dive into her wisdom about waterbirth and lotus birth it's going to be amazing guys love and gratitude till tuesday