Positioned with Kimberly Knight

33: Red Flags You Should Never Ignore - Part 1

November 21, 2023 Kimberly Knight
33: Red Flags You Should Never Ignore - Part 1
Positioned with Kimberly Knight
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Positioned with Kimberly Knight
33: Red Flags You Should Never Ignore - Part 1
Nov 21, 2023
Kimberly Knight

Do you find yourself questioning the red flags in your dating life? Maybe you've experienced confusing behaviors and are looking for clarity. Dating is an exciting journey of getting to know someone and discovering if you're compatible for a healthy, long-lasting relationship. However, it's equally important to be vigilant about potential red flags that may hint at underlying issues. In this two-part series, we will explore various red flags in relationships, shedding light on crucial signs that can help you make informed decisions and protect your emotional well-being. If you're ready to gain insights into recognizing warning signs and protecting your heart in the dating world, this episode is for you.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Discover key red flags to watch out for when dating, highlighting signs that something might not be quite right in a relationship.
  2. Understand how a person's behavior towards boundaries, jealousy, isolation, and respect for time can be potential red flags in a relationship.
  3. Learn the subtle but significant signs, including how a person treats wait staff and animals, that could indicate potential issues in a relationship.

Mentioned Resources

Ep 2: Build Your Village

Ep 6: Spring Cleaning - Toxic Relationships

Connect with Kimberly

Join Love Labs - Love Labs, is a transformative monthly membership program designed exclusively for single, Christian women seeking to position themselves for love, marriage, and meaningful relationships.

Join the waiting list for Positioned for Love - Ready to find the love you've prayed for and deserve? Join Kimberly's Positioned For Love program, tailored for single Christian women, and gain exclusive early access to our next enrollment.

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Download your copy now -> Should You Take Your Ex Back

Show Notes

Do you find yourself questioning the red flags in your dating life? Maybe you've experienced confusing behaviors and are looking for clarity. Dating is an exciting journey of getting to know someone and discovering if you're compatible for a healthy, long-lasting relationship. However, it's equally important to be vigilant about potential red flags that may hint at underlying issues. In this two-part series, we will explore various red flags in relationships, shedding light on crucial signs that can help you make informed decisions and protect your emotional well-being. If you're ready to gain insights into recognizing warning signs and protecting your heart in the dating world, this episode is for you.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Discover key red flags to watch out for when dating, highlighting signs that something might not be quite right in a relationship.
  2. Understand how a person's behavior towards boundaries, jealousy, isolation, and respect for time can be potential red flags in a relationship.
  3. Learn the subtle but significant signs, including how a person treats wait staff and animals, that could indicate potential issues in a relationship.

Mentioned Resources

Ep 2: Build Your Village

Ep 6: Spring Cleaning - Toxic Relationships

Connect with Kimberly

Join Love Labs - Love Labs, is a transformative monthly membership program designed exclusively for single, Christian women seeking to position themselves for love, marriage, and meaningful relationships.

Join the waiting list for Positioned for Love - Ready to find the love you've prayed for and deserve? Join Kimberly's Positioned For Love program, tailored for single Christian women, and gain exclusive early access to our next enrollment.

Follow Kimberly on Facebook

Connect with Kimberly on Instagram

Visit her website

Download your copy now -> Should You Take Your Ex Back