Kyle Mountsier: The Car Business Is a People Business
The Dealer Playbook
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The Dealer Playbook
Kyle Mountsier: The Car Business Is a People Business
Mar 17, 2022 Episode 490
Michael Cirillo

Kyle Mountsier is a partner at ASOTU, the first dealer-owned media outlet in the history of the car business. He is also the founder of Contagious Auto, a firm that helps dealers create and build innovative marketing teams. 

What we discuss in this episode:

  • When Kyle worked at Nelson Mazda, he learned what it takes to innovate within the dealership and how to leverage existing resources to build deeper customer relationships and experiences. 
  • His mission is to help the dealer community build and create innovative teams that can do the same which is why he ultimately left the dealership to pursue the bigger vision. 
  • The car business is a people business. It's critical for dealership owners and managers to understand that there is so much more to the people on their team than the work they do each day. Perhaps your receptionist is passionate about photography or maybe there is a sales representative who knows how to code. When you get to know your team on a more personal level, you might be surprised to find that they have talents and skills that could contribute to the store and bring them even more satisfaction about the work they do each day. 
  • Individuals such as Liza Borches understand the value of building a happy and fulfilling workplace culture and can track its effects on bottom-line sales.
  • Kyle shares how their media producer came to them from a dead-end job at a local television station. Later they learned that he had an amazing YouTube channel where he was deploying talents and skills that would positively affect their business. They would have had no idea unless they took the time to get to know him on a more personal level. As a result, the workplace satisfaction level and productivity have increased because they were all able to identify the tie-in.
  • Listen to the full episode for even more insights from Kyle Mountsier 

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Thanks, Kyle Mountsier

If you enjoyed this conversation with Kyle Mountsier please let them know by clicking on the links below and sending him a message.

  1. Click here to message Kyle Mountsier on LinkedIn 
  2. Click here to let Michael know about your number one takeaway from this conversation 

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