DPB 086: How to Hustle Your Way to a Balanced Life w/ Grant Cardone
The Dealer Playbook
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The Dealer Playbook
DPB 086: How to Hustle Your Way to a Balanced Life w/ Grant Cardone
May 05, 2016
Michael Cirillo

Grant Cardone is no stranger to doing whatever it takes to create success. In fact, for many of his followers, the terms 'hustle' or '10X' have become synonyms for his name.  

In this episode of The Dealer Playbook Podcast, Michael Cirillo sits down with Grant Cardone to dissect what being obsessed looks like and how you can use it to gain more balance in your life than ever before. 

Grant's journey toward what he has become today started when he was 25 years old and recovering from a drug addiction. He found a car dealership that was willing to take a chance on him. That dealership is where he became obsessed with creating a bigger life for himself than he could have ever dreamt of.  

Today, Grant is perhaps the poster boy for what possibilities can come from having a career in automotive. He now owns one of the most successful sales training companies on planet earth and a real estate portfolio that keeps growing. 

Grant Cardone on being Obsessed 

But with his 'in-your-face', do whatever it takes, persona, have come some misconceptions about the sales tycoon. First, that he never stops working. 

In this episode, you'll hear Grant mention that he spends more time with his family than most people and that he never compromises on sleep. He even takes a nap every now and again. 

So how is it that he can be as obsessed as his persona exemplifies while maintaining a healthy work-life balance? The simple answer: He's obsessed with everything in his life. 

He's obsessed with his career, his family and his spirituality. In so doing, he finds the ultimate balance and fulfillment in his life.  

The challenge for most people today is that they are only obsessed about one or two things. They either only want to work and as a result, they miss out on their family, or they only want to play and have fun, and therefore miss out on what a diligent work life has to offer. 

The bottom line: By becoming obsessed with the various elements of your life (whether career, family, spirituality, play), you can find greater balance, more fulfillment, and big successes. 

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