The Root of The Matter

Achieving Balance: Dental Health, Detox, and the Vagus Nerve

Dr. Rachaele Carver, D.M.D. Board-Certified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist Season 2 Episode 11

Unlock the secrets of holistic healing with our special guest, Dr. Stephanie Canestraro Owner of the Vagus Clinic,  a dedicated functional medicine expert who shares her transformative health journey. Struggling with conventional medicine's limitations, Dr. Stephanie's story is one of resilience and discovery, as she navigated severe allergies, Bell's palsy, and gut issues to find relief through dietary changes, dental interventions, and parasite cleanses. This episode delves into how she unraveled the significant role of oral health and the interconnectedness of body systems, providing invaluable insights for anyone facing similar health challenges.

Discover the hidden dangers of man-made frequencies and their profound impact on human health, particularly the disruptive effects of 5G technology. We explore how these frequencies penetrate the skin, hyperstimulate cells, and exacerbate conditions like Lyme disease. Dr. Stephanie sheds light on the broader implications for mental health, stressing the link between toxic loads, EMF exposure, and symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Learn about the importance of balancing essential minerals and vitamins, and how dental health can reflect deeper issues within the body.

Dive into practical techniques for activating the vagus nerve and promoting a state of relaxation and healing. From tongue exercises to breath work, Dr. Stephanie shares effective methods to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, crucial for managing stress and reducing toxic load. We also discuss the perils of glyphosate contamination and its detrimental effects on gut and ligament health. Tune in for a rich conversation that offers a wealth of knowledge on achieving holistic well-being, rooted in personal triumphs and professional expertise.

Connect with Dr. Stephanie here:

Instagram: Dr. Stephanie Canestraro - dr.scanestraro

Instagram: Her Clinic - Vagus Clinic - vagusclinic


Contact Info:

Dr. Stephanie Canestraro

208 Queens Quay West
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y5

To learn more about holistic dentistry, check out Dr. Carver's website:

To contact Dr. Carver directly, email her at

Do you want to talk with someone at Dr. Carver's office? 

Call her practice: 413-663-7372

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Information discussed is not intended for diagnosis, curing, or prevention of any disease and is not intended to replace advice given by a licensed healthcare practitioner. Before using any products mentioned or attempting methods discussed, please speak with a licensed healthcare provider. This podcast disclaims responsibility from any possible adverse reactions associated with products or methods discussed. Opinions from guests are their own, and this podcast does not condone or endorse opinions made by guests. We do not provide guarantees about the guests' qualifications or credibility. This podcast and its guests may have direct or indirect financial interests associated with products mentioned.

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Root of the Matter. I'm your host, dr Rachel Carver, and today we are, fortunate my own podcast. She talks a lot about lymph and Stephanie does a lot of work with elite athletes, so we'll talk a little bit about that. There's so much we're going to unpack in this episode. Stephanie had a crazy personal story. Right Like most of us who get into this field and really are understanding that bioregulatory foundational medicine, it's either us or a close family member that's had stories. I like to start that out. So, stephanie, thank you for being here and maybe tell us a little bit about your story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my pleasure for being here. I'm same as you. Just want to get all of this information because I was already in functional medicine as a chiropractor, but I had my own story which I'm going to go into. But I still didn't really tie it all together until I got sick for the second time, while I already had this knowledge. So I had dove deeper into functional medicine because in 2010, I had this severe feeling of being hijacked and, just like everyone else, if you really do a history, you can go down into childhood.

Speaker 2:

I was allergic to everything. I couldn't even wear plastic diapers. At the time. My parents were using cloth diapers and that was definitely not trending. Then I couldn't drink from a plastic bottle. I had to have glass because I would break out all over my face. Even then, you can see that there was like as a baby, I needed the detox. So I made my way through my teenage years.

Speaker 2:

But then in 2010, it was a very stressful time. There's always that accumulating factors. It was the end of chiropractic college. I had helped my grandfather get a surgery and then the surgery went wrong because in Canada we had to move up the surgery. I knew some people and anyways, all of that stress came together and I felt like I got hijacked. I was sitting there watching a movie it was the last time I've been in a movie theater and I just became electric. I had severe anxiety come over me and the days following that were like the most torturous of my life, because I had zero idea about functional medicine, even though I was in or bioregulatory medicine, even though I was in chiropractic college right, because it's pretty basic once you learn more about the body and I had.

Speaker 2:

I woke up the next day, bell's palsy. I rushed to the hospital. My gut was a mess. I always had gut issues, but this was like incontinence all of a sudden, pure blood coming out of my body and these neurological symptoms just kept up and they were just sending me home, calling it psychosomatic. Oh, maybe no one tied anything together. So fast forward. That's how I found functional medicine, because they finally started taking me seriously.

Speaker 2:

I was tentatively diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at that time and it was only that's how I found functional medicine. I found Dr Terry Walls and she had, and at first I was just using diet. I cut out gluten. I got a bit better. Then I found someone else that was doing parasites. I did not do my first parasite cleanse properly. I was in bed for 48 hours because I had zero energy, I had no binders, I was just like went rogue, but it did end up helping me.

Speaker 2:

But I think the thing to tie it in for your podcast was then you start looking back after you learn more. And at that time I had my wisdom teeth out very late. I was in chiropractic and they're like, oh, you really need to get them out, and I was like okay, and then of course I get this major complication called dry socket into the two bottom teeth, which is one of the ways that certain bacteria can get introduced to your bloodstream, and so that was one thing that had happened around. Then. I also got a root canal done around then because there was a missed fracture in one of my teeth and there were. I got bit by a bed bug, like who knows. But all of these things can introduce different pathogens into your body and but like the mouth and my mouth story has been huge and it really highlighted to me just how powerful the mouth is and got me really interested in the whole collar up infection.

Speaker 2:

I heard your talk also in the midst of all of this really at Cellcor and it all just started coming together and for 10 years, after 2010, I was fairly healthy. I could lower my toxic load, regulated my immune system and my inflammation. Quite enough with after I found cell core and after I had lowered my pathogenic load and I was thriving. In 2021, two weeks before my health crashed worse than it did in 2010. I had said I feel the healthiest I have in my adult life, so I felt vital. I said I feel vital, I feel joy, all of those things. And then I'm working and it was stressful during COVID. But I was in the States and it so turns out that and everything I look at retrospectively and it made me really dive into research on things. But they had just turned on in Las Vegas something called 5G+, so already 5G was stressing our bodies, but they even made these man-made frequencies damaging EMFs that much stronger there.

Speaker 2:

So it was that exact weekend, number one. Number two I was exposed to the virus which I hate talking about the actual name, but we all know what it is and I was treating patients who also had just been vaccinated. I had this cumulative effect, and I talk about that because once I got home and did a live blood cell. I had a virus in every cell. My immune system was completely shut down. The waste that was in my body was high.

Speaker 2:

But what happened there in Las Vegas was my heart went into tachycardia. I was having severe PVCs. I was having heart attack like symptoms. I never had the cardiovascular involvement. Plus I had the gastrointestinal issues. On top of all of the neurological issues came back. Things I didn't talk about that were a very big problem was fasciculations like muscles twitches all over my body, the feeling of trapped electricity in my body discharging a lot of static electricity, so shocking everything that I touched.

Speaker 2:

And then they put a wireless heart monitor on me. The cardiologist in Las Vegas my body short-circuited that wireless monitor. They still are trying to collect $13,000 from me or something like that, and this is something that stands out for me. The girl was putting it on. She goes. Some people are falsely reporting that they're feeling pain from having this on and I should have clued in because I'm in this. But I was in such a state of fight or flight and my clinic's called the Vegas Clinic because I got really interested in the vagus nerve, because mine felt hijacked. I talk about the hijacking of my vagus nerve all the time and I feel like it was hijacked by this toxic load Right and and then that I, after the wireless heart monitor was on me I'm talking that night while I had it on before I short-circuited it the most terrifying dreams that you could ever like, and almost while I was awake, still hallucinations and all of this.

Speaker 2:

And then getting home was terrifying because my heart was still going crazy, but I was trying to get back to Canada and anyways, that started a two-year journey because after that heart rate monitor, every organ got into pain. So it's like it gave the bugs just a chance that they, my immune system tanked enough that they just all took over my body and I had Lyme in every organ. My kidneys were damaged. I had protein in my kidneys, blood in my urine, my liver was like 10 out of 10. Pain and aching into my eye. My eyes swelled up.

Speaker 2:

I've been, I was in pain in every single part of my body, along with pain in my heart, down my arms, sense of impending doom, the most terrible that you can picture feeling and the most fearful. It is everything that I felt in that moment, and it was through the help of my smart colleagues like to get me out of that acute situation, because I went to the ER thinking I was dying like four times and I hadn't used conventional medicines since 2010. So that was a really long story and there's a lot to unpack there, but I'm trying to get it into a package that is digestible. But there's lots I missed within there as well.

Speaker 1:

So I think one really important point that you bring up was going back in your history, right? We always talk about all the time our proverbial bucket getting full and overflowing. So, as you mentioned, I think this is really important for all of us to understand is that, you know, we don't, although it feels like for you especially. You said you felt so vibrant and then all of a sudden you get sick, right, but in fact it's, you said, even as a child, perhaps your mother had all these toxins, right, and I think we don't realize. When we're pregnant we pass a lot of our toxins, right.

Speaker 1:

Fetus is a great toxic load dump to sites. It's common for the firstborn male child to have autism. So the firstborn child gets most of that toxic load is one of the hypotheses. Perhaps, and maybe estrogen is somehow protective, I don't know. That's why it's more common in males. And they're saying now babies are being born with their buckets already half full. There's studies showing they've tested umbilical cord blood in the babies 200 plus chemicals and stuff in their body before they take their first breath.

Speaker 1:

So, this is why I think we're seeing that chronic epidemic of disease so much earlier. Right, you see so many children who are already labeled as obese. All these children, they're having to redefine the diabetes paradigm, right, because it used to be adult onset, now it has to be diabetes type 2, because children are already having this. So that's an important factor is what happened in our early life. That sensitizes, so you couldn't even have anything plastic, right, so sensitize. And the other important thing is and going through chiropractic, you understand the way to eat Exercise, obviously important to you. When you're going through any kind of doctorate, post-grad program. It's stressful, right, there's studying all the time. You're probably not eating as well as you can, maybe not as much, and so that kind of adds. But then the thing I'd like to unravel a little more is this whole idea of EMFs. All right, so we've got this little load, so talk to me a little bit about what exactly are these, how these EMFs are affecting our body.

Speaker 2:

I dove into this, like I said, because one thing I started seeing and not just with myself, because I always apply it to the people I'm working with was I started seeing really other healthy people having these severe heart problems, and some of them didn't have the virus. Some of them were vaccinated, some of them weren't vaccinated. So I was like, if I remove that for just right now as the cause, maybe it's adding something to it. What else has changed in the environment and in March 2020 is when they actually started putting up all the 5G towers and they slowly rolled it out without really giving anyone a heads up. It's a man-made frequency. So I always tell people like in our field, we know frequencies can be healing and they can be harmful, right. So we know that there's such thing as rife frequencies, where you can apply frequencies to the body and make someone more healthy. A lot of people talk about grounding, because you can go outside and touch the ground and it's a frequency that helps you dispel bad frequencies. You can absorb electrons from the earth. We're privy to that information when I hear a new man-made frequency is coming out, when even frequencies that being harnessed so, say, 4g was a radio wave that's already been harnessed, right. So or now it's been harnessed but it already existed. So let's say our body could handle that a little bit better, but still it was damaging, right, having it on your phone, coming straight at you. We saw health changes, without their studies showing that, holding the phone against your head. All of that even before there was 5G. So now we have a man-made frequency that acts more like a direct wave. So it's not scalar or a radio wave, it's not coming at you at different directions, it's humming straight at you. So I say, picture it like a laser beam, because that's easier, humming straight at you. So I say, picture it like a laser beam, because that's easier. So the reason that they say that it's safe for humans is because it can only access a few centimeters deep or millimeters deep in your skin. So they did research showing the way that this wave is actually accessing our cells is through our sweat glands that act like almost these antennas. So it is actually getting access to our body and one of the biggest problems that they're seeing, or one of the biggest when it comes to the cardiovascular side the problems are huge and multiple in our body is does not act in separate parts.

Speaker 2:

Everything affects everything but the voltage-gated calcium channels. Because what I started seeing was anyone who's having these heart symptoms. Their serum calcium was through the roof. Even if I did a more panel that showed ionic calcium and balanced it for pH and all of that, their calcium was too high when they were having these flares of symptoms, including myself. So calcium being the most tightly regulated molecule, nothing that you really have seen fluctuating so much in the past.

Speaker 2:

And then you start reading about 5G and how it affects our voltage-gated calcium channels. But it's creating this influx of calcium, right. So that's hyperstimulatory. So tachycardia, pvcs, all of that. But then when calcium, if too much goes into the cell because the voltage-gated calcium channels open up and let it in, it actually damages the cell, because all our cells need balance, just everything else in our body. So then this is my theory is that the cell wall gets damaged, leaking out of the calcium but also waste and everything. So it's like this overload on the system. And we saw that because we saw the liver being overloaded in people having similar symptoms.

Speaker 2:

Because you start to attract people with the similar symptoms and I started saying, okay, I have Lyme carditis because my Lyme was through the roof and then Bartonella came up Babesia, right, but it's this toxic load, because another thing we talk about is, like this, pleomorphism right For bugs, which is they can be shapeshifters. So what they also found with 5G is how it interacts with these pathogens that we all have in harbor is that it makes them more either irritated or more strong, that they give off more toxins or can lower our and make our inflammation or lower our immune system enough that these pathogens can take over more. So I clearly had these pathogen load, and I only retrospectively learned that I had textbook neuroborreliosis in 2010 and Lyme had re-emerged. And when I talked about the root canal, spirochetes can live in your mouth, but once they get introduced to your bloodstream, that's when they became a problem. So is that what happened then? Was it from the bug I got bit by? I don't know. Do I need to know that exactly? No, but I know that's something I had to get rid of.

Speaker 2:

But then I had, like textbook Bartonella symptoms right, which are heart symptoms.

Speaker 2:

But when they looked at my blood, everything was sitting there and this was the thing that I've seen and became profound to me there was mold, there was Bartonella, there was Babesia, there was Lyme, there was like an overload of unnamed parasites in my live blood cell and my immune cell was sitting there not doing anything.

Speaker 2:

So your body stops keeping up with that load and that's when you end up like feeling how I felt which I do not wish on my worst enemy to ever feel that, but lots of people are feeling these symptoms and then once you get, once you tip over the edge into that. It took me two years to get to feeling like a semi-normal person and I've never felt, even through all this in 2010,. I've never felt suicidal or depressed or that severe anxiousness, except for in those moments, and that's where it was like. Another aha moment for me was like I talk about the vagus nerve and, yeah, you can do these stim and stuff, but toxic load is the biggest thing affecting our nervous systems right now and all this EMF. But I don't even know if I answered the EMF stuff, but it's.

Speaker 1:

And what I want to backtrack a little bit. We'll unpack some of that. When you talk about all that calcium, so where we see that in dentistry is the buildup of Turner right, people come in all the time and they say, because when you have all this excess calcium, as you said, if it's not balanced with vitamin K, magnesium vitamin.

Speaker 1:

A will precipitate into the soft tissues and so in the mouth we see that that's tartar and people all the time will say, oh yeah, I build tartar, my mother had no, so okay, it's common. I say this all the time. Right, something may be common doesn't make it normal. And so when we see that we're like there is a calcium metabolite I had a patient just yesterday he's like going in to get his parathyroid removed because it's calcium and I'm like, wow, and I'm not a doctor so I can't say don't do it. But he is also. I'm questioning this and one of my biggest compliments I love and I had two patients just yesterday come to me and ask me these health questions because they know I know they're questioning these MDs because it doesn't feel right to them, because the MDs not everyone I don't want to categorize everyone- but unfortunately our system is set up where here's the symptom, here's the drug or surgery, and oh, I love it.

Speaker 1:

These people come to me and they're like, what do you think? And so he was questioning.

Speaker 1:

He said that seems drastic, Like why and I said, have they tried to figure out, like why is that? What kind of blood work and what kind of testing have they done to try to figure out why these levels are out of control? Because, as you mentioned, a lot of calcium that's dangerous, very dangerous. So, when we see all that turd buildup, the first thing we're thinking about okay, again, we need to balance your minerals. You got a mineral imbalance yes, Because we know toxicity, right.

Speaker 1:

Cell corollary toxicity causes deficiency. Well, right. And the other point that you talked about, right, was this overload, and I love that you said that live blood analysis, right, your immune cell was just sitting there and this is exactly what happened to me too. So you get so overlaid you? Actually, because our mitochondria we've talked about this before on the podcast can be in energy production mode or defense mode, but it can't really do right.

Speaker 1:

So that's why fatigue is such a common symptom. We get so overloaded with these bugs. It shuts down the mitochondria and the immune system is suppressed. And so these might be people like myself, but like I never get sick, like wearing it like a badge of honor which maybe not necessarily.

Speaker 1:

That's a great thing. I went to all these energy practitioners and they're like we need to boost your immune system, we need to get oxidative therapies to jumpstart your immune system, and that's why parasites overgrew in my system. That's why they overgrew in my system, because my immune system was like I'm out, I'm tired, I can't, I'm out, I don't have enough energy to deal with this stuff. So that's a really important factor. We need that immune system and we also know that, like I said, it's Lyme, all these co-infections, parasites. They've been around since the beginning of time, so why are they suddenly seem so much more virulent? So many more people are having problems associated with them and again, a lot of it, I believe, has to do with these man-made frequencies, right?

Speaker 1:

So when you're talking about grounding and I felt so terrible yesterday I'd barely made it through the day at work and I came home and I just crashed and I went and I turned on my PEMS map Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency Map which is low frequency, healthy energies. It took a ton of Antronax by Standard Process, which is like a liver producing, and their immunoplex handfuls of it, and I went to bed and I woke up in the morning.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I feel amazing. I sweat like crazy. I had to pee but the chip was off me. But it went out all the toxins because I had that good frequency, but it went out all the toxins because I had that good frequency, and I also used a Brown's gas machine, which is like hydrogen gas.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like a totally brand new person today. But when we talk about the 5G, that I try to explain to patients is like our cells. The heaviest metal wrap music at the highest level of sound right. That's what EMFs feel like to ourselves. We can't feel it, we can't see it, we can't hear it and, like you said, that creates and there's been plenty of studies that prove that makes mold give off more mycotoxins.

Speaker 1:

Exactly that makes everything much more virulent. It also, you mentioned, creates a lot of anxiety because of our nervous system. Again, it's like that heavy metal to our nervous system. How many teenagers, mine included, who have such anxiety and depression? Yes, we can blame it on social media. Where does social media come from? Wi-fi devices, high schools today. I just had a meeting at my kid's school today. We were talking about my daughter, you know, having so much anxiety. Three different practitioners have told me in the last two months that EMFs are really negatively impacting her nervous system.

Speaker 1:

Go in that school and it's just like well fine routers everywhere Every kid has a laptop, so Wi-Fi is beaming them constantly. So, you can't tell me that these behavioral problems and these kids and this anxiety isn't related right to the technology. So I think a hundred percent. So, like at home, we have everything wired In my office no Wi-Fi allowed, yeah exactly New wire?

Speaker 1:

Yes, we do, because the kids got so upset. We have to have what's going to happen when our friends come over. I'm like they won't get poisoned, they'll sleep really well, it'll be good, but it's tough because this is the environment we live in. About the vagus nerve and I've done a ton of research into this too, because I think for my own journey I tend to be type A and high stress and for me, learning how to calm my nervous system, switch into the parasympathetic I believe you're not going to heal.

Speaker 1:

You can eat the best diet, exercise all you want, but if you're not in a parasympathetic state, none of that really matters, right, and so maybe tell us, remind us all, what is the vagus nerve role and how is that helpful in healing from these chronic issues yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, like you mentioned, it's in charge of our parasympathetic. So if people that are listening don't know what that is, it's our rest and digest side of our nervous system. So if you're in a stressful state, which humans are the only creatures that, with their own thoughts, can put themselves into a sympathetic state, which is you can think of something that happened to you years ago and you're busy, all physiologically have the same responses in your body as like when it was happening, like where we can ruminate these thoughts and put ourselves into this stressful situation which changes, like our bodily processes changes's when you're digesting and all the blood flows go into your organs and your body's working on its immune system. And when you're in the sympathetic, all of your blood flows going to your muscles and it's trying to escape from something, and so your other bodily processes shut down, and that includes, like digestive system, all of that. So if you think of even when people are eating and they're in a rush, like how well they're digesting their food, all of that comes and ties together. But the vagus nerve needs to be massaged, I think manually. I think with our thoughts, I think with different frequencies that affect the vagus nerve, because we are inundated with signals and with toxins in our own body that are turning on our sympathetic state right, without us even knowing. We can feel like we're resting and we're not. So a big thing for me, for healing the vagus nerve is lowering the toxic load. So there's that actually having someone help you and discern what's going on with you and helping you get that toxic load down Right.

Speaker 2:

And obviously part of that a big thing that, when I got into this, was like the whole gut brain connection, right. So the vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve. It's known as the wandering nerve because it's the longest cranial nerve. So cranial nerves are nerves that come off of our brain or our brainstem and they leave to innervate through foramen in our skull, to innervate either the face or wherever it is. But they have multiple functions. They're very important because we talk about above the collar and how it controls the rest of our body. But the vagus nerve has a direct connection to the gut as well, right, and the gut is our connection to the outside world. So every time we eat all of those toxins our gut needs to be intact so they don't get through. But things can take like a free ride and hitch a ride to our brain from our vagus nerve. So our gut is really important to have that gut integrity and that goes along with again lowering your toxic load. But when we talk about okay.

Speaker 2:

So now, when I was in the state where I was in, where I'm in fight or flight, a hundred percent severe anxiety, I needed stuff that stimulated my actual nerve to just help me boost into it, because there was no breathing or thinking. I was breathing shallow. You're trying to force it but it wasn't. Vagus nerve stim is one thing that has helped me a lot. Do you use any vagus nerve stim or have any? No, you can externally stimulate the vagus nerve and that will jolt you into kind of the rested state. It's just giving it that little push that it needs.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I teach a lot of people about the lymphatics as well, because all of your lymphatics have to clear through your thoracic duct and through your lymphatic duct. Okay, and so if there's a trachycegeum, our vagus nerve is most superficial in our neck, in the front of the collarbone, all where that toxin load builds up here and release the lymph nodes around here to open it up so that it can clear and you're not getting the physical building of the toxins over your vagus nerve and that can be really relaxing.

Speaker 1:

And then obviously there's I'm going to pause here one second and, as Stephanie is saying, 20% of our lymph is in that neck area. Right, when you have a infected wisdom tooth, when you get that dry socket. So dry socket is when the blood clot comes out prematurely, exposes the underlying bone, has a ton of nerves there.

Speaker 1:

So it's incredibly painful but eventually that might heal over. The tissue, might heal over right. But there remains a hole in the bone and this is where we can get the term cavitation or osteonecrosis of the jaw. And that hole is a wonderful place for the Lyme bacteria, the parasites, the fungus, the bacteria to go and sit, because now there's no longer blood supply there. And so the immune system can't surveil that area, so all these bugs are like this is fantastic.

Speaker 1:

We can sit here, we can reproduce. All of their toxins are leaching out through the lymphatic system and then draining, like right into the neck, which, as you said, the vagus nerve comes from behind the ear and follows right along that whole jawline. So bacteria that's in. If you have gingivitis or gum disease, periodontitis, you have an infected wisdom tooth there that never heal. Root canal teeth we know 100% of root canal teeth, whether or not your body's going to react to it, but it's a dead organ, so it is going to harbor some microbes and stuff like that and so all of that, like you said, you maybe feel calm, but if you're constantly draining all of those bugs, it's infecting the vagus nerve but also, like you said, the cranial nerves there's 10 of them, right. It can also crawl up those nerves, those bacteria and all those microbes into the brain. We know now there's very good evidence how oral bacteria and all these lead to dementia.

Speaker 2:

So it's really important. I always show that the chart where it's showing the nerves from the teeth going straight to the brain. So, just like I said, with the vagus nerve from the gut to the brain. And I'll tell a story maybe now about my cavitation, because I got my cavitation injected, okay. So I was muscle tested Okay, this is a huge problem Injected with like some procaine mixed with some ozone and some homeopathics and, oh my gosh, the Herx reaction I had after that was insane, like I had to take so much binders and I happened to have a dark field microscopy the day after that and I went there and I was feeling much better.

Speaker 2:

Then I got it injected and then I was static again. I was so stressed I was like jump out of my skin kind of stress again. And on that dark field what had happened is it had triggered this release in a good way and in a bad way. But all of these biofilms were in, like these gigantic biofilms, and I have a picture of it. He's holy and then the metals in my blood. He's like how are you standing right now? So it had the power of that injection, had caused a reaction in my whole body where it was releasing and trying to purge stuff and but the biofilms were so big that they were clogging up my kidney, like I was having kidney pain, and the blood came back again. But and then biofilms are also held together by metal. So I knew I had to go hard on binding the heavy metals at that point and I didn't want to break down biofilms further. But I did a lot of stuff my legs on the wall, stuff like that to keep the all of the stuff from building in the kidney. My body calmed down and it your body will put the biofilms away from the kidneys and so I can just get over that relief and know, yeah, I have to work on biofilms now.

Speaker 2:

But that was just a profound change. And after I bound that up and I took a step forward in my healing. But it was just another aha moment where you're like, wow, this is such an obvious change in the body from an injection in this tooth. That was just systemic changes in my entire body. So power of the mouth and what's harbored in there is, and I still have to get my wisdom tooth habitation really taken care of and I still have to get a root canal out. Before we started recording. I was telling you how, in March 2020, that was actually my plan I had found a biological dentist here in Kitchener, close to where I live, and the plans were there. I was going to do a ceramic implant if I had enough bone and I was like, ok, I'm going to do this while I was still healthy. And then everything shut down right. Dentists weren't allowed to do work for two years here. It was wild. I'm in Canada, so in that time my health crashed. I could have protected myself from that. Maybe right.

Speaker 1:

But the interesting thing to say, so somebody like you who has a history of a toxic load this is why you were saying it's so important to the first thing we got to do is reduce the toxins. Reduce it by no more. So for you, I think, also your drainage pathways with all those biofilms.

Speaker 1:

So before, an important thing to know is like why you don't want to just go to any dentist and have this kind of stuff done, like you want to ideally work with a biologic dentist, and if that biologic dentist isn't as aware of the foundational medicine, which even a lot of biologic dentists don't know it to the extent that we do, you have to have a naturopath or a chiropractor like Stephanie who understands you have to drain first.

Speaker 1:

This is why I love and maybe you two love Cellcor, because their protocol is so specific. You cannot detox until you drain first, and I think this was my problem for 10 years, boy struggling, I'd fix one issue, right, one symptom and then another one would come back because I kept just moving toxins around, right, I had a clogged liver. I always suffered from more constipation, right, so I wasn't really good at getting stuff out. When you have this kind of history, you have to spend a little bit of time really getting, like you said, getting the lymph flowing. This is the most common area, right, if you're in the clavicle area right, like you said, a traffic jam, so you're trying to expel the bugs out of that jaw area.

Speaker 1:

But if you had a little bit of a traffic jam or those bile films so that the lymph is so cloggy, right, it's hard to move it on through, so then it starts affecting all those organs. So really important In fact, like we have. What Steph is talking about is neural therapy, which is one of my all time favorite things. I've had just such amazing results with it and I love it because there's no side effects generally of your drainage well, and it's just such profound healing with no chemicals or anything, because what we're doing, what happened to you, is you stimulated your own body to do the healing.

Speaker 2:

Your body was like oh, I got so much.

Speaker 2:

My body is like a hyper-releaser, though, too. I react to things, but I get better faster than most people with the amount of toxic load I have. But I can tell you what worked for me very easily. I can tell you every single thing I did and the reaction I had and the way I troubleshooted through it. And even though I had that big reaction, what did I did and the reaction I had and the way I troubleshooted through it. And even though I had that big reaction, what did I do? That night? I worked crazy on my drainage right. I had castor oil mixed with other lymph draining herbs. I had immunocreme which has GCMAP in it. I was working on my whole body. I was red lighting, I was PEMF and I got over that kind of herx quickly. But I feel like what?

Speaker 1:

I'm learning is I'm having these exaggerated responses so I can help explain to my patients like what's going on, because that's the only reason I can think why the world would torture. I believe that too, like I was like wow, if I had never had my eczema so bad, I would not be here today, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Because that was my path was to help create this awareness and help other people get at the root of the problem. And because we know so many people are so frustrated with conventional medicine today, because it's just not helping with all this chronic stuff that we have today.

Speaker 1:

So another thing you mentioned before we started recording was about your tongue tongue release. So, layla, but so many people. When I started doing neural therapy, I started doing it a lot used per TMJ issues, right and I noticed like a lot of people got better, but there was a smell subset who just yeah, it wasn't that effective only for a short amount of time. So that's where I was like, oh, do you have neck and shoulder pain also? So then I started treating the neck, the shoulder, the traps, all of that, and that was like huge, huge, huge. But then I started learning more about hey, what about all this fascia stuff? What?

Speaker 1:

is this fascia. That's how I met Kelly and started learning about that and understanding how the tongue is attached by a. This is another thing. Just to go back real quickly, when they talk about the EMF only penetrating the skin hello, getting connected to our entire body, the fascia, I mean it's ridiculous. If anything touches any part of our body, the fascia is going to send that signal everywhere, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But anyway. So tell us a little bit about tongue ties and how that affects our shoulder posture. All that good stuff.

Speaker 2:

If you look at even, there's a good picture of, like, the tongue connected to that thick fascial line all the way down to the soles of the feet, which I even told you. I got my tongue tie released, so I'm sure people listening to your podcast know what a tongue tie is there's. We were talking about how there's more obvious ones when it's like more anterior, but I had a posterior tongue tie like grade five. Is that the worst it can be? They said it was like a four B to a five. I barely had any tongue mobility and I had chronic my whole like.

Speaker 2:

I was a chiropractor because my neck was always messed up and I always needed treatment Right, and then I'd be treating other people and my neck would seize. That was like my biggest thing. It was just always and there was always, and think of how that does for drainage. I also, of course, broke my right collarbone and it crossed over and it was the time that they didn't fix it. There's already a drainage issue all on my right and your right side drains your liver. My liver's always been stagnated. I had liver pain. That was when I first had my bout of Lyme, then the second time, and that was something that, even as I was getting better and better, like my neck was still seizing, my liver was always sore, like just things weren't draining well, and when you looked at my tongue it started to make sense, like it was this little nub but that couldn't reach. So, anyways, I made the decision. I did some of the myofunctional therapy, which is like the strengthening, trying to strengthen your tongue posture before there, and then I went for the tongue tie release and I had this immediate relief in my body that I had, like this feeling like I could breathe, talk about feeling like your vagus nerve was activated for the first time without doing any deep breathing, I could reach my toes, all of which I couldn't before the procedure and I was like, wow, this is going to help me a lot. But then again my body showed me here's the healing process. So I ended up getting tons of scar tissue under my tongue.

Speaker 2:

It became very obvious how much I wasn't draining from my right side because of the cavitation and the root canal that's on my right lower jaw. I was puffed out here. I had so much pain and pressure under my chin. I was getting sharp shooting pains throughout my body as the fascia unwound, but didn't really know what to do with it. I wasn't able to have a bowel movement. Normally I'm not a constipated person, but my bowel was used to being tighter together and if you know how our muscles work, like actin and myosin, they were usually more connected.

Speaker 2:

So I think everything just got stretched out and all of these symptoms came back and I was like did I made the wrong decision? This was terrifying and no one could answer me. I was like is this normal? Like my tongue was twice the size. I had swelling under my tongue. I had a full list and I'm talking, this is this is still three weeks later. So they're going give it another day, give it another day.

Speaker 2:

And I have to start working on, like, the fascia inside my mouth and that's when I started working inside with castor oil. I used mistletoe under my tongue to break up the scar tissue. I got neurotherapy under here to clear it. I did all the manual stuff. My colleague who we worked together and she helped me so much through everything with all the manual work, dr Leah, she was working on my tongue inside and outside and I was getting this relief and slowly I started to see the benefits of it and then I slept through the night. For the first time I slept in. I didn't wake up with morning anxiety. My tongue started sitting in the right spot because for the longest time, even after the tongue tie, it was pulling it down. It was further down than it was before, like my tongue was not at the top of my mouth at all. And if when you learn about myofunctional and dentistry, like your tongue is supposed to sit nicely in the roof of your mouth and but just like how? Cause?

Speaker 2:

I was feeling almost normal before I got the tongue tie, then I got the tongue tie release and all the symptoms came back again and I had to learn I had another crash course in lymph because I had this lymphedema here. I had lymphedema here and I, as I cleared it, we felt the symptoms subsiding. So I thought that was just powerful. And now it's something that has made the biggest change. I'm not having neck pain, I'm not having the liver pain. It's given my body space to drain right. I didn't have that space to drain the fascia. Everything was just too tight, there wasn't enough space, so there was physical traffic jams and it's been profound. And now getting out my root canal and stuff I assume I'll do better with it than I would have done with a tongue tie, because it has space to drain.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and that's such an important fact that we always skip over all the time was this fascia, whatever I relate? You mentioned to you know in your other podcast we do cadaver dissections in dental medical school and we just cut it away, get that out of there. So it's so important and I think we're starting to learn more and more about how absolutely important that fascia is as a information center. But that helps move all the lymph and, as you said, yes, when you don't have any space, you can't drain, and that's where we start to get symptoms. I've been.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I wake up in my mid-back uh, yeah it feels just, you know, tight, not necessarily pain, just and as soon as I stand up like it goes away. But I'm like exactly nothing is draining right there, so it's sitting all night long and I'm not moving and it's just they should do for my CFT appointment and all kinds of things that I know.

Speaker 1:

Between traveling last week for eco and then just I was just whammed at work this week, they just were killing me and so like I haven't really been moving as much as I should, that makes a huge difference and I think that exercise, we think about it, it's good for our heart, but movement in any way, because we've got this lymph, we've got to move out and around and that's really a big value.

Speaker 2:

But even the lymph, like you said, our lymph also moves electrostatically and what happens when we have all these negative like EMFs coming at us? Right, it's changing, like the frequency of our fascia and our lymphatics, and people are stagnated even when they have space for it to move. But yeah, that pinpoint, mid back pain, or if you wake up with low back pain, when your hands are really stiff, when you wake up you're not draining. Everyone puts castor oil packs on their liver and that's great. I got people to put castor oil packs. They get a thyroid pack here and a thyroid pack here Help clear the heart, open the lymphatic ducts. I get people to learn how to treat their own Because you can go for an appointment, but that's once. If you're lucky a month or a couple of weeks.

Speaker 1:

It has to be done daily. So a month or a couple of weeks, but like to be done like daily. So what Stephanie was showing those of you who are listening is both of us have those queen of thrones. I really I like that they have. They make a little thyroid. So the big castor oil packs or flannels you know are larger, but queen of thrones makes these little cute little thyroid ones which you can they're smaller.

Speaker 1:

So she was putting it over almost the collarbone area. Right, we have a lot of lymph nodes right underneath, right around all that collarbone area and then the armpit area.

Speaker 1:

Huge Like women with breast cancer they're not draining their lymph, so all those toxins are building up in our breasts and that's one of the major reasons we get breast cancer. Got to one of my favorite little things that he's called a breast balm by I think it's Banyan Botanicals. It's an activated blend of castor oil plus a bunch of other herbs. You just rub that on your chest. I rub it on my armpits sometimes even on my belly and liver. Smells really good. And again when you're sleeping and you're laying there and not moving. That's where you get a lot of stagnations. Put that on before bed.

Speaker 2:

Help things move a little bit, you'll have your those aches and pains, I think yeah, you talk about how it builds up in the breast and I have another because I told you, my body like exaggerates every kind of response and I had done a lot of killing and I guess it got backed up. My I had a double d left breast and I had my normal, normal right breast and your left side drains 75% of your body and it was so painful and I was trying the manual stuff and it wasn't clearing and the bigger the pressure got in the left breast, the more pressure I had on my heart and the more heart symptoms I had, so lots of PVCs. So there's this structural component that everyone's getting these heart palps and stuff and a lot of it because the deep lymph doesn't show up again. My body was showing me quite obviously that I had severe lymphedema and I had specific bugs that really slow down your lymphatics, on top of all the EMF. And I actually went that day for neurotherapy in an emergency kind of setting because I felt like I couldn't breathe with the amount of pressure. And so neurotherapy, which we just talked about.

Speaker 2:

When they inject like procaine, they did pearls around here and relieved my neck and did some other injections, like in the emotional heart, and all of a sudden I had this wave of intense heart pain and then I had so many PVCs in a row I thought I would faint, okay, and it was my breast deflating. I literally went back to almost normal. I have a before and after picture with my nipple blurred out, but it's just like you look at that and you're like nipple blurred out. But it's just like you look at that and you're like holy crap, talk about this physical traffic jam. And once we opened it up with that procaine and it has to reenter the circulatory system to get out, my heart just was going through so much stress trying to clear all that lymph. And then I could breathe after and I felt like 90% better and then I could work through the rest of the lymph that was left.

Speaker 2:

But I had these crazy lymphedema. I had crazy lymphedema also in my right groin lymph nodes and we did the Frankenhausen injection for neural therapy and I had a similar symptom where I thought it would faint. Everything was crazy, a little bit blurry, and then you saw the swelling go so much down the next day and then, like my digestion started. It's so I've had, like I said, I'm a hyperreactor and like I'm a. I give a lot of symptoms but like there's a lot of relief with these things and the practitioners that are injecting me, they get a lot of joy of working with me because it's these crazy changes that you can use to highlight how powerful these therapies are, but that was one of the therapies that helped me a ton.

Speaker 2:

But I didn't know anything about bioregulatory medicine until this second bout of what I went through and that's when LDAs and LDIs changed my life because I had this chronic sinusitis. That low dose immunotherapy was something that changed my immune system and gave it the kind of boost it needed and lowered the toxins it needed. So that's like a homeopathic-like treatment, and the mold one or the environmental toxin one was the one that made a huge change, just to show and highlight again how potent these chemicals and environmental allergens can be on our body, especially when our immune system decides to shut down for a while stuff works great and in the us and just shutting down it is so hard now to find these homeopathics.

Speaker 1:

It's really very frustrating for those of us who know it's worse than canada. Canada and they're so helpful with no side effects, and it's frustrating because they work great. That's what I love with my neural therapy is using some vitromial zeol.

Speaker 1:

The lymph drain one is key because as you're seeing, how much we get so clunky lymph and really interesting, I know, in the last few years I've seen so many patients with these heart issues and I always always say, oh so, is it the vaccine, is it the toxin that they needed the vaccine for? But that's what I'm interested in, what you're talking about, because they've done a lot of pathology reports. Right, they're showing these huge blood clots, or are they big parasites or what are they? Imagine if we're getting these huge clots in not only our circulatory system but also in the lymph system, maybe we need a lot more. This is giving me thought, for, oh, she's going to be talking a lot more about lymph draining where these heart stones.

Speaker 1:

So you're really making me think about that, and most of us are very sedentary and so, again, that's the only way we can really effectively move that lymph and if it's already slunch, we need more of that stuff. And our good friend Kelly Kennedy she's the lymph queen. She's got lots of good YouTube videos on all that good stuff. One thing as we're getting close to the end, I do want to talk a little bit about the glyphosate and the ligaments. So you are a chiropractor. You work with a lot of athletes. I've seen this just in my own kids' friends, like how many high schoolers are tearing their ACLs?

Speaker 1:

And it's just insane, and years ago I had read about the glyphosate which is round up, this ubiquitous pesticide, herbicide. That's on most wheat products but everywhere. Now you mentioned on another podcast like we're trying to eat all organic and yet we can find so much of this because now it's in the air, right? So I don't even think true organic exists anymore. There's not added.

Speaker 1:

It's like added sugars and natural. It's just there and so that's at least helping us prevent it. But we can't avoid this anymore. But tell us a little bit about really why we need to get away from the graze because of this glyphosate. How is that affecting our ligaments?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, our ligaments and our whole gut, which affects our whole body because it preferably kills our beneficial bacteria and lets the pathogenic ones thrive. But then the actual molecule of glyphosate includes a molecule of glycine which makes up our collagen, and I think that our body tries to do the best it can. It sees a glycine molecule, it tries to build some collagen, but we got a kink in the chain, so collagen's not being built as healthy as it was. And you talked about the tartar. But also you calcify your tendons and you calcify, you've got a double whammy of something not being pliable enough and you're going to get tears and I've seen more tears than ever.

Speaker 2:

Re-tearing, failed surgeries it's like you said, tearing.

Speaker 2:

And really people like I'm working with elite athletes that are supposed to be the healthiest in the world I have a whole story on how, why they're not but it's a big, huge problem because and then you know, getting it out of the tissue is quite challenging and detoxing is very necessary, lowering the dose as much as you can, getting those good bacteria up.

Speaker 2:

That can actually help us detox it. We love things like, obviously, cell cores, binders, but replacing the glycine, we use a lot of like single amino acid therapies but we're seeing like, yeah, just more tearing than ever more unhealthy tissue, but it affects everything, right, even blood brain barrier, if you're not having intact all of the collagen around there. All of that. Everything needs to be pliable. To be healthy we need good microcirculation, which is getting affected also by all the EMF. And you know everyone's nitric oxide that we test is super low and that's what gets like that microcirculation places and you know so. Yeah, there's multiple reasons in glyphosate being a huge one and it's a huge problem for so many reasons and yet it's banned in European countries.

Speaker 1:

But here we are, they're sending it all to us and it's embarrassing a little, it's one of the things that are allowed in North America that Europe has been banned for decades. Hopefully, maybe we'll get there. That's why we're doing this right.

Speaker 2:

Even all the homeopathics that you can get in Europe and all the treatments that some people that are really bad. You've got to go to Europe to get these cutting-edge treatments. They're trying to make everyone that talks about what we talk about calling them quacks or conspiracy theorists. When you talk about something that's not a conspiracy at all, you're talking about, this is a man-made frequency. Whenever something new is introduced, it should be treated as an experiment. When there's an experiment going on, what do you do? You write down every side effect, you start to make hypotheses, you try to figure out answers. Science is gone, they're attacking the wrong people and we're left here working with what we can when we know there's something better, and that's just. It's very frustrating for people like us trying to get you the proper answers and struggling our own selves and our own families knowing that we're getting exposed to these toxins that could be avoided and then it could avoid human suffering. What? What happened to caring about that?

Speaker 1:

it's well and that's trying to fight the powers that be. We know that's really ineffective. Doing yeah like this is creating where it's, because I feel like the only way we really make real change is when the people start demanding it. I was liking it in the gluten-free industry five, ten years ago barely ago it barely existed. Now it's a billion-dollar industry because people started asking for it and buying it. So the more people start questioning and seeking I don't like the word alternative healthcare. Different answers, right we?

Speaker 2:

want to understand root cause medicine.

Speaker 1:

We got to go beyond functional and get to that foundational what's happening at cellular level, and there are so many of us out there who understand it, but it's problematic for us to be too loud, so just create that awareness People start asking for it, and we know we're living in the light, in the life. We're doing this because we were put on the planet to be this powerful force, and so we'll keep going because we have each other, we have a band and we know that what we're doing is helpful and it works.

Speaker 2:

We're the canaries. Listen to us For sure, we're the canaries, crazy.

Speaker 1:

So I would unpack a lot of good stuff and maybe, as we finish up here, give us a little bit more of your tools, of how we tap into that vagus. So you talked a little bit about the stim tool, the toothpick. What can you do with it?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. So the toothpick again came from my own experience because I learned I do acupuncture as well and dry needling and you can tap certain places on your body in your ear, the web of your finger or your thumb, or you find in your scalp, any place you're sensitive, over top of the vagus nerve, because people use that EFT emotional freeing tapping and you can interrupt these kind of pathways in your body. But when you have an even smaller surface area which is like the toothpick, and I was thinking, okay, I'm doing like pseudo acupuncture and I started tapping these areas and I could find myself calming down. And we use it now for people to have tools in case they do get symptoms when they're somewhere. But you can do it daily too to help calm down and you'll feel the difference yourself. But you don't want to hurt yourself, but it hurts a tiny bit, right and, trust me, when your mind's going through rumination, a little tiny bit of pain to interrupt what's going on is not going to be bad. But yeah, you can interrupt that flow of energy and you'll see a huge difference, calming yourself down. I talked about the tongue release but you can do different tongue postures and different massaging, your own tongue exercises. Anything you do to get the tongue more malleable really helps the vagus nerve. There's upper cervical adjustments, there's scalp work. There's anything that works on your hands or like the fascia that can pull down on the vagus nerve is going to help you get into that rest and state when you can't get there physically.

Speaker 2:

Breath work is obviously huge. Breath work even more so than meditation, because most people that are in fight or flight aren't the greatest at meditation. But breath work is a very good place to start. The vagus nerve is in charge of the exhale portion. So exaggerating your exhale when you're breathing and when yogis do the big oh or the big sigh, that's going to turn on and have you release acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter for the vagus nerve that brings you into that rested state.

Speaker 2:

There's eye movements that people use. It's called far gazing. So if you have your head straight and you gaze with both eyes as far as you can over to the right and you hold it there for 15 to 30 seconds, you'll start to notice a calming feeling. You can then do it to the left and you can do that and you find the vagal nerve exercises that help you. There's common ones are gargling and the gag reflex because it is in charge of some of our swallowing mechanisms and the voice box, so different sounds that you can make, listening to different sounds on 528 hertz, 256 hertz, even on a YouTube, or binaural beats, is when you have headphones on and you can hear them going in both sides. There's something called the safe in sound, which is Dr Stephen Porges came up with something called the polyvagal theory, which we don't have time to go into, but pretty much they use sound for healing and different frequencies, like we talked about, like PEMF, can tap into that red light over your vagus nerve.

Speaker 2:

So lots of people have red light these days. You can do it over your neck, across your chest, over your belly, because there's so much innervation of the vagus nerve that goes into your belly. Other ones that people don't talk about a lot for activating the lower part of your parasympathetics is pedal pumping, so getting your foot into dorsiflexion. There's something called the hummingbird exercise and that gets your sacral parasympathetics. Those are the that does the lower half of your bowel and can help calm you down as well. There's even just ocular pressure. There's something called the cardio ocular reflex. So just about a pound of pressure on your eyelids can help calm you down and go into the vagus nerve.

Speaker 2:

And then there's the deeper stuff, like finding to working through trauma, clearing bad emotion, which for me, you know, I think when I was very acute, that's the last thing that I could start to work on. And here I am now right, but I don't think it's somewhere where I could have accessed when I was pretty acute. Right, so we all have different levels where we start so you can find things and see what helps you. But social connection nature I didn't talk about circadian rhythm, working on that like not having your overhead lights on before you go to bed, getting morning sunlight in your eyes that actually helps your vagus nerve because when your circadian rhythm's in tune and your cortisol's in tune, then you have more access to your parasympathetic and just, yeah, connecting with other like-minded people, hugs and oxytocin and all of that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think we disconnected too much. I think we have to connect more and people who are when they're, when you're in your sympathetic state or you're in what they call the dorsal vagal, which is that shutdown or freeze state. You don't want to be around people anymore and it perpetuates that, that negative kind of feedback. So finding like this social aspect of people you can trust and feel safe around at first and then, once you feel healthy, that's when you want to interact Right. So anyone that's suffering right now because they just get so stressed because they can't be around, a lot of people just starting with a small group and just connecting, you know, can be huge. So I definitely didn't cover all of them, but those are some things that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's fantastic. I like that hummingbird. I'm going to look that one up. I never knew about that one, and it's interesting that you talk about the tongue. I didn't realize that either. How a tongue movement really stimulates, I mean it makes perfect sense that I never really thought about. I've been really diving deeper. I've been trying to do some laser treatment for snoring and sleep apnea and it's good, it's helping stimulate collagen, but it's not the magic bullet, and so I've been doing a lot more research and to the breathing and the exercising, because I would notice that some people who have sleep apnea have a very large airway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have a narrow airway, don't have it. So it's not just anatomical. No right, it's not a lot of this is this nervous system it's the nervous system.

Speaker 1:

So when you, when you're, yeah, this tongue, I didn't think about it, I just thought it was helping the tongue, but we're also stimulating that the nervous system to be relaxed, because a lot of people are. Tongue is one of the strongest muscles in the body and a lot of us don't know how to use it properly and a lot of us have the tongue tie. It's not getting the proper movement there.

Speaker 2:

Same for 10 years when I was feeling quote unquote healthy and sleeping and all that I still had my tongue tie right, but the nervous system's getting affected so much that I feel like it's just shutting down. Even like breathing through your nose, like a lot of people, even though it's open, it's like swollen or something like deeper, what we can't see. So I had some things for that exercises which are funny, and you make a pig nose and then you force air and then you squish your nose down as much as you can and then you breathe air and then you do single nasal things and I, I really I would feel my the crackling when the nose opens up, so you increase that nitric oxide and that was something out again out of crisis in the middle of the night, cause I'm like, oh no, I don't want to have to go to the emergency again. I know this is something I can deal with, right, cause those were just really fight or flight nights. I went four times to the emergency cause it was so bad and anyway, but there were plenty of nights.

Speaker 2:

If I was an, if I was a person that didn't have the knowledge I did, that those people would keep going. They're the people that go 20 times and just and being able to open that airway and I would inhale oxygen because I could at that time with the hydroxyl, and then I my symptoms will go away. So there's this whole nitric oxide component, which we didn't talk about, but that was a big thing for building. Nitric oxide for me was hugely beneficial for my vagus nerve.

Speaker 1:

It's huge, hugely beneficial for my vagus nerve. It's huge.

Speaker 2:

Order that in the grapes Order to stimulate that.

Speaker 1:

But you also have to have the healthy bacteria that can, and you're going to burn it right, yeah, so if you've got gum disease or whatever, any kind of dysbiosis, you're not going to be able to. Interestingly, you said that a lot of your patients have low nitric oxide. I just did my full team plus their spouses, all of us there was 20 of us had low bacteria. That would even create nitric oxide.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like oh, we got to work on that, we got to get some more of that bacteria in now so that we can make nitric oxide.

Speaker 2:

So we have you know.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, it's all fascinating. We could talk for another two hours and maybe we'll have a part two, but thank you so much for coming on and sharing your incredible story with us. And so, even in that imagine in the height of her crises she is thriving. Now. She is young and beautiful and has this great practice. So if somebody wants to reach out or learn a little bit more, how do they contact you or find out more information?

Speaker 2:

So we have VegasCliniccom as our website. We have an Instagram that's Vegas Clinic, and then I have my personal one which is DrS Canestrero. And, yeah, reach out anything you're interested in what we love to just share and try and help. There's a lot of people to help. There's no shortage. We just want to help as many as we can. Well, thank you again for joining us, oh, and my podcast, yes, which can you come on my podcast too, it's what Happens in Vegas.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm out of the airport. That's great Good. Thank you All. Right, everybody. Thanks for listening. I hope you.