The Root of The Matter

Navigating Your Body's Terrain: Insights into Lymphatic System Health with Kelly Kennedy

Dr. Rachaele Carver, D.M.D. Board-Certified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist

Prepare to be enlightened as we take you through the fascinating world of your body's terrain as guided by our extraordinary guest, Kelly Kennedy, the Lymph Queen and Fascia Fairy. Kelly's knowledge and insights, gathered from her life experiences and journey through understanding bioregulatory medicine and terrain medicine, are bound to leave you intrigued and informed about the blood, fascia, and lymphatics that make up your body. She shares her unique perspective of the body as a 'big house' and emphasizes why we should focus more on the spaces between cells. You'll be introduced to innovative tools like the Flowpresso and Flow Vibe, and Kelly will also share invaluable tips on maintaining a robust lymphatic system.

Kelly's narrative paints a vivid picture of the insidious role of toxicity in our health. The narrative delves into how our changing environment affects our bodies and the health of future generations, making stark comparisons to how things were 65 years ago. As a seasoned bodyworker, Kelly also enlightens us on her methods of assisting clients in their detoxification journey. Our conversation highlights the numerous factors that can sometimes imperceptibly affect lymph movement and health. From the types of food we consume, our clothing choices, to the products we use on our skin and hair, you'll learn how everyday choices affect our lymphatic system.

As the conversation peaks, we'll examine the often-underestimated impact of our thoughts, emotions, and stress on our lymphatic system and overall health, including the implications of the spike protein. Kelly deciphers the link between our mental and physical state of our bodies, emphasizing how managing these elements can bolster our body's resilience to stressors. This episode gives a comprehensive understanding of our body's terrain and the significance of heeding its signals. As we conclude, we'll underscore the importance of trusting our bodies and the power of understanding how to listen to their cues. This enlightening episode is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in enriching their understanding of the body and enhancing their health.


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To learn more about Kelly Kennedy and her services, go to:

To learn the amazing daily lymphatic cleansing techniques, go to:

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Information discussed is not intended for diagnosis, curing, or prevention of any disease and is not intended to replace advice given by a licensed healthcare practitioner. Before using any products mentioned or attempting methods discussed, please speak with a licensed healthcare provider. This podcast disclaims responsibility from any possible adverse reactions associated with products or methods discussed. Opinions from guests are their own, and this podcast does not condone or endorse opinions made by guests. We do not provide guarantees about the guests' qualifications or credibility. This podcast and its guests may have direct or indirect financial interests associated with products mentioned.

Speaker 1:

Well, everyone, welcome back to another episode of the Root of the Matter with me, your host, dr Rachel Carver. I'm very excited today to have Kelly Kennedy, the Lymph Queen and Fascia Fairy with us today, and I have to say, the only reason this podcast even exists is because Kelly was the one who encouraged me to put myself out there and to make a podcast, and it did take about a year or so, but she was definitely the inspiration I'll never forget. One day I just I had this epiphany. I woke up and I said I got it and I sent her a voice text saying the root of the matter. Here it is. So again, I'm very excited and thank you, thank you, kelly, for making this all happen.

Speaker 1:

So we've talked a little bit about Fascia before one of my first guests, a craniofacial sacral therapist, so she talked a little bit about that. But what I love, I loved in your bio how you describe yourself as a medical, intuitive, biologic investigator and I was like I love that. I think I'm going to steal that because I feel like that too. Both Kelly and I really love to learn and really understanding what is that true cause. Kelly owns a great wellness clinic called the True Wellness Center, and that's what both of us are really about.

Speaker 1:

And I first learned about Kelly I think I heard you on a podcast, if not a summit, talking about flowpresso, talking about lymph, and those of you who know my story I suffered from eczema and I always thought I think lymph congestion through all my you know, I think that's a problem that I have. I just called her up after I heard this and we'd just hit it off immediately, and so she's going to talk to us a little bit about how lymph works, what the flowpresso is, maybe a little bit about the flow vibe, and give us some great practical tips on how we can continue to keep our lymph going. So, kelly, jump in. What do you want to teach our community today?

Speaker 2:

Well, first, of all, I am so excited. Dr Rachel while she says it was all because of me, now I may have inspired you, but I only inspired you because you are so well versed in this subject matter and, as a biological dentist, you know that I don't feel like anybody can truly be helped and really cure their whole situation unless they look at the dental piece and they look at the terrain of the body. And so when I started my podcast, I started with interviewing a dentist to start with, because a biological dentist, because I knew if I was going to teach people how the body works and what the flow was really about, they had to understand their interference fields. And so when I've heard you speak on numerous occasions in front of large groups, I'm like you need to create your own show, rachel, because you are amazing at cutting through. Like a lot of dentistry can be really heady and very complicated in a lot of terms and stuff and you're able to just dumb it down to the end user, which is amazing, as well as the practitioners that are in this world that don't understand biological dentistry, and I really. The root of the matter, which I love puns is really about looking at the interference fields. Number one scars and dental foci. And number two then how can I upregulate the terrain? When I looked at the terrain all those years ago, I knew I never wanted to be a dentist. God bless all y'all souls that are.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to be a doctor and when that went awry because I was on a horrible car accident right after my father had right around the same time, I should say that my father had a couple of strokes and had passed at 55 after having Hodgson's and cancer, I was at Cornell University, gone. Okay, I am pre-med and very frustrated with this industry of medicine because they want to cut it out, medicate it, radiate it and tell me to manage my pain with these drugs for the rest of my life as a collegiate rower who was at the height of her physique and all of a sudden, from one car accident, I was told to manage pain as I watched my father die at 55 after a couple of strokes and I was like huh, and so I started to search and search for my own case, like we all do that are listening to this. If you're at the root of the matter podcast, more than likely you've been on a journey, and so through my own journey. I found this guy who did this energetic work and it was vibrational work, energetic work back in the 90s. It helped me tremendously and all you could say it was energy. And I said what the heck's that? And I continued to search with him until I found this group in Europe that really did bioregulatory medicine and terrain medicine and really taught the science behind energy, the science behind the terrain.

Speaker 2:

What is the terrain? It's the spaces between the cells. So I'm in a big house. Right now I'm in my friend's house in South Carolina and they're away for the week. So I'm here recording a nice quiet house with internet, and if I took all their furniture and I piled it up in one corner, I can guarantee you they have a lot more furniture than they do.

Speaker 2:

Floor space. Like most of us, and that's how I see the body. Everybody's talking about the blood. Like the furniture, there's less blood in your body than there is floor space. Why is nobody talking about the floor space? The floor space is the space around the cells, the cells. The furniture is going to be clean and stay in good condition if the space around the furniture is in good condition, but for some reason, people aren't paying attention to us in typical allopathic medicine and when I look at the terrain and I studied it, I started to understand the lymphatics and the fascia, which is the plasma part of the body and the connective tissue of the body that holds the structure of the body, and the fluid part.

Speaker 2:

And then I learned that we have three times just about more lymphatic fluid in our body than we do blood and I know you as a biological dentist or as a dentist know that because when I love, I love working with all sorts of medical professionals, but dentists are some of my favorites because you guys really in ladies understand the lymphatic flow and you, you're in the lymph all the time and you understand that whatever the body is taking in through the oral cavity, it's got to move it out through the emunctury ordinance, be it your kidneys, your liver, your gut, or you're going to breed them out and I would contend, as the lip queen and the fascia fairy, that you also bleed them out and ejaculate them out. Any excretion of the body is a way for the body to get toxicants out and we have these filters. Our lymph is our filter and it works on a pressure gradient. But most people don't know anything about the lymph system. Whether a medical doctor, a massage therapist, a physical therapist, a biological dentist, a nurse, they don't have a lot of training on the fascia and the lymph.

Speaker 2:

I've been trained as a four year undergraduate pre-med. I never even heard of the lymph system, except for the fact my father had cancer since I was a little kid. So I knew about the lymph system from that. But nobody talked about it at Cornell. And then I went into European biological medicine. All they talked about was the lymph system. And I'm like how come these guys that have been ladies know all about the lymph system and everybody in America is not talking about it? And this was 26 years ago. And then I started to really work in that system and understand the fascia and the connection and the fascia and the lymph.

Speaker 2:

And what I would contest to this day right now is that if you are not working in the fascia and the lymph, you are not working on the terrain. And I challenge every terrain therapist out there, every bioregulatory practitioner out there come and talk to me if you think you're working on the terrain and you're not working on their fascia and the lymph and you're working virtual practice only. Virtual practice is great, but the issues are in the tissues and you've got to get them out of the tissues and the only way to do that is physical manipulation, be that vibration with vibrational tools, be that like manual manipulation of the tissue with a chiropractor or physical therapist or a body worker of some sort. Craniosacral rhythm, craniosacral fascial technique is one of my favorite. Now, the fascia and the lymph are our terrain.

Speaker 2:

There are the spaces that our cells and our organs are living in, and the structure of the body is held together by our fascia. And so if we're not paying attention or understanding how to treat our fascia and our lymph, then we're really always going to deal with underlying causes, because root causes, root problems rather, will store, just like they do in dark, cold spaces like cavitations and root canals. They will also store in the fascia, in the adhesions, in the scars and in areas of the body that the lymph gets stagnant because of lack of movement. And then I mean, I'm a very happy person, as Dr Rachel knows, but I have some very depressing news. So, whatever we don't move out, the body stores, and then that storage continues to build up, and then we're good the whole time we're storing stuff, everything seems good, I'm healthy, I'm great, it's fine, I have no symptoms.

Speaker 2:

Then, all of a sudden, we get exposed to something. We get a cold or we get a perfume, or we get a headache, or we eat something and we go oh, I am now filling the blank. I am now gluten intolerant or I have SIBO, or I have this symptom, or I have this diagnosis and really it's your blame in the stuff that was the last thing that filled up the rain barrel. And for me, I go. You guys are thinking about it completely wrong. I want you to think about it from the fact that what filled up that rain barrel? This is your body juggling a whole bunch of balls. We're all a bunch of clowns. We're a bunch of clowns, a bunch of clowns. You are, and as you're out there, juggling all these balls, most of our bodies have the ability to juggle 10 to 15 balls pretty well, but we don't know it.

Speaker 2:

We have no idea what the body is doing, because we're only conscious of about 10% of what our body is doing. 90% of what's happening in our bodies we're completely unconscious of. How's your heart pumping? How's it going? How's your kidney filtering? Is it working well today? Did you work on your liver today? Is that doing okay? Are your bones redeveloping as they're breaking down and they're rebuilding all the time? You're a brand new person every seven years. You're all your brand new cells. Did you manufacture new cells yesterday? Were you conscious of that? Did you blink 13 times over the last 13 seconds? Did you think about that? Did you swallow? No, there's all sorts of physiology going on.

Speaker 2:

Those of us women that have had children, we're very aware of this. We don't do a lot. We sit around for nine months and eat well and sleep and out of us comes a baby, typically with 10 toes, 10 fingers, two eyes, two ears and a nose and a mouth Definitely a mouth. It's miraculous at some level that the body is doing this. This is the innate wisdom of the body. We trust it when we're growing babies in our bodies. What I'm saying is start to trust it when it comes out, but let's change its filters, because what the body's up against these days and the balls that it's juggling? We don't have 15 balls to juggle anymore. My mom is 83 years old and she lives in upstate New York. I can tell you she's juggling a lot of balls, but the amount of balls that she's juggling is not nearly the amount of balls that I'm juggling at 49 years old.

Speaker 1:

When she was 49 years old, this is a super important thing which I talk about all the time is that when we start chasing those symptoms or we change, oh, I'm not going to eat gluten anymore, I'm not going to eat dairy we are just chasing that, never ending whatever you want to call it that river that's going on forever without getting at that root, and so that's again why I wanted Kelly to come and talk about this, and we talked about this. I talked about with kids a lot too that bucket and exactly what you're just saying. Today. Our kids are already born with their bucket half full right, and that's why we're seeing so much disease, so much younger. I mean, we're seeing a puberty happening. My youngest daughter, she was 11 when she got her first period and she was raised on organic foods and all of the you know good energy techniques.

Speaker 2:

She's going to love on you for announcing that on your podcast.

Speaker 1:

She's not listening, but anyway, this is what's happening, as you can tell I'm just talking about styles all the time.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, oh God, one day he's going to listen to this podcast. You're like Mom, I'm not a biological experiment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, actually they are.

Speaker 2:

Or biological experiments. And, to your point, we're all an experiment. For all the stuff that we're up against, it's all an experiment. Nobody has any long term evidence on what happens when you add all these chemicals to your skin from bed, bath and beyond, while you're drinking toxic tap water with 7000 chemicals in it, that you're also showering in, that you're also making your food in. So you just bought all this organic food. Then you're going to wash it with tap water and you're going to shower and bathe your children in tap water. Not really right. It's 2023, no better than that, right? And then there's we're assaulted over and over again.

Speaker 2:

And to your point, children are so much more full just being born, even with like listen, I've lived this way for 26 years. I have not had a silver filling in my mouth. I had one silver filling, a meldin filling, in my mouth for five years. It was out by the time I was 31. I am 49. I did not have a child until I was 39.

Speaker 2:

I had a lot of time to detox by. Of course, I didn't know then what I know now, but I learned a lot of the way. Right, I had no symptoms at all by the time I had Silas. I pricked his finger when he was seven to look at his live blood onto the microscope and I started to cry Unbelievable, because the amount of heavy metal in that kid's blood was more than 50% of the cells. It's unbelievable the amount of cell wall diffusion bacteria in that kid's blood. After all the work I've done on EBV and all the chronic dormant viruses in the body, it was something to be said. It was and he did not have. He was born at home, breastfed only organic. Anything touches skin. For two years we did all the things.

Speaker 1:

And that's I think that's one of the reasons I want to do this podcast is because people there's just we are in an onslaught of toxicity like never before in the history of the world and we need to be aware of these things because, I mean, the health of the entire world just continues to decline at such a rapid pace.

Speaker 1:

But also, to your point, like some people say, I maybe have 65 year olds that maybe have 12 amalgams in their mouth and they have not a single symptom or what, because when they were born 65 years ago, we didn't have 80,000 plus chemicals, environment, right? They, their immune system developed without all the plastics, all the vaccines, all that stuff, so they are inherently stronger in their immune system. So, just like your, your mom, these people can handle these, whereas people our age and younger we can't handle 12 amalgams in our mouth because we're also dealing with all the plastics and, like you said, the water is so crazy toxic. All of these heavy metals everywhere, all of the microbes and I mean everything you know is becoming problem when my mother was raising her children while she had a job and my father had a job.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they had a lot of stress in my home because my father had a cautions disease since before they had children. So there's a little bit of stress in our house because my father was always like with a Russian roulette gun pointed to his head. So outside of that, though, we had a big family with. They had faith. They lived a pretty happy lifestyle. We ate a lot of homegrown food. We had a garden. All of my cousins are farmers.

Speaker 2:

The milk was delivered on the porch. That was the cream at the top and the real milk at the bottom, until I was about, I'd say, 12 or 15. And then, all of a sudden, we never ate a fast food restaurant. I remember the big night when my parents went out and my brothers were gone and I was left home alone with babysitter and I was given permission to eat McDonald's. I was like 12. And it was a big deal, right, but how many? I mean my kids never had McDonald's, but I can guarantee you that was unusual. Even then. It was mostly because my parents just didn't have money, to be honest with you, and I'm so grateful they were braces on these teeth and thank God my parents were too broke to put braces together. Yay, look at those beautiful dentin.

Speaker 2:

So the point is, you're right, the immune system theirs had time to develop even mine, because of where I grew up versus now. You know my kid. Yeah, we lived in an area where we were conscious about it, so we didn't have a lot of Wi-Fi for the first five years of his life. But you know, now we live in townhouses and he's around it and he's in public schools and there's all this additional. He goes to restaurants and what does he order? A ginger ale. And I'm like cringing inside my body at some level, but at the other level I'm like, oh, it's better than free and he doesn't do it all the time, and it's probably better than the tap water that he's served on me. They filtered the water for the ginger ale. But there's all these things that just add up to our rain barrel that we would never think about or add up our the balls that we're juggling.

Speaker 2:

And as a body worker, as a lymph therapist, as a lymph node release technician, as a fascia fairy, those things have happened because of my view, because of my perspective. I was. I had no license. Honestly, until five to six years ago I was a body worker that started working with Ion who's not my husband, but this guy that did energetic work on me that I didn't understand and I started to work with him. I just started to see clients with him and started to work in their clinic and started to help run their offices and, you know, learn more and more about what they did and through that I could see they were doing a ton of vibrational emotional releasing for clients and they were helping send people to the dentist and they were doing all this great stuff. But then clients would come in from far and away. They'd been to every other clinic and they still weren't able to detoxify.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk a little bit about that. So we know we have to move in order for our lymph to move right. Okay, most of us are pretty sedentary. What are other ways that that lymph becomes stacked Like? That's where we dump our toxins.

Speaker 2:

It's a great question and I just interviewed somebody today who's working with professional athletes and they have lymph congestion more in the last three years than she's ever seen before. And so I'm going to say those people move right. So let's talk about what blocks it, clogs up your lymph. So, yes, sedentary lifestyle, sitting in chairs, crossing your legs, crossing your arms this literally creates stagacity. Moving I mean, I'm a very comedic person, but there's a reason for that. It's very purposeful in the fact that I want to move because my lymph moves. That's number one.

Speaker 2:

Number two tight fitting clothes. So bras, wire bras that cut women off, or the straps that make the indents, or socks that make indents, or pants that make indents, or clothes like the yoga pants that are so tight there's no circulation, there's no flow or God forbid those spanks that a lot of women think they can wear. I highly recommend stop it all. Wear loose fitting clothing and all cotton clothing, natural fibers. If you would not put it on your tongue, do not put it on your skin. So where's the other thing? We're getting a lot of metal. So sedentary lifestyle causes things to sit and then tight fitting clothes creates dams. So that's structural in nature. If I don't move and wear tight fitting clothes, I'm creating dams and pockets where things will pool. But what's causing that length to be thick and stagnant? Because length is like fluid, like water. We're 99% molecularly water. They say, oh, you're about 70% water. Okay, but by weight we're 99% molecularly water. And water structures can structure in our body when we're healthy and well and it creates four phases of water. We know this through Dr Gerald Pollock's work. The fourth phase of water and what we know through the fascia work is that the fascia and lymph go hand in hand and if the fascia is structured and holding well, then the lymph under it will be structured and well, and vice versa, because they're in constant communication with each other. So the lymph has all of this. It needs to move and it needs to flow like water. But it gets thick when it has metals in it.

Speaker 2:

How do we get metal? Are they leaking because we have silver and metal and fillings in our mouth? Or were we preloaded because mom had silver fillings in her mouth and we were born to mom? Or my great, great, great grandmother, because it goes four generations through the placenta oh, how fun. Or do I have metals and chemicals on my skincare, my body care, my hair care, my cleaning products? Again, if I'm not going to put it on my skin, in my mouth, rather, I'm not putting on my skin, I'm not putting on my hair. What kind of hair color and dye do you use? Lean into the gray, ladies. It's a lot of fun, I'm doing it, you can do it too. So, and chemicals again, water and food is full of chemicals.

Speaker 2:

Because a lot of people ask me what to eat. They're so confused. You mentioned it. I'm so confused about what to eat. This is one of my favorite questions. Why? Why are you confused about what to eat? It's so easy. So did God make it or did man and woman make it? There's your answer God make it, eat it and then be a flexitarian. And no, yeah, you need some fruit, you need some carbs and you need some protein. You need all of it and you probably are eating way too much. Food is the other thing I'm going to say. You probably don't need to eat as much as you're eating. Most people eat in America. I mean, I was sitting with somebody the other day. They got a salad delivered and she travels a lot internationally and she goes. It was Dr Jess and she goes. Oh, this is an American portion. Oh my god, that's the best line, because we all want these big salads in America. No, that's an American sized portion. It's like limited, because then if I take in more, I got to detox more.

Speaker 1:

My dad, my parents just got back from Japan and he said maybe one in a hundred people was overweight. He said it was. It was stunning to see.

Speaker 2:

And they walk a lot and they smoke cigarettes, which is even more challenging to the brain sometimes, because I see in Europe a lot too people are smoking cigarettes, but they walk everywhere. Now in America it's like if your parking spot isn't right next to the door, your pits, whereas I'll park right out just so I can walk to where I'm going. Just to get the, I'll take the steps over the escalator. I'll I do not like elevators anyway, but I'll always walk down. I don't care if it's 15 flights, if it's up flights, if it's six or less. I'm doing even with my suitcases, because it's a form of exercise, it's a form of moving my body.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so what else clogs the length? Certain foods will clog the length. What foods clog the length? It depends upon your blood type and it depends upon what you're thinking about when you're eating that food. So if I eat chocolate cake in the whole time, go, oh, this is horrible for me. It's. The worst thing I should be doing is eating chocolate cake. It's going to be worse for you. And if I eat black bean brownies, I hope Silas never listens to this and discovers that his brownies are full of black beans and not flour and I'm eating those brownies going.

Speaker 2:

This is a health food and this is delicious. They're actually doing me better. But within that I'm going to look at my blood type and I don't follow any diet as a Bible. It's all a guideline, but I know if my blood is an A versus an L, it has different thickness and different acids in it and my body's going to have an affinity for different food and be able to break food down versus the other. And between A and L you got about 95% of the population. The rest of you, I'm really sorry, it's tough If you're an.

Speaker 2:

AB or a B. I'm a B, it's tough Bs. You have to avoid chicken Exactly Because everybody says eat chicken, chicken and these have to eat like a way of all the game meats.

Speaker 1:

That's what's that doesn't agglutinate our blood.

Speaker 2:

And for me it's mostly about what you should avoid versus what you should incorporate, and start to look at what you should avoid. I'm an A that should avoid sweet potatoes. I don't avoid them completely, but I don't buy three a week anymore Like I'm doing myself some superfood good. But a couple of weeks ago I was at the store and man, the sweet potatoes just looked amazing and I was like I'm just going to buy two of them and I ate two at a week. I haven't probably done that in six months. But boy, when I ate those two sweet potatoes, I enjoyed every second of it and knew that it was delicious and enjoyed it and I'm feeling negative side effect from it. But I can tell you, when I ate sweet potatoes every single week, like I was, I had a little bloat in my belly. That went away when I started to eat properly for my blood type. It could have been that. It could have been 15 other things that I was doing wrong, but it's just about not wrong, but not in alignment with my blood type.

Speaker 2:

So improper foods. And then scars on the physical body will also clog it. So I'm going to reiterate so what clogs the lymph? Improper nutrition? Dehydration is number one. I should have mentioned that right away. Dehydration is your number one problem, the most your stuff, and it's not about, oh, I drink a ton of water, kelly, okay, but you get hydration from a lot of places, not just from water. You get hydration from breathing at a slower heart rate in through your nose and out through your mouth actually hydrates you more. You dehydrate when, you shall agree, eating fruit is more hydrating than eating vegetables. Walking barefoot actually hydrates your body better than walking in shoes. Sweating can actually hydrate you by a lot of things that allow you to reabsorb some of the things that you're letting go out of your skin to being brought back into your skin when it's exposed to the air. So there's a lot of ways to think about this, and Gina Brea is a great if you would like to interview her.

Speaker 2:

From the hydration foundation for websites, a cacophony of information regards to how to hydrate properly and how to understand hydration. So one I have to have movement and not tight clothings. Then I have to hydrate. Then I've got to make sure that the fluid inside my body is really fluid, because I'm not giving it metals and chemicals and improper foods that are thickening it. And now here's the big bazooka gun. Here's the one that everybody's exposed to, that many people don't think about. That magnifies all the other problems we just talked about. Scars will block the fascia and, like a dental foci, will block the nervous system from healing, and they will affect the lymph as well. But the biggest one, outside of emotions, which we'll have a whole conversation about that, is Wi-Fi radiation. All sorts of radiation.

Speaker 2:

We're living in microwaves. It's unforeseen exposures that have increased exponentially since we started with electricity back in the 1700s and now, in 2023, we have, we are electrical in our body, but we live in these electrical houses. I mean in my friend's house right now. Oh, they, they love. Oh, it's googled up as soon as they rock it, it's like I'm like I got my.

Speaker 2:

EMF rocks right next to me right now. I'm like the cut and then I appreciate it. That's why I came here, because I know they have good, strong Wi-Fi Our house. No, no good Wi-Fi in our house, purposely. That's why I have to come here to record, because I don't want all that radiation in our vacation house. Who cares? We're here on vacation, we don't need it.

Speaker 2:

And this Wi-Fi radiation, it's a one directional electrical wavelength. We are an electrical being having a physical. We're a spiritual being having a physical experience. There's electrical energy that pumps through our body. A lot of people understand that because our heart pumps. We can check it with the EKG, look at the electrical monitoring of it.

Speaker 2:

Yet what is very little understood is that the neurotransmitters and the electric of the heart is actually a second or a half a second. It's really quite slow. And the speed of light we've all heard of that. The speed of light, that's fast, but it's at the speed of light, correct? Is there anything faster than the speed of light that we know of? I would guess not. The speed of light is how the cells communicate, because they communicate through light and light is a frequency, it's a wavelength that's around us all the time and our receiver of that frequency is our heart, which is our frequency generator and receiver, and our fascia. And that frequency is received from the fascia because it's the frequency fabric, because all of life is a vibration and a frequency. Then it's magnified in that length. But if there's all this one directional wavelength of electricity going at us, it actually penetrates our own magnetic field, our own frequency. That's multi-direction, more on a scalar wave that's going in every direction.

Speaker 2:

If you are listening to this, think of Einstein, all the visions, the visibles that you have with Einstein. And you've seen the atom and you've seen the field around the atom, how they draw that right, how that's drawn. That's a magnetic field that's created around every atom. Guess what you're made of Atoms? So guess what you're created with. A magnetic field is all around you in all sorts of directions. That's scalar energy, that's nature's energy. It's around every tree, it's around every squirrel and chipmunk and every bush and every leaf has this scalar energy that can be now identified, because technology has caught up with us, that we can actually take pictures of this through Krillin photography in different ways, where we can see the frequency coming out of the body and that frequency can be converted that light right. All the frequency is light, but it's also color and sound, because frequency is just those three things it's sound, it's light and it's color.

Speaker 2:

And when we're taking in the world all of this frequencies around us and our body's receiving it. 90% of it our body takes in, it filters it ideally and it lets go of what we don't need. And if that goes well, we have regulation and regeneration and all of our circadian rhythms are falling in place and we poop two to three times a day. Because we ate two to three times a day. We sweated as we worked and moved. We bled every 28 days.

Speaker 2:

If we're a women with administration. We got tired around seven to eight o'clock at night when our cortisol started to come down. We fell asleep. We slept well. All of our melatonin kept us asleep and kept our bodies grooving, and oxytocin kept our lymph flow and in our breath throughout night.

Speaker 2:

Because we breathe through our nose, because we have no airway issues, Then we're able to expand our chest and our ribs and bring it back in or our lymph is pumping. We get up in the morning, we poop and we have energy because the energy is flying through the body at the speed of light through the superhighway conductor of the fascia, because there's no adhesions in the fascia. There's great communication and the fascia is the communication system of the body. That then magnifies that communication through the lymph, amplifies it, and then the liver, all the organs take it on as they need it and we let go of what we don't. If we have a clogged lymph system, we can't do that. If we have a stuck fascia system, we can't do that. So we've got the emotions, which is the last thing we have to talk about. Now we know what clogs the lymph. Emotions and stress are the biggest thing we're up against, and some of that stress is unforeseen stress, like we talked about with radiation, but emotional stress, even a good stress of getting married or going to college or whatever good stresses they're opening a new

Speaker 2:

business, or buying a new house or buying a new car. All these things are creating an opportunity for us to shift our gears over our nervous system, our sympathetic and our parasympathetic, allowing the body to go through the stress of whatever that is and then shift right back into that. I'm digesting, I'm healing and I'm recovering. And I would venture from doing heart rate variability test that I have for 26 years 60 to 80% of the population is stuck in sympathetic overlap. They are constantly in fight flight and mostly because of the emotional thought life, all of life, is vibration.

Speaker 2:

The smallest and yet the most impactful vibration are the thoughts in our minds. And our mind is not in our head, it's in our whole body and we are not our mind and we are not our body, because we can observe both of those things. So we are the observer of this mind and body and as we observe this mind and we watch it think thoughts, it makes us feel a certain way. When we think, those thoughts and those feelings are just old memories that go oh, when I think this, then I feel this way because this is an old pattern that I've created. So we can change that frequency, we can change that thought life. We can change all of that because it's just a frequency and we have control over it, because we're conscious beings and we can rise above the mammal that's stuck in fight flight. But the thought life is the most impactful because it creates the smallest vibration in the body and it's the one we're exposed to the most. And once you get those silver mountain feelings out of your mouth, once you get those root canals out of your mouth, once you get those scars treated, or as you're doing all that, I implore you to start to play with watching your mind, watching your thoughts, and begin to shift those frequencies in those thoughts, because that emotional part of us will be magnified by our lymph.

Speaker 2:

And as you open up your lymph and your fascia, I can guarantee you you're gonna know how you feel about all sorts of stuff that you can bury down inside. And it's a good thing to get them out and express them so you're not carrying them around like a bunch of baggage or a bunch of balls that you're juggling. And now you can clown around a little bit more, ha ha ha, because you won't be juggling all those balls and you can have more fun with life because you're not gonna be caring about what my mom said to me when I was 10. That's really still stuck inside because I'm really pissed about it, or what my brother called me for nine years. That really affected my psyche, and blah, blah, blah which is true. These are all true stories for Kelly Kennedy and you're gonna let go of that stuff and you're gonna full circle it and you're gonna go yeah, I'm gonna get that tattooed on my body what my brother called me because he was right, I am it and you're it and we're all it because we have this healing force within us. It is housed in this beautiful terrain of the Faust and the Lymph.

Speaker 2:

But if we don't learn how to mobilize our lymph because it is so stuck and stagnant because of sedentary lifestyles, metals and chemicals, scars on the physical body and all the wifi radiation, all the emotional stress that thickens it and it slows it down and then it gets clogged and then we start to go to all these symptoms, as Dr Rachel said, versus looking at the. What is the root cause? The root cause is what the body's juggling and what it can't juggle anymore, and so let's take some of the balls away that it's juggling. Let's stop drinking and showering in tap water. Please let's start breathing fresh, clean air. Get an air filtration system in your house. I mean, these fires from Canada have been affecting everyone in the Northern Hemisphere for I don't know six months. It feels like three months. I don't know a long time, but my air doctor's been going off like crazy, as is my mother's in upstate New York, and I know that that gives me assurance that my mother's lungs are taking less of a hit because she's got that air filter. And then start to be more mindful of the food that we're eating and having to be more whole food. And then let's start learning how to mobilize our lymph.

Speaker 2:

I teach a very simplified version for home use for people to know how to engage the lymphatic system and how to dry brush properly, because a lot of what's taught online I don't know. They throw out physics and how the anatomy works. I don't know. I'm an anonymous and a physiologist and I really studied the human body and how the body drains and I've worked on physical bodies for 30 years and I know and have seen evidence for how the slump drains. So I give a shortened bridge version so folks can start to enjoy the benefits of lymphatic movement right away.

Speaker 2:

And what people notice I'm sure you have as well when they start mobilizing their lymph, because it's mostly 20% of our lymph is in our neck and 50% is in our gut and we have between 600 and 1000 lymph nodes throughout our whole body.

Speaker 2:

And the lymph nodes are also where we identify the invaders of the body. So if you're dealing with immune challenges of any kind and your lymph nodes aren't open, your body can't identify what those invaders are. Whether those are toxicants, viruses, pathogens, whatever they are, they're flying through your body in great habit because they never get to the lymph nodes and the lymph nodes then kick out the proper white blood cells to attack, if you will, those invaders, to rid the body of those invaders. So the lymph nodes are a huge part of this and we have between 600 and 1000 of them spattered throughout the body, particularly where we bent at our joints. So what we teach is the simplified version of how to open up the nodes to help stimulate your own immune system and your capacity for drainage, and when people do this, I get all sorts of feedback my sinus is drained, my bowel's open. I only worked on my head and my bowel's opened.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly Because there's a proper flow right, because of the way things get out of the body, that at the end we'll give you a link so you can look at Kelly's video, so that you make sure you do it properly. But this is something you can do at home, which is really, really great. And then we have other tools, like the practice. Both Kelly and I have a flow presser which is like a machine Basically it looks like a bodysuit and it has some infrared, some more frequency right, because that's very healing, so it heats up a little, feels right. First couple of times I would always fall asleep. My body's so desperately needed to be in the parasympathetic that I would just, it just passed me right out, but it just, you know, squeezes in a specific order to help get that lymph going. And really important. One other thing I wanna mention you were the one and only, I think, person ever to mention how the uterus. You really believe that that is lymph tissue.

Speaker 1:

And for those of us me included who had menstrual cramps, I noticed when I was very good with my lymph drainage or lymph flow totally go away. I mean, I have tried everything under the scent, all the remedies. I don't wanna take ibuprofen. I know how that's affecting my gut so badly and clean that lymph. So I'm 100% also with the emotions.

Speaker 1:

I had a really, really stressful, really emotional about a year ago so, and I ended up bleeding for 35 straight days. It was like just had to wet it all out. So it was really interesting and there was no physical reason for that to happen for me other than a big emotional burst that I needed to let go. You know I talk about that a lot, that emotions, and when I really started to understand how the emotions and the thinking and the feeling really affected me physically, I could really help my symptoms a lot and I spent a lot of time with patients. Patients were in a lot of pain. You know, yes, there may be that physical component, but what is that emotional component? What is that? That's really driving a lot of this?

Speaker 2:

Oftentimes people are clenching when they're holding and when you're clenching you're constricting. When you're constricting, your body's not in flow. And so just getting the body to relax, as you said, and getting into the flow, preso, and getting into the state of relaxation, allowing the emotions to come out, and just honoring that I mean. Honestly, I had a weird couple days. The last two days I sat in an airport for nine hours. I was stuck in the airport for nine hours. There's a new plane, this whole thing. We're trying to get to South Carolina, and when I got here, the day we got here, I bled and it was two weeks after my last cycle and I was like, oh my God, and I was very emotional and very tender in all this area and everything. And then I was like I was at the airport for nine hours. I was totally in radiation. I was eating crappy food, crappy water, a little stress, because every half hour they're like oh, we're gonna board you in a half hour. For nine hours, yeah, and my kid has only gone on three flights in his life and so I'm trying to help him through it. My husband's stressed because he's like where are you guys? Are you okay? He's like waiting for us to arrive, so there was whatever. And then I was bleeding and it was interesting because my flow of eye that I brought with me I forgot don't board and I would it ran out at the airport because of course I was doing everybody's lymph in the airport. Why wouldn't I? So by the time I needed it it was dead and I'm like, oh my God. So I had to like go back to my old manual pumping like old school. And then I made an appointment here where there's a flow preso for me because I have one locally. So I was like I'm just gonna come in this week and do a flow preso. But it was. I knew my lymph was. I had too many falls that I was juggling on that one particular day and it just pushed me over the edge and I have a whole theory about shedding and a whole another thing but uterus and ovaries. If I wasn't like up until three years ago I was like 80% along the line of okay, uterus and ovaries are definitely parallel, in fact, to some particularly ovaries. If you, from an anatomy perspective, if you slice open an ovary I know that this is not good at anybody's listening, that's not medical profession but if you slice open an ovary, I mean it looks just like a lymph node, I mean it's follicular, it's intense from a menstruation perspective.

Speaker 2:

When I started working the lymphatic area, this is what started. I had 30 ovarian cysts burst in 10 years. After the car accident Wow, I have a 12 inch scar on my head. I continued to get those cysts until the scar on my head was treated. Now, coincidentally, when the scar was treated was also when I learned about lymph. So I started doing lymph work. I never had an ovarian cyst burst for over 10 years, for 15 years Now.

Speaker 2:

In addition to that, my cycle, which I was on all sorts of hormone, tetracycline, all sorts of drug sport when I was in high school because I didn't start getting my cycle till I was 15. By the time I was 18, I was on drug sport because it was so bad and so like it would take me down for two to three days. I was bleeding so heavily and I was an athlete and that's problematic. So of course we just slapped drugs on it and birth control pills and we'd call it a day. And then I go into college and I get these ovarian cysts and I've been off the birth control pills now for a year they want to put me back on the birth control pills. And then I'm in reproduction class for cows and I learned Cornell University is where they made birth control pills to help the cows have more cycles and I started to feel really weird about the whole situation. About the whole situation, yeah, honestly.

Speaker 2:

And then fast forward a couple of years. I met Ion. I was out of pain. Another five years Now we're studying this terrain mess in biological medicine, and all of a sudden, like huh, that's fascinating. Like we did my scar and all of a sudden these I think I was what 32 or something when I did my scar 16 years ago, something like that. I had never had a regular cycle my entire life. I mean, I could never count on it, never gonna be like Wendy ovulate. I have no idea. I'd get my unless I was on birth control. I could never tell when my period was gonna come. It was all over the place. I'd get it for three weeks and I want to get it for five months, or I'd get it two weeks in a row this week and then next, like it was all over the place. All of a sudden we did my scar start to unlimp. It was like clockwork. I'm like, oh, is this what we're gonna talk about?

Speaker 1:

28 days 26 days.

Speaker 2:

So how did you treat?

Speaker 1:

the scar and how did that affect that?

Speaker 2:

So the scar, like a blockade to my nervous system, was not allowing my nervous system to function, just like having some refillings at the end of my teeth, because the teeth are the end of the nervous, of the nerves, so if you put amalgam in there it's gonna paralyze that whole meridian, that whole amalgam or that whole organ system. Well, a scar is a neurological impasse, it's a blockade, it's full of sympathetic nervous system tissue. So we treated my scar to medical doctor Laceit with local anesthetic called prokane and he used some homeopathic ramaze like Tremel to release the trauma Cause. I was skelter in a car accident. It's not exactly lacking trauma. And then when we did my scar, I laid on my back for the first time in 13 years that night and sat on my back and I was like, huh, that's interesting. It released my fascia and hindsight I didn't understand what was going on.

Speaker 2:

But then my cycle started to be wriggling. I never had an ovarian cyst, something and I was like it was only in hindsight that I was like what the heck, how come my cycle's wriggling all the time now? And I started doing more and more lymph. And then all of a sudden, as my lymph started to move, I stopped getting cysts and I was like, why? Because I drained the toxins out of my body. And then, as I started seeing more and more clients, I'm like, okay, I'm going to move your lymph and what's going to happen is you're going to become more fertile because you don't know when you're going to get your ovulation, your cycle, anymore, and just watch out for the next few months but watch all this dark, old, clotty blood come out of you and that's what happens. And then all of a sudden they go. Now my cycle is two to three days, a little bit of red blood and it's over with.

Speaker 2:

Up until three years ago and three years ago, when people started getting the jab and then the shedding, I have absolutely and as evidence today of how I feel, it feels like I have a spike protein inside my uterus just cranking and shedding blood right out of me. I mean, that's just Kelly Kennedy's personal experience. I'm doing some research on this, to be honest with you, because it's every time I fly I bleed. I've been taken ivermectin like a champ, but I didn't have a lot of ivermectin. For the nine hours I was stuck in an airport with 500 other people and I, in hindsight, go huh, that's fascinating and I just had a spike in two weeks ago and this does not feel like a cycle. This feels like uncontrollable bleeding.

Speaker 1:

This does not feel like so weird because I just flew back from Salt Lake. I did a laser training and I had the exact same experience day 17,. I'm like what on earth?

Speaker 2:

And what we know is that the spike protein goes after fat and what mobilizes the fat in the body is the lymphatics and if it's attacking our fertility, it's going to our uterus and our ovaries and it's thrown off. So many people's cycles, so many women's cycles, obviously, over the last few years, it just for, and then, once I start moving their lymph, they bleed more. I mean, this is what science is, it's theories and it's looking at correlations, right. And so I'm looking at the correlation of my own personal experience and my client-based personal experience and my colleagues' experience and I sit there and go. We have to move our lymph and more than ever we have Like I have been a lymph queen for 20 years but honestly, the volume's turned up, dr Rachel, in the last few, because we are at an all-time high of dealing with stress and toxicity.

Speaker 2:

It's airborne and then magnified by all the electricity at a rate and a level that's actually I mean, I'm not trying to be hyperbolic and saying this, I'm really not Our job as an organism on the planet right now is can we get the toxins out faster than they're throwing them at us? And I, kelly, can. They have lived this lifestyle for 26 years and I have worked my lymph more in the last three years than I have had to work in 15? Because the onsul against us and I live a very clean lifestyle and have for two plus decades, so I have a lot of room in my rainbow. But when I'm around 500 people at the airport, dose makes the poison and my lymph system has to deal with that and I am super responsive in my body. I am very aware and very attached, like I'm in my body all the time and I know how my body feels and I can guarantee you this is not anything like my menstruation from two weeks ago. This feels completely different.

Speaker 1:

So interesting. What about thyroid issues too, when I think about if people can't, if they're glimphatic, right, we haven't talked about that the lymph in the brain, and then they've got all this dental stuff, sinus yuckiness. If you can't drain, could the thyroid? Could that be part of the problem, why all these people have thyroid nodules and stuff like this?

Speaker 2:

They just they can't get the lymph out, so they get clogged right and think about all the I said you have 20% of your lymph in your neck and so a lot like. There's three shelves in the body where the toxins lay down the jaw, the breasts and the pelvis, right. But if we have 20% in our neck and most of people have toxicity in their mouth, right, the average American has nine silver amount of fillings. If it's in their mouth, location, location, location. Not to mention even if you don't have silver fillings, forget about those. But you're eating food and you're breathing in air through the oral cavity. It has to come in the body through the oral cavity and through the nasal cavity it's gonna come in the head.

Speaker 2:

The glymphatics is the. I mean, this is crazy. Oh, we have malt, galt and glymphatics. Okay, you wanna know what it stands for? Mucosa-aligned glymphatic tissue, gulp-aligned glymphatic tissue, associated glymphatic tissue and glymphatics. Because we have glial cells in our brain that somebody identified as glial cells. So now we have glymphatics, lymph only in the brain.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let me just tell you something. I've been working in the lymph system for 30 years. Nobody told the lymph that it's called different in the brain versus the gut, versus the mucosa. It's one working lymphatic system that you're filtered, that doesn't have a pump that you need to pump and you need to unclog, and you need to pull out the clog by opening these termini and these tonsils, by manually simulating them or using a flow vibe, which is a hand held. It's a biasonic tool that vibrates and assists the lymphatic flow and yet, if, all of a sudden, our body's got all this stuff up in our head and it can't drain out, it's gonna sit in our tissues here, it's gonna be stuck in all these tissues here and then, yes, that's gonna affect our thyroid. I appreciate you bringing that up so much, because here's my point I want everyone. I don't care. I care about every one of you, but I don't care where you come from, meaning I don't care if you are a Nobel Peace Prize-winning medical doctor that came up with vitamin C molecule, which is my favorite molecule. If you're that person, or you are chronically ill and bedridden, and everyone in the middle please hear me say this I would love for you to entertain this idea reframe everything you've ever thought you know, wipe it out and start over and go.

Speaker 2:

I have a symptom. I need to drain my lymph. I don't care what the symptom is. I have a full rain barrel, so I need to go drain my rain barrel. Then, if I keep having a symptom because every time I'm exposed to perfume, I'm gonna stop being dumb and expose myself to the perfume. I'm gonna start to be smart instead of dumb and I'm gonna start to realize that when my lymph system is, when my system is giving me signals and signs of illness, that's my signpost to say stop doing this. And then I'm gonna drain my rain barrel and then I'm gonna reintroduce it and see if my body still if can it tolerate it. Now, if it can and it's supposed to be good for me, then that's good.

Speaker 2:

But here's what happens I ate an orange and now I had all these symptoms. I must be allergic to orange. No, maybe your body was trying to get rid of something when it got the vitamin C from the orange and now you think that you're allergic to orange when really you created a rash because your body finally had some antioxidants to get rid of some toxicant, but because you were so clogged, you got an armpit rash. So you're not allergic to an orange, you have a stuck, clogged lymph that your body was psyched to have some antioxidants. It's a whole reframe of how to really look at the body and understand what's going on. Because here's the point your body has never, ever made a mistake. It has always shown up for you and it is one in a million. It made it here and it is awesome, and it has this innate wisdom inside of it that's gonna allow you to heal.

Speaker 2:

You have to just get out of the way and you got to make sure that all the blockings to healing are addressed. And then you gotta up-regulate the system and you gotta drain your filters, just like brushing your teeth. You brush your teeth with a revital twice a day, you pump your lymph nodes twice a day and you dry brush once, and then, once a week, you treat your scars. When, for the rest of your life, as long as you wanna be healthy, how often do you have to brush your teeth? Oh, do you get to a point where you get done brushing your teeth? No, no. Are you ever gonna get done brushing, moving your lymph?

Speaker 2:

Not until we stop being dumb and having all this airborne crap and unconsciousness happening, where we don't realize that we're an organism on this planet and that we have to live within the ecosystem. That's nature, because we are nature and we have to live within that system and align with that system. We have to breathe in fresh, clean air. If we put rats in houses, gave them fake air, fake light and fake food and discommunicated them from everybody else and put masks over their faces, they'd be dead in, I would guess, probably a few weeks, but let's just even say a few months. We are organisms that are here to connect with first ourselves and then with each other.

Speaker 1:

So when the doctor tells you everything looks fine, your tests are normal, you must trust your instincts. I say this to my page all the time when they come in, have a problem and I can't see anything clinically. My first question is what do you think is wrong? Because you are the only person who knows your body the way you know it and, as doctor, it doesn't matter. We could have a million letters after your name and all of these credentials, but we are not in your body and so that is the problem with medicine today. We have become, just like Kelly said, disconnected from our own bodies and our whole magnetic fields are crazy. They're a mess.

Speaker 1:

I use the Nes bioenergetic system and probably 50, if not more, percent of the time people's big field aligners are off. Because of the modern world and all of the crazy and Wi-Fi and all that, we are so out of touch with Mother Nature. We're in shoes, we're indoors all the time. I mean it's not good, but this is what's really important. I really love what you're saying because patients come to me all the time and I have this diagnosed. I don't care what your diagnosis is, I don't care. It is this bucket that is full, it is this terrain that is totally out of balance. So that's what we need to focus. And again, kelly, you be able to look on her link in this. Simple, just like I love what you said. You have to brush your teeth if you want to keep your teeth right. You brush them twice a day If you want to keep your body feeling good and feeling healthy. Simple, five minutes, right. You know part of your shower routine.

Speaker 2:

It's a five minute routine. You don't need any tools. You can use tools, but you don't need any tools. I teach you how to do it in your hands, and I just want to say one more thing, which is you can't live without a limb system for one second. You can live without air for up to three to five minutes, but you cannot live without a limb system.

Speaker 1:

And with that idealist. So, Kelly, tell us how we can find all this great information. What is your website?

Speaker 2:

So they're going to go to thetruwellnesscentercom and then up in the learn tab. Actually, I think when you sign up there's like hey, do you want to sign up for email? Yes, I want your email and here's what I want for it. I send out flow tips once a week so that you get educated about fascia, lymph, oxygen, water and energy Very practical tips of how to improve that. But also with that, you'll also receive a PDF which is going to teach you the steps of how to pump your own lymph nodes.

Speaker 2:

It's the 10 basic areas in the body that are easy to access and that are simplified version and then what you would experience in a clinical setting like at Dr Rachel's or at the Truwellness Center. But it's awesome to be able to start a great place with and to maintain aftercare. And then, in addition to that, there's a video that's free under the learn tab where you get to watch me do the routine. So what I recommend is you have the PDF in front of you, you watch the video, you mark up the PDF and you do that five to six times until it becomes unknown. I don't want to say have it because you want to be conscious about what you're doing. But no, okay, I get the sequence. I understand how the body drains. I want you to see that visual visibly and then you'll know how that works. Once you know how that works, now you've got a great tool. Oh, the kids have got some symptom.

Speaker 1:

They're at the grocery store and all of a sudden they're having some kind of weird thing.

Speaker 2:

Oh, let's pump your lymph and see if it helps you. Oh, watch this, I can't have it. Like the amount of times I do. I mean I'm literally in the airport stuck for nine hours. I think I did lymph on seven people for 20 minutes.

Speaker 2:

I have foreign clients from it, but it was like couples and families and stuff and everybody was like, wow, I feel so relaxed, oh, I feel so drained. I mean, these are people that I've never met before in my life and they instantly started to notice it because they had puffiness up here above their clavicle bones. Or they had puffiness under their armpits that I noticed. Or they had puffiness at their ankles that I noticed. I was like, oh, that's a sign of lymphatic sagacity and you don't have to have lymphedema to have lymphatic sagacity. That's the problem. People in this country go, oh, if I don't have lymphedema, then I don't have a lymph problem. Wrong, everyone has a lymph problem, even Kelly Kennedy, because I live in a toxic soup. So I've got to work my lymph and I've been living this for 26 years.

Speaker 2:

What are you doing? That's my question, and I want everyone of you to be empowered to know that you have the power to do this with your fingers Right here, it's right at your fingertips, literally and then, as you start to do that, just do me one solid favor. I love to hear how you're doing so. You can email me from the website. You can also listen to my podcast called the Beats with Kelly Kennedy, although I think we're gonna change the name to the Flow Show, so look for that change name. But you can find that on YouTube and all the places you listen to podcasts. And then, I don't know, I have a summit coming up, the Fosha Summit in November, and we're gonna teach everybody about Fosha at the end of October.

Speaker 1:

I think that's the way it's defined. Fantastic, as always. It's been a pleasure having this conversation. I think we've given people a lot to think about. And just so you know those of you who are local to me, we do have that flow preso, we do. You know scar therapy that is one of the most profound therapies I have ever done in my life.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm not often treating TMJ with any appliance because it feels so much as that lymph congestion, the fascia tightness and between the craniofascial sacral training, the procane with the traumio. I love that stuff and the lymph draining one. I mean it's life changing. It really is for people who have chronic pain to then like within 24 hours, to feel amazing. I have so many great stories, lots of great stuff. Please check out Kelly. She is a plethora of knowledge and I love her to death because she is always learning, like me.

Speaker 2:

I love you too. I'm so happy that you're doing this podcast and educating people. One we need more of our regulatory Dennis, but we definitely need more of your design. Bioreg right there and you're much more than a bioregatory biological Dennis. You are truly a physician of the mouth and I appreciate you and your work and this opportunity to speak to your community.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for taking time out of your vacation. I really appreciate that. I'm so grateful. So have a fabulous rest of the day and everybody thanks so much. We'll see you on the next episode.