The Root of The Matter

The Healing Powers of Essential Oils with Jodi Cohen, Founder of Vibrant Blue Oils

Dr. Rachaele Carver, D.M.D. Board-Certified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist Season 1 Episode 20

Ever felt overwhelmed, tired, and just out of balance? Worry not. Today, we had an enlightening chat with the amazing Jodi Cohen, founder of Vibrant Blue Oils, who shared her extraordinary journey to wellness. Jodi discovered the therapeutic powers of essential oils when she was trying to help her child and herself. She passionately explained how essential oils can stimulate the weaker side of the vagus nerve and their vital role in energy flow and overall well-being.

We plunged into a discussion about lymphatic health, where Jodi introduced us to her revolutionary 'Big Six' - a sequence of six points that can be treated with essential oils and movement to unblock congested lymphatics. She also shared her favorite blends for sleep and emotional support and revealed how her oils can help balance the body, boost energy, and even assist the liver during its nightly detoxification cycle. We also unraveled the mystery behind her powerful "thieves oil" blend and how it can support the body in naturally raising its temperature to fight infection.

Drawing a close to our enlightening conversation, Jodi emphasized the power of balance and how her essential oils offer an effective and affordable approach to overall wellbeing. She shared her insights on how oils can trigger the pineal gland to release melatonin and maintain a healthy sleep cycle. Join us to unearth Jodi's wealth of knowledge and passion for essential oils and learn how these natural remedies can help you find balance, boost energy, and support overall wellbeing.

To check out Jodi's amazing oils go to:


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Want to talk with someone at Dr. Carver's office?  Call her practice: 413-663-7372

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Information discussed is not intended for diagnosis, curing, or prevention of any disease and is not intended to replace advice given by a licensed healthcare practitioner. Before using any products mentioned or attempting methods discussed, please speak with a licensed healthcare provider. This podcast disclaims responsibility from any possible adverse reactions associated with products or methods discussed. Opinions from guests are their own, and this podcast does not condone or endorse opinions made by guests. We do not provide guarantees about the guests' qualifications or credibility. This podcast and its guests may have direct or indirect financial interests associated with products mentioned.

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Root of the Matter. I'm your host, Dr Rachel Carver, and today we are very fortunate to have Ms Jodi Cohen on the podcast, who is the owner of Vibrant Blue Oils, an essential oil company. I first learned about Jodi I think I was listening to Dr Christine Schoffner in one of her podcasts, and you know just your whole company, your whole, everything about you just resonated with me. Not to mention I love your little bottles, they're. You know I'm a sucker for good packaging, right.

Speaker 1:

So I've been using Jodi's essential oils for about three years now. I think my favorites are the parasympathetic right. So many of us are always in that sympathetic mode all the time. We've talked about that a lot on the podcast. So, always looking for ways, you know it's easy to say, oh, go, meditate and, you know, breathe deeply, think about essential oils. It's like, yeah, put it on, forget about it, right? So it's one of the for me, in my opinion, one of the easier ways to help try to balance the nervous system. So, jodi, why don't you tell us a little bit about your story, how you got to owning and founding this essential oils, and tell us a little bit about what are essential oils?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so essential oils are the concentrated essences of plants. So you pick the lavender, you put it in the vat of boiling water, the steam rises and you know oil and water don't mix. So the oils go down one side and the steam goes down the other and turns into a hydrosil, which also has some healing powers. But basically you're taking the most concentrated, most powerful healing components of the plants and you know distilling it down. And so what's great about that is that you know most of the remedies that we get into our system we ingest right. And if our gut is inflamed because we've been high stress or just living our life, you know things might not necessarily be digested, absorbed or assimilated, but we can smell things, we can topically apply things that go right into the skin, we can topically apply things on specific reflex points that really help almost gear shift our body into balance. And so my, my story. I am, I've always been an athlete, so I'd always been, you know, health conscious. But it wasn't until I had my first child super easy. Second child, not easy at all. A lot of challenges, and I mean our big joke we would say like look at my nose. And he couldn't look at my nose, he was all over the place. Someone noticed that he has personality changed after he ate something and said you know, my brother was on Ritalin his whole life and it turned out he was just allergic to weird foods. You should take him to a nutritionist and I thought I can certainly do that. I mean I've done everything else took him to a nutritionist who noticed that he was super sensitive to corn, sorority, dairy and excitotoxins. You know, if you gave him neon gum he would be on the ceiling. So we changed his diet the next day. He could look at my nose and I was so blown away I was like, wow, you know, because parenting is kind of a competitive sport, people have been very judgmental, very critical, very mean, and I never got that with my oldest, but my second one I got that a lot and I'm like like I can't believe I didn't know this, like why did no one tell me this? I wish I had known this. People need to know. So I went back and got a degree in nutritional therapy with the intention of helping other people. I live in Seattle, actually near Dr Schoffner, and you know Seattle is vast. Here is there it's kind of this amazing spot for naturopathic.

Speaker 2:

You know practitioners, and so I learned to muscle test because that was a really easy way to assess you know, scourmy, wiggly kids and see what the root cause was. And when my kids were about five and seven, their dad was. He was pretty bipolar and it got to the point where I was really afraid he was going to die on my watch and so I moved him into a residential treatment facility where I knew he would be safe and he would maybe learn some tools that I didn't know how to teach him. And the moment I kind of knew he was safe and it wasn't my job to keep him alive. It was literally like you know that last I'm gonna sprint the last mile of the marathon, like that's a great plan, and then you cross the finish line and you're like I think I'm gonna nap for a decade.

Speaker 2:

I just I had no energy. My adrenals had been over producing for so long that they completely ran out of steam and fortunately I, you know I would basically get up with my kids make them breakfast, pack their lunch, drive into school, come back home, crawl into bed and set the alarm for five minutes before a pickup. And that just wasn't sustainable and I knew my adrenals were taxed. I was ingesting all of the right glandulars, adaptogenic herbs, it wasn't moving the needle and a friend basically said you know, oils might help because I bet it's digestive, I bet you're so high cortisol that you're like completely inflamed and nothing you're ingesting is getting digested, absorbed and assimilated. Try oils, they could work. So she brought me this big box of oils and said these will help your adrenals. And you know that, like when you, desperation is the mother of invention, I was so desperate I would try anything.

Speaker 2:

So I muscle tested the box will this help my adrenals? Got a really strong, yes, you know, kind of felt hopeful but kept like trying to narrow it down and getting the same five oils, which confused me because normally I would get one remedy. And then I had this light bulb moment of like oh, wait a minute, they're like, they're liquid, I can combine them like a drink, you know. So I brought the five in the kitchen, got a shot glass and started testing. You know, two drops of this one, five of this one, made my first blend, put it on my low back, where I knew the adrenals were accessible and there's also good acupuncture point, and kind of felt like myself was like, oh my goodness, I could, I could clean the kitchen, I could do the laundry and put it away. You know I could run on these errands, like all these things, that walking at my stairs felt overwhelming, you know the idea of maybe going to the supermarket was not happening. So I kind of was myself for a full day and then I just kept making up other blends to help me function and under certain point my practitioner friends, you wanted to try them.

Speaker 2:

And when I started feeling like myself again, I really went online to research and realized, oh, this makes so much sense, like, of course these work, of course these plants, you know, balance, these organ systems and regions of the brain. Of course putting it on these specific reflex points really helps. And you know this was 10 years ago and so I just I continue to meet people like you, like Dr Schoffner, like Kelly Kennedy, you know and learn different points. Like you know, if your clavicles are congested you're not going to open up your lymphatic drainage. So that's an important point and that interplays with other things. So I just keep learning and growing and trying to help people. You know, to your point, we all know that you can box breathe, that's. That's pretty obvious. But you know, like the supplement graveyard, the things we don't take doesn't help us when we're having a panic attack or that moment. It's far easier to do this than to have to remember to box breathe or to meditate or all those things that totally work, but they just take a little bit more effort.

Speaker 1:

So what Jodi just did for those of you who are listening is she put there's a reflex point behind the ears, kind of right on the mastoid bone. You'll feel that bony protuberance. That's where you can put a little bit of her parasympathetic blend, because that's where the vagus nerve comes down. We've talked about that on the podcast before. That's kind of that major nerve that stimulates our rest, digest, repair nervous system. And I just want to reiterate a really important point that Jodi said.

Speaker 1:

Some of you, many of you I'm guilty of this too have a pharmacy of supplements in maybe multiple rooms in your house, like me and like you were saying, jodi, you know, trying to do all the right things but nothing is working. Because if we are in that stress pattern, that burnout, we sometimes people call it adrenal fatigue, it could be mitochondrial dysfunction. There are a lot of names for similar things, you know chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, right. All comes into the point where we're just not making enough energy. So whatever caused it, a lot of us, you know, this happens to us. So we can be taking all these, like you said, adaptogens, you know, like ashwagandha and ginseng and all these great things, but if the stomach is not working properly. If our small intestine is just so inflamed, it doesn't matter how much you take, right, it's not going to be effective, you're not.

Speaker 1:

So people say you are what you eat, but really it's you are what you absorb, right. And so, again, we can be doing all the right things and that's why the skin is your biggest organ. So, having these oils which have made similar functions to these supplements and sometimes a lot of supplements, you know you may only be getting 10% absorption, right? I was listening to, I think, a podcast yesterday saying when you take anesthetial system, the oral absorption rates may be only 10%, right, so you have to take a lot of supplements, whereas with these oils you're getting all of the. You know the benefits. You can put it right on these reflex points. So would you also say, like a reflex point Some people may be more familiar with the term like acupressure point, right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, and that's, I mean, that's literally what what you're doing with the needle is. You're just kind of helping to move energy, like I think that everything about healing is really moving energy, like fluid movement, you know, the blood, the lymph, energetic movement, you know. We know that our teeth are meridians. That's why the mouth is such an important part of this energetic environment, because there's so much that's going on in there that can get congested or stagnant. And when you kind of allow for everything to, you know, even toxins that don't drain, like one of the big things is that this vagus nerve right here can get infected. The lymph, you know, can congest.

Speaker 2:

Think of if you've ever been in the middle seat in an airplane between two linebackers. That's happened to be like I couldn't even read my book, I couldn't even turn the pages, I was so congested, you know. And then if they got up to go to the bathroom, I'm like, look, I can move my arms. You know your poor little vagus nerve is getting constricted, or the fascia, you know we brace for impact and then the danger passes and we're still walking around hunched over. You know which tightens and constricts the fascia and the vagus nerve. So there's this whole ecosystem in our body. It's like an aquarium. You know, when the water is clean in the aquarium and the filter is running, the fish are healthy. If the tank starts to get murky, the fish get, you know, diseased. And so that's what's happening in our body and why we really need to show everything's flowing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So tell us a little bit. You know I'm with you. We talk about that all the time. The energy point, because to me, when we have pain, to me that just means energy is stopped, energy is blocked for whatever reason. Is it an infected root canal, you know? Is it gum disease? Is it a scar, you know? You name all the different types of interference fields we can create. So again, that's what we want to do when we're thinking about energy medicine. How do we get that energy flowing? Just, I love how you said that you know everything. When it's flowing, we're healthy. So many of us have lymph congestion.

Speaker 1:

We have, you know, the digestion because we're not absorbing things properly, right? So it gets dumped into the lymph and we're just this cloggy mess. I mean, I'm constantly, you know, working on that sewer system, so how Right.

Speaker 2:

What is the swamp? Lump is stagnant water and it's just smell and they're insects.

Speaker 2:

You don't see that in rivers. Moving water does not get diseased. So we want to make sure we're moving. And you know, that's where I think oils are kind of amazing. Like, obviously, go see you, you are the best. But if they can't get to you all the time, what can you do at home what's good for self-care? And that's where I really think, you know, oils are great.

Speaker 2:

Like I love acupuncture, I love lymphatic massage, I love all these appointments. But you know, I also recognize like you go to acupuncture and you're so zen and you're walking to your car and then your phone rings and it's your mother with bad news, or you know your daughter having a day, and it's like you're zen and then you're back in the world, you're back on the roller coaster. So how do you keep the ideas that you have to every moment of every day, like reset, like okay, I'm still good. So the oils, we have many. But what I really love, I love the parasympathetic on the Vegas nerve points. I just think that is so powerful. You know, and it's interesting, like people say to me which side and I found this interesting there's this man who's really good at lymph. His name is Perry Nickerson. Stop chasing pain, and he teaches people to like to see the what's it called? The little thing that dangles down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, to look in a mirror, like even flash your bat, you know, your like what is it called? Flashlight from your cell phone and just go like, and mine, you can see, goes kind of to one side, and he's saying that whatever side it goes to is the stronger one, and so you want to make sure that you're stimulating the weaker one more, and so you can do that with oil, you can do that with, like kind of a, the infinity sign at eight. But but this is a really important point. And then the other thing that that's really important, especially as they're working with you, you know, and maybe removing infections or other things in the mouth, is to make sure the lymphatics are open. And the lymphatics, it's a sequence, it's six things that he teaches. He calls it the big six and there's an order to it. So order one is the clavicles, like below, the clavicles above. If you're listening, if you just touch that and it feels a little tender, that just means it's congested and that's, you know, moment in time. That's where it is right. This second, not forever, but just helping. You can apply an oil on it and just really open that up and you can, you know, just gently move it, you can tap it, you can't really do it wrong, but but that's kind of point one. He also looks the biggest nerve point and then kind of down the neck and this is a really big thing that I'm sure you talk about in dentistry. Like you know, you're mobilizing all these pathogens, maybe metals, toxins. You know, if you're yelling fire in the crowded movie theater and the exit doors closed, that's going to be problematic. This is the exit door, this is the real, the first exit door, and then this is like the hallway to the exit. Let's make sure that this is open because all of your lymph drain through your clavicles and oils, you know, and just movement are really good for it.

Speaker 2:

Point three is under the armpits. You know, and this is really interesting to me. I learned from our friend Kelly Kennedy. You know, breast cancer. What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is poor lymph drainage, like if you have armpuffs and not pits. That's a signal that fluid is stuck there and again, stagnant fluid. The toxins are just sitting. They can cause problems. So let's make sure that this is moving.

Speaker 2:

Point four is the stomach. Point five is the bikini line. Point six is the back of the legs. But using oils, this is just a really great way to compliment everything else that you're doing.

Speaker 2:

And then the final piece of that is the fascia. You know the fascia is kind of scaffolding that keeps us all together, but it can also get congested. Anyone that has trouble with heart opening and yoga guess what that is? That's the fascia in the back of your heart. Like I, I'm guilty. You know, I avoided pigeon and heart opening for decades because it's hard, it hurts, and I started working. We have a roller bottle. I just roll it on the back and suddenly I can heart open. Suddenly I can sit cross-legged. Suddenly I can hold pigeon pose. I'm like this is so fascinating, like this tissue is just congested. And it's also an interesting thing.

Speaker 2:

You know a lot of our emotions. We stuff them right, like that's why we have tight hips. You know we're angry, but you know we're women and we don't get angry, we're polite. So we stuff it in our pocket. Our feelings are hurt, so we're a little sad. We stuff it in our pocket. We're our pockets, our hips. You know we hold on to these emotions. And who wants to feel angry, who wants to feel sad, like we don't know what to do with that, so we distract, we exercise, we know and we shop we. You know, we do, we do, we stay so busy we don't need to feel and then suddenly these feelings are unavoidable. So sometimes I found, when I start to feel really sad or have big feelings, if I can just put the fascia on and just kind of breathe into it, it passes really quickly. It's shocking.

Speaker 1:

So that's one of your newer blends, right, the fascia release, which is really nice. So that's interesting. So you're saying you know because and we talked a little bit about this with Kelly and my CFT person, kaylee also that we hold a lot of emotions in that fascia, you know and different parts of our body and that's something that very few people talk about really understand.

Speaker 1:

People understand a little bit about lymph as being kind of the sewage system, but not really how that fascia. But I tell people too. You know the reason. You can feel a pinprick instantly. It's not your nervous system. That's actually your fascia right. Is it because everything's connected? We talked about the tongue being connected all the way to the big toe via this fascial network, so is there certain places that you would want to put the fascia release?

Speaker 2:

It's I. You know I have TMJ and I've been noticing like I'm grinding my teeth a lot less like I can tell. So I've really been focusing on the jaw and the neck. I can gest a lot. The main places I like to put it is the like all around the neck, including the back of the neck and then the back of the heart. For me is huge. I used to have, you know it's so funny, like the subtle pain, right, it's not like I can walk around, I can function, I can live my life, but it's just kind of like I'm slightly uncomfortable in my back, you know it feels a little tight, like sometimes, you know, I just get tired or I feel like atlas, I'm carrying the weight of the world, want to shrug, you know that's made a really big difference. And then for me, the hips, but yes, anywhere that you're in pain. A woman on my team had really pain like her knees were killing her and that has really helped your knees.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, that's most of us. We carry all that, that tension in our shoulders and a lot of people who have the TMJ issues. It's more than the joint right, it's the whole musculature Because, as we said, everything is connected, you know. So some of the treatments I used to do might be helpful, but there was always subset of women like and was mainly women who didn't get better. And then when I started treating the neck and the shoulders with the prolazon type of treatment and the homeopathics, I'm like whoa big difference, right, because again, it's all connected and more and more we're so tense. So again, the greatest, again another awesome thing about the oils right, you rub it in, it all smells. So my favorite one is the heart, the blue tansy. Is that what it smells? I just I'm always working on my heart chakra and everything too, but I'm like I love that and it's not.

Speaker 2:

Jasmine. Well, one of the things that I kind of love about blends. Some of these oils are outrageously expensive. Like blue tansy is pricey, jasmine's really expensive, rose is really expensive, and so if you buy them all and like blend them yourself, I mean go you do whatever you want, but that's pricey. You know, what I try to do is kind of pre-make it for you so that you don't need to do that.

Speaker 2:

And the other thing that I've been doing I've been putting the heart blend, the blue tansy, on the front of the heart and then the fascia on the back of the heart, and that's made a really big difference. And it's interesting to me, even emotionally. Like I've been dating someone for I guess around 15 months and I kind of discovered this heart opening right before I met him and part of me wonders like was I? I've heard that the back is where you receive. Like, could I not receive love prior to this? Like, did this really make a difference? And it's. I've noticed that in all of my relationships like they're much more, you know. So it's just easier, it's very easy and sweet and supportive, and so I, you know, I wonder about that as well, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So tell us a little bit, like what is the when we think about energy, medicine and we think about frequency of things. So why is it that oils are good for energy, Like what? How does it? I mean, we don't get super technical, but what is the oil doing? And why is it more impactful when you put it on a acupressure point, Like what's happening there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think everything is frequency and the easiest way to explain that is sometimes you walk into a party or a room and you meet someone and you love them. You're like, oh my God, I met my long-lost best friend, you know. Or I love it for a sight. You just you click, there's something kind of aligned about your frequency. And other times you can walk into a place and you're like I don't know what it is, but this just isn't my vibe or my place. Or or you just look at someone and like you're like, wow, I feel like they're anger coming at me, you know. And there's this idea of resonance and dissonance. Resonance is the idea that you know when you're with someone, like you know the person that really elevates you. Or you had a bad day and you come home and your puppy or your husband, like just being with them, you feel better because they're in kind of a higher place. Or you know the idea of a tuning forks. You have a tuning fork on one side of the room and one on the other. If you strike one, the one on the other side will match. Or if you're, you know, at a concert and people are clapping, they start to clap together or birds fly together. It's this idea that we kind of sync up and it's the higher frequency, the more high vibe that kind of elevates the other ones. This is why people like crystals, Crystals, crystals are really solid, they're more, you know, humans we can be.

Speaker 2:

You know that time of month we're on the roller coaster, baby, you know like we could be, oh my God, best day ever. And then you know you turn on the news and you're like, oh my God, best day ever. And then we just we go up and down so quickly. But nature's more stable, it's more steady. You know rocks are solid, rock solid. They, you know, consistently help you ground. Plants are more solid too and they have different frequencies, meaning that they kind of, you know, they're really designed to balance us in different ways. And so the idea of overlaying right.

Speaker 2:

If you think about, you know, when your kid was little, right, they might've had training wheels on their bike or they might've gone on water wings. If they went in the pool, what are you doing? You're basically helping them stay in balance, stay kind of aligned, because you're either topically putting these water wings on or the training wheels. You're giving them that kind of support until they get to the point where their body remembers oh, I know how to swim, I know how to ride a bike, and they don't need that support anymore. That's how I see the oils.

Speaker 2:

We're like topically applying something that has the same frequency. You know, like if you're studying music and you know someone sings the right note, I'm toned out so I won't hurt your ears demonstrating that. But then you can mimic it, you can emulate it, right. So that's what these plants are doing. They're reminding us like oh right, this is the healthy frequency, and then the body kind of adjusts and we get back in balance. And putting them on reflux points, it's a double whammy, because those reflux points can be used. They're almost like the you know reboot to factory settings on the phone or the device.

Speaker 1:

They're just helping us get out of our own way and return to balance which, I think, in today's modern world, where we're just surrounded by man-made negative frequencies, all these you know toxicities, which also have, you know, these, these lower you know frequencies, anything we can do to try to get our bodies I mean, yesterday was such a gorgeous day up here in New England I mean like 80 degrees in October and I was stuck inside, you know, working all day, like even lunch. I didn't get outside and I was like, you know, this is so not good for my system, right, you know. But I put my parasympathetic on every morning because I know I want to start my day, I want my nervous system to be on the right frequency, because that just helps me get through these days. But again, in modern life, we are just getting so disconnected from nature, you know, and so, again, I just, you know, if I had to work, you know, I couldn't spend the whole day outside, it would have been nice. But so it's nice to know that I have these tools, you know, like these oils, that I can, you know, get back in.

Speaker 1:

I'm using nature, right, to tune back into the right frequency because, you know we have all these. We are electrical beings, we have these magnetic fields and a lot of chronic diseases because we are out of sync with the Earth's magnetic fields. And then we're getting all these artificial EMFs and, and you know, again, all these toxins, all these man-made these frequencies are not natural for us. So it's almost like our cells are hearing this heavy metal, right, and they're like, oh my gosh, whereas when we use oils, when we get natural sunlight, when we're eating nutrient dense food, that's like a symphony, right. And so, again, these oils are just so nice because it's such an easy thing, it's.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to remember to do supplements, you know it's. You're tired at the end and maybe you don't want to exercise or you don't have the opportunity to get out in the sun and Put your bare feet on the ground. You know, pretty soon it'll be cold here and I don't want to put my bare feet on the ground. So having these natural you know oils, it really helps to keep us grounded and helps, and that, overall, is what's gonna keep us healthy, right? It's not like, oh, if you take all these vitamin D supplements and take your vitamin C, you're gonna be healthy. It's. It's much more complex, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think I mean it's really about balance right.

Speaker 2:

You know. And resilience, like I tell this story. You know there are days when you're driving in traffic and someone cuts you off and you're like, oh well, you know, I hope they get where they're going safely. They seem to be in a hurry. The exact same thing can happen the next day and four letter words are flying out of your mouth. You know, like why are you so upset? It's because your capacity, your resilience, is depleted in that moment.

Speaker 2:

And resilience is really health, because when your resilience is high, when the little things don't you know, the turkeys, don't get you down, then that means that your body is able to kind of get rid of toxins, digest your food, you know, let yourself sleep everything. You know it's like riding a bike. Right, if you're in the highest gear and you're trying to go up a really steep hill, you're just making it harder for yourself. And it's not gonna be as effective if you, you know, don't have a big ego and you're like alright, I'll downshift to like the easiest gear. You might be slow and steady, but you're gonna make it. And then you're gonna like save your body and your energy for later.

Speaker 1:

So you just mentioned sleep, which I think is a big one for a lot of people, right, we know that's a major pillar of health. Do you have certain blends that you that you think are helpful for sleep? You know, some people are like I can't fall asleep because I got the monkey mind. Other people very, very common, right they're waking up. You know, one to three am Right, which I'm always thinking liver. That's a liver issue. Right, you have so many toxins, right, your liver is waking up. So let's talk about the person who can't fall asleep. What do you think? What's a good blend that you've maybe noticed or had experience with helping people fall asleep?

Speaker 2:

I Love that you organized it that way, because sleep is not like you know. It's kind of like I have something going on in my mouth. Well, could be a cavity, could be the guy you know. There's a lot that happens in the mouth. I think that sleep is exactly what you said usually one of three issues.

Speaker 2:

So if you can't fall asleep and you have monkey mind, that is usually a Melatonin issue. You know, your pineal gland in the very center of your brain releases melatonin in response to darkness to help you fall asleep. And the sleep hormone, melatonin, has kind of a relationship with the stress hormone, cortisol. When cortisol is high, melatonin is supposed to be low and melatonin is high, cortisol supposed to be low. Sometimes, when we're anxious and worried and overthinking that, that dynamic gets messed up because the cortisol is high. So it forces melatonin down right, because if you actually are going to die, you don't want to fall asleep.

Speaker 2:

So we have an oil we call it circadian rhythm and it's designed to trigger your pineal gland to naturally release melatonin. So we have people put it kind of right around the head because the pineal glands in the center of the head, so very top of the head, on the skin above the ears, not the ears, but just above the ears on both sides and then the very back of the head. And I don't tell people when they're sleeping to put anything On their face, because I'm a tossy, chairy sleeper and I would hate for anything to get in their eyes. But that helps trigger the pineal gland to naturally release melatonin so they can easily fall asleep. It also helps with night time anxiety, if you're certain. My daughter used to get like OCD only right before bed. You know, like should I brush my teeth again? Should I flush the floor? You know, like all these things and like you're good, you're good. But then we start putting the circadian rhythm on and that seemed to alleviate it.

Speaker 2:

Was that?

Speaker 1:

right before you go to bed. Is that the best time?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a little bit before. Yeah, yeah, it's funny, when I was formulating this one I was like testing it and we had a friend and we put it on and we're both like Put your chicken in the app, you know, in the middle of the day. Do not use in the middle of the day, only use when you want to go to bed. Um, if you are waking up kind of around 1 am In your wide awake, that is usually nocturnal hypoglycemia, that's a blood sugar issue, and so what we do with that what happens is your blood sugar dips, your adrenals release kind of emergency Blood sugar so you're suddenly adrenalized like, oh, I can go clean the kitchen.

Speaker 2:

It's 1 am, not the best choice, but what you can do it's your pancreas that then releases insulin to help carry the blood, the sugar, out of the cells, or out of the blood and into the cells.

Speaker 2:

So we have a pancreas oil that you can apply.

Speaker 2:

That really helps you kind of Move the, the blood sugar high through more quickly and go restfully back to sleep, and you can either Put it on your pancreas, which is right under your breasts on the left side, or you can put a drop on a cotton ball and just put it in your pillowcase and kind of smell it if you wake up um. And then the third one is kind of the liver wake up, which is usually around 3 am and usually that looks like like you might wake up to go to the bathroom because your liver might be overworking For a Chinese medicine. 3 am Is liver hour, so that might be when it's feeling kind of busy. So the more you can, we have a liver blend, we have a gallbladder blend, putting that um on the liver, so under the breast, on the right side, just either before you go to bed or at that time. The more you can support your the liver, the more it has the vitality To kind of detoxify during the night and not wake you up.

Speaker 1:

So all of those things you can put on before you go to bed. I like the idea of putting it in your pillow, so if you do wake up you know you're smelling it there. That's nice. Now you have like liver support, but you also have like the emotional liver and the regular liver. So when might you choose to deliver emotional support versus just the regular liver blend.

Speaker 2:

When you're having one of those period days where you want to kill everyone, that would be a good time to like reach for the liver support. It's a really good hangry oil. It's really good for removing your emotions I mean especially women. It's so interesting, like we have this idea that we're not allowed to get angry. You know that we always have to be the nice girl and the good girl and be polite.

Speaker 2:

And so, you know, even with our kids, who we absolutely adore, there are those days when we're like really Like this is your, we're doing this now. Like okay, I guess we're doing this now, but inside you're like you know so just helping to move that out and move that through, and it can be as easy as you know. Just like you get kind of satiated with food, like you're so hungry, and then they bring the salad and you eat the salad and you're like go away, maybe I didn't eat that big entree, I'm kind of full. Now you can smell an oil. You can just put it like kind of right below the nose and often, if you smell it's usually between three to seven breaths you stop smelling it, like you stop recognizing it. That's usually when you know like okay, I've intake in this and now I can just exhale out the anger or the sadness or the grief or whatever you know is kind of blocking you at that moment.

Speaker 1:

And that's a good point about smelling it right, because we kind of discount how that's so close to the brain. Right, it's one of the fastest way to get medicines into the body. Right, because there's just tiny little, holy type of little plate there between the nose and the you know into the brain. So that's a really good way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they see the nostrils elevators to the brain. Yeah, cool.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So one of the other blends I love, obviously, is the adrenal. We talked a little bit about that. You know so many of us suffer from. You know the burnout, you know aches and pains we talked about the fascia release was really good for that. I love the idea of the heart on the front, the fascia release on the back, because I think a lot of us do create these heart walls and it's, you know, it's a way, it's a kind of a protective mechanism that it prevents us from showing up 100% in the world. So, and again, the heart is my absolute favorite smell. I just love that one.

Speaker 2:

But so if adrenals, let's say we're Vents people from showing up for us because, even when they're aware of it or not, when there's an energetic and a barricade, people can't come in and support you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's so true. You know, I would go through periods where I'm like I just, you know, my kids aren't supporting me, my husband's not supporting me, and then I'm like, mm, maybe I need to change my energy, right? And so I'm like mm. Let's, you know, it's a good thing to think Like it's easy to blame other people, right. But it's like who? Maybe it's the energy. I don't think we don't understand the energy, the thoughts we're thinking, right, that's energy too, that that can be a blockage to why we're not getting what we want. Because we may think we want something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, that Taylor's just problem. It's me, I'm the problem, it's me. Sometimes I'm like oh, I'm in problem.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly. So again, that's another great facet of these little oils. Right, it's again bringing that frequency. I love what you said about the. You know it's funny. I tell the story about when I met my husband. You know, I was going through a period I was by myself and I was like I just want to meet somebody and get married and have kids, wine, wine, wine, wine wine. And then I finally came to the point where I was like you know what? My life's pretty good. I have a good job. You know, I love where I live. This is great. I've got these friends. And when I finally relaxed, I met him two months later. You know, I was like huh, isn't that interesting how, when I stopped trying so hard and trying to control the situation and relax, I'm like, oh, there it is, and I think oils really help us do that too.

Speaker 2:

You mentioned Heartwall, like, which is a facet of emotion code. I got deep into emotion code and actually hired Julie Schiffman, who's an emotion code expert, and when she was like your heart, well is clear, the next day I met a guy I'm dating. So yeah, so awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so this is so great. So, adrenal blend let's say we're having the burnout or fatigue, whatever. Is that something we would use every day, three times a day? What do you think is yeah? How often should we use it?

Speaker 2:

Two to three times a day, you know. And where you apply it so most people don't realize is your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys and your kidneys are about the size of your fist. So if you and they start at your very bottom rib, so if you put your fists behind your back, you would just put the oil kind of at the top on your kidney and your adrenal glands and that's a really good place to put it and it can give you energy. You know, the adrenals are either it's like Goldilocks, right, it's either too hot or too cold. So they're either releasing too much cortisol, which can leave you feeling jittery, anxious, like you're always oh my God, fire, fire, fire, you know, and ready to rumble and ready for the emergency, or they've been releasing too much cortisol for so long that you've almost ran out. It's like your tank is empty and so then you're like exhausted, craving caffeine, craving carbohydrates. You may be wanting to take a nap, a lot.

Speaker 2:

So what's nice is that oils and plants in general act as kind of adaptogens, which means that if it's too hot they kind of make it normal. If it's too cold, they were gonna. They meet you where you're at and balance you in the middle. You know, I used to do the saliva test so you could kind of balance your cortisol rhythms and you would see, and it's just to be high in the mornings you have energy, and then kind of go down during the day. And I would teach people to like, at this time let's bring up, you know, your energy At this time let's mellow you out, and it's kind of a constant guessing game, whereas if you just do something like adrenal blend to kind of balance out the highs and the lows, it doesn't. You can't really get it wrong, right, no matter what, if you're high, it'll, you know, bring you down, if you're low, it'll bring you up.

Speaker 1:

And that's the greatest thing about plants, you know, again, it goes back to that frequency we're putting in the right frequency. So if you're too high, same thing, like it's very cool with them. There's this video of metronomes. I think there's like I don't know maybe a hundred metronomes and they start them all at different times but after a few minutes they all have the same frequency. And that's what we're doing with the plant. The plant has this great frequency. So you put the oil on your body and your body is gonna resonate at that frequency. So it can. That's how. That's kind of how the adaptogens work, because it's frequency medicine, right? That's your putting in the right energy. So let's talk about immune system. So let's say, you feel like a cold coming on. Are there certain oils that can help us prevent us from going into the full blown flu?

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely. I always use parasympathetic because I think that if you're kind of in that parasympathetic state, your immune system is regulated. But we have one called immune support, which is our version of the thieves oil, the you know? Lore behind that is that during the bubonic plague, there were thieves that were stealing the gold teeth out of the dead people's mounds and they didn't get sick. And so when they were apprehended, they were offered a plea bargain in exchange for telling them what they did.

Speaker 2:

And it turned out it was a combination of these hot oils, you know, like oregano and thyme and cinnamon, and all these things that raise your body temperature. You know, when you have a fever, what are you doing? You're helping to elevate your temperature, to fight the cold. So I love that and I love putting it on the bottom of the seat when I sense, you know, for me it's usually like I can kind of feel it in my throat and like, oh, tomorrow could be rough, you know. So I'll just put it on the bottom of my feet If I wake up in the night.

Speaker 2:

I used to do this for my kids all the time. It totally helped. The other one that we have is Breathe, which is a combination of eucalyptus. My son, I think, actually used to like to enjoy not going to school, because then he could stay on the watch TV. So he'd be like, oh, mom, my throat's so sore, can't even talk, and I would put it on him and I could see him, and it was like drag, you know, like I would have put it over your finger. It's like all right, darn it. Now I have to go to school, you know.

Speaker 1:

They're nice and now so some people. You know one of the big things we talk about now is kind of like long COVID, and when that you know they're talking about the big resurgence now. So you, one of your newer ones also, is this pine pollen, right? So how does that work? Why is pine so good for you know the COVID epidemic.

Speaker 2:

You know it's a combination. It gets a little complicated with the chemicals, but the idea is that it kind of helps to mitigate the damage from the spike protein. It really kind of you know, it's this idea of resonance, like, you know, like music if someone plays a high note, somebody plays a lower note, it balances it out. So it just kind of clears the air, clears the frequency, and so I sometimes add that to water, you know, like if I was on a plane recently and the person next to me was coughing all over me and I was like all right, you know, like trapped in this environment, but let's just see what I can do to mitigate. I also like cell core binders. I think that helps with the exposure and things like that. But yeah, it really does seem to, you know, it's kind of like a natural remedy to balance out what we think we're being impacted by exposure.

Speaker 1:

That's true. Wow, we have talked about a lot. You've given us so many great tips. Is there anything else you think we ought to know about your oils or another good blend that you think is really useful for people?

Speaker 2:

My other favorite, honestly, is histamine balance. Like I've been traveling a lot and I can tell you walk into the room and you kind of know it's moldy and you're like, ooh, this is gonna be rough. I just either smell it, I put it on the back of my neck or behind my ears. It makes a big difference. I live in Seattle, which I didn't realize this, but I guess frequent rain clears the air so you don't get a lot of allergies. This summer I had the opportunity to go to Jackson Hole in Yellowstone where it's high allergies and I've never had that. I'm like, oh, my goodness, this is what allergies are. Look at that. But I had the histamine with me and I put a little bit on Q-tips and then basically inserted in my nostrils, not in a way that hurts or anything, but just kind of left it there for up to 20 minutes and it made a huge difference in allergies.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh, wow, yay that worked, so could that be an alternative to all these pharmaceutical allergy meds that really are kind of steroids and they're really it could be an alternative to Benadryl. Yes, yeah, awesome very good. Well, everyone, jodi makes these amazing, amazing oils. There's lots of blends. She also has so much information on the website, so appreciate about your website. If you wanna learn more about these and please sign up, so tell us your website so people can find out more and get to your shop.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let me see if I can hold this up so people can see it Vibrantblueoilscom.

Speaker 1:

Very easy, thank you.

Speaker 2:

So again her website is great.

Speaker 1:

You have a podcast also, correct, so subscribe to that. She talks to all sorts of great people too, and, again, she has so much wonderful knowledge about all sorts of things, so I greatly appreciate taking time to share all your wonderful knowledge and your amazing products with everybody. So, again, oils are just such a nice way to help that nervous system, because we talked to a lot of people on this show about how to get that immune system balance, how to prevent all these infections, and the key really is getting that nervous system as balanced as possible, and oils are one of the best ways to create balance, cause that's what it's all about. Like you said earlier, it's all about balance, not necessarily about killing all the bad, but it is about creating balance. And we live in a very toxic, crazy, hectic world.

Speaker 1:

So anything we can do and I appreciate the ease of use of oils versus having to remember to take this many capsules this many times a day it can be overwhelming and that can be super expensive too. Right, and her bottles are so nice. Now you can have rollers, which I love, which is nice, so they're really easy to apply and to use. And so, again, jodi, thank you so much for taking the time to share all your knowledge with our audience, and please go check out vibrantblueoilscom.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. Great to see you.

Speaker 1:

Thanks everybody and we'll see you on the next episode.